Пример #1
 * This function outputs a 404 "Not Found" error message.
 * @since 1.6
function genesis_404()
    genesis_markup(array('open' => '<article class="entry">', 'context' => 'entry-404'));
    printf('<h1 class="entry-title">%s</h1>', apply_filters('genesis_404_entry_title', __('Not found, error 404', 'genesis')));
    echo '<div class="entry-content">';
    if (genesis_html5()) {
        echo apply_filters('genesis_404_entry_content', '<p>' . sprintf(__('The page you are looking for no longer exists. Perhaps you can return back to the site\'s <a href="%s">homepage</a> and see if you can find what you are looking for. Or, you can try finding it by using the search form below.', 'genesis'), trailingslashit(home_url())) . '</p>');
    } else {

        printf(__('The page you are looking for no longer exists. Perhaps you can return back to the site\'s <a href="%s">homepage</a> and see if you can find what you are looking for. Or, you can try finding it with the information below.', 'genesis'), trailingslashit(home_url()));

    if (genesis_a11y('404-page')) {
        echo '<h2>' . __('Sitemap', 'genesis') . '</h2>';
    } else {
    echo '</div>';
    genesis_markup(array('close' => '</article>', 'context' => 'entry-404'));
 * Pulled from genesis/lib/structure/footer.php with one minor change to always display footer widgets.
 * Echo the markup necessary to facilitate the footer widget areas.
 * Check for a numerical parameter given when adding theme support - if none is found, then the function returns early.
 * The child theme must style the widget areas.
 * Applies the `genesis_footer_widget_areas` filter.
 * @since 1.6.0
 * @uses genesis_structural_wrap() Optionally adds wrap with footer-widgets context.
 * @return null Return early if number of widget areas could not be determined, or nothing is added to the first widget area.
function uci_footer_widget_areas()
    $footer_widgets = get_theme_support('genesis-footer-widgets');
    if (!$footer_widgets || !isset($footer_widgets[0]) || !is_numeric($footer_widgets[0])) {
    $footer_widgets = (int) $footer_widgets[0];
    // Commented out to always display widget areas, even if footer-1 is empty.
    //* Check to see if first widget area has widgets. If not, do nothing. No need to check all footer widget areas.
    //if ( ! is_active_sidebar( 'footer-1' ) )
    //	return;
    $inside = '';
    $output = '';
    $counter = 1;
    while ($counter <= $footer_widgets) {
        //* Darn you, WordPress! Gotta output buffer.
        dynamic_sidebar('footer-' . $counter);
        $widgets = ob_get_clean();
        $inside .= sprintf('<div class="footer-widgets-%d widget-area">%s</div>', $counter, $widgets);
    if ($inside) {
        $output .= genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<div %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div id="footer-widgets" class="footer-widgets">', 'context' => 'footer-widgets'));
        $output .= genesis_structural_wrap('footer-widgets', 'open', 0);
        $output .= $inside;
        $output .= genesis_structural_wrap('footer-widgets', 'close', 0);
        $output .= '</div>';
    echo apply_filters('genesis_footer_widget_areas', $output, $footer_widgets);
Пример #3
function scwd_home_feature()
    global $post, $SCWD_CUSTOM;
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<article id="home-feature" %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div id="home-feature">', 'context' => 'home-feature'));
    if (($home_slides = $SCWD_CUSTOM->acf_get_field('_scwd_slides')) !== false) {
        $i = 0;
        print '<div class="home-slides">';
        foreach ($home_slides as $value) {
            $att_data = '';
            if ($i === 0) {
                $attr_data = ' style="background-image:url(\'' . $value['sizes']['large'] . '\');"';
            } else {
                $attr_data = ' data-imgurl="' . $value['sizes']['large'] . '"';
            print '<div class="slide"' . $attr_data . '></div>';
        print '</div>';
    print '<div class="wrap"><div class="inner">';
    print '<div class="left"></div><div class="right"><div class="pad">';
    //print the_title('<h1>','</h1>');
    print the_content();
    print '</div></div>';
    print '</div></div>';
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</article>', 'xhtml' => '</div>'));
function mb_do_header()
    global $wp_registered_sidebars;
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<div %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div class="title-area" id="title-area">', 'context' => 'title-area'));
    if (get_theme_mod('logo', false)) {
        echo '<h1 class="site-title" itemprop="headline">';
        echo '<a href="' . get_bloginfo('url') . '" class="logo" title="' . get_bloginfo('name') . '">';
        echo '<img src="' . get_theme_mod('logo') . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" alt="' . get_bloginfo('name') . '"/>';
        echo '</a>';
        echo '</h1>';
    } else {
    echo '</div>';
    if (isset($wp_registered_sidebars['header-right']) && is_active_sidebar('header-right') || has_action('genesis_header_right')) {
        genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<aside %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div class="widget-area header-widget-area">', 'context' => 'header-widget-area'));
        add_filter('wp_nav_menu_args', 'genesis_header_menu_args');
        add_filter('wp_nav_menu', 'genesis_header_menu_wrap');
        remove_filter('wp_nav_menu_args', 'genesis_header_menu_args');
        remove_filter('wp_nav_menu', 'genesis_header_menu_wrap');
        genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</aside>', 'xhtml' => '</div>'));
 * Echo the markup necessary to facilitate the footer widget areas.
