function switcher_controllink($html) { global $personalities, $_zp_gallery_page; $personality = getOption('themeSwitcher_garland_personality'); if (!$personality) { $personality = getOption('garland_personality'); } ?> <span id="themeSwitcher_garland"> <span title="<?php echo gettext("Garland image display handling."); ?> "> <?php echo gettext('Personality'); ?> <select name="themePersonality" id="themePersonality" onchange="switchPersonality();"> <?php generateListFromArray(array($personality), $personalities, false, true); ?> </select> </span> </span> <?php return $html; }
function handleOption($option, $currentValue) { $themecolors = array('red', 'white', 'blue', 'none'); if ($option == 'demoTheme_colors') { echo '<select id="demoTheme_themeselect_colors" name="' . $option . '"' . ">\n"; generateListFromArray(array($currentValue), $themecolors, false, false); echo "</select>\n"; } }
function handleOption($option, $currentValue) { global $themecolors; if ($option == 'Theme_colors') { echo '<select id="EF_themeselect_colors" name="' . $option . '"' . ">\n"; generateListFromArray(array($currentValue), $themecolors, false, false); echo "</select>\n"; } }
function handleOption($option, $currentValue) { switch ($option) { case 'simplicity3_header_scroll': echo '<select id="themeselect" name="' . $option . '"' . ">\n"; generateListFromArray(array($currentValue), array("fixed" => "fixed", "banner" => "banner", "scroll" => "scroll"), false, true); echo "</select>\n"; break; } }
/** * Generates the option list for the language selectin <select> * @param bool $HTTPAccept set to true to include the HTTPAccept item * */ function generateLanguageOptionList($HTTPAccept) { global $_zp_active_languages; if (is_null($_zp_active_languages)) { $_zp_active_languages = generateLanguageList(); } $locales = $_zp_active_languages; if ($HTTPAccept) { // for admin only $locales[gettext("HTTP Accept Language")] = ''; } generateListFromArray(array(getOption('locale', $HTTPAccept)), $locales, false, true); }
function handleOption($option, $currentValue) { switch ($option) { case 'simplicity2_personality': $theme = basename(dirname(__FILE__)); $themeroot = SERVERPATH . "/themes/{$theme}/personality"; $folders = $this->getFolderList($themeroot); echo '<select id="themeselect" name="' . $option . '"' . ">\n"; echo "<option value=''> </option>"; echo "<option value='__random__'>Random</option>"; generateListFromArray(array($currentValue), $folders, false, true); echo "</select>\n"; break; } }
function handleOption($option, $currentValue) { switch ($option) { case 'garland_menu': $menusets = array(); echo '<select id="garland_menuset" name="garland_menu"'; if (function_exists('printCustomMenu') && getThemeOption('custom_index_page', NULL, 'garland') === 'gallery') { $result = query_full_array("SELECT DISTINCT menuset FROM " . prefix('menu') . " ORDER BY menuset"); foreach ($result as $set) { $menusets[$set['menuset']] = $set['menuset']; } } else { echo ' disabled="disabled"'; } echo ">\n"; echo '<option value="" style="background-color:LightGray">' . gettext('*standard menu') . '</option>'; generateListFromArray(array($currentValue), $menusets, false, false); echo "</select>\n"; break; } }
function switcher_controllink($ignore) { global $themecolors; $color = getOption('themeSwitcher_default_color'); if (!$color) { $color = getOption('Theme_colors'); } ?> <span title="<?php echo gettext("Default theme color scheme."); ?> "> <?php echo gettext('Theme Color'); ?> <select name="themeColor" id="themeColor" onchange="switchColors();"> <?php generateListFromArray(array($color), $themecolors, false, false); ?> </select> </span> <?php return $ignore; }
