} ?> <tr class="<?php echo $trClass; ?> "> <td><?php echo $cmd->ref; ?> </td> <td><?php echo date("d/m/Y H:i:s", strtotime($cmd->date)); ?> </td> <td><?php echo formatter_somme($cmd->total(true, true)); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $statutdesc->titre; ?> </td> <td> <div class="btn-group"> <a class="btn btn-mini" title="<?php echo trad('editer', 'admin'); ?> " href="commande_details.php?ref=<?php echo $cmd->ref; ?> "><i class="icon-edit"></i></a>
function liste_clients($order, $critere, $debut) { $i = 0; $client = new Client(); $query = "select * from {$client->table} order by {$critere} {$order} limit {$debut},20"; $resul = $client->query($query); while ($resul && ($row = $client->fetch_object($resul))) { $fond = "ligne_" . ($i++ % 2 ? "claire" : "fonce") . "_rub"; $commande = new Commande(); $devise = new Devise(); $querycom = "select id from {$commande->table} where client={$row->id} and statut not in(" . Commande::NONPAYE . "," . Commande::ANNULE . ") order by date DESC limit 0,1"; $resulcom = $commande->query($querycom); $existe = 0; if ($commande->num_rows($resulcom) > 0) { $existe = 1; $idcom = $commande->get_result($resulcom, 0, "id"); $commande->charger($idcom); $devise->charger($commande->devise); $date = strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S", strtotime($commande->date)); } $creation = strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S", strtotime($row->datecrea)); ?> <ul class="<?php echo $fond; ?> "> <li style="width:122px;"><?php echo $row->ref; ?> </li> <li style="width:110px;"><?php echo $creation; ?> </li> <li style="width:143px;"><?php echo $row->entreprise; ?> </li> <li style="width:243px;"><?php echo $row->nom; ?> <?php echo $row->prenom; ?> </li> <li style="width:110px;"><?php if ($existe) { echo $date; } ?> </li> <li style="width:63px;"><?php if ($existe) { echo formatter_somme($commande->total(true, true)) . ' ' . $devise->symbole; } ?> </li> <li style="width:40px;"><a href="client_visualiser.php?ref=<?php echo $row->ref; ?> " class="txt_vert_11"><?php echo trad('editer', 'admin'); ?> </a></li> <li style="width:25px; text-align:center;"><a href="#" onclick="confirmSupp('<?php echo $row->ref; ?> ')"><img src="gfx/supprimer.gif" width="9" height="9" border="0" /></a></li> </ul> <?php } }
$total = $cmd->total(true, true); $date = strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", strtotime($cmd->date)); $fond = $i++ % 2 ? "claire" : "fonce"; ?> <ul class="lignesimple"> <li class="cellule" style="width:130px;"><?php echo $cmd->ref; ?> </li> <li class="cellule" style="width:130px;"><?php echo $date; ?> </li> <li class="cellule" style="width:120px;"><?php echo formatter_somme($total); ?> </li> <li class="cellule" style="width:90px;"><?php echo $statutdesc->titre; ?> </li> <li class="cellule" style="width:60px;"><a href="commande_details.php?ref=<?php echo $cmd->ref; ?> "><?php echo trad('editer', 'admin'); ?> </a></li> <?php if ($cmd->statut != Commande::ANNULE) {
function boucleTransport($texte, $args) { // récupération des arguments $id = lireTag($args, "id", "int_list"); $nom = lireTag($args, "nom", "string"); $exclusion = lireTag($args, "exclusion", "string_list"); $idpays = intval(lireTag($args, "pays", "int")); $cpostal = intval(lireTag($args, "cpostal", "string")); $montantmini = intval(lireTag($args, "montantmini", "float")); $search = ""; $res = ""; if ($id != "") { $search .= "and id in ({$id})"; } if ($nom != "") { $search .= "and nom=\"{$nom}\""; } if ($exclusion != "") { $liste = ""; $tabexcl = explode(",", $exclusion); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tabexcl); $i++) { $liste .