Пример #1
function get_port_stats_by_port_hostname()
    // This will return port stats based on a devices hostname and ifName
    global $config;
    $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
    $router = $app->router()->getCurrentRoute()->getParams();
    $hostname = $router['hostname'];
    $device_id = ctype_digit($hostname) ? $hostname : getidbyname($hostname);
    $ifName = urldecode($router['ifname']);
    $port = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `ifName`=?', array($device_id, $ifName));
    $port['in_rate'] = formatRates($port['ifInOctets_rate'] * 8);
    $port['out_rate'] = formatRates($port['ifOutOctets_rate'] * 8);
    $port['in_perc'] = @round($port['in_rate'] / $port['ifSpeed'] * 100);
    $port['out_perc'] = @round($port['in_rate'] / $port['ifSpeed'] * 100);
    $port['in_pps'] = format_bi($port['ifInUcastPkts_rate']);
    $port['out_pps'] = format_bi($port['ifOutUcastPkts_rate']);
    $output = array('status' => 'ok', 'port' => $port);
    $app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    echo _json_encode($output);
Пример #2
 } elseif ($vars['view'] == "quick" || $vars['view'] == "accurate") {
     echo "<h3>Billed Ports</h3>";
     // Collected Earlier
     foreach ($ports as $port) {
         echo generate_port_link($port) . " on " . generate_device_link($port) . "<br />";
     echo "<h3>Bill Summary</h3>";
     if ($bill_data['bill_type'] == "quota") {
         // The Customer is billed based on a pre-paid quota with overage in xB
         echo "<h4>Quota Bill</h4>";
         $percent = round($total_data / $bill_data['bill_quota'] * 100, 2);
         $unit = "MB";
         $total_data = round($total_data, 2);
         echo "Billing Period from " . $fromtext . " to " . $totext;
         echo "<br />Transferred " . format_bytes_billing($total_data) . " of " . format_bytes_billing($bill_data['bill_quota']) . " (" . $percent . "%)";
         echo "<br />Average rate " . formatRates($rate_average);
         $background = get_percentage_colours($percent);
         echo "<p>" . print_percentage_bar(350, 20, $perc, NULL, "ffffff", $background['left'], $percent . "%", "ffffff", $background['right']) . "</p>";
         $type = "&amp;ave=yes";
     } elseif ($bill_data['bill_type'] == "cdr") {
         // The customer is billed based on a CDR with 95th%ile overage
         echo "<h4>CDR / 95th Bill</h4>";
         $unit = "kbps";
         $cdr = $bill_data['bill_cdr'];
         $rate_95th = round($rate_95th, 2);
         $percent = round($rate_95th / $cdr * 100, 2);
         $type = "&amp;95th=yes";
         echo "<strong>" . $fromtext . " to " . $totext . "</strong>\n      <br />Measured " . format_si($rate_95th) . "bps of " . format_si($cdr) . "bps (" . $percent . "%) @ 95th %ile";
         $background = get_percentage_colours($percent);
         echo "<p>" . print_percentage_bar(350, 20, $percent, NULL, "ffffff", $background['left'], $percent . "%", "ffffff", $background['right']) . "</p>";
         #  echo("<p>Billing Period : " . $fromtext . " to " . $totext . "<br />
function listBillPorts($bill_id)
    $res = "";
    $res .= "<table>";
    $res .= "  <tr>";
    $res .= "    <th>Device</th>";
    $res .= "    <th>Hardeware</th>";
    $res .= "    <th>Interface/Port</th>";
    $res .= "    <th>Speed</th>";
    //$res      .= "    <th>Description</th>";
    //$res      .= "    <th>Notes</th>";
    $res .= "  </tr>";
    foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `bill_ports` as b, `ports` as p, `devices` as d WHERE b.bill_id = ? AND p.port_id = b.port_id AND d.device_id = p.device_id", array($bill_id)) as $row) {
        if (bill_permitted($bill_id)) {
            $device['name'] = $row['sysName'];
            //$device['port']   = $row['ifName']." (".$row['ifDescr'].")";
            $device['port'] = $row['ifName'];
            $device['speed'] = formatRates($row['ifSpeed']);
            $device['hw'] = $row['hardware'];
            $device['descr'] = $row['port_descr_descr'];
            $device['notes'] = $row['port_descr_notres'];
            $res .= "  <tr>";
            $res .= "    <td>" . $device['name'] . "</td>";
            $res .= "    <td>" . $device['hw'] . "</td>";
            $res .= "    <td>" . $device['port'] . "</td>";
            $res .= "    <td>" . $device['speed'] . "</td>";
            //$res  .= "    <td>".$device['descr']."</td>";
            //$res  .= "    <td>".$device['notes']."</td>";
            $res .= "  </tr>";
    $res .= "</table>";
    return $res;
Пример #4
        // Hide tooltip for empty
        echo '<br /><span data-rel="' . $rel . '" class="small ' . $class . '"  data-tooltip="<strong class=\'small ' . $class . '\'>' . $port['ifVlan'] . ' [' . $vlan_name . ']</strong>">VLAN ' . $port['ifVlan'] . '</span>';
    } else {
        if ($port['ifVrf']) {
            $vrf_name = dbFetchCell("SELECT `vrf_name` FROM `vrfs` WHERE `vrf_id` = ?", array($port['ifVrf']));
            echo '<span class="small text-warning" data-rel="tooltip" data-tooltip="VRF">' . $vrf_name . '</span>';
if ($port_adsl['adslLineCoding']) {
    echo "</td><td style='width: 150px;'>";
    echo $port_adsl['adslLineCoding'] . "/" . rewrite_adslLineType($port_adsl['adslLineType']);
    echo "<br />";
    echo "Sync:" . formatRates($port_adsl['adslAtucChanCurrTxRate']) . "/" . formatRates($port_adsl['adslAturChanCurrTxRate']);
    echo "<br />";
    echo "Max:" . formatRates($port_adsl['adslAtucCurrAttainableRate']) . "/" . formatRates($port_adsl['adslAturCurrAttainableRate']);
    echo "</td><td style='width: 150px;'>";
    echo "Atten:" . $port_adsl['adslAtucCurrAtn'] . "dB/" . $port_adsl['adslAturCurrAtn'] . "dB";
    echo "<br />";
    echo "SNR:" . $port_adsl['adslAtucCurrSnrMgn'] . "dB/" . $port_adsl['adslAturCurrSnrMgn'] . "dB";
} else {
    echo "</td><td style='width: 150px;'>";
    if ($port['ifType'] && $port['ifType'] != "") {
        echo "<span class=small>" . $port['human_type'] . "</span>";
    } else {
        echo "-";
    echo "<br />";
    if ($ifHardType && $ifHardType != "") {
        echo "<span class=small>" . $ifHardType . "</span>";
    } else {
echo "</span>";
$width = "120";
$height = "40";
$from = $config['time']['day'];
echo "</td><td width=135>";
echo formatRates($port['ifInOctets_rate'] * 8) . " <img class='optionicon' src='images/icons/arrow_updown.png' /> " . formatRates($port['ifOutOctets_rate'] * 8);
echo "<br />";
$port['graph_type'] = "port_bits";
echo generate_port_link($port, "<img src='graph.php?type=" . $port['graph_type'] . "&amp;id=" . $port['port_id'] . "&amp;from=" . $from . "&amp;to=" . $config['time']['now'] . "&amp;width=" . $width . "&amp;height=" . $height . "&amp;legend=no&amp;bg=" . str_replace("#", "", $row_colour) . "'>", $port['graph_type']);
