function usage() { fprintf(STDERR, "Usage: php midigrep.php -f <midi_file> [-r] {-c <channels> | -C <channels>}\n"); fprintf(STDERR, "ex) php midigrep.php -f in.mid -c 1\n"); fprintf(STDERR, "ex) php midigrep.php -f in.mid -c 1,2\n"); fprintf(STDERR, "ex) php midigrep.php -f in.mid -C 15,16\n"); }
function registerUser($userName, $userMail, $userPasswd, $salt) { $fileMail = fopen("database/email", "a+"); if ($fileMail) { mkdir("database/users/{$userName}", 0755); mkdir("database/users/{$userName}/tasks", 0755); $fileName = fopen("database/users/{$userName}/{$userName}.usr", "a+"); if ($fileName) { $filePasswd = fopen("database/passwd", "a+"); if ($filePasswd) { /* creating user file in database */ /* registering e-mail adress in database */ fprintf($fileMail, "{$userMail}\n"); fprintf($fileName, "{$userName}:{$userMail}\n"); /* registering user's password in database */ $PasswdCrypt = sha1(sha1("{$userPasswd}") . $salt); fprintf($filePasswd, "{$userName}:{$PasswdCrypt}\n"); fclose($fileName); } else { rmdir("database/users/{$userName}"); rmdir("database/users/{$userName}/tasks"); } fclose($fileMail); } else { rmdir("database/users/{$userName}"); rmdir("database/users/{$userName}/tasks"); } fclose($filePasswd); } }
/** * @param mixed $data A Traversable of CModel or a CModel where data will be fetch from * @param array $attributes Attribute names of CModel to be exported. * @param bool $endApplication Application will be ended if true. false to keep going and export more data. Defautls to TRUE. * @param integer $endLineCount Number of newlines to append below this data. Defaults to 0. */ public function exportCSV($data, $attributes = array(), $endApplication = true, $endLineCount = 0) { if ($this->isExportRequest()) { $this->sendHeaders(); $fileHandle = fopen('php://output', 'w'); if ($data instanceof CActiveDataProvider) { $this->csvRowHeaders($fileHandle, $attributes, $data->model); $this->csvRowModels($fileHandle, new CDataProviderIterator($data, 150), $attributes); } else { if (is_array($data) && current($data) instanceof CModel) { $this->csvRowHeaders($fileHandle, $attributes, current($data)); $this->csvRowModels($fileHandle, $data, $attributes); } else { if (is_array($data) && is_string(current($data))) { fputcsv($fileHandle, $data, $this->csvDelimiter, $this->csvEnclosure); } else { if ($data instanceof CModel) { $this->csvModel($fileHandle, $data, $attributes); } } } } fprintf($fileHandle, str_repeat("\n", $endLineCount)); fclose($fileHandle); if ($endApplication) { Yii::app()->end(0, false); exit(0); } } }
function do_app($app) { // enumerate the host_app_versions for this app, // joined to the host $db = BoincDb::get(); $query = "select et_avg, host.on_frac, host.active_frac, host.gpu_active_frac, app_version.plan_class " . " from DBNAME.host_app_version,, DBNAME.app_version " . " where host_app_version.app_version_id = " . " and app_version.appid = {$app->id} " . " and et_n > 0 and et_avg > 0 " . " and = host_app_version.host_id"; $result = $db->do_query($query); $a = array(); while ($x = _mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if (is_gpu($x->plan_class)) { $av = $x->on_frac; if ($x->gpu_active_frac) { $av *= $x->gpu_active_frac; } else { $av *= $x->active_frac; } } else { $av = $x->on_frac * $x->active_frac; } $a[] = 1 / $x->et_avg * $av; } _mysql_free_result($result); sort($a); $n = count($a); $f = fopen("../../size_census_" . $app->name, "w"); for ($i = 1; $i < $app->n_size_classes; $i++) { $k = (int) ($i * $n / $app->n_size_classes); fprintf($f, "%e\n", $a[$k]); } fclose($f); }
