function api_user() { $user_sso = $this->ci->facebook->user(); if (isset($user_sso) && isset($user_sso->__resp) && !empty($user_sso->__resp->data)) { $user_sso = @$user_sso->__resp->data; } else { return array(); } $user = array('sso_facebook' => $user_sso->id, 'username' => 'twitter_' . $user_sso->id); if ($this->facebook_download_picture) { $pic_types = array('small', 'normal', 'large', 'square'); foreach ($pic_types as $pic_type) { @mkdir('data/user/image/' . $pic_type, 0777, true); fork('wget "' . $user_sso->id . '/picture?type=' . $pic_type . '" -O "./data/user/image/' . $pic_type . '/fb_' . $user_sso->id . '"'); } $user['image'] = 'user/image/fb_' . $user_sso->id; } else { $user['image'] = '' . $user_sso->id . '/picture'; } $user['email'] = $user_sso->email; $user['first_name'] = $user_sso->first_name; $user['last_name'] = $user_sso->last_name; $user['address'] = $user_sso->location->name; $user['locale'] = $user_sso->locale; $user['sso_verified'] = $user_sso->verified; $genders = array('male' => 1, 'female' => 2); $user['gender'] = empty($user_sso->gender) ? 0 : $genders[$user_sso->gender]; if (!empty($user_sso->timezone)) { $this->ci->load->helper('date'); $timezones = timezones(); if ($user_sso->timezone > 0) { $t = '+' . $user_sso->timezone; } else { $t = '-' . abs($user_sso->timezone); } $timezone = 'UTC'; foreach ($timezones as $key => $val) { if ($t == $val) { $timezone = $key; break; } } $user['timezone'] = $timezone; } else { $user['timezone'] = 'UTC'; } if (!empty($user_sso->birthday)) { $b = $user_sso->birthday; $e = explode('/', $b); if (count($e) == 3) { $user['dob'] = $e[2] . '-' . $e[0] . '-' . $e[1]; } else { $user['dob'] = ''; } } $db_user = $this->ci->_model('user')->get_login(array('sso_facebook' => $user['sso_facebook'])); $user['row_status'] = empty($db_user) ? 'new' : 'existing'; return $user; }
force_authentication(); do_header(_("editar noticia"), "post"); do_banner_top(); echo '<div id="container-wide">' . "\n"; echo '<div id="genericform-contents">' . "\n"; if (!empty($_REQUEST['id']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['id'])) { $linkres = new Link(); $linkres->id = $link_id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); $linkres->read(); if (!$linkres->is_editable() || intval($_GET['user'] != $current_user->user_id)) { echo '<div class="form-error-submit"> ' . _("noticia no modificable") . '</div>' . "\n"; return; } if ($_POST['phase'] == "1") { do_save(); fork("backend/send_pingbacks.php?id={$linkres->id}"); } else { do_edit(); } } else { echo '<div class="form-error-submit"> ' . _("¿duh?") . '</div>'; } echo "</div>"; do_footer(); function do_edit() { global $linkres, $dblang, $db, $current_user; $link_title = trim($linkres->title); $link_content = trim($linkres->content); $link_tags = htmlspecialchars(trim($linkres->tags)); $link_url = $linkres->url;
function do_submit3() { global $db, $current_user; $linkres=new Link; $linkres->id=$link_id = intval($_POST['id']); if(!check_link_key() || !$linkres->read()) die; // Check it is not in the queue already if ($linkres->duplicates($linkres->url)) { // Write headers, they were not printed yet do_header(_("enviar noticia"), "post"); echo '<div id="singlewrap">' . "\n"; report_dupe($linkres->url); return; } // Check this one was not already queued if($linkres->votes == 0 && $linkres->status != 'queued') { $db->transaction(); $linkres->status='queued'; $linkres->sent_date = $linkres->date=time(); $linkres->get_uri(); $linkres->store(); $linkres->insert_vote($current_user->user_karma); $db->commit(); // Add the new link log/event require_once(mnminclude.'log.php'); log_conditional_insert('link_new', $linkres->id, $linkres->author); $db->query("delete from links where link_author = $linkres->author and link_date > date_sub(now(), interval 30 minute) and link_status='discard' and link_votes=0"); if(!empty($_POST['trackback'])) { $trackres = new Trackback; $trackres->url=clean_input_url($_POST['trackback']); $trackres->link_id=$linkres->id; $trackres->link=$linkres->url; $trackres->author=$linkres->author; $trackres->status = 'pendent'; $trackres->store(); } fork("backend/send_pingbacks.php?id=$linkres->id"); } header('Location: '. $linkres->get_permalink()); die; }