echo "</td><td width=135>";
echo "" . formatRates($port['adslAturChanCurrTxRate']) . "/" . formatRates($port['adslAtucChanCurrTxRate']);
echo "<br />";
$port['graph_type'] = "port_adsl_speed";
echo generate_port_link($port, "<img src='graph.php?type=" . $port['graph_type'] . "&amp;id=" . $port['port_id'] . "&amp;from=" . $from . "&amp;to=" . $config['time']['now'] . "&amp;width=" . $width . "&amp;height=" . $height . "&amp;legend=no&amp;bg=" . str_replace("#", "", $row_colour) . "'>", $port['graph_type']);
echo "</td><td width=135>";
echo "" . formatRates($port['adslAturCurrAttainableRate']) . "/" . formatRates($port['adslAtucCurrAttainableRate']);
echo "<br />";
$port['graph_type'] = "port_adsl_attainable";
echo generate_port_link($port, "<img src='graph.php?type=" . $port['graph_type'] . "&amp;id=" . $port['port_id'] . "&amp;from=" . $from . "&amp;to=" . $config['time']['now'] . "&amp;width=" . $width . "&amp;height=" . $height . "&amp;legend=no&amp;bg=" . str_replace("#", "", $row_colour) . "'>", $port['graph_type']);
echo "</td><td width=135>";
echo "" . $port['adslAturCurrAtn'] . "dB/" . $port['adslAtucCurrAtn'] . "dB";
echo "<br />";
$port['graph_type'] = "port_adsl_attenuation";
echo generate_port_link($port, "<img src='graph.php?type=" . $port['graph_type'] . "&amp;id=" . $port['port_id'] . "&amp;from=" . $from . "&amp;to=" . $config['time']['now'] . "&amp;width=" . $width . "&amp;height=" . $height . "&amp;legend=no&amp;bg=" . str_replace("#", "", $row_colour) . "'>", $port['graph_type']);
echo "</td><td width=135>";
echo "" . $port['adslAturCurrSnrMgn'] . "dB/" . $port['adslAtucCurrSnrMgn'] . "dB";
echo "<br />";
$port['graph_type'] = "port_adsl_snr";
echo generate_port_link($port, "<img src='graph.php?type=" . $port['graph_type'] . "&amp;id=" . $port['port_id'] . "&amp;from=" . $from . "&amp;to=" . $config['time']['now'] . "&amp;width=" . $width . "&amp;height=" . $height . "&amp;legend=no&amp;bg=" . str_replace("#", "", $row_colour) . "'>", $port['graph_type']);
echo "</td><td width=135>";
echo "" . $port['adslAturCurrOutputPwr'] . "dBm/" . $port['adslAtucCurrOutputPwr'] . "dBm";
Пример #6
echo '</tr></table>';
$graph_array = $vars;
$graph_array['height'] = "300";
$graph_array['width'] = $graph_width;
echo generate_box_close();
$form = array('type' => 'rows', 'space' => '5px', 'submit_by_key' => TRUE, 'url' => 'graphs' . generate_url($vars));
// Datetime Field
$form['row'][0]['timestamp'] = array('type' => 'datetime', 'grid' => 10, 'grid_xs' => 10, 'presets' => TRUE, 'min' => '2007-04-03 16:06:59', 'max' => date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'), 'from' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $vars['from']), 'to' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $vars['to']));
$search_grid = 2;
if ($type == "port") {
    if ($subtype == "bits") {
        $speed_list = array('auto' => 'Autoscale', 'speed' => 'Interface Speed (' . formatRates($port['ifSpeed'], 4, 4) . ')');
        foreach ($config['graphs']['ports_scale_list'] as $entry) {
            $speed = intval(unit_string_to_numeric($entry, 1000));
            $speed_list[$entry] = formatRates($speed, 4, 4);
        $form['row'][0]['scale'] = array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'Scale', 'grid' => 2, 'width' => '100%', 'value' => isset($vars['scale']) ? $vars['scale'] : $config['graphs']['ports_scale_default'], 'values' => $speed_list);
        //reduce timestamp element grid sizes
        $form['row'][0]['timestamp']['grid'] -= 2;
    if (in_array($subtype, array('bits', 'percent', 'upkts', 'pktsize'))) {
        $form['row'][0]['style'] = array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'Graph style', 'grid' => 2, 'width' => '100%', 'value' => isset($vars['style']) ? $vars['style'] : $config['graphs']['style'], 'values' => array('default' => 'Default', 'mrtg' => 'MRTG'));
        //reduce timestamp element grid sizes
        $form['row'][0]['timestamp']['grid'] -= 1;
        $search_grid = 1;
// Update button
$form['row'][0]['update'] = array('type' => 'submit', 'grid' => $search_grid, 'grid_xs' => $search_grid > 1 ? $search_grid : 12, 'right' => TRUE);
Пример #7
foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `bill_history` WHERE `bill_id` = ? ORDER BY `bill_datefrom` DESC LIMIT 24", array($bill_id)) as $history) {
    if (bill_permitted($history['bill_id'])) {
        $datefrom = $history['bill_datefrom'];
        $dateto = $history['bill_dateto'];
        $type = $history['bill_type'];
        $percent = $history['bill_percent'];
        $dir_95th = $history['dir_95th'];
        $rate_95th = formatRates($history['rate_95th']);
        $total_data = format_number($history['traf_total'], $config['billing']['base']);
        if ($type == "CDR") {
            $allowed = formatRates($history['bill_allowed']);
            $used = formatRates($history['rate_95th']);
            $in = formatRates($history['rate_95th_in']);
            $out = formatRates($history['rate_95th_out']);
            $overuse = $history['bill_overuse'] <= 0 ? "<span class=\"badge badge-success\">-</span>" : "<span class=\"badge badge-important\">" . formatRates($history['bill_overuse']) . "</span>";
            $label = "inverse";
        } elseif ($type == "Quota") {
            $allowed = format_number($history['bill_allowed'], $config['billing']['base']);
            $used = format_number($history['total_data'], $config['billing']['base']);
            $in = format_number($history['traf_in'], $config['billing']['base']);
            $out = format_number($history['traf_out'], $config['billing']['base']);
            $overuse = $history['bill_overuse'] <= 0 ? "<span class=\"badge badge-success\">-</span>" : "<span class=\"badge badge-imprtant\">" . format_number($history['bill_overuse'], $config['billing']['base']) . "B</span>";
            $label = "info";
        $total_data = $type == "Quota" ? "<span class=\"badge badge-warning\"><strong>" . $total_data . "</strong></span>" : "<span class=\"badge\">" . $total_data . "</span>";
        $rate_95th = $type == "CDR" ? "<span class=\"badge badge-warning\"><strong>" . $rate_95th . "</strong></span>" : "<span class=\"badge\">" . $rate_95th . "</span>";
        switch (true) {
            case $percent >= 90:
                $perc['BG'] = "danger";
Пример #8
echo "</td><td width=100>";
if ($port_details) {
    $interface['graph_type'] = "port_bits";
    echo generateiflink($interface, "<img src='graph.php?type=port_bits&port=" . $interface['interface_id'] . "&from=" . $day . "&to=" . $now . "&width=100&height=20&legend=no&bg=" . str_replace("#", "", $row_colour) . "'>", $interface['graph_type']);