 * Check for a numerical parameter given when adding theme support - if none is found, then the function returns early.
 * The child theme must style the widget areas.
 * Applies the `genesis_footer_widget_areas` filter.
 * @since 1.6.0
 * @uses genesis_structural_wrap() Optionally adds wrap with footer-widgets context.
 * @return null Return early if number of widget areas could not be determined, or nothing is added to the first widget area.
function gmdl_footer_widget_areas()
    $footer_widgets = get_theme_support('genesis-footer-widgets');
    if (!$footer_widgets || !isset($footer_widgets[0]) || !is_numeric($footer_widgets[0])) {
    $footer_widgets = (int) $footer_widgets[0];
    $footer_widget_large_class = 12 / $footer_widgets;
    //* Check to see if first widget area has widgets. If not, do nothing. No need to check all footer widget areas.
    if (!is_active_sidebar('footer-1')) {
    $inside = '';
    $output = '';
    $counter = 1;
    while ($counter <= $footer_widgets) {
        //* Darn you, WordPress! Gotta output buffer.
        dynamic_sidebar('footer-' . $counter);
        $widgets = ob_get_clean();
        $inside .= sprintf('<div class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell-%d-col footer-widgets-%d widget-area">%s</div>', $footer_widget_large_class, $counter, $widgets);
    if ($inside) {
        $output .= genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<div %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div id="footer-widgets" class="footer-widgets mdl-mega-footer">', 'context' => 'footer-widgets'));
        $output .= genesis_structural_wrap('footer-widgets', 'open', 0);
        $output .= $inside;
        $output .= genesis_structural_wrap('footer-widgets', 'close', 0);
        $output .= '</div>';
    echo apply_filters('genesis_footer_widget_areas', $output, $footer_widgets);
Пример #6
  * Echo the widget content.
  * @since 0.1.8
  * @global WP_Query $wp_query Query object.
  * @global integer  $more
  * @param array $args Display arguments including before_title, after_title, before_widget, and after_widget.
  * @param array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget
 function widget($args, $instance)
     //* Merge with defaults
     $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, $this->defaults);
     if (!empty($instance['url'])) {
         $instance['url'] = do_shortcode($instance['url']);
     if (!empty($instance['image_url'])) {
         $instance['image_url'] = do_shortcode($instance['image_url']);
     if (!empty($instance['description'])) {
         $instance['description'] = do_shortcode($instance['description']);
     echo $args['before_widget'];
     if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
         echo $args['before_title'] . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base) . $args['after_title'];
     genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<article %s>', 'xhtml' => sprintf('<div class="%s">', implode(' ', get_post_class())), 'context' => 'entry'));
     if (!empty($instance['url'])) {
         echo '<a href="' . $instance['url'] . '" title="' . $instance['title'] . '" class="' . esc_attr($instance['image_alignment']) . '">' . '<img src="' . $instance['image_url'] . '" class="entry-image" itemprop="image" />' . '</a>';
     if (!empty($instance['description'])) {
         echo genesis_html5() ? '<div class="entry-content">' : '';
         echo esc_html($instance['description']);
         echo genesis_html5() ? '</div>' : '';
     genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</article>', 'xhtml' => '</div>'));
     echo $args['after_widget'];
 * Echo archive pagination in page numbers format.
 * Applies the `genesis_prev_link_text` and `genesis_next_link_text` filters.
 * The links, if needed, are ordered as:
 *  * previous page arrow,
 *  * first page,
 *  * up to two pages before current page,
 *  * current page,
 *  * up to two pages after the current page,
 *  * last page,
 *  * next page arrow.
 * @since 0.2.3
 * @global WP_Query $wp_query Query object.
 * @return null Return early if on a single post or page, or only one page present.
