function processbounces_shutdown() { global $report, $process_id; releaseLock($process_id); # $report .= "Connection status:".connection_status(); finish('info', $report); }
function begun_or_not($page) { global $duration, $diff; $connection = createConn(); $var = -1; $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM googlockstart_end where no='0'"; $temp = mysql_query($sql_query, $connection); $result = mysql_fetch_array($temp); finish($connection); $curr_timestamp = time(); $diff = $curr_timestamp - $result['start_timestamp']; $duration = $result['finish_timestamp'] - $result['start_timestamp']; if ($diff < 0) { $msg = "Game has not started yet"; $var = 0; } else { if ($curr_timestamp > $result['finish_timestamp']) { $msg = "Game has finished"; $var = 1; } else { $msg = "Game has Started!!"; } } if ($page == 1) { if ($var == 0) { header("location: index.php"); } else { if ($var == 1) { header("location: login.php"); } } } else { return $msg; } }
function ProcessError($message) { print "{$message}"; logEvent("Error: {$message}"); finish("error", $message); exit; }
function handle($uri = '') { try { if (($matched = dispatch($uri)) != null) { if (!before()) { $handler = $matched['handler']; if (!empty($matched['options']['router'])) { $handler = call_user_func($handler, $matched); } if (!empty($matched['options']['create'])) { $controllerClass = $handler[0]; $handler[0] = new $controllerClass(); } if (isset($matched['params'])) { call_user_func_array($handler, $matched['params']); } else { call_user_func_array($handler, $matched['segments']); } after(); } } else { notFound(); } finish(); } catch (Exception $e) { error_log($e->getMessage()); error_log($e->getTraceAsString()); } exit; }
function processTestEmails_shutdown() { global $report, $process_id; releaseLock($process_id); # $report .= "Connection status:".connection_status(); finish('info', $report); if (!$GLOBALS["commandline"]) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; } }
function my_shutdown() { global $script_stage, $reload; # output( "Script status: ".connection_status(),0); # with PHP 4.2.1 buggy. output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Script stage') . ': ' . $script_stage, 0, 'progress'); global $counters, $report, $send_process_id, $tables, $nothingtodo, $invalid, $processed, $failed_sent, $notsent, $sent, $unconfirmed, $num_per_batch, $batch_period, $counters; $some = $processed; #$sent;# || $invalid || $notsent; if (!$some) { output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Finished, Nothing to do'), 0, 'progress'); $nothingtodo = 1; } $totaltime = $GLOBALS['processqueue_timer']->elapsed(1); if ($totaltime > 0) { $msgperhour = 3600 / $totaltime * $sent; } else { $msgperhour = s('Calculating'); } if ($sent) { output(sprintf('%d %s %01.2f %s (%d %s)', $sent, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('messages sent in'), $totaltime, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('seconds'), $msgperhour, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('msgs/hr')), $sent, 'progress'); } if ($invalid) { output(s('%d invalid email addresses', $invalid), 1, 'progress'); } if ($failed_sent) { output(s('%d failed (will retry later)', $failed_sent), 1, 'progress'); foreach ($counters as $label => $value) { # output(sprintf('%d %s',$value,$GLOBALS['I18N']->get($label)),1,'progress'); cl_output(sprintf('%d %s', $value, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get($label))); } } if ($unconfirmed) { output(sprintf($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('%d emails unconfirmed (not sent)'), $unconfirmed), 1, 'progress'); } foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) { $plugin->processSendStats($sent, $invalid, $failed_sent, $unconfirmed, $counters); } flushClickTrackCache(); releaseLock($send_process_id); finish("info", $report, $script_stage); if ($script_stage < 5 && !$nothingtodo) { output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Warning: script never reached stage 5') . "\n" . $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('This may be caused by a too slow or too busy server') . " \n"); } elseif ($script_stage == 5 && (!$nothingtodo || isset($GLOBALS["wait"]))) { # if the script timed out in stage 5, reload the page to continue with the rest $reload++; if (!$GLOBALS["commandline"] && $num_per_batch && $batch_period) { if ($sent + 10 < $GLOBALS["original_num_per_batch"]) { output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Less than batch size were sent, so reloading imminently'), 1, 'progress'); $delaytime = 10; } else { // we should actually want batch perion minus time already spent. // might be nice to calculate that at some point output(sprintf($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Waiting for %d seconds before reloading'), $batch_period), 1, 'progress'); $delaytime = $batch_period; } sleep($delaytime); printf('<script type="text/javascript"> document.location = "./?page=pageaction&action=processqueue&ajaxed=true&reload=%d&lastsent=%d&lastskipped=%d"; </script>', $reload, $sent, $notsent); } else { printf('<script type="text/javascript"> document.location = "./?page=pageaction&action=processqueue&ajaxed=true&reload=%d&lastsent=%d&lastskipped=%d"; </script>', $reload, $sent, $notsent); } } elseif ($script_stage == 6 || $nothingtodo) { foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) { $plugin->messageQueueFinished(); } output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Finished, All done'), 0); print '<script type="text/javascript"> var parentJQuery = window.parent.jQuery; window.parent.allDone("' . s('All done') . '"); </script>'; } else { output(s('Script finished, but not all messages have been sent yet.')); } if (empty($GLOBALS['commandline']) && empty($_GET['ajaxed'])) { include_once ""; } elseif (!empty($GLOBALS['commandline'])) { @ob_end_clean(); } exit; }
function ProcessError ($message) { output( "$message"); finish("error",$message); exit; }
function scanner($path, $node, $line) { global $migrational, $items; switch ($path) { case '/blog': if (!preg_match('/^tattertools\\/1\\.[01]$/', @$node['.attributes']['type']) && !preg_match('/^textcube\\/1\\.[01]$/', @$node['.attributes']['type'])) { finish(_t('지원하지 않는 백업파일입니다.')); } $migrational = Validator::getBool(@$node['.attributes']['migrational']); return true; case '/blog/setting/banner/content': case '/blog/post/attachment/content': case '/blog/notice/attachment/content': case '/blog/keyword/attachment/content': if (!empty($node['.stream'])) { fclose($node['.stream']); unset($node['.stream']); } return true; case '/blog/setting': case '/blog/category': case '/blog/post': case '/blog/notice': case '/blog/keyword': case '/blog/link': case '/blog/logs/referer': case '/blog/statistics/referer': case '/blog/statistics/visits': case '/blog/statistics/daily': case '/blog/skin': case '/blog/plugin': case '/blog/commentNotified/comment': case '/blog/commentNotifiedSiteInfo/site': case '/blog/guestbook/comment': case '/blog/filter': case '/blog/feed': case '/blog/line': $items++; if (!strpos($path, 'referer')) { setProgress(null, _t('백업파일을 확인하고 있습니다.'), $line); } return true; case '/blog/personalization': case '/blog/userSetting': // skip return true; } }