/** * Execute the command */ function execute() { $stderr = fopen('php://stdout', 'w'); $locales = AppLocale::getAllLocales(); $dbConn = DBConnection::getConn(); foreach ($locales as $locale => $localeName) { fprintf($stderr, "Checking {$localeName}...\n"); $oldTemplatesText = $this->fetchFileVersion('ojs', "locale/{$locale}/emailTemplates.xml", $this->oldTag); $newTemplatesText = $this->fetchFileVersion('ojs', "locale/{$locale}/emailTemplates.xml", $this->newTag); if ($oldTemplatesText === false || $newTemplatesText === false) { fprintf($stderr, "Skipping {$localeName}; could not fetch.\n"); continue; } $oldEmails = $this->parseEmails($oldTemplatesText); $newEmails = $this->parseEmails($newTemplatesText); foreach ($oldEmails['email_text'] as $oi => $junk) { $key = $junk['attributes']['key']; $ni = null; foreach ($newEmails['email_text'] as $ni => $junk) { if ($key == $junk['attributes']['key']) { break; } } if ($oldEmails['subject'][$oi]['value'] != $newEmails['subject'][$ni]['value']) { echo "UPDATE email_templates_default_data SET subject='" . $dbConn->escape($newEmails['subject'][$ni]['value']) . "' WHERE key='" . $dbConn->escape($key) . "' AND locale='" . $dbConn->escape($locale) . "' AND subject='" . $dbConn->escape($oldEmails['subject'][$oi]['value']) . "';\n"; } if ($oldEmails['body'][$oi]['value'] != $newEmails['body'][$ni]['value']) { echo "UPDATE email_templates_default_data SET body='" . $dbConn->escape($newEmails['body'][$ni]['value']) . "' WHERE key='" . $dbConn->escape($key) . "' AND locale='" . $dbConn->escape($locale) . "' AND body='" . $dbConn->escape($oldEmails['body'][$oi]['value']) . "';\n"; } } } fclose($stderr); }
function eputsf() { $args = func_get_args(); $fmt = array_shift($args); fprintf(STDERR, $fmt, $args); fprintf(STDERR, "%s", PHP_EOL); }
function ctx_log_msg($func, $text, $type) { global $_context_log; if ($_context_log) { fprintf($_context_log, "%f %s %d %d %s %s %s\n", microtime(true), php_uname('n'), posix_getpid(), posix_getpid(), $type, $func, $text); } }
function usage() { global $argv; fprintf(STDERR, "Usage: %s -u <URL> -n <requests> -c <concurrency> -e (use libevent)\n", $argv[0]); fprintf(STDERR, "\nDefaults: -u http://localhost/ -n 1000 -c 10\n\n"); exit(-1); }
/** * Simple tail program using the inotify extension * Usage: ./tail.php file */ function main_loop($file, $file_fd) { $inotify = inotify_init(); if ($inotify === false) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to obtain an inotify instance\n"); return 1; } $watch = inotify_add_watch($inotify, $file, IN_MODIFY); if ($watch === false) { fprintf(STDERR, "Failed to watch file '%s'", $file); return 1; } while (($events = inotify_read($inotify)) !== false) { echo "Event received !\n"; foreach ($events as $event) { if (!($event['mask'] & IN_MODIFY)) { continue; } echo stream_get_contents($file_fd); break; } } // May not happen inotify_rm_watch($inotify, $watch); fclose($inotify); fclose($file_fd); return 0; }
/** * processList - */ function processList() { //$filename = 'titlelisting.txt'; $fp = fopen(self::RPT_FILENAME, 'w'); if ($fp) { $this->fp = $fp; } //select nid, title from node order by title; //$sql = 'SELECT nid, title FROM node ORDER BY title, nid LIMIT 50'; //$sql = "SELECT nid, title FROM node WHERE TYPE = 'biblio' ORDER BY title, nid LIMIT 500"; //SELECT n.nid, n.title FROM node AS n JOIN biblio AS b ON (b.nid = n.nid) WHERE b.biblio_label LIKE '%Pensoft%' AND n.type = 'biblio' ORDER BY n.title, n.nid LIMIT 10; $sql = "SELECT nid, title FROM node WHERE TYPE = 'biblio' ORDER BY title, nid"; //$sql = "SELECT n.nid, n.title FROM node AS n JOIN biblio AS b ON (b.nid = n.nid) WHERE