function handle_submission($invoice_type_id) { global $wpdb; $user_id = $_POST["user-id"]; // if on other's behalf, get id of person if ($_POST["others_behalf"]) { $user_id = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT `ID` FROM `wp_users` WHERE `user_email` = %s;", $_POST["email"])); } // send user's invoive (or simply the first if submitting for multiple people) $invoice_id = generateInvoice($user_id, $invoice_type_id); generatePDF($invoice_type_id, $invoice_id, $user_id); emailInvoice($invoice_type_id, $invoice_id, $user_id); /* Submit the rest of the invoices */ $num_registering = $_POST["num_registering"]; for ($i = 1; $i < $num_registering; $i++) { $email = "email" . $i; $user_id = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT `ID` FROM `wp_users` WHERE `user_email` = %s;", $_POST[$email])); $invoice_id = generateInvoice($user_id, $invoice_type_id); generatePDF($invoice_type_id, $invoice_id, $user_id); emailInvoice($invoice_type_id, $invoice_id, $user_id); } // for: generate invoice for each user specified (can be multiple) // return if success return '<p class="cstem_im_form_success"> Form Submitted Successfully. You should receive an email shortly. </p>'; }
// for($i = 0; $i < $max;$i++) // { $resultSub = $instance->subscribe($RetAcct[0], $zSubscriptionData, $RetContact[0], $PaymentMethod[0], $zSubscribeOptions, $RetContact[0]); // $resultSub = $instance->subscribe($RetAcct[0], $zSubscriptionData, $RetContact[0], $PaymentMethod[0], $zSubscribeOptions, $RetContact[0]); if ($resultSub->result->Success) { $CreateStatus = $CreateStatus . "Subscription(New Signup - From Open House(" . date('m/d/Y h:i:s') . ")) Created <br>"; // Now create an invoice // GENERATE & QUERY & POST INVOICE $accountId = $result2->result->Id; $lStartDate = new DateTime($_POST['StartDate']); $formattedDate = date_format($lStartDate, 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:s'); if ($accountId) { // && date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s') >= $formattedDate) { $invoiceDate = date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s'); $targetDate = date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s'); $result = generateInvoice($instance, $accountId, $invoiceDate, $targetDate); $success = $result->result->Success; $msg = $success ? $result->result->Id : $result->result->Errors->Code . " (" . $result->result->Errors->Message . ")"; $CreateStatus = $CreateStatus . "Invoice Created.<br>"; if ($success) { // QUERY Invoice $query = "SELECT Id, InvoiceNumber,Status FROM Invoice WHERE id = '" . $result->result->Id . "'"; $records = queryAll($instance, $query); // $CreateStatus = $CreateStatus . "Invoice Queried ($query): " . $records[0]->InvoiceNumber ." ". $records[0]->Status . "<br>"; // POST Invoice $result = postInvoice($instance, $result->result->Id); $success = $result->result->Success; $CreateStatus = $CreateStatus . "Invoice Posted :" . ($result->result->Success ? "Success <br>" : $result->result->Errors->Code . " (" . $result->result->Errors->Message . ")<br>"); if ($success) { $CreateStatus = $CreateStatus . "In next section"; // DO PAYMENT$success3 ? "Success"
function custom_form_generate($atts) { global $wpdb; //allows us to have database tables access global $current_user; //allows us to get the current user information with the call get_currentuserinfo(); extract(shortcode_atts(array('invoice_name' => 'stuff', 'invoice_type_id' => 'stuff'), $atts, 'cfg')); // is for editable? $editable = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT editable FROM wp_invoice_type WHERE invoice_type_id = %d AND invoice_name = %s", $invoice_type_id, $invoice_name)); $multiple_reg = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT multiple_reg FROM wp_invoice_type WHERE invoice_type_id = %d AND invoice_name = %s", $invoice_type_id, $invoice_name)); // does the user have a previously created invoice? if ($editable) { $invoice_no = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT `invoice_no` FROM wp_invoice_table WHERE invoice_type_id = %d AND user_id = %d", $invoice_type_id, $current_user->ID)); } // get all the fields to display $results = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM wp_invoice_info where invoice_type_id = %d ORDER BY field_order ASC", $invoice_type_id)); $nametracking = ""; $prevtype = ""; /* attributes from serialized array field */ $required = ""; $prevGroupClass = ""; $prevGroupClass2 = ""; $error_messages = custom_form_generate_validation($results); $jquery_script = "<script>\n"; //start generating the form $option .