function gmdl_numeric_posts_nav()
    if (is_singular()) {
    global $wp_query;
    //* Stop execution if there's only 1 page
    if ($wp_query->max_num_pages <= 1) {
    $paged = get_query_var('paged') ? absint(get_query_var('paged')) : 1;
    $max = intval($wp_query->max_num_pages);
    //* Add current page to the array
    if ($paged >= 1) {
        $links[] = $paged;
    //* Add the pages around the current page to the array
    if ($paged >= 3) {
        $links[] = $paged - 1;
        $links[] = $paged - 2;
    if ($paged + 2 <= $max) {
        $links[] = $paged + 2;
        $links[] = $paged + 1;
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<div %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div class="navigation">', 'context' => 'archive-pagination'));
    echo '<ul class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col pagination">';
    //* Previous Post Link
    if (get_previous_posts_link()) {
        printf('<li class="pagination-previous alignleft">%s</li>' . "\n", get_previous_posts_link(apply_filters('genesis_prev_link_text', '<span class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--icon mdl-color--accent mdl-color-text--white" role="presentation" data-upgraded=",MaterialButton,MaterialRipple"><i class="material-icons">arrow_back</i><span class="mdl-button__ripple-container"><span class="mdl-ripple"></span></span></span>' . __('Previous Page', 'genesis'))));
    //* Link to first page, plus ellipses if necessary
    if (!in_array(1, $links)) {
        $class = 1 == $paged ? ' class="current"' : '';
        printf('<li%s><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' . "\n", $class, esc_url(get_pagenum_link(1)), '1');
        if (!in_array(2, $links)) {
            echo '<li class="pagination-omission">&#x02026;</li>';
    //* Link to current page, plus 2 pages in either direction if necessary
    foreach ((array) $links as $link) {
        $class = $paged == $link ? ' class="current"' : '';
        printf('<li%s><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' . "\n", $class, esc_url(get_pagenum_link($link)), $link);
    //* Link to last page, plus ellipses if necessary
    if (!in_array($max, $links)) {
        if (!in_array($max - 1, $links)) {
            echo '<li class="pagination-omission">&#x02026;</li>' . "\n";
        $class = $paged == $max ? ' class="current"' : '';
        printf('<li%s><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' . "\n", $class, esc_url(get_pagenum_link($max)), $max);
    //* Next Post Link
    if (get_next_posts_link()) {
        printf('<li class="pagination-next alignright">%s</li>' . "\n", get_next_posts_link(apply_filters('genesis_next_link_text', __('Next Page', 'genesis') . '<span class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--icon mdl-color--accent  mdl-color-text--white" role="presentation" data-upgraded=",MaterialButton,MaterialRipple"><i class="material-icons">arrow_forward</i><span class="mdl-button__ripple-container"><span class="mdl-ripple"></span></span></span>')));
    echo '</ul></div>' . "\n";
 * Echo archive pagination in page numbers format.
 * Applies the `genesis_prev_link_text` and `genesis_next_link_text` filters.
 * The links, if needed, are ordered as:
 *  * previous page arrow,
 *  * first page,
 *  * up to two pages before current page,
 *  * current page,
 *  * up to two pages after the current page,
 *  * last page,
 *  * next page arrow.
 * @since 0.2.3
 * @global WP_Query $wp_query Query object.
 * @return null Return early if on a single post or page, or only one page present.
function ygf_numeric_posts_nav()
    if (is_singular()) {
    global $wp_query;
    //* Stop execution if there's only 1 page
    if ($wp_query->max_num_pages <= 1) {
    $paged = get_query_var('paged') ? absint(get_query_var('paged')) : 1;
    $max = intval($wp_query->max_num_pages);
    //* Add current page to the array
    if ($paged >= 1) {
        $links[] = $paged;
    //* Add the pages around the current page to the array
    if ($paged >= 3) {
        $links[] = $paged - 1;
        $links[] = $paged - 2;
    if ($paged + 2 <= $max) {
        $links[] = $paged + 2;
        $links[] = $paged + 1;
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<div %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div class="navigation">', 'context' => 'archive-pagination'));
    echo '<ul class="pagination">';
    //* Previous Post Link
    if (get_previous_posts_link()) {
        printf('<li class="pagination-previous">%s</li>' . "\n", get_previous_posts_link(apply_filters('genesis_prev_link_text', '&#x000AB;' . __('Previous Page', 'genesis'))));
    //* Link to first page, plus ellipses if necessary
    if (!in_array(1, $links)) {
        $class = 1 == $paged ? ' class="active current"' : '';
        printf('<li%s><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' . "\n", $class, esc_url(get_pagenum_link(1)), '1');
        if (!in_array(2, $links)) {
            echo '<li class="pagination-omission">&#x02026;</li>';
    //* Link to current page, plus 2 pages in either direction if necessary
    foreach ((array) $links as $link) {
        $class = $paged == $link ? ' class="active current"' : '';
        printf('<li%s><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' . "\n", $class, esc_url(get_pagenum_link($link)), $link);
    //* Link to last page, plus ellipses if necessary
    if (!in_array($max, $links)) {
        if (!in_array($max - 1, $links)) {
            echo '<li class="pagination-omission">&#x02026;</li>' . "\n";
        $class = $paged == $max ? ' class="active current"' : '';
        printf('<li%s><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' . "\n", $class, esc_url(get_pagenum_link($max)), $max);
    //* Next Post Link
    if (get_next_posts_link()) {
        printf('<li class="pagination-next">%s</li>' . "\n", get_next_posts_link(apply_filters('genesis_next_link_text', __('Next Page', 'genesis') . '&#x000BB;')));
    echo '</ul></div>' . "\n";
Пример #9
function bfg_do_home_featured()
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<div %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div class="home-featured">', 'context' => 'home-featured'));
    genesis_widget_area('home-featured', array('before' => '', 'after' => ''));
    genesis_structural_wrap('home-featured', 'close');
    echo '</div>';
  * Add closing wrapper after WooCommerce loop.
 public function theme_wrapper_end()
     genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</main>', 'xhtml' => '</div>'));
     echo '</div>';
     //* end .content-sidebar-wrap or #content-sidebar-wrap
  * Echo the widget content.
