function findItemToWork($userid, $allstatus = false) { if (!($userid > 0)) { return false; } global $vbulletin, $kbank_active_items; if (!$vbulletin->kbank['itemEnabled']) { return false; } $didsomething = false; if (!isset($kbank_active_items[$userid]) or $allstatus) { $skip = false; if (in_array(THIS_SCRIPT, array('showthread'))) { $skip = true; } if (!$skip) { //sometime we will skip query database for items findItemsToWork(array($userid), false, $allstatus); } } if (is_array($kbank_active_items[$userid])) { foreach ($kbank_active_items[$userid] as $item) { if ($item->data['status'] > KBANK_ITEM_AVAILABLE and ($item->data['expire_time'] > TIMENOW or $item->data['expire_time'] < 0)) { $item->doAction('work'); $didsomething = true; } } } return $didsomething; }
<?php /*======================================================================*\ || #################################################################### || || # kBank 2.4 || # Coded by mrpaint || # Contact: || # I'm a Vietnamese! Thank you for using this script || # Last Updated: 03:27 29-03-2009 || #################################################################### || \*======================================================================*/ if (defined('VB_AREA') && $vbulletin->kbank['enabled']) { include_once DIR . '/kbank/functions.php'; global $KBANK_HOOK_NAME, $kbank_userinfo_tmp; $KBANK_HOOK_NAME = KBANK_FETCH_MUSERNAME; $kbank_userinfo_tmp = $user; $kbank_userinfo_tmp['userdisplaygroupid'] = $displaygroupid; if (!isset($vbulletin->userinfo)) { //userinfo has not been initialized! We believe fetch_musername is being called for current user //cache ALL user items $userids = array($user['userid']); if ($user['kbank_granted_count']) { $userids = array_merge($userids, explode('|', $user['kbank_granted_userid'])); } findItemsToWork($userids, false, true); } if (findItemToWork($user['userid'])) { $user = $kbank_userinfo_tmp; } }
|| #################################################################### || || # kBank 2.4 || # Coded by mrpaint || # Contact: || # I'm a Vietnamese! Thank you for using this script || # Last Updated: 03:25 29-03-2009 || #################################################################### || \*======================================================================*/ global $vbulletin; if (defined('VB_AREA') and $vbulletin->kbank['enabled']) { include_once DIR . '/kbank/functions.php'; global $vbphrase, $kbank, $KBANK_HOOK_NAME, $ids, $kbank_done, $kbank_active_items; if (!$kbank_done) { if ($ids) { //Prepare with multi posts thread (ONE query for the whole page) findItemsToWork(explode(',', $ids), false, false, array('join' => "INNER JOIN `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "post` AS post ON (post.userid = items.userid)", 'idcheckfield' => 'post.postid')); } $kbank_done = true; //Tricky way to re-create musername if item found if (count($kbank_active_items[$post['userid']])) { $post['musername'] = null; $post['musername'] = fetch_musername($post); } } $KBANK_HOOK_NAME = KBANK_POSTBIT_COMPLETE; findItemToWork($this->post['userid'], false); if ($vbulletin->kbank['postbit_elements'] & $vbulletin->kbank['bitfield']['display_elements']['kbank_show_points']) { $showpoints = true; if ($post["{$vbulletin->kbank['field']}"]) { $post["{$vbulletin->kbank['field']}"] = $post['kbank'] = vb_number_format($post["{$vbulletin->kbank['field']}"], $vbulletin->kbank['roundup']); }
foreach ($items2show as $items2show_tmp) { foreach ($items2show_tmp as $item2show) { $useHead = false; $fulllink = $item2show['fulllink']; $link = $item2show['link']; $text = $item2show['name'] . iif($item2show['status_str'], ' ' . $item2show['status_str']) . iif($item2show['count'] > 1, " x<strong style=\"color:red\">{$item2show['count']}</strong>"); eval('$kbank_navbar_popup_menu_more .= " ' . fetch_template('kbank_navbar_popup_menu_bit') . '";'); } } } //Total Money $fulllink = true; $link = '#'; $text = $vbulletin->kbank['name'] . ': ' . $vbulletin->userinfo['kbank']; eval('$kbank_navbar_popup_menu_more .= " ' . fetch_template('kbank_navbar_popup_menu_bit') . '";'); ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('kbank_navbar_popup_menu')) ? eval($hook) : false; //Add menu in a new way (from vBBlog) 31-12-2008 //Old codes: /*eval('$template_hook["navbar_popup_menus"] .= "' . fetch_template('kbank_navbar_popup_menu') . '";'); $vbulletin->templatecache['navbar'] = str_replace( '<!-- NAVBAR POPUP MENUS -->' ,'<!-- NAVBAR POPUP MENUS --> $template_hook[navbar_popup_menus]' , $vbulletin->templatecache['navbar']);*/ eval('$header .= "' . fetch_template('kbank_navbar_popup_menu') . '";'); //navbar popup menu - complete! } //Prepare items? if (count($userids2cache)) { findItemsToWork($userids2cache); } }