function handleOption($option, $currentValue) { $sort = array(gettext('Filename') => 'filename', gettext('Custom') => 'custom', gettext('Date') => 'date', gettext('Title') => 'title', gettext('ID') => 'id', gettext('Filemtime') => 'mtime', gettext('Owner') => 'owner', gettext('Published') => 'show'); switch ($option) { case 'favorites_albumsort': ?> <span class="nowrap"> <select id="albumsortselect" name="subalbumsortby" onchange="update_direction(this, 'album_direction_div', 'album_custom_div');"> <?php $cvt = $type = strtolower(getOption('favorites_album_sort_type')); if ($type && !in_array($type, $sort)) { $cv = array('custom'); } else { $cv = array($type); } generateListFromArray($cv, $sort, false, true); ?> </select> <?php if ($type == 'random' || $type == '') { $dsp = 'none'; } else { $dsp = 'inline'; } ?> <label id="album_direction_div" style="display:<?php echo $dsp; ?> ;white-space:nowrap;"> <?php echo gettext("Descending"); ?> <input type="checkbox" name="album_sortdirection" value="1" <?php if (getOption('favorites_album_sort_direction')) { echo "CHECKED"; } ?> /> </label> </span> <?php break; case 'favorites_imagesort': ?> <span class="nowrap"> <select id="imagesortselect" name="sortby" onchange="update_direction(this, 'image_direction_div', 'image_custom_div')"> <?php $cvt = $type = strtolower(getOption('favorites_image_sort_type')); if ($type && !in_array($type, $sort)) { $cv = array('custom'); } else { $cv = array($type); } generateListFromArray($cv, $sort, false, true); ?> </select> <?php if ($type == 'random' || $type == '') { $dsp = 'none'; } else { $dsp = 'inline'; } ?> <label id="image_direction_div" style="display:<?php echo $dsp; ?> ;white-space:nowrap;"> <?php echo gettext("Descending"); ?> <input type="checkbox" name="image_sortdirection" value="1" <?php if (getOption('favorites_image_sort_direction')) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> /> </label> </span> <?php break; } }
style="background-color:LightGray"><?php echo gettext('*no watermark'); ?> </option> <option value="" <?php if (empty($current)) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } ?> style="background-color:LightGray"><?php echo gettext('*default'); ?> </option> <?php $watermarks = getWatermarks(); generateListFromArray(array($current), $watermarks, false, false); ?> </select> <span id="WMUSE_<?php echo $currentimage; ?> " style="display:<?php if ($current == '') { echo 'none'; } else { echo 'inline'; } ?> "> <?php $wmuse = $image->getWMUse();
$themes = $_zp_gallery->getThemes(); if (empty($themename)) { $current_theme = $galleryTheme; $theme = $themes[$galleryTheme]; $themenamedisplay = '</em><small>' . gettext("no theme assigned, defaulting to Gallery theme") . '</small><em>'; $gallerydefault = true; } else { $theme = $themes[$themename]; $themenamedisplay = $theme['name']; $gallerydefault = false; } if (count($themelist) > 1) { echo '<form action="#" method="post">'; echo gettext("Show theme for: "); echo '<select id="themealbum" name="themealbum" onchange="this.form.submit()">'; generateListFromArray(array(pathurlencode($alb)), $themelist, false, true); echo '</select>'; echo '</form>'; } if (count($themelist) == 0) { echo '<div class="errorbox" id="no_themes">'; echo "<h2>" . gettext("There are no themes for which you have rights to administer.") . "</h2>"; echo '</div>'; } else { echo "<h1>" . sprintf(gettext('Current theme for <code><strong>%1$s</strong></code>: <em>%2$s</em>'), $albumtitle, $themenamedisplay); if (!empty($alb) && !empty($themename)) { ?> <a class="reset" onclick="launchScript('',['action=settheme','themealbum=<?php echo pathurlencode($album->name); ?>
echo gettext('Drag the albums into the order you wish them displayed.'); ?> <form name="gallery_sort" style="float: right;" method="post" action="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?> /admin-edit.php?page=edit&action=gallery_sortorder" > <?php XSRFToken('gallery_sortorder'); ?> <span class="nowrap"> <?php echo gettext('Sort albums by:'); ?> <select id="albumsortselect" name="gallery_sortby" onchange="this.form.submit();"> <?php generateListFromArray($cv, $sort, false, true); ?> </select> </span> </form> <br clear="all"> <p class="notebox"> <?php echo gettext('<strong>Note:</strong> Dragging an album under a different parent will move the album. You cannot move albums under a <em>dynamic</em> album.'); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <p> <?php
