Пример #1
function validate_fiscal_year($next_fy, $next_period, $next_start_date, $num_periods = 12)
    global $db;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_periods; $i++) {
        $fy_array = array('period' => $next_period, 'fiscal_year' => $next_fy, 'start_date' => $next_start_date, 'end_date' => gen_specific_date($next_start_date, $day_offset = -1, $month_offset = 1), 'date_added' => date('Y-m-d'));
        db_perform(TABLE_ACCOUNTING_PERIODS, $fy_array, 'insert');
        $next_start_date = gen_specific_date($next_start_date, $day_offset = 0, $month_offset = 1);
    return $next_period--;
Пример #2
 function add_item_journal_rows($debit_credit)
     // read in line items and add to journal row array
     if ($debit_credit == 'debit' || $debit_credit == 'credit') {
         $total = 0;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->item_rows); $i++) {
             switch ($this->journal_id) {
                 // determine to pick from the qty or pstd value
                 case 3:
                 case 4:
                     $qty_pstd = 'qty';
                     $terminal_date = gen_specific_date($this->post_date, $this->item_rows[$i]['lead_time']);
                 case 9:
                 case 10:
                     $qty_pstd = 'qty';
                     $terminal_date = $this->terminal_date;
                 case 6:
                 case 7:
                     $qty_pstd = 'pstd';
                     $terminal_date = $this->post_date;
                 case 12:
                 case 13:
                     $qty_pstd = 'pstd';
                     $terminal_date = $this->terminal_date;
             if ($this->item_rows[$i][$qty_pstd]) {
                 // make sure the quantity line is set and not zero
                 $this->journal_rows[] = array('id' => $this->item_rows[$i]['id'], 'item_cnt' => $this->item_rows[$i]['item_cnt'], 'so_po_item_ref_id' => $this->item_rows[$i]['so_po_item_ref_id'], 'gl_type' => $this->gl_type, 'sku' => $this->item_rows[$i]['sku'], 'qty' => $this->item_rows[$i][$qty_pstd], 'description' => $this->item_rows[$i]['desc'], $debit_credit . '_amount' => $this->item_rows[$i]['total'], 'full_price' => $this->item_rows[$i]['full'], 'gl_account' => $this->item_rows[$i]['acct'], 'taxable' => $this->item_rows[$i]['tax'], 'serialize_number' => $this->item_rows[$i]['serial'], 'project_id' => $this->item_rows[$i]['proj'], 'purch_package_quantity' => $this->item_rows[$i]['purch_package_quantity'], 'post_date' => $this->post_date, 'date_1' => $this->item_rows[$i]['date_1'] ? $this->item_rows[$i]['date_1'] : $terminal_date);
                 $total += $this->item_rows[$i]['total'];
         return $total;
     } else {
         die('Bad parameter passed to add_item_journal_rows in class orders!');
Пример #3
function repost_journals($journals, $start_date, $end_date)
    global $db, $messageStack;
    if (sizeof($journals) > 0) {
        $sql = "select id from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " \r\n\t\twhere journal_id in (" . implode(',', $journals) . ") \r\n\t\tand post_date >= '" . $start_date . "' and post_date < '" . gen_specific_date($end_date, 1) . "' \r\n\t\torder by id";
        $result = $db->Execute($sql);
        $cnt = 0;
        while (!$result->EOF) {
            $gl_entry = new journal($result->fields['id']);
            // they will be regenerated during the re-post
            if (!$gl_entry->Post('edit', true)) {
                $messageStack->add('<br /><br />Failed Re-posting the journals, try a smaller range. The record that failed was # ' . $gl_entry->id, 'error');
                return false;
        return $cnt;
Пример #4
             case '3':
                 $month_offset = ($i + 1) * 1;
                 // Monthly
             // Monthly
             case '4':
                 $month_offset = ($i + 1) * 3;
                 // Quarterly
             // Quarterly
             case '5':
                 $year_offset = ($i + 1) * 1;
                 // Yearly
         $glEntry->post_date = gen_specific_date($post_date, $day_offset, $month_offset, $year_offset);
         $glEntry->period = gen_calculate_period($glEntry->post_date, true);
         if (!$glEntry->period && $i < $glEntry->recur_id - 1) {
             // recur falls outside of available periods, ignore last calculation
             $messageStack->add(ORD_PAST_LAST_PERIOD, 'error');
             $error = true;
         $glEntry->journal_main_array['post_date'] = $glEntry->post_date;
         $glEntry->journal_main_array['period'] = $glEntry->period;
         $glEntry->purchase_invoice_id = string_increment($glEntry->journal_main_array['purchase_invoice_id']);
 // restore the first values to continue with post process
 $glEntry->id = $first_id;
 $glEntry->journal_main_array['id'] = $first_id;
Пример #5
 function gather_history()
     global $db;
     $dates = gen_get_dates();
     $cur_month = $dates['ThisYear'] . '-' . substr('0' . $dates['ThisMonth'], -2) . '-01';
     $temp_year = $dates['ThisYear'];
     $temp_month = $dates['ThisMonth'];
     for ($i = 0; $i < 13; $i++) {
         $index = substr($cur_month, 0, 7);
         $this->purchases_history[$index] = array('post_date' => $cur_month, 'MonthName' => $dates['MonthName'], 'ThisYear' => $dates['ThisYear'], 'qty' => 0, 'total_amount' => 0);
         $this->sales_history[$index] = array('post_date' => $cur_month, 'MonthName' => $dates['MonthName'], 'ThisYear' => $dates['ThisYear'], 'qty' => 0, 'usage' => 0, 'total_amount' => 0);
         $cur_month = gen_specific_date($cur_month, 0, -1, 0);
         $dates = gen_get_dates($cur_month);
     $last_year = $temp_year - 1 . '-' . substr('0' . $temp_month, -2) . '-01';
     // load the SO's and PO's and get order, expected del date
     $sql = "select m.id, m.journal_id, m.store_id, m.purchase_invoice_id, i.qty, i.post_date, i.date_1,\ti.id as item_id \n\t  \t  from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m inner join " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " i on m.id = i.ref_id \n\t  \t  where m.journal_id in (4, 10) and i.sku = '" . $this->sku . "' and m.closed = '0' \n\t  \t  order by i.date_1";
     $result = $db->Execute($sql);
     while (!$result->EOF) {
         switch ($result->fields['journal_id']) {
             case 4:
                 $gl_type = 'por';
                 $hist_type = 'open_po';
             case 10:
                 $gl_type = 'sos';
                 $hist_type = 'open_so';
         $sql = "select sum(qty) as qty from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " \n\t\t\t  where gl_type = '" . $gl_type . "' and so_po_item_ref_id = " . $result->fields['item_id'];
         $adj = $db->Execute($sql);
         // this looks for partial received to make sure this item is still on order
         if ($result->fields['qty'] > $adj->fields['qty']) {
             $this->history[$hist_type][] = array('id' => $result->fields['id'], 'store_id' => $result->fields['store_id'], 'purchase_invoice_id' => $result->fields['purchase_invoice_id'], 'post_date' => $result->fields['post_date'], 'qty' => $result->fields['qty'], 'date_1' => $result->fields['date_1']);
     // load the units received and sold, assembled and adjusted
     $sql = "select m.journal_id, m.post_date, i.qty, i.gl_type, i.credit_amount, i.debit_amount \n\t\t  from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m inner join " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " i on m.id = i.ref_id \n\t\t  where m.journal_id in (6, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21) and i.sku = '" . $this->sku . "' and m.post_date >= '" . $last_year . "' \n\t\t  order by m.post_date DESC";
     $result = $db->Execute($sql);
     while (!$result->EOF) {
         $month = substr($result->fields['post_date'], 0, 7);
         switch ($result->fields['journal_id']) {
             case 6:
             case 21:
                 $this->purchases_history[$month]['qty'] += $result->fields['qty'];
                 $this->purchases_history[$month]['total_amount'] += $result->fields['debit_amount'];
             case 12:
             case 19:
                 $this->sales_history[$month]['qty'] += $result->fields['qty'];
                 $this->sales_history[$month]['usage'] += $result->fields['qty'];
                 $this->sales_history[$month]['total_amount'] += $result->fields['credit_amount'];
             case 14:
                 if ($result->fields['gl_type'] == 'asi') {
                     // only if part of an assembly
                     $this->sales_history[$month]['usage'] -= $result->fields['qty'];
                     // need to negate quantity since assy.
