function smarty_function_display_account_name($params, &$smarty)
    $account_id = isset($params["account_id"]) ? $params["account_id"] : "";
    $format = isset($params["format"]) ? $params["format"] : "first_last";
    // first_last, or last_first
    if (empty($account_id)) {
    $account_info = ft_get_account_info($account_id);
    if ($format == "first_last") {
        $html = "{$account_info["first_name"]} {$account_info["last_name"]}";
    } else {
        $html = "{$account_info["last_name"]}, {$account_info["first_name"]}";
    return $html;
Пример #2
// if this user is already logged in, redirect them to their specified login page
if (isset($_SESSION["ft"]["account"]) && isset($_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["is_logged_in"]) && isset($_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["login_page"]) && $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["is_logged_in"] == 1) {
    $login_page = $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["login_page"];
    $page = ft_construct_page_url($login_page);
    header("location: {$g_root_url}{$page}");
// default settings
$settings = ft_get_settings();
$g_theme = $settings["default_theme"];
$g_swatch = $settings["default_client_swatch"];
// if an account id is included in the query string, use it to determine the appearance of the
// interface, including logo and footer and even language
$id = ft_load_field("id", "id", "");
if (!empty($id)) {
    $info = ft_get_account_info($id);
    if (isset($info["account_id"])) {
        // just in case, boot up the appropriate language file (this overrides any language file already loaded)
        $g_theme = $info["theme"];
        $language = $info["ui_language"];
        if (!empty($language) && is_file("global/lang/{$language}.php")) {
            include_once "global/lang/{$language}.php";
$error = "";
if (isset($_POST["username"]) && !empty($_POST["username"])) {
    $error = ft_login($_POST);
$username = isset($_POST["username"]) && !empty($_POST["username"]) ? $_POST["username"] : "";
$username = ft_strip_chars($username);
Пример #3

if (isset($request["update_account_settings"])) {
    $account_id = $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["account_id"];
    $request["page"] = "settings";
    list($g_success, $g_message) = ft_update_client($account_id, $request);
$client_info = ft_get_account_info($account_id);
// compile header information
$page_vars = array();
$page_vars["head_title"] = ft_eval_smarty_string($_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["settings"]["page_titles"], array("page" => $LANG["phrase_account_settings"]));
$page_vars["page"] = "settings";
$page_vars["tabs"] = $tabs;
$page_vars["client_info"] = $client_info;
$page_vars["page_url"] = ft_get_page_url("client_account_settings");
$js = array("var rules = []");
if ($client_info["settings"]["may_edit_page_titles"] == "yes") {
    $js[] = "rules.push(\"required,page_titles,{$LANG["validation_no_titles"]}\")";
if ($client_info["settings"]["may_edit_theme"] == "yes") {
    $js[] = "rules.push(\"required,theme,{$LANG["validation_no_theme"]}\")";
    $js[] = "rules.push(\"function,validate_swatch\")";
if ($client_info["settings"]["may_edit_logout_url"] == "yes") {
    $js[] = "rules.push(\"required,logout_url,{$LANG["validation_no_logout_url"]}\")";
if ($client_info["settings"]["may_edit_language"] == "yes") {
    $js[] = "rules.push(\"required,ui_language,{$LANG["validation_no_ui_language"]}\")";
if ($client_info["settings"]["may_edit_timezone_offset"] == "yes") {
    $js[] = "rules.push(\"required,timezone_offset,{$LANG["validation_no_timezone_offset"]}\")";
Пример #4
 * Returns an array of hashes. Each hash contains the contents of the email_template_recipients table; i.e.
 * the raw information about a particular recipient. For convenience, this function also determines the
 * actual name and email of the recipients, returned in "final_name" and "final_email" keys. Also, it returns a
 * "final_recipient" containing the complete recipient string, like:
 *   Tom Jones <*****@*****.**>
 * If the name doesn't exist, that key just returns the email address. ASSUMPTION: All clients and administrator
 * MUST have a first name, last name and email address. For form email fields, the final recipient just contains
 * the title of the email field (the display value).