<div id="main"> <?php printTabs(); ?> <div id="content"> <h1><?php echo gettext('Find injected quotes in translation files.'); ?> </h1> <form action="<?php echo WEBPATH . "/" . USER_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/' . 'findQuotes.php'; ?> " method="post"> <select name="language"> <?php generateListFromArray(array($selected), $list, false, true); ?> </select> <button type="submit"><?php echo gettext('Go'); ?> </button> </form> <?php if ($lang) { if ($lang == 'en_US') { $filepath = SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/zenphoto.po'; // presumed to be up-to-date } else { $filepath = SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/locale/' . $lang . '/LC_MESSAGES/zenphoto.po'; }
/** * * places a selector so a user may change thems * @param string $text link text */ static function controlLink($textIn = NULL) { global $_zp_gallery, $_themeSwitcherThemelist, $_zp_gallery_page; if (self::active()) { $themes = array(); foreach ($_zp_gallery->getThemes() as $theme => $details) { if ($_themeSwitcherThemelist[$theme]) { if (getPlugin($_zp_gallery_page, $theme)) { $themes[$details['name']] = $theme; } } } $text = $textIn; if (empty($text)) { $text = gettext('Theme'); } $reloc = pathurlencode(trim(preg_replace('~themeSwitcher=.*?&~', '', getRequestURI() . '&'), '?&')); if (strpos($reloc, '?')) { $reloc .= '&themeSwitcher=%t'; } else { $reloc .= '?themeSwitcher=%t'; } $theme = $_zp_gallery->getCurrentTheme(); ?> <span class="themeSwitcherControlLink"> <span title="<?php echo gettext("Themes will not show in this list if selecting them would result in a “not found” error."); ?> "> <?php echo $text; ?> <select name="themeSwitcher" id="themeSwitcher" onchange="switchTheme('<?php echo html_encode($reloc); ?> ')"> <?php generateListFromArray(array($theme), $themes, false, true); ?> </select> </span> <?php zp_apply_filter('themeSwitcher_Controllink', $theme); ?> </span> <?php } return $textIn; }
static function watermark($image, $i, $field, $type) { if ($type == 'save') { if (isset($_POST[$i . '-' . $field['name']])) { $wmt = sanitize($_POST[$i . '-' . $field['name']], 3); $image->setWatermark($wmt); $wmuse = 0; if (isset($_POST['wm_image-' . $i])) { $wmuse = $wmuse | WATERMARK_IMAGE; } if (isset($_POST['wm_thumb-' . $i])) { $wmuse = $wmuse | WATERMARK_THUMB; } if (isset($_POST['wm_full-' . $i])) { $wmuse = $wmuse | WATERMARK_FULL; } $image->setWMUse($wmuse); $image->save(); } return NULL; } else { $item = NULL; if ($image->isMyItem($image->manage_some_rights)) { $current = $image->getWatermark(); ob_start(); ?> <select id="image_watermark-<?php echo $i; ?> " name="<?php echo $i . '-' . $field['name']; ?> " onclick="toggleWMUse(<?php echo $i; ?> );"> <option value="<?php echo NO_WATERMARK; ?> " <?php if ($current == NO_WATERMARK) { echo ' selected = "selected"'; } ?> style="background-color:LightGray"><?php echo gettext('*no watermark'); ?> </option> <option value="" <?php if (empty($current)) { echo ' selected = "selected"'; } ?> style="background-color:LightGray"><?php echo gettext('*default'); ?> </option> <?php $watermarks = getWatermarks(); generateListFromArray(array($current), $watermarks, false, false); ?> </select> <?php if ($current == '') { $displaystyle = 'none'; } else { $displaystyle = 'inline'; } ?> <span id="WMUSE_<?php echo $i; ?> " style="display:<?php echo $displaystyle; ?> "> <?php $wmuse = $image->getWMUse(); ?> <label><input type="checkbox" value="1" id="wm_image-<?php echo $i; ?> " name="wm_image-<?php echo $i; ?