function getBannersClicked($banid, $userid = null)
    $rarray = array();
    $update_qry = "UPDATE banners set number_of_click = number_of_click+1 where id={$banid}";
    if (updateByQuery($update_qry)) {
        if (!empty($userid)) {
            $add_details = findByIdArray($banid, 'banners');
            $already_exists_query = "SELECT * from point_details where type='B' and parent_id=" . $add_details['id'] . " and user_id=" . $userid;
            $if_exist = findByQuery($already_exists_query);
            echo '<pre>';
            if (!empty($add_details) && $add_details['target_click'] >= $add_details['number_of_click'] && empty($if_exist)) {
                $given_point_details = findByConditionArray(array('id' => $add_details['mpoint_name']), 'point_master');
                $given_point_exipre_date = $given_point_details[0]['expire_date'];
                $temp = array();
                $temp['user_id'] = $userid;
                $temp['points'] = $add_details['mpoint_get_per_click'];
                $temp['point_id'] = $add_details['mpoint_name'];
                $temp['merchant_id'] = $add_details['merchant_id'];
                $temp['source'] = "earn from banner click";
                $temp['type'] = 'B';
                $temp['parent_id'] = $add_details['id'];
                $temp['date'] = $add_details['start_date'];
                $temp['expire_date'] = $given_point_exipre_date;
                $temp['redeemed_points'] = 0;
                $temp['redeemed_points'] = 0;
                $temp['remaining_points'] = $add_details['mpoint_get_per_click'];
                $t = add(json_encode(array('save_data' => $temp)), 'points');
                $temp = array();
                $temp['user_id'] = $userid;
                $temp['points'] = $add_details['mpoint_get_per_click'];
                $temp['point_id'] = $add_details['mpoint_name'];
                $temp['merchant_id'] = $add_details['merchant_id'];
                $temp['source'] = "earn from banner click";
                $temp['type'] = 'B';
                $temp['parent_id'] = $add_details['id'];
                $temp['date'] = $add_details['start_date'];
                $temp['expire_date'] = $given_point_exipre_date;
                $temp['redeemed_points'] = 0;
                $temp['remaining_points'] = $add_details['mpoint_get_per_click'];
                $temp['transaction_type'] = 0;
                $t = add(json_encode(array('save_data' => $temp)), 'point_details');
                $rarray = array('type' => 'success', 'message' => 'Congratulation. You have got ' . $add_details['mpoint_get_per_click'] . ' m-points.');
            } else {
                //echo 'helllo';
                //$rarray = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => 'Banners not found.');
        } else {
            $rarray = array('type' => 'success', 'message' => 'Banners clicked successfully.');
    } else {
        $rarray = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => 'Internal error. Please try again later.');
    echo json_encode($rarray);
function getBankDetailsByUser($user_id)
    $rarray = array();
    $query = "select * from bank_details where user_id={$user_id}";
    $details = findByQuery($query, 'one');
    if (!empty($details)) {
        $rarray = array("type" => "success", "details" => $details);
    } else {
        $rarray = array("type" => "error", "message" => "Bank details not found.");
    echo json_encode($rarray);
Пример #3
function getSpecialMerchantNews($res_id)
    $rarray = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => 'No news found.');
    $news_restaurants = findByConditionArray(array('restaurant_id' => $res_id), 'news_restaurant_map');
    $restaurants = array_column($news_restaurants, 'news_id');
    $news_query = "SELECT * FROM news WHERE id in(" . implode(',', $restaurants) . ") and special_event=1";
    $news = findByQuery($news_query);
    if (!empty($news)) {
        $news = array_map(function ($t) {
            $t['image_url'] = SITEURL . 'news_images/' . $t['image'];
            return $t;
        }, $news);
        $rarray = array('type' => 'success', 'data' => $news);
    echo json_encode($rarray);
function getHotAds()
    $rarray = array();
    $query = "select * from advertisements where DATE(start_date)<=CURDATE() and DATE(end_date)>=CURDATE() and is_active=1 order by advertisements.number_of_click DESC";
    $result = findByQuery($query);
    if (!empty($result)) {
        $result = array_map(function ($t) {
            if (!empty($t['image'])) {
                $t['image_url'] = SITEURL . "advertisement_images/" . $t['image'];
            $t['expire_date'] = date('d M,Y H:i:s', strtotime($t['end_date']));
            return $t;
        }, $result);
        $rarray = array('type' => 'success', 'ads' => $result);
    } else {
        $rarray = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => 'No ads found.');
    echo json_encode($rarray);
function cornForCartValidity()
    $cur_time = time();
    //echo $cur_time;
    $cartsql = "select * from cart where  validity <= '" . $cur_time . "'";
    $cartres = findByQuery($cartsql);
    if (!empty($cartres)) {
        foreach ($cartres as $cartres_key => $cartres_val) {
            $offer_id = $cartres_val['offer_id'];
            $offer_qty = $cartres_val['quantity'];
            $cart_id = $cartres_val['id'];
            //$offer_details = findByConditionArray(array('id' => $offer_id),'offers');
            $up_query = "UPDATE offers SET buy_count=buy_count -" . $offer_qty . " where id=" . $offer_id;
            delete('cart', $cart_id);
function getMerchantRestaurantDetails($res_id)
    $rarray = array();
    $details = findByIdArray($res_id, 'merchantrestaurants');
    if (!empty($details)) {
        $details['logo_url'] = SITEURL . 'merchantrestaurant_images/' . $details['logo'];