 * This is obviously used for display purposes only, whereas that value for the other recipient types is used both
 * for display purposes & in the actual email construction. This seemed an adequate approach because this function
 * will never be able to know the individual submission content so it can't construct it properly.
 * The returned results are ordered by (a) recipient type (main, cc then bcc), then (b) recipient user type
 * (admin, client, form_email_field then custom)
 * @param integer $email_id
 * @return array an array of hashes
function ft_get_email_template_recipients($form_id, $email_id)
    global $g_table_prefix, $LANG;
    // now add any recipients for this email template
    $recipient_query = mysql_query("\r\n    SELECT etr.*, a.first_name, a.last_name,\r\n    FROM   {$g_table_prefix}email_template_recipients etr\r\n      LEFT JOIN {$g_table_prefix}accounts a ON a.account_id = etr.account_id\r\n    WHERE  etr.email_template_id = {$email_id}\r\n    ORDER BY etr.recipient_type, etr.recipient_user_type\r\n      ");
    $recipients = array();
    while ($recipient_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($recipient_query)) {
        // construct and append the extra keys (final_name, final_email and final_recipient)
        switch ($recipient_info["recipient_user_type"]) {
            case "admin":
                $admin_info = ft_get_admin_info();
                $recipient_info["final_name"] = "{$admin_info["first_name"]} {$admin_info["last_name"]}";
                $recipient_info["final_email"] = $admin_info["email"];
                $recipient_info["final_recipient"] = "{$recipient_info["final_name"]} &lt;{$recipient_info["final_email"]}&gt;";
            case "client":
                $client_info = ft_get_account_info($recipient_info["account_id"]);
                $recipient_info["final_name"] = "{$client_info["first_name"]} {$client_info["last_name"]}";
                $recipient_info["final_email"] = $client_info["email"];
                $recipient_info["final_recipient"] = "{$recipient_info["final_name"]} &lt;{$recipient_info["final_email"]}&gt;";
            case "form_email_field":
                $form_email_field_info = ft_get_form_email_field_info($recipient_info["form_email_id"]);
                $email_field_id = $form_email_field_info["email_field_id"];
                $recipient_info["final_recipient"] = ft_get_field_title_by_field_id($email_field_id);
            case "custom":
                $recipient_info["final_name"] = $recipient_info["custom_recipient_name"];
                $recipient_info["final_email"] = $recipient_info["custom_recipient_email"];
                if (!empty($recipient_info["final_name"])) {
                    $recipient_info["final_recipient"] = "{$recipient_info["final_name"]} &lt;{$recipient_info["final_email"]}&gt;";
                } else {
                    $recipient_info["final_recipient"] = $recipient_info["final_email"];
        $recipients[] = $recipient_info;
    return $recipients;
Пример #5
 * The login procedure for both administrators and clients in. If successful, redirects them to the
 * appropriate page, otherwise returns an error.
 * @param array   $infohash This parameter should be a hash (e.g. $_POST or $_GET) containing both
 *                "username" and "password" keys, containing that information for the user trying
 *                to log in.
 * @param boolean $login_as_client [optional] This optional parameter is used by administrators
 *                to log in as a particular client, allowing them to view how the account looks,
 *                even if it is disabled.
 * @return string error message string (if error occurs). Otherwise it redirects the user to the
 *                appropriate page, based on account type.
