Пример #1
function form_block($name, $item, $value)
    if (!$name || !$item) {
    if (!isset($value) && $item['default_value']) {
        $value = $item['default_value'];
    if ($item['hidden']) {
        $tr_class = 'class="myhide"';
    $title = $item['title'];
    if ($item['required']) {
        $title = '<span class="text-danger">*</span>&nbsp;' . $title;
    $html .= "<tr id='tr{$name}' {$tr_class}>";
    $html .= "<td class='item-label'>{$title}</td><td>";
    if ($item['type'] == 'group') {
        $html .= form_group_edit($name, '', $item['param']['options'], $value, $item['param']['placeholder']);
    } else {
        $html .= form_item($name, $value, $item);
    $html .= "</td>";
    $html .= "</tr>";
    echo $html;
Пример #2
 public function test_input_text_simple()
     $this->assertEquals('<input name="name" type="text" id="name" class="form-control" placeholder="Name">', trim(form_item($r)->text('name')));
     $this->assertEquals('<input name="name" type="text" id="name" class="form-control" placeholder="Name">', trim(self::form_no_chain($r)->text('name')));
     $this->assertEquals('<input name="name" type="text" id="name" class="form-control" placeholder="Name">', trim(self::form_no_chain($r)->text('name', '')));
     $this->assertEquals('<input name="name" type="text" id="name" class="form-control" placeholder="Name">', trim(self::form_no_chain($r)->text('name', '', ['stacked' => 1])));
     $this->assertEquals('<input name="name" type="text" id="name" class="form-control" placeholder="Name">', trim(self::form_no_chain($r)->text('name', '', ['stacked' => 1])));
     $this->assertEquals('<span class="stacked-item"><input name="name" type="text" id="name" class="form-control" placeholder="Name">' . PHP_EOL . '</span>', trim(form('', ['no_form' => 1])->text('name', '', ['stacked' => 1])));
     $this->assertEquals('<input name="name" type="text" id="name" class="form-control" placeholder="Desc">', trim(self::form_no_chain($r)->text('name', ['desc' => 'Desc'])));
     $this->assertEquals('<input name="name" type="text" id="name" class="form-control" placeholder="Desc">', trim(self::form_no_chain($r)->text('name', 'Desc')));
Пример #3
 function _show_for_lang($lang)
     $_GET['page'] = $lang;
     // Needed for html()->tree links
     $all = $this->_get_items($lang);
     $items = [];
     foreach ($all as $a) {
         $items[$a['id']] = ['parent_id' => $a['parent_id'], 'name' => _truncate($a['title'], 60, true, '...'), 'link' => url('/@object/edit/' . $a['id'] . '/@page'), 'active' => $a['active']];
     return html()->tree($items, ['form_action' => url('/@object/save/@id/@page'), 'draggable' => true, 'class_add' => 'no_hide_controls', 'back_link' => '', 'add_link' => url('/@object/add/@id/@page'), 'add_no_ajax' => true, 'no_expand' => true, 'opened_levels' => 10, 'show_controls' => function ($id, $item) {
         $form = form_item($item + ['add_link' => url('/@object/add/' . $id . '/@page'), 'edit_link' => url('/@object/edit/' . $id . '/@page'), 'delete_link' => url('/@object/delete/' . $id . '/@page'), 'active_link' => url('/@object/active/' . $id . '/@page')]);
         return implode(PHP_EOL, [$form->tbl_link_add(['hide_text' => 1, 'no_ajax' => 1]), $form->tbl_link_edit(['hide_text' => 1, 'no_ajax' => 1]), $form->tbl_link_delete(['hide_text' => 1, 'no_ajax' => 1]), $form->tbl_link_active()]);
Пример #4
 function modal()
     return _class('html')->modal(['inline' => 1, 'show_close' => 1, 'header' => 'Modal header', 'body' => '<p>Some body</p>', 'footer' => form_item()->save()]);
Пример #5
function form_radios($title, $name, $value, $options, $description = 0)
    if (count($options) > 0) {
        $output = '';
        foreach ($options as $key => $choice) {
            $output .= form_radio($choice, $name, $key, $key == $value);
        return form_item($title, $output, $description);
Пример #6
function login_page()