= '<form method="post" action="">'; /* ********** BEGIN form submit */ //output error messages if ($error_messages) { $option .= $error_messages; } if (!$error_messages and $_POST) { generateInvoice($invoice_type_id, $invoice_no); $option .= '<p class="cstem_im_form_success"> Form Submitted Successfully. You should receive an email shortly. </p>'; } /* END form submit ********** */ //$readonly = "readonly"; //if (current_user_can("administrator")) $readonly = ""; //generate form with the first name, last name, email of the user registering. get_currentuserinfo(); //first name $option .= '<p class="cstem_im_form_desc">First Name:</p><input type="text" name="firstname" value="' . $current_user->user_firstname . '"' . $readonly . '>'; //last name $option .= '<p class="cstem_im_form_desc">Last Name:</p><input type="text" name="lastname" value="' . $current_user->user_lastname . '"' . $readonly . '>'; // other's behalf field $num_registering = 1; if ($_POST["others_behalf"]) { $other_behalf_checked = 'checked'; $num_registering = $_POST["num_registering"]; } if ($multiple_reg) { $option .= '<input type="checkbox" id="others_behalf" name="others_behalf" value="yes"' . $other_behalf_checked . '><span class="cstem_im_form_radioText">Are you filling out this form on someone else\'s behalf?</span><br/>'; $option .= '<div id="num_registering_div"><p class="cstem_im_form_desc" style="margin-top:10px">For how many people do you wish to fill this form out?</p><input type="number" id="num_registering" name="num_registering" min="1" value="' . $num_registering . '" required />'; $option .= '<p style="font-weight:bold; font-size:9pt">Ensure the email(s) below match exactly with those of the people you are registering for.<br/> Note that they must have registered for the site before you will be able to submit an order on their behalf.</p>'; $option .= '</div><br/>'; } //email $option .= '<p class="cstem_im_form_desc">Email:</p><input type="email" id="email" name="email" value="' . $current_user->user_email . '"' . $readonly . ' placeholder="Enter a valid email address" required>'; $option .= '<div id="email_fields" name="email_fields">'; $option .= '</div>'; //user id $option .= '<input type="hidden" name="user-id" value="' . $current_user->ID . '">'; // rest of hidden fields foreach ($results as $row) { if ($row->field_type == "textboxHidden") { $option .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $row->field_name . '">'; } } // foreach: get all hidden fields /* ********** Start generating the custom fields of the form */ $fieldsetCount = 0; // count how many fieldsets were opened (needed for groupClass tracking) $fieldset2Count = 0; // same but for inner fieldsets $groupClass2_counter = "1"; // alternates between 0 and 1 for inner class to alternate background color $firstItem = 0; // don't add </fieldset> for first item /* if there is an exisiting invoice and invoice previously submitted then prepopulate all the fields */ if ($editable && $invoice_no) { $resultsData = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM `wp_invoice_data` where `invoice_no` = %d;", $invoice_no)); } foreach ($results as $row) { $attributesArray = unserialize($row->attributes); //nametracking is different that means we have a new field if ($nametracking != $row->field_name) { if ($nametracking . "_disabled" == $row->field_name) { $value = floatval($_POST[$row->field_name]); $option .= '<input class="cstem_im_form_disabled" type="text" id="' . $row->field_name . '" name="' . $row->field_name . '" tabindex="-1" onfocus="this.blur()" readonly="readonly" value="' . $value . '">'; } else { if ($prevtype == "dropdown") { //close the dropdown field $option .= '</select>'; } if ($prevtype != "textfield" && $prevtype != "textfieldTitle") { $option .= '</fieldset>'; } /* ***** BEGIN GROUP CLASS ***** */ if (array_key_exists("groupClass", $attributesArray)) { // only change things if keys are different from before if ($attributesArray["groupClass"] != $prevGroupClass && $prevGroupClass == "") { $option .= '<fieldset class="cstem_im_form_fieldset">'; $fieldsetCount++; } elseif ($attributesArray["groupClass"] != $prevGroupClass && $prevGroupClass != "") { $option .= '</fieldset><fieldset class="cstem_im_form_fieldset">'; } } else { if ($prevGroupClass != "") { $option .