> " <?php if ($wmuse & WATERMARK_IMAGE) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /><?php echo gettext('image'); ?> </label> <label><input type="checkbox" value="1" id="wm_thumb-<?php echo $i; ?> " name="wm_thumb-<?php echo $i; ?> " <?php if ($wmuse & WATERMARK_THUMB) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /><?php echo gettext('thumb'); ?> </label> <label><input type="checkbox" value="1" id="wm_full-<?php echo $i; ?> " name="wm_full-<?php echo $i; ?> " <?php if ($wmuse & WATERMARK_FULL) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /><?php echo gettext('full image'); ?> </label> </span> <?php $item = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } return $item; } }
/** * Prints a dropdown to select the author of a page or news article (Admin rights users only) * * @param string $currentadmin The current admin is selected if adding a new article, otherwise the original author */ function authorSelector($author = NULL) { global $_zp_authority, $_zp_current_admin_obj; if (empty($author)) { $author = $_zp_current_admin_obj->getUser(); } $authors = array($author => $author); if (zp_loggedin(MANAGE_ALL_PAGES_RIGHTS | MANAGE_ALL_NEWS_RIGHTS)) { $admins = $_zp_authority->getAdministrators(); foreach ($admins as $admin) { if ($admin['rights'] & (ADMIN_RIGHTS | ZENPAGE_PAGES_RIGHTS | ZENPAGE_NEWS_RIGHTS)) { $authors[$admin['user']] = $admin['user']; } } } ?> <select size='1' name="author" id="author"> <?php generateListFromArray(array($author), $authors, false, false); ?> </select> <?php }
/** * Edit tab bulk actions drop-down * @param array $checkarray the list of actions * @param bool $checkAll set true to include check all box */ function printBulkActions($checkarray, $checkAll = false) { $customInfo = $colorboxBookmark = array(); foreach ($checkarray as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $checkarray[$key] = $value['name']; switch ($action = $value['action']) { case 'mass_customTextarea_data': $data['size'] = -1; case 'mass_customText_data': $customInfo[$value['name']] = $value; $action = 'mass_' . $value['name'] . '_data'; break; } $colorboxBookmark[$value['name']] = $action; } } if (!empty($colorboxBookmark)) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //<!-- <![CDATA[ function checkFor(obj) { var sel = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value; var mark; switch (sel) { <?php foreach ($colorboxBookmark as $key => $mark) { ?> case '<?php echo $key; ?> ': mark = '<?php echo $mark; ?> '; break; <?php } ?> default: mark = false; break; } if (mark) { $.colorbox({ href: '#' + mark, inline: true, open: true, close: '<?php echo gettext("ok"); ?> ' }); } } // ]]> --> </script> <?php } ?> <span style="float:right"> <select class="ignoredirty" name="checkallaction" id="checkallaction" size="1" onchange="checkFor(this);" > <?php generateListFromArray(array('noaction'), $checkarray, false, true); ?> </select> <?php if ($checkAll) { ?> <br /> <?php echo gettext("Check All"); ?> <input class="ignoredirty" type="checkbox" name="allbox" id="allbox" onclick="checkAll(this.form, 'ids[]', this.checked);" /> <?php } ?> </span> <?php foreach ($customInfo as $key => $data) { ?> <div id="mass_<?php echo $key; ?> " style="display:none; "> <div id="mass_<?php echo $key; ?> _data"> <?php printf('Value for %s:', $data['desc']); if ($data['action'] == 'mass_customText_data') { if (isset($data['size']) && $data['size'] >= 0) { $size = max(5, min($data['size'], 200)); } else { $size = 100; } ?> <input type="text" name="<?php echo $key; ?> " size="<?php echo $size; ?> " value=""> <?php } else { ?> <textarea name="<?php echo $key; ?> " cols="<?php echo TEXTAREA_COLUMNS; ?> " style="width: 320px" rows="6"></textarea> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } if (in_array('mass_tags_data', $colorboxBookmark)) { ?