function partnersAdmin() { $xoopsDB =& Database::getInstance(); $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); xoops_cp_header(); echo "<h4>" . _MD_PARTNERADMIN . "</h4>\n <form action='index.php' method='post' name='reorderform'>\n <table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='0' class='outer'><tr>\n <th width='10%' align='center'>" . _MD_TITLE . "</th>\n <th width='3%' align='center'>" . _MD_IMAGE . "</th>\n <th>" . _MD_DESCRIPTION . "</th>\n <th width='3%' align='center'>" . _MD_ACTIVE . "</th>\n <th width='3%' align='center'>" . _MD_WEIGHT . "</th>\n <th width='3%' align='center'>" . _MD_HITS . "</th>\n <th> </th></tr>"; $result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT id, hits, url, weight, image, title, description, status FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("partners") . " ORDER BY status DESC, weight ASC, title DESC"); $class = 'even'; while (list($id, $hits, $url, $weight, $image, $title, $description, $status) = $xoopsDB->fetchrow($result)) { $url = formatURL($myts->makeTboxData4Show($url)); $image = formatURL($myts->makeTboxData4Show($image)); $title = $myts->makeTboxData4Show($title); $description = $myts->makeTboxData4Show($description); $imageInfo = @getimagesize($image); $imageWidth = $imageInfo[0]; $imageHeight = $imageInfo[1]; $check1 = ""; $check2 = ""; if ($status == 1) { $check1 = "selected='selected'"; } else { $check2 = "selected='selected'"; } if ($imageWidth >= 110 or $imageHeight >= 50) { $errorMsg = "<br />" . _MD_IMAGE_ERROR; } else { $errorMsg = ""; } echo "<tr>\n <td class='{$class}' width='10%' align='center' valign='middle'><a href='" . $url . "' target='_blank'>" . $title . "</a></td>\n <td class='{$class}' width='3%' align='center'>"; if (!empty($image)) { echo "<img src='" . $image . "' alt='" . $title . "' width='102' height='47' />" . $errorMsg; } echo "</td><td class='{$class}'>" . $description . "</td>\n <td class='{$class}' width='3%' align='center'>\n <select size='1' name='status[{$id}]'> <option value='1' " . $check1 . ">" . _MD_YES . "</option><option value='0' " . $check2 . ">" . _MD_NO . "</option></select>\n <td class='{$class}' width='3%' align='center'>"; echo "<input type='text' name='weight[{$id}]' value='{$weight}' size='3' maxlength='3' style='text-align: center;' />"; echo "</td><td class='{$class}' width='3%' align='center'>" . $hits . "</td>\n <td class='{$class}' width='3%' align='center'>\n <a href='index.php?op=editPartner&id=" . $id . "'>" . _MD_EDIT . "</a><br />--<br /><a href='index.php?op=delPartner&id=" . $id . "'>" . _MD_DELETE . "</a>\n </td></tr>"; $class = $class == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd'; } echo "<tr><td class='foot' colspan='7' align='right'>\n <input type='hidden' name='op' value='reorderPartners' />\n <input type='button' name='button' onclick=\"location='index.php?op=partnersAdminAdd'\" value='" . _MD_PARTNERS_ADD . "' />\n <input type='button' name='button' onclick=\"location='index.php?op=reorderAutoPartners'\" value='" . _MD_AUTOMATIC_SORT . "' />\n <input type='submit' name='submit' value='" . _MD_REORDER . "' />\n </td></tr></table></form>"; xoops_cp_footer(); }
/** * Updates the member profile, saving the changes to the database * * @param $uid * @param $uname * @param $login_name * @param $name * @param $url * @param $email * @param $user_icq * @param $user_aim * @param $user_yim * @param $user_msnm * @param $user_from * @param $user_occ * @param $user_intrest * @param $user_viewemail * @param $user_avatar * @param $user_sig * @param $attachsig * @param $theme * @param $pass * @param $pass2 * @param $rank * @param $bio * @param $uorder * @param $umode * @param $notify_method * @param $notify_mode * @param $timezone_offset * @param $user_mailok * @param $language * @param $openid * @param $user_viewoid * @param $pass_expired * @param $groups */ function updateUser($uid, $uname, $login_name, $name, $url, $email, $user_icq, $user_aim, $user_yim, $user_msnm, $user_from, $user_occ, $user_intrest, $user_viewemail, $user_avatar, $user_sig, $attachsig, $theme, $pass, $pass2, $rank, $bio, $uorder, $umode, $notify_method, $notify_mode, $timezone_offset, $user_mailok, $language, $openid, $user_viewoid, $pass_expired, $groups = array() ) { global $icmsConfig, $icmsModule, $icmsConfigUser; $member_handler = icms::handler('icms_member'); $edituser =& $member_handler->getUser($uid); if ($edituser->getVar('uname') != $uname && $member_handler->getUserCount(new icms_db_criteria_Item('uname', $uname)) > 0 || $edituser->getVar('login_name') != $login_name && $member_handler->getUserCount(new icms_db_criteria_Item('login_name', $login_name)) > 0) { icms_cp_header(); echo '<div class="CPbigTitle" style="background-image: url(' . ICMS_MODULES_URL . '/system/admin/users/images/users_big.png)">' . _MD_AM_USER . '</div><br />'; echo _AM_UNAME . ' ' . $uname . ' ' . _AM_ALREADY_EXISTS; icms_cp_footer(); } else { $edituser->setVar('name', $name); $edituser->setVar('uname', $uname); $edituser->setVar('login_name', $login_name); $edituser->setVar('email', $email); $edituser->setVar('openid', $openid); $user_viewoid = (isset($user_viewoid) && $user_viewoid == 1) ? 1 : 0; $edituser->setVar('user_viewoid', $user_viewoid); $url = isset($url) ? formatURL($url) : ''; $edituser->setVar('url', $url); $edituser->setVar('user_icq', $user_icq); $edituser->setVar('user_from', $user_from); if ($icmsConfigUser['allow_htsig'] == 0) { $signature = strip_tags(icms_core_DataFilter::codeDecode($user_sig, 1)); $edituser->setVar('user_sig', icms_core_DataFilter::icms_substr($signature, 0, (int) $icmsConfigUser['sig_max_length'])); } else { $signature = icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($user_sig, 'html', 'input'); $edituser->setVar('user_sig', $signature); } $user_viewemail = (isset($user_viewemail) && $user_viewemail == 1) ? 1 : 0; $edituser->setVar('user_viewemail', $user_viewemail); $edituser->setVar('user_aim', $user_aim); $edituser->setVar('user_yim', $user_yim); $edituser->setVar('user_msnm', $user_msnm); $attachsig = (isset($attachsig) && $attachsig == 1) ? 1 : 0; $edituser->setVar('attachsig', $attachsig); $edituser->setVar('timezone_offset', $timezone_offset); $edituser->setVar('uorder', $uorder); $edituser->setVar('umode', $umode); $edituser->setVar('notify_method', $notify_method); $edituser->setVar('notify_mode', $notify_mode); $edituser->setVar('bio', $bio); $edituser->setVar('rank', $rank); $edituser->setVar('user_occ', $user_occ); $edituser->setVar('user_intrest', $user_intrest); $edituser->setVar('user_mailok', $user_mailok); $edituser->setVar('language', $language); if ($pass2 != '') { if ($pass != $pass2) { icms_cp_header(); echo "<strong>" . _AM_STNPDNM . "</strong>"; icms_cp_footer(); exit(); } $icmspass = new icms_core_Password(); $edituser->setVar('pass_expired', $pass_expired); $pass = $icmspass->encryptPass($pass); $edituser->setVar('pass', $pass); } if (!$member_handler->insertUser($edituser)) { icms_cp_header(); echo $edituser->getHtmlErrors(); icms_cp_footer(); } else { if ($groups != array()) { $oldgroups = $edituser->getGroups(); //If the edited user is the current user and the current user WAS in the webmaster's group and is NOT in the new groups array if ($edituser->getVar('uid') == icms::$user->getVar('uid') && (in_array(XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN, $oldgroups)) && !(in_array(XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN, $groups))) { //Add the webmaster's group to the groups array to prevent accidentally removing oneself from the webmaster's group $groups[] = XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN; } $member_handler = icms::handler('icms_member'); foreach ($oldgroups as $groupid) { $member_handler->removeUsersFromGroup($groupid, array($edituser->getVar('uid'))); } foreach ( $groups as $groupid) {$member_handler->addUserToGroup($groupid, $edituser->getVar('uid')); } } redirect_header('admin.php?fct=users', 1, _AM_DBUPDATED); } } exit(); }
