Пример #1
function saveUploadedFile($file, $target, $exttype = '', $imgtype = '', $rename = 0, $maxsize = 0)
    // imgtype can be all exif_imagetype supported by your PHP install
    // see http://www.php.net/exif_imagetype
    $file_status = array('status' => false, 'error' => '', 'name' => '', 'tmp_name' => '', 'size' => 0, 'path' => '', 'ext' => '', 'rename' => '', 'maxsize' => intval($maxsize), 'error_num' => 0, 'type' => '');
    if (!isset($_FILES[$file]) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$file]['tmp_name'])) {
        $file_status['error'] = 'Upload not defined';
        return $file_status;
    $file_status['name'] = sanitize_filename($_FILES[$file]['name']);
    $file_status['ext'] = which_ext($file_status['name']);
    $file_status['tmp_name'] = $_FILES[$file]['tmp_name'];
    $file_status['size'] = $_FILES[$file]['size'];
    $file_status['type'] = empty($_FILES[$file]['type']) || !is_mimetype_format($_FILES[$file]['type']) ? get_mimetype_by_extension($file_status['ext']) : $_FILES[$file]['type'];
    $file_status['path'] = $target;
    $file_status['rename'] = $file_status['name'];
    $file_status['maxsize'] = empty($file_status['maxsize']) ? $GLOBALS['phpwcms']['file_maxsize'] : $file_status['maxsize'];
    if (intval($file_status['size']) > $file_status['maxsize']) {
        $file_status['error'] = 'File is too large';
        $file_status['error_num'] = 400;
        return $file_status;
    if (empty($target)) {
        $file_status['error'] = 'Target directory not defined';
        $file_status['error_num'] = 412;
        return $file_status;
    if (!@_mkdir($target)) {
        $file_status['error'] = 'The target directory "' . $target . '" can not be found or generated';
        $file_status['error_num'] = 412;
        return $file_status;
    if ($_FILES[$file]['error']) {
        $file_status['error'] = $_FILES[$file]['error'];
        $file_status['error_num'] = 409;
        return $file_status;
    if ($imgtype) {
        $imgtype = convertStringToArray(strtolower($imgtype));
        if (count($imgtype)) {
            $data = @getimagesize($_FILES[$file]['tmp_name']);
            $exif_imagetype = array(1 => 'gif', 2 => 'jpeg', 2 => 'jpg', 3 => 'png', 4 => 'swf', 5 => 'psd', 6 => 'bmp', 7 => 'tif', 8 => 'tiff', 9 => 'jpc', 10 => 'jp2', 11 => 'jpx', 12 => 'jb2', 13 => 'swc', 14 => 'iff', 15 => 'wbmp', 16 => 'xbm');
            if (!$data && !$exttype) {
                $file_status['error'] = 'Format' . ($file_status['ext'] ? ' *.' . $file_status['ext'] : '') . ' not supported (';
                $allowed = array();
                foreach ($imgtype as $value) {
                    $allowed[] = '*.' . $exif_imagetype[$value];
                $file_status['error'] .= implode(', ', $allowed) . ')';
                $file_status['error_num'] = 415;
                return $file_status;
            } elseif ($data) {
                if (empty($exif_imagetype[$data[2]]) || !in_array($data[2], $imgtype)) {
                    $file_status['error'] = 'File type ';
                    $file_status['error'] .= empty($exif_imagetype[$data[2]]) ? $data[2] : $exif_imagetype[$data[2]];
                    $file_status['error'] .= ' is not supported for this upload (';
                    foreach ($imgtype as $imgt) {
                        $file_status['error'] .= empty($exif_imagetype[$imgt]) ? $imgt : $exif_imagetype[$imgt];
                        $file_status['error'] .= ', ';
                    $file_status['error'] = trim(trim($file_status['error']), ',');
                    $file_status['error'] .= ' only)';
                    $file_status['error_num'] = 415;
                    return $file_status;
                $file_status['image'] = $data;
                $exttype = '';
    if ($exttype) {
        $exttype = convertStringToArray(strtolower($exttype));
        if (!in_array($file_status['ext'], $exttype)) {
            $file_status['error'] = 'File type *.' . $file_status['ext'] . ' is not supported for this upload (*.' . implode(', *.', $exttype) . ' only)';
            $file_status['error_num'] = 415;
            return $file_status;
    if (!is_writable($target)) {
        $file_status['error'] = 'Target directory <b>' . str_replace(PHPWCMS_ROOT, '', $target) . '</b> is not writable';
        $file_status['error_num'] = 412;
        return $file_status;
    $rename = convertStringToArray($rename);
    if (count($rename)) {
        $_temp_name = cut_ext($file_status['rename']);
        foreach ($rename as $value) {
            switch ($value) {
                case 1:
                    $_temp_name = str_replace(array(':', '/', "\\", ' '), array('-', '-', '-', '_'), phpwcms_remove_accents($_temp_name));
                    $_temp_name = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-z_\\-\\.]/i', '', $_temp_name);
                case 2:
                    $_temp_name = time() . '_' . $_temp_name;
                case 3:
                    $_temp_name = date('Ymd-His') . '_' . $_temp_name;
                case 4:
                    $_temp_name = date('Ymd') . '_' . $_temp_name;
                case 5:
                    $_temp_name = generic_string(6) . '_' . $_temp_name;
                case 6:
                    $_temp_name = md5($_temp_name . ($file_status['ext'] ? '.' . $file_status['ext'] : ''));
                case 7:
                    $_temp_name = shortHash($_temp_name . ($file_status['ext'] ? '.' . $file_status['ext'] : ''));
        $file_status['rename'] = $_temp_name . ($file_status['ext'] ? '.' . $file_status['ext'] : '');
    if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$file]['tmp_name'], $target . $file_status['rename'])) {
        if (!copy($_FILES[$file]['tmp_name'], $target . $file_status['rename'])) {
            $file_status['error'] = 'Saving uploaded file <b>' . html($file_status['name']) . '</b> to <b>' . html(str_replace(PHPWCMS_ROOT, '', $target . $file_status['rename'])) . '</b> failed';
            $file_status['error_num'] = 412;
            return $file_status;
    @chmod($target . $file_status['rename'], 0644);
    $file_status['status'] = true;
    return $file_status;
Пример #2
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2002-2015, Oliver Georgi
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 GNU GPL-2
 * @link http://www.phpwcms.de
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
    die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