    echo '<form role="form" action="hl.php" method="get">
        <input type="hidden" name="action" value="login">
    form_item("Authenticator:", "text", "auth", "");
Пример #7
     * This pure-php method needed to greatly speedup page rendering time for 100+ items
    function _tree_items(&$data, $extra = [])
        if ($extra['show_controls'] && !is_callable($extra['show_controls'])) {
            $r = ['edit_link' => isset($extra['edit_link']) ? $extra['edit_link'] : url('/@object/edit_item/%d/@page'), 'delete_link' => isset($extra['delete_link']) ? $extra['delete_link'] : url('/@object/delete_item/%d/@page'), 'clone_link' => isset($extra['clone_link']) ? $extra['clone_link'] : url('/@object/clone_item/%d/@page')];
            $form_controls = form_item($r)->tbl_link_edit() . form_item($r)->tbl_link_delete() . form_item($r)->tbl_link_clone();
        $opened_levels = isset($extra['opened_levels']) ? $extra['opened_levels'] : 1;
        $is_draggable = isset($extra['draggable']) ? $extra['draggable'] : true;
        $keys = array_keys($data);
        $keys_counter = array_flip($keys);
        $items = [];
        $ul_opened = false;
        foreach ((array) $data as $id => $item) {
            $next_item = $data[$keys[$keys_counter[$id] + 1]];
            $has_children = false;
            $close_li = 1;
            $close_ul = 0;
            if ($next_item) {
                if ($next_item['level'] > $item['level']) {
                    $has_children = true;
                $close_li = $item['level'] - $next_item['level'] + 1;
                if ($close_li < 0) {
                    $close_li = 0;
            $expander_icon = '';
            if ($has_children) {
                $expander_icon = $item['level'] >= $opened_levels ? 'icon-caret-right fa fa-caret-right' : 'icon-caret-down fa fa-caret-down';
            $content = ($item['icon_class'] ? '<i class="' . $item['icon_class'] . '"></i>' : '') . $item['name'];
            if ($item['link']) {
                $content = '<a href="' . $item['link'] . '">' . $content . '</a>';
            if (is_callable($extra['show_controls'])) {
                $func = $extra['show_controls'];
                $controls = $func($id, $item);
            } else {
                $controls = $extra['show_controls'] ? str_replace('%d', $id, $form_controls) : '';
            $badge = $item['badge'] ? ' <sup class="badge badge-' . ($item['class_badge'] ?: 'info') . '">' . $item['badge'] . '</sup>' : '';
            $controls_style = 'float:right;' . ($extra['class_add'] != 'no_hide_controls' ? 'display:none;' : '');
            $items[] = '
				<li id="item_' . $id . '"' . (!$is_draggable ? ' class="not_draggable"' : '') . '>
					<div class="dropzone"></div>
						<a href="' . $item['link'] . '" class="expander"><i class="icon ' . $expander_icon . '"></i></a>&nbsp;' . $content . $badge . ($is_draggable ? '&nbsp;<span class="move" title="' . t('Move') . '"><i class="icon icon-move fa fa-arrows"></i></span>' : '') . ($controls ? '<div style="' . $controls_style . '" class="controls_over">' . $controls . '</div>' : '') . '</dl>';
            if ($has_children) {
                $ul_opened = true;
                $items[] = PHP_EOL . '<ul class="' . ($item['level'] >= $opened_levels ? 'closed' : '') . '">' . PHP_EOL;
            } elseif ($close_li) {
                if ($ul_opened && !$has_children && $item['level'] != $next_item['level']) {
                    $ul_opened = false;
                    $close_ul = 1;
                $tmp = str_repeat(PHP_EOL . ($close_ul ? '</li></ul>' : '</li>') . PHP_EOL, $close_li);
                if ($close_li > 1 && $close_ul) {
                    $tmp = substr($tmp, 0, -strlen('</ul>' . PHP_EOL)) . PHP_EOL;
                $items[] = $tmp;
        return $items;
Пример #8
 function generateConfirm($game, $edit)
     if (!$this->can_edit) {
         error_exit("You do not have permission to edit this game");