function ft_login($infohash, $login_as_client = false)
    global $g_root_url, $g_table_prefix, $LANG;
    $settings = ft_get_settings("", "core");
    $username = strip_tags($infohash["username"]);
    $username = ft_sanitize($username);
    $password = isset($infohash["password"]) ? ft_sanitize($infohash["password"]) : "";
    $password = strip_tags($password);
    // extract info about this user's account
    $query = mysql_query("\r\n    SELECT account_id, account_type, account_status, password, temp_reset_password, login_page\r\n    FROM   {$g_table_prefix}accounts\r\n    WHERE  username = '******'\r\n      ");
    $account_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
    $has_temp_reset_password = empty($account_info["temp_reset_password"]) ? false : true;
    // error check user login info
    if (!$login_as_client) {
        if (empty($password)) {
            return $LANG["validation_no_password"];
        if ($account_info["account_status"] == "disabled") {
            return $LANG["validation_account_disabled"];
        if ($account_info["account_status"] == "pending") {
            return $LANG["validation_account_pending"];
        if (empty($username)) {
            return $LANG["validation_account_not_recognized"];
        $password_correct = md5(md5($password)) == $account_info["password"];
        $temp_password_correct = md5(md5($password)) == $account_info["temp_reset_password"];
        if (!$password_correct && !$temp_password_correct) {
            // if this is a client account and the administrator has enabled the maximum failed login attempts feature,
            // keep track of the count
            $account_settings = ft_get_account_settings($account_info["account_id"]);
            // stores the MAXIMUM number of failed attempts permitted, before the account gets disabled. If the value
            // is empty in either the user account or for the default value, that means the administrator doesn't want
            // to track the failed login attempts
            $max_failed_login_attempts = isset($account_settings["max_failed_login_attempts"]) ? $account_settings["max_failed_login_attempts"] : $settings["default_max_failed_login_attempts"];
            if ($account_info["account_type"] == "client" && !empty($max_failed_login_attempts)) {
                $num_failed_login_attempts = isset($account_settings["num_failed_login_attempts"]) && !empty($account_settings["num_failed_login_attempts"]) ? $account_settings["num_failed_login_attempts"] : 0;
                if ($num_failed_login_attempts >= $max_failed_login_attempts) {
                    ft_set_account_settings($account_info["account_id"], array("num_failed_login_attempts" => 0));
                    return $LANG["validation_account_disabled"];
                } else {
                    ft_set_account_settings($account_info["account_id"], array("num_failed_login_attempts" => $num_failed_login_attempts));
            return $LANG["validation_wrong_password"];
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("main", compact("account_info"), array("account_info")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    // all checks out. Log them in, after populating sessions
    $_SESSION["ft"]["settings"] = $settings;
    $_SESSION["ft"]["account"] = ft_get_account_info($account_info["account_id"]);
    $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["is_logged_in"] = true;
    // this is deliberate.
    $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["password"] = md5(md5($password));
    // if this is an administrator, ensure the API version is up to date
    if ($account_info["account_type"] == "admin") {
    } else {
        ft_set_account_settings($account_info["account_id"], array("num_failed_login_attempts" => 0));
    // for clients, store the forms & form Views that they are allowed to access
    if ($account_info["account_type"] == "client") {
        $_SESSION["ft"]["permissions"] = ft_get_client_form_views($account_info["account_id"]);
    // if the user just logged in with a temporary password, append some args to pass to the login page
    // so that they will be prompted to changing it upon login
    $reset_password_args = array();
    if (md5(md5($password)) == $account_info["temp_reset_password"]) {
        $reset_password_args["message"] = "change_temp_password";
    // redirect the user to whatever login page they specified in their settings
    $login_url = ft_construct_page_url($account_info["login_page"], "", $reset_password_args);
    $login_url = "{$g_root_url}{$login_url}";
    if (!$login_as_client) {
    header("Location: {$login_url}");
Пример #6
 * Updates the administrator account. With the addition of the "UI Language" option, this action
 * gets a little more complicated. The problem is that we can't just update the UI language in
 * sessions *within* this function, because by the time this function is called, the appropriate
 * language file is already in memory and being used. So, to get around this problem, the login
 * information form now passes along both the new and old UI languages. If it's different, AFTER
 * this function is called, you need to reset sessions and refresh the page. So be aware that
 * this problem is NOT handled by this function, see:
 *     /admin/accounts/index.php to see how it's solved.
 * @param array $infohash This parameter should be a hash (e.g. $_POST or $_GET) containing the
 *               following keys: first_name, last_name, user_name, password.