//email form
$CNT_TMP .= headline($crow["acontent_title"], $crow["acontent_subtitle"], $template_default["article"]);
$cform = explode("#:#", $crow["acontent_form"]);
if (trim($cform[0])) {
    $form_name = "form_" . generic_string(6);
    $cform_fields = explode("\n", base64_decode($cform[0]));
    $form_hidden_field = '';
    $CNT_TMP .= "<form action=\"include/inc_act/act_formmailer.php\" method=\"post\" name=\"";
    $CNT_TMP .= $form_name . "\" target=\"_self\" id=\"" . $form_name;
    $CNT_TMP .= "\" style=\"margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;\">";
    $CNT_TMP .= "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\"";
    $CNT_TMP .= $template_default["article"]["form_align"] ? ' align="' . $template_default["article"]["form_align"] . '"' : '';
    $CNT_TMP .= ">\n";
    foreach ($cform_fields as $key => $value) {
        $cfield = explode("|", $value);
        list($cfield_length, $cfield_max_height) = explode(",", $cfield[4]);
        $cfield_length = intval($cfield_length);
        $cfield_max_height = intval($cfield_max_height);
        $cfield[6] = intval($cfield[6]);
        if ($cfield[2]) {
Пример #3
 * phpwcms content management system
 * @author Oliver Georgi <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2002-2015, Oliver Georgi
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 GNU GPL-2
 * @link http://www.phpwcms.de
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
    die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
$new_login = genlogname();
$new_password = generic_string(8);
$new_email = '';
$new_name = '';
$set_user_aktiv = 0;
$set_user_admin = 0;
$set_user_fe = 0;
$send_verification = 1;
$user_err = '';
if (isset($_POST["form_aktion"]) && $_POST["form_aktion"] == "create_account") {
    //Create Account Daten verarbeiten
    $new_login = slweg($_POST["form_newloginname"]);
    $new_password = slweg($_POST["form_newpassword"]);
    $new_email = clean_slweg($_POST["form_newemail"]);
    $new_name = clean_slweg($_POST["form_newrealname"]);
    $set_user_aktiv = isset($_POST["form_active"]) ? 1 : 0;
    $set_user_admin = isset($_POST["form_admin"]) ? 1 : 0;
Пример #4
 $image['tmpl_footer'] = get_tmpl_section('IMAGES_FOOTER', $image['template']);
 $image['tmpl_entry'] = get_tmpl_section('IMAGES_ENTRY', $image['template']);
 $image['tmpl_entry_space'] = get_tmpl_section('IMAGES_ENTRY_SPACER', $image['template']);
 $image['tmpl_row_space'] = get_tmpl_section('IMAGES_ROW_SPACER', $image['template']);
 $image['tmpl_thumb_width_max'] = 0;
 $image['tmpl_thumb_height_max'] = 0;
 $image['tmpl_images'] = array();
 $image['template'] = $image['tmpl_header'];
 $image['tmpl_data'] = array();
 if (is_array($image['images']) && ($image['count'] = count($image['images']))) {
     // Start lightbox
     if (empty($image['lightbox'])) {
         $image['lightbox'] = false;
     } else {
         $image['lightbox'] = generic_string(5);
     switch ($image['center']) {
         case 1:
             // center hor/vert
             if (!$image['width'] && !$image['height']) {
                 $image['center'] = 0;
             } elseif (!$image['width']) {
                 $image['center'] = 3;
             } elseif (!$image['height']) {
                 $image['center'] = 2;
         case 2:
             // center hor
             if (!$image['width']) {
Пример #5
require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT . '/include/inc_lib/general.inc.php';
require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT . '/include/inc_lib/backend.functions.inc.php';
if ($_SESSION["wcs_user_admin"] == 1) {
    //Wenn Benutzer Admin-Rechte hat
    //Löschen eines Benutzers
    if (isset($_GET["del"])) {
        $ui = explode(":", clean_slweg($_GET["del"]));
        $user_id = intval($ui[0]);
        $user_email = '';
        if (isset($ui[1])) {
            $user_email = $ui[1];
        if ($user_id != $_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]) {
            $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_user SET " . "usr_login='******', " . "usr_pass='******', " . "usr_email='', " . "usr_admin=0, " . "usr_aktiv=9 " . "WHERE usr_id=" . $user_id . " AND " . "usr_email=" . _dbEscape($user_email);
            if ($result = mysql_query($sql, $db)) {
                if (is_valid_email($user_email)) {
                    @mail($user_email, "your account", "YOUR PHPWCMS ACCOUNT WAS DELETED\n \ncontact the admin if you have any question.\n\nSee you at " . $phpwcms["site"], "From: " . $phpwcms["admin_email"] . "\nReply-To: " . $phpwcms["admin_email"] . "\n");
    if (isset($_GET["aktiv"])) {
        $ui = explode(":", clean_slweg($_GET["aktiv"]));
        $user_id = intval($ui[0]);
        $user_aktiv = !empty($ui[1]) ? 1 : 0;
        if ($user_id != $_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]) {
            $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_user SET usr_aktiv=" . $user_aktiv . " WHERE usr_id=" . $user_id . ";";
            mysql_query($sql, $db) or die("error");
Пример #6
function imagelisttable($imagelist, $rand = "0:0:0:0", $align = 0, $type = 0)
    // build imagelist or ecard chooser table
    // image: type = 0
    // ecard: type = 1
    $template_type = $type ? 'ecard' : 'imagelist';
    $usetable = !isset($imagelist['usetable']) || $imagelist['usetable'] ? true : false;
    if (empty($GLOBALS['cnt_image_lightbox'])) {
        $lightbox = 0;
    } else {
        $lightbox = generic_string(5);
    $caption_on = empty($imagelist['nocaption']) ? true : false;
    $crop = empty($imagelist['crop']) ? 0 : 1;
    $image_border = ' border="' . (empty($GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_border"]) ? '0' : $GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_border"]) . '"';
    if ($usetable) {
        $table_class = $GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_table_class"];
        if (empty($align)) {
            $align = '';
        } else {
            $table_class .= ' ' . $GLOBALS['template_default']['classes']['image-list-table'] . $align;
            $align = ' align="' . $align . '"';
        $table_class = ' class="' . trim($table_class) . '"';
        $table_bgcolor = empty($GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_table_bgcolor"]) ? '' : ' bgcolor="' . $GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_table_bgcolor"] . '"';