break; case XOOPS_MATCH_END: $criteria->add(new Criteria('email', '%' . $myts->addSlashes(trim($_REQUEST['user_email'])), 'LIKE')); break; case XOOPS_MATCH_EQUAL: $criteria->add(new Criteria('email', $myts->addSlashes(trim($_REQUEST['user_email'])))); break; case XOOPS_MATCH_CONTAIN: $criteria->add(new Criteria('email', '%' . $myts->addSlashes(trim($_REQUEST['user_email'])) . '%', 'LIKE')); break; } $requete_pagenav .= '&email=' . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST["user_email"]) . '&user_email_match=' . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['user_email_match']); $requete_search .= 'email : ' . $_REQUEST['user_email'] . ' et user_email_match=' . $_REQUEST['user_email_match'] . '<br />'; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['user_url'])) { $url = formatURL(trim($_REQUEST['user_url'])); $criteria->add(new Criteria('url', $url . '%', 'LIKE')); $requete_search .= 'url : ' . $_REQUEST['user_url'] . '<br />'; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['user_icq'])) { $match = !empty($_REQUEST['user_icq_match']) ? intval($_REQUEST['user_icq_match']) : XOOPS_MATCH_START; switch ($match) { case XOOPS_MATCH_START: $criteria->add(new Criteria('user_icq', $myts->addSlashes(trim($_REQUEST['user_icq'])) . '%', 'LIKE')); break; case XOOPS_MATCH_END: $criteria->add(new Criteria('user_icq', '%' . $myts->addSlashes(trim($_REQUEST['user_icq'])), 'LIKE')); break; case XOOPS_MATCH_EQUAL: $criteria->add(new Criteria('user_icq', '%' . $myts->addSlashes(trim($_REQUEST['user_icq'])))); break;
$member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member'); // make sure the username doesnt exist yet if ($member_handler->getUserCount(new Criteria('uname', $uname)) > 0) { $adduser_errormsg = 'User name ' . $uname . ' already exists'; } else { $newuser =& $member_handler->createUser(); if (isset($user_viewemail)) { $newuser->setVar("user_viewemail", $user_viewemail); } if (isset($attachsig)) { $newuser->setVar("attachsig", $attachsig); } $newuser->setVar("name", $name); $newuser->setVar("uname", $uname); $newuser->setVar("email", $email); $newuser->setVar("url", formatURL($url)); $newuser->setVar("user_avatar", 'blank.gif'); $newuser->setVar("user_icq", $user_icq); $newuser->setVar("user_from", $user_from); $newuser->setVar("user_sig", $user_sig); $newuser->setVar("user_aim", $user_aim); $newuser->setVar("user_yim", $user_yim); $newuser->setVar("user_msnm", $user_msnm); if ($pass2 != "") { if ($pass != $pass2) { xoops_cp_header(); echo "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<b>" . _AM_STNPDNM . "</b>"; xoops_cp_footer(); exit; } $newuser->setVar("pass", md5($pass));
if (!$GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->check()) { $stop .= implode('<br />', $GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->getErrors()) . "<br />"; } xoops_load("captcha"); $xoopsCaptcha = XoopsCaptcha::getInstance(); if (!$xoopsCaptcha->verify()) { $stop .= $xoopsCaptcha->getMessage() . "<br />"; } if (empty($stop)) { $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member'); $newuser =& $member_handler->createUser(); $newuser->setVar('user_viewemail', $user_viewemail, true); $newuser->setVar('uname', $uname, true); $newuser->setVar('email', $email, true); if ($url != '') { $newuser->setVar('url', formatURL($url), true); } $newuser->setVar('user_avatar', 'blank.gif', true); $actkey = substr(md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), 1)), 0, 8); $newuser->setVar('actkey', $actkey, true); $newuser->setVar('pass', md5($pass), true); $newuser->setVar('timezone_offset', $timezone_offset, true); $newuser->setVar('user_regdate', time(), true); $newuser->setVar('uorder', $xoopsConfig['com_order'], true); $newuser->setVar('umode', $xoopsConfig['com_mode'], true); $newuser->setVar('user_mailok', $user_mailok, true); if ($xoopsConfigUser['activation_type'] == 1) { $newuser->setVar('level', 1, true); } else { $newuser->setVar('level', 0, true); }
<?php } ?> <?php if ($wpInfo->link) { ?> <tr bgcolor="#F2ECDB"> <td width=200><?php echo _SITE_LINK; ?> </td> <td valign="top"><a href='<?php echo formatURL($wpInfo->link); ?> ' target="_blank"><?php echo formatURL($wpInfo->link); ?> </a> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php if ($wpInfo->description) { ?> <tr bgcolor="#F2ECDB"> <td width=200><?php echo _SITE_DESCR; ?> </td> <td valign="top"><?php
$Ltemplate->assign_vars(array('MAX_SPEED' => formatSpeed($flight->MAX_SPEED), 'MAX_VARIO' => formatVario($flight->MAX_VARIO), 'MEAN_SPEED' => formatSpeed($flight->MEAN_SPEED), 'MIN_VARIO' => formatVario($flight->MIN_VARIO))); if ($flight->is3D()) { $Ltemplate->assign_vars(array('MAX_ALT' => formatAltitude($flight->MAX_ALT), 'TAKEOFF_ALT' => formatAltitude($flight->TAKEOFF_ALT), 'MIN_ALT' => formatAltitude($flight->MIN_ALT), 'ALTITUDE_GAIN' => formatAltitude($flight->MAX_ALT - $flight->TAKEOFF_ALT))); } else { $Ltemplate->assign_vars(array('MAX_ALT' => 0, 'TAKEOFF_ALT' => 0, 'MIN_ALT' => 0, 'ALTITUDE_GAIN' => 0)); } /* $flight->filename echo "<div id='geOptionsPos' style='float:right'>"; echo "<a href='javascript:nop()' onclick=\"toggleVisible('geOptionsID','geOptionsPos',14,-80,170,'auto');return false;\">Google Earth <img src='".$moduleRelPath."/img/icon_arrow_down.gif' border=0></a></div>"; */ if ($flight->comments) { $comments = $flight->comments; } $linkURL = _N_A; if ($flight->linkURL) { $linkURL = "<a href='" . formatURL($flight->linkURL, 0) . "' title='" . formatURL($flight->linkURL, 0) . "' target=_blank>" . formatURL($flight->linkURL, 15) . "</a>"; } $flightBrandID = $row['gliderBrandID']; //$flightBrandID=guessBrandID($flight->cat,$flight->glider); $gliderBrandImg = brands::getBrandImg($flight->gliderBrandID, $flight->glider, $flight->cat); $glider = $gliderBrandImg . ' ' . $flight->glider; $gliderCat = " [ " . leoHtml::img("icon_cat_" . $flight->cat . ".png", 0, 0, 'absmiddle', '', 'icons1') . " " . $gliderCatList[$flight->cat] . " ]"; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // get from //------------------------------------------------------------------- $takoffsList = getExtrernalServerTakeoffs(1, $firstPoint->lat, -$firstPoint->lon, 50, 5); if (count($takoffsList) > 0) { $linkToInfoHdr1 = "<a href='" . -$firstPoint->lon . "&lat=" . $firstPoint->lat . "&dist=20' target=_blank>"; $linkToInfoHdr1 .= "<img src='" . $moduleRelPath . "/img/paraglidingearth_logo.gif' border=0> " . _FLYING_AREA_INFO . "</a>"; $linkToInfoStr1 = "<ul>"; foreach ($takoffsList as $takeoffItem) {
$stop_reason = userCheck($allowed_requests['uname'], $email4check, $allowed_requests['pass'], $allowed_requests['vpass']); } if (!empty($_POST['do_register']) && empty($stop_reason_extras) && empty($stop_reason)) { if ($xoopsConfigUser['reg_dispdsclmr'] && empty($allowed_requests['agree_disc'])) { die(_US_UNEEDAGREE); } include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/header.php'; $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member'); $newuser =& $member_handler->createUser(); if ($allow_blank_email) { $newuser->initVar('email', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX, null, false, 60); } $newuser->setVar('user_viewemail', $allowed_requests['user_viewemail'], true); $newuser->setVar('uname', $allowed_requests['uname'], true); $newuser->setVar('email', $allowed_requests['email'], true); $newuser->setVar('url', formatURL($allowed_requests['url']), true); $newuser->setVar('user_avatar', 'blank.gif', true); $actkey = substr(md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), 1)), 0, 8); $newuser->setVar('actkey', $actkey, true); $newuser->setVar('pass', md5($allowed_requests['pass']), true); $newuser->setVar('timezone_offset', $allowed_requests['timezone_offset'], true); $newuser->setVar('user_regdate', time(), true); $newuser->setVar('uorder', $xoopsConfig['com_order'], true); $newuser->setVar('umode', $xoopsConfig['com_mode'], true); $newuser->setVar('user_mailok', $allowed_requests['user_mailok'], true); if ($xoopsConfigUser['activation_type'] == 1) { $newuser->setVar('level', 1, true); } if (!$member_handler->insertUser($newuser)) { echo _US_REGISTERNG; include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/footer.php';
