Пример #1
$export_group_info = exp_get_export_group($export_group_id);
$export_types = exp_get_export_types($export_group_id);
// if the export type ID isn't available, the export group only contains a single (visible) export type
$export_type_info = array();
if (empty($export_type_id)) {
    foreach ($export_types as $curr_export_type_info) {
        if ($curr_export_type_info["export_type_visibility"] == "show") {
            $export_type_info = $curr_export_type_info;
} else {
    $export_type_info = exp_get_export_type($export_type_id);
$placeholders["export_group_name"] = ft_create_slug(ft_eval_smarty_string($export_group_info["group_name"]));
$placeholders["export_group_type"] = ft_create_slug(ft_eval_smarty_string($export_type_info["export_type_name"]));
$placeholders["page_type"] = $export_group_info["action"];
// "file" / "popup" or "new_window"
$placeholders["filename"] = ft_eval_smarty_string($export_type_info["filename"], $placeholders);
$template = $export_type_info["export_type_smarty_template"];
$placeholders["export_type_name"] = $export_type_info["export_type_name"];
$plugin_dirs = array("{$g_root_dir}/modules/export_manager/smarty");
$export_type_smarty_template = ft_eval_smarty_string($template, $placeholders, "", $plugin_dirs);
// next, add the placeholders needed for the export group smarty template
$template = $export_group_info["smarty_template"];
$placeholders["export_group_name"] = ft_eval_smarty_string($export_group_info["group_name"]);
$placeholders["export_types"] = $export_types;
$placeholders["export_type_smarty_template"] = $export_type_smarty_template;
$page = ft_eval_smarty_string($template, $placeholders);
if ($export_group_info["action"] == "new_window" || $export_group_info["action"] == "popup") {
    // if required, send the HTTP headers
Пример #2
 * This function lets you display the content generated from an export type into a webpage. You can
 * use this function on any export type in the database - even the ones that have been marked as "hidden". Note:
 * this function requires the Export Manager to be installed and enabled.
 * @param integer $form_id
 * @param integer $view_id
 * @param integer $export_type_id
 * @param integer $page_num (defaults to 1)
 * @param array $options optional parameter that lets you configure the appearance of the data in a variety of ways.
 *         num_per_page              - (integer) by default, it returns the number of results per page specified by
 *                                     the View. This setting overrides that.
 *         submission_ids            - (integer or array of integers) this limits the results returned to the submission ID
 *                                     or submission IDs specified in this field
 *         order                     - (string) the database column name with a -DESC or -ASC suffix (e.g. col_1-ASC).
 *         page_num_identifier       - (string) passed via the query string to denote what page it's on (default: "page")
 *         show_columns_only         - (boolean) limits the fields that are displayed to those fields marked as "Column"
 *                                     in the View. Defaults to false.
 *         return_as_string          - (boolean) if this value is set to true, instead of outputting the result it returns
 *                                     the HTML as a string.
 *         pagination_theme          - (string) the pagination links (<< 1 2 3 ...) HTML is generated by the pagination.tpl
 *                                     template, found in each of the theme folders. Generally this file is the same for
 *                                     all themes, but in case it isn't, this setting lets you choose the theme folder with
 *                                     which to render the HTML.
 *         pagination_location       - (string) accepts the values "top" (the default), "bottom", "both" or "none". This
 *                                     determines where (if anywhere) the pagination links should appear. By default it only
 *                                     appears at the top of the page, but you can set this value to either "both" or "bottom"
 *                                     to have it appear there instead / as well.
 * @return mixed the return value of this function depends on the API settings & the options passed to it. Namely:
 *     If error:
 *        if $g_api_debug == true, the error page will be displayed displaying the error code.
 *        if $g_api_debug == false, it returns an array with two indexes:
 *                   [0] false
 *                   [1] the API error code
 *     If successful:
 *        if "return_as_string" option key is set, it returns an array with two indexes:
 *                   [0] true
 *                   [1] the HTML content
 *        if "return_as_string" not set, it just prints the HTML to the page (the default behaviour)
function ft_api_show_submissions($form_id, $view_id, $export_type_id, $page_num = 1, $options = array())
    global $g_table_prefix, $LANG, $g_api_debug, $g_smarty;
    // sanitize all incoming data
    $form_id = ft_sanitize($form_id);
    $view_id = ft_sanitize($view_id);
    $export_type_id = ft_sanitize($export_type_id);
    $page_num = ft_sanitize($page_num);
    $options = ft_sanitize($options);
    // check the Export Manager module is enabled
    if (ft_check_module_enabled("export_manager")) {
    } else {
        if ($g_api_debug) {
            $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 400, "error_type" => "user");
            ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
        } else {
            return array(false, 400);
    // check the form ID, View ID and export ID are valid
    $form_query = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) as c FROM {$g_table_prefix}forms WHERE form_id = {$form_id}");
    $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($form_query);
    $form_found = $result["c"] == 1 ? true : false;
    if (!$form_found) {
        if ($g_api_debug) {
            $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 401, "error_type" => "user");
            ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
        } else {
            return array(false, 401);
    $view_query = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) as c FROM {$g_table_prefix}views WHERE form_id = {$form_id} AND view_id = {$view_id}");
    $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($view_query);
    $view_found = $result["c"] == 1 ? true : false;
    if (!$view_found) {
        if ($g_api_debug) {
            $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 402, "error_type" => "user");
            ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
