function fn_add_product_to_cart($product_data, &$cart, &$auth, $update = false) { $ids = array(); if (!empty($product_data) && is_array($product_data)) { if (!defined('GET_OPTIONS')) { list($product_data, $cart) = fn_add_product_options_files($product_data, $cart, $auth, $update); } fn_set_hook('pre_add_to_cart', $product_data, $cart, $auth, $update); foreach ($product_data as $key => $data) { if (empty($key)) { continue; } if (empty($data['amount'])) { continue; } $data['stored_price'] = !empty($data['stored_price']) && AREA != 'C' ? $data['stored_price'] : 'N'; if (empty($data['extra'])) { $data['extra'] = array(); } $product_id = !empty($data['product_id']) ? $data['product_id'] : $key; // Check if product options exist if (!isset($data['product_options'])) { $data['product_options'] = fn_get_default_product_options($product_id); } // Generate cart id $data['extra']['product_options'] = $data['product_options']; $_id = fn_generate_cart_id($product_id, $data['extra'], false); if (isset($data['extra']['exclude_from_calculate'])) { if (!empty($cart['products'][$key]) && !empty($cart['products'][$key]['extra']['aoc'])) { $cart['saved_product_options'][$cart['products'][$key]['extra']['saved_options_key']] = $data['product_options']; } if (isset($cart['deleted_exclude_products'][$data['extra']['exclude_from_calculate']][$_id])) { continue; } } $amount = fn_normalize_amount(@$data['amount']); if (!isset($data['extra']['exclude_from_calculate'])) { if ($data['stored_price'] != 'Y') { // Check if the product price with options modifiers equals to zero $price = fn_get_product_price($product_id, $amount, $auth); $price = fn_apply_options_modifiers($data['product_options'], $price, 'P'); if (!floatval($price)) { $data['price'] = isset($data['price']) ? fn_parse_price($data['price']) : 0; $zero_price_action = db_get_field("SELECT zero_price_action FROM ?:products WHERE product_id = ?i", $product_id); if (($zero_price_action == 'R' || $zero_price_action == 'A' && floatval($data['price']) < 0) && AREA == 'C') { if ($zero_price_action == 'A') { fn_set_notification('E', fn_get_lang_var('error'), fn_get_lang_var('incorrect_price_warning')); } continue; } $price = empty($data['price']) ? 0 : $data['price']; } } else { $price = empty($data['price']) ? 0 : $data['price']; } } else { $price = 0; } $data['is_edp'] = db_get_field('SELECT is_edp FROM ?:products WHERE product_id = ?i', $product_id); if (!isset($cart['products'][$_id])) { // If product doesn't exists in the cart $amount = empty($data['original_amount']) ? fn_check_amount_in_stock($product_id, $amount, $data['product_options'], $_id, $data['is_edp'], 0, $cart, $update == true ? $key : 0) : $data['original_amount']; if ($amount === false) { continue; } $cart['products'][$_id]['product_id'] = $product_id; $cart['products'][$_id]['amount'] = $amount; $cart['products'][$_id]['product_options'] = $data['product_options']; $cart['products'][$_id]['price'] = $price; $cart['products'][$_id]['stored_price'] = $data['stored_price']; fn_define_original_amount($product_id, $_id, $cart['products'][$_id], $data); if ($update == true && $key != $_id) { unset($cart['products'][$key]); } } else { // If product is already exist in the cart $_initial_amount = empty($cart['products'][$_id]['original_amount']) ? $cart['products'][$_id]['amount'] : $cart['products'][$_id]['original_amount']; // If ID changed (options were changed), summ the total amount of old and new products if ($update == true && $key != $_id) { $amount += $_initial_amount; unset($cart['products'][$key]); } $cart['products'][$_id]['amount'] = fn_check_amount_in_stock($product_id, ($update == true ? 0 : $_initial_amount) + $amount, $data['product_options'], $_id, !empty($data['is_edp']) && $data['is_edp'] == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N', 0, $cart, $update == true ? $key : 0); } $cart['products'][$_id]['extra'] = empty($data['extra']) ? array() : $data['extra']; $cart['products'][$_id]['stored_discount'] = @$data['stored_discount']; if (defined('ORDER_MANAGEMENT')) { $cart['products'][$_id]['discount'] = @$data['discount']; } // Increase product popularity if (empty($_SESSION['products_popularity']['added'][$product_id])) { $_data = array('product_id' => $product_id, 'added' => 1, 'total' => POPULARITY_ADD_TO_CART); db_query("INSERT INTO ?:product_popularity ?e ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE added = added + 1, total = total + ?i", $_data, POPULARITY_ADD_TO_CART); $_SESSION['products_popularity']['added'][$product_id] = true; } $company_id = db_get_field("SELECT company_id FROM ?:products WHERE product_id = ?i", $product_id); $cart['products'][$_id]['company_id'] = $company_id; fn_set_hook('add_to_cart', $cart, $product_id, $_id); $ids[$_id] = $product_id; } $cart['recalculate'] = true; return $ids; } else { return false; } }