             case 16:
                 $this->sales_history[$month]['usage'] += $result->fields['qty'];
     // calculate average usage
     $cnt = 0;
     foreach ($this->sales_history as $key => $value) {
         if ($cnt == 0) {
             // skip current month since we probably don't have the full months worth
         $this->history['averages']['12month'] += $this->sales_history[$key]['usage'];
         if ($cnt < 7) {
             $this->history['averages']['6month'] += $this->sales_history[$key]['usage'];
         if ($cnt < 4) {
             $this->history['averages']['3month'] += $this->sales_history[$key]['usage'];
         if ($cnt < 2) {
             $this->history['averages']['1month'] += $this->sales_history[$key]['usage'];
     $this->history['averages']['12month'] = round($this->history['averages']['12month'] / 12, 2);
     $this->history['averages']['6month'] = round($this->history['averages']['6month'] / 6, 2);
     $this->history['averages']['3month'] = round($this->history['averages']['3month'] / 3, 2);
Пример #6
function calculate_aging($id, $type = 'c', $special_terms = '0')
    global $db;
    $output = array();
    if (!$id) {
        return $output;
    $today = date('Y-m-d');
    $terms = explode(':', $special_terms);
    $credit_limit = $terms[4] ? $terms[4] : constant(($type == 'v' ? 'AP' : 'AR') . '_CREDIT_LIMIT_AMOUNT');
    $due_days = $terms[3] ? $terms[3] : constant(($type == 'v' ? 'AP' : 'AR') . '_NUM_DAYS_DUE');
    $due_date = gen_specific_date($today, -$due_days);
    $late_30 = gen_specific_date($today, $type == 'v' ? -AP_AGING_DATE_1 : -AR_AGING_PERIOD_1);
    $late_60 = gen_specific_date($today, $type == 'v' ? -AP_AGING_DATE_2 : -AR_AGING_PERIOD_2);
    $late_90 = gen_specific_date($today, $type == 'v' ? -AP_AGING_DATE_3 : -AR_AGING_PERIOD_3);
    $output = array('balance_0' => '0', 'balance_30' => '0', 'balance_60' => '0', 'balance_90' => '0');
    $inv_jid = $type == 'v' ? '6, 7' : '12, 13';
    $pmt_jid = $type == 'v' ? '20' : '18';
    $total_outstanding = 0;
    $past_due = 0;
    $sql = "select id from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " \n\t\twhere bill_acct_id = " . $id . " and journal_id in (" . $inv_jid . ") and closed = '0'";
    $open_inv = $db->Execute($sql);
    while (!$open_inv->EOF) {
        $result = $db->Execute("select debit_amount, credit_amount from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " where gl_type = 'ttl' and ref_id = " . $open_inv->fields['id']);
        $result2 = $db->Execute("select journal_id, post_date from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " where id = " . $open_inv->fields['id']);
        $total_billed = $result->fields['debit_amount'] - $result->fields['credit_amount'];
        $post_date = $result2->fields['post_date'];
        $result = $db->Execute("select sum(debit_amount) as debits, sum(credit_amount) as credits \n\t    from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " where so_po_item_ref_id = '" . $open_inv->fields['id'] . "' and gl_type in ('pmt', 'chk')");
        $total_paid = $result->fields['credits'] - $result->fields['debits'];
        $balance = $total_billed - $total_paid;
        if ($type == 'v') {
            $balance = -$balance;
        // start the placement in aging array
        if ($post_date < $due_date) {
            $past_due += $balance;
        if ($post_date < $late_90) {
            $output['balance_90'] += $balance;
            $total_outstanding += $balance;
        } elseif ($post_date < $late_60) {
            $output['balance_60'] += $balance;
            $total_outstanding += $balance;
        } elseif ($post_date < $late_30) {
            $output['balance_30'] += $balance;
            $total_outstanding += $balance;
        } elseif ($post_date <= $today) {
            $output['balance_0'] += $balance;
            $total_outstanding += $balance;
        // else it's in the future
    $output['total'] = $total_outstanding;
    $output['past_due'] = $past_due;
    $output['credit_limit'] = $credit_limit;
    $output['terms_lang'] = gen_terms_to_language($special_terms, false, $type == 'v' ? 'AP' : 'AR');
    return $output;
Пример #7
 function processInventory($upload_name)
     global $coa, $db, $currencies, $messageStack;
     if (!$this->cyberParse($upload_name)) {
         return false;
     $post_date = gen_specific_date(date('Y-m-d'), $day_offset = -1);
     $glEntry = new journal();
     $sku_list = array();
     $coa_list = array();
     $affected_accounts = array();
     for ($row_id = 0, $j = 2; $row_id < count($this->records); $row_id++, $j++) {
         $row = $this->records[$row_id];
         $total_amount = $currencies->clean_value($row['total_amount']);
         $qty = $currencies->clean_value($row['quantity']);
         // check for errors and report/exit if error found
         if (!gen_validate_sku($row['sku'])) {
             $messageStack->add(GL_ERROR_UPDATING_INVENTORY_STATUS . $row['sku'] . GL_BEG_BAL_ERROR_0 . $j, 'error');
             return false;
         if (!in_array($row['inv_gl_acct'], $coa) || !in_array($row['gl_acct'], $coa)) {
             $messageStack->add(GL_BEG_BAL_ERROR_6 . $j, 'error');
             return false;
         if ($qty == 0) {
             $messageStack->add(GL_BEG_BAL_ERROR_7 . $j, 'caution');
         } else {
             $affected_accounts[$row['inv_gl_acct']] = true;
             // need list of accounts to update history
             $affected_accounts[$row['gl_acct']] = true;
             // both credit and debit
             $sku_list[$row['sku']]['qty'] += $qty;
             // load quantity indexed by sku
             $sku_list[$row['sku']]['total'] += $total_amount;
             // load total_value indexed by sku
             $coa_list[$row['inv_gl_acct']] += $total_amount;
             // add to debit total by coa
             $coa_list[$row['gl_acct']] -= $total_amount;
             // add to credit total by coa
     if (is_array($sku_list)) {
         $glEntry->affected_accounts = $affected_accounts;
         // *************** START TRANSACTION *************************
         // update inventory balances on hand
         foreach ($sku_list as $sku => $details) {
             $sql = "update " . TABLE_INVENTORY . " set quantity_on_hand = quantity_on_hand + {$details['qty']} where sku = '{$sku}'";
             $result = $db->Execute($sql);
             if ($result->AffectedRows() != 1) {
                 $messageStack->add(sprintf(GL_BEG_BAL_ERROR_8, $sku), 'error');
                 return false;