= '</fieldset>'; $fieldsetCount--; } // if: only close if previous was not a blank } // else: groupClass key is blank /* ***** END GROUP CLASS ***** */ /* ***** BEGIN GROUP CLASS 2 ***** */ if (array_key_exists("groupClass2", $attributesArray)) { // only change things if keys are different from before if ($attributesArray["groupClass2"] != $prevGroupClass2 && $prevGroupClass2 == "") { $option .= '<fieldset class="cstem_im_form_fieldset">'; $fieldset2Count++; } elseif ($attributesArray["groupClass2"] != $prevGroupClass2 && $prevGroupClass2 != "") { $option .= '</fieldset><fieldset class="cstem_im_form_fieldset">'; } } else { if ($prevGroupClass2 != "") { $option .= '</fieldset>'; $fieldset2Count--; } // if: only close if previous was not a blank } // else: groupClass key is blank /* ***** END GROUP CLASS 2 ***** */ if ($editable && $invoice_no) { foreach ($resultsData as $row2) { if ($row2->field_name == $row->field_name) { if ($row->field_type == "checkbox") { //echo $row->field_name; $values = explode(", ", $row2->field_value); if (in_array($row->field_value, $values)) { $checked = "checked"; } else { $checked = ""; } } else { if ($row2->field_value == $row->field_value) { $selected = "selected"; $checked = "checked"; } else { $selected = ""; $checked = ""; } } } // if: this is the form field to check } // foreach: loop to find form field } elseif ($row->field_type == "checkbox" && in_array($row->field_value, $_POST[$row->field_name])) { $checked = "checked"; } elseif ($_POST[$row->field_name] == $row->field_value) { $selected = "selected"; $checked = "checked"; } else { $selected = ""; $checked = ""; } if (array_key_exists("required", $attributesArray)) { $required = "* "; } else { $required = ""; } if (!array_key_exists("hasDisabled", $attributesArray) && $row->field_type != "radio" && $row->field_type != "checkbox") { $hasDisabled = 'style="float:right;"'; } else { $hasDisabled = ""; } $fieldsetNoBorder = ""; if (array_key_exists("groupClass2", $attributesArray)) { $fieldsetNoBorder = 'style="border:0px; margin: 0px"'; } else { $groupClass2_counter = ""; } /* textboxes can have price ranges, so get the right price and put in $fieldcost, otherwise, the first number works */ $fieldvalue = $row->field_value; if ($row->field_type == "textbox") { reset($attributesArray); $max_fieldcost = current($attributesArray); next($attributesArray); $threshold = key($attributesArray); $min_fieldcost = current($attributesArray); reset($attributesArray); } else { $fieldcost = $attributesArray[0]; } if (array_key_exists("hasDisabled", $attributesArray)) { if ($row->field_type == "textbox") { $jquery_script .= 'jQuery("#' . $row->field_name . '").keyup(function() { var old_val = jQuery("#' . $attributesArray["hasDisabled"] . '").val(); // for new total calculation var max = jQuery("#' . $row->field_name . '").attr("max"); // lesser quantities are higher price var min = jQuery("#' . $row->field_name . '").attr("min"); // greater quantities are lower price var threshold = jQuery("#' . $row->field_name . '").attr("threshold"); var cost = 0; if(jQuery("#' . $row->field_name . '").val() < parseInt(threshold)) cost = max; else cost = min; jQuery("#' . $attributesArray["hasDisabled"] . '").val(cost * jQuery("#' . $row->field_name . '").val()); var new_val = parseFloat(jQuery("#total_disabled").val()) + parseFloat(jQuery("#' . $attributesArray["hasDisabled"] . '").val()) - parseFloat(old_val); // new total jQuery("#total_disabled").val(new_val); // update total });' . "\n"; $jquery_script .= 'jQuery("#' . $row->field_name . '").click(function() { var old_val = jQuery("#' . $attributesArray["hasDisabled"] . '").val(); // for new total calculation var max = jQuery("#' . $row->field_name . '").attr("max"); // lesser quantities are higher price var min = jQuery("#' . $row->field_name . '").attr("min"); // greater quantities are lower price var threshold = jQuery("#' . $row->field_name . '").attr("threshold"); var cost = 0; if(jQuery("#' . $row->field_name . '").val() < parseInt(threshold)) cost = max; else cost = min; jQuery("#' . $attributesArray["hasDisabled"] . '").val(cost * jQuery("#' . $row->field_name . '").val()); var new_val = parseFloat(jQuery("#total_disabled").val()) + parseFloat(jQuery("#' . $attributesArray["hasDisabled"] . '").val()) - parseFloat(old_val); // new total jQuery("#total_disabled").val(new_val); // update total });' . "\n"; } else { $jquery_script .