function fs_save_excluded_users($list) { if (!fs_is_admin()) { return "Access denied : fs_save_excluded_users"; } $fsdb =& fs_get_db_conn(); $hits = fs_hits_table(); if ($fsdb->query("START TRANSACTION") === false) { return fs_db_error(); } $sql = "UPDATE `{$hits}` SET `excluded_user`=IF(`user_id` IS NOT NULL AND `user_id` in (" . ($list ? $list : 'NULL') . "),'1','0')"; if ($fsdb->query($sql) === false) { return fs_db_error(true); } if (fs_update_local_option('firestats_excluded_users', $list) === false) { return fs_db_error(true); } if ($fsdb->query("COMMIT") === false) { return fs_db_error(true); } }
function fs_ajax_delete_site(&$response) { if (!fs_ajax_assert_admin($response)) { return; } $sid = $_POST['site_id']; $action = $_POST['action_code']; $new_sid = isset($_POST['new_sid']) ? $_POST['new_sid'] : null; $res = fs_delete_site($sid, $action, $new_sid); if ($res === true) { // if the deleted site was selected in the filter, update the filter $current_selected = fs_get_local_option('firestats_sites_filter'); if ($current_selected == $sid) { // reset filter to 'all'. fs_update_local_option('firestats_sites_filter', 'all'); fs_ajax_get_all_stats($response); } // and also send whatever the client requested. fs_ajax_send_update($response); } else { ajax_error($response, $res); } }