/** * Update cart products from passed products data * * @param array $cart Array of cart content and user information necessary for purchase * @param array $product_data Array of new products data * @param array $auth Array of user authentication data (e.g. uid, usergroup_ids, etc.) * @return boolean Always true */ function fn_update_cart_products(&$cart, $product_data, $auth) { /** * Actions before updating cart products * * @param array $cart Array of cart content and user information necessary for purchase * @param array $product_data Array of new products data * @param array $auth Array of user authentication data (e.g. uid, usergroup_ids, etc.) */ fn_set_hook('update_cart_products_pre', $cart, $product_data, $auth); if (is_array($cart['products']) && !empty($product_data)) { list($product_data, $cart) = fn_add_product_options_files($product_data, $cart, $auth, true); unset($product_data['custom_files']); foreach ($product_data as $k => $v) { if (!isset($cart['products'][$k]['extra']['exclude_from_calculate'])) { if (empty($v['extra'])) { $v['extra'] = array(); } if ($v['price'] < 0) { $v['price'] = 0; } unset($v['object_id']); $amount = fn_normalize_amount($v['amount']); $price = fn_get_product_price($v['product_id'], $amount, $auth); $v['extra'] = empty($cart['products'][$k]['extra']) ? array() : $cart['products'][$k]['extra']; $v['extra']['product_options'] = empty($v['product_options']) ? array() : $v['product_options']; $_id = fn_generate_cart_id($v['product_id'], $v['extra']); if (!isset($cart['products'][$_id])) { //if combination doesn't exist in the cart $cart['products'][$_id] = $v; $cart['products'][$_id]['company_id'] = !empty($cart['products'][$k]['company_id']) ? $cart['products'][$k]['company_id'] : 0; $_product = $cart['products'][$k]; fn_define_original_amount($v['product_id'], $_id, $cart['products'][$_id], $_product); fn_delete_cart_product($cart, $k); } elseif ($k != $_id) { // if the combination is exist but differs from the current $amount += $cart['products'][$_id]['amount']; fn_delete_cart_product($cart, $k); } if (empty($amount)) { fn_delete_cart_product($cart, $_id); continue; } else { $_product_options = !empty($v['product_options']) ? $v['product_options'] : array(); $cart['products'][$_id]['amount'] = fn_check_amount_in_stock($v['product_id'], $amount, $_product_options, $_id, !empty($cart['products'][$_id]['is_edp']) && $cart['products'][$_id]['is_edp'] == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N', !empty($cart['products'][$_id]['original_amount']) ? $cart['products'][$_id]['original_amount'] : 0, $cart); if ($cart['products'][$_id]['amount'] == false && !empty($_product)) { $cart['products'][$_id] = $_product; unset($_product); } } if ($k != $_id) { $cart['products'][$_id]['prev_cart_id'] = $k; // save stored taxes for products fn_update_stored_cart_taxes($cart, $k, $_id, true); } elseif (isset($cart['products'][$_id]['prev_cart_id'])) { unset($cart['products'][$_id]['prev_cart_id']); } $cart['products'][$_id]['stored_price'] = !empty($v['stored_price']) ? $v['stored_price'] : 'N'; if ($cart['products'][$_id]['stored_price'] == 'Y') { $cart['products'][$_id]['price'] = $v['price']; } $cart['products'][$_id]['stored_discount'] = !empty($v['stored_discount']) ? $v['stored_discount'] : 'N'; if ($cart['products'][$_id]['stored_discount'] == 'Y') { $cart['products'][$_id]['discount'] = $v['discount']; } } } } /** * Additional cart products updates from passed params * * @param array $cart Array of cart content and user information necessary for purchase * @param array $product_data Array of new products data * @param array $auth Array of user authentication data (e.g. uid, usergroup_ids, etc.) */ fn_set_hook('update_cart_products_post', $cart, $product_data, $auth); return true; }
$_suffix = ".customer_info"; } if ($mode == 'update') { // Clean up saved shipping rates unset($_SESSION['shipping_rates']); if (is_array($cart['products'])) { $product_data = $_REQUEST['cart_products']; list($product_data, $cart) = fn_add_product_options_files($product_data, $cart, $customer_auth, true); unset($product_data['custom_files']); foreach ($product_data as $k => $v) { if (!isset($cart['products'][$k]['extra']['exclude_from_calculate'])) { if (empty($v['extra'])) { $v['extra'] = array(); } unset($v['object_id']); $amount = fn_normalize_amount($v['amount']); $price = fn_get_product_price($v['product_id'], $amount, $customer_auth); $v['extra'] = empty($cart['products'][$k]['extra']) ? array() : $cart['products'][$k]['extra']; $v['extra']['product_options'] = empty($v['product_options']) ? array() : $v['product_options']; $_id = fn_generate_cart_id($v['product_id'], $v['extra']); if (!isset($cart['products'][$_id])) { //if combination doesn't exist in the cart $cart['products'][$_id] = $v; $_product = $cart['products'][$k]; fn_define_original_amount($v['product_id'], $_id, $cart['products'][$_id], $_product); unset($cart['products'][$k]); } elseif ($k != $_id) { // if the combination is exist but differs from the current $amount += $cart['products'][$_id]['amount']; unset($cart['products'][$k]); }