        $outlet_query = "SELECT * FROM merchantoutlets WHERE restaurant_id={$res_id} and is_active=1";
        $outlets = findByQuery($outlet_query);
        $outlets = array_map(function ($t) {
            $t['image_url'] = SITEURL . 'merchantoutlet_images/' . $t['image'];
            $s['iconurl'] = "";
            if (!empty($t['icon'])) {
                $t['iconurl'] = SITEURL . 'merchantrestaurant_icon/' . $t['icon'];
            return $t;
        }, $outlets);
        $details['outlets'] = $outlets;
        $rarray = array('type' => 'success', 'data' => $details);
    } else {
        $rarray = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => 'Restaurant not found.');
    echo json_encode($rarray);
Пример #7
function activeProfile($unique_id)
    $request = Slim::getInstance()->request();
    $body = json_decode($request->getBody());
    //$email = $body->email;
    //$email = isset($user->email)?$user->email:$user->username;
    //echo $email;exit;
    //$pass = md5($body->password);
    $result = '';
    if (!empty($unique_id)) {
        //	    $db = getConnection();
        //	    $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE unique_code=:unique_code";
        //	    $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
        //	    $stmt->bindParam("unique_code", $unique_id);
        //	    $stmt->execute();
        //	    $count = $stmt->rowCount();
        //	    //echo $count;exit;
        //	    $user = $stmt->fetchObject();
        //	    $db = null;
        $user = json_decode(findByCondition(array('unique_code' => $unique_id), 'users'));
        $count = count($user);
        if ($count == 0) {
            $result = '{"type":"error","message":"You are Not Valid User"}';
        } elseif ($count == 1) {
            //$result = json_encode($user);
            $user = $user['0'];
            $logged_in = $user->is_logged_in;
            $id = $user->id;
            $email = $user->email;
            //$arr['is_logged_in'] = 1;
            $arr['is_active'] = 1;
            $arr['last_login'] = date('Y-m-d h:m:s');
            $updateinfo['save_data'] = $arr;
            // print_r($updateinfo);exit;
            $update = edit(json_encode($updateinfo), 'users', $id);
            if (!empty($update)) {
                $user->is_active = 1;
                $user->last_login = $arr['last_login'];
                $user_details = json_encode($user);
                $db = getConnection();
                $sql1 = "SELECT * FROM member_user_map WHERE email=:email order by id desc";
                $stmt = $db->prepare($sql1);
                $stmt->bindParam("email", $email);
                $membercount = $stmt->rowCount();
                //echo $count;exit;
                //$tempvoucher = $stmt->fetchObject();
                $allmember = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
                $db = null;
                if ($membercount != 0) {
                    //$arr['is_active'] = 1;
                    $member_offer_id = $allmember[0]->offer_id;
                    $member_voucher_id = $allmember[0]->voucher_id;
                    $member_name = $allmember[0]->name;
                    $first_name = '';
                    $last_name = '';
                    if (!empty($member_name)) {
                        $member_name = explode(' ', $member_name);
                        $first_name = $member_name[0];
                        $last_name = $member_name[1];
                        if (isset($member_name[2])) {
                            $last_name = $last_name . ' ' . $member_name[2];
                        $arr = array();
                        $arr['first_name'] = $first_name;
                        $arr['last_name'] = $last_name;
                        $updateinfo = array();
                        $updateinfo['save_data'] = $arr;
                        // print_r($updateinfo);exit;
                        $update = edit(json_encode($updateinfo), 'users', $id);
                    $member_voucher_query = "SELECT * FROM `voucher_owner` WHERE offer_id={$member_offer_id} and is_active=1 and voucher_id={$member_voucher_id}";
                    $memberVoucherDetails = findByQuery($member_voucher_query);
                    if (!empty($memberVoucherDetails)) {
                        $voucher_owner_id = $memberVoucherDetails[0]['id'];
                        $maparr = array();
                        $maparr['to_user_id'] = $id;
                        $voucherupdateinfo['save_data'] = $maparr;
                        $cndtn = array();
                        $cndtn['id'] = $voucher_owner_id;
                        $updatemap = editByField(json_encode($voucherupdateinfo), 'voucher_owner', $cndtn);
                    $maparr = array();
                    $maparr['user_id'] = $id;
                    $mapupdateinfo['save_data'] = $maparr;
                    $cndtn = array();
                    $cndtn['email'] = $email;
                    $updatemap = editByField(json_encode($mapupdateinfo), 'member_user_map', $cndtn);
                $db = getConnection();
                $sql = "SELECT * FROM gift_voucher_non_user WHERE email=:email";
                $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
                $stmt->bindParam("email", $email);
                $tempvouchercount = $stmt->rowCount();
                //echo $count;exit;
                //$tempvoucher = $stmt->fetchObject();
                $tempvouchers = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
                $db = null;
                $expired_vouchers = 0;
                if ($tempvouchercount != 0) {
                    foreach ($tempvouchers as $tempvoucher) {
                        $date1 = strtotime($tempvoucher->gift_date);
                        $date2 = time();
                        $interval = floor(($date2 - $date1) / (60 * 60 * 24));
