Пример #1
 public function write($type, $object, $message = '')
     $data = array(0 => '', 1 => '', 2 => '');
     if ($type == self::SKIP_PRODUCT) {
         $product_name = fn_substr($object['product'], 0, 20);
         if (strlen($object['product']) > 20) {
             $product_name .= "...";
         $data[0] = '[SKIP PRODUCT]';
         $data[1] = $object['product_id'] . " (" . $product_name . ") - ";
         $data[2] = $message;
     } elseif ($type == self::INFO) {
         $data[0] = '[INFO]';
         if (!is_array($object)) {
             $data[1] = $object;
         if (!empty($message)) {
             $data[2] = $message;
     if (!fn_is_empty($data)) {
         if ($this->format == 'csv') {
             fwrite($this->file, $this->csv($data) . PHP_EOL);
         } else {
             fwrite($this->file, implode(' ', $data) . PHP_EOL);
 * Smarty truncate modifier plugin
 * Type:     modifier<br>
 * Name:     truncate<br>
 * Purpose:  Truncate a string to a certain length if necessary,
 *           optionally splitting in the middle of a word, and
 *           appending the $etc string or inserting $etc into the middle.
 * @link http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/language.modifier.truncate.php
 *          truncate (Smarty online manual)
 * @author   Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
 * @param string
 * @param integer
 * @param string
 * @param boolean
 * @param boolean
 * @return string
function smarty_modifier_truncate($string, $length = 80, $etc = '...', $break_words = false, $middle = false)
    if ($length == 0) {
        return '';
    if (Registry::get('runtime.customization_mode.translation') && preg_match('/(\\[lang name\\=[\\w-]+?( [pre\\-ajx]*)?\\])(.*?)(\\[\\/lang\\])/is', $string, $matches)) {
        list(, $pre, , $string, $post) = $matches;
    } else {
        $pre = $post = '';
    if (fn_strlen($string) > $length) {
        $length -= min($length, fn_strlen($etc));
        if (!$break_words && !$middle) {
            $string = preg_replace('/\\s+?(\\S+)?$/u', '', fn_substr($string, 0, $length + 1));
        if (!$middle) {
            return fn_substr($string, 0, $length) . $etc;
        } else {
            return fn_substr($string, 0, $length / 2) . $etc . fn_substr($string, -$length / 2);
    } else {
        return $string;
Пример #3
 * Deletes all thumbnails of specified file
 * @param string $filename file name
 * @param string $prefix path prefix
 * @return boolean always true
function fn_delete_image_thumbnails($filename, $prefix = '')
    $filename = fn_substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '.'));
    if (!empty($filename)) {
        Storage::instance('images')->deleteByPattern($prefix . 'thumbnails/*/*/' . $filename . '*');
    return true;
Пример #4
function fn_basename($path, $suffix = '', $encoding = 'UTF-8')
    $basename = explode("/", $path);
    $basename = end($basename);
    if (!empty($suffix) && fn_substr($basename, 0 - fn_strlen($suffix, $encoding), fn_strlen($basename, $encoding), $encoding) == $suffix) {
        $basename = fn_substr($basename, 0, 0 - fn_strlen($suffix, $encoding), $encoding);
    /* Remove query params
           Original: http://somehost.com/images/test.jpg?12345678
           Bad result: test.jpg?12345678
           Correct result: test.jpg
    list($basename) = explode('?', $basename);
    return $basename;
Пример #5
function fn_send_sms_notification($body)
    $access_data = fn_get_sms_auth_data();
    $to = Registry::get('addons.sms_notifications.phone_number');
    if (fn_is_empty($access_data) || empty($to)) {
        return false;
    $concat = Registry::get('addons.sms_notifications.clickatel_concat');
    //get the last symbol
    if (!empty($concat)) {
        $concat = intval($concat[strlen($concat) - 1]);
    if (!in_array($concat, array('1', '2', '3'))) {
        $concat = 1;
    $data = array('user' => $access_data['login'], 'password' => $access_data['password'], 'api_id' => $access_data['api_id'], 'to' => $to, 'concat' => $concat);
    $unicode = Registry::get('addons.sms_notifications.clickatel_unicode') == 'Y' ? 1 : 0;
    if ($concat > 1) {
        $sms_length *= $concat;
        $sms_length -= $concat * SMS_NOTIFICATIONS_SMS_LENGTH_CONCAT;
        // If a message is concatenated, it reduces the number of characters contained in each message by 7
    $body = html_entity_decode($body, ENT_QUOTES);
    $body = fn_substr($body, 0, $sms_length);
    if ($unicode) {
        $data['unicode'] = '1';
        $body = fn_convert_encoding('UTF-8', 'UCS-2', $body);
        $codes = '';
        for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($body); $i++) {
            $codes .= sprintf('%02X', ord($body[$i]));
        $body = $codes;
        $body = urlencode($body);
    $data['text'] = $body;
    fn_http_request('GET', 'http://api.clickatell.com/http/sendmsg', $data);
Пример #6
 // gateway_fast_registration
 $post_data['firstname'] = $order_info['b_firstname'];
 $post_data['lastname'] = $order_info['b_lastname'];
 $post_data['pay_from_email'] = $order_info['email'];
 //$post_data['pay_from_email'] = rand(). "@" . rand() . ".com"; // uncomment to test hide login feature
 $post_data['address'] = $order_info['b_address'];