        $image_align = empty($GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_align"]) ? '' : ' align="' . $GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_align"] . '"';
        $image_valign = empty($GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_valign"]) ? '' : ' valign="' . $GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_valign"] . '"';
        $image_class = empty($GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_class"]) ? '' : ' class="' . $GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_class"] . '"';
        $image_bgcolor = empty($GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_bgcolor"]) ? '' : ' bgcolor="' . $GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_bgcolor"] . '"';
        $caption_class = empty($GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_caption_class"]) ? '' : ' class="' . $GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_caption_class"] . '"';
        $caption_bgcolor = empty($GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_caption_bgcolor"]) ? '' : ' bgcolor="' . $GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_caption_bgcolor"] . '"';
        $caption_valign = empty($GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_caption_valign"]) ? '' : ' valign="' . $GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_caption_valign"] . '"';
        $caption_align = empty($GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_caption_align"]) ? '' : ' align="' . $GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_caption_align"] . '"';
        $image_imgclass = empty($GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_imgclass"]) ? '' : ' class="' . $GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_imgclass"] . '"';
        $capt_before = $GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_caption_before"];
        $capt_after = $GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"][$template_type . "_caption_after"];
    } else {
        $image_imgclass = ' class="' . $imagelist['class_image_thumb'] . '"';
    $rand = explode(":", $rand);
    if (count($rand)) {
        foreach ($rand as $key => $value) {
            $rand[$key] = intval($value);
    } else {
        $rand = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
    $col_rand = $rand[2] && $rand[3] ? 2 : ($rand[2] || $rand[3] ? 1 : 0);
    if ($count_images = count($imagelist['images'])) {
        // randomize image
        if (!empty($imagelist['random'])) {
        if (empty($imagelist['limit'])) {
            $imagelist['limit'] = 0;
        //Tabelle starten
        $table = LF;
        if ($usetable) {
            $table .= '	<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"' . $align . $table_bgcolor . $table_class . ' summary="">' . LF;
        } else {
            $table .= '	<div class="';
            if (empty($imagelist['class'])) {
                $table .= 'image-table';
            } else {
                $table .= $imagelist['class'];
            $table .= '">' . LF;
        $x = 0;
        $y = 0;
        $z = 0;
        foreach ($imagelist['images'] as $key => $value) {
            if (isset($imagelist['width'])) {
                $imagelist['images'][$key][4] = $imagelist['width'];
                $imagelist['images'][$key][5] = $imagelist['height'];
            if ($usetable && $z && $x == 1) {
                if ($col_space) {
                    $table .= LF . '<tr>' . LF . '	<td';
                    $table .= $col_total > 1 ? " colspan=\"" . $col_total . "\"" : "";
                    if (!empty($GLOBALS["template_default"]['article']['imagelist_spacerrow_class'])) {
                        $table .= ' class="' . $GLOBALS["template_default"]['article']['imagelist_spacerrow_class'] . '">';
                        $table .= spacer(1, 1) . '</td>' . LF . '</tr>' . LF;
                    } else {
                        $table .= '>' . spacer(1, $col_space) . '</td>' . LF . '</tr>' . LF;
            if ($usetable && !$x) {
                //Some default values
                $col_space = $imagelist['space'];
                //Space between images
                $col_count = $imagelist['col'];
                $col_total = $col_count + ($col_space ? $col_count - 1 : 0) + $col_rand;
                //Wenn oberer Rand definiert
                if ($rand[0]) {
                    $table .= '<tr>' . LF . '	<td' . ($col_total > 1 ? ' colspan="' . $col_total . '"' : '') . '>' . spacer(1, $rand[0]) . '</td>' . LF . '</tr>' . LF;
                $x = 1;
            if ($usetable && $x == 1) {
                // if left border
                $table_tmp = $rand[2] ? '	<td width="' . $rand[2] . '">' . spacer($rand[2], 1) . '</td>' . LF : '';
                //Neue Tabellenzeile
                $capt_tmp = '';
                $capt_row = '<tr>' . LF . $table_tmp;
                if ($caption_on) {
                    $table .= $capt_row;
                } else {
                    $table .= '<tr>' . LF;
            //Aktuelle Bildspalte ausgeben
            if ($usetable) {
                $table .= '	<td' . $image_align . $image_valign . $image_bgcolor . $image_class . '>';
            } else {
                if (!$x) {
                    $x = 1;
                $table .= '		<div class="' . $imagelist['class_image_wrapper'];
                if ($x === 1) {
                    $table .= ' first';
                $table .= ' row-' . ($z + 1);
                $table .= '">' . LF . '			';
            $thumb_image = get_cached_image(array("target_ext" => $imagelist['images'][$key][3], "image_name" => $imagelist['images'][$key][2] . '.' . $imagelist['images'][$key][3], "max_width" => $imagelist['images'][$key][4], "max_height" => $imagelist['images'][$key][5], "thumb_name" => md5($imagelist['images'][$key][2] . $imagelist['images'][$key][4] . $imagelist['images'][$key][5] . $GLOBALS['phpwcms']["sharpen_level"] . $crop . $GLOBALS['phpwcms']['colorspace']), 'crop_image' => $crop));
            if ($thumb_image && $imagelist['zoom']) {
                $zoominfo = get_cached_image(array("target_ext" => $imagelist['images'][$key][3], "image_name" => $imagelist['images'][$key][2] . '.' . $imagelist['images'][$key][3], "max_width" => $GLOBALS['phpwcms']["img_prev_width"], "max_height" => $GLOBALS['phpwcms']["img_prev_height"], "thumb_name" => md5($imagelist['images'][$key][2] . $GLOBALS['phpwcms']["img_prev_width"] . $GLOBALS['phpwcms']["img_prev_height"] . $GLOBALS['phpwcms']["sharpen_level"] . $GLOBALS['phpwcms']['colorspace'])));