= "'" . $tabexcl[$i] . "'" . ","; } $liste = rtrim($liste, ","); $search .= " and nom not in ({$liste})"; } $modules = new Modules(); $query = "select * from {$modules->table} where type='2' and actif='1' {$search} order by classement"; $resul = CacheBase::getCache()->query($query); if (empty($resul)) { return ""; } $pays = new Pays(); if ($idpays > 0) { $pays->charger($idpays); } else { if ($_SESSION['navig']->adresse != "" && $_SESSION['navig']->adresse != 0) { $adr = new Adresse(); $adr->charger($_SESSION['navig']->adresse); $pays->charger($adr->pays); } else { $pays->charger($_SESSION['navig']->client->pays); } } $transzone = new Transzone(); $compt = 0; foreach ($resul as $row) { if (!$transzone->charger($row->id, $pays->zone)) { continue; } $compt++; $modules = new Modules(); $modules->charger_id($row->id); try { $instance = ActionsModules::instance()->instancier($modules->nom); $port = round(port($row->id, $pays->id, $cpostal), 2); $titre = $instance->getTitre(); $chapo = $instance->getChapo(); $description = $instance->getDescription(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $titre = $chapo = $description = ''; } if ($port < $montantmini) { continue; } // Chercher le logo $exts = array('png', 'gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg'); $logo = false; foreach ($exts as $ext) { $tmp = ActionsModules::instance()->lire_chemin_base() . "/{$row->nom}/logo.{$ext}"; if (file_exists($tmp)) { $logo = ActionsModules::instance()->lire_url_base() . "/{$row->nom}/logo.{$ext}"; break; } } $temp = str_replace("#NOM", $row->nom, $texte); $temp = str_replace("#TITRE", "{$titre}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#CHAPO", "{$chapo}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#DESCRIPTION", "{$description}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#URLCMD", urlfond("commande", "action=transport&id=" . $row->id, true), $temp); $temp = str_replace("#ID", "{$row->id}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#LOGO", $logo, $temp); $temp = str_replace("#PORT", formatter_somme($port), $temp); $temp = str_replace("#COMPT", "{$compt}", $temp); $res .= $temp; } return $res; }
function lister_commandes($critere, $order, $debut, $nbres, $search = '') { $commande = new Commande(); $i = 0; $query = "select * from {$commande->table} where 1 {$search} order by {$critere} {$order} limit {$debut},{$nbres}"; $resul = $commande->query($query); while ($resul && ($row = $commande->fetch_object($resul, 'Commande'))) { $client = new Client(); $client->charger_id($row->client); $statutdesc = new Statutdesc(); $statutdesc->charger($row->statut); $devise = new Devise(); $devise->charger($row->devise); $total = formatter_somme($row->total(true, true)); $date = strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S", strtotime($row->date)); $fond = "ligne_" . ($i++ % 2 ? "claire" : "fonce") . "_rub"; ?> <ul class="<?php echo $fond; ?> "> <li style="width:142px;"><?php echo $row->ref; ?> </li> <li style="width:104px;"><?php echo $date; ?> </li> <li style="width:200px;"><?php echo $client->entreprise; ?> </li> <li style="width:200px;"><a href="client_visualiser.php?ref=<?php echo $client->ref; ?> "><?php echo $client->nom . " " . $client->prenom; ?> </a></li> <li style="width:59px;"><?php echo $total; ?> <?php echo $devise->symbole; ?> </li> <li style="width:70px;"><?php echo $statutdesc->titre; ?> </li> <li style="width:40px;"><a href="commande_details.php?ref=<?php echo $row->ref; ?> ">éditer</a></li> <?php if ($row->statut != Commande::ANNULE) { ?> <li style="width:35px; text-align:center;"><a href="#" onclick="supprimer('<?php echo $row->id; ?> '); return false;"><img src="gfx/supprimer.gif" width="9" height="9" border="0" /></a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } }
<td><?php echo trad('Commandes_annulees', 'admin'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $stat->getNbCommandCanceled("year"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo trad('Panier_moyen', 'admin'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo formatter_somme($stat->getAverageCart("year")); ?> <?php echo $devise->symbole; ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="span4">
public function getList($order, $critere, $debut, $nbres) { $query = $this->getRequest('list', $order, $critere, $debut, $nbres); $resul = $this->query($query); $retour = array(); while ($resul && ($row = $this->fetch_object($resul))) { $thisClient = array(); $thisClient['ref'] = $row->ref; $thisClient['entreprise'] = $row->entreprise; $thisClient['nom'] = $row->nom; $thisClient['prenom'] = $row->prenom; $thisClient['email'] = $row->email; $commande = new Commande(); $devise = new Devise(); $querycom = "SELECT id FROM {$commande->table} WHERE client={$row->id} AND statut NOT IN(" . Commande::NONPAYE . "," . Commande::ANNULE . ") ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,1"; $resulcom = $commande->query($querycom); if ($commande->num_rows($resulcom) > 0) { $idcom = $commande->get_result($resulcom, 0, "id"); $commande->charger($idcom); $devise->charger($commande->devise); $thisClient['date'] = strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", strtotime($commande->date)); $thisClient['somme'] = formatter_somme($commande->total(true, true)) . ' ' . $devise->symbole; } else { $thisClient['date'] = ''; $thisClient['somme'] = ''; } $retour[] = $thisClient; } return $retour; }
public function getDetailTurnover($nbDays = 30) { $date = new DateTime(); $date->setTime(0, 0, 0); $date->modify("-{$nbDays} day"); $return = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $nbDays; $i++) { $date->modify("+1 day"); $return[] = array("date" => $date->format('Y-m-d'), "ca" => formatter_somme($this->getTurnoverByDate($date->format('Y-m-d')) + $this->getChippingPrice(null, $date->format('Y-m-d')) - $this->getDiscount(null, $date->format('Y-m-d')))); } return $return; }
public function getSearchList($searchTerm, $clientFoundList) { $searchTerm = $this->escape_string(trim($searchTerm)); $return = array(); if ($searchTerm === '' && count($clientFoundList) == 0) { return $return; } $qOrders = "SELECT * FROM " . self::TABLE . "\n WHERE ref like '%{$searchTerm}%'\n OR facture like '%{$searchTerm}%'\n OR transaction like '%{$searchTerm}%'\n " . (count($clientFoundList) > 0 ? " OR client IN (" . implode(',', $clientFoundList) . ")" : '') . "\n " . (strtotime($searchTerm) ? " OR date LIKE '" . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($searchTerm)) . "%'" : '') . "\n LIMIT 100"; $rOrders = $this->query($qOrders); while ($rOrders && ($theOrder = $this->fetch_object($rOrders, 'Commande'))) { $thisOrderArray = array(); $client = new Client(); $client->charger_id($theOrder->client); $statutdesc = new Statutdesc(); $statutdesc->charger($theOrder->statut); $devise = new Devise(); $devise->charger($theOrder->devise); $total = formatter_somme($theOrder->total(true, true)); $date = strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S", strtotime($theOrder->date)); $thisOrderArray['ref'] = $theOrder->ref; $thisOrderArray['transaction'] = $theOrder->transaction; $thisOrderArray['facture'] = $theOrder->facture; $thisOrderArray['date'] = $date; $thisOrderArray['client'] = array("entreprise" => $client->entreprise, "ref" => $client->ref, "nom" => $client->nom, "prenom" => $client->prenom); $thisOrderArray['total'] = $total; $thisOrderArray['devise'] = $devise->symbole; $thisOrderArray['titre'] = $statutdesc->titre; $thisOrderArray['statut'] = $theOrder->statut; $thisOrderArray['id'] = $theOrder->id; $return[] = $thisOrderArray; } return $return; }