= 'jQuery("#' . $row->field_name . '").keyup(function() { var old_val = jQuery("#' . $attributesArray["hasDisabled"] . '").val(); // for new total calculation var custom_field = jQuery("#' . $row->field_name . ' option:selected").attr("fieldcost"); jQuery("#' . $attributesArray["hasDisabled"] . '").val(custom_field); var new_val = parseFloat(jQuery("#total_disabled").val()) + parseFloat(jQuery("#' . $attributesArray["hasDisabled"] . '").val()) - parseFloat(old_val); // new total jQuery("#total_disabled").val(new_val); // update total });' . "\n"; $jquery_script .= 'jQuery("#' . $row->field_name . '").click(function() { var old_val = jQuery("#' . $attributesArray["hasDisabled"] . '").val(); // for new total calculation var custom_field = jQuery("#' . $row->field_name . ' option:selected").attr("fieldcost"); jQuery("#' . $attributesArray["hasDisabled"] . '").val(custom_field); var new_val = parseFloat(jQuery("#total_disabled").val()) + parseFloat(jQuery("#' . $attributesArray["hasDisabled"] . '").val()) - parseFloat(old_val); // new total jQuery("#total_disabled").val(new_val); // update total });' . "\n"; } // else: not a textbox } // if: it has a disabled box attached to it, then add the corresponding jQuery //after closing the fields make the next fields switch ($row->field_type) { case "dropdown": //generates dropdowns $option .= '<fieldset id="' . $row->field_name . '_fieldset" class="cstem_im_form_fieldset' . $groupClass2_counter . '" ' . $fieldsetNoBorder . '><p class="cstem_im_form_desc">' . '<span style="color:red">' . $required . '</span>' . $row->field_description . '</p><select class="cstem_im_form_dropdown" ' . $hasDisabled . ' id="' . $row->field_name . '" name="' . $row->field_name . '"><option fieldcost="' . $fieldcost . '" value="' . $row->field_value . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $row->field_value . '</option>'; break; case "checkbox": //generates checkboxes $option .= '<fieldset id="' . $row->field_name . '_fieldset" class="cstem_im_form_fieldset' . $groupClass2_counter . '" ' . $fieldsetNoBorder . '><p class="cstem_im_form_descBlock">' . '<span style="color:red">' . $required . '</span>' . $row->field_description . '</p><input type="checkbox" ' . $hasDisabled . ' id="' . $row->field_name . '" name="' . $row->field_name . '[]" fieldcost="' . $fieldcost . '" value="' . $row->field_value . '" ' . $checked . '><span class="cstem_im_form_radioText">' . $row->field_value . '</span><br/>'; break; case "radio": //generates radio buttons $option .= '<fieldset id="' . $row->field_name . '_fieldset" class="cstem_im_form_fieldset' . $groupClass2_counter . '" ' . $fieldsetNoBorder . '><p class="cstem_im_form_descBlock">' . '<span style="color:red">' . $required . '</span>' . $row->field_description . '</p><input type="radio" class="cstem_im_form_radio" ' . $hasDisabled . ' id="' . $row->field_name . '" name="' . $row->field_name . '" fieldcost="' . $fieldcost . '" value="' . $row->field_value . '" ' . $checked . '><span class="cstem_im_form_radioText">' . $row->field_value . '</span><br/>'; break; case "textbox": //generates a textbox if ($editable && $invoice_no) { foreach ($resultsData as $row2) { if ($row2->field_name == $row->field_name) { $value = stripslashes($row2->field_value); } // if: this is the form field to check } // foreach: loop to find form field } else { $value = stripslashes($_POST[$row->field_name]); } $option .= '<fieldset id="' . $row->field_name . '_fieldset" class="cstem_im_form_fieldset' . $groupClass2_counter . '" ' . $fieldsetNoBorder . '><p class="cstem_im_form_desc">' . '<span style="color:red">' . $required . '</span>' . $row->field_description . '</p><input type="text" class="cstem_im_form_text" ' . $hasDisabled . ' id="' . $row->field_name . '" name="' . $row->field_name . '" min="' . $min_fieldcost . '" max="' . $max_fieldcost . '" threshold="' . $threshold . '" value="' . $value . '">'; break; case "textboxDisabled": // generates a disabled textbox $value = floatval($_POST[$row->field_name]); $option .