> <div id="mass_tags" style="display:none;"> <div id="mass_tags_data"> <?php tagSelector(NULL, 'mass_tags_', false, getTagOrder(), true, false, 'checkTagsAuto ignoredirty'); ?> </div> </div> <?php } if (in_array('mass_cats_data', $colorboxBookmark)) { ?> <div id="mass_cats" style="display:none;"> <div id="mass_cats_data"> <?php echo gettext('New categorys:'); ?> <ul> <?php printNestedItemsList('cats-checkboxlist', '', 'all', 'ignoredirty'); ?> </ul> </div> </div> <?php } if (in_array('mass_owner_data', $colorboxBookmark)) { ?> <div id="mass_owner" style="display:none;"> <div id="mass_owner_data"> <?php echo gettext('New owner:'); ?> <ul> <select class="ignoredirty" id="massownermenu" name="massownerselect" onchange=""> <?php echo admin_album_list(NULL); ?> </select> </ul> </div> </div> <?php } if (in_array('mass_movecopy_data', $colorboxBookmark)) { global $mcr_albumlist, $album, $bglevels; ?> <div id="mass_movecopy_copy" style="display:none;"> <div id="mass_movecopy_data"> <input type="hidden" name="massfolder" value="<?php echo $album->name; ?> " /> <?php echo gettext('Destination'); ?> <select class="ignoredirty" id="massalbumselectmenu" name="massalbumselect" onchange=""> <?php foreach ($mcr_albumlist as $fullfolder => $albumtitle) { $singlefolder = $fullfolder; $saprefix = ""; $salevel = 0; $selected = ""; if ($album->name == $fullfolder) { $selected = " selected=\"selected\" "; } // Get rid of the slashes in the subalbum, while also making a subalbum prefix for the menu. while (strstr($singlefolder, '/') !== false) { $singlefolder = substr(strstr($singlefolder, '/'), 1); $saprefix = " " . $saprefix; $salevel++; } echo '<option value="' . $fullfolder . '"' . ($salevel > 0 ? ' style="background-color: ' . $bglevels[$salevel] . ';"' : '') . "{$selected}>" . $saprefix . $singlefolder . "</option>\n"; } ?> </select> </div> </div> <?php } }
</select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo gettext("Thumbnail:"); ?> </td> <td> <select id="thumb" name="thumb"> <?php $selections = array(); foreach ($_zp_albumthumb_selector as $key => $selection) { $selections[$selection['desc']] = $key; } generateListFromArray(array(getOption('AlbumThumbSelect')), $selections, false, true); $showThumb = $_zp_gallery->getThumbSelectImages(); foreach ($imagelist as $imagepath) { $pieces = explode('/', $imagepath); $filename = array_pop($pieces); $folder = implode('/', $pieces); $albumx = newAlbum($folder); $image = newImage($albumx, $filename); if (isImagePhoto($image) || !is_null($image->objectsThumb)) { echo "\n<option class=\"thumboption\""; if ($showThumb) { echo " style=\"background-image: url(" . html_encode($image->getSizedImage(80)) . "); background-repeat: no-repeat;\""; } echo " value=\"" . $imagepath . "\""; echo ">" . $image->getTitle(); echo " ({$imagepath})";
?> </td> <td> <select id="user_registration_page" name="user_registration_page"> <option value=''> <?php $curdir = getcwd(); $root = SERVERPATH . '/' . THEMEFOLDER . '/' . $themename . '/'; chdir($root); $filelist = safe_glob('*.php'); $list = array(); foreach ($filelist as $file) { $list[] = str_replace('.php', '', FilesystemToUTF8($file)); } $list = array_diff($list, array('themeoptions', 'theme_description', '404', 'slideshow', 'search', 'image', 'index', 'album', 'customfunctions', 'news', 'pages')); generateListFromArray(array(getThemeOption($album, 'user_registration_page')), $list, false, false); chdir($curdir); ?> </select> <br /> <?php echo gettext('Link text') . ' '; print_language_string_list(getThemeOption($album, 'user_registration_text'), 'user_registration_text'); ?> <br /> <?php echo gettext('Hint text') . ' '; print_language_string_list(getThemeOption($album, 'user_registration_tip'), 'user_registration_tip'); ?> </td> <td><?php