  * @since 0.1.8
  * @param array $args Display arguments including before_title, after_title, before_widget, and after_widget.
  * @param array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget
 function widget($args, $instance)
     global $wp_query;
     //* Merge with defaults
     $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, $this->defaults);
     echo $before_widget;
     //* Set up the author bio
     if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
         echo $before_title . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base) . $after_title;
     $wp_query = new WP_Query(array('page_id' => $instance['page_id']));
     if (have_posts()) {
         while (have_posts()) {
             genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<article %s>', 'xhtml' => sprintf('<div class="%s">', implode(' ', get_post_class())), 'context' => 'entry'));
             $image = genesis_get_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => $instance['image_size'], 'context' => 'featured-page-widget', 'attr' => genesis_parse_attr('entry-image-widget')));
             if ($instance['show_image'] && $image) {
                 printf('<a href="%s" title="%s" class="%s">%s</a>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), esc_attr($instance['image_alignment']), $image);
             if (!empty($instance['show_title'])) {
                 if (genesis_html5()) {
                     printf('<header class="entry-header"><h2 class="entry-title"><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></h2></header>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), get_the_title());
                 } else {
                     printf('<h2><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></h2>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), get_the_title());
             if (!empty($instance['show_content'])) {
                 echo genesis_html5() ? '<div class="entry-content">' : '';
                 if (empty($instance['content_limit'])) {
                     global $more;
                     $more = 0;
                 } else {
                     the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], esc_html($instance['more_text']));
                 echo genesis_html5() ? '</div>' : '';
             if (!empty($instance['custom_text'])) {
                 $text = wp_kses_post($instance['custom_text']);
                 echo '<div class="custom-text">';
                 echo $instance['filter'] ? wpautop($text) : $text;
                 if (!empty($instance['more_text'])) {
                     echo '<span class="more-link"><a href="' . get_permalink($instance['page_id']) . '">' . $instance['more_text'] . '</a></span>';
                 echo '</div>';
             genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</article>', 'xhtml' => '</div>'));
     //* Restore original query
     echo $after_widget;
Пример #12
function menu_in_footer()
    $class = 'menu-footer';
    $args = array('menu' => 'Footer', 'container' => '', 'menu_class' => $class, 'echo' => 0, 'depth' => 1);
    $nav = wp_nav_menu($args);
    $nav_markup_open = genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<nav %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div id="nav">', 'context' => 'nav-footer', 'echo' => false));
    $nav_markup_open .= genesis_structural_wrap('menu-footer', 'open', 0);
    $nav_markup_close = genesis_structural_wrap('menu-footer', 'close', 0);
    $nav_markup_close .= genesis_html5() ? '</nav>' : '</div>';
    $nav_output = $nav_markup_open . $nav . $nav_markup_close;
    echo $nav_output;
Пример #13
function signature_add_demo_nav()
    /** If menu is assigned to theme location, output */
    $menu_obj = wp_get_nav_menu_object('Demo');
    if (!empty($menu_obj)) {
        $args = array('menu' => 'Demo', 'container' => '', 'menu_class' => 'menu demo-menu', 'echo' => 0);
        $nav = wp_nav_menu($args);
        $pattern = genesis_markup('<nav class="demo">%2$s%1$s%3$s</nav>', '<div id="nav-demo">%2$s%1$s%3$s</div>', 0);
        $nav_output = sprintf($pattern, $nav, genesis_structural_wrap('nav', 'open', 0), genesis_structural_wrap('nav', 'close', 0));
        echo apply_filters('genesis_do_nav', $nav_output, $nav, $args);
Пример #14
 * Display the sidebar for the given post type
 * Normally we just append -widget-area but for some post types we override it 
 * Post type  | Sidebar used
 * ---------- | -------------
 * oik_premiumversion | oik_pluginversion-widget-area
 * oik_sc_param | sidebar-alt
function genesis_hm_get_sidebar()
    //* Output primary sidebar structure
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<aside %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div id="sidebar" class="sidebar widget-area">', 'context' => 'sidebar-primary'));
    $post_type = get_post_type();
    $cpts = array("oik_premiumversion" => "oik_pluginversion-widget-area", "oik_sc_param" => "sidebar-alt", "attachment" => "sidebar-alt");
    $dynamic_sidebar = bw_array_get($cpts, $post_type, "{$post_type}-widget-area");
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</aside>', 'xhtml' => '</div>'));
function bfg_footer_widget_areas()
    $footer_widgets = get_theme_support('genesis-footer-widgets');
    if (!$footer_widgets || !isset($footer_widgets[0]) || !is_numeric($footer_widgets[0])) {
    $footer_widgets = (int) $footer_widgets[0];
    //* Check to see if first widget area has widgets. If not, do nothing. No need to check all footer widget areas.
    if (!is_active_sidebar('footer-1')) {
    switch ($footer_widgets) {
        case '1':
            $class = 'col-sm-12';
        case '2':
            $class = 'col-sm-6';
        case '3':
            $class = 'col-sm-4';
        case '4':
            $class = 'col-sm-3';
        case '6':
            $class = 'col-sm-2';
        case '12':
            $class = 'col-sm-1';
    $inside = '';
    $output = '';
    $counter = 1;
    while ($counter <= $footer_widgets) {
        //* Darn you, WordPress! Gotta output buffer.
