/** * Get views summary for any given post. * * @param int $post_id post to get views for * @return gdptPostViews|WP_Error views summary or error if post ID is invalid. */ function presstools_get_post_views($post_id = 0) { if ($post_id == 0) { global $post; $post_id = $post->ID; } if ($post_id > 0) { $results = gd_count_views($post_id); $views = new gdptPostViews($post_id); if (is_object($results) && !is_null($results)) { $views->users_views = $results->usr_views; $views->visitors_views = $results->vst_views; $views->total_views = $results->tot_views; return $views; } } else { return new WP_Error("presstools_get_post_views", __("Given post ID is invalid.", "gd-press-tools")); } }
function admin_columns_data($column, $id) { switch ($column) { case "gdpt_sticky": if (is_sticky($id)) { echo __("Yes", "gd-press-tools"); } break; case "gdpt_mediaid": case "gdpt_postid": case "gdpt_linksid": echo $id; break; case "gdpt_views": $data = gd_count_views($id); echo sprintf('<div class="gdpt_view_line">%s: <strong class="gdpt_view_value">%s</strong></div>%s: <strong class="gdpt_view_value">%s</strong><br />%s: <strong class="gdpt_view_value">%s</strong><br />', __("total", "gd-press-tools"), intval($data->tot_views), __("users", "gd-press-tools"), intval($data->usr_views), __("visitors", "gd-press-tools"), intval($data->vst_views)); break; case "gdpt_options": $url = add_query_arg("pid", $id, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $counter = gd_count_revisions($id); echo sprintf('<a style="color: #00008b" href="%s" title="%s">%s</a><br />', add_query_arg("gda", "duplicate", $url), __("Duplicate", "gd-press-tools"), __("Duplicate", "gd-press-tools")); if ($counter > 0) { echo sprintf('<a style="color: #cc0000" onclick="if (confirm(\'%s\')) { return true; } return false;" href="%s" title="%s">%s (%s)</a>', __("Are you sure that you want to delete revisions for this post?", "gd-press-tools"), add_query_arg("gda", "delrev", $url), __("Delete Revisions", "gd-press-tools"), __("Delete Revisions", "gd-press-tools"), $counter); } break; } }