                        $tempid = $tempvoucher->id;
                        if ($interval < 3) {
                            $to_user = $id;
                            $from_user = $tempvoucher->user_id;
                            $vid = $tempvoucher->voucher_id;
                            //$vid = $tempvoucher->voucher_id;
                            if (!empty($to_user)) {
                                if (!empty($from_user)) {
                                    $db = getConnection();
                                    $sql = "SELECT, voucher_owner.is_active, as voucher_id, vouchers.offer_id, vouchers.view_id, vouchers.offer_price, vouchers.offer_percent, vouchers.price, users.first_name, users.last_name,  FROM vouchers, voucher_owner, users WHERE voucher_owner.voucher_id = and voucher_owner.voucher_id=:vid and voucher_owner.is_active = '1' and voucher_owner.to_user_id=:userid";
                                    $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
                                    $stmt->bindParam("vid", $vid);
                                    $stmt->bindParam("userid", $from_user);
                                    $voucherowner = $stmt->fetchObject();
                                    if (!empty($voucherowner)) {
                                        $ownerid = $voucherowner->id;
                                        $offerid = $voucherowner->offer_id;
                                        $viewid = $voucherowner->view_id;
                                        $offer_price = $voucherowner->offer_price;
                                        $offer_percent = $voucherowner->offer_percent;
                                        $price = $voucherowner->price;
                                        $vid = $voucherowner->voucher_id;
                                        $arr = array();
                                        $arr['is_active'] = 0;
                                        //$arr['buy_price'] = $buy_price;
                                        $arr['sold_date'] = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
                                        $allinfo['save_data'] = $arr;
                                        $old_owner_details = edit(json_encode($allinfo), 'voucher_owner', $ownerid);
                                        if ($old_owner_details) {
                                            $data = array();
                                            $data['voucher_id'] = $vid;
                                            $data['offer_id'] = $offerid;
                                            $data['voucher_view_id'] = $viewid;
                                            $data['from_user_id'] = $from_user;
                                            $data['to_user_id'] = $to_user;
                                            $data['price'] = $price;
                                            $data['offer_price'] = $offer_price;
                                            $data['offer_percent'] = $offer_percent;
                                            $data['is_active'] = '1';
                                            $data['buy_price'] = '0.00';
                                            $data['purchased_date'] = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
                                            $data['transfer_type'] = 'Gift';
                                            $newinfo['save_data'] = $data;
                                            $new_owner_details = add(json_encode($newinfo), 'voucher_owner');
                                            if (!empty($new_owner_details)) {
                                                $new = json_decode($new_owner_details);
                                                $giveData['voucher_id'] = $vid;
                                                $giveData['offer_id'] = $offerid;
                                                $giveData['from_user_id'] = $from_user;
                                                $giveData['to_user_id'] = $to_user;
                                                $giveData['created_on'] = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
                                                $giveData['is_active'] = 1;
                                                $newgiveData['save_data'] = $giveData;
                                                $new_owner_details = add(json_encode($newgiveData), 'give_voucher');
                        } else {
                        $deletetemptable = delete('gift_voucher_non_user', $tempid);
                if (isset($expired_vouchers) && $expired_vouchers > 0) {
                    $result = '{"type":"success","message":"Logged In Succesfully","user_details":' . $user_details . ',"voucher_message":"Your ' . $expired_vouchers . ' Promo has been expired."}';
                } else {
                    $result = '{"type":"success","message":"Logged In Succesfully","user_details":' . $user_details . '}';
            } else {
                $result = '{"type":"error","message":"Error occured"}';
        echo $result;
function getSiteSearch()
    $keyword = !empty($_GET['keyword']) ? $_GET['keyword'] : '';
    $category = !empty($_GET['category']) && $_GET['category'] != 'undefined' ? $_GET['category'] : 'promo';
    $page = !empty($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
    $lines = !empty($_GET['lines']) ? $_GET['lines'] : 20;
    $sort = !empty($_GET['sort']) ? $_GET['sort'] : 'id';
    $sort_by = !empty($_GET['sort_by']) ? $_GET['sort_by'] : 'DESC';
    if (!empty($keyword) && !empty($category)) {
        $keyword = addslashes($keyword);
        $num_rec_per_page = $lines;
        $start_from = ($page - 1) * $num_rec_per_page;
        $limit = " LIMIT {$start_from}, {$num_rec_per_page}";
        $order = " ORDER BY " . $sort . " " . $sort_by;