function updateUser($uid, $uname, $name, $url, $email, $user_icq, $user_aim, $user_yim, $user_msnm, $user_from, $user_occ, $user_intrest, $user_viewemail, $user_avatar, $user_sig, $attachsig, $theme, $pass, $pass2, $rank, $bio, $uorder, $umode, $notify_method, $notify_mode, $timezone_offset, $user_mailok, $groups = array()) { global $xoopsConfig, $xoopsDB, $xoopsModule; $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member'); $edituser =& $member_handler->getUser($uid); if ($edituser->getVar('uname') != $uname && $member_handler->getUserCount(new Criteria('uname', $uname)) > 0) { xoops_cp_header(); echo 'User name ' . $uname . ' already exists'; xoops_cp_footer(); } else { $edituser->setVar("name", $name); $edituser->setVar("uname", $uname); $edituser->setVar("email", $email); $url = isset($url) ? formatURL($url) : ''; $edituser->setVar("url", $url); // $edituser->setVar("user_avatar", $user_avatar); $edituser->setVar("user_icq", $user_icq); $edituser->setVar("user_from", $user_from); $edituser->setVar("user_sig", $user_sig); $user_viewemail = isset($user_viewemail) && $user_viewemail == 1 ? 1 : 0; $edituser->setVar("user_viewemail", $user_viewemail); $edituser->setVar("user_aim", $user_aim); $edituser->setVar("user_yim", $user_yim); $edituser->setVar("user_msnm", $user_msnm); $attachsig = isset($attachsig) && $attachsig == 1 ? 1 : 0; $edituser->setVar("attachsig", $attachsig); $edituser->setVar("timezone_offset", $timezone_offset); // $edituser->setVar("theme", $theme); $edituser->setVar("uorder", $uorder); $edituser->setVar("umode", $umode); // RMV-NOTIFY $edituser->setVar("notify_method", $notify_method); $edituser->setVar("notify_mode", $notify_mode); $edituser->setVar("bio", $bio); $edituser->setVar("rank", $rank); $edituser->setVar("user_occ", $user_occ); $edituser->setVar("user_intrest", $user_intrest); $edituser->setVar('user_mailok', $user_mailok); if ($pass2 != "") { if ($pass != $pass2) { xoops_cp_header(); echo "\n <strong>" . _AM_STNPDNM . "</strong>"; xoops_cp_footer(); exit; } $edituser->setVar("pass", md5($pass)); } if (!$member_handler->insertUser($edituser)) { xoops_cp_header(); echo $edituser->getHtmlErrors(); xoops_cp_footer(); } else { if ($groups != array()) { global $xoopsUser; $oldgroups = $edituser->getGroups(); //If the edited user is the current user and the current user WAS in the webmaster's group and is NOT in the new groups array if ($edituser->getVar('uid') == $xoopsUser->getVar('uid') && in_array(XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN, $oldgroups) && !in_array(XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN, $groups)) { //Add the webmaster's group to the groups array to prevent accidentally removing oneself from the webmaster's group array_push($groups, XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN); } $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member'); foreach ($oldgroups as $groupid) { $member_handler->removeUsersFromGroup($groupid, array($edituser->getVar('uid'))); } foreach ($groups as $groupid) { $member_handler->addUserToGroup($groupid, $edituser->getVar('uid')); } } redirect_header("admin.php?fct=users", 1, _AM_DBUPDATED); } } exit; }
include "header.php"; $xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'xoopspartners_join.html'; include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/header.php"; $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); if ($xoopsUser) { if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['op'] == "sendMail") { extract($HTTP_POST_VARS); include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/xoopsmailer.php"; if (empty($title) or empty($url) or empty($description) or $url == "http://") { $xoopsTpl->assign(array("content4join" => _MD_ERROR1, "lang_main_partner" => _MD_PARTNERS, "sitename" => $xoopsConfig['sitename'])); $xoopsContentsTpl = 'partnerjoin.html'; include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/footer.php'; exit; } $url = formatURL($myts->makeTboxData4Show($url)); $image = formatURL($myts->makeTboxData4Show($image)); $title = $myts->makeTboxData4Show($title); $description = $myts->makeTboxData4Show($description); $imageInfo = @getimagesize($image); $imageWidth = $imageInfo[0]; $imageHeight = $imageInfo[1]; $type = $imageInfo[2]; if ($type == 0) { $xoopsTpl->assign(array("content4join" => _MD_ERROR3, "lang_main_partner" => _MD_PARTNERS, "sitename" => $xoopsConfig['sitename'])); $xoopsContentsTpl = 'partnerjoin.html'; include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/footer.php'; exit; } if ($imageWidth >= 110 or $imageHeight >= 50) { $xoopsTpl->assign(array("content4join" => _MD_ERROR2, "lang_main_partner" => _MD_PARTNERS, "sitename" => $xoopsConfig['sitename'])); $xoopsContentsTpl = 'partnerjoin.html';
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // include "header.php"; $xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'xoopspartners_join.html'; include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/header.php"; $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); if ($xoopsUser) { if (!empty($_POST['op']) && $_POST['op'] == "sendMail") { include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/xoopsmailer.php"; if (empty($_POST['title']) or empty($_POST['url']) or empty($_POST['description']) or $_POST['url'] == "http://") { $xoopsTpl->assign(array("content4join" => _MD_ERROR1, "lang_main_partner" => _MD_PARTNERS, "sitename" => htmlspecialchars($xoopsConfig['sitename']))); $xoopsContentsTpl = 'partnerjoin.html'; include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/footer.php'; exit; } $url = formatURL($myts->makeTboxData4Show($_POST['url'])); $image = formatURL($myts->makeTboxData4Show($_POST['image'])); $title = $myts->makeTboxData4Show($_POST['title']); $description = $myts->makeTboxData4Show($_POST['description']); $imageInfo = @getimagesize($image); $imageWidth = $imageInfo[0]; $imageHeight = $imageInfo[1]; $type = $imageInfo[2]; if ($type == 0) { $xoopsTpl->assign(array("content4join" => _MD_ERROR3, "lang_main_partner" => _MD_PARTNERS, "sitename" => htmlspecialchars($xoopsConfig['sitename']))); $xoopsContentsTpl = 'partnerjoin.html'; include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/footer.php'; exit; } if ($imageWidth >= 110 or $imageHeight >= 50) { $xoopsTpl->assign(array("content4join" => _MD_ERROR2, "lang_main_partner" => _MD_PARTNERS, "sitename" => htmlspecialchars($xoopsConfig['sitename']))); $xoopsContentsTpl = 'partnerjoin.html';
$onecat =& $categories[$id]; $cat_element_id = "cat_" . $onecat['cat_id']; $expand = count($toggles) > 0 ? in_array($cat_element_id, $toggles) ? false : true : true; $cat_display = $expand ? 'block;' : 'none;'; $cat_icon_display = $expand ? $category_icon["expand"] : $category_icon["collapse"]; if (isset($forumsByCat[$onecat['cat_id']])) { $forums =& $forumsByCat[$onecat['cat_id']]; } $cat_sponsor = array(); @(list($url, $title) = array_map("trim", preg_split("/ /", $onecat['cat_url'], 2))); if (empty($title)) { $title = $url; } $title = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($title); if (!empty($url)) { $cat_sponsor = array("title" => $title, "link" => formatURL($url)); } $cat_image = $onecat['cat_image']; if (!empty($cat_image) && $cat_image != "blank.gif") { $cat_image = XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $xoopsModule->getVar("dirname", "n") . "/images/category/" . $cat_image; } else { $cat_image = ""; } $category_array[] = array('cat_id' => $onecat['cat_id'], 'cat_title' => $myts->displayTarea($onecat['cat_title'], 1), 'cat_image' => $cat_image, 'cat_sponsor' => $cat_sponsor, 'cat_description' => $myts->displayTarea($onecat['cat_description'], 1), 'cat_element_id' => $cat_element_id, 'cat_display' => $cat_display, 'cat_icon_display' => $cat_icon_display, 'forums' => $forums); } unset($categories, $forums_array, $forumsByCat); $xoopsTpl->assign_by_ref("category_icon", $category_icon); $xoopsTpl->assign_by_ref("categories", $category_array); $xoopsTpl->assign(array("index_title" => sprintf(_MD_WELCOME, htmlspecialchars($xoopsConfig['sitename'], ENT_QUOTES)), "index_desc" => _MD_TOSTART)); /* display user stats */ $userstats = array();
