public function addpropertyAction() { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $this->view->pageTitle = "Add a Property"; $ppty_no = generate_property_no($mySession->LoggedUserId); $this->view->ppty_no = $ppty_no; //code for checking the status of each step if (isset($mySession->property_id)) { $statusArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $mySession->property_id . "' "); $this->view->status_2 = $status_step2 = $statusArr[0]['status_2']; $this->view->status_3 = $status_step3 = $statusArr[0]['status_3']; $this->view->status_4 = $status_step4 = $statusArr[0]['status_4']; $this->view->status_5 = $status_step5 = $statusArr[0]['status_5']; $this->view->status_6 = $status_step6 = $statusArr[0]['status_6']; $this->view->status_7 = $status_step7 = $statusArr[0]['status_7']; $this->view->status_8 = $status_step8 = $statusArr[0]['status_8']; $this->view->status_9 = $status_step9 = $statusArr[0]['status_9']; if ($status_step2 && $status_step3 && $status_step4 && $status_step5 && $status_step6 && $status_step7 && $status_step8 && $status_step9) { $status_data['status'] = '2'; $condition = "id=" . $mySession->property_id; $db->modify(PROPERTY, $status_data, $condition); } } else { $this->view->status_2 = 0; $this->view->status_3 = 0; $this->view->status_4 = 0; $this->view->status_5 = 0; $this->view->status_6 = 0; $this->view->status_7 = 0; $this->view->status_8 = 0; $this->view->status_9 = 0; } if ($mySession->ppty_no != "") { $pId = $mySession->ppty_no; } else { $pId = ""; $mySession->step = '0'; } $this->view->pId = $pId; $stepId = $this->getRequest()->getParam("step"); if ($stepId != "") { $mySession->step = $stepId - 1; } switch ($mySession->step) { case '0': $myform = new Form_Ownproperty($mySession->property_id); $this->view->step = '1'; $step = '1'; if (isset($mySession->property_id)) { $ratingArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $mySession->property_id . "' "); $this->view->rating = $ratingArr[0]['star_rating']; } break; case '1': $specArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SPECIFICATION . " as s inner join " . PROPERTY_SPEC_CAT . " as psc on s.cat_id = psc.cat_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t where psc.cat_status = '1' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t and s.status = '1' order by psc.cat_id, s.spec_order asc\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t "); $this->view->specData = $specArr; $myform = new Form_Propertyspec($mySession->property_id); $this->view->stepId = $stepId; $this->view->step = '2'; $step = '2'; //bathroom no. $bathroomArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $mySession->property_id . "' "); $this->view->no_bedrooms = $bathroomArr[0]['bedrooms']; break; case '2': $amenityArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . AMENITY_PAGE . " "); $this->view->amenityData = $amenityArr; $amenity = $db->runQuery("select * from " . AMENITY . " where amenity_status = '1' "); $this->view->amenityArr = $amenity; if ($mySession->property_id != '') { $myform = new Form_Amenity($mySession->property_id); } else { $myform = new Form_Amenity(); } $this->view->step = '3'; $step = '3'; break; case '3': if ($stepId == '4') { $myform = new Form_Location($mySession->property_id); } else { $myform = new Form_Location(); } $this->view->step = '4'; $step = '4'; break; case '4': $this->view->step = '5'; $Arr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $mySession->property_id . "' "); $this->view->floorPlan = $Arr[0]['floor_plan']; //$myform = new Form_Photo(); $step = '5'; //submit photo action //submit photo action ends break; case '5': $myform = new Form_Cal(); $this->view->myform = $myform; $next = $this->getRequest()->getParam("cal"); if ($next != "") { $this->view->nexts = $next; } else { $this->view->nexts = 0; } $calArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . CAL_AVAIL . " where property_id = '" . $mySession->property_id . "' "); $this->view->calArr = $calArr; $this->view->step = '6'; $step = '6'; //passing default value of calendar to view $pptyArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $mySession->property_id . "' "); $this->view->cal_default = $pptyArr[0]['cal_default']; break; case '6': $this->view->step = '7'; $step = '7'; $offerArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SPCL_OFFER_TYPES . " as sot left join " . SPCL_OFFERS . " as so \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t on = so.offer_id where so.property_id = '" . $mySession->property_id . "' order by so.spcl_offer_id asc\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t "); if (count($offerArr) == 0) { $offerArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SPCL_OFFER_TYPES . ""); foreach ($offerArr as $values) { $dataForm['offer_id'] = $values['id']; //$dataForm['date_from'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_REQUEST['Date_f'])); //$dataForm['date_to'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_REQUEST['Date_t'])); //$dataForm['nights'] = $_REQUEST['Nights']; //$dataForm['prate'] = $_REQUEST['Rate']; $dataForm["property_id"] = $mySession->property_id; $db->save(SPCL_OFFERS, $dataForm); } } $this->view->offerArr = $offerArr; //echo $mySession->step; exit; //rental question $rentalQues = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $mySession->property_id . "' "); if ($rentalQues != "" && count($rentalQues) > 0) { $this->view->rental_ques = $rentalQues[0]['rental_ques']; } //currency data $currData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . CURRENCY . " order by currency_order asc "); $this->view->currencyData = $currData; //checking for currency if ($rentalQues[0]['currency_code'] != NULL) { $this->view->currency_set = '1'; $this->view->currency_val = $rentalQues[0]['currency_code']; } else { $this->view->currency_set = '0'; } break; case '7': $myform = new Form_Oreview($mySession->property_id); //query for getting image $this->view->step = '8'; //$uData = $db->runQuery("select * from ".OWNER_REVIEW." where property_id = '".