Пример #1
include '_lib.php';
// sanitize token or alias
$token = isset($_REQUEST['token']) && sanitize('token', $_REQUEST['token']) ? $_REQUEST['token'] : FALSE;
$alias = isset($_REQUEST['alias']) && sanitize('alias', $_REQUEST['alias']) ? $_REQUEST['alias'] : FALSE;
// pull token if alias was supplied
if ($alias) {
    $aliasSQL = sprintf("SELECT token FROM aliases WHERE alias = '%s';", $alias);
    $aliasResult = mysql_query($aliasSQL);
    if ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($aliasResult)) {
        $token = $a['token'];
// pull makefile from DB
$opts['raw'] = isset($_GET['raw']) ? TRUE : FALSE;
$opts['alias'] = $alias ? $alias : FALSE;
$makefile = generateMakefile($token, $opts);
if (!$makefile) {
    $fail = 'fail';
    $error = "Something broke :(\r\n\nCheck your URL...\r\n\r\n\r\n\n...or if there's an error onscreen and you feel generous,\nyou could post it at https://github.com/rupl/drush_make_generator/issues - thanks!";
// output mode?
if (isset($opts['raw']) && $opts['raw'] == 'raw') {
    // raw/permalink
    header("Content-type: text/plain\r\n");
    print $makefile;
} else {
    // bookmarking/sharing
<!doctype html>  
Пример #2


// sanitize token and pull makefile from db
$token = (isset($_REQUEST['token']) && sanitize('token',$_REQUEST['token'])) ? $_REQUEST['token'] : '';
$mode = (isset($_GET['raw'])) ? 'raw' : FALSE;
$makefile = generateMakefile($token,$mode);

if (!$makefile){
  $fail = 'fail';
  $error = "Something broke :(\r\n
Check your URL...\r\n\r\n\r\n
...or if there's an error onscreen post it at https://github.com/rupl/drush_make_generator/issues - thanks!";

// output mode?
if ($mode == 'raw') {

  // raw/permalink
  header("Content-type: text/plain\r\n");
  print $makefile;

} else {