        $db = getConnection();
        if ($category == 'promo') {
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM offers WHERE is_active=1 and (title LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR description LIKE '%{$keyword}%'OR benefits LIKE '%{$keyword}%')" . $order . $limit;
            $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
            #$stmt->bindParam("like", "%$keyword%");
            $rarray = $stmt->fetchAll();
            $db = null;
            $rarray = array_map(function ($t) {
                if (!empty($t['image'])) {
                    $t['image_url'] = SITEURL . 'voucher_images/' . $t['image'];
                return $t;
            }, $rarray);
        } else {
            if ($category == 'location') {
                $query = "SELECT * FROM locations where city LIKE '%{$keyword}%' and is_active=1";
                $locations = findByQuery($query);
                $location_ids = '';
                $outlet_ids = '';
                $offer_ids = '';
                if (!empty($locations)) {
                    $location_ids = implode(',', array_column($locations, 'id'));
                    $outlet_query = "SELECT * FROM outlet_location_map WHERE location_id in({$location_ids})";
                    $outlets = findByQuery($outlet_query);
                    if (!empty($outlets)) {
                        $outlet_ids = implode(',', array_column($outlets, 'outlet_id'));
                    if (!empty($outlet_ids)) {
                        $offers_query = "SELECT * FROM offer_outlet_map WHERE outlet_id in({$outlet_ids})";
                        $offers = findByQuery($offers_query);
                        if (!empty($offers)) {
                            $offer_ids = implode(',', array_column($offers, 'offer_id'));
                if (!empty($offer_ids)) {
                    $sql = "SELECT * FROM offers WHERE is_active=1 and id in({$offer_ids}) " . $order . $limit;
                    $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
                    #$stmt->bindParam("like", "%$keyword%");
                    $rarray = $stmt->fetchAll();
                    $db = null;
                    $rarray = array_map(function ($t) {
                        if (!empty($t['image'])) {
                            $t['image_url'] = SITEURL . 'voucher_images/' . $t['image'];
                        return $t;
                    }, $rarray);
                } else {
                    $rarray = array();
            } else {
                if ($category == 'event') {
                    $sql = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE is_active=1 and status='O' and (title LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR description LIKE '%{$keyword}%')" . $order . $limit;
                    $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
                    #$stmt->bindParam("like", "%$keyword%");
                    $rarray = $stmt->fetchAll();
                    $db = null;
                    $rarray = array_map(function ($t) {
                        if (!empty($t['image'])) {
                            $t['image_url'] = SITEURL . 'event_images/' . $t['image'];
                        return $t;
                    }, $rarray);
                } else {
                    if ($category == 'news') {
                        $sql = "SELECT * FROM news WHERE is_active=1 and (title LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR description LIKE '%{$keyword}%')" . $order . $limit;
                        $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
                        #$stmt->bindParam("like", "%$keyword%");
                        $rarray = $stmt->fetchAll();
                        $db = null;
                        $rarray = array_map(function ($t) {
                            if (!empty($t['image'])) {
                                $t['image_url'] = SITEURL . 'news_images/' . $t['image'];
                            return $t;
                        }, $rarray);
                    } else {
                        if ($category == 'restaurant') {
                            $sql = "SELECT * FROM restaurants WHERE is_active=1 and (title LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR address LIKE '%{$keyword}%')" . $order . $limit;
                            $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
                            #$stmt->bindParam("like", "%$keyword%");
                            $rarray = $stmt->fetchAll();
                            $db = null;
                            $rarray = array_map(function ($t) {
                                if (!empty($t['logo'])) {
                                    $t['logo_url'] = SITEURL . 'restaurant_images/' . $t['logo'];
                                return $t;
                            }, $rarray);
        $rarray = array('type' => 'success', 'data' => $rarray, 'category' => $category);
    } else {
        $rarray = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => 'No match found');
    echo json_encode($rarray);
function getExpireSoonPoints($user_id)
    $rarray = array();
    $cur_year = date('Y');
    $cur_month = date('m');
    $sql = "select * from point_master where MONTH(expire_date)='" . $cur_month . "'";
    $point_master_res = findByQuery($sql);
    $cnt = 0;
    if (!empty($point_master_res)) {
        $pointsid = array_column($point_master_res, 'id');
        $point_data = array();
        $nextsixdays = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(' +6 day'));
        $today = date('Y-m-d');
        //echo '<pre>';
        //$pointsid = array_column($point_res, 'id');
        foreach ($point_master_res as $point_key => $point_val) {
            $point_data = array();
            $point_id = $point_val['id'];
            $merchant_name = '';
            $point_name = '';