     $dataInvalid = $this->isDataInvalid($edit);
     $s = new Spirit();
     $home_spirit = $s->as_formbuilder();
     $away_spirit = $s->as_formbuilder();
     $win = variable_get('default_winning_score', 6);
     $lose = variable_get('default_losing_score', 0);
     switch ($edit['status']) {
         case 'home_default':
             $edit['home_score'] = "{$lose} (defaulted)";
             $edit['away_score'] = $win;
         case 'away_default':
             $edit['home_score'] = $win;
             $edit['away_score'] = "{$lose} (defaulted)";
         case 'forfeit':
             $edit['home_score'] = '0 (forfeit)';
             $edit['away_score'] = '0 (forfeit)';
         case 'normal':
             $dataInvalid .= $home_spirit->answers_invalid();
             $dataInvalid .= $away_spirit->answers_invalid();
     if ($dataInvalid) {
         error_exit($dataInvalid . "<br>Please use your back button to return to the form, fix these errors, and try again");
     $output = para("You have made the changes below for the {$game->game_date} {$game->game_start} game between {$game->home_name} and {$game->away_name}.  ");
     $output .= para("If this is correct, please click 'Submit' to continue.  If not, use your back button to return to the previous page and correct the score.");
     $output .= form_hidden('edit[step]', 'perform');
     $output .= form_hidden('edit[status]', $edit['status']);
     $output .= form_hidden('edit[home_score]', $edit['home_score']);
     $output .= form_hidden('edit[away_score]', $edit['away_score']);
     $score_group .= form_item("Home ({$game->home_name} [rated: {$game->rating_home}]) Score", $edit['home_score']);
     $score_group .= form_item("Away ({$game->away_name} [rated: {$game->rating_away}]) Score", $edit['away_score']);
     $output .= form_group("Scoring", $score_group);
     if ($edit['status'] == 'normal') {
         $output .= form_group("Spirit assigned to home ({$game->home_name})", $home_spirit->render_viewable());
         $output .= $home_spirit->render_hidden('home');
         $output .= form_group("Spirit assigned to away ({$game->away_name})", $away_spirit->render_viewable());
         $output .= $away_spirit->render_hidden('away');
     $output .= para(form_submit('submit'));
     return form($output);
Пример #9
 function confirm(&$edit)
     switch ($edit['type']) {
         case 'single':
         case 'oneset':
         case 'oneset_ratings_ladder':
         case 'blankset':
         case 'fullround':
         case 'halfroundstandings':
         case 'halfroundrating':
             error_exit("Please don't try to do that; it won't work, you fool");
     $output = "<p>The following information will be used to create your games:</p>";
     $output .= form_hidden('edit[step]', 'perform');
     $output .= form_hidden('edit[type]', $edit['type']);
     $output .= form_hidden('edit[startdate]', $edit['startdate']);
     $output .= form_hidden('edit[publish]', $edit['publish'] == 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no');
     $num_teams = count($this->league->teams) - count($edit['excludeTeamID']);
     $output .= form_item('What', $this->types[$edit['type']]);
     $output .= form_item('Start date', strftime("%A %B %d %Y", $edit['startdate']));
     if (isset($edit['excludeTeamID'])) {
         $counter = 0;
         $excludes = "";
         foreach ($edit['excludeTeamID'] as $teamid) {
             $excludes .= $this->league->teams[$teamid]->name . "<br>";
             $output .= form_hidden("edit[excludeTeamID][{$counter}]", $teamid);
         $output .= form_item('Teams to exclude:', "<b>{$excludes}</b>");
     $output .= form_submit('Create Games', 'submit');
     return form($output);
Пример #10
Görüş ve önerilerinizi bizimle paylaşmanız sitemizin büyümesine ve aradığınız bilgi ve özelliklerin
sitemizde yer almasına katkı sağlayacaktır.