 * @param integer $user_id the administrator's user ID
 * @return array [0]: true/false (success / failure)
 *               [1]: message string
function ft_update_admin_account($infohash, $account_id)
    global $g_table_prefix, $g_root_url, $LANG;
    $success = true;
    $message = $LANG["notify_account_updated"];
    $infohash = ft_sanitize($infohash);
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("start", compact("infohash", "account_id"), array("infohash")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    $rules = array();
    $rules[] = "required,first_name,{$LANG["validation_no_first_name"]}";
    $rules[] = "required,last_name,{$LANG["validation_no_last_name"]}";
    $rules[] = "required,email,{$LANG["validation_no_email"]}";
    $rules[] = "required,theme,{$LANG["validation_no_theme"]}";
    $rules[] = "required,login_page,{$LANG["validation_no_login_page"]}";
    $rules[] = "required,logout_url,{$LANG["validation_no_account_logout_url"]}";
    $rules[] = "required,ui_language,{$LANG["validation_no_ui_language"]}";
    $rules[] = "required,sessions_timeout,{$LANG["validation_no_sessions_timeout"]}";
    $rules[] = "required,date_format,{$LANG["validation_no_date_format"]}";
    $rules[] = "required,username,{$LANG["validation_no_username"]}";
    $rules[] = "if:password!=,required,password_2,{$LANG["validation_no_account_password_confirmed"]}";
    $rules[] = "if:password!=,same_as,password,password_2,{$LANG["validation_passwords_different"]}";
    $errors = validate_fields($infohash, $rules);
    if (!empty($errors)) {
        $success = false;
        array_walk($errors, create_function('&$el', '$el = "&bull;&nbsp; " . $el;'));
        $message = implode("<br />", $errors);
        return array($success, $message);
    $first_name = $infohash["first_name"];
    $last_name = $infohash["last_name"];
    $email = $infohash["email"];
    $theme = $infohash["theme"];
    $login_page = $infohash["login_page"];
    $logout_url = $infohash["logout_url"];
    $ui_language = $infohash["ui_language"];
    $timezone_offset = $infohash["timezone_offset"];
    $sessions_timeout = $infohash["sessions_timeout"];
    $date_format = $infohash["date_format"];
    $username = $infohash["username"];
    $password = $infohash["password"];
    $swatch = "";
    if (isset($infohash["{$theme}_theme_swatches"])) {
        $swatch = $infohash["{$theme}_theme_swatches"];
    // if the password is defined, md5 it
    $password_sql = !empty($password) ? "password = '******', " : "";
    // check to see if username is already taken
    list($valid_username, $problem) = _ft_is_valid_username($username, $account_id);
    if (!$valid_username) {
        return array(false, $problem);
    $query = "\n      UPDATE  {$g_table_prefix}accounts\n      SET     {$password_sql}\n              first_name = '{$first_name}',\n              last_name = '{$last_name}',\n              email = '{$email}',\n              theme = '{$theme}',\n              swatch = '{$swatch}',\n              login_page = '{$login_page}',\n              logout_url = '{$logout_url}',\n              ui_language = '{$ui_language}',\n              timezone_offset = '{$timezone_offset}',\n              sessions_timeout = '{$sessions_timeout}',\n              date_format = '{$date_format}',\n              username = '******'\n      WHERE   account_id = {$account_id}\n           ";
    mysql_query($query) or ft_handle_error("Failed query in <b>" . __FUNCTION__ . "</b>: <i>{$query}</i>", mysql_error());
    // update the settings
    $_SESSION["ft"]["settings"] = ft_get_settings();
    $_SESSION["ft"]["account"] = ft_get_account_info($account_id);
    $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["is_logged_in"] = true;
    // if the password just changed, update sessions and empty any temporary password that happens to have been
    // stored
    if (!empty($password)) {
        $_SESSION["ft"]["account"] = ft_get_account_info($account_id);
        $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["is_logged_in"] = true;
        $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["password"] = md5(md5($password));
        mysql_query("UPDATE {$g_table_prefix}accounts SET temp_reset_password = NULL where account_id = {$account_id}");
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("end", compact("infohash", "account_id"), array("success", "message")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    return array($success, $message);
Пример #7
 * Updates a client account. Used for whomever is currently logged in.
 * @param array $info This parameter should be a hash (e.g. $_POST or $_GET) containing keys
 *               named the same as the database fields.