} function test_is_running() { return $GLOBALS['current'] != ''; } function loop_tests($cmd, $line_func) { global $results; $ftest = popen($cmd, 'r'); if (!$ftest) { echo "Couldn't run test script\n"; exit(1); } while (!feof($ftest)) { $line = fgets($ftest); $line_func($line); } say(array('op' => 'all_done', 'results' => $results)); fclose($ftest); } chdir(__DIR__ . '/../../../'); $cmd = "./hphp/tools/ " . "'{$argv['1']}' '{$argv['2']}' '{$argv['3']}' '{$argv['4']}' " . "2>/dev/null"; loop_tests($cmd, function ($line) { if (preg_match('/^(Test[a-zA-Z]*)\\.\\.\\.\\.\\.\\.$/', $line, $m)) { start($m[1]); } else { if (preg_match('/^Test[a-zA-Z]* (OK|\\#\\#\\#\\#\\#\\>\\>\\> FAILED)/', $line, $m)) { finish($m[1] == 'OK' ? 'passed' : 'failed'); } } });
if ($mysqli->connect_errno) { $ret = "未能连接到数据库 (" . $mysqli->connect_errno . ") " . $mysqli->connect_error; finish($ret); } $id = $mysqli->real_escape_string($id); $name = $mysqli->real_escape_string($name); if ($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT ID FROM students WHERE stu_id = '{$id}' AND name = '{$name}'")) { if ($res->num_rows) { $row = $res->fetch_assoc(); $stuid = $row['ID']; } else { finish("查无此人"); } } else { finish("查询失败!"); } if ($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM time WHERE student_id = {$stuid} AND event = '{$event}'")) { echo "["; $i = false; while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) { if ($i) { echo ","; } $i = true; printf('{"day": "%s", "item": "%s"}', $row['day'], $row['item']); } echo "]"; } else { finish("查询失败"); } $mysqli->close();
function getpage($url) { global $headers, $out, $post_vars, $proxy_variables, $referer; $urlobj = new aurl($url); $query = $urlobj->get_query(); $requrl = $urlobj->get_path() . $urlobj->get_file() . (!empty($query) ? "?{$query}" : null); $http_auth = null; if (extension_loaded('apache')) { $fail = false; $cheaders = getallheaders(); $http_auth = $reqarray['Authorization']; } else { $fail = true; } $authorization = $fail ? $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] : $cheaders['Authorization']; $cache_control = $fail ? $_SERVER['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL'] : $cheaders['Cache-Control']; $if_modified = $fail ? $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] : $cheaders['If-Modified-Since']; $if_none_match = $fail ? $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] : $cheaders['If-None-Match']; if ($fail) { if (!empty($authorization)) { $http_auth = $authorization; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && !empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) { $http_auth = 'Basic ' . base64_encode("{$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']}:{$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']}"); } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'])) { $http_auth = "Digest {$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST']}"; } } if (PIP != null && PPORT != null) { $servername = PIP; $ipaddress = get_check(PIP); $portval = PPORT; $requrl = $urlobj->get_url(false); } else { $servername = $urlobj->get_servername(); $ipaddress = ($urlobj->get_proto() == 'ssl' || $urlobj->get_proto() == 'https' ? 'ssl://' : null) . get_check($servername); $portval = $urlobj->get_portval(); } $out = "{$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']} " . str_replace(' ', '%20', $requrl) . " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " . $urlobj->get_servername() . ($portval != 80 && ($urlobj->get_proto() == 'https' ? $portval != 443 : true) ? ":{$portval}" : null) . "\r\n"; global $useragent; $useragent = null; if ($_COOKIE[COOK_PREF . '_useragent'] != '-1') { $useragent = $_COOKIE[COOK_PREF . '_useragent']; if (empty($useragent)) { $useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } $useragent_cook = $useragent == 1 ? $_COOKIE[COOK_PREF . '_useragenttext'] : $useragent; if (!empty($useragent_cook)) { $out .= "User-Agent: {$useragent_cook}\r\n"; } } if (!empty($http_auth)) { $out .= "Authorization: {$http_auth}\r\n"; } if (empty($_COOKIE[COOK_PREF . '_remove_referer']) && !empty($referer)) { $out .= 'Referer: ' . str_replace(' ', '+', $referer) . "\r\n"; } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $out .= 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($post_vars) . "\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; } $cook_prefdomain = preg_replace('/^www\\./i', null, $urlobj->get_servername()); #* $cook_prefix = str_replace('.', '_', $cook_prefdomain) . COOKIE_SEPARATOR; if (count($_COOKIE) > 0 && empty($_COOKIE[COOK_PREF . '_remove_cookies'])) { $addtoout = null; reset($_COOKIE); while (list($key, $val) = each($_COOKIE)) { if (ENCRYPT_COOKS) { $key = proxdec($key); $val = proxdec($val); #urldecode($val)); } if (str_replace(COOKIE_SEPARATOR, null, $key) == $key) { continue; } #$cook_domain=preg_replace('/^(.*'.COOKIE_SEPARATOR.').*$/','\1',$key); #** $cook_domain = substr($key, 0, strpos($key, COOKIE_SEPARATOR)) . COOKIE_SEPARATOR; if (substr($cook_prefix, strlen($cook_prefix) - strlen($cook_domain), strlen($cook_domain)) != $cook_domain) { continue; } $key = substr($key, strlen($cook_domain), strlen($key) - strlen($cook_domain)); if (!in_array($key, $proxy_variables)) { $addtoout .= " {$key}={$val};"; } } if (!empty($addtoout)) { $addtoout .= "\r\n"; $out .= "Cookie:{$addtoout}"; } } $out .= "Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5\r\n" . "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5\r\n" . "Accept-Encoding: gzip\r\n" . "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7\r\n" . "Connection: close\r\n" . ($cache_control != null ? "Cache-Control: {$cache_control}\r\n" : null) . ($if_modified != null ? "If-Modified-Since: {$if_modified}\r\n" : null) . ($if_none_match != null ? "If-None-Match: {$if_none_match}\r\n" : null) . "\r\n{$post_vars}"; // This part ignores any "SSL: fatal protocol error" errors, and makes sure other errors are still triggered correctly function errorHandle($errno, $errmsg) { if ($errno <= E_PARSE && ($errno != E_WARNING || substr($errmsg, strlen($errmsg) - 25, 25) != 'SSL: fatal protocol error')) { restore_error_handler(); trigger_error($errmsg, $errno << 8); set_error_handler('errorHandle'); } } set_error_handler('errorHandle'); $fp = @fsockopen($ipaddress, $portval, $errno, $errval, 5) or havok(6, $servername, $portval); stream_set_timeout($fp, 5); $ub = stream_get_meta_data($fp); $ub = $ub['unread_bytes']; if ($ub > 0) { fread($fp, $ub); } fwrite($fp, $out); function get_byte($fp) { $byte = fread($fp, 1); return $byte == "\r" ? get_byte($fp) : $byte; } $response = '100'; while ($response == '100') { $responseline = fread($fp, 12); $response = substr($responseline, -3, 3); $headers = $responseline . fread($fp, 1); while (true) { $chunk = null; $byte = get_byte($fp); if ($byte == "\n") { break; } while ($byte != "\n") { $chunk .= $byte; $byte = get_byte($fp); } $headers .= $chunk . $byte; } } #if(header_value('Pragma')==null) header('Pragma: public'); #if(header_value('Cache-Control')==null) header('Cache-Control: public'); #if(header_value('Last-Modified')==null && header_value('Expires')==null) header('Expires: '.date('D, d M Y H:i:s e',time()+86400)); if (empty($_COOKIE[COOK_PREF . '_remove_cookies'])) { $setcookiearr = header_value_arr('Set-Cookie'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($setcookiearr); $i++) { $thiscook = explode('=', $setcookiearr[$i], 2); if (!strpos($thiscook[1], ';')) { $thiscook[1] .= ';'; } $cook_val = substr($thiscook[1], 0, strpos($thiscook[1], ';')); $cook_domain = preg_replace('/^.