* - $forum->zebra: 'even' or 'odd' string used for row class.
 * - $forum->name: The name of the forum.
 * - $forum->link: The URL to link to this forum.
 * - $forum->description: The description of this forum.
 * - $forum->new_topics: True if the forum contains unread posts.
 * - $forum->new_url: A URL to the forum's unread posts.
 * - $forum->new_text: Text for the above URL which tells how many new posts.
 * - $forum->old_topics: A count of posts that have already been read.
 * - $forum->num_posts: The total number of posts in the forum.
 * - $forum->last_reply: Text representing the last time a forum was posted or
 *   commented in.
 * @see template_preprocess_forum_list()
 * @see theme_forum_list()
$main_forum = forum_term_load($forum_id);
$forum_description = $main_forum['description'];
if (!og_is_group_member(arg(1))) {
<div class="link-wrapper"><a class="join-link" href="/communities/og/subscribe/<?php 
    print arg(1);
    print arg(1);
/forums">Join This Community</a></div>
<table id="forum-<?php 
print $forum_id;
Пример #2
 *   explanation and a link.
 * - $topic->zebra: 'even' or 'odd' string used for row class.
 * - $topic->num_comments: The number of replies on this topic.
 * - $topic->new_replies: A flag to indicate whether there are unread comments.
 * - $topic->new_url: If there are unread replies, this is a link to them.
 * - $topic->new_text: Text containing the translated, properly pluralized count.
 * - $topic->created: An outputtable string represented when the topic was posted.
 * - $topic->last_reply: An outputtable string representing when the topic was
 *   last replied to.
 * - $topic->timestamp: The raw timestamp this topic was posted.
 * @see template_preprocess_forum_topic_list()
 * @see theme_forum_topic_list()

$topic =  forum_term_load($topic_id);
$topic_title = $topic['name'];
$topic_description = $topic['description'];


<h2><?php print $topic_title; ?></h2>
<p><?php print $topic_description; ?></p>

<table id="forum-topic-<?php print $topic_id; ?>">
    <tr><?php print $header; ?></tr>