<hr />
echo form_open(uri_string(), array('class' => 'yform full'));
echo form_item('name', 'Adınız');
echo form_item('email', 'E-Posta Adresiniz');
echo form_item('message', 'Mesajınız', 'textarea', array('rows' => 10));
<div class="actions">
    <button type="submit" class="btn primary">Gönder</button>
echo form_close();
Пример #11
echo form_item('site_description', 'Anasayfa Description', 'textarea', array('rows' => 2, 'value' => set_value('site_description', get_option('site_description'))));
echo form_item('site_keywords', 'Anasayfa Keywords', 'input', array('value' => set_value('site_keywords', get_option('site_keywords'))));
echo form_item('google_verify', 'Google doğrulama kodu', 'input', array('value' => set_value('google_verify', get_option('google_verify'))));
    <div id="other" class="tab-pane">
echo form_item('feedburner_username', 'Feedburner Kullanıcı Adı', 'input', array('value' => set_value('feedburner_username', get_option('feedburner_username'))));
echo form_item('analytics_id', 'Google Analytics ID (UA-XXXXX-X)', 'input', array('value' => set_value('analytics_id', get_option('analytics_id'))));
echo form_item('disqus', 'Disqus Hesabı', 'input', array('value' => set_value('disqus', get_option('disqus'))));
echo form_item('disqus_api_key', 'Disqus API Key', 'input', array('value' => set_value('disqus_api_key', get_option('disqus_api_key'))));
<div class="actions">
    <button type="submit" class="btn primary">Gönder</button>
echo form_close();
Пример #12
    echo form_fieldset_close();
    echo form_fieldset('Yönetici Bilgileri');
    echo form_item('name', 'İsim');
    echo form_item('email', 'E-Posta');
    echo form_item('password', 'Yeni Şifre', 'password');
    echo form_item('confirm_password', 'Yeni Şifre Tekrarı', 'password');
    echo form_hidden('permissions[:all:]', 1);
    echo form_fieldset_close();
                            <div class="actions">
                                <button type="submit" class="btn primary">Gönder</button>
    echo form_close();
Пример #13

return function () {
    return implode(PHP_EOL, [form_item()->country_box(['selected' => 'US', 'renderer' => 'div_box']), form_item()->language_box(['selected' => 'ru', 'renderer' => 'div_box']), form_item()->currency_box(['selected' => 'UAH', 'renderer' => 'div_box']), form_item()->timezone_box(['selected' => 'UTC', 'renderer' => 'div_box'])]);
Пример #14
 function balance()
     $object =& $this->object;
     $action =& $this->action;
     $filter_name =& $this->filter_name;
     $filter =& $this->filter;
     $url =& $this->url;
     $user_id = (int) $_GET['user_id'];
     $account_id = (int) $_GET['account_id'];
     $url_back = url_admin('/@object');
     $payment_api = _class('payment_api');
     $payment_status = $payment_api->get_status();
     // check id: user, operation
     if ($user_id > 0) {
         $user_info = user($user_id);
         if ($account_id > 0) {
             list($account_id, $account) = $payment_api->get_account__by_id(['account_id' => $account_id]);
         } else {
             list($account_id, $account) = $payment_api->account(['user_id' => $user_id]);
     } else {
         common()->message_error('Не определен пользователь', ['translate' => false]);
         $form = form()->link('Назад', $url_back, ['class' => 'btn', 'icon' => 'fa fa-chevron-left']);
         return $form;
     // prepare url
     $url_form_action = url_admin(['object' => $object, 'action' => $action, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'account_id' => $account_id]);
     $url_operation = url_admin(['object' => $object, 'action' => 'operation', 'user_id' => $user_id, 'account_id' => $account_id]);
     // prepare provider
     $providers = $payment_api->provider(['all' => true]);
     $items = [];
     foreach ($providers as $i => $item) {
         $items[$item['name']] = $item['title'];
     $providers_form = $items;
     // prepare form