        dynamic_sidebar('footer-' . $counter);
        $widgets = ob_get_clean();
        $inside .= sprintf('<div class="footer-widgets-%d %s widget-area">%s</div>', $counter, $class, $widgets);
    if ($inside) {
        $output .= genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<div %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div id="footer-widgets" class="footer-widgets">', 'context' => 'footer-widgets'));
        $output .= genesis_structural_wrap('footer-widgets', 'open', 0);
        $output .= $inside;
        $output .= genesis_structural_wrap('footer-widgets', 'close', 0);
        $output .= '</div>';
    echo apply_filters('genesis_footer_widget_areas', $output, $footer_widgets);
 * Return the markup to display a menu consistent with the Genesis format.
 * Applies the `genesis_$location_nav` filter e.g. `genesis_header_nav`. For primary and secondary menu locations, it
 * also applies the `genesis_do_nav` and `genesis_do_subnav` filters for backwards compatibility.
 * Makes Genesis Structural Wrap optional for better Bootstrap 3 compatibility
 * @since 2.1.0
 * @uses genesis_markup()             Contextual markup.
 * @uses genesis_html5()              Check for HTML5 support.
 * @uses genesis_structural_wrap()    Adds optional internal wrap divs.
 * @param string $args Menu arguments.
 * @return string Navigation menu markup.
function gb_genesis_get_nav_menu($args = array(), $structural_wrap = false)
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, array('theme_location' => '', 'container' => '', 'menu_class' => 'menu genesis-nav-menu', 'echo' => 0));
    //* If a menu is not assigned to theme location, abort
    if (!has_nav_menu($args['theme_location'])) {
    $sanitized_location = sanitize_key($args['theme_location']);
    $nav = wp_nav_menu($args);
    //* Do nothing if there is nothing to show
    if (!$nav) {
    $xhtml_id = $args['theme_location'];
    if ('primary' === $args['theme_location']) {
        $xhtml_id = 'nav';
    } elseif ('secondary' === $args['theme_location']) {
        $xhtml_id = 'subnav';
    $nav_markup_open = genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<nav %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div id="' . $xhtml_id . '">', 'context' => 'nav-' . $sanitized_location, 'echo' => false));
    $nav_markup_close = '';
    if ($structural_wrap) {
        $nav_markup_open .= genesis_structural_wrap('menu-' . $sanitized_location, 'open', 0);
        $nav_markup_close .= genesis_structural_wrap('menu-' . $sanitized_location, 'close', 0);
    $nav_markup_close .= genesis_html5() ? '</nav>' : '</div>';
    $nav_output = $nav_markup_open . $nav . $nav_markup_close;
    $filter_location = 'genesis_' . $sanitized_location . '_nav';
    //* Handle back-compat for primary and secondary nav filters.
    if ('primary' === $args['theme_location']) {
        $filter_location = 'genesis_do_nav';
    } elseif ('secondary' === $args['theme_location']) {
        $filter_location = 'genesis_do_subnav';
     * Filter the navigation markup.
     * @since 2.1.0
     * @param string $nav_output Opening container markup, nav, closing container markup.
     * @param string $nav Navigation list (`<ul>`).
     * @param array $args {
     *     Arguments for `wp_nav_menu()`.
     *     @type string $theme_location Menu location ID.
     *     @type string $container Container markup.
     *     @type string $menu_class Class(es) applied to the `<ul>`.
     *     @type bool $echo 0 to indicate `wp_nav_menu()` should return not echo.
     * }
    return apply_filters($filter_location, $nav_output, $nav, $args);
function ygf_prev_next_post_nav()
    if (!is_singular('post')) {
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<ul %s>', 'xhtml' => '<ul class="pagination navigation">', 'context' => 'adjacent-entry-pagination'));
    echo '<li class="arrow pagination-previous alignleft">';
    previous_post_link('%link', '&#x000AB; %title');
    echo '</li>';
    echo '<li class="arrow pagination-next alignright">';
    next_post_link('%link', '%title &#x000BB;');
    echo '</li>';
    echo '</ul>';
function bsg_genesis_prev_next_posts_nav()
    $prev_link = get_previous_posts_link(apply_filters('genesis_prev_link_text', '<span aria-hidden="true">&larr;</span> ' . __('Previous Page', 'genesis')));
    $next_link = get_next_posts_link(apply_filters('genesis_next_link_text', __('Next Page', 'genesis') . ' <span aria-hidden="true">&rarr;</span>'));
    $prev = $prev_link ? '<li class="previous">' . $prev_link . '</li>' : '';
    $next = $next_link ? '<li class="next">' . $next_link . '</li>' : '';
    $nav = genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<nav %s><ul class="pager">', 'xhtml' => '<div class="navigation"><ul class="pager">', 'context' => 'archive-pagination', 'echo' => false));
    $nav .= $prev;
    $nav .= $next;
    $nav .= genesis_html5() ? '</ul></nav>' : '</ul></div>';
    if ($prev || $next) {
        echo $nav;
  * Echo the widget content.