            // now try to build caption and if neccessary add alt to image or set external link for image
            $caption = getImageCaption($imagelist['images'][$key][6]);
            // set caption and ALT Image Text for imagelist
            $capt_cur = !$type ? html_specialchars($caption[0]) : $caption[0];
            $caption[3] = empty($caption[3]) ? '' : ' title="' . html_specialchars($caption[3]) . '"';
            $caption[1] = empty($caption[1]) ? html_specialchars($imagelist['images'][$key][1]) : html_specialchars($caption[1]);
            $list_img_temp = '<img src="' . PHPWCMS_IMAGES . $thumb_image[0] . '" ' . $thumb_image[3] . $image_border . $image_imgclass;
            $list_img_temp .= ' data-image-id="' . $imagelist['images'][$key][0] . '" data-image-hash="' . $imagelist['images'][$key][2] . '"';
            $list_img_temp .= ' data-image-ext="' . $imagelist['images'][$key][3] . '"';
            $list_img_temp .= ' alt="' . $caption[1] . '"' . $caption[3] . ' />';
            if ($imagelist['zoom'] && isset($zoominfo) && $zoominfo != false) {
                // if click enlarge the image
                $open_popup_link = 'image_zoom.php?' . getClickZoomImageParameter($zoominfo[0] . '?' . $zoominfo[3]);
                if ($caption[2][0]) {
                    $open_link = $caption[2][0];
                    $return_false = '';
                } else {
                    $open_link = $open_popup_link;
                    $return_false = 'return false;';
                if (!$lightbox || $caption[2][0]) {
                    $table .= "<a href=\"" . $open_link . "\" onclick=\"checkClickZoom();clickZoom('" . $open_popup_link . "','previewpic','width=";
                    $table .= $zoominfo[1] . ",height=" . $zoominfo[2] . "');" . $return_false . '"' . $caption[2][1] . ' class="' . $imagelist['class_image_zoom'] . '">';
                } else {
                    // lightbox
                    $table .= '<a href="' . PHPWCMS_IMAGES . $zoominfo[0] . '" rel="lightbox[' . $lightbox . ']"';
                    if ($capt_cur) {
                        $table .= ' title="' . parseLightboxCaption($capt_cur) . '"';
                    $table .= ' class="' . $imagelist['class_image_lightbox'] . '">';
                $table .= $list_img_temp . "</a>";
            } else {
                // if not click enlarge
                if ($caption[2][0]) {
                    $table .= '<a href="' . $caption[2][0] . '"' . $caption[2][1] . ' class="' . $imagelist['class_image_link'] . '">' . $list_img_temp . '</a>';
                } else {
                    $table .= $list_img_temp;
            if ($usetable) {
                $table .= '</td>' . LF;
                if ($caption_on && $capt_cur) {
                    $capt_tmp .= $capt_cur;
                    $capt_cur = '<span style="width:' . $thumb_image[1] . 'px">' . $capt_cur . '</span>';
                } else {
                    $capt_cur = '&nbsp;';
                $capt_row .= '	<td' . $caption_valign . $caption_align . $caption_bgcolor . $caption_class . '>' . $capt_before . $capt_cur . $capt_after . '</td>' . LF;
            } else {
                if ($caption_on && $capt_cur) {
                    $caption_class = empty($GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"]["image_caption_class"]) ? 'caption' : $GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"]["image_caption_class"];
                    $table .= LF . '			<p style="width:' . $thumb_image[1] . 'px" class="' . $caption_class . '">' . $GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"]["image_caption_before"];
                    $table .= $capt_cur;
                    if ($caption[4] !== '') {
                        $table .= ' <span class="' . $GLOBALS['template_default']['classes']['copyright'] . '">' . html_specialchars($caption[4]) . '</span>';
                    $table .= $GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"]["image_caption_after"] . "</p>";
                $table .= LF . '		</div>' . LF;
            //Gegenchecken wieviele Tabellenspalten als Rest bleiben und ergänzen
            if ($usetable) {
                if ($y == $count_images && $col_count > 1) {
                    //wenn eigentlich alle Bilder durchlaufen sind
                    if ($col_space && $x < $col_count) {
                        $xct = '	<td>' . spacer($col_space, 1) . '</td>' . LF;
                        $table .= $xct;
                        $capt_row .= $xct;
                    $rest_image = ceil($count_images / $col_count) * $col_count - $count_images;
                    for ($i = 1; $i <= $rest_image; $i++) {
                        $table .= '	<td>&nbsp;</td>';
                        $capt_row .= '	<td>&nbsp;</td>';
                        if ($i < $rest_image) {
                            if ($col_space) {
                                $xct = '	<td width="' . $col_space . '">' . spacer($col_space, 1) . '</td>' . LF;
                                $table .= $xct;
                                $capt_row .= $xct;
                if ($x == $col_count) {
                    //Wenn maximale Anzahl Bildspalten erreicht
                    $xct = $rand[3] ? '<td width="' . $rand[3] . '">' . spacer($rand[3], 1) . '</td>' . LF : '';
                    $table .= $xct;
                    $capt_row .= $xct;
                    $table .= "</tr>" . LF;
                    $capt_row .= "</tr>" . LF;
                    if ($capt_tmp) {
                        if ($caption_on) {
                            $table .= $capt_row;
                        $capt_row = '';
                        $capt_tmp = '';
                    $x = 1;
                } else {
                    $xct = $col_space ? '	<td width="' . $col_space . '">' . spacer($col_space, 1) . '</td>' . LF : '';
                    $table .= $xct;
                    $capt_row .= $xct;
            } else {
                if ($x == $imagelist['col']) {
                    $x = 0;
                } else {
            // end if max image count
            if ($imagelist['limit'] == $y) {
        if ($usetable) {
            if ($rand[1]) {
                $table .= '<tr>' . LF . '	<td' . ($col_total > 1 ? " colspan=\"" . $col_total . "\"" : "") . ">" . spacer(1, $rand[1]) . '</td>' . LF . '</tr>' . LF;
            $table .= '	</table>' . LF;
        } else {
            $table .= '	</div>' . LF;
    return $table;