    $interface['graph_type'] = "port_upkts";
    echo generateiflink($interface, "<img src='graph.php?type=port_upkts&port=" . $interface['interface_id'] . "&from=" . $day . "&to=" . $now . "&width=100&height=20&legend=no&bg=" . str_replace("#", "", $row_colour) . "'>", $interface['graph_type']);
    $interface['graph_type'] = "port_errors";
    echo generateiflink($interface, "<img src='graph.php?type=port_errors&port=" . $interface['interface_id'] . "&from=" . $day . "&to=" . $now . "&width=100&height=20&legend=no&bg=" . str_replace("#", "", $row_colour) . "'>", $interface['graph_type']);
echo "</td><td width=120>";
if ($interface['ifOperStatus'] == "up") {
    $interface['in_rate'] = $interface['ifInOctets_rate'] * 8;
    $interface['out_rate'] = $interface['ifOutOctets_rate'] * 8;
    $in_perc = @round($interface['in_rate'] / $interface['ifSpeed'] * 100);
    $out_perc = @round($interface['in_rate'] / $interface['ifSpeed'] * 100);
    echo "<img src='images/16/arrow_left.png' align=absmiddle> <span style='color: " . percent_colour($in_perc) . "'>" . formatRates($interface['in_rate']) . "<br />\n          <img align=absmiddle src='images/16/arrow_out.png'> <span style='color: " . percent_colour($out_perc) . "'>" . formatRates($interface['out_rate']) . "<br />\n          <img src='images/icons/arrow_pps_in.png' align=absmiddle> " . format_bi($interface['ifInUcastPkts_rate']) . "pps</span><br />\n          <img src='images/icons/arrow_pps_out.png' align=absmiddle> " . format_bi($interface['ifOutUcastPkts_rate']) . "pps</span>";
echo "</td><td width=75>";
if ($interface['ifSpeed'] && $interface['ifAlias'] != "") {
    echo "<span class=box-desc>" . humanspeed($interface['ifSpeed']) . "</span>";
echo "<br />";
#  if($interface[ifDuplex] != unknown) { echo("<span class=box-desc>Duplex " . $interface['ifDuplex'] . "</span>"); } else { echo("-"); }
if ($device['os'] == "ios" || $device['os'] == "iosxe") {
    if ($interface['ifTrunk']) {
        echo "<span class=box-desc><span class=red>" . $interface['ifTrunk'] . "</span></span>";
    } elseif ($interface['ifVlan']) {
        echo "<span class=box-desc><span class=blue>VLAN " . $interface['ifVlan'] . "</span></span>";
    } elseif ($interface['ifVrf']) {
        $vrf = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM vrfs WHERE vrf_id = '" . $interface['ifVrf'] . "'"));
        echo "<span style='color: green;'>" . $vrf['vrf_name'] . "</span>";
Пример #9
 if (bill_permitted($history['bill_id'])) {
     $datefrom = $history['bill_datefrom'];
     $dateto = $history['bill_dateto'];
     $type = $history['bill_type'];
     $percent = $history['bill_percent'];
     $dir_95th = $history['dir_95th'];
     $rate_95th = formatRates($history['rate_95th']);
     $total_data = format_number($history['traf_total'], $config['billing']['base']);
     $background = get_percentage_colours($percent);
     if ($type == 'CDR') {
         $allowed = formatRates($history['bill_allowed']);
         $used = formatRates($history['rate_95th']);
         $in = formatRates($history['rate_95th_in']);
         $out = formatRates($history['rate_95th_out']);
         $overuse = $history['bill_overuse'] <= 0 ? '-' : '<span style="color: #' . $background['left'] . '; font-weight: bold;">' . formatRates($history['bill_overuse']) . '</span>';
     } else {
         if ($type == 'Quota') {
             $allowed = format_number($history['bill_allowed'], $config['billing']['base']);
             $used = format_number($history['total_data'], $config['billing']['base']);
             $in = format_number($history['traf_in'], $config['billing']['base']);
             $out = format_number($history['traf_out'], $config['billing']['base']);
             $overuse = $history['bill_overuse'] <= 0 ? '-' : '<span style="color: #' . $background['left'] . '; font-weight: bold;">' . format_number($history['bill_overuse'], $config['billing']['base']) . 'B</span>';
     $total_data = $type == 'Quota' ? '<b>' . $total_data . '</b>' : $total_data;
     $rate_95th = $type == 'CDR' ? '<b>' . $rate_95th . '</b>' : $rate_95th;
     $url = generate_url($vars, array('detail' => $history['bill_hist_id']));
     echo '
Пример #10
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage graphs
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
$defs = ' DEF:in_octets=' . $rrd_filename . ':INOCTETS:AVERAGE';
$defs .= ' DEF:out_octets=' . $rrd_filename . ':OUTOCTETS:AVERAGE';
$defs .= ' CDEF:in_bits=in_octets,8,*';
$defs .= ' CDEF:out_bits=out_octets,8,*';
$defs .= ' CDEF:in=in_bits,' . $port['ifSpeed'] . ',/,100,*';
$defs .= ' CDEF:out=out_bits,' . $port['ifSpeed'] . ',/,100,*';
$defs .= ' CDEF:in_max=in';
$defs .= ' CDEF:out_max=out';
$defs .= ' HRULE:100#555:';
$defs .= ' HRULE:-100#555:';
$colour_area_out = '3E629F';
$colour_line_out = '070A64';
$colour_area_in = '72B240';
$colour_line_in = '285B00';
#$colour_area_in_max = 'cc88cc';
#$colour_area_out_max = 'FFefaa';
$graph_max = 0;
$scale_max = '100';
$scale_min = '-100';
$unit_text = '% of ' . formatRates($port['ifSpeed'], 4, 4);
$args['nototal'] = 1;
$print_total = 0;
$nototal = 1;
include $config['html_dir'] . '/includes/graphs/generic_duplex.inc.php';
// EOF
Пример #11
function humanspeed($speed)
    $speed = formatRates($speed);
    if ($speed == "") {
        $speed = "-";
    return $speed;
Пример #12
             //if ($insert === FALSE) { print_error("Certain MEMORY DB error for table 'ports-state'."); }
             //else { print_debug("STATE inserted port_id=".$port['port_id']); }
         } else {
             //$updated = dbUpdate($port['state'], 'ports-state', '`port_id` = ?', array($port['port_id']));
             //print_debug("STATE updated rows=$updated");
     // Add table row
     $table_row = array();
     $table_row[] = $port['ifIndex'];
     $table_row[] = $port['port_label_short'];
     $table_row[] = rewrite_iftype($port['ifType']);
     $table_row[] = formatRates($port['ifSpeed']);
     $table_row[] = formatRates($port['stats']['ifInBits_rate']);
     $table_row[] = formatRates($port['stats']['ifOutBits_rate']);
     $table_row[] = formatStorage($port['stats']['ifInOctets_diff']);
     $table_row[] = formatStorage($port['stats']['ifOutOctets_diff']);
     $table_row[] = format_si($port['stats']['ifInUcastPkts_rate']);
     $table_row[] = format_si($port['stats']['ifOutUcastPkts_rate']);
     $table_row[] = $port['port_64bit'] ? "%gY%w" : "%rN%w";
     $table_rows[] = $table_row;
     // End Update Database
 } elseif ($port['disabled'] != "1") {
     print_message("Port Deleted.");
     // Port missing from SNMP cache.