 $post_data['address2'] = $order_info['b_address_2'];
 $post_data['postal_code'] = $order_info['b_zipcode'];
 $post_data['city'] = $order_info['b_city'];
 $post_data['state'] = fn_get_state_name($order_info['b_state'], $order_info['b_country']);
 if (empty($post_data['state'])) {
     $post_data['state'] = $order_info['b_state'];
 if (fn_strlen($post_data['state']) > 50) {
     $post_data['state'] = fn_substr($post_data['state'], 0, 47) . '...';
 $post_data['country'] = db_get_field('SELECT code_A3 FROM ?:countries WHERE code=?s', $order_info['b_country']);
 $post_data['phone_number'] = $order_info['phone'];
 if ($processor_data['processor_params']['quick_checkout'] == 'Y') {
     $post_data['payment_methods'] = !empty($processor_data['processor_params']['payment_methods']) ? '' : 'ACC';
     $post_data['hide_login'] = '******';
 } else {
     $post_data['payment_methods'] = 'WLT';
     $post_data['hide_login'] = !empty($suffix) ? '1' : '0';
 // split_gateway
 if (!empty($processor_data['processor_params']['payment_methods'])) {
     $post_data['payment_methods'] .= (!empty($post_data['payment_methods']) ? ',' : '') . $processor_data['processor_params']['payment_methods'];
 // /split_gateway
Пример #7
function fn_paypal_substr($str, $maxlen = MAX_PAYPAL_DESCR_LENGTH)
    $str = fn_substr($str, 0, $maxlen);
    if (strlen($str) > $maxlen) {
        $str = fn_substr($str, 0, $maxlen / 2);
    return $str;
Пример #8
function fn_sales_repors_format_description($value, $limit, $id)
    if (strlen($value) > fn_strlen($value)) {
        $limit /= 2;
    return fn_strlen($value) > $limit ? $id . fn_substr($value, 0, $limit) . "..." : $id . $value;
Пример #9
function fn_format_long_string($str, $length)
    if (fn_strlen($str) <= $length) {
        return $str;
    $length = $length - 3;
    return fn_substr($str, 0, $length) . '...';
Пример #10
 * Get products as API list
 * @param array $params
 * @param integer $items_per_page
 * @param string $lang_code
 * @return array array('products' => array(), 'params' => array())
function fn_twg_api_get_products($params, $items_per_page = 10, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE)
    $to_unserialize = array('extend', 'variants');
    foreach ($to_unserialize as $field) {
        if (!empty($params[$field]) && is_string($params[$field])) {
            $params[$field] = unserialize($params[$field]);
    if (empty($params['extend'])) {
        $params['extend'] = array('description');
    if (!empty($params['pid']) && !is_array($params['pid'])) {
        $params['pid'] = explode(',', $params['pid']);
    if (!empty($params['q'])) {
        // search by product code
        $params['ppcode'] = 'Y';
        $params['subcats'] = 'Y';
        $params['status'] = 'A';
        $params['pshort'] = 'Y';
        $params['pfull'] = 'Y';
        $params['pname'] = 'Y';
        $params['pkeywords'] = 'Y';
        $params['search_performed'] = 'Y';
    if (isset($params['company_id']) and $params['company_id'] == 0) {
    if (empty($params['page'])) {
        $params['page'] = 1;
    list($products, $params) = fn_get_products($params, $items_per_page, $lang_code);
    fn_gather_additional_products_data($products, array('get_icon' => true, 'get_detailed' => true, 'get_options' => true, 'get_discounts' => true, 'get_features' => false));
    if (empty($products)) {
        return array(array(), array());
    $product_ids = array();
    $image_params = TwigmoSettings::get('images.catalog');
    foreach ($products as $k => $v) {
        if (!empty($products[$k]['short_description']) || !empty($products[$k]['full_description'])) {
            $products[$k]['short_description'] = !empty($products[$k]['short_description']) ? strip_tags($products[$k]['short_description']) : fn_substr(strip_tags($products[$k]['full_description']), 0, TWG_MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN);
        } else {
            $products[$k]['short_description'] = '';
        $product_ids[] = $v['product_id'];
        // Get product image data
        if (!empty($v['main_pair'])) {
            $products[$k]['icon'] = TwigmoImage::getApiImageData($v['main_pair'], 'product', 'icon', $image_params);
    $category_descr = !empty($product_ids) ? db_get_hash_array("SELECT p.product_id, p.category_id, c.category\n             FROM ?:products_categories AS p, ?:category_descriptions AS c\n             WHERE c.category_id = p.category_id\n             AND c.lang_code = ?s\n             AND p.product_id IN (?a)\n             AND p.link_type = 'M'", 'product_id', $lang_code, $product_ids) : array();
    foreach ($products as $key => $product) {
        if (!empty($product['product_id']) && !empty($category_descr[$product['product_id']])) {
            $products[$key]['category'] = $category_descr[$product['product_id']]['category'];
            $products[$key]['category_id'] = $category_descr[$product['product_id']]['category_id'];
        if (!empty($product['inventory_amount']) && $product['inventory_amount'] > $product['amount']) {
            $products[$key]['amount'] = $product['inventory_amount'];
    $result = Api::getAsList('products', $products);
    return array($result, $params);
Пример #11
 * substr() with full UTF-8 support
 * @param string $string The input string.