            $month_count = 0;
            $week_count = 0;
            $year_count = 0;
            $expired_point = 0;
            $available_point = 0;
            $availableweek_point = 0;
            /*$monthsql = "select * from point_master where MONTH(expire_date)='".$cur_month."' and id='".$point_id."'";
              $point_master_month_res = findByQuery($monthsql);
                  $point_month_sql = "select * from points where user_id='".$user_id."' and point_id='".$point_id."'";
                  $point_month_res = findByQuery($point_month_sql);
                      foreach($point_month_res as $point_month_detail_val){                            
                          $month_count = $month_count + $point_month_detail_val['remaining_points'];
            $point_name = $point_val['name'];
            if ($point_val['type'] != 0) {
                $mer_id = $point_val['user_id'];
                $user_sql = "select merchant_name from users where id='" . $mer_id . "'";
                $user_res = findByQuery($user_sql);
                if (!empty($user_res)) {
                    $merchant_name = $user_res[0]['merchant_name'];
            } else {
                $merchant_name = 'mFoodGate';
            if ($point_val['expire_date'] >= $today && $point_val['expire_date'] <= $nextsixdays) {
            $point_sql = "select * from point_details where user_id='" . $user_id . "' and point_id='" . $point_id . "'";
            $point_res = findByQuery($point_sql);
            if (!empty($point_res)) {
                $total_point = 0;
                $redeem_point = 0;
                $totalweek_point = 0;
                $redeemweek_point = 0;
                $point_data['id'] = $point_id;
                $point_data['merchant_name'] = $merchant_name;
                $point_data['point_name'] = $point_name;
                $point_data['merchant_name'] = $merchant_name;
                if ($point_val['expire_date'] >= $today && $point_val['expire_date'] <= $nextsixdays) {
                    foreach ($point_res as $point_detail_val) {
                        //$total_point = $total_point + $point_detail_val['points'];
                        $totalweek_point = $totalweek_point + $point_detail_val['points'];
                        $redeemweek_point = $redeemweek_point + $point_detail_val['redeemed_points'];
                    $availableweek_point = $total_point - $redeem_point;
                    $week_count = $availableweek_point;
                foreach ($point_res as $point_detail_val) {
                    //$total_point = $total_point + $point_detail_val['points'];
                    $total_point = $total_point + $point_detail_val['points'];
                    $redeem_point = $redeem_point + $point_detail_val['redeemed_points'];
                $available_point = $total_point - $redeem_point;
                $point_data['month_count'] = $available_point;
                $point_data['week_count'] = $week_count;
                $rarray[] = $point_data;
                $cnt = 1;
            } else {
        if ($cnt == 1) {
            $rarray = array('status' => 'success', 'data' => $rarray);
        } else {
            $rarray = array();
            $rarray = array('status' => 'error', 'data' => $rarray);
    } else {
        $rarray = array();
        $rarray = array('status' => 'error', 'data' => $rarray);
    echo json_encode($rarray);
function checkResellPayment()
    $cur_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-3 days"));
    //echo $cur_date;
    $sql = "select * from voucher_resales where is_sold=1 and ispayment=1 and DATE(sold_on) <= '" . $cur_date . "'";
    $res = findByQuery($sql);
    //echo '<pre>';
    if (!empty($res)) {
        foreach ($res as $key => $val) {
            $voucher_id = '';
            $resell_id = '';
            $voucher_id = $val['voucher_id'];
            $resell_id = $val['id'];
            //echo $resell_id;
            $voucherownerInfo = findByConditionArray(array('voucher_id' => $voucher_id, 'is_active' => 1), 'voucher_owner');
            if (!empty($voucherownerInfo)) {
                $last_owner_id = $voucherownerInfo[0]['owner_id'];
                $owner_id = $voucherownerInfo[0]['id'];
                //echo $last_owner_id;
                //echo $owner_id;
                $save_data = array();
                $save_data['save_data']['is_active'] = 0;
                $voucher_owner_edit = edit(json_encode($save_data), 'voucher_owner', $owner_id);
                $save_data = array();
                $save_data['save_data']['is_active'] = 1;
                $save_data['save_data']['resell_type'] = 0;
                $last_voucher_owner_edit = edit(json_encode($save_data), 'voucher_owner', $last_owner_id);
            //$voucherresellInfo = findByConditionArray(array('id' => $resell_id),'voucher_resales');
            $save_data = array();
            $save_data['save_data']['is_sold'] = 0;
            $voucher_owner_edit = edit(json_encode($save_data), 'voucher_resales', $resell_id);
            $voucherResellBidInfo = findByConditionArray(array('voucher_resale_id' => $resell_id, 'is_accepted' => 1), 'voucher_bids');
            if (!empty($voucherResellBidInfo)) {
                $bid_id = $voucherResellBidInfo[0]['id'];
                $save_data = array();
                $save_data['save_data']['is_accepted'] = 0;
                $voucher_owner_bid_edit = edit(json_encode($save_data), 'voucher_bids', $bid_id);
Пример #11
function getMyEvents($id)
    $rarray = array();
    $events = array();
    $loc_events = array();
    $cat_events = array();
    if ($id) {
        $sql = "SELECT, events.title, events.created_on, events.offer_from_date, events.offer_to_date, events.from_date, events.to_date, events.status, events.image, event_bids.price  FROM events, event_bids  WHERE event_bids.event_id = and event_bids.user_id='" . $id . "'";