function makeWaypointPlacemark($waypointID, $returnCountryCode = 0, $includeStyle = 1, $includeLookat = 1, $styleUrl = '') { global $db, $waypointsTable; global $flightsTable, $countries, $CONF_mainfile, $moduleRelPath; $wpInfo = new waypoint($waypointID); $wpInfo->getFromDB(); $wpName = selectWaypointName($wpInfo->name, $wpInfo->intName, $wpInfo->countryCode); $wpLocation = selectWaypointLocation($wpInfo->location, $wpInfo->intLocation, $wpInfo->countryCode); $query = "SELECT MAX(MAX_LINEAR_DISTANCE) as record_km, ID FROM {$flightsTable} WHERE takeoffID =" . $waypointID . " GROUP BY ID ORDER BY record_km DESC "; $flightNum = 0; $res = $db->sql_query($query); if ($res > 0) { $flightNum = mysql_num_rows($res); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($res); $siteRecordLink = "<a href='http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $row['ID'])) . "'>" . formatDistance($row['record_km'], 1) . "</a>"; } else { $siteRecordLink = ""; } $pointFlightsLink = "<a href='http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'list_flights', 'takeoffID' => $waypointID, 'year' => '0', 'season' => '0')) . "'>" . _See_flights_near_this_point . " [ " . $flightNum . " ]</a>"; $countryFlightsLink = "<a href='http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'list_flights', 'takeoffID' => '0', 'year' => '0', 'season' => '0', 'country' => $wpInfo->countryCode)) . "'>" . $countries[$wpInfo->countryCode] . "</a>"; if ($wpInfo->link) { $siteLink = '<a href="' . formatURL($wpInfo->link) . '" target="_blank">' . formatURL($wpInfo->link) . '</a>'; } else { $siteLink = "-"; } // "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='".$langEncodings[$currentlang]."'? > // <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? > $xml_text = '<Placemark> <name><![CDATA[' . $wpName . ' ]]></name> <description><![CDATA[<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=300>' . '<tr bgcolor="#D7E1EE"><td>' . _SITE_REGION . ': ' . $wpLocation . ' - ' . $countryFlightsLink . '</td></tr>' . '<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><td>' . $pointFlightsLink . '</td></tr>' . '<tr ><td>' . _SITE_RECORD . ' : ' . $siteRecordLink . '</td></tr>' . '<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><td>' . _SITE_LINK . ' : ' . $siteLink . '</td></tr>' . '<tr ><td>' . $wpInfo->description . '</td></tr>' . '<tr ><td></td></tr>' . '</table> ]]> </description>'; if ($includeLookat) { $xml_text .= ' <LookAt> <longitude>' . -$wpInfo->lon . '</longitude> <latitude>' . $wpInfo->lat . '</latitude> <range>10000</range> <tilt>0</tilt> <heading>0</heading> </LookAt> '; } if ($includeStyle) { $xml_text .= ' <styleUrl>root://styleMaps#default+nicon=0x307+hicon=0x317</styleUrl> <Style> <IconStyle> <scale>0.8</scale> <Icon> <href>root://icons/palette-4.png</href> <x>160</x> <y>128</y> <w>32</w> <h>32</h> </Icon> </IconStyle> <LabelStyle> <scale>0.8</scale> </LabelStyle> </Style> '; } if ($styleUrl) { $xml_text .= "<styleUrl>{$styleUrl}</styleUrl>\n"; } $xml_text .= ' <Point> <coordinates>' . -$wpInfo->lon . ',' . $wpInfo->lat . ',0</coordinates> </Point> </Placemark>'; if ($returnCountryCode) { return array($xml_text, $wpInfo->countryCode); } else { return $xml_text; } }
function xoops_create_user($username, $password, $user, $siteinfo) { xoops_load("userUtility"); global $xoopsModuleConfig, $xoopsConfig; if ($xoopsModuleConfig['site_user_auth'] == 1) { if ($ret = check_for_lock(basename(__FILE__), $username, $password)) { return $ret; } if (!checkright(basename(__FILE__), $username, $password)) { mark_for_lock(basename(__FILE__), $username, $password); return array('ErrNum' => 9, "ErrDesc" => 'No Permission for plug-in'); } } return array("Username" => $username, "password" => $password, 'user' => $user, 'siteinfo' => $siteinfo); if ($user['passhash'] != '') { if ($user['passhash'] != sha1($user['time'] - $user['rand'] . $user['uname'] . $user['pass'])) { return array("ERRNUM" => 4, "ERRTXT" => 'No Passhash'); } } else { return array("ERRNUM" => 4, "ERRTXT" => 'No Passhash'); } foreach ($user as $k => $l) { ${$k} = $l; } include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/auth/authfactory.php'; include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/language/' . $xoopsConfig['language'] . '/auth.php'; $xoopsAuth =& XoopsAuthFactory::getAuthConnection($uname); if (check_auth_class($xoopsAuth) == true) { $result = $xoopsAuth->create_user($user_viewemail, $uname, $email, $url, $actkey, $pass, $timezone_offset, $user_mailok, $siteinfo); return $result; } else { if (strlen(userCheck($uname, $email, $pass, $pass)) == 0) { global $xoopsConfig; $config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config'); $xoopsConfigUser =& $config_handler->getConfigsByCat(XOOPS_CONF_USER); $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member'); $newuser =& $member_handler->createUser(); $newuser->setVar('user_viewemail', $user_viewemail, true); $newuser->setVar('uname', $uname, true); $newuser->setVar('email', $email, true); if ($url != '') { $newuser->setVar('url', formatURL($url), true); } $newuser->setVar('user_avatar', 'blank.gif', true); if (empty($actkey)) { $actkey = substr(md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), 1)), 0, 8); } $newuser->setVar('actkey', $actkey, true); $newuser->setVar('pass', md5($pass), true); $newuser->setVar('timezone_offset', $timezone_offset, true); $newuser->setVar('user_regdate', time(), true); $newuser->setVar('uorder', $xoopsConfig['com_order'], true); $newuser->setVar('umode', $xoopsConfig['com_mode'], true); $newuser->setVar('user_mailok', $user_mailok, true); $newuser->setVar('user_intrest', _US_USERREG . ' @ ' . $xoops_url, true); if ($xoopsConfigUser['activation_type'] == 1) { $newuser->setVar('level', 1, true); } if (!$member_handler->insertUser($newuser, true)) { $return = array('state' => 1, "text" => _US_REGISTERNG); } else { $newid = $newuser->getVar('uid'); if (!$member_handler->addUserToGroup(XOOPS_GROUP_USERS, $newid)) { $return = array('state' => 1, "text" => _US_REGISTERNG); } if ($xoopsConfigUser['activation_type'] == 1) { $return = array('state' => 2, "user" => $uname); } // Sending notification email to user for self activation if ($xoopsConfigUser['activation_type'] == 0) { $xoopsMailer =& xoops_getMailer(); $xoopsMailer->useMail(); $xoopsMailer->setTemplate('register.tpl'); $xoopsMailer->assign('SITENAME', $siteinfo['sitename']); $xoopsMailer->assign('ADMINMAIL', $siteinfo['adminmail']); $xoopsMailer->assign('SITEURL', XOOPS_URL . "/"); $xoopsMailer->setToUsers(new XoopsUser($newid)); $xoopsMailer->setFromEmail($siteinfo['adminmail']); $xoopsMailer->setFromName($siteinfo['sitename']); $xoopsMailer->setSubject(sprintf(_US_USERKEYFOR, $uname)); if (!$xoopsMailer->send()) { $return = array('state' => 1, "text" => _US_YOURREGMAILNG); } else { $return = array('state' => 1, "text" => _US_YOURREGISTERED); } // Sending notification email to administrator for activation } elseif ($xoopsConfigUser['activation_type'] == 2) { $xoopsMailer =& xoops_getMailer(); $xoopsMailer->useMail(); $xoopsMailer->setTemplate('adminactivate.tpl'); $xoopsMailer->assign('USERNAME', $uname); $xoopsMailer->assign('USEREMAIL', $email); if ($siteinfo['xoops_url'] == XOOPS_URL) { $xoopsMailer->assign('USERACTLINK', $siteinfo['xoops_url'] . '/register.php?op=actv&id=' . $newid . '&actkey=' . $actkey); } } else { $xoopsMailer->assign('USERACTLINK', $siteinfo['xoops_url'] . '/register.php?op=actv&uname=' . $uname . '&actkey=' . $actkey); } $xoopsMailer->assign('SITENAME', $siteinfo['sitename']); $xoopsMailer->assign('ADMINMAIL', $siteinfo['adminmail']); $xoopsMailer->assign('SITEURL', $siteinfo['xoops_url'] . "/"); $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member'); $xoopsMailer->setToGroups($member_handler->getGroup($xoopsConfigUser['activation_group'])); $xoopsMailer->setFromEmail($siteinfo['adminmail']); $xoopsMailer->setFromName($siteinfo['sitename']); $xoopsMailer->setSubject(sprintf(_US_USERKEYFOR, $uname)); if (!$xoopsMailer->send()) { $return = array('state' => 1, "text" => _US_YOURREGMAILNG); } else { $return = array('state' => 1, "text" => _US_YOURREGISTERED2); } } if ($xoopsConfigUser['new_user_notify'] == 1 && !empty($xoopsConfigUser['new_user_notify_group'])) { $xoopsMailer =& xoops_getMailer(); $xoopsMailer->useMail(); $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member'); $xoopsMailer->setToGroups($member_handler->getGroup($xoopsConfigUser['new_user_notify_group'])); $xoopsMailer->setFromEmail($siteinfo['adminmail']); $xoopsMailer->setFromName($siteinfo['sitename']); $xoopsMailer->setSubject(sprintf(_US_NEWUSERREGAT, $xoopsConfig['sitename'])); $xoopsMailer->setBody(sprintf(_US_HASJUSTREG, $uname)); $xoopsMailer->send(); } if (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']), '')) { define('XORTIFY_API_LOCAL', ''); define('XORTIFY_API_URI', ''); } else { define('XORTIFY_API_LOCAL', ''); define('XORTIFY_API_URI', ''); } $soap_client = @new soapclient(NULL, array('location' => XORTIFY_API_LOCAL, 'uri' => XORTIFY_API_URI)); $result = @$soap_client->__soapCall('xoops_create_user', array("username" => $username, "password" => $password, "user" => $user, "siteinfo" => $siteinfo)); return array("ERRNUM" => 1, "RESULT" => $return); } else { return array("ERRNUM" => 1, "RESULT" => array('state' => 1, 'text' => userCheck($uname, $email, $pass, $pass))); } } }