     $replace = ['amount' => null, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'provider_name' => 'administration', 'account_id' => $account_id, 'form_action' => $url_form_action, 'redirect_link' => $url_operation, 'back_link' => $url_back];
     // $replace += $_POST + $data;
     $replace += $_POST;
     $form = form($replace, ['autocomplete' => 'off'])->validate(['amount' => 'trim|required|numeric|greater_than[0]', 'provider_name' => 'trim|required'])->on_validate_ok(function ($data, $extra, $rules) use(&$user_id, &$account_id, &$account) {
         $payment_api = _class('payment_api');
         $provider_name = $_POST['provider_name'];
         $provider_name = empty($provider_name) ? 'administration' : $provider_name;
         $operation = $_POST['operation'];
         if ($operation == 'payment') {
             $provider_name = 'administration';
         $options = ['user_id' => $user_id, 'account_id' => $account_id, 'amount' => $_POST['amount'], 'operation_title' => $_POST['title'], 'operation' => $operation, 'provider_name' => $provider_name, 'is_balance_limit_lower' => false];
         $result = $payment_api->transaction($options);
         if (!empty($result['form'])) {
             $form = $result['form'] . '<script>document.forms[0].submit();</script>';
             echo $form;
         if ($result['status'] === true) {
             $message = 'message_success';
             if (empty($account_id)) {
                 $new_account = true;
                 list($account_id, $account) = $payment_api->get_account();
         } else {
             $message = 'message_error';
         common()->{$message}($result['status_message'], ['translate' => false]);
         if (!$is_account) {
             $url = url_admin(['object' => $_GET['object'], 'action' => $_GET['action'], 'user_id' => $user_id, 'account_id' => $account_id]);
             return js_redirect($url);
     })->float('amount', 'Сумма')->text('title', 'Название')->select_box('provider_name', $providers_form, ['show_text' => 1, 'desc' => 'Провайдер', 'tip' => 'Выбрать провайдера возможно только для пополнения. Списание возможно только от Администратора.'])->row_start(['desc' => 'Операция'])->submit('operation', 'deposition', ['desc' => 'Пополнить'])->submit('operation', 'payment', ['desc' => 'Списать', 'tip' => 'Списание возможно только от Администратора.'])->row_end();
     if ($account_id > 0) {
         // fetch operations
         $operation_options = ['user_id' => $user_id, 'account_id' => $account_id, 'no_limit' => true, 'no_order_by' => true, 'sql' => true];
         $sql = $this->_operation_sql($operation_options);
         if (empty($filter)) {
             $filter = ['order_by' => 'datetime_update', 'order_direction' => 'desc'];
         // operations table
         $table = $this->_operation_table(['filter' => $filter, 'sql' => $sql, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'payment_status' => $payment_status, 'providers' => $providers]);
     } else {
         if (!$_POST['amount']) {
             common()->message_warning('Счет не определен', ['translate' => false]);
     $balance = '';
     $currency_str = '';
     $back = form_item()->link('Назад', $url_back, ['class' => 'btn', 'icon' => 'fa fa-chevron-left']);
     if ($account) {
         list($currency_id, $currency) = $payment_api->get_currency__by_id($account);
         $currency && ($currency_str = ' ' . $currency['short']);
         $balance = $account['balance'];
     $user = user($user_id);
     $url_user = a('/members/edit/' . $user_id, $user['name']);
     $replace += ['user' => $user, 'url_user' => $url_user, 'balance' => ['amount' => $balance, 'currency' => $currency_str]];
     $header = tpl()->parse('manage_payment/balance_header', $replace);
     $result = $header . $form . '<hr>' . $table;
     return $result;
Пример #15
        $("#sort tbody").sortable({
            opacity: 0.6,