$file = str_replace('.zdb', '', $file); $list[] = filesystemToInternal($file); } chdir($curdir); ?> <form name="restore_gallery" action=""> <?php XSRFToken('backup'); ?> <?php echo gettext('Select the database restore file:'); ?> <br /> <select id="backupfile" name="backupfile" onchange="$('#restore_button').removeAttr('disabled')"> <?php generateListFromArray(array(''), $list, true, false); ?> </select> <input type="hidden" name="restore" value="true" /> <div class="buttons pad_button" id="dbrestore"> <button id="restore_button" class="fixedwidth tooltip" type="submit" title="<?php echo gettext("Restore the tables in your database from a previous backup."); ?> " disabled="disabled"> <img src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?> /images/redo.png" alt="" /> <?php echo gettext("Restore the Database"); ?> </button>
echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/cloneZenphoto/cloneTab.php'; ?> " method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="path" id="newDir" value = "" /> <?php if (empty($folderlist)) { echo gettext('No subfolders in: ') . ' '; } else { echo gettext('Select the destination folder:') . ' '; } echo $path; if (!empty($folderlist)) { ?> <select id="cloneFolder" name="cloneFolder" onchange="folderChange();"> <?php generateListFromArray(array(), $folderlist, false, true); ?> </select> <?php } ?> <span class="icons"> <a id="upbutton" href="javascript:buttonAction('<?php echo $uppath; ?> ');" title="<?php echo $uptitle; ?> "> <img class="icon-position-top4" src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER;
/** * Edit tab bulk actions drop-down * @param array $checkarray the list of actions * @param bool $checkAll set true to include check all box */ function printBulkActions($checkarray, $checkAll = false) { $tags = in_array('addtags', $checkarray) || in_array('alltags', $checkarray); $movecopy = in_array('moveimages', $checkarray) || in_array('copyimages', $checkarray); $categories = in_array('addcats', $checkarray) || in_array('clearcats', $checkarray); $changeowner = in_array('changeowner', $checkarray); if ($tags || $movecopy || $categories || $changeowner) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //<!-- <![CDATA[ function checkFor(obj) { var sel = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value; <?php if ($tags) { ?> if (sel == 'addtags' || sel == 'alltags') { $.colorbox({ href: "#mass_tags_data", inline: true, open: true, close: '<?php echo gettext("ok"); ?> ' }); } <?php } if ($movecopy) { ?> if (sel == 'moveimages' || sel == 'copyimages') { $.colorbox({ href: "#mass_movecopy_data", inline: true, open: true, close: '<?php echo gettext("ok"); ?> ' }); } <?php } if ($categories) { ?> if (sel == 'addcats') { $.colorbox({ href: "#mass_cats_data", inline: true, open: true, close: '<?php echo gettext("ok"); ?> ' }); } <?php } if ($changeowner) { ?> if (sel == 'changeowner') { $.colorbox({ href: "#mass_owner_data", inline: true, open: true, close: '<?php echo gettext("ok"); ?> ' }); } <?php } ?> } // ]]> --> </script> <?php } ?> <span style="float:right"> <select class="ays-ignore" name="checkallaction" id="checkallaction" size="1" onchange="checkFor(this);" > <?php generateListFromArray(array('noaction'), $checkarray, false, true); ?> </select> <?php if ($checkAll) { ?> <br /> <?php echo gettext("Check All"); ?> <input class="ays-ignore" type="checkbox" name="allbox" id="allbox" onclick="checkAll(this.form, 'ids[]', this.checked);" /> <?php } ?> </span> <?php if ($tags) { ?> <div id="mass_tags" style="display:none;"> <div id="mass_tags_data"> <?php tagSelector(NULL, 'mass_tags_', false, false, true, false, 'checkTagsAuto ays-ignore'); ?> </div> </div> <?php } if ($categories) { ?> <div id="mass_cats" style="display:none;"> <ul id="mass_cats_data"> <?php printNestedItemsList('cats-checkboxlist', '', 'all', 'ays-ignore'); ?> </ul> </div> <?php } if ($changeowner) { ?> <div id="mass_owner" style="display:none;"> <ul id="mass_owner_data"> <select class="ays-ignore" id="massownermenu" name="massownerselect" onchange=""> <?php echo admin_album_list(NULL); ?