function controllerRouterFork($routerId, $mode, $userid = false) { $result = fork("./updaterouter.php", "{$routerId} {$mode} {$userid}"); $colonPos = strpos($result, '::'); $resultType = substr($result, 0, $colonPos); $resultValue = substr($result, $colonPos + 2); switch ($resultType) { case 'array': case 'object': $resultValue = json_decode($resultValue); break; case 'bool': $resultValue = $resultValue === 'true'; break; case 'integer': case 'double': $resultValue = floatval($resultValue); break; case 'NULL': $resultValue = null; break; } return $resultValue; }
// Write the data to the sync file for the parent process to read from file_put_contents(SYNC_FILE, serialize(array('assetids' => $batched_assetids, 'contextids' => $contextids))); exit; } //end child process // Get the assetid data from the child process $data = unserialize(file_get_contents(SYNC_FILE)); $batched_assetids = $data['assetids']; $all_contextids = $data['contextids']; echo "Batch size: " . $BATCH_SIZE . "\n"; echo "Total assets to reindex: " . (count($batched_assetids, COUNT_RECURSIVE) - count($batched_assetids)) . "\n\n"; if (!empty($batched_assetids)) { echo "Reindexing ..."; // Reindex each batch in the seperate process foreach ($batched_assetids as $assetids) { $pid = fork(); if (!$pid) { require_once $SYSTEM_ROOT . '/core/include/'; $root_user = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getSystemAsset('root_user'); $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->setCurrentUser($root_user); $sm = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getSystemAsset('search_manager'); // Child process foreach ($all_contextids as $contextid) { $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->changeContext($contextid); foreach ($assetids as $assetid) { $asset = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getAsset($assetid); if (is_null($asset)) { continue; } $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->changeDatabaseConnection('db2'); $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->doTransaction('BEGIN');
use function jubianchi\async\time\{delay}; use jubianchi\async\socket; $address = ''; $port = $_SERVER['argv'][1] ?? 1337; $queue = []; $start = function ($socket, $address, $port) use(&$queue) { socket_bind($socket, $address, $port); socket_listen($socket, 0); socket_set_nonblock($socket); $index = 0; $cancel = false; while ($cancel == false) { $client = socket_accept($socket); if ($client) { echo '> Got client...' . PHP_EOL; $queue[] = (function () use($index, $client, $address, $port) { echo '> Handling request #' . $index . '...' . PHP_EOL; $response = 'Hello World!'; $output = 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' . "\r\n" . 'Date: ' . date("D, j M Y G:i:s T") . "\r\n" . 'Server: AsyncGenerator/1.0.0 (PHP ' . phpversion() . ')' . "\r\n" . 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($response) . "\r\n" . 'Content-Type: text/plain' . "\r\n" . "\r\n" . $response . "\r\n"; yield from delay(1000); yield from socket\write($client, $output, 5); socket_close($client); })(); echo '> Client request #' . $index++ . ' queued...' . PHP_EOL; } $cancel = yield; } socket_close($socket); }; await(race($start(socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0), $address, $port), fork($queue)));
/** * Regenerate the content files in the file system * * @param array $assets_data Asset that needs content regeneration * Array( * 'bodycopy_content_file' => Array(<bodycopy container assetids>), * 'metadata_file' => Array(<assetids>), * 'design_file' => Array(<design assetids>), * ) * @param array $contextids * * @return void */ function regenerate_filesystem_content($assets_data, $contextids) { global $SYSTEM_ROOT; echo "\n"; foreach ($assets_data as $type => $assets_batch) { if (empty($assets_batch)) { continue; } echo "Regenerating the " . str_replace('_', ' ', $type) . " ..."; foreach ($assets_batch as $assetids) { $pid = fork(); if (!