$total = count($titles); $count = 0; foreach ($titles as $key => $value) { $count++; echo $count . "/" . $total . " - " . $value . " - " . $key . "\n"; echo "Testando IAH - indice de Autor \n"; $URL = "http://" . $domain . "/cgi-bin/wxis.exe/iah/?IsisScript=iah/iah.xis&base=article^d" . $value . "&index=AU&format=iso.pft&lang=i&limit=" . $key; $content = file_get_contents(formatURL($URL)); getErrors($content, $URL); echo "Testando IAH - indice de Autor letra A \n"; $URL = "http://" . $domain . "/cgi-bin/wxis.exe/iah/?IsisScript=iah/iah.xis&base=article^d" . $value . "&index=AU&format=iso.pft&lang=i&limit=" . $key . " &indexRoot=A&nextAction=show index&selectedIndex=^l1^nAu^pAutor^eAutor^iAuthor^xAU ^yPREINV^uAU_^mAU_&indexSearch=^nAu^pAutor^eAutor^iAuthor^xAU ^yPREINV^uAU_^mAU_"; $content = file_get_contents(formatURL($URL)); getErrors($content, $URL); echo "Testando IAH - indice de Assunto letra A \n"; $URL = "http://" . $domain . "/cgi-bin/wxis.exe/iah/?IsisScript=iah/iah.xis&base=article^d" . $value . "&index=AU&format=iso.pft&lang=i&limit=" . $key . "&indexRoot=A&nextAction=show index&selectedIndex=^l1^nKw^pAssunto^eMateria^iSubject^xKW ^yPREINV^uKW_^mKW_&indexSearch=^nKw^pAssunto^eMateria^iSubject^xKW ^yPREINV^uKW_^mKW_"; $content = file_get_contents(formatURL($URL)); getErrors($content, $URL); echo "Testando IAH - indice de Resumo letra A \n"; $URL = "http://" . $domain . "/cgi-bin/wxis.exe/iah/?IsisScript=iah/iah.xis&base=article^d" . $value . "&format=iso.pft&lang=i&limit=" . $key . "&indexRoot=A&nextAction=show index&selectedIndex=^l1^nAb^pResumo^eResumen^iAbstract^xAB ^yPREINV^uAB_^mAB_&indexSearch=^nAb^pResumo^eResumen^iAbstract^xAB ^yPREINV^uAB_^mAB_"; $content = file_get_contents(formatURL($URL)); getErrors($content, $URL); echo "Testando IAH - indice de Titulo letra A \n"; $URL = "http://" . $domain . "/cgi-bin/wxis.exe/iah/?IsisScript=iah/iah.xis&base=article^d" . $value . "&format=iso.pft&lang=i&limit=" . $key . "&indexRoot=A&nextAction=show index&selectedIndex=^l1^nTi^pPalavras do título^ePalabras del título^iTitle words^xTI ^yPREINV^uTI_^mTI_&indexSearch=^nTi^pPalavras do título^ePalabras del título^iTitle words^xTI ^yPREINV^uTI_^mTI_"; $content = file_get_contents(formatURL($URL)); getErrors($content, $URL); echo "Testando IAH - indice de Ano de Publicacao \n"; $URL = "http://" . $domain . "/cgi-bin/wxis.exe/iah/?IsisScript=iah/iah.xis&base=article^d" . $value . "&format=iso.pft&lang=i&limit=" . $key . "&nextAction=show index&selectedIndex=^l1^nYr^pAno de publicação^eAño de publicación^iPublication year^xYR ^yPREINV^uYR_^mYR_^tshort&indexSearch=^nYr^pAno de publicação^eAño de publicación^iPublication year^xYR ^yPREINV^uYR_^mYR_^tshort"; $content = file_get_contents(formatURL($URL)); getErrors($content, $URL); } echo "DONE";
if (count($errors) > 0) { include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/header.php'; echo '<div>'; foreach ($errors as $er) { echo '<span style="color: #ff0000; font-weight: bold;">' . $er . '</span><br />'; } echo '</div><br />'; $op = 'editprofile'; } else { $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member'); $edituser =& $member_handler->getUser($uid); $edituser->setVar('name', $name); if ($xoopsConfigUser['allow_chgmail'] == 1) { $edituser->setVar('email', $email); } $edituser->setVar('url', formatURL($url)); $edituser->setVar('user_icq', $user_icq); $edituser->setVar('user_from', $user_from); $edituser->setVar('user_sig', $user_sig); $user_viewemail = !empty($user_viewemail) ? 1 : 0; $edituser->setVar('user_viewemail', $user_viewemail); $edituser->setVar('user_aim', $user_aim); $edituser->setVar('user_yim', $user_yim); $edituser->setVar('user_msnm', $user_msnm); if (isset($pass) && $pass != '') { $edituser->setVar('pass', md5($pass)); } $attachsig = isset($attachsig) ? intval($attachsig) : 0; $edituser->setVar('attachsig', $attachsig); $edituser->setVar('timezone_offset', $timezone_offset); $edituser->setVar('uorder', $uorder);
$member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member'); // make sure the username doesnt exist yet if ($member_handler->getUserCount(new Criteria('uname', addslashes($username))) > 0) { $adduser_errormsg = 'User name ' . $username . ' already exists'; } else { $newuser =& $member_handler->createUser(); if (isset($_POST['user_viewemail'])) { $newuser->setVar("user_viewemail", $_POST['user_viewemail']); } if (isset($_POST['attachsig'])) { $newuser->setVar("attachsig", $_POST['attachsig']); } $newuser->setVar("name", $_POST['name']); $newuser->setVar("uname", $_POST['username']); $newuser->setVar("email", $_POST['email']); $newuser->setVar("url", formatURL($_POST['url'])); $newuser->setVar("user_avatar", 'blank.gif'); $newuser->setVar("user_icq", $_POST['user_icq']); $newuser->setVar("user_from", $_POST['user_from']); $newuser->setVar("user_sig", $_POST['user_sig']); $newuser->setVar("user_aim", $_POST['user_aim']); $newuser->setVar("user_yim", $_POST['user_yim']); $newuser->setVar("user_msnm", $_POST['user_msnm']); if ($_POST['pass2'] != "") { if ($_POST['pass'] != $_POST['pass2']) { xoops_cp_header(); echo "\n <b>" . _AM_STNPDNM . "</b>"; xoops_cp_footer(); exit; } $newuser->setVar("pass", md5($myts->stripSlashesGPC(trim($_POST['pass']))));
} if ($edit) { $item->setVar('modified', time()); } else { $item->setVar('created', time()); $item->setVar('modified', time()); } if ($edit && !$mc['aprove_edit']) { $item->setVar('created', time()); } $item->setVar('secure', $mc['secure_public'] ? $secure : 0); $item->setVar('groups', $groups); $item->setCategories($category); $item->setVar('version', $version); $item->setVar('author_name', $author_name); $item->setVar('author_url', formatURL($author_url)); $item->setVar('author_email', $author_email); $item->setVar('author_contact', $author_contact); $item->setVar('image', $image); $item->setVar('password', $mc['pass_public'] ? $password : ''); $item->setVar('langs', $langs); $item->setTags(explode(',', $tags)); //Licencias $item->setLicences($licences); //Plataformas $item->setPlatforms($platforms); if (!$item->save(true)) { redirect_header(DT_URL . ($mc['permalinks'] ? '/submit/' . ($edit ? 'edit/' . $item->id() . '/' : '') : '/p=submit' . ($edit ? '?action=edit&id=' . $id : '')), 1, __('Download item could not be saved! Please try again.', 'dtransport')); die; } else { if (!$edit) {
/** * @desc Almacena los datos de un sitio */ function save_bookmark($edit) { global $xoopsSecurity; if (!$xoopsSecurity->check()) { redirectMsg('bookmarks.php', __('Operation not allowed!', 'mw_categories'), 1); die; } if ($edit) { $id = rmc_server_var($_POST, 'id', 0); if ($id <= 0) { redirectMsg('bookmarks.php', __('Site ID not provided!', 'mywords'), 1); die; } $book = new MWBookmark($id); if ($book->isNew()) { redirectMsg('bookmarks.php', __('Social site not exists!', 'mywords'), 1); die; } $qs = '?action=edit&id=' . $id; } else { $book = new MWBookmark(); } $title = rmc_server_var($_POST, 'title', ''); $alt = rmc_server_var($_POST, 'alt', ''); $url = rmc_server_var($_POST, 'url', ''); $icon = rmc_server_var($_POST, 'icon', ''); if ($title == '') { redirectMsg('bookmarks.php' . $qs, __('You must specify a title for this site!', 'mywords'), 1); die; } if ($url == '' || $url == 'http://') { redirectMsg('bookmarks.php' . $qs, __('You must specify a formatted URL for this site!', 'mywords'), 1); die; } $url = formatURL($url); $book->setVar('title', $title); $book->setVar('alt', $alt); $book->setVar('url', $url); $book->setVar('icon', $icon); $book->setVar('active', 1); if ($book->save()) { redirectMsg('bookmarks.php', __('Database updated successfully!', 'mywords'), 0); } else { redirectMsg('bookmarks.php' . $qs, __('Errors ocurred while trying to update database!') . '<br />' . $book->errors(), 1); } }