$mySession->property_id."' "); /* if($uData[0]['owner_image'] == "") $this->view->image = "no_owner_pic.jpg"; else $this->view->image = $uData[0]['owner_image']; */ if (!isset($mySession->reviewImage)) { $mySession->reviewImage = "no_owner_pic.jpg"; } $this->view->myform = $myform; $reviewArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . OWNER_REVIEW . " as r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join " . PROPERTY . " as p on = r.property_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join " . USERS . " as u on u.user_id = p.user_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere r.property_id = '" . $mySession->property_id . "' and r.review_status = '1' order by r.review_id desc "); $i = 0; foreach ($reviewArr as $val) { if ($val['parent_id'] == 0) { $childArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . OWNER_REVIEW . " where parent_id = '" . $val['review_id'] . "' "); $reviewData[$i]['review_id'] = $val['review_id']; $reviewData[$i]['uType'] = $val['uType']; $reviewData[$i]['guest_name'] = $val['guest_name']; $reviewData[$i]['owner_image'] = $val['guest_image']; $reviewData[$i]['headline'] = $val['headline']; $reviewData[$i]['review'] = $val['review']; $reviewData[$i]['comment'] = $val['comment']; $reviewData[$i]['location'] = $val['location']; $reviewData[$i]['image'] = $val['image']; $reviewData[$i]['review_date'] = $val['review_date']; $reviewData[$i]['check_in'] = $val['check_in']; $reviewData[$i]['rating'] = $val['rating']; $k = 0; foreach ($childArr as $val1) { $reviewData[$i]['child'][$k]['guest_name'] = $val1['guest_name']; $reviewData[$i]['child'][$k]['owner_image'] = $val1['guest_image']; $reviewData[$i]['child'][$k]['comment'] = $val1['comment']; $reviewData[$i]['child'][$k]['review_date'] = $val1['review_date']; $k++; } } $i++; } //prd($reviewData); $this->view->reviewArr = $reviewData; break; case '8': if (isset($mySession->property_id)) { $myform = new Form_Arrival($mySession->property_id); } else { $myform = new Form_Arrival(); } $this->view->step = '9'; $this->view->myform = $myform; $Arrival = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $mySession->property_id . "' "); $this->view->arrival = $Arrival[0]['arrival_instruction']; $this->view->arrival1 = $Arrival[0]['arrival_instruction1']; $this->view->arrival2 = $Arrival[0]['arrival_instruction2']; if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $mySession->step = '9'; } break; case '9': $this->view->step = '10'; $dataUpdate = array(); $dataUpdate['status'] = '2'; $condition = " id = " . $mySession->property_id; $db->modify(PROPERTY, $dataUpdate, $condition); break; } //switch case ends /* code used for step 2 */ if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && $_REQUEST['copy_ppty'] == "") { if ($_REQUEST['next'] != "") { $mySession->step = '2'; } } if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && $_REQUEST['copy_ppty'] != "") { $chkQuery = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where propertycode = '" . trim($_REQUEST['copy_ppty']) . "' "); if ($chkQuery != "" && count($chkQuery) > 0) { $param1 = $_REQUEST['pricing']; $param2 = $_REQUEST['available']; $param3 = $_REQUEST['offers']; $param4 = $_REQUEST['images']; $obj = new Propertyintro(); $obj->copyProperty($_REQUEST['copy_ppty'], $param1, $param2, $param3, $param4); } else { $mySession->errorMsg = "Please enter proper property code in the box"; } $this->_redirect("myaccount/addproperty"); } /* * * checking that step 2 is there then fetch property specification from the table * */ $this->view->myform = $myform; $this->view->varsuccess = $varsuccess; /* * * Image fetch from database ** */ /* * * ** */ }
public function init($ppty_id) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $country_id_value = ""; $state_id_value = ""; $city_id_value = ""; $address_value = ""; $zipcode_value = ""; $telephone_value = ""; $website_value = ""; $no_of_bedroom_value = ""; $no_of_bathroom_value = ""; $no_of_en_suite_bathroom_value = ""; $occupancy_value = ""; $company_name_value = ""; $agent_name_value = ""; $agent_address_value = ""; $agent_telephone = ""; $agent_email_value = ""; $direction_property_value = ""; $key_instruction_value = ""; $late_instruction_value = ""; $arrival_instruction_value = ""; $title_value = ""; $introduction_value = "Up to 300 Characters"; $sub_area_value = ""; $local_area_value = ""; $accomodation_type_value = ""; $rating_value = ""; $meta_keywords_value = ""; $meta_description_value = ""; if ($ppty_id != "") { $pptyData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $ppty_id . "' "); //prd($pptyData); $title_value = $pptyData[0]['property_title']; $introduction_value = $pptyData[0]['brief_desc']; $country_id_value = $pptyData[0]['country_id']; $state_id_value = $pptyData[0]['state_id']; $city_id_value = $pptyData[0]['city_id']; $sub_area_value = $pptyData[0]['sub_area_id']; $local_area_value = $pptyData[0]['local_area_id']; $zipcode_value = $pptyData[0]['zipcode']; $accomodation_type_value = $pptyData[0]['property_type']; $no_of_bedroom_value = $pptyData[0]['bedrooms']; $no_of_bathroom_value = $pptyData[0]['bathrooms']; $no_of_en_suite_bathroom_value = $pptyData[0]['en_bedrooms']; $occupancy_value = $pptyData[0]['maximum_occupancy']; $meta_keywords_value = $pptyData[0]['meta_keywords']; $meta_description_value = $pptyData[0]['meta_description']; //get attribute values $attributeVal = $db->runQuery("select attrib.attribute_id, attrib.attribute_name from " . ATTRIBUTE_ANS . " attrib_ans inner join " . ATTRIBUTE . " attrib on attrib_ans.ans_attribute_id = attrib.attribute_id where attribute_status = '1' and attrib_ans.ans_property_id= '{$ppty_id}' "); $attributeVal = array_map(function ($x) { return $x['attribute_id']; }, $attributeVal); } $title = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('title'); $title->setRequired(true)->addValidator('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => 'Title is required.'))