> </select> </ul> </div> <?php } if ($movecopy) { global $mcr_albumlist, $album, $bglevels; ?> <div id="mass_movecopy_copy" style="display:none;"> <div id="mass_movecopy_data"> <input type="hidden" name="massfolder" value="<?php echo $album->name; ?> " /> <?php echo gettext('Destination'); ?> <select class="ays-ignore" id="massalbumselectmenu" name="massalbumselect" onchange=""> <?php foreach ($mcr_albumlist as $fullfolder => $albumtitle) { $singlefolder = $fullfolder; $saprefix = ""; $salevel = 0; $selected = ""; if ($album->name == $fullfolder) { $selected = " selected=\"selected\" "; } // Get rid of the slashes in the subalbum, while also making a subalbum prefix for the menu. while (strstr($singlefolder, '/') !== false) { $singlefolder = substr(strstr($singlefolder, '/'), 1); $saprefix = " " . $saprefix; $salevel++; } echo '<option value="' . $fullfolder . '"' . ($salevel > 0 ? ' style="background-color: ' . $bglevels[$salevel] . ';"' : '') . "{$selected}>" . $saprefix . $singlefolder . "</option>\n"; } ?> </select> </div> </div> <?php } }
function handleOption($option, $currentValue) { global $themecolors; switch ($option) { case 'Theme_colors': echo '<select id="EF_themeselect_colors" name="' . $option . '"' . ">\n"; generateListFromArray(array($currentValue), $themecolors, false, false); echo "</select>\n"; break; case 'effervescence_menu': $menusets = array($currentValue => $currentValue); echo '<select id="EF_menuset" name="effervescence_menu"'; if (function_exists('printCustomMenu')) { $result = query_full_array("SELECT DISTINCT menuset FROM " . prefix('menu') . " ORDER BY menuset"); foreach ($result as $set) { $menusets[$set['menuset']] = $set['menuset']; } } else { echo ' disabled="disabled"'; } echo ">\n"; echo '<option value="" style="background-color:LightGray">' . gettext('*standard menu') . '</option>'; generateListFromArray(array($currentValue), $menusets, false, false); echo "</select>\n"; break; case 'Graphic_logo': ?> <select id="EF_themeselect_logo" name="Graphic_logo"> <option value="" style="background-color:LightGray"><?php echo gettext('*no logo selected'); ?> </option>'; <option value="*"<?php if ($currentValue == '*') { echo ' selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo gettext('Effervescence'); ?> </option>'; <?php generateListFromFiles($currentValue, SERVERPATH . '/' . UPLOAD_FOLDER . '/images', '.png'); ?> </select> <?php break; } }
/** * Prints the selector for custom pages * * @return string */ function printCustomPageSelector($current) { global $_zp_gallery; ?> <select id="custompageselector" name="custompageselect"> <?php $curdir = getcwd(); $themename = $_zp_gallery->getCurrentTheme(); $root = SERVERPATH . '/' . THEMEFOLDER . '/' . $themename . '/'; chdir($root); $filelist = safe_glob('*.php'); $list = array(); foreach ($filelist as $file) { $file = filesystemToInternal($file); $list[$file] = str_replace('.php', '', $file); } generateListFromArray(array($current), $list, false, true); chdir($curdir); ?> </select> <?php }
/** * Generates a selection list from files found on disk * * @param strig $currentValue the current value of the selector * @param string $root directory path to search * @param string $suffix suffix to select for * @param bool $descending set true to get a reverse order sort */ function generateListFromFiles($currentValue, $root, $suffix, $descending = false) { if (is_dir($root)) { $curdir = getcwd(); chdir($root); $filelist = safe_glob('*' . $suffix); $list = array(); foreach ($filelist as $file) { $file = str_replace($suffix, '', $file); $list[] = filesystemToInternal($file); } generateListFromArray(array($currentValue), $list, $descending, false); chdir($curdir); } }