if (count($errors) > 0) { include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/header.php'; echo '<div>'; foreach ($errors as $er) { echo '<span style="color: #ff0000; font-weight: bold;">' . $er . '</span><br />'; } echo '</div><br />'; $op = 'editprofile'; } else { $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member'); $edituser =& $member_handler->getUser($uid); $edituser->setVar('name', $_POST['name']); if ($xoopsConfigUser['allow_chgmail'] == 1) { $edituser->setVar('email', $email, true); } $edituser->setVar('url', formatURL($_POST['url'])); $edituser->setVar('user_icq', $_POST['user_icq']); $edituser->setVar('user_from', $_POST['user_from']); $edituser->setVar('user_sig', xoops_substr($_POST['user_sig'], 0, 255)); $user_viewemail = !empty($_POST['user_viewemail']) ? 1 : 0; $edituser->setVar('user_viewemail', $user_viewemail); $edituser->setVar('user_aim', $_POST['user_aim']); $edituser->setVar('user_yim', $_POST['user_yim']); $edituser->setVar('user_msnm', $_POST['user_msnm']); if ($password != '') { $edituser->setVar('pass', md5($password), true); } $attachsig = !empty($_POST['attachsig']) ? 1 : 0; $edituser->setVar('attachsig', $attachsig); $edituser->setVar('timezone_offset', $_POST['timezone_offset']); $edituser->setVar('uorder', $_POST['uorder']);
/** * Returns a value for output of this field * * @param icms_member_user_Object $user object to get the value of * @param mod_profile_Profile $profile object to get the value of * @global array $icmsConfigAuth * @return mixed **/ public function getOutputValue(&$user, $profile) { global $icmsConfigAuth; $value = in_array($this->getVar('field_name'), $this->getUserVars()) ? $user->getVar($this->getVar('field_name')) : $profile->getVar($this->getVar('field_name')); switch ($this->getVar('field_type')) { case "textarea": case "dhtml": return icms_core_DataFilter::undoHtmlSpecialChars(str_replace('&', '&', $value), 1); break; case "select": case "radio": $options = unserialize($this->getVar('field_options', 'n')); return isset($options[$value]) ? htmlspecialchars($options[$value]) : ""; break; case "select_multi": case "checkbox": $options = unserialize($this->getVar('field_options', 'n')); $ret = array(); if (count($options) > 0) { foreach (array_keys($options) as $key) { if (in_array($key, $value)) { $ret[$key] = htmlspecialchars($options[$key]); } } } return $ret; break; case "group": //change to retrieve groups and return name of group return $value; break; case "group_multi": //change to retrieve groups and return array of group names return ""; break; case "longdate": //return YYYY/MM/DD format - not optimal as it is not using local date format, but how do we do that //when we cannot convert it to a UNIX timestamp? return str_replace("-", "/", $value); case "date": if ($value > 0) { return formatTimestamp($value, 's'); } return ""; break; case "datetime": if ($value > 0) { return formatTimestamp($value, 'm'); } return ""; break; case "autotext": $value = $user->getVar($this->getVar('field_name'), 'n'); //autotext can have HTML in it $value = str_replace("{X_UID}", $user->getVar("uid"), $value); $value = str_replace("{X_URL}", ICMS_URL, $value); $value = str_replace("{X_UNAME}", $user->getVar("uname"), $value); return $value; break; case "rank": $userrank = $user->rank(); return '<img src="' . $userrank['image'] . '" alt="' . $userrank['title'] . '" /> ' . $userrank['title']; break; case "yesno": return $value ? _YES : _NO; break; case "timezone": $timezones = icms_form_elements_select_Timezone::getTimeZoneList(); return $timezones[str_replace('.0', '', $value)]; break; case "image": if ($value == "") { return ''; } return "<img src='" . ICMS_UPLOAD_URL . "/" . basename(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/" . $value . "' alt='image' />"; break; case "url": if ($value == "") { return ''; } return icms_core_DataFilter::makeClickable(formatURL($value)); case "location": if ($value == "") { return ''; } return $value . ' <a href="' . $value . '" target="_blank" ><img src="' . ICMS_URL . '/modules/' . basename(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/images/mapsgoogle.gif" alt="" /></a>'; case "email": if ($value == "") { return ''; } if ($user->getVar('user_viewemail') || is_object(icms::$user) && (icms::$user->isAdmin() || icms::$user->getVar('uid') == $user->getVar('uid'))) { return '<a href="mailto:' . $value . '">' . $value . '</a>'; } return ''; case "openid": if ($value == "") { return ''; } if ($icmsConfigAuth['auth_openid'] == 1 && ($user->getVar('user_viewoid') || is_object(icms::$user) && (icms::$user->isAdmin() || icms::$user->getVar('uid') == $user->getVar('uid')))) { return $value; } return ''; case "textbox": case "theme": case "language": default: return $value; break; } }
font-size: 10px; margin-left: 20px; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="bins"> <h2>Open</h2> <table> <tbody> <?php $last = null; arsort($order); foreach ($order as $key => $value) { foreach ($bins[$key] as $bin) { $url = formatURL($bin['url'], $bin['revision']); preg_match('/<title>(.*?)<\\/title>/', $bin['html'], $match); preg_match('/<body.*?>(.*)/s', $bin['html'], $body); $title = ''; if (count($body)) { $title = $body[1]; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() && $body[1]) { $title = stripslashes($body[1]); } $title = trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', strip_tags($title))); } if (!$title && $bin['javascript']) { $title = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $bin['javascript']); } if (!$title && count($match)) { $title = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($match[1]) : $match[1];
/* $flight->filename echo "<div id='geOptionsPos' style='float:right'>"; echo "<a href='javascript:nop()' onclick=\"toggleVisible('geOptionsID','geOptionsPos',14,-80,170,'auto');return false;\">Google Earth <img src='".$moduleRelPath."/img/icon_arrow_down.gif' border=0></a></div>"; */ if ($flight->comments) { $comments=$flight->comments; } $linkURL=_N_A; if ($flight->linkURL) { $linkURL="<a href='".formatURL($flight->linkURL,0)."' title='".formatURL($flight->linkURL,0)."' target=_blank>". formatURL($flight->linkURL,15)."</a>"; } $flightBrandID=$row['gliderBrandID']; //$flightBrandID=guessBrandID($flight->cat,$flight->glider); $gliderBrandImg=brands::getBrandImg($flight->gliderBrandID,$flight->glider,$flight->cat); $glider=$gliderBrandImg.' '.$flight->glider; $gliderCat=" [ ".leoHtml::img("icon_cat_".$flight->cat.".png",0,0,'absmiddle','','icons1')." ".$gliderCatList[$flight->cat]." ]"; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // get from //-------------------------------------------------------------------