b.biblio_label LIKE '%Pensoft%' AND n.type = 'biblio' ORDER BY n.title, n.nid"; $titleList = $this->dbi->fetch($sql); foreach ($titleList as $titleItem) { //$msg = '' . $titleItem['nid'] . ' ' . (trim($titleItem['title']) ? $titleItem['title'] : 'NO TITLE') . ' '; $msg = '' . $titleItem['nid'] . (strlen($titleItem['nid']) == 6 ? '' : ' ') . ' ' . (trim($titleItem['title']) ? $titleItem['title'] : 'NO TITLE') . ' '; fprintf($this->fp, '%s', $msg); fprintf($this->fp, '%s', PHP_EOL); } if ($this->fp) { fclose($this->fp); } echo date('YmdHis'); }
function export($is_user, $dir) { $n = 0; $filename = $is_user ? "{$dir}/user_work" : "{$dir}/team_work"; $f = fopen($filename, "w"); if (!$f) { die("fopen"); } $is_user ? fprintf($f, "<users>\n") : fprintf($f, "<teams>\n"); $maxid = $is_user ? BoincUser::max("id") : BoincTeam::max("id"); while ($n <= $maxid) { $m = $n + 1000; if ($is_user) { $items = BoincUser::enum_fields("id", "id>={$n} and id<{$m} and total_credit>0"); } else { $items = BoincTeam::enum_fields("id", "id>={$n} and id<{$m} and total_credit>0"); } foreach ($items as $item) { export_item($item, $is_user, $f); } $n = $m; } $is_user ? fprintf($f, "</users>\n") : fprintf($f, "</teams>\n"); fclose($f); system("gzip -f {$filename}"); }
function write_row($handle, $row) { foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $row[$key] = preg_replace("/\"/", "\"\"", $value); } fprintf($handle, "\"%s\"\n", implode("\",\"", $row)); }
public function write($message, $sev = 0) { $tag; if ($sev < $this->debugLevel) { return; } date_default_timezone_set("GMT"); switch ($sev) { case 0: $tag = "notice"; break; case 1: $tag = "warn"; break; case 3: $tag = "error"; break; case 9: $tag = "security"; break; default: $tag = "notice"; break; } $message = sprintf("[%s] [%s] [ppg] [session:%s] [prog:%s] : %s", date('D M d H:i:s Y'), $tag, $this->sessId, $this->caller, $message); fprintf($this->errorHandle, "%s\n", $message); }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function prepare() { if ($this->utf8Encoding) { fprintf($this->getStream(), chr(0xef) . chr(0xbb) . chr(0xbf)); } return $this; }
function createcfg($type = null) { $term = \Cherry\Cli\Console::getAdapter(); if (!$type) { fprintf(STDERR, "No such config. Try " . Ansi::setUnderline() . "list-configs" . Ansi::clearUnderline() . "\n"); return 1; } $args = func_get_args(); $type = $args[0]; $opts = $this->parseOpts(array_slice($args, 1), array('verbose' => '+verbose', 'dest' => 'to:', 'force' => '+force')); if ($type) { $this->data = new TemplateStrings(); $this->data->htmlroot = exec('pwd'); $this->data->environment = 'prodution'; $tpl = (require CHERRY_LIB . '/share/configs/' . $type . '.php'); $meta = parse_ini_file(CHERRY_LIB . '/share/configs/' . $type . '.ini', true); if (empty($opts['dest'])) { $out = $meta['config']['dest']; } else { $out = $opts['dest']; } fprintf(STDOUT, "Writing %s...\n", $out); if (file_exists($out)) { if (empty($opts['force']) || $opts['force'] == 0) { fprintf(STDERR, "Error: File already exists! To replace use +force\n"); return 1; } } file_put_contents($out, trim($tpl) . "\n"); } }