*domain=[ ]*\\.?([^;]+).*?$/i', '\\1', $thiscook[1]); #* if ($cook_domain == $thiscook[1]) { $cook_domain = $cook_prefdomain; } elseif (substr($cook_prefdomain, strlen($cook_prefdomain) - strlen($cook_domain), strlen($cook_domain)) != $cook_domain) { continue; } $cook_name = str_replace('.', '_', $cook_domain) . COOKIE_SEPARATOR . $thiscook[0]; if (ENCRYPT_COOKS) { $cook_name = proxenc($cook_name); $cook_val = proxenc($cook_val); } dosetcookie($cook_name, $cook_val); } } if (substr($response, 0, 2) == '30' && $response[2] != '4') { $urlobj = new aurl($url); $redirurl = framify_url(surrogafy_url(header_value('Location'), $urlobj), NEW_PAGETYPE_FRAMED_PAGE); fclose($fp); restore_error_handler(); finish_noexit(); header("Location: {$redirurl}"); exit; } $oheaders = preg_replace("/[\r\n](?:Location|Content-Length|Content-Encoding|Set-Cookie|Transfer-Encoding|Connection|Keep-Alive|Pragma|Cache-Control|Expires)\\: .*/i", null, $headers); #* $ohsplit = explode("\n", $oheaders); foreach ($ohsplit as $header) { if (!empty($header)) { header($header); } } unset($oheaders, $ohsplit); header('Status: ' . $response); if (substr(header_value('Content-Type'), 0, 4) == 'text' || substr(header_value('Content-Type'), 0, 24) == 'application/x-javascript') { $justoutput = false; $justoutputnow = false; } else { $justoutputnow = header_value('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip' ? false : true; $justoutput = true; } if (header_value('Transfer-Encoding') == 'chunked') { $body = null; $chunksize = null; while ($chunksize !== 0) { $byte = null; $chunk = null; while ($byte != "\r") { $chunk .= $byte; $byte = fread($fp, 1); } fread($fp, 1); $chunksize = intval($chunk, 16); $bufsize = $chunksize; while ($bufsize >= 1) { $subchunk = fread($fp, $bufsize); if ($justoutputnow) { echo $subchunk; } else { $body .= $subchunk; } $bufsize -= strlen($subchunk); } fread($fp, 2); } } else { $body = null; while (true) { $chunk = fread($fp, 1024); if ($justoutputnow) { echo $chunk; } else { $body .= $chunk; } if (empty($chunk)) { break; } } } fclose($fp); restore_error_handler(); if (header_value('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip') { $body = gzinflate(substr($body, 10)); } #die('REQ: '.$out.'<br /><br />HEADERS: '.$headers.'<br /><br />Body: '.$body); if ($justoutput) { if (!$justoutputnow) { echo $body; } finish(); } return array($body, $url, $cook_prefix); }
function my_shutdown() { global $script_stage, $reload; # processQueueOutput( "Script status: ".connection_status(),0); # with PHP 4.2.1 buggy. processQueueOutput(s('Script stage') . ': ' . $script_stage, 0, 'progress'); global $counters, $report, $send_process_id, $tables, $nothingtodo, $processed, $notsent, $unconfirmed, $batch_period; $some = $processed; $delaytime = 0; if (!$some) { processQueueOutput($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Finished, Nothing to do'), 0, 'progress'); $nothingtodo = 1; } $totaltime = $GLOBALS['processqueue_timer']->elapsed(1); if ($totaltime > 0) { $msgperhour = 3600 / $totaltime * $counters['sent']; } else { $msgperhour = s('Calculating'); } if ($counters['sent']) { processQueueOutput(sprintf('%d %s %01.2f %s (%d %s)', $counters['sent'], $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('messages sent in'), $totaltime, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('seconds'), $msgperhour, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('msgs/hr')), $counters['sent'], 'progress'); } if ($counters['invalid']) { processQueueOutput(s('%d invalid email addresses', $counters['invalid']), 1, 'progress'); } if ($counters['failed_sent']) { processQueueOutput(s('%d failed (will retry later)', $counters['failed_sent']), 1, 'progress'); foreach ($counters as $label => $value) { # processQueueOutput(sprintf('%d %s',$value,$GLOBALS['I18N']->get($label)),1,'progress'); cl_output(sprintf('%d %s', $value, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get($label))); } } if ($unconfirmed) { processQueueOutput(sprintf($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('%d emails unconfirmed (not sent)'), $unconfirmed), 1, 'progress'); } foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) { $plugin->processSendStats($counters['sent'], $counters['invalid'], $counters['failed_sent'], $unconfirmed, $counters); } flushClickTrackCache(); releaseLock($send_process_id); finish('info', $report, $script_stage); if ($script_stage < 5 && !$nothingtodo) { processQueueOutput($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Warning: script never reached stage 5') . "\n" . $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('This may be caused by a too slow or too busy server') . " \n"); } elseif ($script_stage == 5 && (!$nothingtodo || isset($GLOBALS['wait']))) { # if the script timed out in stage 5, reload the page to continue with the rest ++$reload; if (!$GLOBALS['commandline'] && $counters['num_per_batch'] && $batch_period) { if ($counters['sent'] + 10 < $GLOBALS['original_num_per_batch']) { processQueueOutput($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Less than batch size were sent, so reloading imminently'), 1, 'progress'); $counters['delaysend'] = 10; } else { $counters['delaysend'] = (int) ($batch_period - $totaltime); $delaytime = 30; ## actually with the iframe we can reload fairly quickly processQueueOutput(s('Waiting for %d seconds before reloading', $delaytime), 1, 'progress'); } } $counters['delaysend'] = (int) ($batch_period - $totaltime); if (empty($GLOBALS['inRemoteCall']) && empty($GLOBALS['commandline'])) { sleep($delaytime); printf('<script type="text/javascript"> document.location = "./?page=pageaction&action=processqueue&ajaxed=true&reload=%d&lastsent=%d&lastskipped=%d%s"; </script></body></html>', $reload, $counters['sent'], $notsent, addCsrfGetToken()); } } elseif ($script_stage == 6 || $nothingtodo) { foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) { $plugin->messageQueueFinished(); } processQueueOutput($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Finished, All done'), 0); print '<script type="text/javascript"> var parentJQuery = window.parent.jQuery; window.parent.allDone("' . s('All done') . '"); </script>'; } else { processQueueOutput(s('Script finished, but not all messages have been sent yet.')); } if (!empty($GLOBALS['inRemoteCall'])) { ob_end_clean(); print outputCounters(); @ob_start(); } if (empty($GLOBALS['inRemoteCall']) && empty($GLOBALS['commandline']) && empty($_GET['ajaxed'])) { return; } elseif (!empty($GLOBALS['inRemoteCall']) || !empty($GLOBALS['commandline'])) { @ob_end_clean(); } exit; }
//lock put_lock($connection, "googlockusers", "read"); $temp = mysql_query($sql_query, $connection) or die("ss"); remove_lock($connection); //unlock $no2 = mysql_fetch_array($temp); $no = mysql_real_escape_string($no2[completed]); //sessionno holds the next question no $no = $no + 1; $sql_query = "select answer from googlockquestions WHERE no='{$no}'"; $temp = mysql_query($sql_query, $connection) or die("asdas"); $corr_ans = mysql_fetch_array($temp); $corr_ans2 = strtolower($corr_ans[answer]); //echo "no: $no ;$corr_ans2 and $answer and $_POST[answer]"; $corr_ans2 = explode(";", $corr_ans2); $counter = count($corr_ans2) - 1; for (; $counter >= 0; $counter -= 1) { if (strcmp($corr_ans2[$counter], $answer) == 0) { update($connection, $username); incrementscore($connection, $username); storetimestamp($connection, $username); break; } } finish($connection); if ($counter == -1) { header("Location:play.php?attempt=incorrect"); } else { header("Location: play.php"); } }