 * @return array [0]: true/false (success / failure)
 *               [1]: message string
function ft_update_client($account_id, $info)
    global $g_table_prefix, $LANG, $g_password_special_chars;
    $success = true;
    $message = $LANG["notify_account_updated"];
    $info = ft_sanitize($info);
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("start", compact("account_id", "info"), array("info")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    $client_info = ft_get_account_info($account_id);
    $page = $info["page"];
    switch ($page) {
        case "main":
            $first_name = $info["first_name"];
            $last_name = $info["last_name"];
            $email = $info["email"];
            $username = $info["username"];
            $password_clause = "";
            $rules = array();
            if (!empty($info["password"])) {
                $required_password_chars = explode(",", $client_info["settings"]["required_password_chars"]);
                if (in_array("uppercase", $required_password_chars)) {
                    $rules[] = "reg_exp,password,[A-Z],{$LANG["validation_client_password_missing_uppercase"]}";
                if (in_array("number", $required_password_chars)) {
                    $rules[] = "reg_exp,password,[0-9],{$LANG["validation_client_password_missing_number"]}";
                if (in_array("special_char", $required_password_chars)) {
                    $error = ft_eval_smarty_string($LANG["validation_client_password_missing_special_char"], array("chars" => $g_password_special_chars));
                    $password_special_chars = preg_quote($g_password_special_chars);
                    $rules[] = "reg_exp,password,[{$password_special_chars}],{$error}";
                if (!empty($client_info["settings"]["min_password_length"])) {
                    $rule = ft_eval_smarty_string($LANG["validation_client_password_too_short"], array("number" => $client_info["settings"]["min_password_length"]));
                    $rules[] = "length>={$client_info["settings"]["min_password_length"]},password,{$rule}";
                // encrypt the password on the assumption that it passes validation. It'll be used in the update query
                $password = md5(md5($info['password']));
                $password_clause = "password = '******',";
            $errors = validate_fields($info, $rules);
            // check to see if username is already taken
            list($valid_username, $problem) = _ft_is_valid_username($username, $account_id);
            if (!$valid_username) {
                $errors[] = $problem;
            // check the password isn't already in password history (if relevant)
            if (!empty($info["password"])) {
                if (!empty($client_info["settings"]["num_password_history"])) {
                    $encrypted_password = md5(md5($info["password"]));
                    if (ft_password_in_password_history($account_id, $encrypted_password, $client_info["settings"]["num_password_history"])) {
                        $errors[] = ft_eval_smarty_string($LANG["validation_password_in_password_history"], array("history_size" => $client_info["settings"]["num_password_history"]));
                    } else {
                        ft_add_password_to_password_history($account_id, $encrypted_password);
            if (!empty($errors)) {
                $success = false;
                array_walk($errors, create_function('&$el', '$el = "&bull;&nbsp; " . $el;'));
                $message = implode("<br />", $errors);
                return array($success, $message);
            $query = "\n          UPDATE  {$g_table_prefix}accounts\n          SET     {$password_clause}\n                  first_name = '{$first_name}',\n                  last_name = '{$last_name}',\n                  username = '******',\n                  email = '{$email}'\n          WHERE   account_id = {$account_id}\n               ";
            if (mysql_query($query)) {
                // if the password wasn't empty, reset the temporary password, in case it was set
                if (!empty($info["password"])) {
                    mysql_query("UPDATE {$g_table_prefix}accounts SET temp_reset_password = NULL where account_id = {$account_id}");
            } else {
                ft_handle_error("Failed query in <b>" . __FUNCTION__ . "</b>: <i>{$query}</i>", mysql_error());
        case "settings":
            $rules = array();
            if ($client_info["settings"]["may_edit_page_titles"] == "yes") {
                $rules[] = "required,page_titles,{$LANG["validation_no_titles"]}";
            if ($client_info["settings"]["may_edit_theme"] == "yes") {
                $rules[] = "required,theme,{$LANG["validation_no_theme"]}";
            if ($client_info["settings"]["may_edit_logout_url"] == "yes") {
                $rules[] = "required,logout_url,{$LANG["validation_no_logout_url"]}";
            if ($client_info["settings"]["may_edit_language"] == "yes") {
                $rules[] = "required,ui_language,{$LANG["validation_no_ui_language"]}";