/** * Lists all ClientEmployee models. * @return mixed */ public function actionIndex() { $searchModel = new ClientEmployeeSearch(); $dataProvider = $searchModel->search(Yii::$app->request->queryParams); if (isset($_GET['download'])) { $datetime_start = str_replace('\'', '', $_GET['datetime_start']); $datetime_end = str_replace('\'', '', $_GET['datetime_end']); $filename = Yii::$app->getRuntimePath() . "/员工会员推广排行榜-" . $datetime_start . '到' . $datetime_end . '.csv'; $fh = fopen($filename, 'w'); fprintf($fh, "排名,会员推广数量,员工姓名,电话,营业厅" . PHP_EOL); $i = 1; \Yii::warning('yjhu:' . $datetime_start); $rows = \app\models\MUser::getMemberPromotionTopList(0, 5000, $datetime_start . ' 00:00:00', $datetime_end . ' 23:59:59'); foreach ($rows as $row) { $staff = \app\models\MStaff::findOne(['scene_id' => $row['scene_pid']]); fprintf($fh, $i++ . ','); fprintf($fh, $row['members'] . ','); fprintf($fh, $staff->name . ','); fprintf($fh, $staff->mobile . ','); fprintf($fh, (empty($staff->office) ? '' : $staff->office->title) . PHP_EOL); } fclose($fh); Yii::$app->response->sendFile($filename); return; } return $this->render('index', ['searchModel' => $searchModel, 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider]); }
function failure() { // this is why error_get_last() should return a stdClass object $error = error_get_last(); fprintf(STDERR, "FAILURE: %s\n", $error["message"]); exit(-1); }
public function execute() { curl_setopt_array($this->hcurl, [CURLOPT_VERBOSE => 1, CURLOPT_HEADER => 1, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER => 1, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => 1, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10]); switch ($this->method) { case 'head': curl_setopt_array($this->hcurl, [CURLOPT_NOBODY => 1]); break; case 'get': curl_setopt_array($this->hcurl, [CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1]); break; case 'post': curl_setopt_array($this->hcurl, [CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1]); break; case 'put': break; default: fprintf(STDERR, "Bad request method: %s\n", $this->method); } $response = curl_exec($this->hcurl); // Then, after your curl_exec call: $header_size = curl_getinfo(${$this}->hcurl, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE); $header = substr($response, 0, $header_size); $this->resheaders = explode("\r\n", $header); $this->resbody = substr($response, $header_size); $this->resmeta = curl_getinfo($this->hcurl); $this->rescode = curl_getmeta($this->hcurl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); }
/** * Dump an array of Paths * * @param mixed $paths a single Path object or an array of Path objects * @param stream $handle */ public function dump($paths, $handle) { if (!is_resource($handle) || get_resource_type($handle) != 'stream') { throw new Exception("Not a stream resource"); } if (!is_array($paths)) { $paths = array($paths); } $nodes = array(); $rels = array(); foreach ($paths as $path) { if (!$path instanceof Path) { throw new Exception("Not a Path"); } $pathNodes = $path->getNodes(); foreach ($pathNodes as $node) { $nodes[$node->getId()] = $node; } $pathRels = $path->getRelationships(); foreach ($pathRels as $rel) { $rels[$rel->getId()] = $rel; } } foreach ($nodes as $id => $node) { $properties = $node->getProperties(); $format = $properties ? "(%s)\t%s\n" : "(%s)\n"; fprintf($handle, $format, $id, json_encode($properties)); } foreach ($rels as $id => $rel) { $properties = $rel->getProperties(); $format = "(%s)-[%s:%s]->(%s)"; $format .= $properties ? "\t%s\n" : "\n"; fprintf($handle, $format, $rel->getStartNode()->getId(), $id, $rel->getType(), $rel->getEndNode()->getId(), json_encode($properties)); } }
protected function parseOpts(array $args, array $rules) { $out = array(); for ($optidx = 0; $optidx < count($args); $optidx++) { $opt = $args[$optidx]; $matched = false; foreach ($rules as $name => $rule) { if ($rule[strlen($rule) - 1] == ':') { $rulestr = substr($rule, 0, strlen($rule) - 1); if ($opt == $rulestr) { $out[$name] = $args[$optidx + 1]; $optidx++; $matched = true; } } elseif ($rule[0] == '+') { if ($opt == $rule) { $out[$name] = true; $matched = true; } } } if (!$matched) { fprintf(STDERR, "Unknown option: %s\n", $opt); } } return $out; }