die; } # is it a valid email? if (!$email || $email == "" || !eregi("^[_\\.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+\\.)+[a-z]{2,6}\$", $email) || strrpos($email, ' ') > 0) { $error = "Invalid email address!"; Header("Location: init.php?error={$error}&uname={$uname}&fname={$fname}&lname={$lname}&email={$email}"); die; } # is it a valid username? if (!$uname || $uname == "" || ereg("[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]", $uname) || is_numeric($uname[0])) { $error = "Invalid username!"; Header("Location: init.php?error={$error}&uname={$uname}&fname={$fname}&lname={$lname}&email={$email}"); die; } # cypher pwd $pwd = md5($pwd1); # set privs at 0 (root) $privs = 0; # insert into db sql_query("insert into jones_user values (NULL, '{$uname}', '{$pwd}', '{$fname}', '{$lname}', '{$email}', '{$privs}')", $dbi); sql_query("update jones_site set title='{$title}', sitename='{$sitename}', topname='{$topname}', logo='{$logo}', theme='{$theme}'", $dbi); Header("Location: index.php"); } switch ($_GET["cmd"]) { case "finish": finish($_POST["uname"], $_POST["fname"], $_POST["lname"], $_POST["pwd1"], $_POST["pwd2"], $_POST["email"], $_POST["title"], $_POST["sitename"], $_POST["topname"], $_POST["logo"], $_POST["theme"]); break; default: main($_GET["error"], $_GET["uname"], $_GET["fname"], $_GET["lname"], $_GET["email"], $_GET["title"], $_GET["sitename"], $_GET["topname"], $_GET["logo"], $_GET["theme"]); break; }
/** * Called when new data received * @see * @return void */ public function onRead() { if ($this->state === self::STATE_PREHANDSHAKE) { if (!$this->handshake()) { return; } } if ($this->state === self::STATE_HANDSHAKED) { while (($buflen = $this->getInputLength()) >= 2) { $first = ord($this->look(1)); // first byte integer (fin, opcode) $firstBits = decbin($first); $opcode = (int) bindec(substr($firstBits, 4, 4)); if ($opcode === 0x8) { // CLOSE $this->finish(); return; } $opcodeName = isset(static::$opcodes[$opcode]) ? static::$opcodes[$opcode] : false; if (!$opcodeName) { Daemon::log(get_class($this) . ': Undefined opcode ' . $opcode); $this->finish(); return; } $second = ord($this->look(1, 1)); // second byte integer (masked, payload length) $fin = (bool) ($first >> 7); $isMasked = (bool) ($second >> 7); $dataLength = $second & 0x7f; $p = 2; if ($dataLength === 0x7e) { // 2 bytes-length if ($buflen < $p + 2) { return; // not enough data yet } $dataLength = Binary::bytes2int($this->look(2, $p), false); $p += 2; } elseif ($dataLength === 0x7f) { // 8 bytes-length if ($buflen < $p + 8) { return; // not enough data yet } $dataLength = Binary::bytes2int($this->look(8, $p)); $p += 8; } if ($this->pool->maxAllowedPacket <= $dataLength) { // Too big packet $this > finish(); return; } if ($isMasked) { if ($buflen < $p + 4) { return; // not enough data yet } $mask = $this->look(4, $p); $p += 4; } if ($buflen < $p + $dataLength) { return; // not enough data yet } $this->drain($p); $data = $this->read($dataLength); if ($isMasked) { $data = $this->mask($data, $mask); } //Daemon::log(Debug::dump(array('ext' => $this->extensions, 'rsv1' => $firstBits[1], 'data' => Debug::exportBytes($data)))); /*if ($firstBits[1] && in_array('deflate-frame', $this->extensions)) { // deflate frame $data = gzuncompress($data, $this->pool->maxAllowedPacket); }*/ if (!$fin) { $this->framebuf .= $data; } else { $this->onFrame($this->framebuf . $data, $opcodeName); $this->framebuf = ''; } } } }
if (strlen($pwd1) > 0 || strlen($pwd2) > 0) { # do the passwords differ? if (strcmp($pwd1, $pwd2) != 0) { $error = "The two passwords provided differ!"; Header("Location: user.php?error={$error}&uid={$uid}&uname={$uname}&fname={$fname}&lname={$lname}&email={$email}"); die; } # is the pwd longer than 6 chars? if (strlen($pwd1) < 6) { $error = "Password cannot be shorter than 6 chars!"; Header("Location: user.php?error={$error}&uid={$uid}&uname={$uname}&fname={$fname}&lname={$lname}&email={$email}"); die; } # cypher pwd $pwd = md5($pwd1); sql_query("update jones_user set pwd='{$pwd}', fname='{$fname}', lname='{$lname}', email='{$email}' where id='{$uid}'", $dbi); list($privs) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("select privs from jones_user where id='{$uid}'", $dbi), $dbi); sendCookie($uid, $uname, $pwd, $fname, $lname, $email, $privs); } else { sql_query("update jones_user set fname='{$fname}', lname='{$lname}', email='{$email}' where id='{$uid}'", $dbi); } Header("Location: index.php"); } switch ($_POST['cmd']) { case "finish": finish($_POST['uid'], $_POST['uname'], $_POST['pwd1'], $_POST['pwd2'], $_POST['fname'], $_POST['lname'], $_POST['email']); break; default: main($_GET['error'], $_GET['uid'], $_GET['uname'], $_GET['fname'], $_GET['lname'], $_GET['email']); break; }
} } else { finish(false); } if (!empty($_POST['agent_id'])) { $agent_id = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'agent_id'); } else { $indicator = false; finish($indicator); } /** * Insert the data into the database, and check if insert was successful. */ $insert = $db->prepare('UPDATE properties SET address = ?, agent_id = ?, matterport_link = ?, realestate_link = ?, googlemaps_link = ?, agent_id = ? WHERE id = ?'); $insert->bind_param('sissssi', $address, $agent_id, $matterport_link, $realestate_link, $googlemaps_link, $agent_id, $id); if ($insert->execute()) { finish(true); } else { finish(false); } /** * Once validation and entry is complete, data is left blank, or invalid data is input, * return the indicator to show whether input was a success or not. */ function finish($indicator) { echo $indicator; exit; }
// Editing // Group changes together forum_utils::start_transaction(); // 1. Edit post if applicable if ($ispost) { $post->edit(stripslashes($fromform->subject), stripslashes($fromform->message), $fromform->format, $deleteattachments, $attachments, !empty($fromform->setimportant), !empty($fromform->mailnow)); } // 2. Edit discussion settings if applicable if ($isdiscussion) { $discussion = $post->get_discussion(); $groupid = isset($fromform->group) ? $fromform->group : $discussion->get_group_id(); $discussion->edit_settings($groupid, $fromform->timestart, $fromform->timeend, $discussion->is_locked(), !empty($fromform->sticky)); } forum_utils::finish_transaction(); // Redirect to view discussion finish($post->get_id(), $cloneid, 'discuss.php?' . $post->get_discussion()->get_link_params(forum::PARAM_PLAIN) . '#p' . $post->get_id(), $fromform, $uploadfolder); } } } else { if ($ajax) { // If this is an AJAX request we can't go printing the form, this // must be an error header('Content-Type: text/plain', true, 500); print 'Form redisplay attempt'; exit; } $navigation = array(); // Include link to discussion except when creating new discussion if (!$isdiscussion || $edit) { $navigation[] = array('name' => shorten_text(htmlspecialchars($discussion->get_subject())), 'link' => $discussion->get_url(forum::PARAM_HTML), 'type' => 'forumng'); }