$pid) { // Do the stuff in the child process require_once $SYSTEM_ROOT . '/core/include/'; $root_user = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getSystemAsset('root_user'); $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->setCurrentUser($root_user); $mm = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->getMetadataManager(); $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->setRunLevel(SQ_RUN_LEVEL_FORCED); $processed_design_assetids = array(); foreach ($contextids as $contextid) { $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->changeContext($contextid); foreach ($assetids as $assetid) { $asset = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getAsset($assetid); if (is_null($asset)) { continue; } if ($type == 'bodycopy_content_file') { // Its a bodycopy container asset $bodycopy_container_edit_fns = $asset->getEditFns(); $bodycopy_container_edit_fns->generateContentFile($asset); } else { if ($type == 'metadata_file') { // Do not trigger "update asset" event when regenerating metadata $mm->regenerateMetadata($assetid, NULL, FALSE); } else { // Design parse file are not contextable, so just go for once for design parse file generation if (isset($processed_design_assetids[$assetid])) { continue; } // If we're not a design for some reason, continue if (!$asset instanceof Design) { continue; } $design_edit_fns = $asset->getEditFns(); // Take care of parse file contents $parse_file = $asset->data_path . '/parse.txt'; if (is_file($parse_file)) { $parse_file_content = file_get_contents($parse_file); if (isValidValue($parse_file_content)) { // If file content is already valid, we are done here continue; } $converted_content = @iconv(SYS_OLD_ENCODING, SYS_NEW_ENCODING . '//IGNORE', $parse_file_content); if (isValidValue($converted_content)) { if (!file_put_contents($parse_file, $converted_content)) { echo "\nCould not update the parse file content for the asset #" . $asset->id . "\n"; } } else { echo "\nCould not convert the parse file content for the asset #" . $asset->id . "\n"; } } // Parse and process the design, if successful generate the design file if (@$design_edit_fns->parseAndProcessFile($asset)) { @$asset->generateDesignFile(false); } // Update respective design customisations $customisation_links = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getLinks($assetid, SQ_LINK_TYPE_2, 'design_customisation', true, 'major', 'customisation'); foreach ($customisation_links as $link) { $customisation = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getAsset($link['minorid'], $link['minor_type_code']); if (is_null($customisation)) { continue; } @$customisation->updateFromParent($asset); $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->forgetAsset($customisation); } // Mark that we have processed the affected design's the parse file $processed_design_assetids[$asset->id] = 1; } } $asset = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->forgetAsset($asset); echo "."; } //end foreach assetids $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->restoreContext(); } //end foreach contexts $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->restoreRunLevel(); $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->restoreCurrentUser(); exit; } //end child process } //end foreach asset batch echo " done.\n"; } //end foreach type }
function enqueue() { global $db, $globals, $current_user; // Check this one was not already queued if ($this->votes == 0 && $this->author == $current_user->user_id && $this->status != 'queued') { $this->status = 'queued'; $this->sent_date = $this->date = time(); $this->get_uri(); $db->transaction(); if (!