     if (isset($port['ifIndex']) && $port['deleted'] != "1") {
         dbUpdate(array('deleted' => '1', 'ifLastChange' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $polled)), 'ports', '`device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $port['ifIndex']));
         log_event("Interface was marked as DELETED", $device, 'port', $port);
Пример #13
    $query = "SELECT `{$entry}` FROM `ports`";
    $query .= " LEFT JOIN `devices` USING (`device_id`)";
    if (isset($where_array[$entry])) {
        $tmp = $where_array[$entry];
        $query .= ' WHERE 1 ' . implode('', $where_array);
        $where_array[$entry] = $tmp;
    } else {
        $query .= $where;
    $query .= " AND `{$entry}` != ''" . $cache['where']['ports_permitted'] . " GROUP BY `{$entry}` ORDER BY `{$entry}`";
    foreach (dbFetchRows($query) as $data) {
        if ($entry == "ifType") {
            $form_items[$entry][$data['ifType']] = rewrite_iftype($data['ifType']) . ' (' . $data['ifType'] . ')';
        } elseif ($entry == "ifSpeed") {
            $form_items[$entry][$data[$entry]] = formatRates($data[$entry]);
        } else {
            $form_items[$entry][$data[$entry]] = nicecase($data[$entry]);
$form_items['devices'] = generate_form_values('device');
// Always all devices
$form_items['sort'] = array('device' => 'Device', 'port' => 'Port', 'speed' => 'Speed', 'traffic' => 'Traffic In+Out', 'traffic_in' => 'Traffic In', 'traffic_out' => 'Traffic Out', 'traffic_perc' => 'Traffic Percentage In+Out', 'traffic_perc_in' => 'Traffic Percentage In', 'traffic_perc_out' => 'Traffic Percentage Out', 'packets' => 'Packets In+Out', 'packets_in' => 'Packets In', 'packets_out' => 'Packets Out', 'errors' => 'Errors', 'media' => 'Media', 'descr' => 'Description');
$form = array('type' => 'rows', 'space' => '10px', 'submit_by_key' => TRUE, 'url' => generate_url($vars));
// First row
$form['row'][0]['device_id'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Device', 'value' => $vars['device_id'], 'width' => '100%', 'values' => $form_items['devices']);
$form['row'][0]['ifDescr'] = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'Port Name', 'value' => $vars['ifDescr'], 'width' => '100%', 'placeholder' => TRUE);
$form['row'][0]['state'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Port State', 'width' => '100%', 'value' => $vars['state'], 'values' => array('up' => 'Up', 'down' => ' Down', 'admindown' => 'Admin Down'));
$form['row'][0]['ifType'] = array('type' => 'multiselect', 'name' => 'Port Media', 'width' => '100%', 'value' => $vars['ifType'], 'values' => $form_items['ifType']);
Пример #14
    } elseif ($port['ifVlan']) {
        echo '<p class=box-desc><span class=blue>VLAN ' . $port['ifVlan'] . '</span></p>';
    } elseif ($port['ifVrf']) {
        $vrf = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM vrfs WHERE vrf_id = ?', array($port['ifVrf']));
        echo "<p style='color: green;'>" . $vrf['vrf_name'] . '</p>';
    //end if
//end if
if ($port_adsl['adslLineCoding']) {
    echo "</td><td width=150 onclick=\"location.href='" . generate_port_url($port) . "'\" >";
    echo $port_adsl['adslLineCoding'] . '/' . rewrite_adslLineType($port_adsl['adslLineType']);
    echo '<br />';
    echo 'Sync:' . formatRates($port_adsl['adslAtucChanCurrTxRate']) . '/' . formatRates($port_adsl['adslAturChanCurrTxRate']);
    echo '<br />';
    echo 'Max:' . formatRates($port_adsl['adslAtucCurrAttainableRate']) . '/' . formatRates($port_adsl['adslAturCurrAttainableRate']);
    echo "</td><td width=150 onclick=\"location.href='" . generate_port_url($port) . "'\" >";
    echo 'Atten:' . $port_adsl['adslAtucCurrAtn'] . 'dB/' . $port_adsl['adslAturCurrAtn'] . 'dB';
    echo '<br />';
    echo 'SNR:' . $port_adsl['adslAtucCurrSnrMgn'] . 'dB/' . $port_adsl['adslAturCurrSnrMgn'] . 'dB';
} else {
    echo "</td><td width=150 onclick=\"location.href='" . generate_port_url($port) . "'\" >";
    if ($port['ifType'] && $port['ifType'] != '') {
        echo '<span class=box-desc>' . fixiftype($port['ifType']) . '</span>';
    } else {
        echo '-';
    echo '<br />';
    if ($ifHardType && $ifHardType != '') {
        echo '<span class=box-desc>' . $ifHardType . '</span>';
    } else {
Пример #15
    echo '>';
    if ($vars['sort'] == $col['sort']) {
        echo $col['head'] . ' *';
    } else {
        echo '<a href="' . generate_url($vars, array('sort' => $col['sort'])) . '">' . $col['head'] . '</a>';
    echo "</th>";
echo "      </tr></thead>";
$ports_disabled = 0;
$ports_down = 0;
$ports_up = 0;
$ports_total = 0;
foreach ($ports as $port) {
    $device = device_by_id_cache($port['device_id']);
    if ($port['in_errors'] > 0 || $port['out_errors'] > 0) {
        $error_img = generate_port_link($port, "<img src='images/16/chart_curve_error.png' alt='接口错误' border=0>", errors);
    } else {
        $error_img = "";
    $port['bps_in'] = formatRates($port['ifInOctets_rate'] * 8);
    $port['bps_out'] = formatRates($port['ifOutOctets_rate'] * 8);
    $port['pps_in'] = format_si($port['ifInUcastPkts_rate']) . "pps";
    $port['pps_out'] = format_si($port['ifOutUcastPkts_rate']) . "pps";