} if ($mysqli->connect_errno) { $ret = "未能连接到数据库 (" . $mysqli->connect_errno . ") " . $mysqli->connect_error; finish($ret); } $event = $mysqli->real_escape_string($event); $students = array(); if ($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT DISTINCT(name) FROM time LEFT JOIN students ON students.ID = time.student_id WHERE event = '{$event}'")) { while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) { $students[$row['name']] = true; } } else { finish("查询失败!"); } $map = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 8; ++$i) { $temp = array(); for ($j = 1; $j <= 13; ++$j) { $temp[] = $students; } $map[] = $temp; } if ($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM time LEFT JOIN students ON students.ID = time.student_id WHERE event = '{$event}'")) { while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) { $map[$row['day']][$row['item']][$row['name']] = false; } } else { finish("查询失败!"); } echo json_encode($map); $mysqli->close();
function getpage($url) { global $headers, $out, $post_vars, $proxy_variables, $referer; $urlobj = new aurl($url); $query = $urlobj->get_query(); $requrl = $urlobj->get_path() . $urlobj->get_file() . (!empty($query) ? "?{$query}" : null); $http_auth = null; if (extension_loaded('apache')) { $fail = false; $cheaders = getallheaders(); $http_auth = $reqarray['Authorization']; } else { $fail = true; } $authorization = $fail ? $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] : $cheaders['Authorization']; $cache_control = $fail ? $_SERVER['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL'] : $cheaders['Cache-Control']; $if_modified = $fail ? $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] : $cheaders['If-Modified-Since']; $if_none_match = $fail ? $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] : $cheaders['If-None-Match']; if ($fail) { if (!empty($authorization)) { $http_auth = $authorization; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && !empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) { $http_auth = 'Basic ' . base64_encode("{$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']}:{$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']}"); } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'])) { $http_auth = "Digest {$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST']}"; } } if (PIP != null && PPORT != null) { $servername = PIP; $ipaddress = get_check(PIP); $portval = PPORT; $requrl = $urlobj->get_url(false); } else { $servername = $urlobj->get_servername(); $ipaddress = ($urlobj->get_proto() == 'ssl' || $urlobj->get_proto() == 'https' ? 'ssl://' : null) . get_check($servername); $portval = $urlobj->get_portval(); } $out = "{$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']} " . str_replace(' ', '%20', $requrl) . " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " . $urlobj->get_servername() . ($portval != 80 && ($urlobj->get_proto() == 'https' ? $portval != 443 : true) ? ":{$portval}" : null) . "\r\n"; global $useragent; $useragent = null; if ($_COOKIE[COOK_PREF . '_useragent'] != '-1') { $useragent = $_COOKIE[COOK_PREF . '_useragent']; if (empty($useragent)) { $useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } $useragent_cook = $useragent == 1 ? $_COOKIE[COOK_PREF . '_useragenttext'] : $useragent; if (!empty($useragent_cook)) { $out .= "User-Agent: {$useragent_cook}\r\n"; } } if (!empty($http_auth)) { $out .= "Authorization: {$http_auth}\r\n"; } if (empty($_COOKIE[COOK_PREF . '_remove_referer']) && !empty($referer)) { $out .= 'Referer: ' . str_replace(' ', '+', $referer) . "\r\n"; } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $out .= 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($post_vars) . "\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; } $cook_prefdomain = preg_replace('/^www\\./i', null, $urlobj->get_servername()); #* $cook_prefix = str_replace('.', '_', $cook_prefdomain) . COOKIE_SEPARATOR; if (count($_COOKIE) > 0 && empty($_COOKIE[COOK_PREF . '_remove_cookies'])) { $addtoout = null; reset($_COOKIE); while (list($key, $val) = each($_COOKIE)) { if (ENCRYPT_COOKS) { $key = proxdec($key); $val = proxdec($val); #urldecode($val)); } if (str_replace(COOKIE_SEPARATOR, null, $key) == $key) { continue; } #$cook_domain=preg_replace('/^(.*'.COOKIE_SEPARATOR.').*$/','\1',$key); #** $cook_domain = substr($key, 0, strpos($key, COOKIE_SEPARATOR)) . COOKIE_SEPARATOR; if (substr($cook_prefix, strlen($cook_prefix) - strlen($cook_domain), strlen($cook_domain)) != $cook_domain) { continue; } $key = substr($key, strlen($cook_domain), strlen($key) - strlen($cook_domain)); if (!in_array($key, $proxy_variables)) { $addtoout .= " {$key}={$val};"; } } if (!empty($addtoout)) { $addtoout .= "\r\n"; $out .= "Cookie:{$addtoout}"; } } $out .= "Accept: */*;q=0.1\r\n" . (GZIP_PROXY_SERVER ? "Accept-Encoding: gzip\r\n" : null) . "Connection: close\r\n" . ($cache_control != null ? "Cache-Control: {$cache_control}\r\n" : null) . ($if_modified != null ? "If-Modified-Since: {$if_modified}\r\n" : null) . ($if_none_match != null ? "If-None-Match: {$if_none_match}\r\n" : null) . "\r\n{$post_vars}"; // This part ignores any "SSL: fatal protocol error" errors, and makes sure other errors are still triggered correctly function errorHandle($errno, $errmsg) { if ($errno <= E_PARSE && ($errno != E_WARNING || substr($errmsg, -25) != 'SSL: fatal protocol error')) { restore_error_handler(); trigger_error($errmsg, $errno << 8); set_error_handler('errorHandle'); } } set_error_handler('errorHandle'); $fp = @fsockopen($ipaddress, $portval, $errno, $errval, 5) or havok(6, $servername, $portval); stream_set_timeout($fp, 5); # for persistent connections, this may be necessary /* $ub=stream_get_meta_data($fp); $ub=$ub['unread_bytes']; if($ub>0) fread($fp,$ub); */ fwrite($fp, $out); $response = '100'; while ($response == '100') { $responseline = fgets($fp, 8192); $response = substr($responseline, 9, 3); $headers = array(); while ($curline != "\r\n" && ($curline = fgets($fp, 8192))) { $harr = explode(':', $curline, 2); $headers[strtolower($harr[0])][] = trim($harr[1]); } } #if($headers['pragma'][0]==null) header('Pragma: public'); #if($headers['cache-control'][0]==null) header('Cache-Control: public'); #if($headers['last-modified'][0]==null && $headers['expires']==null) header('Expires: '.date('D, d M Y H:i:s e',time()+86400)); # read and store cookies if (empty($_COOKIE[COOK_PREF . '_remove_cookies'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($headers['set-cookie']); $i++) { $thiscook = explode('=', $headers['set-cookie'][$i], 2); if (!strpos($thiscook[1], ';')) { $thiscook[1] .= ';'; } $cook_val = substr($thiscook[1], 0, strpos($thiscook[1], ';')); $cook_domain = preg_replace('/^.*domain=[ ]*\\.?([^;]+).*?$/i', '\\1', $thiscook[1]); #* if ($cook_domain == $thiscook[1]) { $cook_domain = $cook_prefdomain; } elseif (substr($cook_prefdomain, strlen($cook_prefdomain) - strlen($cook_domain), strlen($cook_domain)) != $cook_domain) { continue; } $cook_name = str_replace('.', '_', $cook_domain) . COOKIE_SEPARATOR . $thiscook[0]; if (ENCRYPT_COOKS) { $cook_name = proxenc($cook_name); $cook_val = proxenc($cook_val); } dosetcookie($cook_name, $cook_val); } } if ($response[0] == '3' && $response[1] == '0' && $response[2] != '4') { $urlobj = new aurl($url); $redirurl = framify_url(surrogafy_url($headers['location'][0], $urlobj), NEW_PAGETYPE_FRAMED_PAGE); fclose($fp); restore_error_handler(); finish_noexit(); header("Location: {$redirurl}"); exit; } $oheaders = $headers; $oheaders['location'] = $oheaders['content-length'] = $oheaders['content-encoding'] = $oheaders['set-cookie'] = $oheaders['transfer-encoding'] = $oheaders['connection'] = $oheaders['keep-alive'] = $oheaders['pragma'] = $oheaders['cache-control'] = $oheaders['expires'] = null; while (list($key, $val) = each($oheaders)) { if (!empty($val[0])) { header("{$key}: {$val[0]}"); } } unset($oheaders); header("Status: {$response}"); if (substr($headers['content-type'][0], 0, 4) == 'text' || substr($headers['content-type'][0], 0, 24) == 'application/x-javascript') { $justoutput = false; $justoutputnow = false; } else { $justoutputnow = $headers['content-encoding'][0] == 'gzip' ? false : true; $justoutput = true; } if ($headers['transfer-encoding'][0] == 'chunked') { $body = null; $chunksize = null; while ($chunksize !