             $history_array = array('ref_id' => 0, 'sku' => $sku, 'qty' => $details['qty'], 'remaining' => $details['qty'], 'unit_cost' => $details['total'] / $details['qty'], 'avg_cost' => $details['total'] / $details['qty'], 'post_date' => $post_date);
             $result = db_perform(TABLE_INVENTORY_HISTORY, $history_array, 'insert');
         // update chart of account beginning balances for period 1
         foreach ($coa_list as $account => $amount) {
             $sql = "update " . TABLE_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_HISTORY . " set beginning_balance = beginning_balance + {$amount}\n\t\t\twhere account_id = '{$account}' and period = 1";
             $result = $db->Execute($sql);
             if ($result->AffectedRows() != 1) {
                 $messageStack->add(sprintf(GL_BEG_BAL_ERROR_9, $account), 'error');
                 return false;
         // update the chart of accounts history through the existing periods
         if (!$glEntry->update_chart_history_periods($period = 1)) {
             if (DEBUG) {
             return $glEntry->fail_message(GL_ERROR_UPDATE_COA_HISTORY);
         // post the chart of account values
         if (DEBUG) {
         // *************** END TRANSACTION *************************
     $this->line_count = $row_id;
     return true;
Пример #8
function calculate_terms_due_dates($post_date, $terms_encoded, $type = 'AR')
    $terms = explode(':', $terms_encoded);
    $date_details = gen_get_dates($post_date);
    $result = array();
    switch ($terms[0]) {
        case '0':
            // Default terms
            $result['discount'] = constant($type . '_PREPAYMENT_DISCOUNT_PERCENT') / 100;
            $result['net_date'] = gen_specific_date($post_date, constant($type . '_NUM_DAYS_DUE'));
            if ($result['discount'] != 0) {
                $result['early_date'] = gen_specific_date($post_date, constant($type . '_PREPAYMENT_DISCOUNT_DAYS'));
            } else {
                $result['early_date'] = gen_specific_date($post_date, 1000);
                // move way out
        case '1':
            // Cash on Delivery (COD)
        // Cash on Delivery (COD)
        case '2':
            // Prepaid
            $result['discount'] = 0;
            $result['early_date'] = $post_date;
            $result['net_date'] = $post_date;
        case '3':
            // Special terms
            $result['discount'] = $terms[1] / 100;
            $result['early_date'] = gen_specific_date($post_date, $terms[2]);
            $result['net_date'] = gen_specific_date($post_date, $terms[3]);
        case '4':
            // Due on day of next month
            $result['discount'] = $terms[1] / 100;
            $result['early_date'] = gen_specific_date($post_date, $terms[2]);
            $result['net_date'] = gen_db_date_short($terms[3]);
        case '5':
            // Due at end of month
            $result['discount'] = $terms[1] / 100;
            $result['early_date'] = gen_specific_date($post_date, $terms[2]);
            $result['net_date'] = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $date_details['ThisMonth'], $date_details['TotalDays'], $date_details['ThisYear']));
    return $result;
Пример #9
function gather_history($sku)
    global $db, $messageStack;
    $inv_history = array();
    $dates = gen_get_dates();
    $cur_month = $dates['ThisYear'] . '-' . substr('0' . $dates['ThisMonth'], -2) . '-01';
    for ($i = 0; $i < 13; $i++) {
        $index = substr($cur_month, 0, 7);
        $history['purchases'][$index] = array('post_date' => $cur_month, 'qty' => 0, 'total_amount' => 0);
        $history['sales'][$index] = array('post_date' => $cur_month, 'qty' => 0, 'usage' => 0, 'total_amount' => 0);
        $cur_month = gen_specific_date($cur_month, 0, -1, 0);
    $last_year = $dates['ThisYear'] - 1 . '-' . substr('0' . $dates['ThisMonth'], -2) . '-01';
    // load the SO's and PO's and get order, expected del date
    $sql = "SELECT m.id, m.journal_id, m.store_id, m.purchase_invoice_id, i.qty, i.post_date, i.date_1,\n\ti.id AS item_id FROM " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m JOIN " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " i ON m.id=i.ref_id\n\t  WHERE m.journal_id IN (4, 10) AND i.sku='{$sku}' AND m.closed = '0' ORDER BY i.date_1";
    $result = $db->Execute($sql);
    while (!$result->EOF) {
        switch ($result->fields['journal_id']) {
            case 4:
                $gl_type = 'por';
                $hist_type = 'open_po';
            case 10:
                $gl_type = 'sos';
                $hist_type = 'open_so';
        $sql = "SELECT SUM(qty) AS qty from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . "\n\t\tWHERE gl_type='{$gl_type}' AND so_po_item_ref_id=" . $result->fields['item_id'];
        $adj = $db->Execute($sql);
        // this looks for partial received to make sure this item is still on order
        if ($result->fields['qty'] > $adj->fields['qty']) {
            $history[$hist_type][] = array('id' => $result->fields['id'], 'store_id' => $result->fields['store_id'], 'purchase_invoice_id' => $result->fields['purchase_invoice_id'], 'post_date' => $result->fields['post_date'], 'qty' => $result->fields['qty'], 'date_1' => $result->fields['date_1']);
    // load the units received and sold, assembled and adjusted
    $sql = "SELECT m.journal_id, m.post_date, i.qty, i.gl_type, i.credit_amount, i.debit_amount\n\t  FROM " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m JOIN " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " i ON m.id=i.ref_id\n\t  WHERE m.journal_id IN (6, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21) AND i.sku='{$sku}' AND m.post_date >= '{$last_year}'\n\t  ORDER BY m.post_date DESC";
    $result = $db->Execute($sql);
    while (!$result->EOF) {
        $month = substr($result->fields['post_date'], 0, 7);
        switch ($result->fields['journal_id']) {
            case 6:
            case 21:
                $history['purchases'][$month]['qty'] += $result->fields['qty'];
                $history['purchases'][$month]['total_amount'] += $result->fields['debit_amount'];
            case 12:
            case 19:
                $history['sales'][$month]['qty'] += $result->fields['qty'];
                $history['sales'][$month]['usage'] += $result->fields['qty'];
                $history['sales'][$month]['total_amount'] += $result->fields['credit_amount'];
            case 14:
                if ($result->fields['gl_type'] == 'asi') {
                    // only if part of an assembly
                    $history['sales'][$month]['usage'] -= $result->fields['qty'];
                    // need to negate quantity since assy.