= '<fieldset id="' . $row->field_name . '_fieldset" class="cstem_im_form_fieldset' . $groupClass2_counter . '" ' . $fieldsetNoBorder . '><p class="cstem_im_form_desc">' . '<span style="color:red">' . $required . '</span>' . $row->field_description . '</p><input type="text" class="cstem_im_form_disabled" tabindex="-1" onfocus="this.blur()" readonly="readonly" id="' . $row->field_name . '" name="' . $row->field_name . '" value="' . $value . '">'; break; case "textarea": if ($editable && $invoice_no) { foreach ($resultsData as $row2) { if ($row2->field_name == $row->field_name) { $value = stripslashes($row2->field_value); } // if: this is the form field to check } // foreach: loop to find form field } else { $value = stripslashes($_POST[$row->field_name]); } $option .= '<fieldset id="' . $row->field_name . '_fieldset" class="cstem_im_form_fieldset' . $groupClass2_counter . '" ' . $fieldsetNoBorder . '><p class="cstem_im_form_desc">' . '<span style="color:red">' . $required . '</span>' . $row->field_description . '</p><textarea class="cstem_im_form_textarea" ' . $hasDisabled . ' id="' . $row->field_name . '" name="' . $row->field_name . '">' . $value . '</textarea>'; break; case "textfield": //outputs a block of predefined text $option .= '<p class="blurb">' . '<span style="color:red">' . $required . '</span>' . $row->field_description . '</p>'; break; case "textfieldTitle": //outputs a block of predefined text $option .= '<h2 class="cstem_im_form_title">' . '<span style="color:red">' . $required . '</span>' . $row->field_description . '</h2>'; break; default: break; } //$groupClass2_counter = $groupClass2_counter % 2 + 1; if ($groupClass2_counter == "1") { $groupClass2_counter = "2"; } else { $groupClass2_counter = "1"; } } // else: new field } else { if ($editable && $invoice_no) { foreach ($resultsData as $row2) { if ($row2->field_name == $row->field_name) { if ($row->field_type == "checkbox") { $values = explode(", ", $row2->field_value); if (in_array($row->field_value, $values)) { $checked = "checked"; } else { $checked = ""; } } else { if ($row2->field_value == $row->field_value) { $selected = "selected"; $checked = "checked"; } else { $selected = ""; $checked = ""; } } } // if: this is the form field to check } // foreach: loop to find form field } elseif ($row->field_type == "checkbox" && in_array($row->field_value, $_POST[$row->field_name])) { $checked = "checked"; } elseif ($_POST[$row->field_name] == $row->field_value) { $selected = "selected"; $checked = "checked"; } else { $selected = ""; $checked = ""; } /* get fieldcost (needed for disabled textbox value generation) */ $fieldcost = $attributesArray[0]; switch ($row->field_type) { case "dropdown": //generates dropdowns $option .= '<option fieldcost="' . $fieldcost . '" value="' . $row->field_value . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $row->field_value . '</option>'; break; case "checkbox": //generates checkboxes $option .= '<input type="checkbox" id="' . $row->field_name . '" name="' . $row->field_name . '[]" fieldcost="' . $fieldcost . '" value="' . $row->field_value . '" ' . $checked . '><span class="cstem_im_form_radioText">' . $row->field_value . '</span><br/>'; break; case "radio": //generates radio buttons $option .= '<input type="radio" id="' . $row->field_name . '" name="' . $row->field_name . '" fieldcost="' . $fieldcost . '" class="cstem_im_form_radio" value="' . $row->field_value . '" ' . $checked . '><span class="cstem_im_form_radioText">' . $row->field_value . '</span><br/>'; break; default: break; } } $nametracking = $row->field_name; $prevtype = $row->field_type; $prevGroupClass = $attributesArray["groupClass"]; $prevGroupClass2 = $attributesArray["groupClass2"]; } if ($prevtype == "dropdown") { //close the dropdown field $option .= '</select>'; } /* Pertain to the last field of the form */ if ($prevtype != "textfield") { $option .= '</fieldset>'; } if ($fieldsetCount != 0) { // close outer box on group of fields $option .= '</fieldset>'; } if ($fieldset2Count != 0) { // close outer box on group of fields $option .= '</fieldset>'; } //close out the form $option .= '<br /><input type="submit" class="cstem_im_form_submit" value="Submit"></form>'; $option .= '<br/><br/><span style="line-height: 150%">If you encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to contact us at ' . ' We will make our best effort to get back to you as soon as we can.</span><br/>'; $jquery_script .= '</script>'; $option .= $jquery_script; return $option; }
public function handle_submission($invoice_type_id) { $this->invoice_id = generateInvoice($invoice_type_id, $this->user_id, $this->form_fields); generatePDF($invoice_type_id, $this->invoice_id, $this->user_id); emailQuote($invoice_type_id, $this->invoice_id, $this->user_id); }