->addDecorator('Errors', array('class' => 'errmsg'))->setAttrib("class", "mws-textinput required limitmatch")->setAttrib("placeholder", "Up to 100 Characters")->setAttrib("maxlength", "100")->setValue($title_value); $meta_keywords = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('meta_keywords'); $meta_keywords->addValidator('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => 'Keywords is required.'))->addDecorator('Errors', array('class' => 'errmsg'))->setAttrib("class", "mws-textinput limitmatch")->setAttrib("placeholder", "Up to 100 Characters")->setAttrib("maxlength", "100")->setValue($meta_keywords_value); $meta_description = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('meta_description'); $meta_description->addValidator('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => 'Description is required.'))->addDecorator('Errors', array('class' => 'errmsg'))->setAttrib("class", "mws-textinput limitmatch")->setAttrib("placeholder", "Up to 200 Characters")->setAttrib("maxlength", "200")->setValue($meta_description_value); $introduction = new Zend_Form_Element_Textarea('introduction'); $introduction->setRequired(true)->addValidator('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => 'Title is required.'))->addDecorator('Errors', array('class' => 'errmsg'))->setAttrib("class", "mws-textinput required limitmatch1")->setAttrib("placeholder", "Up to 300 Characters ")->setAttrib("maxlength", "300")->setValue($introduction_value); $CountryArr = array(); $CountryArr[0]['key'] = ""; $CountryArr[0]['value'] = "- - Country - -"; $CountryData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . COUNTRIES . " order by country_name"); if ($CountryData != "" and count($CountryData) > 0) { $i = 1; foreach ($CountryData as $key => $CountryValues) { $CountryArr[$i]['key'] = $CountryValues['country_id']; $CountryArr[$i]['value'] = $CountryValues['country_name']; $i++; } } $country_id = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('country_id'); $country_id->setRequired(true)->addMultiOptions($CountryArr)->addValidator('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => 'Country is required.'))->addDecorator('Errors', array('class' => 'errmsg'))->setAttrib("class", "mws-textinput required")->setAttrib("onchange", "getCountryState(this.value);")->setValue($country_id_value); $stateArr = array(); $stateArr[0]['key'] = ""; $stateArr[0]['value'] = "- - State - -"; /* if($userId != "") { $stateData=$db->runQuery("select * from ".USERS." as u inner join ".STATE." as s on s.state_id = u.state_id where u.user_id='".$userId."'"); $stateArr[0]['key'] = $stateData[0]['state_id']; $stateArr[0]['value'] = $stateData[0]['state_name']; $state_id_value = $adminData[0]['state_id']; } */ // echo $_REQUEST['country_id']; exit; if ($_REQUEST['country_id'] != "" || $ppty_id != "") { if ($_REQUEST['country_id'] != "") { $stateData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . STATE . " as s inner join " . COUNTRIES . " as c on s.country_id = c.country_id\n\t\t\t \t\t\t\t\t\t where s.country_id='" . $_REQUEST['country_id'] . "'"); $state_id_value = $_REQUEST['state_id']; } else { $stateData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . STATE . " as s inner join " . COUNTRIES . " as c on s.country_id = c.country_id\n\t \t\t\t\t\t\t where s.country_id='" . $country_id_value . "'"); } $i = 1; foreach ($stateData as $values) { $stateArr[$i]['key'] = $values['state_id']; $stateArr[$i]['value'] = $values['state_name']; $i++; } } $state_id = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('state_id'); $state_id->setRequired(true)->addMultiOptions($stateArr)->addValidator('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => 'State is required.'))->addDecorator('Errors', array('class' => 'errmsg'))->setRegisterInArrayValidator(false)->setAttrib("class", "mws-textinput required")->setAttrib("onchange", "getStateCity(this.value);")->setValue($state_id_value); $cityArr = array(); $cityArr[0]['key'] = ""; $cityArr[0]['value'] = "- - City - -"; /* if($userId != "") { $cityData=$db->runQuery("select * from ".USERS." as u inner join ".CITIES." as c on c.city_id = u.city_id where u.user_id='".$userId."'"); $cityArr[0]['key'] = $cityData[0]['city_id']; $cityArr[0]['value'] = $cityData[0]['city_name']; $city_id_value = $cityData[0]['city_id']; } */ if ($_REQUEST['state_id'] != "" || $ppty_id != "") { if ($_REQUEST['state_id'] != "") { $cityData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . CITIES . " where state_id='" . $_REQUEST['state_id'] . "'"); $city_id_value = $_REQUEST['city_id']; } else { $cityData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . CITIES . " where state_id='" . $state_id_value . "'"); } $i = 1; foreach ($cityData as $values) { $cityArr[$i]['key'] = $values['city_id']; $cityArr[$i]['value'] = $values['city_name']; $i++; } } $city_id = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('city_id'); $city_id->setRequired(true)->addMultiOptions($cityArr)->setRegisterInArrayValidator(false)->addValidator('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => 'City is required.'))