== 0) { $chunksize = intval(fgets($fp, 8192), 16); $bufsize = $chunksize; while ($bufsize >= 1) { $chunk = fread($fp, $bufsize); if ($justoutputnow) { echo $chunk; } else { $body .= $chunk; } $bufsize -= strlen($chunk); } fread($fp, 2); } } else { if (function_exists('stream_get_contents')) { if ($justoutputnow) { echo stream_get_contents($fp); } else { $body = stream_get_contents($fp); } } else { $body = null; while (true) { $chunk = fread($fp, 8192); if (empty($chunk)) { break; } if ($justoutputnow) { echo $chunk; } else { $body .= $chunk; } } } } fclose($fp); restore_error_handler(); if (GZIP_PROXY_SERVER && $headers['content-encoding'][0] == 'gzip') { $body = gzinflate(substr($body, 10)); } if ($justoutput) { if (!$justoutputnow) { echo $body; } finish(); } return array($body, $url, $cook_prefix); }
file_save_draft_area_files($fromform->attachments, $filecontext->id, 'mod_forumng', 'attachment', $post->get_id(), $fileoptions); // itemid is not present when using text-only editor if (!empty($fromform->message['itemid'])) { $fromform->message['text'] = file_save_draft_area_files($fromform->message['itemid'], $filecontext->id, 'mod_forumng', 'message', $postid, $fileoptions, $fromform->message['text']); } $post->edit_finish($fromform->message['text'], $fromform->message['format'], $gotsubject); } // 2. Edit discussion settings if applicable if ($isdiscussion) { $discussion = $post->get_discussion(); $groupid = isset($fromform->group) ? $fromform->group : $discussion->get_group_id(); $discussion->edit_settings($groupid, $fromform->timestart, $fromform->timeend, $discussion->is_locked(), !empty($fromform->sticky)); } // Redirect to view discussion $transaction->allow_commit(); finish($post->get_id(), $cloneid, 'discuss.php?' . $post->get_discussion()->get_link_params(mod_forumng::PARAM_PLAIN) . $expandparam . '#p' . $post->get_id(), $fromform); } } } else { if ($ajax) { // If this is an AJAX request we can't go printing the form, this // must be an error header('Content-Type: text/plain', true, 500); print 'Form redisplay attempt'; exit; } $navigation = array(); // Include link to discussion except when creating new discussion if (!$isdiscussion || $edit) { $PAGE->navbar->add(shorten_text(s($discussion->get_subject())), $discussion->get_url(mod_forumng::PARAM_HTML)); }
<td class="buttons" colspan="2"> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> <input type="reset" value="Reset" /> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="finish" /> </td> </tr> </table> </fieldset> </form> </div> <div class="backLink"> <a href="index.php">Back to Main Menu</a> </div> </div> <?php include 'footer.php'; } function finish($title, $sitename, $topname, $logo, $theme, $homepage) { global $dbi; sql_query("update jones_site set title='{$title}', sitename='{$sitename}', topname='{$topname}', logo='{$logo}', theme='{$theme}', homepage='{$homepage}'", $dbi); Header("Location: index.php"); } switch ($_POST['cmd']) { case "finish": finish($_POST['title'], $_POST['sitename'], $_POST['topname'], $_POST['logo'], $_POST['theme'], $_POST['homepage']); break; default: main($_GET['error'], $_GET['title'], $_GET['sitename'], $_GET['topname'], $_GET['logo'], $_GET['theme'], $_GET['homepage']); break; }
include 'footer.php'; } function finish($uname, $pwd) { global $dbi; $md5_pwd = md5($pwd); $l_result = sql_query("select * from jones_user where uname='{$uname}' and pwd='{$md5_pwd}'", $dbi); if (sql_num_rows($l_result, $dbi) == 0) { $error = "Incorrect username or password"; Header("Location: login.php?error={$error}"); die; } list($uid, $uname, $pwd, $fname, $lname, $email, $privs) = sql_fetch_row($l_result, $dbi); sendCookie($uid, $uname, $pwd, $fname, $lname, $email, $privs); Header("Location: index.php"); } if (isset($_GET['cmd'])) { $cmd = $_GET['cmd']; } else { if (isset($_POST['cmd'])) { $cmd = $_POST['cmd']; } } switch ($cmd) { case "finish": finish($_POST["uname"], $_POST["pwd"]); break; default: main($_GET["error"]); break; }
$items = array('EN', 'FE', 'MA', 'AB', 'MY', 'JU', 'JL', 'AG', 'SE', 'OC', 'NO', 'DI'); $result = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) { $result[] = ($j = array_search($items[$i], $keys)) !== false ? $result_raw[$j] : array($items[$i], 0); } break; case 4: $stmt->bind_param("sss", $_POST['mes'], $_POST['alcohol'], $_POST['cinturon']); if (!$stmt->execute()) { finish(htmlspecialchars($mainDB->error), $mainDB); } $stmt->bind_result($category, $tipo, $accidentes, $causa); $gender = array('SF', 'M', 'H', 'T'); while ($stmt->fetch()) { $keys[] = $tipo; $result_raw[] = array(' ', array_search($category, $gender) + 1, $accidentes, nombreCausa($causa), $accidentes); } /*$items = array( 'FA', 'NF', 'SD'); // Esto es para poner en ceros los datos que no encuentre $result = array(); for($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $result[] = (($j = array_search($items[$i], $keys)) !== false)? $result_raw[$j] : array(nombreTipo($items[$i]), 0, 0); }*/ $result = $result_raw; break; } print json_encode($result); } else { finish("Datos insuficientes", $mainDB); } $mainDB->close();
function my_shutdown() { global $script_stage, $reload; # output( "Script status: ".connection_status(),0); # with PHP 4.2.1 buggy. output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Script stage') . ': ' . $script_stage, 0); global $report, $send_process_id, $tables, $nothingtodo, $invalid, $processed, $failed_sent, $notsent, $sent, $unconfirmed, $num_per_batch, $batch_period, $num_users; $some = $processed; #$sent;# || $invalid || $notsent; if (!$some) { output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Finished, Nothing to do'), 0); $nothingtodo = 1; } $totaltime = $GLOBALS['processqueue_timer']->elapsed(1); $msgperhour = 3600 / $totaltime * $sent; if ($sent) { output(sprintf('%d %s %01.2f %s (%d %s)', $sent, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('messages sent in'), $totaltime, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('seconds'), $msgperhour, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('msgs/hr')), $sent); } if ($invalid) { output(sprintf('%d %s', $invalid, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('invalid emails'))); } if ($failed_sent) { output(sprintf('%d %s', $failed_sent, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('emails failed (will retry later)'))); } if ($unconfirmed) { output(sprintf('%d %s', $unconfirmed, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('emails unconfirmed (not sent)'))); } releaseLock($send_process_id); finish("info", $report); if ($script_stage < 5 && !$nothingtodo) { output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Warning: script never reached stage 5') . "\n" . $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('This may be caused by a too slow or too busy server') . " \n"); } elseif ($script_stage == 5 && (!$nothingtodo || $GLOBALS["wait"])) { # if the script timed out in stage 5, reload the page to continue with the rest $reload++; if (!$GLOBALS["commandline"] && $num_per_batch && $batch_period) { if ($sent + 10 < $GLOBALS["original_num_per_batch"] && !$GLOBALS["wait"]) { output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Less than batch size were sent, so reloading imminently')); $delaytime = 10000; } else { output(sprintf($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Waiting for %d seconds before reloading'), $batch_period)); $delaytime = $batch_period * 1000; } //output("Do not reload this page yourself, because the next batch would fail"); printf('<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> function reload() { var query =; query = query.replace(/&reload=\\d+/,""); query = query.replace(/&lastsent=\\d+/,""); query = query.replace(/&lastskipped=\\d+/,""); document.location = document.location.pathname + query + "&reload=%d&lastsent=%d&lastskipped=%d"; } setTimeout("reload()",%d); </script>', $reload, $sent, $notsent, $delaytime); } else { printf('<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> var query =; query = query.replace(/&reload=\\d+/,""); query = query.replace(/&lastsent=\\d+/,""); query = query.replace(/&lastskipped=\\d+/,""); document.location = document.location.pathname + query + "&reload=%d&lastsent=%d&lastskipped=%d"; </script>', $reload, $sent, $notsent); output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get($processed < $num_users ? 'Reload required' : '')); } # print '<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">alert(document.location)</script>'; } elseif ($script_stage == 6 || $nothingtodo) { output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Finished, All done'), 0); } else { output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Script finished, but not all messages have been sent yet.')); } if (!$GLOBALS['commandline']) { include_once ""; } exit; }
function remove($main_array, $file, $remove_index, $message = null, $finish = true) { unset($main_array[$remove_index]); $main_array = array_values($main_array); if ($finish) { finish($main_array, $file, $message); } return $main_array; }
$_SESSION['phpCAS']['service_cookies'] = array(); } $sm = $_SESSION['ovd-client']['sessionmanager']; foreach ($sm->get_cookies() as $k => $v) { $cookie = array('domain' => parse_url($sm->get_base_url(), PHP_URL_HOST), 'path' => '/', 'secure' => false, 'name' => $k, 'value' => $v); $_SESSION['phpCAS']['service_cookies'][] = $cookie; } } $port = parse_url($CAS_server_url, PHP_URL_PORT); if (is_null($port)) { if (parse_url($CAS_server_url, PHP_URL_SCHEME) == 'https') { $port = 443; } else { $port = 80; } } $path = !parse_url($CAS_server_url, PHP_URL_PATH) ? '' : parse_url($CAS_server_url, PHP_URL_PATH); phpCAS::proxy(CAS_VERSION_2_0, parse_url($CAS_server_url, PHP_URL_HOST), $port, $path, false); phpCAS::setNoCasServerValidation(); phpCAS::setPGTStorageFile(CAS_PGT_STORAGE_FILE_FORMAT_PLAIN, session_save_path()); phpCAS::setFixedCallbackURL($CAS_callback_url); //HTTPS required, and Apache's CRT must be added in Tomcat's keystore (CAS server) phpCAS::forceAuthentication(); if (!phpCAS::serviceWeb($_SESSION['ovd-client']['sessionmanager_url'] . '/start', $errno, $output)) { $_SESSION['ovd-client']['from_SM_start_XML'] = 'ERROR'; finish(); die; } $_SESSION['ovd-client']['from_SM_start_XML'] = $output; finish(); die;
function getpage($url) { global $CONFIG, $OPTIONS, $headers, $out, $proxy_variables, $referer; # Generate HTTP packet content {{{ $content = null; $is_formdata = substr($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'], 0, 19) == 'multipart/form-data'; # Generate for multipart & handle file uploads {{{ if ($is_formdata) { $strnum = null; for ($i = 0; $i < 29; $i++) { $strnum .= rand(0, 9); } $boundary = "---------------------------{$strnum}"; # parse POST variables while (list($key, $val) = each($_POST)) { if (!is_array($val)) { $content .= "--{$boundary}\r\n" . "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{$key}\"\r\n" . "\r\n{$val}\r\n"; } else { while (list($key2, $val2) = each($val)) { $content .= "--{$boundary}\r\n" . "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{$key}[]\"\r\n" . "\r\n{$val2}\r\n"; } } } # parse uploaded files while (list($key, $val) = each($_FILES)) { if (!is_array($val['name'])) { $fcont = file_get_contents($val['tmp_name']); @unlink($val['tmp_name']); $content .= "--{$boundary}\r\n" . "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{$key}\"; " . "filename=\"{$val['name']}\"\r\n" . "Content-Type: {$val['type']}\r\n" . "\r\n{$fcont}\r\n"; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < count($val['name']); $i++) { $fcont = file_get_contents($val['tmp_name'][$i]); @unlink($val['tmp_name'][$i]); $content .= "--{$boundary}\r\n" . "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{$key}[]\"; " . "filename=\"{$val['name'][$i]}\"\r\n" . "Content-Type: {$val['type'][$i]}\r\n" . "\r\n{$fcont}\r\n"; } } } $content .= "--{$boundary}--\r\n"; } else { $postkeys = array_keys($_POST); foreach ($postkeys as $postkey) { if (!in_array($postkey, $proxy_variables)) { if (!is_array($_POST[$postkey])) { $content .= ($content != null ? '&' : null) . httpclean($postkey) . '=' . httpclean($_POST[$postkey]); } else { foreach ($_POST[$postkey] as $postval) { $content .= ($content != null ? '&' : null) . httpclean($postkey) . '%5B%5D=' . httpclean($postval); } } } } } # }}} # }}} # URL setup {{{ $urlobj = new aurl($url); # don't access SSL sites unless the proxy is being accessed through SSL too if ($urlobj->get_proto() == 'https' && $CONFIG['PROTO'] != 'https' && (!is_array($_SESSION['ssl_domains']) || is_array($_SESSION['ssl_domains']) && !in_array($urlobj->get_servername(), $_SESSION['ssl_domains']))) { # ignore certain file types from worrying about this $skip = false; foreach ($CONFIG['SSL_WARNING_IGNORE_FILETYPES'] as $filetype) { if (substr($urlobj->get_file(), -strlen($filetype)) == $filetype) { $skip = true; } } if (!$skip) { havok(8, $urlobj->get_servername()); } } # get request URL $query = $urlobj->get_query(); $requrl = $urlobj->get_path() . $urlobj->get_file() . (!empty($query) ? "?{$query}" : null); # }}} # HTTP Authorization and Cache stuff {{{ $http_auth = null; if (extension_loaded('apache')) { $fail = false; $cheaders = getallheaders(); $http_auth = $reqarray['Authorization']; } else { $fail = true; } $authorization = $fail ? $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] : $cheaders['Authorization']; $cache_control = $fail ? $_SERVER['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL'] : $cheaders['Cache-Control']; $if_modified = $fail ? $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] : $cheaders['If-Modified-Since']; $if_none_match = $fail ? $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] : $cheaders['If-None-Match']; if ($fail) { if (!empty($authorization)) { $http_auth = $authorization; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && !empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) { $http_auth = 'Basic ' . base64_encode("{$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']}:{$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']}"); } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'])) { $http_auth = "Digest {$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST']}"; } } # }}} # HTTP packet construction {{{ # figure out what we are connecting to if ($OPTIONS['TUNNEL_IP'] != null && $OPTIONS['TUNNEL_PORT'] != null) { $servername = $OPTIONS['TUNNEL_IP']; $ipaddress = get_check($servername); $portval = $OPTIONS['TUNNEL_PORT']; $requrl = $urlobj->get_url(false); } else { $servername = $urlobj->get_servername(); $ipaddress = ($urlobj->get_proto() == 'ssl' || $urlobj->get_proto() == 'https' ? 