    echo "<tr class='ports " . $port['row_class'] . "'>\n          <td style='background-color: " . $port['table_tab_colour'] . ";'></td>\n          <td></td>\n          <td><span class=entity>" . generate_device_link($device, short_hostname($device['hostname'], "20")) . "</span><br />\n              <span class=em>" . truncate($port['location'], 32, "") . "</span></td>\n\n          <td><span class=entity>" . generate_port_link($port, rewrite_ifname($port['label'])) . " " . $error_img . "</span><br />\n              <span class=em>" . truncate($port['ifAlias'], 50, '') . "</span></td>" . '<td> <i class="icon-circle-arrow-down" style="' . $port['bps_in_style'] . '"></i>  <span class="small" style="' . $port['bps_in_style'] . '">' . formatRates($port['in_rate']) . '</span><br />' . '<i class="icon-circle-arrow-up" style="' . $port['bps_out_style'] . '"></i> <span class="small" style="' . $port['bps_out_style'] . '">' . formatRates($port['out_rate']) . '</span><br /></td>' . '<td> <i class="icon-circle-arrow-down" style="' . $port['bps_in_style'] . '"></i>  <span class="small" style="' . $port['bps_in_style'] . '">' . $port['ifInOctets_perc'] . '%</span><br />' . '<i class="icon-circle-arrow-up" style="' . $port['bps_out_style'] . '"></i> <span class="small" style="' . $port['bps_out_style'] . '">' . $port['ifOutOctets_perc'] . '%</span><br /></td>' . '<td><i class="icon-circle-arrow-down" style="' . $port['pps_in_style'] . '"></i>  <span class="small" style="' . $port['pps_in_style'] . '">' . format_bi($port['ifInUcastPkts_rate']) . 'pps</span><br />' . '<i class="icon-circle-arrow-up" style="' . $port['pps_out_style'] . '"></i> <span class="small" style="' . $port['pps_out_style'] . '">' . format_bi($port['ifOutUcastPkts_rate']) . 'pps</span></td>' . "<td>" . $port['human_speed'] . "<br />" . $port['ifMtu'] . "</td>\n          <td >" . $port['human_type'] . "<br />" . $port['human_mac'] . "</td>\n        </tr>\n";
echo '</td></tr></table>';
echo pagination($vars, count($ports));
Пример #16
 // If we have a valid ifSpeed we should populate the stats for checking.
 if (is_numeric($this_port['ifSpeed'])) {
     $port['stats']['ifInBits_perc'] = round($port['stats']['ifInBits_rate'] / $this_port['ifSpeed'] * 100);
     $port['stats']['ifOutBits_perc'] = round($port['stats']['ifOutBits_rate'] / $this_port['ifSpeed'] * 100);
 echo 'bps(' . formatRates($port['stats']['ifInBits_rate']) . '/' . formatRates($port['stats']['ifOutBits_rate']) . ')';
 echo 'bytes(' . formatStorage($port['stats']['ifInOctets_diff']) . '/' . formatStorage($port['stats']['ifOutOctets_diff']) . ')';
 echo 'pkts(' . format_si($port['stats']['ifInUcastPkts_rate']) . 'pps/' . format_si($port['stats']['ifOutUcastPkts_rate']) . 'pps)';
 // Port utilisation % threshold alerting. // FIXME allow setting threshold per-port. probably 90% of ports we don't care about.
 if ($config['alerts']['port_util_alert'] && $port['ignore'] == '0') {
     // Check for port saturation of $config['alerts']['port_util_perc'] or higher.  Alert if we see this.
     // Check both inbound and outbound rates
     $saturation_threshold = $this_port['ifSpeed'] * ($config['alerts']['port_util_perc'] / 100);
     echo 'IN: ' . $port['stats']['ifInBits_rate'] . ' OUT: ' . $port['stats']['ifOutBits_rate'] . ' THRESH: ' . $saturation_threshold;
     if (($port['stats']['ifInBits_rate'] >= $saturation_threshold || $port['stats']['ifOutBits_rate'] >= $saturation_threshold) && $saturation_threshold > 0) {
         log_event('Port reached saturation threshold: ' . formatRates($port['stats']['ifInBits_rate']) . '/' . formatRates($port['stats']['ifOutBits_rate']) . ' - ifspeed: ' . formatRates($this_port['stats']['ifSpeed']), $device, 'interface', $port['port_id']);
 // Update RRDs
 $rrdfile = $host_rrd . '/port-' . safename($port['ifIndex'] . '.rrd');
 if (!is_file($rrdfile)) {
     rrdtool_create($rrdfile, ' --step 300 
Пример #17
    foreach ($adsl_db_oids as $oid) {
        $data = str_replace('"', '', $this_port[$oid]);
        // FIXME - do we need this?
        $port['adsl_update'][$oid] = $data;
    dbUpdate($port['adsl_update'], 'ports_adsl', '`port_id` = ?', array($port_id));
    if ($this_port['adslAtucCurrSnrMgn'] > '1280') {
        $this_port['adslAtucCurrSnrMgn'] = 'U';
    if ($this_port['adslAturCurrSnrMgn'] > '1280') {
        $this_port['adslAturCurrSnrMgn'] = 'U';
    $fields = array();
    foreach ($adsl_oids as $oid) {
        $oid = 'adsl' . $oid;
        $data = str_replace('"', '', $this_port[$oid]);
        // Set data to be "unknown" if it's garbled, unexistant or zero
        if (!is_numeric($data)) {
            $data = 'U';
        $fields[$oid] = $data;
    if (!is_file($rrdfile)) {
        rrdtool_create($rrdfile, $rrd_create);
    rrdtool_update($rrdfile, $fields);
    $tags = array('ifName' => $port['ifName']);
    influx_update($device, 'adsl', $tags, $fields);
    echo 'ADSL (' . $this_port['adslLineCoding'] . '/' . formatRates($this_port['adslAtucChanCurrTxRate']) . '/' . formatRates($this_port['adslAturChanCurrTxRate']) . ')';
//end if
Пример #18
 echo 'pkts(' . format_si($port['stats']['ifInUcastPkts_rate']) . 'pps/' . format_si($port['stats']['ifOutUcastPkts_rate']) . 'pps)';
 // Store aggregate in/out state
 if ($config['memcached']['enable'] === true) {
     $port['state']['ifOctets_rate'] = $port['stats']['ifOutOctets_rate'] + $port['stats']['ifInOctets_rate'];
     $port['state']['ifUcastPkts_rate'] = $port['stats']['ifOutUcastPkts_rate'] + $port['stats']['ifInUcastPkts_rate'];
     $port['state']['ifErrors_rate'] = $port['stats']['ifOutErrors_rate'] + $port['stats']['ifInErrors_rate'];
 // Port utilisation % threshold alerting. // FIXME allow setting threshold per-port. probably 90% of ports we don't care about.
 if ($config['alerts']['port_util_alert'] && $port['ignore'] == '0') {
     // Check for port saturation of $config['alerts']['port_util_perc'] or higher.  Alert if we see this.