->setAttrib("class", "mws-textinput required")->setAttrib("onchange", "getCitySub(this.value);")->setValue($city_id_value); /* * ** SUB AREA[OPTIONAL] **** */ /* * ************************** */ $subareaArr = array(); $subareaArr[0]['key'] = ""; $subareaArr[0]['value'] = "- - Sub Area - -"; if ($_REQUEST['city_id'] != "" || $ppty_id != "") { if ($_REQUEST['city_id'] != "") { $subareaData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SUB_AREA . " where city_id ='" . $_REQUEST['city_id'] . "'"); $sub_area_value = $_REQUEST['sub_area']; } else { $subareaData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SUB_AREA . " where city_id ='" . $city_id_value . "'"); } $i = 1; foreach ($subareaData as $values) { $subareaArr[$i]['key'] = $values['sub_area_id']; $subareaArr[$i]['value'] = $values['sub_area_name']; $i++; } } //prd($sub_area_value); $sub_area = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('sub_area'); $sub_area->addMultiOptions($subareaArr)->setRegisterInArrayValidator(false)->setAttrib("class", "mws-textinput")->setAttrib("onchange", "getSubLocal(this.value);")->setValue($sub_area_value); /* * ** LOCAL AREA[OPTIONAL] ** */ /* * ************************** */ $localareaArr = array(); $localareaArr[0]['key'] = ""; $localareaArr[0]['value'] = "- - Local Area - -"; if ($_REQUEST['sub_area'] != "" || $ppty_id != "") { if ($_REQUEST['sub_area'] != "") { $localareaData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . LOCAL_AREA . " where sub_area_id ='" . $_REQUEST['sub_area'] . "'"); $local_area_value = $_REQUEST['local_area']; } else { $localareaData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . LOCAL_AREA . " where sub_area_id ='" . $sub_area_value . "'"); } $i = 1; foreach ($localareaData as $values) { $localareaArr[$i]['key'] = $values['local_area_id']; $localareaArr[$i]['value'] = $values['local_area_name']; $i++; } } $local_area = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('local_area'); $local_area->addMultiOptions($localareaArr)->setRegisterInArrayValidator(false)->setAttrib("class", "mws-textinput")->setValue($local_area_value); /* $address= new Zend_Form_Element_Textarea('address'); $address->setAttrib("class","mws-textinput required") ->setAttrib("rows","4") ->setAttrib("cols","30") ->setValue($address_value); */ $zipcode = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('zipcode'); $zipcode->setRequired(true)->addValidator('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => 'Zipcode is required.'))->addDecorator('Errors', array('class' => 'errmsg'))->setAttrib("class", "mws-textinput required")->setAttrib("maxlength", "7")->setValue($zipcode_value); /* $telephone = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('telephone'); $telephone->setRequired(true) ->addValidator('NotEmpty',true,array('messages' =>'Telephone number is required.')) ->addDecorator('Errors', array('class'=>'errmsg')) ->setAttrib("class","mws-textinput required") ->setAttrib("maxlength","15") ->setValue($telephone_value); */ /* $website = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('website'); $website->addDecorator('Errors', array('class'=>'errmsg')) ->setAttrib("class","mws-textinput url") ->setValue($website_value); */ $accomodationData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY_TYPE . " order by ptyle_name"); $accomodationArr[0]['key'] = ""; $accomodationArr[0]['value'] = "- - select -- "; $i = 1; foreach ($accomodationData as $key => $Data) { $accomodationArr[$i]['key'] = $Data['ptyle_id']; $accomodationArr[$i]['value'] = $Data['ptyle_name']; $i++; } $accomodation_type = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('accomodation_type'); $accomodation_type->setRequired(true)->addMultiOptions($accomodationArr)->addValidator('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => 'Country is required.'))->addDecorator('Errors', array('class' => 'errmsg'))->setAttrib("class", "mws-textinput required")->setValue($accomodation_type_value); /** number of bedrooms * */ $no_of_bedroomArr[0]['key'] = ""; $no_of_bedroomArr[0]['value'] = "- - Select - -"; for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $no_of_bedroomArr[$i]['key'] = $i; $no_of_bedroomArr[$i]['value'] = $i; } $no_of_bedroom = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('no_of_bedroom'); $no_of_bedroom->setRequired(true)->addMultiOptions($no_of_bedroomArr)->addValidator('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => 'Country is required.'))->addDecorator('Errors', array('class' => 'errmsg'))->setAttrib("class", "mws-textinput required")->setValue($no_of_bedroom_value); /** number of bathrooms * */ $no_of_bathroomArr[0]['key'] = ""; $no_of_bathroomArr[0]['value'] = "- - Select - -"; for ($i = 1, $k = 1; $i <= 20; $k = $k + 0.5, $i++) { $no_of_bathroomArr[$i]['key'] = $k; $no_of_bathroomArr[$i]['value'] = $k; } $no_of_bathroom = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('no_of_bathroom'); $no_of_bathroom->setRequired(true)->addMultiOptions($no_of_bathroomArr)->addDecorator('Errors', array('class' => 'errmsg'))->setAttrib("class", "mws-textinput required")->setValue($no_of_bathroom_value); /** number of En-Suite Bathrooms * */ $no_of_nbathroomArr[0]['key'] = ""; $no_of_nbathroomArr[0]['value'] = "- - Select - -"; for ($i = 1, $k = 0; $k <= 8; $i++, $k++) { $no_of_nbathroomArr[$i]['key'] = $k; $no_of_nbathroomArr[$i]['value'] = $k; } $no_of_en_suite_bathroom = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('no_of_en_suite_bathroom'); $no_of_en_suite_bathroom->setRequired(true)->addMultiOptions($no_of_nbathroomArr)->addValidator('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => 'Country is required.'))