 * @param integer $start If start  is non-negative, the returned string will start at the start 'th position in string , counting from zero. If start is negative, the returned string will start at the start 'th character from the end of string.
 * @param integer $length  If length  is given and is positive, the string returned will contain at most length  characters beginning from start  (depending on the length of string ). If length is given and is negative, then that many characters will be omitted from the end of string (after the start position has been calculated when a start is negative). If start denotes a position beyond this truncation, an empty string will be returned. 
 * @param integer $encoding The encoding parameter is the character encoding. If it is omitted, UTF-8 character encoding value will be used.
 * @return mixed Returns the extracted part of string or false if string is less than or equal to start characters long  
function fn_substr($string, $start, $length = null, $encoding = 'UTF-8')
    if (empty($encoding)) {
        $encoding = 'UTF-8';
    if ($length === null) {
        return fn_substr($string, $start, fn_strlen($string, $encoding), $encoding);
    if (function_exists('iconv_substr')) {
        // there was strange bug in iconv_substr when use negative length parameter
        // so we recalculate start and length here
        if ($length < 0) {
            $length = ceil($length);
            $len = iconv_strlen($string, $encoding);
            if ($start < 0) {
                $start += $len;
            $length += $len - $start;
        return iconv_substr($string, $start, $length, $encoding);
    } elseif (function_exists('mb_substr')) {
        return mb_substr($string, $start, $length, $encoding);
    } else {
        preg_match_all('/./su', $string, $ar);
        return join('', array_slice($ar[0], $start, $length));
Пример #12
function fn_basename($path, $suffix = '', $encoding = 'UTF-8')
    $basename = explode("/", $path);
    $basename = end($basename);
    if (!empty($suffix) && fn_substr($basename, 0 - fn_strlen($suffix, $encoding), fn_strlen($basename, $encoding), $encoding) == $suffix) {
        $basename = fn_substr($basename, 0, 0 - fn_strlen($suffix, $encoding), $encoding);
    return $basename;
Пример #13
if ($mode == 'view_all') {
    $filter_id = !empty($_REQUEST['filter_id']) ? $_REQUEST['filter_id'] : 0;
    if (empty($filter_id)) {
        return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_NO_PAGE);
    list($filters) = fn_get_filters_products_count($_REQUEST);
    if (empty($filters[$filter_id])) {
        return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_NO_PAGE);
    $variants = array();
    if (!empty($filters[$filter_id]['variants'])) {
        foreach ($filters[$filter_id]['variants'] as $variant) {
            $variants[fn_substr($variant['variant'], 0, 1)][] = $variant;
    Registry::get('view')->assign('variants', $variants);
} elseif ($mode == 'view') {
    $variant_data = fn_get_product_feature_variant($_REQUEST['variant_id']);
    Registry::get('view')->assign('variant_data', $variant_data);
    // Override meta description/keywords
    if (!empty($variant_data['meta_description']) || !empty($variant_data['meta_keywords'])) {
        Registry::get('view')->assign('meta_description', $variant_data['meta_description']);
        Registry::get('view')->assign('meta_keywords', $variant_data['meta_keywords']);
    // Override page title
    if (!empty($variant_data['page_title'])) {
Пример #14
function fn_sales_repors_format_description($value, $limit, $id)
    return $limit !== null && fn_strlen($value) > $limit ? $id . fn_substr($value, 0, $limit) . "..." : $id . $value;
Пример #15
function fn_rus_unisender_place_order($order_id, $action, $order_status, $cart, $auth)
    if (Registry::get('addons.rus_unisender.send_sms_admin') == 'Y') {
        $admin_phone = Registry::get('addons.rus_unisender.admin_phone');
        if (!empty($admin_phone)) {
            $storefront = fn_get_company_name(fn_get_company_id('orders', 'order_id', $order_id));
            $text = Registry::get('addons.rus_unisender.send_sms_admin_text');
            $text = str_replace('[order_id]', $order_id, $text);
            $text = str_replace('[storefront]', $storefront, $text);
            $post = array('api_key' => Registry::get('addons.rus_unisender.api_key'), 'phone' => $admin_phone, 'sender' => fn_substr(Registry::get('addons.rus_unisender.admin_sender'), 0, 11), 'text' => $text);
            if (!fn_unisender_api('sendSms', $post, $response)) {
                $email = Registry::get('settings.Company.company_site_administrator');
                Mailer::sendMail(array('to' => $email, 'from' => 'company_site_administrator', 'data' => array('phone' => $admin_phone, 'error' => $response), 'tpl' => 'addons/rus_unisender/unisender.tpl', 'company_id' => fn_get_company_id('orders', 'order_id', $order_id)), 'C', CART_LANGUAGE);