     // Check both inbound and outbound rates
     $saturation_threshold = $this_port['ifSpeed'] * ($config['alerts']['port_util_perc'] / 100);
     echo 'IN: ' . $port['stats']['ifInBits_rate'] . ' OUT: ' . $port['stats']['ifOutBits_rate'] . ' THRESH: ' . $saturation_threshold;
     if (($port['stats']['ifInBits_rate'] >= $saturation_threshold || $port['stats']['ifOutBits_rate'] >= $saturation_threshold) && $saturation_threshold > 0) {
         log_event('Port reached saturation threshold: ' . formatRates($port['stats']['ifInBits_rate']) . '/' . formatRates($port['stats']['ifOutBits_rate']) . ' - ifspeed: ' . formatRates($this_port['stats']['ifSpeed']), $device, 'interface', $port['port_id']);
         notify($device, 'Port saturation threshold reached on ' . $device['hostname'], 'Port saturation threshold alarm: ' . $device['hostname'] . ' on ' . $port['ifDescr'] . "\nRates:" . formatRates($port['stats']['ifInBits_rate']) . '/' . formatRates($port['stats']['ifOutBits_rate']) . ' - ifspeed: ' . formatRates($this_port['ifSpeed']));
 // Update RRDs
 $rrdfile = $host_rrd . '/port-' . safename($port['ifIndex'] . '.rrd');
 if (!is_file($rrdfile)) {
     rrdtool_create($rrdfile, ' --step 300 \\
         DS:INOCTETS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \\
         DS:OUTOCTETS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \\
         DS:INERRORS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \\
         DS:OUTERRORS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \\
         DS:INUCASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \\
         DS:OUTUCASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \\
         DS:INNUCASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \\
         DS:OUTNUCASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \\
         DS:INDISCARDS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \\
Пример #19
 private function _port($params)
     $params = explode(' ', $params);
     $hostname = $params[0];
     $ifname = $params[1];
     if (!$hostname || !$ifname) {
         return $this->respond('Error: Missing hostname or ifname.');
     $device = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `hostname` = ?', array($hostname));
     $port = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE (`ifName` = ? OR `ifDescr` = ?) AND device_id = ?', array($ifname, $ifname, $device['device_id']));
     if ($this->user['level'] < 5 && !in_array($port['port_id'], $this->user['ports']) && !in_array($device['device_id'], $this->user['devices'])) {
         return $this->respond('Error: Permission denied.');
     $bps_in = formatRates($port['ifInOctets_rate'] * 8);
     $bps_out = formatRates($port['ifOutOctets_rate'] * 8);
     $pps_in = format_bi($port['ifInUcastPkts_rate']);
     $pps_out = format_bi($port['ifOutUcastPkts_rate']);
     return $this->respond($port['ifAdminStatus'] . '/' . $port['ifOperStatus'] . ' ' . $bps_in . ' > bps > ' . $bps_out . ' | ' . $pps_in . 'pps > PPS > ' . $pps_out . 'pps');
Пример #20
echo '</span>';
$width = '120';
$height = '40';
$from = $config['time']['day'];
echo '</td><td width=135>';
echo formatRates($port['ifInOctets_rate'] * 8) . " <img class='optionicon' src='images/icons/arrow_updown.png' /> " . formatRates($port['ifOutOctets_rate'] * 8);
echo '<br />';
$port['graph_type'] = 'port_bits';
echo generate_port_link($port, "<img src='graph.php?type=" . $port['graph_type'] . '&amp;id=' . $port['port_id'] . '&amp;from=' . $from . '&amp;to=' . $config['time']['now'] . '&amp;width=' . $width . '&amp;height=' . $height . '&amp;legend=no&amp;bg=' . str_replace('#', '', $row_colour) . "'>", $port['graph_type']);
echo '</td><td width=135>';
echo '' . formatRates($port['adslAturChanCurrTxRate']) . '/' . formatRates($port['adslAtucChanCurrTxRate']);
echo '<br />';
$port['graph_type'] = 'port_adsl_speed';
echo generate_port_link($port, "<img src='graph.php?type=" . $port['graph_type'] . '&amp;id=' . $port['port_id'] . '&amp;from=' . $from . '&amp;to=' . $config['time']['now'] . '&amp;width=' . $width . '&amp;height=' . $height . '&amp;legend=no&amp;bg=' . str_replace('#', '', $row_colour) . "'>", $port['graph_type']);
echo '</td><td width=135>';
echo '' . formatRates($port['adslAturCurrAttainableRate']) . '/' . formatRates($port['adslAtucCurrAttainableRate']);
echo '<br />';
$port['graph_type'] = 'port_adsl_attainable';
echo generate_port_link($port, "<img src='graph.php?type=" . $port['graph_type'] . '&amp;id=' . $port['port_id'] . '&amp;from=' . $from . '&amp;to=' . $config['time']['now'] . '&amp;width=' . $width . '&amp;height=' . $height . '&amp;legend=no&amp;bg=' . str_replace('#', '', $row_colour) . "'>", $port['graph_type']);
echo '</td><td width=135>';
echo '' . $port['adslAturCurrAtn'] . 'dB/' . $port['adslAtucCurrAtn'] . 'dB';
echo '<br />';
$port['graph_type'] = 'port_adsl_attenuation';
echo generate_port_link($port, "<img src='graph.php?type=" . $port['graph_type'] . '&amp;id=' . $port['port_id'] . '&amp;from=' . $from . '&amp;to=' . $config['time']['now'] . '&amp;width=' . $width . '&amp;height=' . $height . '&amp;legend=no&amp;bg=' . str_replace('#', '', $row_colour) . "'>", $port['graph_type']);
echo '</td><td width=135>';
echo '' . $port['adslAturCurrSnrMgn'] . 'dB/' . $port['adslAtucCurrSnrMgn'] . 'dB';
echo '<br />';
$port['graph_type'] = 'port_adsl_snr';
echo generate_port_link($port, "<img src='graph.php?type=" . $port['graph_type'] . '&amp;id=' . $port['port_id'] . '&amp;from=' . $from . '&amp;to=' . $config['time']['now'] . '&amp;width=' . $width . '&amp;height=' . $height . '&amp;legend=no&amp;bg=' . str_replace('#', '', $row_colour) . "'>", $port['graph_type']);
echo '</td><td width=135>';
echo '' . $port['adslAturCurrOutputPwr'] . 'dBm/' . $port['adslAtucCurrOutputPwr'] . 'dBm';
Пример #21
  * @dataProvider providerFormatRates
 public function testFormatRates($value, $round, $sf, $result)
     $this->assertSame($result, formatRates($value, $round, $sf));
Пример #22
function humanspeed($speed)
    if ($speed == '') {
        return '-';
    } else {
        return formatRates($speed);
Пример #23

// Generate a list of ports and then call the multi_bits grapher to generate from the list
$i = 0;
foreach ($ports as $port) {
    if (is_file($config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $port['hostname'] . "/port-" . safename($port['ifIndex'] . ".rrd"))) {
        $rrd_list[$i]['filename'] = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $port['hostname'] . "/port-" . safename($port['ifIndex'] . ".rrd");
        $rrd_list[$i]['descr'] = $port['ifDescr'];
$units = 'bps';
$total_units = 'B';
$colours_in = 'greens';
$multiplier = "8";
$colours_out = 'blues';
$nototal = 1;
$ds_in = "INOCTETS";
$ds_out = "OUTOCTETS";
if ($bill['bill_type'] == "cdr") {
    $custom_graph = " COMMENT:'\\r' ";
    $custom_graph .= " HRULE:" . $rates['rate_95th'] . "#cc0000:'95th %ile \\: " . formatRates($rates['rate_95th']) . " (" . $rates['dir_95th'] . ") (CDR\\: " . formatRates($bill['bill_cdr']) . ")'";
    $custom_graph .= " HRULE:" . $rates['rate_95th'] * -1 . "#cc0000";
} elseif ($bill['bill_type'] == "quota") {
    $custom_graph = " COMMENT:'\\r' ";
    $custom_graph .= " HRULE:" . $rates['rate_average'] . "#cc0000:'Usage \\: " . format_bytes_billing($rates['total_data']) . " (" . formatRates($rates['rate_average']) . ")'";
    $custom_graph .= " HRULE:" . $rates['rate_average'] * -1 . "#cc0000";
include "includes/graphs/generic_multi_bits_separated.inc.php";
Пример #24
         $port['alert_array'][$oid] = $this_port[$oid];
 // If we have a valid ifSpeed we should populate the percentage stats for checking.
