Пример #1
$submission_list_sortable_id = "submission_list";
// a form ID & view ID should always be set when visiting this page
$view_id = ft_load_field("view_id", "form_{$form_id}_view_id");
// this updates all four sections of the view at once (since all may have been modified)
if (isset($request["update_view"])) {
    $request["form_id"] = $form_id;
    $request["view_fields_sortable_id"] = $view_fields_sortable_id;
    $request["submission_list_sortable_id"] = $submission_list_sortable_id;
    list($g_success, $g_message) = ft_update_view($view_id, $request);
$form_info = ft_get_form($form_id);
$form_fields = ft_get_form_fields($form_id, array("include_field_type_info" => true));
$view_info = ft_get_view($view_id);
$form_database_column_info = ft_get_form_column_names($form_id);
$view_clients = ft_get_view_clients($view_id);
$view_tabs = ft_get_view_tabs($view_id);
$grouped_fields = ft_get_grouped_view_fields($view_id);
$field_types = ft_get_field_type_names();
$new_view_submission_defaults = ft_get_new_view_submission_defaults($view_id);
// this returns ALL filters: standard and client map
$standard_filters = ft_get_view_filters($view_id, "standard");
$client_map_filters = ft_get_view_filters($view_id, "client_map");
$num_standard_filters = count($standard_filters);
$num_client_map_filters = count($client_map_filters);
$edit_view_tab = isset($_SESSION["ft"]["inner_tabs"]["edit_view"]) ? $_SESSION["ft"]["inner_tabs"]["edit_view"] : 1;
if (isset($request["edit_view_tab"])) {
    $edit_view_tab = $request["edit_view_tab"];
    $_SESSION["ft"]["inner_tabs"]["edit_view"] = $edit_view_tab;
$view_omit_list = ft_get_public_view_omit_list($view_id);
$num_clients_on_omit_list = count($view_omit_list);
Пример #2
$page_field_type_ids = array();
$page_has_required_fields = false;
foreach ($grouped_fields as $group) {
    foreach ($group["fields"] as $field_info) {
        $page_field_ids[] = $field_info["field_id"];
        if (!in_array($field_info["field_type_id"], $page_field_type_ids)) {
            $page_field_type_ids[] = $field_info["field_type_id"];
        if ($field_info["is_required"]) {
            $page_has_required_fields = true;
$page_field_types = ft_get_field_types(true, $page_field_type_ids);
// construct the tab list
$view_tabs = ft_get_view_tabs($view_id, true);
$tabs = array();
$same_page = ft_get_clean_php_self();
while (list($key, $value) = each($view_tabs)) {
    $tabs[$key] = array("tab_label" => $value["tab_label"], "tab_link" => "{$same_page}?tab={$key}&form_id={$form_id}&submission_id={$submission_id}");
// get a list of editable fields on this tab
$editable_tab_fields = array_intersect($page_field_ids, $editable_field_ids);
// if we're just coming here from the search results page, get a fresh list of every submission ID in this
// search result set. This is used to build the internal "<< previous   next >>" nav on this details page.
// They need to exactly correspond to the ordering of the search results or they don't make sense
$search = isset($_SESSION["ft"]["current_search"]) ? $_SESSION["ft"]["current_search"] : array();
if (isset($_SESSION["ft"]["new_search"]) && $_SESSION["ft"]["new_search"] == "yes") {
    $searchable_columns = ft_get_view_searchable_fields("", $view_info["fields"]);
    // extract the original search settings and get the list of IDs
    $submission_ids = ft_get_search_submission_ids($form_id, $view_id, $search["results_per_page"], $search["order"], $search["search_fields"], $searchable_columns);
Пример #3
 * Returns all Views for a form, grouped appropriately. This function introduces a new way of handling
 * loads of optional params (should have implemented this a long time ago!). The second $custom_params
 * @param integer $form_id
 * @param array a hash with any of the following keys:
 *                       account_id => if this is specified, the results will only return View groups
 *                                     that have Views that a client account has access to
 *                       omit_empty_groups => (default: false)
 *                       omit_hidden_views => (default: false)
 *                       include_client => (default: false). If yes, returns assorted client information
 *                             for those that are mapped to the View
 * @param boolean $omit_empty_groups
function ft_get_grouped_views($form_id, $custom_params = array())
    global $g_table_prefix;
    // figure out what settings
    $params = array("account_id" => isset($custom_params["account_id"]) ? $custom_params["account_id"] : "", "omit_empty_groups" => isset($custom_params["omit_empty_groups"]) ? $custom_params["omit_empty_groups"] : true, "omit_hidden_views" => isset($custom_params["omit_hidden_views"]) ? $custom_params["omit_hidden_views"] : false, "include_clients" => isset($custom_params["include_clients"]) ? $custom_params["include_clients"] : false);
    $group_query = mysql_query("\r\n    SELECT group_id, group_name\r\n    FROM   {$g_table_prefix}list_groups lg\r\n    WHERE  group_type = 'form_{$form_id}_view_group'\r\n    ORDER BY lg.list_order\r\n  ");
    $info = array();
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($group_query)) {
        $group_id = $row["group_id"];
        $hidden_views_clause = $params["omit_hidden_views"] ? " AND v.access_type != 'hidden'" : "";
        if (empty($params["account_id"])) {
            $view_query = mysql_query("\r\n        SELECT *\r\n        FROM   {$g_table_prefix}views v\r\n        WHERE  v.group_id = {$group_id}\r\n               {$hidden_views_clause}\r\n        ORDER BY v.view_order\r\n      ");
        } else {
            $view_query = mysql_query("\r\n        SELECT v.*\r\n        FROM   {$g_table_prefix}views v\r\n        WHERE  v.form_id = {$form_id} AND\r\n               v.group_id = {$group_id} AND\r\n               (v.access_type = 'public' OR v.view_id IN (\r\n                  SELECT cv.view_id\r\n                  FROM   {$g_table_prefix}client_views cv\r\n                  WHERE  account_id = {$params["account_id"]}\r\n               )) AND\r\n               v.view_id NOT IN (\r\n                  SELECT view_id\r\n                  FROM   {$g_table_prefix}public_view_omit_list\r\n                  WHERE  account_id = {$params["account_id"]}\r\n               )\r\n               {$hidden_views_clause}\r\n        ORDER BY v.view_order\r\n          ");
        $views = array();
        while ($view_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($view_query)) {
            $view_id = $view_info["view_id"];
            if ($params["include_clients"]) {
                $view_info["client_info"] = ft_get_view_clients($view_id);
                $view_info["client_omit_list"] = ft_get_public_view_omit_list($view_id);
            $view_info["columns"] = ft_get_view_columns($view_id);
            $view_info["fields"] = ft_get_view_fields($view_id);
            $view_info["tabs"] = ft_get_view_tabs($view_id, true);
            $view_info["filters"] = ft_get_view_filters($view_id, "all");
            $views[] = $view_info;
        if (count($views) > 0 || !$params["omit_empty_groups"]) {
            $curr_group = array("group" => $row, "views" => $views);
            $info[] = $curr_group;
    return $info;