->addDecorator('Errors', array('class' => 'errmsg'))->setAttrib("class", "mws-textinput required")->setValue($no_of_en_suite_bathroom_value); /** maximum occupancy * */ $occupancyArr[0]['key'] = ""; $occupancyArr[0]['value'] = "- - Select - -"; for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; $i++) { $occupancyArr[$i]['key'] = $i; $occupancyArr[$i]['value'] = $i; } $occupancy = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('occupancy'); $occupancy->setRequired(true)->addMultiOptions($occupancyArr)->addValidator('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => 'Country is required.'))->addDecorator('Errors', array('class' => 'errmsg'))->setAttrib("class", "mws-textinput required")->setValue($occupancy_value); /** Rating * */ /* for($i = 1; $i<=5;$i++) { $ratingArr[$i]['key'] = $i; } $rating = new Zend_Form_Element_Radio('rating'); $rating->setRequired(true) ->addMultiOptions($ratingArr) ->setRegisterInArrayValidator(false) ->removeDecorator('label') ->setAttrib("class","star") ->setValue($rating_value); */ $primesData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . ATTRIBUTE . " where attribute_status = '1' "); foreach ($primesData as $primesKey => $primesVal) { $primesArr[$primesKey]['key'] = $primesVal['attribute_id']; $primesArr[$primesKey]['value'] = $primesVal['attribute_name']; } $primes = new Zend_Form_Element_MultiCheckbox('primes'); $primes->addMultiOptions($primesArr)->setAttrib("class", "mws-textinput")->setAttrib('label_style', '')->setAttrib("padding", "5px")->setValue($attributeVal); /* hidden field for checking the step */ $step = new Zend_Form_Element_Hidden('step'); $step->setValue("1"); $ppty_no = new Zend_Form_Element_Hidden('ppty_no'); $ppty_no->setValue(generate_property_no(11)); $this->addElements(array($title, $introduction, $country_id, $state_id, $city_id, $zipcode, $accomodation_type, $no_of_bedroom, $no_of_bathroom, $no_of_en_suite_bathroom, $occupancy, $step, $sub_area, $local_area, $ppty_no, $meta_keywords, $meta_description, $primes)); }
public function copyProperty($ppty_no, $param1, $param2, $param3, $param4) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $chkQuery = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where propertycode = '" . $ppty_no . "' "); //step1 is saved in database $data_update['propertycode'] = generate_property_no($mySession->LoggedUserId); $data_update['property_type'] = $chkQuery[0]['property_type']; $data_update['property_title'] = $chkQuery[0]['property_title']; //$data_update['telephone'] = $dataForm['telephone']; $data_update['website'] = $chkQuery[0]['website']; $data_update['brief_desc'] = $chkQuery[0]['brief_desc']; $data_update['country_id'] = $chkQuery[0]['country_id']; $data_update['state_id'] = $chkQuery[0]['state_id']; $data_update['city_id'] = $chkQuery[0]['city_id']; $data_update['sub_area_id'] = $chkQuery[0]['sub_area_id']; $data_update['local_area_id'] = $chkQuery[0]['local_area_id']; $data_update['zipcode'] = $chkQuery[0]['zipcode']; $data_update['date_added'] = date('Y-m-d'); /* other details */ $data_update['bedrooms'] = $chkQuery[0]['bedrooms']; $data_update['bathrooms'] = $chkQuery[0]['bathrooms']; $data_update['en_bedrooms'] = $chkQuery[0]['en_bedrooms']; $data_update['maximum_occupancy'] = $chkQuery[0]['maximum_occupancy']; $meta_keywords = $chkQuery[0]['property_title'] . ", " . $chkQuery[0]['bedrooms'] . " bedrooms, " . $chkQuery[0]['bathrooms'] . " bathrooms, " . $chkQuery[0]['property_type'] . ", " . $data_update['propertycode']; $meta_description = substr($chkQuery[0]['brief_desc'], 0, 200); $data_update['meta_keywords'] = addslashes($meta_keywords); $data_update['meta_description'] = addslashes($meta_description); //$data_update['status'] = '1'; $data_update['star_rating'] = $chkQuery[0]['star_rating']; $data_update['user_id'] = $mySession->LoggedUserId; $data_update['status_2'] = $chkQuery[0]['status_2']; //prd($data_update); //step 3 $data_update['big_desc'] = $chkQuery[0]['big_desc']; $data_update['amenity_ques'] = $chkQuery[0]['amenity_ques']; $data_update['airport1'] = $chkQuery[0]['airport1']; $data_update['airport2'] = $chkQuery[0]['airport2']; $data_update['distance_airport1'] = $chkQuery[0]['distance_airport1']; $data_update['distance_airport2'] = $chkQuery[0]['distance_airport2']; $data_update['status_3'] = $chkQuery[0]['status_3']; //step 4 $data_update['cletitude'] = $chkQuery[0]['cletitude']; $data_update['clongitude'] = $chkQuery[0]['clongitude']; $data_update['address'] = $chkQuery[0]['address']; $data_update['status_4'] = $chkQuery[0]['status_4']; //step 5 if ($chkQuery[0]['floor_plan'] != "") { $tmp_name = explode(".", $chkQuery[0]['floor_plan']); $randomname = "floorplan_" . $chkQuery[0]['user_id'] . "_" . time() . "." . $tmp_name[count($tmp_name) - 1]; $chkQuery[0]['floor_plan']; copy(SITE_ROOT . "images/floorplan/" . $chkQuery[0]['floor_plan'], SITE_ROOT . "images/floorplan/" . $randomname); $data_update['floor_plan'] = $randomname; } //step 7 $data_update['currency_code'] = $chkQuery[0]['currency_code']; //step 8 $data_update['rental_ques'] = $chkQuery[0]['rental_ques']; //step 9 $data_update['agent_person'] = $chkQuery[0]['agent_person']; $data_update['agent_name'] = $chkQuery[0]['agent_name']; $data_update['agent_phone'] = $chkQuery[0]['agent_phone']; $data_update['agent_address'] = $chkQuery[0]['agent_address']; $data_update['agent_email'] = $chkQuery[0]['agent_email']; $data_update['agent_website'] = $chkQuery[0]['agent_website']; $data_update['property_name'] = $chkQuery[0]['property_name']; $data_update['address1'] = $chkQuery[0]['address1']; $data_update['telephone'] = $chkQuery[0]['telephone']; $data_update['emergency_no'] = $chkQuery[0]['emergency_no']; $data_update['website'] = $chkQuery[0]['website']; $data_update['master_cal_url'] = $chkQuery[0]['master_cal_url']; /* instruction details */ $data_update['directions_to_property'] = $chkQuery[0]['directions_to_property']; $data_update['late_arrival_instruction'] = $chkQuery[0]['late_arrival_instruction']; if ($chkQuery[0]['arrival_instruction'] != "") { $tmp_name = explode(".", $chkQuery[0]['arrival_instruction']); $randomname = $tmp_name[0] . date() . time() . "." . $tmp_name[count($tmp_name) - 1]; copy(SITE_ROOT . "uploads/instructions/" . $chkQuery[0]['arrival_instruction'], SITE_ROOT . "uploads/instructions/" . $randomname); $data_update['arrival_instruction'] = $randomname; } if ($chkQuery[0]['arrival_instruction1'] != "") { $tmp_name = explode(".", $chkQuery[0]['arrival_instruction1']); $randomname = $tmp_name[0] . date() . time() . "." . $tmp_name[count($tmp_name) - 1]; copy(SITE_ROOT . "uploads/instructions/" . $chkQuery[0]['arrival_instruction1'], SITE_ROOT . "uploads/instructions/" . $randomname); $data_update['arrival_instruction1'] = $randomname; } if ($chkQuery[0]['arrival_instruction2'] != "") { $tmp_name = explode(".", $chkQuery[0]['arrival_instruction2']); $randomname = $tmp_name[0] . date() . time() . "." . $tmp_name[count($tmp_name) - 1]; copy(SITE_ROOT . "uploads/instructions/" . $chkQuery[0]['arrival_instruction2'], SITE_ROOT . "uploads/instructions/" . $randomname); $data_update['arrival_instruction2'] = $randomname; } $data_update['key_instructions'] = $chkQuery[0]['key_instructions']; $data_update['status_9'] = $chkQuery[0]['status_9']; $db->save(PROPERTY, $data_update); $mySession->property_id = $db->lastInsertId(); $mySession->ppty_no = $data_update['propertycode']; //$mySession->step = '1'; //COPY SPECIFICATION $specArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SPEC_ANS . " where property_id = '" . $chkQuery[0]['id'] . "' "); foreach ($specArr as $val) { $data_update1['user_id'] = $mySession->LoggedUserId; $data_update1['property_id'] = $mySession->property_id; $data_update1['spec_id'] = $val['spec_id']; $data_update1['answer'] = $val['answer']; $db->save(SPEC_ANS, $data_update1); } //COPY AMENITY STEP $amenityArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . AMENITY_ANS . " where property_id = '" . $chkQuery[0]['id'] . "' "); $data_update1 = array(); foreach ($amenityArr as $val) { $data_update1['user_id'] = $mySession->LoggedUserId; $data_update1['property_id'] = $mySession->property_id; $data_update1['amenity_id'] = $val['amenity_id']; $data_update1['amenity_value'] = $val['amenity_value']; $db->save(AMENITY_ANS, $data_update1); } //IMAGE UPLOAD STEP 5 if ($param4 == '1') { $galleryArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . GALLERY . " where property_id = '" . $chkQuery[0]['id'] . "' "); $data_update1 = array(); foreach ($galleryArr as $val) { $data_update1['property_id'] = $mySession->property_id; //code for duplicating image as well as naming it $gimage = explode(".", $val['image_name']); $randomname = date() . time() . $val['gallery_id'] . "." . $gimage[count($gimage) - 1]; copy(SITE_ROOT . "images/property/" . $val['image_name'], SITE_ROOT . "images/property/" . $randomname); $data_update1['image_name'] = $randomname; $data_update1['image_title'] = $val['image_title']; $db->save(GALLERY, $data_update1); } $status_update = ""; $status_update['status_5'] = $chkQuery[0]['status_5']; $condition = "id=" . $mySession->property_id; $db->modify(PROPERTY, $status_update, $condition); } //AVAILABILITY CALENDAR STEP 6 if ($param2 == '1') { $galleryArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . CAL_AVAIL . " where property_id = '" . $chkQuery[0]['id'] . "' "); $data_update1 = array(); foreach ($galleryArr as $val) { $data_update1['property_id'] = $mySession->property_id; $data_update1['date_from'] = $val['date_from']; $data_update1['date_to'] = $val['date_to']; $data_update1['cal_status'] = $val['cal_status']; $db->save(CAL_AVAIL, $data_update1); } $status_update = ""; //step 6 $status_update['cal_default'] = $chkQuery[0]['cal_default']; $status_update['status_6'] = $chkQuery[0]['status_6']; $condition = "id=" . $mySession->property_id; $db->modify(PROPERTY, $status_update, $condition); } //RENTAL RATES STEP 7 if ($param1 == '1') { $rateArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . CAL_RATE . " where property_id = '" . $chkQuery[0]['id'] . "' "); $data_update1 = array(); foreach ($rateArr as $val) { $data_update1['property_id'] = $mySession->property_id; $data_update1['date_from'] = $val['date_from']; $data_update1['date_to'] = $val['date_to']; $data_update1['nights'] = $val['nights']; $data_update1['prate'] = $val['prate']; $db->save(CAL_RATE, $data_update1); } //save extras $extraArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . EXTRAS . " where property_id = '" . $chkQuery[0]['id'] . "' "); $data_update1 = array(); foreach ($extraArr as $eval) { $data_update1['property_id'] = $mySession->property_id; $data_update1['ename'] = $eval['ename']; $data_update1['eprice'] = $eval['eprice']; $data_update1['etype'] = $eval['etype']; $data_update1['stay_type'] = $eval['stay_type']; $db->save(EXTRAS, $data_update1); } $status_update = ""; $status_update['status_7'] = $chkQuery[0]['status_7']; $condition = "id=" . $mySession->property_id; $db->modify(PROPERTY, $status_update, $condition); } //RENTAL RATES EXTRAS STEP7 $extrasArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . EXTRAS . " where property_id = '" . $chkQuery[0]['id'] . "' "); $data_update1 = array(); foreach ($extrasArr as $val) { $data_update1['property_id'] = $mySession->property_id; $data_update1['ename'] = $val['ename']; $data_update1['eprice'] = $val['eprice']; $data_update1['etype'] = $val['etype']; $db->save(EXTRAS, $data_update1); } //SPECIAL OFFERS STEP 7 if ($param3 == '1') { $offerArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SPCL_OFFERS . " where property_id = '" . $chkQuery[0]['id'] . "' "); $data_update1 = array(); foreach ($offerArr as $val) { $data_update1['property_id'] = $mySession->property_id; $data_update1['offer_id'] = $val['offer_id']; $data_update1['discount_offer'] = $val['discount_offer']; $data_update1['valid_from'] = $val['valid_from']; $data_update1['valid_to'] = $val['valid_to']; $data_update1['min_night'] = $val['min_night']; $data_update1['book_by'] = $val['book_by']; $data_update1['activate'] = $val['activate']; $db->save(SPCL_OFFERS, $data_update1); } } //code to check the status of the current property in process $chkstatusArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $mySession->property_id . "' "); if ($chkstatusArr[0]['status_2'] && $chkstatusArr[0]['status_3'] && $chkstatusArr[0]['status_4'] && $chkstatusArr[0]['status_5'] && $chkstatusArr[0]['status_6'] && $chkstatusArr[0]['status_7'] && $chkstatusArr[0]['status_8'] && $chkstatusArr[0]['status_9']) { $status_update = ""; $status_update['status'] = '2'; $condition = "id=" . $mySession->property_id; $db->modify(PROPERTY, $status_update, $condition); } else { $status_update = ""; $status_update['status'] = '1'; $condition = "id=" . $mySession->property_id; $db->modify(PROPERTY, $status_update, $condition); } }
public function addpropertyAction() { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $this->view->pageHeading = "Add a Property"; $ppty_no = generate_property_no(11); $this->view->ppty_no = $ppty_no; //code for checking the status of each step if (isset($mySession->admin_property_id)) { $statusArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $mySession->admin_property_id . "' "); $this->view->status_2 = $status_step2 = $statusArr[0]['status_2']; $this->view->status_3 = $status_step3 = $statusArr[0]['status_3']; $this->view->status_4 = $status_step4 = $statusArr[0]['status_4']; $this->view->status_5 = $status_step5 = $statusArr[0]['status_5']; $this->view->status_6 = $status_step6 = $statusArr[0]['status_6']; $this->view->status_7 = $status_step7 = $statusArr[0]['status_7']; $this->view->status_8 = $status_step8 = $statusArr[0]['status_8']; $this->view->status_9 = $status_step9 = $statusArr[0]['status_9']; if ($status_step2 && $status_step3 && $status_step4 && $status_step5 && $status_step6 && $status_step7 && $status_step8 && $status_step9) { $status_data['status'] = '2'; $condition = "id=" . $mySession->admin_property_id; $db->modify(PROPERTY, $status_data, $condition); } $pptyId = $this->view->pptyId = $mySession->admin_property_id; $preview_link_data = $db->runQuery("select " . PROPERTY . ".propertycode ," . COUNTRIES . ".country_name, " . STATE . ".state_name, " . CITIES . ".city_name, " . LOCAL_AREA . ".local_area_name, " . SUB_AREA . ".sub_area_name,ptyle_name, ptyle_url, bedrooms, bathrooms from " . PROPERTY . " \n inner join " . PROPERTY_TYPE . " on " . PROPERTY_TYPE . ".ptyle_id = " . PROPERTY . ".property_type\n inner join " . COUNTRIES . " on " . COUNTRIES . ".country_id = " . PROPERTY . ".country_id\n inner join " . STATE . " on " . STATE . ".state_id = " . PROPERTY . ".state_id\n inner join " . CITIES . " on " . CITIES . ".city_id = " . PROPERTY . ".city_id\n left join " . SUB_AREA . " on " . SUB_AREA . ".sub_area_id = " . PROPERTY . ".sub_area_id\n left join " . LOCAL_AREA . " on " . LOCAL_AREA . ".local_area_id = " . PROPERTY . ".local_area_id\n where id = '" . $pptyId . "'\n "); $this->view->pageHeading = "Add a Propery -- Property no - " . $preview_link_data[0]['propertycode']; $this->view->assign($preview_link_data[0]); } else { $this->view->status_2 = 0; $this->view->status_3 = 0; $this->view->status_4 = 0; $this->view->status_5 = 0; $this->view->status_6 = 0; $this->view->status_7 = 0; $this->view->status_8 = 0; $this->view->status_9 = 0; } $stepId = $this->getRequest()->getParam("step"); if ($stepId != "") { $mySession->step = $stepId - 1; } if ($stepId == 'confirm') { $mySession->step = 0; } if (!isset($mySession->admin_property_id)) { $mySession->step = 0; } //prd($mySession->step); switch ($mySession->step) { default: case '0': $myform = new Form_Ownproperty($mySession->admin_property_id); $this->view->step = '1'; $step = '1'; if (isset($mySession->admin_property_id)) { $ratingArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $mySession->admin_property_id . "' "); $this->view->rating = $ratingArr[0]['star_rating']; } //custom attributes $customAttributes = $db->runQuery(" select * from " . ATTRIBUTE_ANS . " where ans_property_id = '{$pptyId}' and ans_attribute_id='0' "); $this->view->customAttributes = $customAttributes; break; case '1': $specArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SPECIFICATION . " as s inner join " . PROPERTY_SPEC_CAT . " as psc on s.cat_id = psc.cat_id \n where psc.cat_status = '1' \n and s.status = '1' order by psc.cat_id, s.spec_order asc\n\t\t\t\t\t\t "); $this->view->specData = $specArr; $myform = new Form_Propertyspec($mySession->admin_property_id); $this->view->stepId = $stepId; $this->view->step = '2'; $step = '2'; //bathroom no. $bathroomArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $mySession->admin_property_id . "' "); $this->view->no_bedrooms = $bathroomArr[0]['bedrooms']; break; case '2': $amenityArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . AMENITY_PAGE . " "); $this->view->amenityData = $amenityArr; $amenity = $db->runQuery("select * from " . AMENITY . " where amenity_status = '1' "); $this->view->amenityArr = $amenity; if ($mySession->admin_property_id != '') { $myform = new Form_Amenities($mySession->admin_property_id); } else { $myform = new Form_Amenities(); } $this->view->step = '3'; $step = '3'; break; case '3': if ($stepId == '4') { $myform = new Form_Location($mySession->admin_property_id); } else { $myform = new Form_Location(); } $this->view->step = '4'; $step = '4'; break; case '4': $this->view->step = '5'; $Arr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $mySession->admin_property_id . "' "); $this->view->floorPlan = $Arr[0]['floor_plan']; //$myform = new Form_Photo(); $step = '5'; //submit photo action //submit photo action ends break; case '5': $myform = new Form_Cal(); $this->view->myform = $myform; $next = $this->getRequest()->getParam("cal"); if ($next != "") { $this->view->nexts = $next; } else { $this->view->nexts = 0; } $calArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . CAL_AVAIL . " where property_id = '" . $mySession->admin_property_id . "' "); $this->view->calArr = $calArr; $this->view->step = '6'; $step = '6'; //passing default value of calendar to view $pptyArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $mySession->admin_property_id . "' "); $this->view->cal_default = $pptyArr[0]['cal_default']; break; case '6': $this->view->step = '7'; $step = '7'; $offerArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SPCL_OFFER_TYPES . " as sot left join " . SPCL_OFFERS . " as so \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t on = so.offer_id where so.property_id = '" . $mySession->admin_property_id . "' order by so.spcl_offer_id asc\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t "); if (count($offerArr) == 0) { $offerArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SPCL_OFFER_TYPES . ""); foreach ($offerArr as $values) { $dataForm['offer_id'] = $values['id']; //$dataForm['date_from'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_REQUEST['Date_f'])); //$dataForm['date_to'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_REQUEST['Date_t'])); //$dataForm['nights'] = $_REQUEST['Nights']; //$dataForm['prate'] = $_REQUEST['Rate']; $dataForm["property_id"] = $mySession->admin_property_id; $db->save(SPCL_OFFERS, $dataForm); } } $this->view->offerArr = $offerArr; //echo $mySession->step; exit; //rental question $rentalQues = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $mySession->admin_property_id . "' "); if ($rentalQues != "" && count($rentalQues) > 0) { $this->view->rental_ques = $rentalQues[0]['rental_ques']; } //currency data $currData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . CURRENCY . " order by currency_order asc "); $this->view->currencyData = $currData; //checking for currency if ($rentalQues[0]['currency_code'] != NULL) { $this->view->currency_set = '1'; $this->view->currency_val = $rentalQues[0]['currency_code']; } else { $this->view->currency_set = '0'; } break; case '7': $myform = new Form_Oreview($mySession->admin_property_id); //query for getting image $this->view->step = '8'; //$uData = $db->runQuery("select * from ".OWNER_REVIEW." where property_id = '".$mySession->admin_property_id."' "); /* if($uData[0]['owner_image'] == "") $this->view->image = "no_owner_pic.jpg"; else $this->view->image = $uData[0]['owner_image']; */ if (!isset($mySession->reviewImage)) { $mySession->reviewImage = "no_owner_pic.jpg"; } $this->view->myform = $myform; $reviewArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . OWNER_REVIEW . " as r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join " . PROPERTY . " as p on = r.property_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join " . USERS . " as u on u.user_id = p.user_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere r.property_id = '" . $mySession->admin_property_id . "' and r.review_status = '1' order by r.review_id desc "); $i = 0; foreach ($reviewArr as $val) { if ($val['parent_id'] == 0) { $childArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . OWNER_REVIEW . " where parent_id = '" . $val['review_id'] . "' "); $reviewData[$i]['review_id'] = $val['review_id']; $reviewData[$i]['uType'] = $val['uType']; $reviewData[$i]['guest_name'] = $val['guest_name']; $reviewData[$i]['owner_image'] = $val['guest_image']; $reviewData[$i]['headline'] = $val['headline']; $reviewData[$i]['review'] = $val['review']; $reviewData[$i]['comment'] = $val['comment']; $reviewData[$i]['location'] = $val['location']; $reviewData[$i]['image'] = $val['image']; $reviewData[$i]['review_date'] = $val['review_date']; $reviewData[$i]['check_in'] = $val['check_in']; $reviewData[$i]['rating'] = $val['rating']; $k = 0; foreach ($childArr as $val1) { $reviewData[$i]['child'][$k]['guest_name'] = $val1['guest_name']; $reviewData[$i]['child'][$k]['owner_image'] = $val1['guest_image']; $reviewData[$i]['child'][$k]['comment'] = $val1['comment']; $reviewData[$i]['child'][$k]['review_date'] = $val1['review_date']; $k++; } } $i++; } //prd($reviewData); $this->view->reviewArr = $reviewData; break; case '8': if (isset($mySession->admin_property_id)) { $myform = new Form_Arrival($mySession->admin_property_id); } else { $myform = new Form_Arrival(); } $this->view->step = '9'; $this->view->myform = $myform; $Arrival = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $mySession->admin_property_id . "' "); $this->view->arrival = $Arrival[0]['arrival_instruction']; $this->view->arrival1 = $Arrival[0]['arrival_instruction1']; $this->view->arrival2 = $Arrival[0]['arrival_instruction2']; if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $mySession->step = '9'; } break; case '9': $this->view->step = '10'; break; case '10': break; } //switch case ends /* code used for step 2 */ if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && $_REQUEST['copy_ppty'] == "") { if ($_REQUEST['next'] != "") { $mySession->step = '2'; } } $this->view->myform = $myform; $this->view->varsuccess = $varsuccess; //list of default properties $defaultPropertyArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where status = '5' "); $this->view->defaultPropertyArr = $defaultPropertyArr; }