$this->store()) { $db->rollback(); return false; } $this->insert_vote($current_user->user_karma); // Add the new link log/event Log::conditional_insert('link_new', $this->id, $this->author); $db->query("delete from links where link_author = {$this->author} and link_date > date_sub(now(), interval 30 minute) and link_status='discard' and link_votes=0"); if (!empty($_POST['trackback'])) { $trackres = new Trackback(); $trackres->url = clean_input_url($_POST['trackback']); $trackres->link_id = $this->id; $trackres->link = $this->url; $trackres->author = $this->author; $trackres->status = 'pendent'; $trackres->store(); } $db->commit(); fork("backend/send_pingbacks.php?id={$this->id}"); } } This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program; if not, see or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA --> */ include 'fork.php'; $filename = Nexista_Path::get('_files/file/name', 'flow'); /* FIXME */ $file = ''; $c_root = $b_path . '$filename'; $c_ppm = $c_root . '-000001.ppm'; $ext = '.png'; $bitmap_file = $file . $ext; $bitmap_filename = $filename . $ext; Nexista_Flow::add('bitmap_filename', $filename); /* This requires pdftoppm, from xpdf */ $my_commands = "pdftoppm {$file} -r 288 {$c_root} && \\\nconvert {$c_ppm} -resize 25% -quality 75% -interlace none {$bitmap_file} && \\\nrm {$c_ppm}"; fork($my_commands);
function updateAddon($curseAddonID) { global $debug, $baseURL, $currentDateTime, $addonName, $ourAddonName, $zipURL, $addonURL, $currentVersion, $currentDownloadID; require 'config.php'; $addonInfo = parseXML(fetchAddonXML($curseAddonID)); $addonName = $addonInfo[0]; $addonURL = $addonInfo[1]; $currentDownloadID = $addonInfo[2]; $currentVersion = $addonInfo[3]; $zipURL = $addonInfo[4]; $currentDateTime = getDateTime(); $query = "SELECT lastDownloadID from amz_addonsList WHERE curseAddonID=" . $curseAddonID; $result = mysql_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $lastDownloadID = trim($row['lastDownloadID']); } $query = "UPDATE amz_addonsList SET addonName='{$addonName}', addonURL='{$addonURL}', version='{$currentVersion}', lastUpdateDateTime='{$currentDateTime['0']}', lastUpdateDateTimeHuman='{$currentDateTime['1']}' WHERE curseAddonID={$curseAddonID}"; if ($debug) { echo $query . "<br />"; } $updatesult = mysql_query($query); if ($debug && !$updateResult) { die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); } if ($currentDownloadID != $lastDownloadID) { $updatedNeeded = true; } if (!file_exists($baseURL . 'cachedZips/' . $addonName . '.zip')) { $updatedNeeded = true; } if (!file_exists($baseURL . 'cachedZips/' . $addonName . '.dir') && !$updatedNeeded) { fork('unzip -d "' . $baseURL . 'cachedZips/' . $addonName . '.dir" "' . $baseURL . 'cachedZips/' . $addonName . '.zip"'); } if (!file_exists($baseURL . 'cachedZips/' . $addonName . '.dir/versions/' . $addonName . '.md5') && !$updatedNeeded) { md5Addon($addonName); } if (!$updatedNeeded) { return false; } $_SESSION['addonName'] = $addonName; $_SESSION['curseAddonID'] = $curseAddonID; $_SESSION['addonSize'] = getContentLength($zipURL); touch($baseURL . $curseAddonID . "InProgress"); fork('wget -O "' . $baseURL . 'cachedZips/' . $addonName . '.zip" ' . $zipURL . ' && rm ' . $baseURL . $curseAddonID . 'InProgress && rm -rf "' . $baseURL . 'cachedZips/' . $addonName . '.dir"; unzip -d "' . $baseURL . 'cachedZips/' . $addonName . '.dir" "' . $baseURL . 'cachedZips/' . $addonName . '.zip" && md5 "' . $baseURL . 'cachedZips/' . $addonName . '.zip" -out "' . $baseURL . 'cachedZips/' . $addonName . '.dir/md5checksum.txt"'); if (addonExists($curseAddonID)) { $query = "UPDATE amz_addonsList SET addonName='{$addonName}', version='{$currentVersion}', addonURL='{$addonURL}', lastDownloadID={$currentDownloadID}, lastDownloadDateTime='{$currentDateTime['0']}', lastDownloadDateTimeHuman='{$currentDateTime['1']}', lastUpdateDateTime='{$currentDateTime['0']}', lastUpdateDateTimeHuman='{$currentDateTime['1']}' WHERE curseAddonID={$curseAddonID}"; } else { $query = "INSERT INTO amz_addonsList (curseAddonID, addonName, version, addonURL, lastDownloadID, lastDownloadDateTime, lastDownloadDateTimeHuman, lastUpdateDateTime, lastUpdateDateTimeHuman) VALUES ({$curseAddonID}, '{$addonName}', '{$currentVersion}', '{$addonURL}', {$currentDownloadID}, '{$currentDateTime['0']}', '{$currentDateTime['1']}', '{$currentDateTime['0']}', '{$currentDateTime['1']}')"; } $result = mysql_query($query); if ($debug && !$result) { die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); } return true; }