  * @since 0.2.0
  * @param array $args Display arguments including before_title, after_title, before_widget, and after_widget.
  * @param array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget
 function widget($args, $instance)
     global $wp_query;
     //* Merge with defaults
     $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, $this->defaults);
     echo $before_widget;
     //* Set up the widget title
     if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
         echo '<h2 class="widget-title widgettitle">' . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base) . '</h2>';
     $query_args = array('post_type' => 'awp-community', 'showposts' => $instance['posts_num'], 'offset' => $instance['posts_offset'], 'orderby' => $instance['orderby'], 'order' => $instance['order']);
     $wp_query = new WP_Query($query_args);
     if (have_posts()) {
         while (have_posts()) {
             genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<article %s>', 'xhtml' => sprintf('<div class="%s">', implode(' ', get_post_class())), 'context' => 'entry'));
             $image = genesis_get_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => $instance['image_size'], 'context' => 'featured-community-widget', 'attr' => genesis_parse_attr('entry-image-widget')));
             if ($instance['show_image'] && $image) {
                 printf('<div class="awp-community-image"><a href="%s" title="%s" class="%s">%s</a></div>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), 'awp-community-link', $image);
             if ($instance['show_title']) {
                 echo '<header class="entry-header">';
                 printf('<h3 class="entry-title"><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></h3>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), get_the_title());
                 echo '</header>';
             if (!empty($instance['show_content'])) {
                 echo '<div class="entry-content">';
                 if ('excerpt' == $instance['show_content']) {
                     $current_excerpt = get_the_excerpt();
                     echo $current_excerpt;
                 } elseif ('content-limit' == $instance['show_content']) {
                     the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], esc_html($instance['more_text']));
                 } else {
                     global $more;
                     $orig_more = $more;
                     $more = 0;
                     $more = $orig_more;
                 echo '</div>';
             genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</article>', 'xhtml' => '</div>'));
     //* Restore original query
     echo $after_widget;
function uci_genesis_post_title()
    $title = apply_filters('genesis_post_title_text', get_the_title());
    if (0 === mb_strlen($title)) {
    //* Link it, if necessary
    if (!is_singular() && apply_filters('genesis_link_post_title', true)) {
        $title = sprintf('<a href="%s" rel="bookmark">%s</a>', get_permalink(), $title);
    $wrap = 'h2';
    //* Build the output
    $output = genesis_markup(array('html5' => "<{$wrap} %s>", 'xhtml' => sprintf('<%s class="entry-title">%s</%s>', $wrap, $title, $wrap), 'context' => 'entry-title', 'echo' => false));
    $output .= genesis_html5() ? "{$title}</{$wrap}>" : '';
    echo apply_filters('genesis_post_title_output', "{$output} \n");
function gmdl_prev_next_post_nav()
    if (!is_singular('post')) {
    echo '<div class="mdl-card__actions mdl-card--border mdl-grid">';
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<ul %s>', 'xhtml' => '<ul class="pagination navigation mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col">', 'context' => 'adjacent-entry-pagination'));
    echo '<li class="arrow pagination-previous alignleft">';
    previous_post_link('%link', '<span class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--icon mdl-color--accent  mdl-color-text--white" role="presentation" data-upgraded=",MaterialButton,MaterialRipple"><i class="material-icons">keyboard_arrow_left</i><span class="mdl-button__ripple-container"><span class="mdl-ripple"></span></span></span> %title');
    echo '</li>';
    echo '<li class="section-spacer"></li>';
    echo '<li class="arrow pagination-next alignright">';
    next_post_link('%link', '%title <span class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--icon mdl-color--accent  mdl-color-text--white" role="presentation" data-upgraded=",MaterialButton,MaterialRipple"><i class="material-icons">keyboard_arrow_right</i><span class="mdl-button__ripple-container"><span class="mdl-ripple"></span></span></span>');
    echo '</li>';
    echo '</ul></div>';
Пример #22
 * Used to initialize the framework in the various template files.
 * It pulls in all the necessary components like header and footer, the basic
 * markup structure, and hooks.
 * @since 1.3.0
function genesis()
    genesis_markup(array('open' => '<div %s>', 'context' => 'content-sidebar-wrap'));
    genesis_markup(array('open' => '<main %s>', 'context' => 'content'));
    genesis_markup(array('close' => '</main>', 'context' => 'content'));
    genesis_markup(array('close' => '</div>', 'context' => 'content-sidebar-wrap'));
Пример #23
function bfg_do_footer()
    if (get_theme_mod('creds', false)) {
        $creds = get_theme_mod('creds');
    } else {
        $creds = '<a href="http://www.superfastbusiness.com">Bootstrap for Genesis</a> by <a href="http://www.superfastbusiness.com">SuperFastBusiness</a>';
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<div %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div class="copyright">', 'context' => 'copyright'));
    echo apply_filters('bfg_footer_creds', do_shortcode($creds));
    echo '</div>';
    if (is_active_sidebar('footer-right')) {
        genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<div %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div class="footer-widget-area">', 'context' => 'footer-widget-area'));
        genesis_widget_area('footer-right', array('before' => '', 'after' => ''));
        echo '</div>';
 * Used to initialize the framework in the various template files.