?> <span class="buttons"> <strong><a href="javascript:deleteMenuSet();" title="<?php echo $buttontext; ?> "><img src="../../images/fail.png" alt="" /><?php echo $buttontext; ?> </a></strong> </span> <?php } ?> <select name="checkallaction" id="checkallaction" size="1"> <?php generateListFromArray(array('noaction'), $checkarray, false, true); ?> </select> </span> </div> <br clear="all" /> <div class="subhead"> <label style="float: right"><?php echo gettext("Check All"); ?> <input type="checkbox" name="allbox" id="allbox" onclick="checkAll(this.form, 'ids[]', this.checked);" /> </label> </div> <ul class="page-list"> <?php if (isset($_GET['visible'])) {
function switcher_controllink($ignore) { global $personalities, $themecolors, $_zp_gallery_page; $color = getOption('themeSwitcher_effervescence_color'); if (!$color) { list($personality, $color) = getPersonality(); } ?> <span id="themeSwitcher_effervescence"> <span title="<?php echo gettext("Effervescence color scheme."); ?> "> <?php echo gettext('Theme Color'); ?> <select name="themeColor" id="themeColor" onchange="switchColors();"> <?php generateListFromArray(array($color), $themecolors, false, false); ?> </select> </span> <?php $personality = getOption('themeSwitcher_effervescence_personality'); if (!$personality) { $personality = getOption('effervescence_personality'); } ?> <span title="<?php echo gettext("Effervescence image display handling."); ?> "> <?php echo gettext('Personality'); ?> <select name="themePersonality" id="themePersonality" onchange="switchPersonality();"> <?php generateListFromArray(array($personality), $personalities, false, true); ?> </select> </span> </span> <?php return $ignore; }
<button class="fixedwidth" type="submit" title="<?php echo gettext("Sets all album thumbs to the selected criteria"); ?> "> <img src="<?php echo $webpath; ?> images/burst.png" alt="" /> <?php echo gettext("Set all albums to"); ?> </button> <select id="thumbtype" name="thumbtype"> <?php generateListFromArray(array($current), $selections, false, true); ?> </select> </div> <br class="clearall" /> <br /> </form> <br class="clearall" /> <br /> </div> </div> </div><!-- content --> </div><!-- main --> <?php printAdminFooter(); ?> </body> <?php
<option value="" style="background-color:LightGray"><?php echo gettext('none'); ?> </option> <?php $curdir = getcwd(); $root = SERVERPATH . '/' . THEMEFOLDER . '/' . $themename . '/'; chdir($root); $filelist = safe_glob('*.php'); $list = array(); foreach ($filelist as $file) { $file = filesystemToInternal($file); $list[$file] = str_replace('.php', '', $file); } $list = array_diff($list, standardScripts()); generateListFromArray(array(getThemeOption('custom_index_page', $album, $themename)), $list, false, true); chdir($curdir); ?> </select> </td> <td><?php echo gettext("If this option is not empty, the Gallery Index URL that would normally link to the theme <code>index.php</code> script will instead link to this script. This frees up the <code>index.php</code> script so that you can create a customized <em>Home page</em> script. This option applies only to the main theme for the <em>Gallery</em>."); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } if (count($supportedOptions) > 0) { ?> <tr class="alt1" > <td align="left">
echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/cloneZenphoto/cloneTab.php'; ?> " method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="path" id="newDir" value = "" /> <?php if (empty($folderlist)) { echo gettext('No subfolders in: ') . ' '; } else { echo gettext('Select the destination folder:') . ' '; } echo $path; if (!empty($folderlist)) { ?> <select id="cloneFolder" name="cloneFolder" onchange="folderChange();"> <?php generateListFromArray($current, $folderlist, false, true); ?> </select> <?php } ?> <span class="icons"> <a id="upbutton" href="javascript:buttonAction('<?php echo $uppath; ?> ');" title="<?php echo $uptitle; ?> "> <img class="icon-position-top4" src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER;