/** *@package FkException extends Exception *@since v0.1 beta *@method show() *@param $tpl_exception *@desc Prints the FkExeption error. * To use the parameter $tpl_exception layouts see the defined * templates on freekore/sys_messages/exceptions * */ public function show($tpl_exception = 'common') { $tpl_exception = SYSTEM_PATH . '/freekore/sys_messages/exceptions/' . $tpl_exception . '.php'; // Mensaje amigable en caso que no este activo el interactive if (@$GLOBALS['FKORE']['RUNNING']['app']['interactive'] != TRUE) { if (file_exists(SYSTEM_PATH . '/app/errors/error_general.php')) { $tpl_exception = SYSTEM_PATH . '/app/errors/error_general.php'; } else { $tpl_exception = SYSTEM_PATH . '/freekore/sys_messages/page/default_error_general.php'; } } $inc_files_arr = get_included_files(); $tot_inc_files = count($inc_files_arr); $details = '<h3>Included Files</h3>' . implode('<br />', $inc_files_arr) . ' <br /> Total:' . $tot_inc_files . '<h3>Memoria Usada</h3><p>' . fk_memory_usage() . '</p>'; $exc_cont = file_get_contents($tpl_exception); $find = array('{message}', '{trace}', '{description}', '{solution}', '{solution_code}', '{details}', '{error_code}'); $repl = array($this->getMessage(), $this, $this->description, $this->solution, $this->solution_code, $details, $this->error_code); $exc_cont = str_replace($find, $repl, $exc_cont); if (fk_post('ajax') == 1) { echo $exc_cont; } else { ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>FreeKore PHP</title> <?php echo fk_css(); ?> <?php echo fk_js(); ?> </head> <body> <?php echo $exc_cont; ?> </body> </html> <?php } die; }
function fk_count_empty_fields($arr, $method = 'POST') { $method = strtoupper($method); $err_cnt = 0; foreach ($arr as $v) { if ($method == 'POST') { if (!isset($_POST[$v]) || trim(fk_post($v)) == '') { $err_cnt++; } } else { if (!isset($_GET[$v]) || trim(fk_post($v)) == '') { $err_cnt++; } } } return $err_cnt; }
/** *@package AppForm *@method get_post_record_id() *@desc returns de id record *@since v0.3.4 **/ public static function get_post_record_id() { $id_form = fk_post('AppFormID'); $RecordId = ''; if (fk_post($id_form . '-i') != '') { $RecordId = fk_post($id_form . '-i'); } return $RecordId; }
private function saveLines() { $tableId = $this->tableId; $total = fk_post($tableId . '_tot'); for ($i = 1; $i <= $total; $i++) { $id_rec = fk_post($tableId . '_recId-' . $i); $Ar = new ActiveRecord($this->table_name); if ($id_rec > 0) { //UPDATE //procesar fields to save foreach ($this->fields_to_save as $key => $value_from) { $arr_src = array('{table-id}', '{row-id}'); $arr_repl = array($tableId . '_', '-' . $i); $value = str_replace($arr_src, $arr_repl, $value_from); $Ar->fields[$key] = fk_post($value); } $Ar->fields[$this->record_id_name] = $id_rec; $Ar->display_queries = true; $Ar->update(); } else { //INSERT //procesar fields to save foreach ($this->fields_to_save as $key => $value_from) { $arr_src = array('{table-id}', '{row-id}'); $arr_repl = array($tableId . '_', '-' . $i); $value = str_replace($arr_src, $arr_repl, $value_from); $Ar->fields[$key] = fk_post($value); } $Ar->insert(); } } }
public function renderAllComponent($getCurrentUrl) { $this->currentUrl = $getCurrentUrl; $GLOBALS['currentUrl'] = $this->currentUrl; $GLOBALS['tableFields'] = $this->tableFields; $GLOBALS['tableName'] = $this->tableName; $GLOBALS['fixedC'] = $this->fixedC; $GLOBALS['rules'] = $this->rules; $oper = fk_post('oper'); if ($oper == '') { // Default //fk_header_blank(); fk_header(); fkore::_use('app/plugins/FileImporter/import1.php'); fk_footer(); } elseif ($oper == 'step2') { //fk_header_blank(); //fk_header(); fkore::_use('app/plugins/FileImporter/import2.php'); //fk_footer(); } elseif ($oper == 'step3') { //fk_header_blank(); //fk_header(); fkore::_use('app/plugins/FileImporter/import3.php'); //fk_footer(); } }
/** *@package AppList *@since v0.3.2 *@method getOrderByProcesed() * */ public static function getFiltersProcesed($columns, $oper = 'WHERE') { $filters = ''; if (fk_post('p') != '') { $p = str_replace(' ', '%', fk_post('p')); $filters .= ' ' . $oper . ' ( ' . implode(' like "%' . $p . '%" or ', $columns) . ' like "%' . $p . '%" )'; } return $filters; }
private function get_date() { // $interv_day = new DateInterval('P1D'); // $interv_week = new DateInterval('P1W'); // $interv_month = new DateInterval('P1M'); // $interv_year = new DateInterval('P1Y'); $y = date('Y'); $m = date('m'); $d = date('d'); if (fk_post('fkc-date') !== '') { $p_date = explode('-', fk_post('fkc-date')); $y = $p_date[0]; $m = $p_date[1]; $d = $p_date[2]; } $this->Date = new DateTime(); $this->Date->setDate($y, $m, $d); // update labels with right dates and input $this->update_date_labels(); }
<h1>Paso 3 de 3</h1> <?php $Imp = new FileImporter(); $Imp->tableName = $GLOBALS['tableName']; $Imp->fixedC = $GLOBALS['fixedC']; $Imp->rules = $GLOBALS['fixedC']; $rules = fk_post('rules'); //--------------------- //IMPORTAR //--------------------- if ($Imp->importToDB()) { echo fk_message('ok', ' ' . $Imp->registros_importados . ' registros fueron importados', false); } else { echo fk_message('alert', $Imp->result_message, false); } ?> <input type="button" class="btn" onclick="$('#cont2').show(800); $('#cont3').hide(500);" value=" « Regresar "> <input type="button" class="btn" onclick="window.close()" value=" Cerrar ">
<form id="frm3" id="frm3" onsubmit="return false;"> <h1>Paso 2 de 3</h1> <div> <?php echo fk_message('warning', '<b>Elija información:</b> Seleccione las columnas y los renglones que desea importar', false); $Imp = new FileImporter(); $File = new ActiveRecord('uploads'); $File->find(fk_post('archivo')); $f = uploads_directory() . '/' . $File->fields['archivo']; $tablefields = $GLOBALS['tableFields']; ?> <div style="width:100%; height:500px; overflow:auto;"> <?php // Imprime tabla de resultado $Imp->importExcelData($f, $tablefields); ?> </div> <input type="button" class="btn" onclick="$('#cont').show(800); $('#cont2').hide(800);" value=" « Regresar "> <input type="submit" class="btn" value="Importar »"> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- $("#frm3").validate({ submitHandler: function(form) { var pArgs = {pDiv:'cont3', pUrl:'<?php