/** * Returns a value for output of this field * * @param XoopsUser $user {@link XoopsUser} object to get the value of * @param profileProfile $profile object to get the value of * * @return mixed **/ function getOutputValue(&$user, $profile) { if (file_exists($file = $GLOBALS['xoops']->path('modules/profile/language/' . $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'] . '/modinfo.php'))) { include_once $file; } else { include_once $GLOBALS['xoops']->path('modules/profile/language/english/modinfo.php'); } $value = in_array($this->getVar('field_name'), $this->getUserVars()) ? $user->getVar($this->getVar('field_name')) : $profile->getVar($this->getVar('field_name')); switch ($this->getVar('field_type')) { default: case "textbox": if ($this->getVar('field_name') == 'url' && $value != '') { return '<a href="' . formatURL($value) . '" rel="external">' . $value . '</a>'; } else { return $value; } break; case "textarea": case "dhtml": case 'theme': case "language": case "list": return $value; break; case "select": case "radio": $options = $this->getVar('field_options'); if (isset($options[$value])) { $value = htmlspecialchars(defined($options[$value]) ? constant($options[$value]) : $options[$value]); } else { $value = ""; } return $value; break; case "select_multi": case "checkbox": $options = $this->getVar('field_options'); $ret = array(); if (count($options) > 0) { foreach (array_keys($options) as $key) { if (in_array($key, $value)) { $ret[$key] = htmlspecialchars(defined($options[$key]) ? constant($options[$key]) : $options[$key]); } } } return $ret; break; case "group": $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member'); $options = $member_handler->getGroupList(); $ret = isset($options[$value]) ? $options[$value] : ''; return $ret; break; case "group_multi": $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member'); $options = $member_handler->getGroupList(); $ret = array(); foreach (array_keys($options) as $key) { if (in_array($key, $value)) { $ret[$key] = htmlspecialchars($options[$key]); } } return $ret; break; case "longdate": //return YYYY/MM/DD format - not optimal as it is not using local date format, but how do we do that //when we cannot convert it to a UNIX timestamp? return str_replace("-", "/", $value); case "date": return formatTimestamp($value, 's'); break; case "datetime": if (!empty($value)) { return formatTimestamp($value, 'm'); } else { return $value = _PROFILE_MI_NEVER_LOGGED_IN; } break; case "autotext": $value = $user->getVar($this->getVar('field_name'), 'n'); //autotext can have HTML in it $value = str_replace("{X_UID}", $user->getVar("uid"), $value); $value = str_replace("{X_URL}", XOOPS_URL, $value); $value = str_replace("{X_UNAME}", $user->getVar("uname"), $value); return $value; break; case "rank": $userrank = $user->rank(); $user_rankimage = ""; if (isset($userrank['image']) && $userrank['image'] != "") { $user_rankimage = '<img src="' . XOOPS_UPLOAD_URL . '/' . $userrank['image'] . '" alt="' . $userrank['title'] . '" /><br />'; } return $user_rankimage . $userrank['title']; break; case "yesno": return $value ? _YES : _NO; break; case "timezone": include_once $GLOBALS['xoops']->path('class/xoopslists.php'); $timezones = XoopsLists::getTimeZoneList(); $value = empty($value) ? "0" : strval($value); return $timezones[str_replace('.0', '', $value)]; break; } }
/** * Esta función permite guardar y publicar un envío */ function savePage($edit = 0) { global $xoopsSecurity, $xoopsUser, $myts, $mc, $xoopsModule; $cat = 0; $url = ''; $texto = ''; foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { ${$k} = $v; } $q = "op=" . ($edit ? 'edit&id=' . $id : 'new') . "&cat={$cat}&page={$page}"; if ($edit) { if ($id <= 0) { redirectMsg("pages.php?cat={$cat}&page={$page}", __('Page ID has not been provided', 'qpages'), 1); die; } $page = new QPPage($id); if ($page->isNew()) { redirectMsg("pages.php?cat={$cat}&page={$page}", __('Specified page does not exists!', 'qpages'), 1); die; } } else { $page = new QPPage(); } if (!$xoopsSecurity->check()) { redirectMsg("pages.php?{$q}", __('Session token expired!', 'qpages'), 1); die; } if ($titulo == '') { redirectMsg("pages.php?{$q}", __('Title is missing', 'qpages'), 1); die; } if (isset($pretitulo)) { if ($pretitulo != $titulo) { $titulo_amigo = TextCleaner::getInstance()->sweetstring($titulo); } else { $titulo_amigo = $titulo_amigo; } $texto = TextCleaner::getInstance()->specialchars_decode($texto, ENT_QUOTES); } else { $titulo_amigo = $edit ? $titulo_amigo != '' ? $titulo_amigo : TextCleaner::getInstance()->sweetstring($titulo) : TextCleaner::getInstance()->sweetstring($titulo); } if ($texto == '' && $type == 0) { redirectMsg("pages.php?op=new&cat={$cat}&page={$page}", __('Content is missing', 'qpages'), 1); die; } if ($catego <= 0) { redirectMsg("pages.php?op=new&cat={$cat}&page={$page}", __('You must select a category for this page', 'qpages'), 1); die; } if (count($grupos) <= 0) { $grupos = array(0); } /** * Comprobamos que no exista otra página con el mismo título */ $db = XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection(); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->prefix("qpages_pages") . " WHERE titulo_amigo='{$titulo_amigo}'"; $sql .= $edit ? " AND id_page<>" . $page->getID() : ''; list($num) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql)); if ($num > 0) { $form = new RMForm(__('Review Page', 'qpages'), 'frm-review', 'pages.php'); $form->addElement(new RMFormLabel('', __('A page with same friendly name already exists. Please change the freindly title to prevent errors.', 'qpages'))); foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { if ($k == 'titulo_amigo') { continue; } if ($k == 'texto') { continue; } if ($k == 'grupos') { continue; } if ($k == 'XOOPS_TOKEN_REQUEST') { continue; } if ($k == 'titulo') { $k = 'pretitulo'; } $hiddens[$k] = $v; } $form->addElement(new RMFormText(__('Title', 'qpages'), 'titulo', 50, 255, $titulo), true); $form->addElement(new RMFormText(__('Friendly title', 'qpages'), 'titulo_amigo', 50, 255, $titulo_amigo), true); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('texto', TextCleaner::getInstance()->specialchars($texto, ENT_QUOTES))); foreach ($hiddens as $k => $v) { $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden($k, $v)); } foreach ($grupos as $group) { $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('grupos[]', $group)); } $ele = new RMFormButtonGroup(); $ele->addButton('sbt', __('Save Page', 'qpages'), 'submit'); $ele->addButton('cancel', __('Cancel', 'qpages'), 'button', 'onclick="history.go(-1);"'); $form->addElement($ele); qpages_toolbar(); xoops_cp_header(); $form->display(); xoops_cp_footer(); die; } #Guardamos los datos del Post $page->setTitle($titulo); $page->setFriendTitle($titulo_amigo); $page->setDate($edit ? $page->getVar('fecha') : time()); $page->setModDate(time()); $page->setText($texto); $page->setCategory($catego); $page->setVar('desc', TextCleaner::getInstance()->clean_disabled_tags($desc)); $page->setGroups($grupos); $page->setHTML(isset($dohtml) ? 1 : 0); $page->setXCode(isset($doxcode) ? 1 : 0); $page->setImage(isset($doimage) ? 1 : 0); $page->setBR(isset($dobr) ? 1 : 0); $page->setSmiley(isset($dosmiley) ? 1 : 0); $page->setUid($xoopsUser->uid()); $page->setType($type); $page->setURL(formatURL($url)); $page->setAccess($acceso); // Add Metas foreach ($meta_name as $k => $v) { $page->add_meta($v, $meta_value[$k]); } $ret = $edit ? $page->update() : $page->save(); if ($ret) { $xoopsUser->incrementPost(); redirectMsg("pages.php?op=" . ($page->type() ? 'editlink' : 'edit') . "&id=" . $page->getID() . "&cat={$cat}&page={$page}", __('Database updated successfully!', 'qpages'), 0); } else { redirectMsg("pages.php?{$q}", __('Errors ocurred while trying to update database', 'qpages') . "<br />" . $page->errors(), 1); } }
function dispatch() { require XSNS_FRAMEWORK_DIR.'/global.php'; require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/language/'.$xoopsConfig['language'].'/user.php'; $ts =& XsnsTextSanitizer::getInstance(); if($this->isGuest() || !$this->validateToken('edituser')){ redirect_header(XSNS_URL_MYPAGE, 3, _US_NOEDITRIGHT); } $config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config'); if(defined('XOOPS_CUBE_LEGACY')){ $xoopsConfigUser =& $config_handler->getConfigsByDirname('user'); $user_config =& $xoopsConfigUser; } else{ $xoopsConfigUser =& $config_handler->getConfigsByCat(XOOPS_CONF_USER); $user_config =& $xoopsConfig; } if(!is_array($xoopsConfigUser)){ redirect_header(XSNS_URL_MYPAGE, 3, _US_NOEDITRIGHT); } $uid = 0; if (!empty($_POST['uid'])) { $uid = intval($_POST['uid']); } if (empty($uid) || $xoopsUser->getVar('uid') != $uid) { redirect_header(XSNS_URL_MYPAGE, 3, _US_NOEDITRIGHT); } $errors = array(); if ($xoopsConfigUser['allow_chgmail'] == 1) { $email = ''; if (!empty($_POST['email'])) { $email = $ts->stripSlashesGPC(trim($_POST['email'])); } if ($email == '' || !checkEmail($email)) { $errors[] = _US_INVALIDMAIL; } } $password = ''; if (!empty($_POST['password'])) { $password = $ts->stripSlashesGPC(trim($_POST['password'])); } if ($password != '') { if (strlen($password) < $xoopsConfigUser['minpass']) { $errors[] = sprintf(_US_PWDTOOSHORT,$xoopsConfigUser['minpass']); } $vpass = ''; if (!empty($_POST['vpass'])) { $vpass = $ts->stripSlashesGPC(trim($_POST['vpass'])); } if ($password != $vpass) { $errors[] = _US_PASSNOTSAME; } } if (count($errors) > 0) { redirect_header(XSNS_URL_MYPAGE, 3, _US_NOEDITRIGHT); } else { $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member'); $edituser =& $member_handler->getUser($uid); if(!is_object($edituser)){ redirect_header(XSNS_URL_MYPAGE, 3, _US_NOEDITRIGHT); } $vars = array( 'name' => isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : '', 'url' => isset($_POST['url']) ? formatURL($_POST['url']) : '', 'user_icq' => isset($_POST['user_icq']) ? $_POST['user_icq'] : '', 'user_from' => isset($_POST['user_from']) ? $_POST['user_from'] : '', 'user_viewemail' => !empty($_POST['user_viewemail']) ? 