function do_submit3() { global $db, $current_user; $linkres = new Link(); $linkres->id = $link_id = intval($_POST['id']); if (!check_link_key() || !$linkres->read()) { die; } // Check it is not in the queue already if ($linkres->votes == 0 && $linkres->status != 'queued') { $linkres->status = 'queued'; $linkres->sent_date = $linkres->date = time(); $linkres->get_uri(); $linkres->store(); $linkres->insert_vote($current_user->user_id, $current_user->user_karma); // Add the new link log/event require_once mnminclude . 'log.php'; log_conditional_insert('link_new', $linkres->id, $linkres->author); $db->query("delete from links where link_author = {$linkres->author} and link_date > date_sub(now(), interval 30 minute) and link_status='discard' and link_votes=0"); if (!empty($_POST['trackback'])) { require_once mnminclude . 'trackback.php'; $trackres = new Trackback(); $trackres->url = clean_input_url($_POST['trackback']); $trackres->link_id = $linkres->id; $trackres->link = $linkres->url; //$trackres->title=$linkres->title; $trackres->author = $linkres->author; //$trackres->content=$linkres->content; $res = $trackres->send($linkres); } fork("backend/send_pingbacks.php?id={$linkres->id}"); } header('Location: ' . $linkres->get_permalink()); die; }
function try_login($login, $password, $mode) { $CI =& get_instance(); $method = empty($mode) ? 'login' : 'login_' . $mode; if ($mode == 'facebook') { $CI->load->library('facebook'); if (!$CI->facebook->logged_in()) { $continue = $CI->_get_redirect(); $CI->session->set_userdata('continue', $continue); $CI->facebook->login(); exit; } else { $user_sso = $CI->facebook->user(); $pic_types = array('small', 'normal', 'large', 'square'); foreach ($pic_types as $pic_type) { @mkdir('data/user/image/' . $pic_type, 0777, true); fork('wget "' . $user_sso->id . '/picture?type=' . $pic_type . '" -O "./data/user/image/' . $pic_type . '/fb_' . $user_sso->id . '"'); } $data = array('sso_facebook' => $user_sso->id, 'email' => $user_sso->email, 'image' => 'user/image/fb_' . $user_sso->id); if (@$user_sso->username != NULL) { $data['username'] = $user_sso->username; } if (@$user_sso->first_name != NULL) { $data['first_name'] = $user_sso->first_name; } if (@$user_sso->last_name != NULL) { $data['last_name'] = $user_sso->last_name; } if (@$user_sso->location != NULL && $user_sso->location->name != NULL) { $data['address'] = $user_sso->location->name; } if (@$user_sso->gender != NULL) { $data['gender'] = $user_sso->gender; } if (@$user_sso->timezone != NULL) { $data['timezone'] = $user_sso->timezone; } if (@$user_sso->locale != NULL) { $data['locale'] = $user_sso->locale; } if (@$user_sso->birthday != NULL) { $b = $user_sso->birthday; $e = explode('/', $b); $data['dob'] = @$e[2] . '-' . @$e[0] . '-' . @$e[1]; } $user = $CI->_model('user')->{$method}($user_sso->id); if (!empty($user)) { if (empty($user['status'])) { redirect('user/denied'); exit; } $CI->_model('user')->save($data, $user['id']); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $user[$key] = $value; } return $user; } else { if (@$user_sso->username == NULL) { $data['username'] = uniqid(); } // FIXME reekoheek to get user by email // username will always be overrided as above $data['password'] = uniqid(); $id = $CI->_model('user')->save($data); $CI->_model('user')->add_user_role($id, 2); $user = $CI->_model('user')->{$method}($user_sso->id); if (!empty($this->hook_after_register)) { foreach ($this->hook_after_register as $cb) { call_user_func($cb, $user); } } return $user; } } } else { if ($mode == 'twitter') { $CI->load->library('tweet'); if (!$CI->tweet->logged_in()) { $CI->tweet->login(); exit; } else { $user_sso = $CI->tweet->call('get', 'account/verify_credentials'); $user = $CI->_model('user')->{$method}($user_sso->id); if (!empty($user)) { return $user; } $name = explode(' ', $user_sso->name); if (empty($name)) { $name = $user_sso->screen_name; } // calback $data = array('sso_twitter' => $user_sso->id, 'username' => uniqid(), 'password' => '', 'first_name' => $name[0], 'last_name' => $name[count($name) - 1]); $CI->_model('user')->save($data); return $CI->_model('user')->{$method}($user_sso->id); } } } return $CI->_model('user')->{$method}($login, $password); }