        //$event_in  = str_repeat('?,', count($events) - 1) . '?';
        //$sql = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE id in(".implode(',',$events).")";
        //$db = getConnection();
        //$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
        //$stmt->bindParam("user_id", $user_id);
        // $stmt->execute($events);
        $points = findByQuery($sql);
        $count = count($points);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            $today = date('Y-m-d');
            $checkdate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($points[$i]['offer_to_date']));
            $created_on = date('m/d/Y', strtotime($points[$i]['created_on']));
            $points[$i]['created_on'] = $created_on;
            $from_date = date('m/d/Y', strtotime($points[$i]['offer_from_date']));
            $points[$i]['offer_from_date'] = $from_date;
            $to_date = date('m/d/Y', strtotime($points[$i]['offer_to_date']));
            $points[$i]['offer_to_date'] = $to_date;
            $event_date = date('m/d/Y', strtotime($points[$i]['from_date']));
            $points[$i]['event_date'] = $event_date;
            $event_start_time = date('h:i A', strtotime($points[$i]['from_date']));
            $points[$i]['event_start_time'] = $event_start_time;
            $event_end_time = date('h:i A', strtotime($points[$i]['to_date']));
            $points[$i]['event_end_time'] = $event_end_time;
            $points[$i]['price'] = number_format($points[$i]['price'], 2, '.', ',');
            if (!empty($points[$i]['image'])) {
                $points[$i]['image_url'] = SITEURL . 'event_images/' . $points[$i]['image'];
            if ($checkdate < $today) {
                $points[$i]['status'] = 'Expired';
            } else {
                if ($points[$i]['status'] == 'O') {
                    $points[$i]['status'] = 'Open';
                } else {
                    if ($points[$i]['status'] == 'E') {
                        $points[$i]['status'] = 'Expired';
                    } else {
                        $points[$i]['status'] = 'Completed';
              $points = array_map(function($t,$k){
                  $t->sl = $k+1;
                  //$t->type = ($t->type=='C'?'Credit':'Debit');
                                  $t->date = date('m/d/Y',  strtotime($t->date));
                  $t->expire_date = date('m/d/Y',  strtotime($t->expire_date));
                  return $t;
              }, $points,  array_keys($points));
        $rarray = array('status' => 'success', 'data' => $points);
    echo json_encode($rarray);
function getMerResDetail($mid, $rid, $uid, $vid)
    $restaurant_details = findByIdArray($rid, 'restaurants');
    $merchant_details = findByIdArray($mid, 'users');
    $restaurant_id = $restaurant_details['restaurant_id'];
    $merchant_id = $merchant_details['merchant_id'];
    //echo "SELECT * FROM `member_user_map` WHERE merchant_id='".$merchant_id."' and user_id=$uid and  voucher_id=$vid";
    $member_query = "SELECT * FROM `member_user_map` WHERE merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and user_id={$uid} and  voucher_id={$vid}";
    $memberIdDetails = findByQuery($member_query);
    if (!empty($memberIdDetails)) {
        if (!empty($memberIdDetails[0]['member_id'])) {
            $member_membership_id = $memberIdDetails[0]['member_id'];
            $member_membership_end_date = date('d M,Y', strtotime($memberIdDetails[0]['membership_end_date']));
            $member_membership_name = $memberIdDetails[0]['name'];
        } else {
            $members = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE id={$uid}";
            $memberDetails = findByQuery($members);
            $member_membership_id = '';
            $member_membership_end_date = '';
            $member_membership_name = $memberDetails[0]['first_name'] . ' ' . $memberDetails[0]['last_name'];
    } else {
        $members = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE id={$uid}";
        $memberDetails = findByQuery($members);
        $member_membership_id = '';
        $member_membership_end_date = '';
        $member_membership_name = $memberDetails[0]['first_name'] . ' ' . $memberDetails[0]['last_name'];
    $result = array('type' => 'success', 'restaurant_id' => $restaurant_id, 'merchant_id' => $merchant_id, 'member_id' => $member_membership_id, 'expire_date' => $member_membership_end_date, 'memname' => $member_membership_name);
    echo json_encode($result);
Пример #13
function getRedeemVoucher($user_id)
    $rarray = array();
    $conditions = array();
    $site_path = SITEURL;
    $allPromo = findByConditionArray(array('merchant_id' => $user_id), 'offers');
    $all_promo_ids = array_column($allPromo, 'id');
    $reddeem_voucher_sql = "select merchantoutlets.title,merchantoutlets.restaurant_id,,vouchers.offer_id,vouchers.price,vouchers.offer_price,vouchers.to_date,vouchers.RedeemDate,vouchers.Status from vouchers,merchantoutlets where vouchers.redeem_outlet = merchantoutlets.outlet_id  and vouchers.Status='redeem' and vouchers.offer_id in(" . implode(',', $all_promo_ids) . ")";
    $reddeem_voucher_res = findByQuery($reddeem_voucher_sql);
    if (!empty($reddeem_voucher_res)) {
        foreach ($reddeem_voucher_res as $reddeem_voucher_res_key => $reddeem_voucher_res_val) {
            $reddeem_voucher_res[$reddeem_voucher_res_key]['price'] = number_format($reddeem_voucher_res[$reddeem_voucher_res_key]['price'], 0, '.', ',');
            $reddeem_voucher_res[$reddeem_voucher_res_key]['offer_price'] = number_format($reddeem_voucher_res[$reddeem_voucher_res_key]['offer_price'], 0, '.', ',');
            $reddeem_voucher_res[$reddeem_voucher_res_key]['to_date'] = date('m-d-Y', strtotime($reddeem_voucher_res[$reddeem_voucher_res_key]['to_date']));