 if (is_numeric($this_port['ifSpeed'])) {
     $port['stats']['ifInBits_perc'] = round($port['stats']['ifInBits_rate'] / $this_port['ifSpeed'] * 100);
     $port['stats']['ifOutBits_perc'] = round($port['stats']['ifOutBits_rate'] / $this_port['ifSpeed'] * 100);
     $port['alert_array']['ifSpeed'] = $this_port['ifSpeed'];
 $port['state']['ifInOctets_perc'] = $port['stats']['ifInBits_perc'];
 $port['state']['ifOutOctets_perc'] = $port['stats']['ifOutBits_perc'];
 $port['alert_array']['ifInOctets_perc'] = $port['stats']['ifInBits_perc'];
 $port['alert_array']['ifOutOctets_perc'] = $port['stats']['ifOutBits_perc'];
 $port['alert_array']['rx_ave_pktsize'] = $port['state']['ifInOctets_delta'] / ($port['state']['ifInUcastPkts_delta'] + $port['state']['ifInNUcastPkts_delta']);
 $port['alert_array']['tx_ave_pktsize'] = $port['state']['ifOutOctets_delta'] / ($port['state']['ifOutUcastPkts_delta'] + $port['state']['ifOutNUcastPkts_delta']);
 echo 'bps(' . formatRates($port['stats']['ifInBits_rate']) . '/' . formatRates($port['stats']['ifOutBits_rate']) . ')';
 echo 'bytes(' . formatStorage($port['stats']['ifInOctets_diff']) . '/' . formatStorage($port['stats']['ifOutOctets_diff']) . ')';
 echo 'pkts(' . format_si($port['stats']['ifInUcastPkts_rate']) . 'pps/' . format_si($port['stats']['ifOutUcastPkts_rate']) . 'pps)';
 // Store aggregate in/out state
 $port['state']['ifOctets_rate'] = $port['stats']['ifOutOctets_rate'] + $port['stats']['ifInOctets_rate'];
 $port['state']['ifUcastPkts_rate'] = $port['stats']['ifOutUcastPkts_rate'] + $port['stats']['ifInUcastPkts_rate'];
 $port['state']['ifErrors_rate'] = $port['stats']['ifOutErrors_rate'] + $port['stats']['ifInErrors_rate'];
 // Update RRDs
 $rrdfile = get_port_rrdfilename($port);
 rrdtool_create($device, $rrdfile, "\\\n      DS:INOCTETS:DERIVE:600:0:" . $config['max_port_speed'] . " \\\n      DS:OUTOCTETS:DERIVE:600:0:" . $config['max_port_speed'] . " \\\n      DS:INERRORS:DERIVE:600:0:" . $config['max_port_speed'] . " \\\n      DS:OUTERRORS:DERIVE:600:0:" . $config['max_port_speed'] . " \\\n      DS:INUCASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:" . $config['max_port_speed'] . " \\\n      DS:OUTUCASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:" . $config['max_port_speed'] . " \\\n      DS:INNUCASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:" . $config['max_port_speed'] . " \\\n      DS:OUTNUCASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:" . $config['max_port_speed'] . " \\\n      DS:INDISCARDS:DERIVE:600:0:" . $config['max_port_speed'] . " \\\n      DS:OUTDISCARDS:DERIVE:600:0:" . $config['max_port_speed'] . " \\\n      DS:INUNKNOWNPROTOS:DERIVE:600:0:" . $config['max_port_speed'] . " \\\n      DS:INBROADCASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:" . $config['max_port_speed'] . " \\\n      DS:OUTBROADCASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:" . $config['max_port_speed'] . " \\\n      DS:INMULTICASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:" . $config['max_port_speed'] . " \\\n      DS:OUTMULTICASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:" . $config['max_port_speed']);
 $this_port['rrd_update'] = array($this_port['ifInOctets'], $this_port['ifOutOctets'], $this_port['ifInErrors'], $this_port['ifOutErrors'], $this_port['ifInUcastPkts'], $this_port['ifOutUcastPkts'], $this_port['ifInNUcastPkts'], $this_port['ifOutNUcastPkts'], $this_port['ifInDiscards'], $this_port['ifOutDiscards'], $this_port['ifInUnknownProtos'], $this_port['ifInBroadcastPkts'], $this_port['ifOutBroadcastPkts'], $this_port['ifInMulticastPkts'], $this_port['ifOutMulticastPkts']);
 rrdtool_update($device, $rrdfile, $this_port['rrd_update']);
 // End Update IF-MIB
 // Update PAgP
 if ($this_port['pagpOperationMode'] || $port['pagpOperationMode']) {
     $log_event = array();
        } else {
        if (!isset($vars['graph'])) {
            $vars['graph'] = "bits";
        $graph_type = "macaccounting_" . $vars['graph'];
        if ($vars['subview'] == "minigraphs") {
            if (!$asn) {
                $asn = "无会话";
            echo "<div style='display: block; padding: 3px; margin: 3px; min-width: 221px; max-width:221px; min-height:90px; max-height:90px; text-align: center; float: left; background-color: #e5e5e5;'>\n      " . $addy['ipv4_address'] . " - " . $asn . "\n          <a href='#' onmouseover=\"return overlib('\\\n     <div style=\\'font-size: 16px; padding:5px; font-weight: bold; color: #555555;\\'>" . $name . " - " . $addy['ipv4_address'] . " - " . $asn . "</div>\\\n     <img src=\\'graph.php?id=" . $acc['ma_id'] . "&amp;type={$graph_type}&amp;from=" . $config['time']['twoday'] . "&amp;to=" . $config['time']['now'] . "&amp;width=450&amp;height=150\\'>\\\n     ', CENTER, LEFT, FGCOLOR, '#e5e5e5', BGCOLOR, '#e5e5e5', WIDTH, 400, HEIGHT, 150);\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\" >\n          <img src='graph.php?id=" . $acc['ma_id'] . "&amp;type={$graph_type}&amp;from=" . $config['time']['twoday'] . "&amp;to=" . $config['time']['now'] . "&amp;width=213&amp;height=45'></a>\n\n          <span style='font-size: 10px;'>" . $name . "</span>\n         </div>";
        } else {
            echo "\n        <tr>\n          <td width=20></td>\n          <td width=200><bold>" . format_mac($acc['mac']) . "</bold></td>\n          <td width=200>" . implode($ips, "<br />") . "</td>\n          <td width=500>" . $name . " " . $arp_name . "</td>\n          <td width=100>" . formatRates($acc['bytes_input_rate'] / 8) . "</td>\n          <td width=100>" . formatRates($acc['bytes_output_rate'] / 8) . "</td>\n          <td width=100>" . format_number($acc['pkts_input_rate'] / 8) . "pps</td>\n          <td width=100>" . format_number($acc['pkts_output_rate'] / 8) . "pps</td>\n        </tr>\n    ";
            if ($vars['subview'] == "graphs") {
                $graph_array['type'] = $graph_type;
                $graph_array['id'] = $acc['ma_id'];
                $graph_array['height'] = "100";
                $graph_array['to'] = $config['time']['now'];
                echo '<tr><td colspan="8">';
                echo "</td></tr>";
    echo "</table>";
Пример #26
        dbInsert(array('port_id' => $port['port_id']), 'ports_adsl');
    $port['adsl_update'] = array('port_adsl_updated' => array('NOW()'));
    foreach ($adsl_db_oids as $oid) {
        $data = str_replace("\"", "", $this_port[$oid]);
        // FIXME - do we need this?