            case 16:
                $history['sales'][$month]['usage'] += $result->fields['qty'];
    // calculate average usage
    $percent_diff = 0.1;
    // the percentage difference from current value to notify for adjustment
    $months_of_data = 12;
    // valid values are 1, 3, 6, or 12
    $med_avg_diff = 0.25;
    // the maximum percentage difference from the median and average, for large swings
    $cnt = 0;
    $sales = array();
    $history['averages'] = array();
    foreach ($history['sales'] as $key => $value) {
        if ($cnt == 0) {
        // skip current month since we probably don't have the full months worth
        $history['averages']['12month'] += $history['sales'][$key]['usage'];
        if ($cnt < 7) {
            $history['averages']['6month'] += $history['sales'][$key]['usage'];
        if ($cnt < 4) {
            $history['averages']['3month'] += $history['sales'][$key]['usage'];
        if ($cnt < 2) {
            $history['averages']['1month'] += $history['sales'][$key]['usage'];
        if ($cnt <= $months_of_data) {
            $sales[] = $value['usage'];
    $history['averages']['12month'] = round($history['averages']['12month'] / 12, 2);
    $history['averages']['6month'] = round($history['averages']['6month'] / 6, 2);
    $history['averages']['3month'] = round($history['averages']['3month'] / 3, 2);
    $sql = "SELECT minimum_stock_level, lead_time FROM " . TABLE_INVENTORY . " WHERE sku='{$sku}'";
    $inv = $db->Execute($sql);
    $idx = ceil(count($sales) / 2);
    $median_sales = $sales[$idx];
    $average_sales = ceil($history['averages'][$months_of_data . 'month']);
    $new_min_stock = ceil($inv->fields['lead_time'] / 30) * $average_sales;
    $high_band = $inv->fields['minimum_stock_level'] * (1 + $percent_diff);
    $low_band = $inv->fields['minimum_stock_level'] * (1 - $percent_diff);
    $high_avg = $average_sales * (1 + $med_avg_diff);
    $low_avg = $average_sales * (1 - $med_avg_diff);
    if ($new_min_stock > $high_band || $new_min_stock < $low_band) {
        $messageStack->add(sprintf(INV_STOCK_LEVEL_ADJ, $new_min_stock), 'caution');
    if ($median_sales > $high_avg || $median_sales < $low_avg) {
        $messageStack->add(sprintf(INV_STOCK_MEDIAN, $median_sales, $average_sales), 'caution');
    return $history;
Пример #10
function gen_build_sql_date($date_prefs, $df)
    global $db;
    $dates = gen_get_dates();
    $DateArray = explode(':', $date_prefs);
    $t = time();
    $ds = '0000-00-00';
    $de = '2199-00-00';
    switch ($DateArray[0]) {
        case "a":
            // All, skip the date addition to the where statement, all dates in db
            $d = '';
            $fildesc = '';
        case "b":
            // Date Range
            $d = '';
            $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE;
            if ($DateArray[1] != '') {
                $ds = gen_db_date($DateArray[1]);
                $d .= $df . " >= '" . $ds . "'";
                $fildesc .= ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . $DateArray[1];
            if ($DateArray[2] != '') {
                // a value entered, check
                if (strlen($d) > 0) {
                    $d .= ' and ';
                $de = gen_specific_date(gen_db_date($DateArray[2]), 1);
                $d .= $df . " < '" . $de . "'";
                $fildesc .= ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . $DateArray[2];
            $fildesc .= '; ';
        case "c":
            // Today (specify range for datetime type fields to match for time parts)
            $ds = $dates['Today'];
            $de = gen_specific_date($dates['Today'], 1);
            $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'";
            $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE . ' = ' . gen_locale_date($dates['Today']) . '; ';
        case "d":
            // This Week
            $ds = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $dates['ThisMonth'], date('j', $t) - date('w', $t), $dates['ThisYear']));
            $de = gen_specific_date(date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $dates['ThisMonth'], date('j', $t) - date('w', $t) + 6, $dates['ThisYear'])), 1);
            $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'";
            $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE . ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . gen_locale_date($ds) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_locale_date(gen_specific_date($de, -1)) . '; ';
        case "e":
            // This Week to Date
            $ds = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $dates['ThisMonth'], date('j', $t) - date('w', $t), $dates['ThisYear']));
            $de = gen_specific_date($dates['Today'], 1);
            $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'";
            $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE . ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . gen_locale_date($ds) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_locale_date($dates['Today']) . '; ';
        case "f":
            // This Month
            $ds = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $dates['ThisMonth'], 1, $dates['ThisYear']));
            $de = gen_specific_date(date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $dates['ThisMonth'], $dates['TotalDays'], $dates['ThisYear'])), 1);
            $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'";
            $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE . ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . gen_locale_date($ds) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_locale_date(gen_specific_date($de, -1)) . '; ';
        case "g":
            // This Month to Date
            $ds = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $dates['ThisMonth'], 1, $dates['ThisYear']));
            $de = gen_specific_date($dates['Today'], 1);
            $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'";
            $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE . ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . gen_locale_date($ds) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_locale_date($dates['Today']) . '; ';
        case "h":
            // This Quarter
            $temp = gen_calculate_fiscal_dates($QtrStrt);
            $ds = $temp['start_date'];
            $temp = gen_calculate_fiscal_dates($QtrStrt + 2);
            $de = gen_specific_date($temp['end_date'], 1);
            $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'";
            $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE . ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . gen_locale_date($ds) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_locale_date($temp['end_date']) . '; ';
        case "i":
            // Quarter to Date
            $temp = gen_calculate_fiscal_dates($QtrStrt);
            $ds = $temp['start_date'];
            $de = gen_specific_date($dates['Today'], 1);
            $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'";
            $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE . ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . gen_locale_date($ds) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_locale_date($dates['Today']) . '; ';
        case "j":
            // This Year
            $temp = gen_calculate_fiscal_dates($YrStrt);
            $ds = $temp['start_date'];
            $temp = gen_calculate_fiscal_dates($YrStrt + 11);
            $de = gen_specific_date($temp['end_date'], 1);
            $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'";
            $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE . ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . gen_locale_date($ds) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_locale_date($temp['end_date']) . '; ';
        case "k":
            // Year to Date
            $temp = gen_calculate_fiscal_dates($YrStrt);
            $ds = $temp['start_date'];
            $de = gen_specific_date($dates['Today'], 1);
            $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'";
            $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE . ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . gen_locale_date($ds) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_locale_date($dates['Today']) . '; ';
        case "l":
            // This Period
            $de = gen_specific_date(CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_END, 1);
            $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'";