public function doCommand() { $startWith = $this->param('startWith', 0); $incrementBy = $this->param('incrementBy', 1); fprintf(STDOUT, "Start With %d and increment by %d\n", $startWith, $incrementBy); return $startWith + $incrementBy; }
function run_idf($path) { $f = fopen($path, 'w'); $max = 1; $min = 1; foreach ($this->m_Keywords->m_Table as $word => $record) { if ($this->isIgnored($record)) { continue; } $count = $record['count']; if ($max < $count) { $max = $count; } } foreach ($this->m_Keywords->m_Table as $word => $record) { if ($this->isIgnored($record)) { continue; } $index = $record['index']; $count = $record['count']; if (!$index || !$count) { continue; } $rate = log($max / $count) / log($max / $min); fprintf($f, "%d,%f,%s\n", $index, $rate, $word); } fclose($f); }
public static function render_exception_trace(Exception $e) { fprintf(STDERR, get_class($e) . ' thrown at ' . date('c') . PHP_EOL); fprintf(STDERR, $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL); $trace = $e->getTrace(); if (count($trace) > 0) { fprintf(STDERR, 'Exception trace:' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL); foreach ($trace as $data) { fprintf(STDERR, '----------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL); $keys = array_keys($data); sort($keys); foreach ($keys as $key) { fprintf(STDERR, "{$key}: "); if (is_array($data[$key])) { foreach ($data[$key] as $datum) { fprintf(STDERR, ' '); if (is_numeric($datum) || is_string($datum)) { fprintf(STDERR, '"' . $datum . '"'); } fprintf(STDERR, PHP_EOL); } } else { if (strtolower($key) == 'file') { $formatted_filename = new Formatting_FileName($data[$key]); fprintf(STDERR, $formatted_filename->get_pretty_name()); } else { fprintf(STDERR, ' '); fprintf(STDERR, '' . $data[$key] . PHP_EOL); } } } fprintf(STDERR, '----------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL); } } }
public function run($args) { if (count($args) != 1) { $this->usageError('Please supply the path to valuesets.json'); } $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($args[0])); $value_sets = array(); foreach ($data->feed->entry as $entry) { $content = $entry->content; if (@$content->experimental || $content->status == 'retired' || !isset($content->define) || !preg_match('|^|', $content->define->system)) { continue; } $name = $this->toConstantName($content->name); $value_sets[$name] = array('system' => $content->define->system, 'desc' => $this->normaliseDesc($content->description), 'values' => $this->parseConcepts($name, $content->define->concept)); } $f = fopen(Yii::app()->basePath . '/helpers/FhirValueSet.php', 'w'); fprintf($f, "<?php\n\n// Auto-generated by %s\n\nclass FhirValueSet\n{\n", __CLASS__); foreach ($value_sets as $value_set) { fprintf($f, "\t// %s\n\t// %s\n\n", $value_set['system'], $value_set['desc']); foreach ($value_set['values'] as $name => $value) { fprintf($f, "\tconst %s = '%s';", $name, $value['value']); if ($value['desc']) { fprintf($f, ' // %s', $value['desc']); } fprintf($f, "\n"); } fprintf($f, "\n\n"); } fprintf($f, "}\n"); fclose($f); }
public function yybegin($state) { $this->_yy_state = $state; if ($this->yyTraceFILE) { fprintf($this->yyTraceFILE, "%sState set %s\n", $this->yyTracePrompt, isset($this->state_name[$this->_yy_state]) ? $this->state_name[$this->_yy_state] : $this->_yy_state); } }