 * It pulls in all the necessary components like header and footer, the basic
 * markup structure, and hooks.
 * @since 1.3.0
function genesis()
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<div %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div id="content-sidebar-wrap">', 'context' => 'content-sidebar-wrap'));
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<main %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div id="content" class="hfeed">', 'context' => 'content'));
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</main>', 'xhtml' => '</div>'));
    echo '</div>';
    //* end .content-sidebar-wrap or #content-sidebar-wrap
Пример #25
 * Return the markup to display a menu consistent with the Genesis format.
 * Applies the `genesis_$location_nav` filter e.g. `genesis_header_nav`. For primary and secondary menu locations, it
 * applies the `genesis_do_nav` and `genesis_do_subnav` filters instead for backwards compatibility.
 * @since 2.1.0
 * @param string|array $args Menu arguments.
 * @return string|null Navigation menu markup, or `null` if menu is not assigned to theme location, there is
 *                     no menu, or there are no menu items in the menu.
function genesis_get_nav_menu($args = array())
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, array('theme_location' => '', 'container' => '', 'menu_class' => 'menu genesis-nav-menu', 'link_before' => genesis_html5() ? sprintf('<span %s>', genesis_attr('nav-link-wrap')) : '', 'link_after' => genesis_html5() ? '</span>' : '', 'echo' => 0));
    // If a menu is not assigned to theme location, abort.
    if (!has_nav_menu($args['theme_location'])) {
    // If genesis-accessibility for 'drop-down-menu' is enabled and the menu doesn't already have the superfish class, add it.
    if (genesis_superfish_enabled() && false === strpos($args['menu_class'], 'js-superfish')) {
        $args['menu_class'] .= ' js-superfish';
    $sanitized_location = sanitize_key($args['theme_location']);
    $nav = wp_nav_menu($args);
    // Do nothing if there is nothing to show.
    if (!$nav) {
    $nav_markup_open = genesis_structural_wrap('menu-' . $sanitized_location, 'open', 0);
    $nav_markup_close = genesis_structural_wrap('menu-' . $sanitized_location, 'close', 0);
    $params = array('theme_location' => $args['theme_location']);
    $nav_output = genesis_markup(array('open' => '<nav %s>', 'close' => '</nav>', 'context' => 'nav-' . $sanitized_location, 'content' => $nav_markup_open . $nav . $nav_markup_close, 'echo' => false, 'params' => $params));
    $filter_location = 'genesis_' . $sanitized_location . '_nav';
    // Handle back-compat for primary and secondary nav filters.
    if ('primary' === $args['theme_location']) {
        $filter_location = 'genesis_do_nav';
    } elseif ('secondary' === $args['theme_location']) {
        $filter_location = 'genesis_do_subnav';
     * Filter the navigation markup.
     * @since 2.1.0
     * @param string $nav_output Opening container markup, nav, closing container markup.
     * @param string $nav Navigation list (`<ul>`).
     * @param array $args {
     *     Arguments for `wp_nav_menu()`.
     *     @type string $theme_location Menu location ID.
     *     @type string $container Container markup.
     *     @type string $menu_class Class(es) applied to the `<ul>`.
     *     @type bool $echo 0 to indicate `wp_nav_menu()` should return not echo.
     * }
    return apply_filters($filter_location, $nav_output, $nav, $args);
Пример #26
 * Expedites the widget area registration process by taking common things, before / after_widget, before / after_title,
 * and doing them automatically.
 * See the WP function `register_sidebar()` for the list of supports $args keys.
 * A typical usage is:
 * ~~~
 * genesis_register_widget_area(
 *     array(
 *         'id'          => 'my-sidebar',
 *         'name'        => __( 'My Sidebar', 'my-theme-text-domain' ),
 *         'description' => __( 'A description of the intended purpose or location', 'my-theme-text-domain' ),
 *     )
 * );
 * ~~~
 * @since 2.1.0
 * @param string|array $args Name, ID, description and other widget area arguments.
 * @return string The sidebar ID that was added.
function genesis_register_widget_area($args)
    $defaults = array('before_widget' => genesis_markup(array('open' => '<section id="%%1$s" class="widget %%2$s"><div class="widget-wrap">', 'context' => 'widget-wrap', 'echo' => false)), 'after_widget' => genesis_markup(array('close' => '</div></section>' . "\n", 'context' => 'widget-wrap', 'echo' => false)), 'before_title' => '<h4 class="widget-title widgettitle">', 'after_title' => "</h4>\n");
     * A filter on the default parameters used by `genesis_register_widget_area()`. For backward compatibility.
     * @since 1.0.1
    $defaults = apply_filters('genesis_register_sidebar_defaults', $defaults, $args);
     * A filter on the default parameters used by `genesis_register_widget_area()`.
     * @since 2.1.0
    $defaults = apply_filters('genesis_register_widget_area_defaults', $defaults, $args);
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    return register_sidebar($args);
 * Echo the default header, including the #title-area div, along with #title and #description, as well as the .widget-area.