            cursor: "move",
            helper: fixHelper
        var fixHelper = function(e, ui) {
        ui.children().each(function() {$(this).width($(this).width());});
        return ui;
', 'assets/js/jquery.ui.js');
$access_level = array('0' => 'Herkes', '1' => 'Üye Olmayanlar', '2' => 'Üyeler', '3' => 'Yöneticiler');
$target = array('' => 'Aynı Sayfada', 'blank' => 'Yeni Sayfada');
echo form_open_multipart($this->uri->uri_string());
echo form_item('title', 'Menü Adı', 'input', array('value' => set_value('title', isset($title) ? $title : '')));
echo form_item('slug', 'Menü Etiketi', 'input', array('value' => set_value('slug', isset($slug) ? $slug : '')));
<table class="zebra-striped" id="sort">
            <th>Kimler Görebilir?</th>
            <th>Açılma Şekli</th>
            <th><a class="btn add" onclick="add_row();">Ekle</a></th>
$i = 0;
Пример #16

CKEDITOR.instances["content"].on("instanceReady", function(){
    this.document.on("keyup", function(){CKEDITOR.instances.content.updateElement();});
    this.document.on("paste", function(){CKEDITOR.instances.content.updateElement();});
', 'assets/ckeditor/ckeditor.js');
echo form_open_multipart($this->uri->uri_string(), array('class' => 'yform full'));
echo form_item('title', 'Sayfa başlığı', 'input', array('value' => set_value('title', isset($title) ? $title : '')));
echo form_item('content', 'Sayfa içeriği', 'textarea', array('rows' => 50, 'value' => set_value('content', isset($content) ? $content : '')));
echo form_item('meta_title', 'Meta title', 'input', array('value' => set_value('meta_title', isset($meta_title) ? $meta_title : '')));
echo form_item('meta_description', 'Meta description', 'textarea', array('rows' => 4, 'value' => set_value('meta_description', isset($meta_description) ? $meta_description : '')));
echo form_item('meta_keyword', 'Anahtar kelimeler', 'textarea', array('rows' => 4, 'value' => set_value('meta_keyword', isset($meta_keyword) ? $meta_keyword : '')));
<div class="actions">
    <button type="submit" class="btn primary">Gönder</button>
echo form_close();
Пример #17
  * Render for maintenance of the form.
 function render_maintenance()
     // Remember the last sort order found, new question defaults to one past
     $sorder = 0;
     $output = form_hidden('edit[step]', 'confirm');
     while (list(, $q) = each($this->_questions)) {
         $output .= question_render_maintenance($q);
         $sorder = $q->sorder;
         // assume they're in order
     // Add a form group for adding a new element
     $element = form_textfield('Element name', "data[_new][name]", '', 60, 60, 'If this is blank, no new element will be added');
     $element .= form_textarea('Element text', "data[_new][question]", '', 60, 5);
     $element .= form_textfield('Sort order', "data[_new][sorder]", $sorder + 1, 10, 10);
     $element .= form_checkbox('Required', "data[_new][required]", 1, false, 'Does this element require an answer? (Ignored for checkboxes, labels and descriptions)');
     $type = form_radio('Text field', 'data[_new][type]', 'textfield', true, 'A single line of text');
     $type .= form_radio('Text area', 'data[_new][type]', 'freetext', false, 'A 60x5 text box');
     $type .= form_radio('Multiple choice', 'data[_new][type]', 'multiplechoice', false, 'Multiple choice, answers can be defined later.');
     $type .= form_radio('Checkbox', 'data[_new][type]', 'checkbox', false, 'A true/false checkbox.');
     $type .= form_radio('Label', 'data[_new][type]', 'label', false, 'Not a question, used for inserting a label anywhere (e.g. before a checkbox group).');
     $type .= form_radio('Description', 'data[_new][type]', 'description', false, 'Not a question, a block of descriptive text.');
     $element .= form_item('Element type', $type);
     $output .= form_group("Add a new element", $element);
     $output .= form_submit('Submit');
     $output .= form_reset('Reset');
     return form($output);