Пример #7
         $order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, 'PAYMENT', html($_tmpl['config']['label_payby_' . $_SESSION[CART_KEY]['payby']]));
     } else {
         $order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, 'PAYMENT', '');
     $cart_mode = 'terms';
     include $phpwcms['modules']['shop']['path'] . 'inc/cart.items.inc.php';
     $order_process = str_replace('{ITEMS}', implode($_tmpl['term_space'], $cart_items), $order_process);
     $terms_text = _getConfig('shop_pref_terms', '_shopPref');
     $terms_format = _getConfig('shop_pref_terms_format', '_shopPref');
     $order_process = str_replace('{TERMS}', $terms_format ? $terms_text : nl2br(html($terms_text)), $order_process);
     include $phpwcms['modules']['shop']['path'] . 'inc/cart.parse.inc.php';
     include $phpwcms['modules']['shop']['path'] . 'inc/shipping.parse.inc.php';
 } elseif (isset($_POST['shop_order_submit']) && !isset($_SESSION[CART_KEY]['error']['step2'])) {
     // OK agreed - now send order
     if ($_tmpl['config']['order_number_style'] == 'RANDOM') {
         $order_num = generic_string(8, 2);
     } else {
         // count all current orders
         $order_num = _dbCount('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_shop_orders') + 1;
         if (strpos($_tmpl['config']['order_number_style'], '%') !== FALSE) {
             $order_num = sprintf($_tmpl['config']['order_number_style'], $order_num);
     // prepare customer mail
     $order_process = $_tmpl['mail_customer'];
     foreach ($_SESSION[CART_KEY]['step1'] as $item_key => $row) {
         $order_process = render_cnt_template($order_process, $item_key, html($row));
     $cart_mode = 'mail1';
     include $phpwcms['modules']['shop']['path'] . 'inc/cart.items.inc.php';
     $order_process = str_replace('{ITEMS}', implode(LF . LF, $cart_items), $order_process);
Пример #8
function build_levels($struct, $level, $temp_tree, $act_cat_id, $nav_table_struct, $count, $div, $link_to)
    // this returns the level structure based on given arrays
    // it is special for browsing from root levels
    $nav_table_struct["linkimage_over_js"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["linkimage_over_js"];
    $nav_table_struct["linkimage_norm"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["linkimage_norm"];
    $nav_table_struct["linkimage_over"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["linkimage_over"];
    $nav_table_struct["linkimage_active"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["linkimage_active"];
    $nav_table_struct["row_norm_bgcolor"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["row_norm_bgcolor"];
    $nav_table_struct["row_norm_class"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["row_norm_class"];
    $nav_table_struct["row_over_bgcolor"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["row_over_bgcolor"];
    $nav_table_struct["row_active_bgcolor"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["row_active_bgcolor"];
    $nav_table_struct["row_active_class"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["row_active_class"];
    $nav_table_struct["space_celltop"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["space_celltop"];
    $nav_table_struct["space_cellbottom"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["space_cellbottom"];
    $nav_table_struct["cell_height"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["cell_height"];
    $nav_table_struct["cell_class"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["cell_class"];
    $nav_table_struct["cell_active_height"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["cell_active_height"];
    $nav_table_struct["cell_active_class"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["cell_active_class"];
    $nav_table_struct["link_before"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["link_before"];
    $nav_table_struct["link_after"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["link_after"];
    $nav_table_struct["link_active_before"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["link_active_before"];
    $nav_table_struct["link_active_after"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["link_active_after"];
    $temp_menu = '';
    $js = '';
    $depth = count($temp_tree) - $div;
    $current_level = $count;
    $depth2 = $depth - $count + 2;
    $right_cell = '';
    $left_cell = '';
    $cell_top = '';
    $cell_bottom = '';
    $space_right = '';
    $space_cell = '';
    $space_row = '';
    $cell_height = $nav_table_struct["cell_height"] ? $nav_table_struct["cell_height"] : 1;
    if ($nav_table_struct["space_right"]) {
        $right_cell = "<td width=\"" . $nav_table_struct["space_left"] . "\">";
        $right_cell .= spacer($nav_table_struct["space_right"], $cell_height) . "</td>\n";
        $space_right = "<td>" . spacer(1, 1) . "</td>";
    if ($nav_table_struct["space_left"]) {
        $colspan = $count > 1 ? " colspan=\"" . $count . "\"" : "";
        $left_cell = "<td width=\"" . $nav_table_struct["space_left"] . "\"" . $colspan . ">";
        $left_cell .= spacer($nav_table_struct["space_left"], $cell_height) . "</td>\n";
        $space_cell = "<td" . $colspan . ">" . spacer(1, 1) . "</td><td>" . spacer(1, 1) . "</td>";
    } else {
        if ($count > 1) {
            $colspan = $count > 2 ? " colspan=\"" . ($count - 1) . "\"" : "";
            $left_cell = "<td " . $colspan . ">" . spacer(1, 1) . "</td>\n";
            $space_cell = "<td" . $colspan . ">" . spacer(1, 1) . "</td><td>" . spacer(1, 1) . "</td>";
    if ($nav_table_struct["space_celltop"]) {
        $cell_top = spacer(1, $nav_table_struct["space_celltop"]) . "<br />";
    if ($nav_table_struct["space_cellbottom"]) {
        $cell_bottom = "<br />" . spacer(1, $nav_table_struct["space_cellbottom"]);
    $colspan = $depth2 > 1 ? ' colspan="' . $depth2 . '"' : '';
    foreach ($struct as $key => $value) {
        if (_getStructureLevelDisplayStatus($key, $level)) {
            $link_image_id = "linkid" . generic_string(6);
            $link_name_id = ' name="' . $link_image_id . '" id="' . $link_image_id . '"';
            if (!$struct[$key]["acat_redirect"]) {
                $link = 'index.php?';
                if ($struct[$key]["acat_alias"]) {
                    $link .= html_specialchars($struct[$key]["acat_alias"]);
                } else {
                    $link .= 'id=' . $key;
                $redirect['target'] = '';