 * Does the `genesis_site_title`, `genesis_site_description` and `genesis_header_right` actions.
 * @since 1.0.2
 * @global $wp_registered_sidebars Holds all of the registered sidebars.
 * @uses genesis_markup() Apply contextual markup.
function ygf_do_header()
    global $wp_registered_sidebars;
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<ul %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div id="title-area">', 'context' => 'title-area'));
    echo '</ul>';
    if (isset($wp_registered_sidebars['header-right']) && is_active_sidebar('header-right') || has_action('genesis_header_right')) {
        genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<aside %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div class="widget-area header-widget-area">', 'context' => 'header-widget-area'));
        add_filter('wp_nav_menu_args', 'genesis_header_menu_args');
        add_filter('wp_nav_menu', 'genesis_header_menu_wrap');
        remove_filter('wp_nav_menu_args', 'genesis_header_menu_args');
        remove_filter('wp_nav_menu', 'genesis_header_menu_wrap');
        genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</aside>', 'xhtml' => '</div>'));
function foundation_do_header()
    global $wp_registered_sidebars;
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<div %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div class="top-bar-left">', 'context' => 'top-bar-left'));
    echo '</div>';
    if (isset($wp_registered_sidebars['header-right']) && is_active_sidebar('header-right') || has_action('genesis_header_right')) {
        genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<div %s>' . genesis_sidebar_title('header-right'), 'context' => 'top-bar-right'));
        add_filter('wp_nav_menu_args', 'genesis_header_menu_args');
        add_filter('wp_nav_menu', 'genesis_header_menu_wrap');
        remove_filter('wp_nav_menu_args', 'genesis_header_menu_args');
        remove_filter('wp_nav_menu', 'genesis_header_menu_wrap');
        echo '</div>';
Пример #29
function cgp_genesis_header()
    //* we need this for plugins
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<body %s>', 'xhtml' => sprintf('<body class="%s">', implode(' ', get_body_class())), 'context' => 'body'));
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<div %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div id="wrap">', 'context' => 'site-container'));
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<div %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div id="inner">', 'context' => 'content-wrapper'));
 * Echo the default header, including the #title-area div, along with #title and #description, as well as the .widget-area.
 * Does the `genesis_site_title`, `genesis_site_description` and `genesis_header_right` actions.
 * @since 1.0.2
 * @global $wp_registered_sidebars Holds all of the registered sidebars.
 * @uses genesis_markup() Apply contextual markup.
function ygf_do_header()
    global $wp_registered_sidebars;
    if (has_nav_menu('mobile-off-canvas')) {
        echo '<div class="show-for-medium"><nav class="top-bar">';
    } else {
        echo '<nav class="top-bar">';
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<ul %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div id="title-area">', 'context' => 'title-area'));
    genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</ul>', 'xhtml' => '</div>'));
    if (isset($wp_registered_sidebars['header-right']) && is_active_sidebar('header-right') || has_action('genesis_header_right')) {
        genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<aside %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div class="widget-area header-widget-area">', 'context' => 'header-widget-area'));
        add_filter('wp_nav_menu_args', 'genesis_header_menu_args');
        add_filter('wp_nav_menu', 'genesis_header_menu_wrap');
        //remove_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_args', 'genesis_header_menu_args' );
        //remove_filter( 'wp_nav_menu', 'genesis_header_menu_wrap' );
        genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</aside>', 'xhtml' => '</div>'));
    if (has_nav_menu('mobile-off-canvas')) {
        echo '</nav></div><div class="show-for-small-only"><nav class="title-bar">';
        genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<section class="title-bar-left"><button class="menu-icon" data-toggle="offCanvas"><span></span></button>', 'xhtml' => '<div class="title-bar-left"><button class="menu-icon" data-toggle="offCanvas"><span></span></button>'));
        // Set what goes inside the wrapping tags
        $inside = sprintf('%s', get_bloginfo('name'));
        // Determine which wrapping tags to use
        $wrap = is_home() && 'title' === genesis_get_seo_option('home_h1_on') ? 'h1' : 'h1';
        // A little fallback, in case an SEO plugin is active
        $wrap = is_home() && !genesis_get_seo_option('home_h1_on') ? 'h1' : $wrap;
        // And finally, $wrap in h1 if HTML5 & semantic headings enabled
        $wrap = genesis_html5() && genesis_get_seo_option('semantic_headings') ? 'h1' : $wrap;
        $title = genesis_html5() ? sprintf("<{$wrap} %s>", genesis_attr('title-bar-title')) : sprintf('<%s id="title">%s</%s>', $wrap, $inside, $wrap);
        $title .= genesis_html5() ? "{$inside}</{$wrap}>" : '';
        echo apply_filters('genesis_seo_title', $title, $inside, $wrap);
        genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</section>', 'xhtml' => '</div>'));
        genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<section class="title-bar-right">', 'xhtml' => '<div class="title-bar-right">'));
        genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</section>', 'xhtml' => '</div>'));
        echo '</nav></div>';