            $fildesc = TEXT_PERIOD . ' ' . CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD . ' (' . gen_locale_date(CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_START) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_locale_date(CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_END) . '); ';
        case "z":
            // date by period
            $temp = gen_calculate_fiscal_dates($DateArray[1]);
            $ds = $temp['start_date'];
            $de = $temp['end_date'];
            $d = 'period = ' . $DateArray[1];
            $fildesc = TEXT_PERIOD . ' ' . $DateArray[1] . ' (' . gen_locale_date($ds) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_locale_date($de) . '); ';
    $dates = array('sql' => $d, 'description' => $fildesc, 'start_date' => $ds, 'end_date' => $de);
    return $dates;
Пример #11
 function calulate_special_fields($id)
     global $db;
     $today = date('Y-m-d');
     $new_data = array();
     $result = $db->Execute("select debit_amount, credit_amount from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " where gl_type = 'ttl' and ref_id = " . $id);
     $result2 = $db->Execute("select journal_id, post_date from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " where id = " . $id);
     $post_date = $result2->fields['post_date'];
     $negate = false;
     if (in_array($result2->fields['journal_id'], array(6, 7))) {
         $late_30 = gen_specific_date($today, -AP_AGING_DATE_1);
         $late_60 = gen_specific_date($today, -AP_AGING_DATE_2);
         $late_90 = gen_specific_date($today, -AP_AGING_DATE_3);
         if ($result2->fields['journal_id'] != 7) {
             $negate = true;
     } else {
         $late_30 = gen_specific_date($today, -AR_AGING_PERIOD_1);
         $late_60 = gen_specific_date($today, -AR_AGING_PERIOD_2);
         $late_90 = gen_specific_date($today, -AR_AGING_PERIOD_3);
         if ($result2->fields['journal_id'] != 12) {
             $negate = true;
     $result3 = $db->Execute("select sum(debit_amount) as debits, sum(credit_amount) as credits \n\t  from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " where so_po_item_ref_id = '" . $id . "' and gl_type in ('pmt', 'chk')");
     if ($negate) {
         $total_billed = $result->fields['credit_amount'] - $result->fields['debit_amount'];
         $total_paid = $result3->fields['debits'] - $result3->fields['credits'];
     } else {
         $total_billed = $result->fields['debit_amount'] - $result->fields['credit_amount'];
         $total_paid = $result3->fields['credits'] - $result3->fields['debits'];
     $balance = $total_billed - $total_paid;
     $new_data['balance_due'] = $balance;
     $new_data['balance_futre'] = 0;
     $new_data['balance_0'] = 0;
     $new_data['balance_30'] = 0;
     $new_data['balance_60'] = 0;
     $new_data['balance_90'] = 0;
     if ($post_date < $late_90) {
         $new_data['balance_90'] = $balance;
     } elseif ($post_date < $late_60) {
         $new_data['balance_60'] = $balance;
     } elseif ($post_date < $late_30) {
         $new_data['balance_30'] = $balance;
     } elseif ($post_date > $today) {
         $new_data['balance_futre'] = $balance;
     } else {
         $new_data['balance_0'] = $balance;
     return $new_data;
Пример #12
$id = (int) $_GET['id'];
/***************   Act on the action request   *************************/
// Load the customer status
$customer = $db->Execute("select c.type, c.inactive, c.special_terms, a.notes \r\n  from " . TABLE_CONTACTS . " c inner join " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " a on c.id = a.ref_id \r\n  where c.id = " . $id . " and a.type like '%m'");
$notes = str_replace(chr(10), "<br />", $customer->fields['notes']);
$type = $customer->fields['type'] == 'v' ? 'AP' : 'AR';
$special_terms = gen_terms_to_language($customer->fields['special_terms'], $short = false, $type);
$terms = explode(':', $customer->fields['special_terms']);
$credit_limit = $terms[4] ? $terms[4] : constant($type . '_CREDIT_LIMIT_AMOUNT');
$due_days = $terms[3] ? $terms[3] : constant($type . '_NUM_DAYS_DUE');
$due_date = gen_specific_date($today, -$due_days);
// load the aged status
$today = date('Y-m-d');
$late_30 = gen_specific_date($today, $type == 'AP' ? -AP_AGING_DATE_1 : -AR_AGING_PERIOD_1);
$late_60 = gen_specific_date($today, $type == 'AP' ? -AP_AGING_DATE_2 : -AR_AGING_PERIOD_2);
$late_90 = gen_specific_date($today, $type == 'AP' ? -AP_AGING_DATE_3 : -AR_AGING_PERIOD_3);
$new_data = array('balance_0' => '0', 'balance_30' => '0', 'balance_60' => '0', 'balance_90' => '0');
$inv_jid = $type == 'AP' ? '6, 7' : '12, 13';
$pmt_jid = $type == 'AP' ? '20' : '18';
$total_outstanding = 0;
$past_due = 0;
$sql = "select id from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " \r\n\twhere bill_acct_id = " . $id . " and journal_id in (" . $inv_jid . ") and closed = '0'";
$open_inv = $db->Execute($sql);
//echo 'records = ' . $open_inv->RecordCount() . '<br />';
while (!$open_inv->EOF) {
    $sql = "select m.post_date, sum(i.debit_amount) as debits, sum(i.credit_amount) as credits \r\n    from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m inner join " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " i on m.id = i.ref_id\r\n    where m.id = " . $open_inv->fields['id'] . " and journal_id in (" . $inv_jid . ") and i.gl_type <> 'ttl' group by m.id";
    $result = $db->Execute($sql);
    $total_billed = $result->fields['credits'] - $result->fields['debits'];
    $post_date = $result->fields['post_date'];
    $sql = "select sum(i.debit_amount) as debits, sum(i.credit_amount) as credits \r\n    from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m inner join " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " i on m.id = i.ref_id\r\n    where i.so_po_item_ref_id = " . $open_inv->fields['id'] . " and m.journal_id = " . $pmt_jid . " and i.gl_type = 'pmt'";
    $result = $db->Execute($sql);
Пример #13
    $now->modify('-1 day');
$cal_order = array('name' => 'dateOrdered', 'form' => 'orders', 'fieldname' => 'post_date', 'imagename' => 'btn_date_1', 'default' => isset($order->post_date) ? gen_locale_date($order->post_date) : $now->format(DATE_FORMAT), 'params' => array('align' => 'left'));
$cal_terminal = array('name' => 'dateRequired', 'form' => 'orders', 'fieldname' => 'terminal_date', 'imagename' => 'btn_date_2', 'default' => isset($order->terminal_date) ? gen_locale_date($order->terminal_date) : $req_date, 'params' => array('align' => 'left'));
// build the display options based on JOURNAL_ID
$template_options = array();
switch (JOURNAL_ID) {
    case 3:
    case 4:
        $req_date = gen_locale_date(gen_specific_date('', 0, 1, 0));
        $template_options['terminal_date'] = true;
        $template_options['terms'] = true;
        $template_options['closed'] = array('title' => TEXT_CLOSE, 'field' => html_checkbox_field('closed', '1', $order->closed ? true : false, '', ''));
    case 6:
        $req_date = gen_locale_date(gen_specific_date('', 0, 1, 0));
        $template_options['terms'] = true;
        $template_options['waiting'] = array('title' => ORD_WAITING_FOR_INVOICE, 'field' => html_checkbox_field('waiting', '1', $order->waiting ? true : false, '', ''));
    case 7:
        $req_date = date(DATE_FORMAT);
        $template_options['terms'] = true;
        $template_options['waiting'] = array('title' => ORD_WAITING_FOR_INVOICE, 'field' => html_checkbox_field('waiting', '1', $order->waiting ? true : false, '', ''));
    case 9:
    case 10:
        $template_options['closed'] = array('title' => TEXT_CLOSE, 'field' => html_checkbox_field('closed', '1', $order->closed ? true : false, '', ''));
    case 12:
        $req_date = date(DATE_FORMAT);
        $template_options['terminal_date'] = true;
        $template_options['terms'] = true;
Пример #14
     $db->Execute("delete from " . TABLE_PRICE_SHEETS . " where id = '{$id}'");
     $db->Execute("delete from " . TABLE_INVENTORY_SPECIAL_PRICES . " where price_sheet_id = '{$id}'");
     gen_add_audit_log(PRICE_SHEETS_LOG . TEXT_DELETE, $sheet_name);
     gen_redirect(html_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, gen_get_all_get_params(array('psID', 'action')) . '&type=' . $type, 'SSL'));
 case 'revise':
     validate_security($security_level, 2);
     $old_id = db_prepare_input($_GET['psID']);
     $result = $db->Execute("select * from " . TABLE_PRICE_SHEETS . " where id = {$old_id}");
     $old_rev = $result->fields['revision'];
     $output_array = array('sheet_name' => $result->fields['sheet_name'], 'type' => $type, 'revision' => $result->fields['revision'] + 1, 'effective_date' => gen_specific_date($result->fields['effective_date'], 1), 'default_sheet' => $result->fields['default_sheet'], 'default_levels' => $result->fields['default_levels']);
     db_perform(TABLE_PRICE_SHEETS, $output_array, 'insert');
     $id = db_insert_id();
     // this is used by the edit function later on.