            } else {
                $redirect = get_redirect_link($struct[$key]["acat_redirect"], ' ', '');
                $link = $redirect['link'];
            $js = ' style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand;"';
            $js_act = $js;
            if ($nav_table_struct["js_over_effects"]) {
                if ($redirect['target'] != ' target="_blank"') {
                    $js .= " onclick=\"location.href='" . js_singlequote($link) . "';return false;\"";
                } else {
                    $js .= " onclick=\"window.open('" . js_singlequote($link) . "', 'phpwcmnewwin');return false;\"";
                $js_act = $js;
                $js .= ' onmouseover="';
                if ($nav_table_struct["linkimage_over_js"]) {
                    $js .= "MM_swapImage('" . $link_image_id . "','','" . $nav_table_struct["linkimage_over_js"] . "',1);";
                if ($nav_table_struct["row_over_bgcolor"]) {
                    $js .= "this.bgColor='" . $nav_table_struct["row_over_bgcolor"] . "';";
                $js .= '" onmouseout="';
                if ($nav_table_struct["linkimage_over_js"]) {
                    $js .= "MM_swapImgRestore();";
                if ($nav_table_struct["row_norm_bgcolor"]) {
                    $js .= "this.bgColor='" . $nav_table_struct["row_norm_bgcolor"] . "';";
                $js .= '"';
            } else {
                $js = '';
            // add structure level based classes
            if (!empty($struct[$key]["acat_class"])) {
                $nav_table_struct_temp = $nav_table_struct;
                $nav_table_struct["row_norm_class"] = trim($nav_table_struct["row_norm_class"] . ' ' . $struct[$key]["acat_class"]);
                $nav_table_struct["row_active_class"] = trim($nav_table_struct["row_active_class"] . ' ' . $struct[$key]["acat_class"]);
                $nav_table_struct["row_space_class"] = 'row_space ' . $struct[$key]["acat_class"];
            } else {
                $nav_table_struct_temp = NULL;
            //spacer row
            if ($nav_table_struct["row_space"]) {
                $space_row = "<tr" . table_attributes($nav_table_struct, "row_space", 0, true) . ">\n" . $space_cell;
                $space_row .= "<td" . $colspan . ">" . spacer(1, $nav_table_struct["row_space"]) . "</td>";
                $space_row .= $space_right . "\n</tr>\n";
                $temp_menu .= $space_row;
            if (!empty($temp_tree[$key])) {
                //if($act_cat_id == $key) {
                //check if inside active tree structure
                if ($act_cat_id == $key || !empty($nav_table_struct["all_nodes_active"]) && isset($GLOBALS['LEVEL_KEY'][$key])) {
                    $temp_menu .= "<tr" . table_attributes($nav_table_struct, "row_active", 0, true) . $js_act . ">\n" . $left_cell;
                    $temp_menu .= "<td valign=\"top\">" . str_replace('#', $link_name_id, $nav_table_struct["linkimage_active"]) . "</td>\n";
                    $temp_menu .= "<td" . table_attributes($nav_table_struct, "cell_active", 1, true) . $colspan . ">" . $cell_top;
                    $temp_menu .= '<a href="' . $link . '"' . $redirect['target'] . '>';
                    $temp_menu .= $nav_table_struct["link_active_before"];
                    $temp_menu .= html_specialchars($struct[$key]["acat_name"]);
                    $temp_menu .= $nav_table_struct["link_active_after"] . '</a>';
                } else {
                    $temp_menu .= "<tr" . table_attributes($nav_table_struct, "row_norm", 0, true) . $js . ">\n" . $left_cell;
                    $temp_menu .= "<td valign=\"top\">" . str_replace('#', $link_name_id, $nav_table_struct["linkimage_norm"]) . "</td>\n";
                    $temp_menu .= "<td" . table_attributes($nav_table_struct, "cell", 1, true) . $colspan . ">" . $cell_top;
                    $temp_menu .= '<a href="' . $link . '"' . $redirect['target'] . '>';
                    $temp_menu .= $nav_table_struct["link_before"];
                    $temp_menu .= html_specialchars($struct[$key]["acat_name"]);
                    $temp_menu .= $nav_table_struct["link_after"] . '</a>';
                $temp_menu .= $cell_bottom . "</td>\n" . $right_cell . "</tr>\n";
                $temp_menu .= build_levels($struct, $key, $temp_tree, $act_cat_id, $nav_table_struct, $count, $div, $link_to);
            } else {
                $temp_menu .= "<tr" . table_attributes($nav_table_struct, "row_norm", 0, true) . $js . ">\n" . $left_cell;
                $temp_menu .= "<td valign=\"top\">" . str_replace('#', $link_name_id, $nav_table_struct["linkimage_norm"]) . "</td>\n";
                $temp_menu .= "<td" . table_attributes($nav_table_struct, "cell", 1, true) . $colspan . ">" . $cell_top;
                $temp_menu .= '<a href="' . $link . '"' . $redirect['target'] . '>';
                $temp_menu .= $nav_table_struct["link_before"];
                $temp_menu .= html_specialchars($struct[$key]["acat_name"]);
                $temp_menu .= $nav_table_struct["link_after"] . '</a>';
                $temp_menu .= $cell_bottom . "</td>\n" . $right_cell . "</tr>\n";
            // reset table structure attributes
            if ($nav_table_struct_temp !== NULL) {
                $nav_table_struct = $nav_table_struct_temp;
    if ($nav_table_struct["row_space"] && $count == 1) {
        $temp_menu .= $space_row;
    return $temp_menu;
	<tr bgcolor="#E6EAED"><td colspan="2"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="8" /></td>
	<tr bgcolor="#E6EAED">
		<td align="right" class="chatlist"><?php 
    echo $BL['be_admin_tmpl_name'];
		<td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="">
    // ERICH COPY TEMPLATE 08.06.2005
    if (empty($createcopy)) {
        echo '<input name="template_name" type="text" class="f11b width350" id="template_name" value="' . html($template["name"]) . '" size="50" maxlength="150">';
    } else {
        echo '<img src="img/symbole/achtung.gif" width="13" height="11" alt="" border="0" style="margin-right:2px;" /><input name="template_name" type="text" class="f11b width350" id="template_name" style="color:FF3300" value="' . html($template["name"]) . '_' . generic_string(2) . '" size="50" maxlength="150">';
			<td><input name="template_setdefault" id="template_setdefault" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
    is_checked(empty($createcopy) ? $template["default"] : 0, 1);