            $reddeem_voucher_res[$reddeem_voucher_res_key]['RedeemDate'] = date('m-d-Y', strtotime($reddeem_voucher_res[$reddeem_voucher_res_key]['RedeemDate']));
            $offerdetail = findByIdArray($reddeem_voucher_res[$reddeem_voucher_res_key]['offer_id'], 'offers');
            $reddeem_voucher_res[$reddeem_voucher_res_key]['offer_title'] = $offerdetail['title'];
            $reddeem_voucher_res[$reddeem_voucher_res_key]['voucher_number'] = 'MFG-000000000' . $offerdetail['id'];
            $restaurant_detail = findByIdArray($reddeem_voucher_res[$reddeem_voucher_res_key]['restaurant_id'], 'merchantrestaurants');
            $reddeem_voucher_res[$reddeem_voucher_res_key]['restaurant_title'] = $offerdetail['title'];
        $rarray = array('type' => 'success', 'data' => $reddeem_voucher_res);
    } else {
        $rarray = array('type' => 'success', 'data' => $reddeem_voucher_res);
    echo json_encode($rarray);
Пример #14
function getWebsiteMenuSliderImages($res_id)
    $rarray = array();
    $query = "SELECT * FROM menus WHERE status=1 and merchantrestaurant_id=" . $res_id . " and image IS NOT NULL";
    $details = findByQuery($query);
    if (!empty($details)) {
        $details = array_map(function ($t) {
            $t['image_url'] = SITEURL . 'menu_images/' . $t['image'];
            return $t;
        }, $details);
        $rarray = array('type' => 'success', 'data' => $details);
    } else {
        $rarray = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => 'No menu found');
    echo json_encode($rarray);
Пример #15
function updateCartQuantity()
    $request = Slim::getInstance()->request();
    $body = json_decode($request->getBody());
    $rarray = array();
    if (!empty($body->item)) {
        $item = $body->item;
        $offer_id = $item->offer_id;
        $promo_details = findByConditionArray(array('id' => $offer_id), 'offers');
        $remaining_promo = $promo_details[0]['quantity'] - $promo_details[0]['buy_count'];
        $max_purchased = $promo_details[0]['max_purchased'];
        //$sql = "select * from voucher_owner where offer_id='".$offer_id."' and to_user_id='".$body->user_id."' and is_active=1";
        //$voucher_result = findByQuery($sql);
        //$voucher_count = count($voucher_result);
        /*if($max_purchased > $voucher_count){
              $qty = $max_purchased - $voucher_count;
              $qty = 0;
        //echo $max_purchased.'a';
        //echo $qty.'b';
        //echo $voucher_count.'c';
        if ($item->quantity <= $remaining_promo) {
            if ($item->quantity <= $max_purchased) {
                if ($item->payments == true) {
                    $point_id = $item->point_id;
                    $needed_point = $item->mpoints;
                    $needed_point = $needed_point * $item->quantity;
                    $point_name = $item->point_name;
                    $point_sql = "select * from point_details where user_id='" . $body->user_id . "' and point_id='" . $point_id . "'";
                    $point_res = findByQuery($point_sql);
                    $available_point = 0;
                    $total_point = 0;
                    $redeem_point = 0;
                    foreach ($point_res as $point_detail_val) {
                        $total_point = $total_point + $point_detail_val['points'];
                        $redeem_point = $redeem_point + $point_detail_val['redeemed_points'];
                    $available_point = $total_point - $redeem_point;
                    if ($available_point >= $needed_point) {
                        $query = "UPDATE cart set quantity=" . $item->quantity . " where user_id=" . $body->user_id . " and offer_id=" . $item->offer_id;
                        $rarray = array('type' => 'success', 'data' => 'ok');
                    } else {
                        $rarray = array('type' => 'failure', 'data' => 'You dont have ' . $needed_point . ' ' . $point_name . ' point');
                } else {
                    $query = "UPDATE cart set quantity=" . $item->quantity . " where user_id=" . $body->user_id . " and offer_id=" . $item->offer_id;
                    $rarray = array('type' => 'success', 'data' => 'ok');
            } else {
                $rarray = array('type' => 'failure', 'data' => 'Quantity must be less than of maximum purchased of this promo');
        } else {
            $rarray = array('type' => 'failure', 'data' => 'Quantity must be less than of remaining quantity');
    echo json_encode($rarray);
function transactionTabDetails()
    $rarray = array();
    $request = Slim::getInstance()->request();
    $body = json_decode($request->getBody());
    $restaurant_id = array();
    $outlet_id = array();
    $offer_id = array();
    $total_res_ids = array();
    $total_outlet_ids = array();
    $offers_ids = array();
    $merchant_id = $body->merchant_id;
    $start_date = $body->start_date;
    $end_date = $body->end_date;
    if (isset($body->selRes)) {
        $restaurant_id = $body->selRes;
        foreach ($restaurant_id as $res_key => $res_value) {
            $res_ids = array();
            $res_sql = "select * from restaurants where restaurant_id='" . $res_value . "'";
            $res_sql_res = findByQuery($res_sql);
            $res_ids = array_column($res_sql_res, 'id');
            if (!empty($res_ids)) {
                $total_res_ids[] = $res_ids[0];
    if (isset($body->selout)) {
        $outlet_id = $body->selout;
        foreach ($outlet_id as $outlet_key => $outlet_value) {
            $out_ids = array();
            $out_sql = "select * from outlets where outlet_id='" . $outlet_value . "'";
            $out_sql_res = findByQuery($out_sql);
            $out_ids = array_column($out_sql_res, 'id');
            if (!empty($out_ids)) {
                $total_outlet_ids[] = $out_ids[0];
    $type = $body->type;
    if (!empty($total_res_ids)) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM offer_restaurent_map where offer_restaurent_map.restaurent_id in(" . implode(",", $total_res_ids) . ")";