     // expire the old sheet
     $db->Execute("UPDATE " . TABLE_PRICE_SHEETS . " SET expiration_date='" . gen_specific_date($result->fields['effective_date'], 1) . "' WHERE id={$old_id}");
     // Copy special pricing information to new sheet
     $levels = $db->Execute("select inventory_id, price_levels from " . TABLE_INVENTORY_SPECIAL_PRICES . " where price_sheet_id = {$old_id}");
     while (!$levels->EOF) {
         $db->Execute("insert into " . TABLE_INVENTORY_SPECIAL_PRICES . " set inventory_id = {$levels->fields}['inventory_id'],\n\t\t  price_sheet_id = {$id}, price_levels = '{$levels->fields}['price_levels']'");
     gen_add_audit_log(PRICE_SHEETS_LOG . TEXT_REVISE, $result->fields['sheet_name'] . ' Rev. ' . $old_rev . ' => ' . ($old_rev + 1));
     $_REQUEST['action'] = 'edit';
     // continue with edit.
 // continue with edit.
 case 'edit':
     if (!isset($id)) {
         $id = db_prepare_input($_POST['rowSeq']);
     $result = $db->Execute("select * from " . TABLE_PRICE_SHEETS . " where id = {$id}");
Пример #15
 function trackPackages($track_date = '0000-00-00', $log_id = false)
     global $db, $messageStack;
     $result = array();
         $messageStack->add('Tracking only works on the FedEx production server!', 'error');
         return false;
     } else {
         $client = new SoapClient(PATH_TO_TRACK_WSDL, array('trace' => 1));
     if ($log_id) {
         $shipments = $db->Execute("select id, ref_id, deliver_date, actual_date, tracking_id, notes \n\t\t\t\tfrom " . TABLE_SHIPPING_LOG . " \n\t\t\t\twhere carrier = '" . $this->code . "' and id = '" . $log_id . "'");
     } else {
         $start_date = $track_date;
         $end_date = gen_specific_date($track_date, $day_offset = 1);
         $shipments = $db->Execute("select id, ref_id, deliver_date, actual_date, tracking_id, notes \n\t\t\t\tfrom " . TABLE_SHIPPING_LOG . " \n\t\t\t\twhere carrier = '" . $this->code . "' \n\t\t\t\t\tand ship_date >= '" . $start_date . "' and ship_date < '" . $end_date . "'");
     while (!$shipments->EOF) {
         $tracking_number = $shipments->fields['tracking_id'];
         if ($shipments->fields['actual_date'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
             // skip if already tracked
         $request = $this->FormatFedExTrackRequest($shipments->fields['tracking_id']);
         if (!$request) {
         //echo 'request = '; print_r($request); echo '<br />';
         try {
             $response = $client->track($request);
             //echo 'Request <pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastRequest()) . '</pre>';
             //echo 'Response <pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastResponse()) . '</pre>';
             if ($response->HighestSeverity != 'FAILURE' && $response->HighestSeverity != 'ERROR') {
                 $actual_date = str_replace('T', ' ', $response->TrackDetails->ActualDeliveryTimestamp);
                 $actual_date = substr($actual_date, 0, -6);
                 // see if the package was late, flag if so
                 $late = '0';
                 // no data
                 if ($shipments->fields['deliver_date'] < $actual_date) {
                     $late = 'L';
                     //					  $messageStack->add(SHIPPING_FEDEX_V7_TRACK_FAIL . $shipments->fields['ref_id'], 'error');
                 } elseif ($response->TrackDetails->StatusCode != 'DL') {
                     $late = 'T';
                     $messageStack->add(sprintf(SHIPPING_FEDEX_V7_TRACK_STATUS, $shipments->fields['ref_id'], $response->TrackDetails->StatusCode, $response->TrackDetails->StatusDescription), 'caution');
                 // update the log file with the actual delivery timestamp, append notes
                 $db->Execute("update " . TABLE_SHIPPING_LOG . " \n\t\t\t\t\t  set actual_date = '" . $actual_date . "', deliver_late = '" . $late . "' where id = " . $shipments->fields['id']);
                 //					$messageStack->add(SHIPPING_FEDEX_V7_TRACK_SUCCESS . $response->TrackDetails->ActualDeliveryTimestamp, 'success');
             } else {
                 foreach ($response->Notifications as $notification) {
                     if (is_object($notification)) {
                         $message .= ' (' . $notification->Severity . ') ' . $notification->Message;
                     } else {
                         $message .= ' ' . $notification;
                 $messageStack->add(SHIPPING_FEDEX_V7_TRACK_ERROR . $message, 'error');
                 return false;
         } catch (SoapFault $exception) {
             //echo 'Error Request <pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastRequest()) . '</pre>';
             //echo 'Error Response <pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastResponse()) . '</pre>';
             $message = " ({$exception->faultcode}) {$exception->faultstring}";
             $messageStack->add(SHIPPING_FEDEX_CURL_ERROR . $message, 'error');
             return false;
     return true;
Пример #16
$template_options = array();
switch (JOURNAL_ID) {
    case 3:
        $req_date = gen_spiffycal_db_date_short(gen_specific_date('', 0, 1, 0));
        $template_options['terminal_date'] = array('title' => constant('ORD_TEXT_' . JOURNAL_ID . '_EXPIRES'), 'field' => '<script type="text/javascript">dateRequired.writeControl(); dateRequired.displayLeft=true; dateRequired.dateFormat="' . DATE_FORMAT_SPIFFYCAL . '";</script>');
        $template_options['terms'] = array('title' => ACT_TERMS_DUE, 'field' => html_input_field('terms_text', gen_terms_to_language('0', true, 'ap'), 'readonly="readonly" size="25"') . '&nbsp;' . html_icon('apps/accessories-text-editor.png', ACT_TERMS_DUE, 'small', 'align="top" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="TermsList()"'));
        $template_options['closed'] = array('title' => TEXT_CLOSE, 'field' => html_checkbox_field('closed', '1', $order->closed ? true : false, '', ''));
    case 4:
        $req_date = gen_spiffycal_db_date_short(gen_specific_date('', 0, 1, 0));
        $template_options['terminal_date'] = array('title' => constant('ORD_TEXT_' . JOURNAL_ID . '_EXPIRES'), 'field' => '<script type="text/javascript">dateRequired.writeControl(); dateRequired.displayLeft=true; dateRequired.dateFormat="' . DATE_FORMAT_SPIFFYCAL . '";</script>');
        $template_options['terms'] = array('title' => ACT_TERMS_DUE, 'field' => html_input_field('terms_text', gen_terms_to_language('0', true, 'ap'), 'readonly="readonly" size="25"') . '&nbsp;' . html_icon('apps/accessories-text-editor.png', ACT_TERMS_DUE, 'small', 'align="top" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="TermsList()"'));
        $template_options['closed'] = array('title' => TEXT_CLOSE, 'field' => html_checkbox_field('closed', '1', $order->closed ? true : false, '', ''));
    case 6:
        $req_date = gen_spiffycal_db_date_short(gen_specific_date('', 0, 1, 0));
        $template_options['terms'] = array('title' => ACT_TERMS_DUE, 'field' => html_input_field('terms_text', gen_terms_to_language('0', true, 'ap'), 'readonly="readonly" size="25"') . '&nbsp;' . html_icon('apps/accessories-text-editor.png', ACT_TERMS_DUE, 'small', 'align="top" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="TermsList()"'));
        $template_options['waiting'] = array('title' => ORD_WAITING_FOR_INVOICE, 'field' => html_checkbox_field('waiting', '1', $order->waiting ? true : false, '', ''));
    case 7:
        $req_date = date(DATE_FORMAT, time());