        } else {
            return array(false, 402);
    $export_type_query = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) as c FROM {$g_table_prefix}module_export_types WHERE export_type_id = {$export_type_id}");
    $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($export_type_query);
    $export_type_found = $result["c"] == 1 ? true : false;
    if (!$export_type_found) {
        if ($g_api_debug) {
            $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 403, "error_type" => "user");
            ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
        } else {
            return array(false, 403);
    // okay, now lets figure out what needs to be displayed & rendered
    $form_info = ft_get_form($form_id);
    $form_fields = ft_get_form_fields($form_id, array("include_field_type_info" => true, "include_field_settings" => true));
    $view_info = ft_get_view($view_id);
    $export_type_info = exp_get_export_type($export_type_id);
    $export_group_id = $export_type_info["export_group_id"];
    $export_group_info = exp_get_export_group($export_group_id);
    // number of submissions per page (an integer or "all")
    $num_per_page = $view_info["num_submissions_per_page"];
    if (isset($options["num_per_page"])) {
        $num_per_page = $options["num_per_page"];
    $order = "{$view_info["default_sort_field"]}-{$view_info["default_sort_field_order"]}";
    if (isset($options["order"])) {
        $order = $options["order"];
    $display_fields = array();
    $columns = "all";
    if (isset($options["show_columns_only"]) && $options["show_columns_only"]) {
        $columns = array();
        foreach ($view_info["columns"] as $view_field_info) {
            $curr_field_id = $view_field_info["field_id"];
            foreach ($form_fields as $form_field_info) {
                if ($form_field_info["field_id"] != $curr_field_id) {
                $display_fields[] = array_merge($form_field_info, $view_field_info);
                $columns[] = $form_field_info["col_name"];
    } else {
        foreach ($view_info["fields"] as $view_field_info) {
            $curr_field_id = $view_field_info["field_id"];
            foreach ($form_fields as $form_field_info) {
                if ($form_field_info["field_id"] != $curr_field_id) {
                $display_fields[] = array_merge($form_field_info, $view_field_info);
    $columns = "all";
    if (isset($options["show_columns_only"]) && $options["show_columns_only"])
      $columns = array();
      foreach ($view_info["columns"] as $view_col_info)
        foreach ($display_fields as $field_info)
          if ($field_info["field_id"] == $view_col_info["field_id"])
            $columns[] = $field_info["col_name"];
    $submission_ids = array();
    if (isset($options["submission_ids"])) {
        if (is_numeric($options["submission_ids"])) {
            $submission_ids[] = $options["submission_ids"];
        } else {
            if (is_array($submission_ids)) {
                $submission_ids = $options["submission_ids"];
    // perform the almighty search query
    $results_info = ft_search_submissions($form_id, $view_id, $num_per_page, $page_num, $order, $columns, array(), $submission_ids);
    $search_num_results = $results_info["search_num_results"];
    $settings = ft_get_settings();
    // now build the list of information we're going to send to the export type smarty template
    $placeholders = exp_get_export_filename_placeholder_hash();
    $placeholders["export_group_id"] = $export_group_id;
    $placeholders["export_type_id"] = $export_type_id;
    $placeholders["export_group_results"] = "all";
    $placeholders["same_page"] = ft_get_clean_php_self();
    $placeholders["display_fields"] = $display_fields;
    $placeholders["submissions"] = $results_info["search_rows"];
    $placeholders["num_results"] = $results_info["search_num_results"];
    $placeholders["view_num_results"] = $results_info["view_num_results"];
    $placeholders["form_info"] = $form_info;
    $placeholders["view_info"] = $view_info;
    $placeholders["field_types"] = ft_get_field_types(true);
    $placeholders["settings"] = $settings;
    // ...
    $placeholders["date_format"] = $settings["default_date_format"];
    $placeholders["timezone_offset"] = $settings["timezone_offset"];
    // pull out a few things into top level placeholders for easy use
    $placeholders["form_name"] = $form_info["form_name"];
    $placeholders["form_id"] = $form_id;
    $placeholders["form_url"] = $form_info["form_url"];
    $placeholders["view_name"] = $view_info["view_name"];
    $placeholders["view_id"] = $view_id;
    $placeholders["export_group_name"] = ft_create_slug(ft_eval_smarty_string($export_group_info["group_name"]));
    $placeholders["export_group_type"] = ft_create_slug(ft_eval_smarty_string($export_type_info["export_type_name"]));
    $placeholders["filename"] = ft_eval_smarty_string($export_type_info["filename"], $placeholders, "", $g_smarty->plugins_dir);
    $template = $export_type_info["export_type_smarty_template"];
    $placeholders["export_type_name"] = $export_type_info["export_type_name"];
    $export_type_smarty_template = ft_eval_smarty_string($template, $placeholders, "", $g_smarty->plugins_dir);
    // if we're not displaying all results on the single page, generate the pagination HTML
    $pagination = "";
    if ($num_per_page != "all") {
        $page_num_identifier = isset($options["page_num_identifier"]) ? $options["page_num_identifier"] : "page";
        $theme = isset($options["pagination_theme"]) ? $options["pagination_theme"] : $settings["default_theme"];
        $pagination = ft_get_page_nav($search_num_results, $num_per_page, $page_num, "", $page_num_identifier, $theme);
    $pagination_location = isset($options["pagination_location"]) ? $options["pagination_location"] : "top";
    switch ($pagination_location) {
        case "top":
            $html = $pagination . $export_type_smarty_template;
        case "both":
            $html = $pagination . $export_type_smarty_template . $pagination;
        case "bottom":
            $html = $export_type_smarty_template . $pagination;
        case "none":
            $html = $export_type_smarty_template;
            // this is in case the user entered an invalid value
        // this is in case the user entered an invalid value
            if ($g_api_debug) {
                $page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 404, "error_type" => "user");
                ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
            } else {
                return array(false, 404);
    if (isset($options["return_as_string"]) && $options["return_as_string"]) {
        return array(true, $html);
    } else {
        echo $html;