'ssl://' : null) . get_check($servername); $portval = $urlobj->get_portval(); } # begin packet construction $out = ($content == null ? 'GET' : 'POST') . ' ' . str_replace(' ', '%20', $requrl) . " HTTP/1.1\r\n" . "Host: " . $urlobj->get_servername() . ($portval != 80 && ($urlobj->get_proto() == 'https' ? $portval != 443 : true) ? ":{$portval}" : null) . "\r\n"; # user agent and auth headers global $useragent; $useragent = null; if ($OPTIONS['USER_AGENT'] != '-1') { $useragent = $OPTIONS['USER_AGENT']; if (empty($useragent)) { $useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } if (!empty($useragent)) { $out .= "User-Agent: {$useragent}\r\n"; } } if (!empty($http_auth)) { $out .= "Authorization: {$http_auth}\r\n"; } # referer headers if (!$OPTIONS['REMOVE_REFERER'] && !empty($referer)) { $out .= 'Referer: ' . str_replace(' ', '+', $referer) . "\r\n"; } # POST headers if ($content != null) { $out .= 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($content) . "\r\n" . 'Content-Type: ' . ($is_formdata ? "multipart/form-data; boundary={$boundary}" : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') . "\r\n"; } # cookie headers $cook_prefdomain = preg_replace('/^www\\./i', null, $urlobj->get_servername()); #* $cook_prefix = str_replace('.', '_', $cook_prefdomain) . COOKIE_SEPARATOR; if (!$OPTIONS['REMOVE_COOKIES'] && count($_COOKIE) > 0) { $addtoout = null; reset($_COOKIE); while (list($key, $val) = each($_COOKIE)) { if ($key[0] != '~' && strtolower(substr($key, 0, 3)) != '%7e' && str_replace(COOKIE_SEPARATOR, null, $key) == $key) { continue; } if ($OPTIONS['ENCRYPT_COOKIES']) { $key = proxdec($key); $val = proxdec($val); } $cook_domain = substr($key, 0, strpos($key, COOKIE_SEPARATOR)) . COOKIE_SEPARATOR; if (substr($cook_prefix, strlen($cook_prefix) - strlen($cook_domain), strlen($cook_domain)) != $cook_domain) { continue; } $key = substr($key, strlen($cook_domain), strlen($key) - strlen($cook_domain)); if (!in_array($key, $proxy_variables)) { $addtoout .= " {$key}={$val};"; } } if (!empty($addtoout)) { $addtoout .= "\r\n"; $out .= "Cookie:{$addtoout}"; } } # final packet headers and content $out .= "Accept: */*;q=0.1\r\n" . ($CONFIG['GZIP_PROXY_SERVER'] ? "Accept-Encoding: gzip\r\n" : null) . "Connection: close\r\n" . ($cache_control != null ? "Cache-Control: {$cache_control}\r\n" : null) . ($if_modified != null ? "If-Modified-Since: {$if_modified}\r\n" : null) . ($if_none_match != null ? "If-None-Match: {$if_none_match}\r\n" : null) . "\r\n{$content}"; # }}} # Ignore SSL errors {{{ # This part ignores any "SSL: fatal protocol error" errors, and makes sure # other errors are still triggered correctly function errorHandle($errno, $errmsg) { if ($errno <= E_PARSE && ($errno != E_WARNING || substr($errmsg, -25) != 'SSL: fatal protocol error')) { restore_error_handler(); trigger_error($errmsg, $errno << 8); set_error_handler('errorHandle'); } } set_error_handler('errorHandle'); # }}} # Send HTTP Packet {{{ $fp = @fsockopen($ipaddress, $portval, $errno, $errval, 5) or havok(6, $servername, $portval); stream_set_timeout($fp, 5); # for persistent connections, this may be necessary /* $ub=stream_get_meta_data($fp); $ub=$ub['unread_bytes']; if($ub>0) fread($fp,$ub); */ fwrite($fp, $out); # }}} # Retrieve and Parse response headers {{{ $response = '100'; while ($response == '100') { $responseline = fgets($fp, 8192); $response = substr($responseline, 9, 3); $headers = array(); while ($curline != "\r\n" && ($curline = fgets($fp, 8192))) { $harr = explode(':', $curline, 2); $headers[strtolower($harr[0])][] = trim($harr[1]); } } //if($headers['pragma'][0]==null) header('Pragma: public'); //if($headers['cache-control'][0]==null) header('Cache-Control: public'); //if($headers['last-modified'][0]==null && $headers['expires']==null) // header('Expires: '.date('D, d M Y H:i:s e',time()+86400)); # read and store cookies if (!$OPTIONS['REMOVE_COOKIES']) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($headers['set-cookie']); $i++) { $thiscook = explode('=', $headers['set-cookie'][$i], 2); if (!strpos($thiscook[1], ';')) { $thiscook[1] .= ';'; } $cook_val = substr($thiscook[1], 0, strpos($thiscook[1], ';')); $cook_domain = preg_replace('/^.*domain=[ ]*\\.?([^;]+).*?$/i', '\\1', $thiscook[1]); #* if ($cook_domain == $thiscook[1]) { $cook_domain = $cook_prefdomain; } elseif (substr($cook_prefdomain, strlen($cook_prefdomain) - strlen($cook_domain), strlen($cook_domain)) != $cook_domain) { continue; } $cook_name = str_replace('.', '_', $cook_domain) . COOKIE_SEPARATOR . $thiscook[0]; if ($OPTIONS['ENCRYPT_COOKIES']) { $cook_name = proxenc($cook_name); $cook_val = proxenc($cook_val); } dosetcookie($cook_name, $cook_val); } } # page redirected, send it back to the user if ($response[0] == '3' && $response[1] == '0' && $response[2] != '4') { $urlobj = new aurl($url); $redirurl = framify_url(surrogafy_url($headers['location'][0], $urlobj), NEW_PAGETYPE_FRAMED_PAGE); fclose($fp); restore_error_handler(); finish_noexit(); header("Location: {$redirurl}"); exit; } # parse the rest of the headers $oheaders = $headers; $oheaders['location'] = $oheaders['content-length'] = $oheaders['content-encoding'] = $oheaders['set-cookie'] = $oheaders['transfer-encoding'] = $oheaders['connection'] = $oheaders['keep-alive'] = $oheaders['pragma'] = $oheaders['cache-control'] = $oheaders['expires'] = null; while (list($key, $val) = each($oheaders)) { if (!empty($val[0])) { header("{$key}: {$val[0]}"); } } unset($oheaders); header("Status: {$response}"); # }}} # Retrieve content {{{ if (substr($headers['content-type'][0], 0, 4) == 'text' || substr($headers['content-type'][0], 0, 22) == 'application/javascript' || substr($headers['content-type'][0], 0, 24) == 'application/x-javascript') { $justoutput = false; $justoutputnow = false; } else { $justoutputnow = $headers['content-encoding'][0] == 'gzip' ? false : true; $justoutput = true; } # Transfer-Encoding: chunked if ($headers['transfer-encoding'][0] == 'chunked') { $body = null; $chunksize = null; while ($chunksize !== 0) { $chunksize = intval(fgets($fp, 8192), 16); $bufsize = $chunksize; while ($bufsize >= 1) { $chunk = fread($fp, $bufsize); if ($justoutputnow) { echo $chunk; } else { $body .= $chunk; } $bufsize -= strlen($chunk); } fread($fp, 2); } } else { if (function_exists('stream_get_contents')) { if ($justoutputnow) { echo stream_get_contents($fp); } else { $body = stream_get_contents($fp); } } else { $body = null; while (true) { $chunk = fread($fp, 8192); if (empty($chunk)) { break; } if ($justoutputnow) { echo $chunk; } else { $body .= $chunk; } } } } fclose($fp); restore_error_handler(); # }}} # GZIP, output, and return {{{ if ($headers['content-encoding'][0] == 'gzip') { # $temp = tempnam('/tmp', 'ff'); @file_put_contents($temp, $body); ob_start(); readgzfile($temp); $body = ob_get_clean(); unlink($temp); } if ($justoutput) { if (!$justoutputnow) { echo $body; } finish(); } return array($body, $url, $cook_prefix); # }}} }