        $template_options['terms'] = array('title' => ACT_TERMS_DUE, 'field' => html_input_field('terms_text', gen_terms_to_language('0', true, 'ap'), 'readonly="readonly" size="25"') . '&nbsp;' . html_icon('apps/accessories-text-editor.png', ACT_TERMS_DUE, 'small', 'align="top" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="TermsList()"'));
        $template_options['waiting'] = array('title' => ORD_WAITING_FOR_INVOICE, 'field' => html_checkbox_field('waiting', '1', $order->waiting ? true : false, '', ''));
    case 9:
        $req_date = date(DATE_FORMAT, time());
        $template_options['terminal_date'] = array('title' => constant('ORD_TEXT_' . JOURNAL_ID . '_EXPIRES'), 'field' => '<script type="text/javascript">dateRequired.writeControl(); dateRequired.displayLeft=true; dateRequired.dateFormat="' . DATE_FORMAT_SPIFFYCAL . '";</script>');
        $template_options['terms'] = array('title' => ACT_TERMS_DUE, 'field' => html_input_field('terms_text', gen_terms_to_language('0', true, 'ap'), 'readonly="readonly" size="25"') . '&nbsp;' . html_icon('apps/accessories-text-editor.png', ACT_TERMS_DUE, 'small', 'align="top" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="TermsList()"'));
        $template_options['closed'] = array('title' => TEXT_CLOSE, 'field' => html_checkbox_field('closed', '1', $order->closed ? true : false, '', ''));
    case 10:
 function calulate_special_fields($id)
     global $db;
     $today = date('Y-m-d');
     $new_data = array();
     $result = $db->Execute("select m.journal_id, m.post_date, sum(i.debit_amount) as debits, sum(i.credit_amount) as credits \r\n\t  from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m inner join " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " i on m.id = i.ref_id\r\n\t  where m.id = " . $id . " and i.gl_type <> 'ttl' group by m.id");
     if (in_array($result->fields['journal_id'], array(6, 7))) {
         $total_billed = $result->fields['debits'] - $result->fields['credits'];
         $late_30 = gen_specific_date($today, -AP_AGING_DATE_1);
         $late_60 = gen_specific_date($today, -AP_AGING_DATE_2);
         $late_90 = gen_specific_date($today, -AP_AGING_DATE_3);
         $negate = true;
     } else {
         $total_billed = $result->fields['credits'] - $result->fields['debits'];
         $late_30 = gen_specific_date($today, -AR_AGING_PERIOD_1);
         $late_60 = gen_specific_date($today, -AR_AGING_PERIOD_2);
         $late_90 = gen_specific_date($today, -AR_AGING_PERIOD_3);
         $negate = false;
     $post_date = $result->fields['post_date'];
     $result = $db->Execute("select sum(i.debit_amount) as debits, sum(i.credit_amount) as credits \r\n\t  from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m inner join " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " i on m.id = i.ref_id\r\n\t  where i.so_po_item_ref_id = " . $id . " and m.journal_id in (18, 20) and i.gl_type in ('pmt', 'chk')");
     $total_paid = $result->fields['credits'] - $result->fields['debits'];
     $balance = $total_billed - $total_paid;
     $new_data['balance_0'] = 0;
     $new_data['balance_30'] = 0;
     $new_data['balance_60'] = 0;
     $new_data['balance_90'] = 0;
     if ($post_date < $late_90) {
         $new_data['balance_90'] = $balance;
     } elseif ($post_date < $late_60) {
         $new_data['balance_60'] = $balance;
     } elseif ($post_date < $late_30) {
         $new_data['balance_30'] = $balance;
     } else {
         $new_data['balance_0'] = $balance;
     return $new_data;
Пример #18
     // Reset all other price sheet default flags if set to this price sheet
     if ($default_sheet) {
         $db->Execute("update " . TABLE_PRICE_SHEETS . " \r\n\t\t\tset default_sheet = '0' \r\n\t\t\twhere sheet_name <> '" . $sheet_name . "'");
     $sql = $action == 'save' ? 'insert into ' : 'update ';
     $sql .= TABLE_PRICE_SHEETS . " set \r\n\t\tsheet_name = '" . $sheet_name . "', \r\n\t\trevision = '" . $revision . "', \r\n\t\teffective_date = '" . $effective_date . "', \r\n\t\tdefault_sheet = '" . $default_sheet . "', \r\n\t\tdefault_levels = '" . $default_levels . "'";
     $sql .= $action == 'save' ? '' : ' where id = ' . $id;
     $result = $db->Execute($sql);
     // Set all price sheets with this name to default
     if ($default_sheet) {
         $db->Execute("update " . TABLE_PRICE_SHEETS . " \r\n\t\t\tset default_sheet = '1' \r\n\t\t\twhere sheet_name = '" . $sheet_name . "'");
     // set expiration date of previous rev if there is a older rev of this price sheet
     if ($effective_date != '') {
         $db->Execute("update " . TABLE_PRICE_SHEETS . " \r\n\t\t\tset expiration_date = '" . gen_specific_date($effective_date, -1) . "' \r\n\t\t\twhere sheet_name = '" . $sheet_name . "' and revision = " . ($revision - 1));
     gen_add_audit_log(PRICE_SHEETS_LOG . ($action == 'save') ? TEXT_SAVE : TEXT_UPDATE, $sheet_name);
     gen_redirect(html_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, gen_get_all_get_params(array('psID', 'action')), 'SSL'));
 case 'delete':
     if ($security_level < 4) {
         $messageStack->add_session(ERROR_NO_PERMISSION, 'error');
         gen_redirect(html_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, gen_get_all_get_params(array('action')), 'SSL'));
     $id = (int) db_prepare_input($_GET['psID']);
     $result = $db->Execute("select sheet_name from " . TABLE_PRICE_SHEETS . " where id = " . $id);
     $sheet_name = $result->fields['sheet_name'];
     // TBD check to see if this is the default if so, remind to pick another
     $db->Execute("delete from " . TABLE_PRICE_SHEETS . " where id = '" . $id . "'");
Пример #19
function get_chart_data($operation, $data)
    global $db, $currencies;
    $output = array('type' => 'pie', 'width' => '600', 'height' => '400');
    switch ($operation) {
        case 'annual_sales':
            $output['type'] = 'column';
            $output['title'] = CONTACTS_CHART_SALES_TITLE;
            $output['label_text'] = TEXT_DATE;
            $output['value_text'] = TEXT_TOTAL;
            $id = $data[0];
            if (!$id) {
                return false;
            $dates = gen_get_dates(gen_specific_date(date(Y - m - d), 0, 0, -1));
            $result = $db->Execute("SELECT month(post_date) as month, year(post_date) as year,\n          sum(total_amount) as total from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " \n  \t\t  where bill_acct_id = {$id} and journal_id in (12,13) and post_date >= '" . $dates['ThisYear'] . '-' . $dates['ThisMonth'] . "-01' \n  \t\t  group by year, month limit 12");
            for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) {
                if ($result->fields['year'] == $dates['ThisYear'] && $result->fields['month'] == $dates['ThisMonth']) {
                    $value = $result->fields['total'];
                } else {
                    $value = 0;
                $output['data'][] = array('label' => $dates['ThisYear'] . '-' . $dates['ThisMonth'], 'value' => $value);
                if ($dates['ThisMonth'] == '13') {
                    $dates['ThisMonth'] = '01';
            return false;
    return $output;
Пример #20
 function load_report_data($report, $Seq, $sql = '', $GrpField = '')
     global $db;
     // find list of accounts within search filter
     $today = date('Y-m-d');
     $late_30 = gen_specific_date($today, -AR_AGING_PERIOD_1);
     $late_60 = gen_specific_date($today, -AR_AGING_PERIOD_2);
