$Modifier = ''; } $strQuery1 = "INSERT INTO ar_session (payer_id,user_id,reference,check_date,deposit_date,pay_total," . " global_amount,payment_type,description,patient_id,payment_method,adjustment_code,post_to_date) " . " VALUES ('0',?,?,now(),now(),?,'','patient','COPAY',?,?,'patient_payment',now())"; $session_id = idSqlStatement($strQuery1, array($userId, $check_ref_number, $amount, $patient_id, $payment_type)); $insert_id = idSqlStatement("INSERT INTO ar_activity (pid,encounter,code_type,code,modifier,payer_type,post_time,post_user,session_id,pay_amount,account_code)" . " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,0,now(),?,?,?,'PCP')", array($patient_id, $visit_id, $Codetype, $Code, $Modifier, $userId, $session_id, $amount)); $result = frontPayment($patient_id, $visit_id, $payment_type, $payment_method, $amount, 0, $timestamp, $user); } if ($payment_type == 'invoice_balance' || $payment_type == 'cash') { if ($payment_type == 'cash') { sqlStatement("update form_encounter set last_level_closed=? where encounter=? and pid=? ", array(4, $visit_id, $patient_id)); sqlStatement("update billing set billed=? where encounter=? and pid=?", array(1, $visit_id, $patient_id)); } $adjustment_code = 'patient_payment'; $strQuery2 = "insert into ar_session set " . "payer_id = ?" . ", patient_id = ?" . ", user_id = ?" . ", closed = ?" . ", reference = ?" . ", check_date = now() , deposit_date = now() " . ", pay_total = ?" . ", payment_type = 'patient'" . ", description = ?" . ", adjustment_code = ?" . ", post_to_date = now() " . ", payment_method = ?"; $payment_id = idSqlStatement($strQuery2, array(0, $patient_id, $userId, 0, $check_ref_number, $amount, $NameNew, $adjustment_code, $payment_type)); $result = frontPayment($patient_id, $visit_id, $payment_type, $payment_method, 0, $amount, $timestamp, $user); //insertion to 'payments' table. $resMoneyGot = sqlStatement("SELECT sum(pay_amount) as PatientPay FROM ar_activity where pid =? and " . "encounter =? and payer_type=0 and account_code='PCP'", array($patient_id, $visit_id)); //new fees screen copay gives account_code='PCP' $rowMoneyGot = sqlFetchArray($resMoneyGot); $Copay = $rowMoneyGot['PatientPay']; $ResultSearchNew = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM billing LEFT JOIN code_types ON billing.code_type=code_types.ct_key WHERE code_types.ct_fee=1 " . "AND billing.activity!=0 AND billing.pid =? AND encounter=? ORDER BY billing.code,billing.modifier", array($patient_id, $visit_id)); while ($RowSearch = sqlFetchArray($ResultSearchNew)) { $Codetype = $RowSearch['code_type']; $Code = $RowSearch['code']; $Modifier = $RowSearch['modifier']; $Fee = $RowSearch['fee']; $resMoneyGot = sqlStatement("SELECT sum(pay_amount) as MoneyGot FROM ar_activity where pid =? " . "and code_type=? and code=? and modifier=? and encounter =? and !(payer_type=0 and account_code='PCP')", array($patient_id, $Codetype, $Code, $Modifier, $visit_id)); $rowMoneyGot = sqlFetchArray($resMoneyGot); $MoneyGot = $rowMoneyGot['MoneyGot']; $resMoneyAdjusted = sqlStatement("SELECT sum(adj_amount) as MoneyAdjusted FROM ar_activity where " . "pid =? and code_type=? and code=? and modifier=? and encounter =?", array($patient_id, $Codetype, $Code, $Modifier, $visit_id));
if ($_REQUEST['radio_type_of_payment'] == 'copay') { $session_id = idSqlStatement("INSERT INTO ar_session (payer_id,user_id,reference,check_date,deposit_date,pay_total," . " global_amount,payment_type,description,patient_id,payment_method,adjustment_code,post_to_date) " . " VALUES ('0',?,?,now(),now(),?,'','patient','COPAY',?,?,'patient_payment',now())", array($_SESSION['authId'], $form_source, $amount, $form_pid, $form_method)); $insrt_id = idSqlStatement("INSERT INTO ar_activity (pid,encounter,code,modifier,payer_type,post_time,post_user,session_id,pay_amount,account_code)" . " VALUES (?,?,?,?,0,now(),?,?,?,'PCP')", array($form_pid, $enc, $Code, $Modifier, $_SESSION['authId'], $session_id, $amount)); frontPayment($form_pid, $enc, $form_method, $form_source, $amount, 0); //insertion to 'payments' table. } if ($_REQUEST['radio_type_of_payment'] == 'invoice_balance' || $_REQUEST['radio_type_of_payment'] == 'cash') { //Payment by patient after insurance paid, cash patients similar to do not bill insurance in feesheet. if ($_REQUEST['radio_type_of_payment'] == 'cash') { sqlStatement("update form_encounter set last_level_closed=? where encounter=? and pid=? ", array(4, $enc, $form_pid)); sqlStatement("update billing set billed=? where encounter=? and pid=?", array(1, $enc, $form_pid)); } $adjustment_code = 'patient_payment'; $payment_id = idSqlStatement("insert into ar_session set " . "payer_id = ?" . ", patient_id = ?" . ", user_id = ?" . ", closed = ?" . ", reference = ?" . ", check_date = now() , deposit_date = now() " . ", pay_total = ?" . ", payment_type = 'patient'" . ", description = ?" . ", adjustment_code = ?" . ", post_to_date = now() " . ", payment_method = ?", array(0, $form_pid, $_SESSION['authUserID'], 0, $form_source, $amount, $NameNew, $adjustment_code, $form_method)); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- frontPayment($form_pid, $enc, $form_method, $form_source, 0, $amount); //insertion to 'payments' table. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $resMoneyGot = sqlStatement("SELECT sum(pay_amount) as PatientPay FROM ar_activity where pid =? and " . "encounter =? and payer_type=0 and account_code='PCP'", array($form_pid, $enc)); //new fees screen copay gives account_code='PCP' $rowMoneyGot = sqlFetchArray($resMoneyGot); $Copay = $rowMoneyGot['PatientPay']; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Looping the existing code and modifier $ResultSearchNew = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM billing LEFT JOIN code_types ON billing.code_type=code_types.ct_key WHERE code_types.ct_fee=1 " . "AND billing.activity!=0 AND billing.pid =? AND encounter=? ORDER BY billing.code,billing.modifier", array($form_pid, $enc)); while ($RowSearch = sqlFetchArray($ResultSearchNew)) { $Code = $RowSearch['code']; $Modifier = $RowSearch['modifier']; $Fee = $RowSearch['fee']; $resMoneyGot = sqlStatement("SELECT sum(pay_amount) as MoneyGot FROM ar_activity where pid =? " . "and code=? and modifier=? and encounter =? and !(payer_type=0 and account_code='PCP')", array($form_pid, $Code, $Modifier, $enc)); //new fees screen copay gives account_code='PCP'
if ($_REQUEST['radio_type_of_payment'] == 'copay') { $session_id = idSqlStatement("INSERT INTO ar_session (payer_id,user_id,reference,check_date,deposit_date,pay_total," . " global_amount,payment_type,description,patient_id,payment_method,adjustment_code,post_to_date) " . " VALUES ('0',?,?,now(),now(),?,'','patient','COPAY',?,?,'patient_payment',now())", array($_SESSION['authId'], $form_source, $amount, $form_pid, $form_method)); $insrt_id = idSqlStatement("INSERT INTO ar_activity (pid,encounter,code_type,code,modifier,payer_type,post_time,post_user,session_id,pay_amount,account_code)" . " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,0,now(),?,?,?,'PCP')", array($form_pid, $enc, $Codetype, $Code, $Modifier, $_SESSION['authId'], $session_id, $amount)); frontPayment($form_pid, $enc, $form_method, $form_source, $amount, 0, $timestamp); //insertion to 'payments' table. } if ($_REQUEST['radio_type_of_payment'] == 'invoice_balance' || $_REQUEST['radio_type_of_payment'] == 'cash') { //Payment by patient after insurance paid, cash patients similar to do not bill insurance in feesheet. if ($_REQUEST['radio_type_of_payment'] == 'cash') { sqlStatement("update form_encounter set last_level_closed=? where encounter=? and pid=? ", array(4, $enc, $form_pid)); sqlStatement("update billing set billed=? where encounter=? and pid=?", array(1, $enc, $form_pid)); } $adjustment_code = 'patient_payment'; $payment_id = idSqlStatement("insert into ar_session set " . "payer_id = ?" . ", patient_id = ?" . ", user_id = ?" . ", closed = ?" . ", reference = ?" . ", check_date = now() , deposit_date = now() " . ", pay_total = ?" . ", payment_type = 'patient'" . ", description = ?" . ", adjustment_code = ?" . ", post_to_date = now() " . ", payment_method = ?", array(0, $form_pid, $_SESSION['authUserID'], 0, $form_source, $amount, $NameNew, $adjustment_code, $form_method)); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- frontPayment($form_pid, $enc, $form_method, $form_source, 0, $amount, $timestamp); //insertion to 'payments' table. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $resMoneyGot = sqlStatement("SELECT sum(pay_amount) as PatientPay FROM ar_activity where pid =? and " . "encounter =? and payer_type=0 and account_code='PCP'", array($form_pid, $enc)); //new fees screen copay gives account_code='PCP' $rowMoneyGot = sqlFetchArray($resMoneyGot); $Copay = $rowMoneyGot['PatientPay']; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Looping the existing code and modifier $ResultSearchNew = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM billing LEFT JOIN code_types ON billing.code_type=code_types.ct_key WHERE code_types.ct_fee=1 " . "AND billing.activity!=0 AND billing.pid =? AND encounter=? ORDER BY billing.code,billing.modifier", array($form_pid, $enc)); while ($RowSearch = sqlFetchArray($ResultSearchNew)) { $Codetype = $RowSearch['code_type']; $Code = $RowSearch['code']; $Modifier = $RowSearch['modifier']; $Fee = $RowSearch['fee']; $resMoneyGot = sqlStatement("SELECT sum(pay_amount) as MoneyGot FROM ar_activity where pid =? " . "and code_type=? and code=? and modifier=? and encounter =? and !(payer_type=0 and account_code='PCP')", array($form_pid, $Codetype, $Code, $Modifier, $enc));