/** * Lists all MOrder models. * @return mixed */ public function actionIndex($userid) { $searchModel = new MOrderSearch(); $dataProvider = $searchModel->search(Yii::$app->request->queryParams, $userid); if (isset($_GET['download'])) { $filepathname = Yii::$app->getRuntimePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'order' . "-{$date}.csv"; $fh = fopen($filepathname, 'w'); //在写入数据之前先把bom头写到文件里 fwrite($fh, ""); fprintf($fh, "订单号, 商品, 订单时间, 订单状态, 用户姓名, 联系电话\n"); if (Yii::$app->user->identity->role == 1) { $orders = MOrder::find()->all(); } else { $orders = MOrder::find()->where(['userid' => $userid])->all(); } if (!empty($orders)) { foreach ($orders as $order) { $status = $order->status == 1 ? "已申请" : "已处理"; fprintf($fh, "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n", $order->oid, $order->title, $order->create_time, $status, $order->username, $order->usermobile); } } fclose($fh); iconv("UTF-8", "GB2312", "{$filepathname}"); Yii::$app->response->sendFile($filepathname); return; } return $this->render('index', ['searchModel' => $searchModel, 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider]); }
function check($request) { $response = new CustomFieldResponse(); $response->fields = array(); #### debug #### $fp = fopen('out.txt', 'w'); $output = var_export($request, true); ############### $response->response = '[accepted]'; $truefields = array('termsandconditions'); $fields = array(); foreach ($request->customFieldRequest->fields->CustomField as $field) { $fields[$field->name] = $field->value; } foreach ($truefields as $rf) { if ($fields[$rf] != "true") { $response->response = '[invalid]'; $invalidField = new CustomField(); $invalidField->name = $rf; $invalidField->value = "customField.error." . $rf; $output .= var_export($invalidField, true); array_push($response->fields, $invalidField); } } $output .= var_export($fields, true); $output .= var_export($response, true); if ($response->response == '[invalid]') { fprintf($fp, '%s', "BEGIN\n" . $output . "\nEND\n"); return array("customFieldResponse" => $response); } return array("customFieldResponse" => $response); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function open() { $this->file = fopen($this->filename, 'w', false); if (true === $this->withBom) { fprintf($this->file, chr(0xef) . chr(0xbb) . chr(0xbf)); } }
function debugPrint($var, $file = '') { $more_info = ''; if (is_string($var)) { $more_info = 'size: ' . strlen($var); } elseif (is_bool($var)) { $more_info = 'val: ' . ($var ? 'true' : 'false'); } elseif (is_null($var)) { $more_info = 'is null'; } elseif (is_array($var)) { $more_info = count($var); } if ($file === true) { $file = '/tmp/logDebug'; } if (strlen($file) > 0) { $f = fopen($file, "a"); ob_start(); echo date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . " (" . gettype($var) . ") " . $more_info . "\n"; print_r($var); echo "\n\n"; $output = ob_get_clean(); fprintf($f, "%s", $output); fclose($f); } else { echo "<pre>" . date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . " (" . gettype($var) . ") " . $more_info . "</pre>"; echo "<pre>"; print_r($var); echo "</pre>"; } }
/** * Prints help info * * @param \BackupStore $store * @return boolean return status * @author : Rafał Trójniak */ function run(\BackupStore $store) { fprintf(STDERR,"Options :\n"); foreach($this->config as $com){ list($short,$long,$description)=$com; $options=array(); $param=null; if(count($com)>=4){ $param=$com[3]; if(strpos($short,'::')!==false) { $param="[$param]"; } $param='='.$param; $short=trim($short,':'); $long=trim($long,':'); } if(!is_null($short)){ $options[]='-'.$short; } if(!is_null($long)){ $options[]='--'.$long; } fprintf(STDERR,"\t".implode('|',$options)."$param\t$description\n"); } return false; }