		    <td class="v10"><label for="template_setdefault"><?php 
    echo $BL['be_admin_tmpl_default'];
Пример #10
function createOptionTransferSelectList($id = '', $leftData, $rightData, $option = array())
    // used to create
    global $BL;
    $id_left = $id . '_left';
    $id_right = $id . '_right';
    $id_left_box = $id_left . 'list';
    $id_right_box = $id_right . 'list';
    $option_object = generic_string(4, 4);
    $table = '';
    $option['rows'] = empty($option['rows']) || !intval($option['rows']) ? 5 : $option['rows'];
    $option['delimeter'] = empty($option['delimeter']) ? ',' : $option['delimeter'];
    $option['encode'] = isset($option['encode']) && $option['encode'] === false ? false : true;
    $option['style'] = empty($option['style']) ? '' : ' style="' . $option['style'] . '"';
    $option['class'] = empty($option['class']) ? ' class="#SIDE#"' : ' class="#SIDE# ' . $option['class'] . '"';
    $option['formname'] = empty($option['formname']) ? 'document.forms[0]' : 'document.getElementById(\'' . $option['formname'] . '\')';
    $GLOBALS['BE']['HEADER']['optionselect.js'] = getJavaScriptSourceLink('include/inc_js/optionselect.js');
    $table .= '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">' . LF . '<tr>' . LF;
    // left select list
    $table .= '<td valign><select name="' . $id_left_box . '" id="' . $id_left_box . '" size="' . $option['rows'] . '" multiple="multiple"';
    $table .= $option['style'] . str_replace('#SIDE#', 'leftSide', $option['class']) . ' ondblclick="' . $option_object . '.transferRight()">' . LF;
    if (!empty($leftData) && is_array($leftData)) {
        foreach ($leftData as $key => $value) {
            $table .= '		<option value="' . $key . '">' . $value . '</option>' . LF;
    $table .= '</select></td>' . LF;
    // left <-> right buttons
    $table .= '<td' . $option['style'] . $option['class'] . '>';
    $table .= '<img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1" />' . LF;
    $table .= '</td>' . LF;
    // right select list
    $table .= '<td><select name="' . $id_right_box . '" id="' . $id_right_box . '" size="' . $option['rows'] . '" multiple="multiple"';
    $table .= $option['style'] . str_replace('#SIDE#', 'rightSide', $option['class']) . ' ondblclick="' . $option_object . '.transferLeft()">' . LF;
    if (!empty($rightData) && is_array($rightData)) {
        foreach ($rightData as $key => $value) {
            $table .= '		<option value="' . $key . '">' . $value . '</option>' . LF;
    $table .= '</select></td>' . LF;
    $table .= '</tr>' . LF;
    $table .= '<tr>' . LF . '<td>';
    $table .= '<img src="img/button/list_pos_up.gif" alt="" border="0" onclick="moveOptionUp(' . $option['formname'] . '.' . $id_left_box . ');' . $option_object . '.update();">';
    $table .= '<img src="img/leer.gif" width="2" height="2" alt="" />';
    $table .= '<img src="img/button/list_pos_down.gif" alt="" border="0" onclick="moveOptionDown(' . $option['formname'] . '.' . $id_left_box . ');' . $option_object . '.update();">';
    $table .= '<img src="img/leer.gif" width="4" height="4" alt="" />';
    $table .= '<img src="img/button/put_right_a.gif" alt="Move selected to right" border="0" onclick="' . $option_object . '.transferRight();" />';
    $table .= '<img src="img/leer.gif" width="2" height="2" alt="" />';
    $table .= '<img src="img/button/put_right.gif" alt="Move all to right" border="0" onclick="' . $option_object . '.transferAllRight();"/>';
    $table .= '</td>' . LF;
    $table .= '<td><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1" /></td>' . LF;
    $table .= '<td>';
    $table .= '<img src="img/button/put_left_a.gif" alt="Move selected to left" border="0" onclick="' . $option_object . '.transferLeft();" />';
    $table .= '<img src="img/leer.gif" width="2" height="2" alt="" />';
    $table .= '<img src="img/button/put_left.gif" alt="Move all to left" border="0" onclick="' . $option_object . '.transferAllLeft();" />';
    $table .= '</td>' . LF;
    $table .= '</tr>' . LF . '</table>' . LF;
    $table .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $id_left . '" id="' . $id_left . '" value="" />';
    $table .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $id_right . '" id="' . $id_right . '" value="" />';
    $table .= '<script>' . LF;
    $table .= SCRIPT_CDATA_START . LF;
    $table .= '	var ' . $option_object . ' = new OptionTransfer("' . $id_left_box . '","' . $id_right_box . '");' . LF;
    $table .= '	' . $option_object . '.setAutoSort(false);' . LF;
    $table .= '	' . $option_object . '.setDelimiter("' . $option['delimeter'] . '");' . LF;
    $table .= '	' . $option_object . '.saveNewLeftOptions("' . $id_left . '");' . LF;
    $table .= '	' . $option_object . '.saveNewRightOptions("' . $id_right . '");' . LF;
    $table .= '	' . $option_object . '.init(' . $option['formname'] . ');' . LF;
    $table .= LF . SCRIPT_CDATA_END . LF;
    $table .= '</script>' . LF;
    return $table;
Пример #11
if (!is_valid_email($content["mailrecipient"])) {
    $content["error"]["mailrecipient"] = "proof recipient - email format error";
$content["mailbutton"] = clean_slweg($_POST["cmailbutton"]);
if (isEmpty($content["mailbutton"])) {
    $content["mailbutton"] = "send";
$content["mailhtml"] = isset($_POST["cmailhtml"]) ? intval($_POST["cmailhtml"]) : 0;
if (is_array($content["mailform"]) && count($content["mailform"])) {
    foreach ($content["mailform"] as $key => $value) {
        $content["mailform"][$key] = explode("|", chop($value));
        // Field-Code
        $content["mailform"][$key][0] = strtoupper(trim($content["mailform"][$key][0]));
        if ($content["mailform"][$key][0] == "IT" || $content["mailform"][$key][0] == "IP" || $content["mailform"][$key][0] == "IH" || $content["mailform"][$key][0] == "TA" || $content["mailform"][$key][0] == "SM" || $content["mailform"][$key][0] == "SL" || $content["mailform"][$key][0] == "IC" || $content["mailform"][$key][0] == "IR" || $content["mailform"][$key][0] == "SC" || $content["mailform"][$key][0] == "IN" || $content["mailform"][$key][0] == "CA") {
            $content["mailform"][$key][1] = isset($content["mailform"][$key][1]) ? trim($content["mailform"][$key][1]) : '';
            $content["mailform"][$key][1] = $content["mailform"][$key][1] ? $content["mailform"][$key][1] : "field_" . generic_string(3);
            $content["mailform"][$key][2] = isset($content["mailform"][$key][2]) ? intval($content["mailform"][$key][2]) : 0;