function substitpanier($texte) { $total = 0; $totalht = 0; $totaleco = 0; $totaltaxe = 0; $allItemCount = $nb_article = 0; if ($_SESSION['navig']->adresse) { $adr = new Adresse(); $adr->charger($_SESSION['navig']->adresse); $idpays = $adr->pays; } else { $idpays = $_SESSION['navig']->client->pays; } $pays = new Pays(); $pays->charger($idpays); $total = $_SESSION['navig']->panier->total(); $totalht = $_SESSION['navig']->panier->total(0); $totaleco = $_SESSION['navig']->panier->totalecotaxe(); $tva = $total - $totalht; $nb_article = $_SESSION['navig']->panier->nbart; foreach ($_SESSION['navig']->panier->tabarticle as $anItem) { $allItemCount += $anItem->quantite; } unset($anItem); $port = port(); if ($port < 0) { $port = 0; } $totcmdport = $total + $port; $remise = $remise_client = $remise_promo = 0; if ($_SESSION['navig']->client->pourcentage > 0) { $remise_client = $total * $_SESSION['navig']->client->pourcentage / 100; } $remise_promo += calc_remise($total); $remise = $remise_promo + $remise_client; $totcmdport -= $remise; $totremise = $total - $remise; if ($totcmdport < $port) { $totcmdport = $port; } $totcmdportht = $totalht + $port; $totalht = formatter_somme($totalht); $total = formatter_somme($total); $totaleco = formatter_somme($totaleco); $totaltaxe = formatter_somme($totaltaxe); $port = formatter_somme($port); $totcmdport = formatter_somme($totcmdport); $remise = formatter_somme($remise); $totremise = formatter_somme($totremise); $totcmdportht = formatter_somme($totcmdportht); $tva = formatter_somme($tva, 2, ".", ""); $remise_client = formatter_somme($remise_client); $remise_promo = formatter_somme($remise_promo); $totpoids = $_SESSION['navig']->panier->poids(); $texte = str_replace("#PANIER_TOTALHT", "{$totalht}", $texte); $texte = str_replace("#PANIER_TOTALECO", "{$totaleco}", $texte); $texte = str_replace("#PANIER_TOTALTVA", "{$tva}", $texte); // total TVA du panier = #PANIER_TVA $texte = str_replace("#PANIER_TOTAL", "{$total}", $texte); $texte = str_replace("#PANIER_PORT", "{$port}", $texte); $texte = str_replace("#PANIER_TOTPORTHT", "{$totcmdportht}", $texte); $texte = str_replace("#PANIER_TOTPORT", "{$totcmdport}", $texte); $texte = str_replace("#PANIER_TOTREMISE", "{$totremise}", $texte); $texte = str_replace("#PANIER_REMISE_CLIENT", "{$remise_client}", $texte); $texte = str_replace("#PANIER_REMISE_PROMO", "{$remise_promo}", $texte); $texte = str_replace("#PANIER_REMISE", "{$remise}", $texte); $texte = str_replace("#PANIER_NBART_TOTAL", $allItemCount, $texte); $texte = str_replace("#PANIER_NBART", "" . $nb_article . "", $texte); $texte = str_replace("#PANIER_POIDS", "{$totpoids}", $texte); $texte = str_replace("#PANIER_TVA", "{$tva}", $texte); // total TVA du panier return $texte; }
<td><?php echo formatter_somme($venteprod["total"]) . " " . $devise->symbole; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } ?> <tr class="info"> <td colspan="3"><b><?php echo trad('Total', 'admin'); ?> </b></td> <td><?php echo formatter_somme($commande->total()) . " " . $devise->symbole; ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="table table-striped"> <caption> <h4><?php echo trad('INFO_FACTURE', 'admin'); ?> </h4> </caption> <thead> <tr>