     $late_90 = gen_specific_date($today, -AR_AGING_PERIOD_3);
     $sql_fields = substr($sql, strpos($sql, 'select ') + 7, strpos($sql, ' from ') - 7);
     // prepare the sql by temporarily replacing calculated fields with real fields
     $this->sql_field_array = explode(', ', $sql_fields);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->sql_field_array); $i++) {
         $this->sql_field_karray['c' . $i] = substr($this->sql_field_array[$i], 0, strpos($this->sql_field_array[$i], ' '));
     $temp_sql = str_replace(' FROM ', ', ' . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . '.id, journal_id, post_date, total_amount, bill_acct_id FROM ', $sql);
     $temp_sql = $this->replace_special_fields($temp_sql);
     $result = $db->Execute($temp_sql);
     if ($result->RecordCount() == 0) {
         return false;
     // No data so bail now
     while (!$result->EOF) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->sql_field_karray); $i++) {
             $this->accounts[$result->fields['bill_acct_id']]['c' . $i] = $result->fields['c' . $i];
         $negate = in_array($result->fields['journal_id'], array(7, 13)) ? true : false;
         $balance = $negate ? -$result->fields['total_amount'] : $result->fields['total_amount'];
         $balance -= $this->fetch_paid_amounts($result->fields['id']);
         if ($result->fields['post_date'] < $late_90) {
             $this->accounts[$result->fields['bill_acct_id']]['balance_90'] += $balance;
         } elseif ($result->fields['post_date'] < $late_60) {
             $this->accounts[$result->fields['bill_acct_id']]['balance_60'] += $balance;
         } elseif ($result->fields['post_date'] < $late_30) {
             $this->accounts[$result->fields['bill_acct_id']]['balance_30'] += $balance;
         } else {
             $this->accounts[$result->fields['bill_acct_id']]['balance_0'] += $balance;
     // Generate the output data array
     $RowCnt = 0;
     // Row counter for output data
     $ColCnt = 1;
     $GrpWorking = false;
     foreach ($this->accounts as $myrow) {
         // Check to see if a total row needs to be displayed
         if (isset($GrpField)) {
             // we're checking for group totals, see if this group is complete
             if ($myrow[$GrpField] != $GrpWorking && $GrpWorking !== false) {
                 // it's a new group so print totals
                 $OutputArray[$RowCnt][0] = 'g:' . $GrpWorking;
                 foreach ($Seq as $offset => $TotalCtl) {
                     $OutputArray[$RowCnt][$offset + 1] = ProcessData($TotalCtl['grptotal'], $TotalCtl['processing']);
                     $Seq[$offset]['grptotal'] = '';
                     // reset the total
                 // go to next row
             $GrpWorking = $myrow[$GrpField];
             // set to new grouping value
         $OutputArray[$RowCnt][0] = 'd';
         // let the display class know its a data element
         //echo 'orig myrow = '; print_r($myrow); echo '<br /><br />';
         $myrow = $this->replace_data_fields($myrow, $Seq);
         //echo 'new myrow = '; print_r($myrow); echo '<br /><br />';
         foreach ($Seq as $key => $TableCtl) {
             // insert data into output array and set to next column
             $OutputArray[$RowCnt][$ColCnt] = ProcessData($myrow[$TableCtl['fieldname']], $TableCtl['processing']);
             if ($TableCtl['total']) {
                 // add to the running total if need be
                 $Seq[$key]['grptotal'] += $myrow[$TableCtl['fieldname']];
                 $Seq[$key]['rpttotal'] += $myrow[$TableCtl['fieldname']];
         $ColCnt = 1;
     if ($GrpWorking !== false) {
         // if we collected group data show the final group total
         $OutputArray[$RowCnt][0] = 'g:' . $GrpWorking;
         foreach ($Seq as $TotalCtl) {
             $OutputArray[$RowCnt][$ColCnt] = $TotalCtl['total'] == '1' ? ProcessData($TotalCtl['grptotal'], $TotalCtl['processing']) : ' ';
         $ColCnt = 1;
     // see if we have a total to send
     $ShowTotals = false;
     foreach ($Seq as $TotalCtl) {
         if ($TotalCtl['total'] == '1') {
             $ShowTotals = true;
     if ($ShowTotals) {
         $OutputArray[$RowCnt][0] = 'r:' . $report->title;
         foreach ($Seq as $TotalCtl) {
             if ($TotalCtl['total']) {
                 $OutputArray[$RowCnt][$ColCnt] = ProcessData($TotalCtl['rpttotal'], $TotalCtl['processing']);
             } else {
                 $OutputArray[$RowCnt][$ColCnt] = ' ';
     return $OutputArray;
Пример #21
 function trackPackages($track_date = '0000-00-00', $log_id = false)
     // single tracking # or date range
     global $db, $messageStack;
     //	$result = array();
     if ($log_id) {
         $shipments = $db->Execute("select id, ref_id, deliver_date, actual_date, tracking_id, notes \n\t\tfrom " . TABLE_SHIPPING_LOG . " where carrier = '{$this->code}' and id = '{$log_id}'");
     } else {
         $start_date = $track_date;
         $end_date = gen_specific_date($track_date, $day_offset = 1);
         $shipments = $db->Execute("select id, ref_id, deliver_date, actual_date, tracking_id, notes \n\t\tfrom " . TABLE_SHIPPING_LOG . " where carrier = '{$this->code}' and ship_date >= '{$start_date}' and ship_date < '{$end_date}'");
     if ($shipments->RecordCount() == 0) {
         return 'No records were found!';
     $xml = "<StatusRequest>\n";
     $xml .= xmlEntry('PassPhrase', MODULE_SHIPPING_ENDICIA_PASS_PHRASE);
     $xml .= xmlEntry('Test', MODULE_SHIPPING_ENDICIA_TEST_MODE == 'Test' ? 'Y' : 'N');
     $xml .= xmlEntry('FullStatus', 'N');
     while (!$shipments->EOF) {
         $xml .= "  <StatusList>\n";
         $xml .= xmlEntry('PICNumber', $shipments->fields['tracking_id']);
         $xml .= "  </StatusList>\n";
     $xml .= "</StatusRequest>\n";
     $client = new SoapClient(MODULE_SHIPPING_ENDICIA_ELS_URL, array('trace' => 1));
     try {
         $response = $client->StatusRequest($xml);
         //echo 'Request <pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastRequest()) . '</pre>';
         //echo 'Response <pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastResponse()) . '</pre>';
         if ($response->StatusResponse->Status == 0) {
             if (!is_array($response->StatusResponse->StatusList)) {
                 $response->StatusResponse->StatusList = array($response->StatusResponse->StatusList);
             foreach ($response->StatusResponse->StatusList as $status) {
                 $description = $status->PICNumber->Status;
                 $status_code = $status->PICNumber->StatusCode;
                 $message = sprintf(SHIPPING_ENDICIA_TRACK_STATUS, $shipments->fields['ref_id'], $shipments->fields['tracking_id'], $description);
                 $messageStack->add($message, $status_code == 'D' ? 'success' : 'caution');
         } else {
             $message = TEXT_ERROR . ' (' . $response->StatusResponse->Status . ') ' . $response->StatusResponse->ErrorMsg;
             $messageStack->add($message, 'error');
     } catch (SoapFault $exception) {
         //echo 'Error Request <pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastRequest()) . '</pre>';
         //echo 'Error Response <pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastResponse()) . '</pre>';
         $message = "SOAP Error ({$exception->faultcode}) {$exception->faultstring}";
         $messageStack->add($message, 'error');
     return $message;