            $content["mailform"][$key][3] = isset($content["mailform"][$key][3]) ? trim($content["mailform"][$key][3]) : '';
            if (isset($content["mailform"][$key][4])) {
                $field_length = explode(",", $content["mailform"][$key][4]);
                $field_max_height = isset($field_length[1]) ? intval($field_length[1]) : 0;
                $field_length = intval($field_length[0]);
            } else {
                $field_length = 0;
                $field_max_height = 0;
            $field_length = $field_length ? $field_length : 10;
            switch ($content["mailform"][$key][0]) {
                case "TA":
                    $field_max_height = $field_max_height ? $field_max_height : 3;
Пример #12
         $sql = 'UPDATE ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_ads_campaign SET ';
         $sql .= "adcampaign_status=" . (intval($_GET['verify']) ? 1 : 0) . " ";
         $sql .= "WHERE adcampaign_id=" . intval($_GET['editid']);
         @_dbQuery($sql, 'UPDATE');
         headerRedirect(decode_entities(MODULE_HREF) . '&listcampaign=1');
     } elseif (isset($_GET['delete'])) {
         $adcampaign_id = intval($_GET['delete']);
         // delete
         $sql = 'UPDATE ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_ads_campaign SET ';
         $sql .= "adcampaign_status=9 WHERE adcampaign_id=" . $adcampaign_id;
         @_dbQuery($sql, 'UPDATE');
         //rename deleted campaign
         @rename(PHPWCMS_CONTENT . 'ads/' . $adcampaign_id, PHPWCMS_CONTENT . 'ads/_deleted_' . time() . '_' . $adcampaign_id);
         headerRedirect(decode_entities(MODULE_HREF) . '&listcampaign=1');
     } elseif (isset($_GET['duplicate'])) {
         @_dbDuplicateRow('phpwcms_ads_campaign', 'adcampaign_id', intval($_GET['duplicate']), array('adcampaign_title' => '--SELF-- (' . generic_string(3) . ')', 'adcampaign_created' => 'SQL:NOW()', 'adcampaign_changed' => 'SQL:NOW()', 'adcampaign_curview' => '0', 'adcampaign_curclick' => '0', 'adcampaign_curviewuser' => '0'));
         headerRedirect(decode_entities(MODULE_HREF) . '&listcampaign=1');
     // edit ad place
 } elseif (!empty($_GET['adplace'])) {
     if (isset($_GET['edit'])) {
         // handle posts and read data
         include_once $phpwcms['modules'][$module]['path'] . 'inc/processing.adplace.inc.php';
         // edit campaign form
         include_once $phpwcms['modules'][$module]['path'] . 'backend.form.adplace.php';
     } elseif (isset($_GET['verify'])) {
         // active/inactive
         $sql = 'UPDATE ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_ads_place SET ';
         $sql .= "adplace_status=" . (intval($_GET['verify']) ? 1 : 0) . " ";
         $sql .= "WHERE adplace_id=" . intval($_GET['editid']);
         @_dbQuery($sql, 'UPDATE');
 * @link http://www.phpwcms.de
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
    die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
$subscription["id"] = intval($_GET["s"]);
if (isset($_POST["subscription_id"])) {
    // read the create or edit subscription form data
    $subscription["id"] = intval($_POST["subscription_id"]);
    $subscription["name"] = clean_slweg($_POST["subscription_name"]);
    if (!$subscription["name"]) {
        $subscription["name"] = "subscription_" . generic_string(3);
    $subscription["info"] = clean_slweg($_POST["subscription_info"]);
    if ($subscription["id"]) {
        $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_subscription SET " . "subscription_name='" . aporeplace($subscription["name"]) . "', " . "subscription_info='" . aporeplace($subscription["info"]) . "' " . "WHERE subscription_id=" . $subscription["id"];
    } else {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_subscription (" . "subscription_name, subscription_info) VALUES ('" . aporeplace($subscription["name"]) . "', '" . aporeplace($subscription["info"]) . "')";
    // update or insert data entry
    mysql_query($sql, $db) or die("error while updating or inserting subscription datas");
    if (!$subscription["id"]) {
        $subscription["id"] = mysql_insert_id($db);
    headerRedirect(PHPWCMS_URL . 'phpwcms.php?' . get_token_get_string('csrftoken') . '&do=messages&p=2&s=' . $subscription["id"]);
if ($subscription["id"]) {
Пример #14
         $sql = 'SELECT detail_id, detail_login AS LOGIN, detail_email AS EMAIL FROM ' . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_userdetail WHERE ";
         $sql .= "detail_login="******" LIMIT 1";
         $result = _dbQuery($sql);
         if (isset($result[0])) {
             $result[0]['PASSWORD'] = generic_string(8);
             _dbUpdate('phpwcms_userdetail', array('detail_password' => md5($result[0]['PASSWORD'])), 'WHERE detail_id=' . $result[0]['detail_id']);
             $_loginData['remind_password'] = $result[0];
     // hm, seems no user found - OK test against cms users
     if ($_loginData['validate_db']['backenduser'] && !isset($result[0])) {
         $sql = 'SELECT usr_id, usr_login AS LOGIN, usr_email AS EMAIL FROM ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_user WHERE ';
         $sql .= "usr_login="******" LIMIT 1";
         $result = _dbQuery($sql);
         if (isset($result[0])) {
             $result[0]['PASSWORD'] = generic_string(8);
             _dbUpdate('phpwcms_user', array('usr_pass' => md5($result[0]['PASSWORD'])), 'WHERE usr_id=' . $result[0]['usr_id']);
             $_loginData['remind_password'] = $result[0];
 if (isset($_loginData['remind_password']) || isset($_loginData['remind_login'])) {
     $_loginData['reminder'] = $_loginData['reminder_success'];
     $_loginData['LOGIN_URL'] = rel_url(array(), array('profile_manage', 'profile_register', 'profile_reminder'));
     $_loginData['reminder_email'] = str_replace('{LOGIN_URL}', PHPWCMS_URL . $_loginData['LOGIN_URL'], $_loginData['reminder_email']);
     if (isset($_loginData['remind_password'])) {
         $_loginData['reminder_email'] = str_replace('{LOGIN}', $_loginData['remind_password']['LOGIN'], $_loginData['reminder_email']);
         $_loginData['reminder_email'] = str_replace('{PASSWORD}', $_loginData['remind_password']['PASSWORD'], $_loginData['reminder_email']);
         $_loginData['reminder_to'] = $_loginData['remind_password']['EMAIL'];
         $_loginData['reminder_email_body'] = returnTagContent($_loginData['reminder_email'], 'PASSWORD_EMAIL');
         $_loginData['reminder_email_body'] = $_loginData['reminder_email_body']['tag'];