1 : 0, 'user_aim' => isset($_POST['user_aim']) ? $_POST['user_aim'] : '', 'user_yim' => isset($_POST['user_yim']) ? $_POST['user_yim'] : '', 'user_msnm' => isset($_POST['user_msnm']) ? $_POST['user_msnm'] : '', 'attachsig' => !empty($_POST['attachsig']) ? 1 : 0, 'timezone_offset' => isset($_POST['timezone_offset']) ? $_POST['timezone_offset'] : 0.0, 'user_occ' => isset($_POST['user_occ']) ? $_POST['user_occ'] : '', 'user_intrest' => isset($_POST['user_intrest']) ? $_POST['user_intrest'] : '', 'user_sig' => isset($_POST['user_sig']) ? xoops_substr($_POST['user_sig'], 0, 255) : '', 'uorder' => isset($_POST['uorder']) ? $_POST['uorder'] : 0, 'umode' => isset($_POST['umode']) ? $_POST['umode'] : 0, 'notify_method' => isset($_POST['notify_method']) ? $_POST['notify_method'] : 1, 'notify_mode' => isset($_POST['notify_mode']) ? $_POST['notify_mode'] : 0, 'bio' => isset($_POST['bio']) ? xoops_substr($_POST['bio'], 0, 255) : '', 'user_mailok' => !empty($_POST['user_mailok']) ? 1 : 0, ); if ($xoopsConfigUser['allow_chgmail'] == 1) { $vars['email'] = $email; } if(!empty($password)){ $vars['pass'] = md5($password); } $edituser->setVars($vars); if(!empty($user_config['usercookie'])){ if (!empty($_POST['usercookie'])) { setcookie($user_config['usercookie'], $xoopsUser->getVar('uname'), time()+ 31536000); } else { setcookie($user_config['usercookie']); } } if (!$member_handler->insertUser($edituser)) { redirect_header(XSNS_URL_MYPAGE, 3, _US_NOEDITRIGHT); } else { redirect_header(XSNS_URL_MYPAGE, 2, _US_PROFUPDATED); } } }
$errors[] = sprintf(_MD_XOONIPS_ACCOUNT_MUST_BE_FILLED_IN, $label); } } if (count($errors) > 0) { $op = 'editprofile'; // TODO: check here } else { // set new values // - xoops user information $u_obj->setVar('name', $realname, true); // not gpc if ($myxoopsConfigUser['allow_chgmail'] == 1) { $u_obj->setVar('email', $email, true); // not gpc } $u_obj->setVar('url', formatURL($url), true); // not gpc $u_obj->setVar('user_sig', xoops_substr($user_sig, 0, 255), true); // not gpc $user_viewemail = empty($user_viewemail) ? 0 : 1; $u_obj->setVar('user_viewemail', $user_viewemail, true); // not gpc if ($vpass != '') { $u_obj->setVar('pass', md5($password), true); // not gpc } $attachsig = empty($attachsig) ? 0 : 1; $u_obj->setVar('attachsig', $attachsig, true); // not gpc $u_obj->setVar('timezone_offset', $timezone_offset, true); // not gpc
function addDownload() { global $xoopsDB, $xoopsUser, $xoopsModule, $myts, $eh; $url = $myts->makeTboxData4Save(formatURL($_POST["url"])); $logourl = $myts->makeTboxData4Save($_POST["logourl"]); $title = $myts->makeTboxData4Save($_POST["title"]); $homepage = $myts->makeTboxData4Save(formatURL($_POST["homepage"])); $version = $myts->makeTboxData4Save($_POST["version"]); $size = $myts->makeTboxData4Save($_POST["size"]); $platform = $myts->makeTboxData4Save($_POST["platform"]); $description = $myts->makeTareaData4Save($_POST["description"]); $submitter = $xoopsUser->uid(); $result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("mydownloads_downloads") . " WHERE url='{$url}'"); list($numrows) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result); $error = 0; $errormsg = ""; if ($numrows > 0) { $errormsg .= "<h4 style='color: #ff0000'>"; $errormsg .= _MD_ERROREXIST . "</h4><br />"; $error = 1; } // Check if Title exist if ($title == "") { $errormsg .= "<h4 style='color: #ff0000'>"; $errormsg .= _MD_ERRORTITLE . "</h4><br />"; $error = 1; } if (empty($size) || !is_numeric($size)) { $size = 0; } // Check if Description exist if ($description == "") { $errormsg .= "<h4 style='color: #ff0000'>"; $errormsg .= _MD_ERRORDESC . "</h4><br />"; $error = 1; } if ($error == 1) { xoops_cp_header(); echo $errormsg; xoops_cp_footer(); exit; } if (!empty($_POST['cid'])) { $cid = $_POST['cid']; } else { $cid = 0; } $newid = $xoopsDB->genId($xoopsDB->prefix("mydownloads_downloads") . "_lid_seq"); $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (lid, cid, title, url, homepage, version, size, platform, logourl, submitter, status, date, hits, rating, votes, comments) VALUES (%u, %u, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %u, '%s', '%s', %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u)", $xoopsDB->prefix("mydownloads_downloads"), $newid, $cid, $title, $url, $homepage, $version, $size, $platform, $logourl, $submitter, 1, time(), 0, 0, 0, 0); $xoopsDB->query($sql) or $eh->show("0013"); if ($newid == 0) { $newid = $xoopsDB->getInsertId(); } $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (lid, description) VALUES (%u, '%s')", $xoopsDB->prefix("mydownloads_text"), $newid, $description); $xoopsDB->query($sql) or $eh->show("0013"); $tags = array(); $tags['FILE_NAME'] = $title; $tags['FILE_URL'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname') . '/singlefile.php?cid=' . $cid . '&lid=' . $newid; $sql = "SELECT title FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("mydownloads_cat") . " WHERE cid=" . $cid; $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql); $row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result); $tags['CATEGORY_NAME'] = $row['title']; $tags['CATEGORY_URL'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname') . '/viewcat.php?cid=' . $cid; $notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler('notification'); $notification_handler->triggerEvent('global', 0, 'new_file', $tags); $notification_handler->triggerEvent('category', $cid, 'new_file', $tags); redirect_header("index.php?op=downloadsConfigMenu", 1, _MD_NEWDLADDED); }
$criteria->add(new Criteria($var, $value . '%', 'LIKE')); break; case XOOPS_MATCH_END: $criteria->add(new Criteria($var, '%' . $value, 'LIKE')); break; case XOOPS_MATCH_EQUAL: $criteria->add(new Criteria($var, $value)); break; case XOOPS_MATCH_CONTAIN: $criteria->add(new Criteria($var, '%' . $value . '%', 'LIKE')); break; } } } if (!empty($_POST['url'])) { $url = formatURL(trim($_POST['url'])); $criteria->add(new Criteria('url', $url . '%', 'LIKE')); } if (!empty($_POST['user_from'])) { $criteria->add(new Criteria('user_from', '%' . $myts->addSlashes(trim($_POST['user_from'])) . '%', 'LIKE')); } if (!empty($_POST['user_intrest'])) { $criteria->add(new Criteria('user_intrest', '%' . $myts->addSlashes(trim($_POST['user_intrest'])) . '%', 'LIKE')); } if (!empty($_POST['user_occ'])) { $criteria->add(new Criteria('user_occ', '%' . $myts->addSlashes(trim($_POST['user_occ'])) . '%', 'LIKE')); } foreach (array("last_login", "user_regdate") as $var) { if (!empty($_POST["{$var}_more"]) && is_numeric($_POST["{$var}_more"])) { $time = time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * intval(trim($_POST["{$var}_more"])); if ($time > 0) {
break; case XOOPS_MATCH_EQUAL: $criteria->add(new icms_db_criteria_Item('email', icms_core_DataFilter::addSlashes(trim($user_email)))); break; case XOOPS_MATCH_CONTAIN: $criteria->add(new icms_db_criteria_Item('email', '%' . icms_core_DataFilter::addSlashes(trim($user_email)) . '%', 'LIKE')); break; default: break; } } if (!empty($user_url)) { $url = formatURL(trim($user_url)); $criteria->add(new icms_db_criteria_Item('url', $url . '%', 'LIKE')); } if (!empty($user_icq)) { $match = (!empty($user_icq_match)) ? (int) $user_icq_match : XOOPS_MATCH_START; switch ($match) { case XOOPS_MATCH_START: $criteria->add(new icms_db_criteria_Item('user_icq', icms_core_DataFilter::addSlashes(trim($user_icq)) . '%', 'LIKE')); break; case XOOPS_MATCH_END: $criteria->add(new icms_db_criteria_Item('user_icq', '%' . icms_core_DataFilter::addSlashes(trim($user_icq)), 'LIKE')); break; case XOOPS_MATCH_EQUAL: $criteria->add(new icms_db_criteria_Item('user_icq', '%' . icms_core_DataFilter::addSlashes(trim($user_icq))));