            if ($client_info["settings"]["may_edit_timezone_offset"] == "yes") {
                $rules[] = "required,timezone_offset,{$LANG["validation_no_timezone_offset"]}";
            if ($client_info["settings"]["may_edit_sessions_timeout"] == "yes") {
                $rules[] = "required,sessions_timeout,{$LANG["validation_no_sessions_timeout"]}";
                $rules[] = "digits_only,sessions_timeout,{$LANG["validation_invalid_sessions_timeout"]}";
            if ($client_info["settings"]["may_edit_date_format"] == "yes") {
                $rules[] = "required,date_format,{$LANG["validation_no_date_format"]}";
            $errors = validate_fields($info, $rules);
            if (!empty($errors)) {
                $success = false;
                array_walk($errors, create_function('&$el', '$el = "&bull;&nbsp; " . $el;'));
                $message = implode("<br />", $errors);
                return array($success, $message);
            // update the main accounts table. Only update those settings they're ALLOWED to
            $settings = array();
            if ($client_info["settings"]["may_edit_language"] == "yes") {
                $settings["ui_language"] = $info["ui_language"];
            if ($client_info["settings"]["may_edit_timezone_offset"] == "yes") {
                $settings["timezone_offset"] = $info["timezone_offset"];
            if ($client_info["settings"]["may_edit_logout_url"] == "yes") {
                $settings["logout_url"] = $info["logout_url"];
            if ($client_info["settings"]["may_edit_sessions_timeout"] == "yes") {
                $settings["sessions_timeout"] = $info["sessions_timeout"];
            if ($client_info["settings"]["may_edit_theme"] == "yes") {
                $settings["theme"] = $info["theme"];
                $settings["swatch"] = "";
                if (isset($info["{$info["theme"]}_theme_swatches"])) {
                    $settings["swatch"] = $info["{$info["theme"]}_theme_swatches"];
            if ($client_info["settings"]["may_edit_date_format"] == "yes") {
                $settings["date_format"] = $info["date_format"];
            if (!empty($settings)) {
                $sql_rows = array();
                while (list($column, $value) = each($settings)) {
                    $sql_rows[] = "{$column} = '{$value}'";
                $sql = implode(",\n", $sql_rows);
                $query = "\n            UPDATE  {$g_table_prefix}accounts\n            SET     {$sql}\n            WHERE   account_id = {$account_id}\n                 ";
                mysql_query($query) or ft_handle_error("Failed query in <b>" . __FUNCTION__ . "</b>: <i>{$query}</i>", mysql_error());
            $settings = array();
            if (isset($info["page_titles"])) {
                $settings["page_titles"] = $info["page_titles"];
            if (isset($info["footer_text"])) {
                $settings["footer_text"] = $info["footer_text"];
            if (isset($info["max_failed_login_attempts"])) {
                $settings["max_failed_login_attempts"] = $info["max_failed_login_attempts"];
            if (!empty($settings)) {
                ft_set_account_settings($account_id, $settings);
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("end", compact("account_id", "info"), array("success", "message")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    // update sessions
    $_SESSION["ft"]["settings"] = ft_get_settings();
    $_SESSION["ft"]["account"] = ft_get_account_info($account_id);
    $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["is_logged_in"] = true;
    return array($success, $message);
Пример #8
 * Completely deletes a client account from the database.
 * @param integer $account_id
 * @return mixed
 *        if success:
 *            returns array with two indexes: [0] true, [1] empty string
 *        if error:
 *            if $g_api_debug == true
 *               the error page will be displayed displaying the error code.
 *            if $g_api_debug == false, it returns an array with two indexes:
 *                   [0] false
 *                   [1] the API error code
function ft_api_delete_client_account($account_id)
    global $g_api_debug;
    $account_id = ft_sanitize($account_id);
    $account_info = ft_get_account_info($account_id);
    // check the account ID was valid (i.e. the account exists) and that it's a CLIENT account
    if (!isset($account_info["account_id"])) {
        if ($g_api_debug) {
            $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 800, "error_type" => "user");
            ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
        } else {
            return array(false, 800);
    if ($account_info["account_type"] != "client") {
        if ($g_api_debug) {
            $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 801, "error_type" => "user");
            ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
        } else {
            return array(false, 801);
    return array(true, "");