        $port['adsl_update'][$oid] = $data;
    dbUpdate($port['adsl_update'], 'ports_adsl', '`port_id` = ?', array($port['port_id']));
    if ($this_port['adslAtucCurrSnrMgn'] > "1280") {
        $this_port['adslAtucCurrSnrMgn'] = "U";
    if ($this_port['adslAturCurrSnrMgn'] > "1280") {
        $this_port['adslAturCurrSnrMgn'] = "U";
    $rrdupdate = "N";
    foreach ($adsl_oids as $oid) {
        $oid = "adsl" . $oid;
        $data = str_replace("\"", "", $this_port[$oid]);
        // Set data to be "unknown" if it's garbled, unexistant or zero
        if (!is_numeric($data)) {
            $data = "U";
        $rrdupdate .= ":{$data}";
    if (!is_file($rrdfile)) {
        rrdtool_create($rrdfile, $rrd_create);
    rrdtool_update($rrdfile, $rrdupdate);
    echo "ADSL (" . $this_port['adslLineCoding'] . "/" . formatRates($this_port['adslAtucChanCurrTxRate']) . "/" . formatRates($this_port['adslAturChanCurrTxRate']) . ")";
Пример #27
function humanspeed($speed)
    $speed = formatRates($speed);
    if ($speed == '') {
        $speed = '-';
    return $speed;
Пример #28
                            $in_perc = @round($port['in_rate'] / $port['ifSpeed'] * 100);
                            $out_perc = @round($port['in_rate'] / $port['ifSpeed'] * 100);
                        if ($port['ifSpeed']) {
                            $port_speed = humanspeed($port['ifSpeed']);
                        if ($port[ifDuplex] != 'unknown') {
                            $port_duplex = $port['ifDuplex'];
                        if ($port['ifPhysAddress'] && $port['ifPhysAddress'] != '') {
                            $port_mac = formatMac($port['ifPhysAddress']);
                        if ($port['ifMtu'] && $port['ifMtu'] != '') {
                            $port_mtu = $port['ifMtu'];
                        $tbl->addRow(array($port['ifDescr'], $port['ifOperStatus'], '', formatRates($port['in_rate']), formatRates($port['out_rate']), format_bi($port['ifInUcastPkts_rate']) . 'pps', format_bi($port['ifOutUcastPkts_rate']) . 'pps', $port_speed, $port_duplex, '', $port_mac, $port_mtu));
                    //end foreach
                    echo $tbl->getTable();
                } else {
                    echo $options['list'];
                    echo "Usage of console-ui.php:\n\n            -l      What log type we want to see:\n            eventlog = Event log messages\n            syslog = Syslog messages\n\n            -d      Specify the device id to filter results\n\n            --list   What to list\n            devices = list devices and device id's\n\n            --device-stats      Lists the port statistics for a given device\n\n            Examples:\n            #1 php console-ui.php -l eventlog -d 1\n            #2 php console-ui.php --list=devices\n\n            ";
    //end if
    echo print $console_color->convert('%rLast update at ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s') . "%n\n\n");
Пример #29
    case 'errors':
        $ports = array_sort($ports, 'ifErrors_rate', SORT_DESC);
    case 'speed':
        $ports = array_sort($ports, 'ifSpeed', SORT_DESC);
    case 'port':
        $ports = array_sort($ports, 'ifDescr', SORT_ASC);
    case 'media':
        $ports = array_sort($ports, 'ifType', SORT_ASC);
    case 'descr':
        $ports = array_sort($ports, 'ifAlias', SORT_ASC);
    case 'device':
        $ports = array_sort($ports, 'hostname', SORT_ASC);
//end switch
$csv[] = array('Device', 'Port', 'Speed', 'Down', 'Up', 'Media', 'Description');
foreach ($ports as $port) {
    if (port_permitted($port['port_id'], $port['device_id'])) {
        $speed = humanspeed($port['ifSpeed']);
        $type = humanmedia($port['ifType']);
        $port['in_rate'] = formatRates($port['ifInOctets_rate'] * 8);
        $port['out_rate'] = formatRates($port['ifOutOctets_rate'] * 8);
        $port = ifLabel($port, $device);
        $csv[] = array($port['hostname'], fixIfName($port['label']), $speed, $port['in_rate'], $port['out_rate'], $type, $port['ifAlias']);
Пример #30
                                // The Customer is billed based on a pre-paid quota with overage in xB
                                $percent = round($total_data / $bill_data['bill_quota'] * 100, 2);
                                $unit = 'MB';
                                $total_data = round($total_data, 2);
                                $background = get_percentage_colours($percent);
                                $type = '&amp;ave=yes';
                                echo format_bytes_billing($total_data);
 of <?php 
                                echo format_bytes_billing($bill_data['bill_quota']) . ' (' . $percent . '%)';
            - Average rate <?php 
                                echo formatRates($rate_average);
        <td style="width: 210px;"><?php 
                                echo print_percentage_bar(200, 20, $percent, null, 'ffffff', $background['left'], $percent . '%', 'ffffff', $background['right']);
                            } else {
                                if ($bill_data['bill_type'] == 'cdr') {
                                    // The customer is billed based on a CDR with 95th%ile overage
                                    $unit = 'kbps';
                                    $cdr = $bill_data['bill_cdr'];
                                    $rate_95th = round($rate_95th, 2);
                                    $percent = round($rate_95th / $cdr * 100, 2);
                                    $type = '&amp;95th=yes';