        $res_offer_res = findByQuery($sql);
        $offers_ids = array_column($res_offer_res, 'offer_id');
    if (!empty($total_outlet_ids)) {
        if (!empty($offers_ids)) {
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM offer_outlet_map where offer_outlet_map.offer_id in(" . implode(",", $offers_ids) . ") and offer_outlet_map.outlet_id in(" . implode(",", $total_outlet_ids) . ")";
            $out_offer_res = findByQuery($sql);
            $offers_ids = array_column($out_offer_res, 'offer_id');
    $allPaymentOffer = 0;
    $allMenuOffer = 0;
    $allMembershipOffer = 0;
    $allRedeemPaymentOffer = 0;
    $allRedeemMenuOffer = 0;
    $allRedeemMembershipOffer = 0;
    $allAvailablePaymentOffer = 0;
    $allAvailableMenuOffer = 0;
    $allAvailableMembershipOffer = 0;
    $offerPaymentOffer = 0;
    $offerMenuOffer = 0;
    $offerMembershipOffer = 0;
    $redeemPaymentOffer = 0;
    $redeemMenuOffer = 0;
    $redeemMembershipOffer = 0;
    $availablePaymentOffer = 0;
    $availableMenuOffer = 0;
    $availableMembershipOffer = 0;
    $willActivePaymentOffer = 0;
    $willActiveMenuOffer = 0;
    $willActiveMembershipOffer = 0;
    $newPaymentOffer = 0;
    $newMenuOffer = 0;
    $newMembershipOffer = 0;
    $hotPaymentOffer = 0;
    $hotMenuOffer = 0;
    $hotMembershipOffer = 0;
    $lastdayPaymentOffer = 0;
    $lastdayMenuOffer = 0;
    $lastdayMembershipOffer = 0;
    $specialPaymentOffer = 0;
    $specialMenuOffer = 0;
    $specialMembershipOffer = 0;
    $viewPaymentOffer = 0;
    $viewMenuOffer = 0;
    $viewMembershipOffer = 0;
    $willActiveNews = 0;
    $willActiveAddv = 0;
    $willActiveBanner = 0;
    $activeNews = 0;
    $activeAddv = 0;
    $activeBanner = 0;
    $targetNews = 0;
    $targetAddv = 0;
    $targetBanner = 0;
    $actualNews = 0;
    $actualAddv = 0;
    $actualBanner = 0;
    $remainingNews = 0;
    $remainingAddv = 0;
    $remainingBanner = 0;
    $exceedNews = 0;
    $exceedAddv = 0;
    $exceedBanner = 0;
    $exceedNews = 0;
    $exceedAddv = 0;
    $exceedBanner = 0;
    $availableEvent = 0;
    $dealEvent = 0;
    $openEvent = 0;
    $feedbackEvent = 0;
    $myEvent = 0;
    $myOfferEvent = 0;
    $generatedPoint = 0;
    $redeemPoint = 0;
    $expiredPoint = 0;
    $balancedPoint = 0;
    $nextMonthExpPoint = 0;
    $thisYearExpPoint = 0;
    if (!empty($offers_ids)) {
        $payment_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(offer_from_date) between '" . $start_date . "' AND '" . $end_date . "' and id in(" . implode(',', $offers_ids) . ") and offer_type_id=2";
        $menu_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(offer_from_date) between '" . $start_date . "' AND '" . $end_date . "' and id in(" . implode(',', $offers_ids) . ") and offer_type_id=1";
        $membership_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(offer_from_date) between '" . $start_date . "' AND '" . $end_date . "' and id in(" . implode(',', $offers_ids) . ") and offer_type_id=3";
        $all_payment_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and offer_type_id=2";
        $all_menu_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and offer_type_id=1";
        $all_membership_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and offer_type_id=3";
        $payment_promo_res = findByQuery($payment_promo_sql);
        $menu_promo_res = findByQuery($menu_promo_sql);
        $membership_promo_res = findByQuery($membership_promo_sql);
        $all_payment_promo_res = findByQuery($all_payment_promo_sql);
        $all_menu_promo_res = findByQuery($all_menu_promo_sql);
        $all_membership_promo_res = findByQuery($all_membership_promo_sql);
        if (!empty($all_payment_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $allPaymentOffer = count($all_payment_promo_res);
                $allRedeemPaymentOffer = 0;
                $allAvailablePaymentOffer = count($all_payment_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($all_payment_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $allPaymentOffer = $cntt;
                $allRedeemPaymentOffer = $cntr;
                $allAvailablePaymentOffer = $cnta;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($all_payment_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $allPaymentOffer = $cntt;
                $allRedeemPaymentOffer = $cntr;
                $allAvailablePaymentOffer = $cnta;
        if (!empty($all_menu_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $allMenuOffer = count($all_menu_promo_res);
                $allRedeemMenuOffer = 0;
                $allAvailableMenuOffer = count($all_menu_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($all_menu_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $allMenuOffer = $cntt;
                $allRedeemMenuOffer = $cntr;
                $allAvailableMenuOffer = $cnta;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($all_menu_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $allMenuOffer = $cntt;
                $allRedeemMenuOffer = $cntr;
                $allAvailableMenuOffer = $cnta;
        if (!empty($all_membership_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $allMembershipOffer = count($all_membership_promo_res);
                $allRedeemMembershipOffer = 0;
                $allAvailableMembershipOffer = count($all_membership_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($all_membership_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $allMembershipOffer = $cntt;
                $allRedeemMembershipOffer = $cntr;
                $allAvailableMembershipOffer = $cnta;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($all_membership_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $allMembershipOffer = $cntt;
                $allRedeemMembershipOffer = $cntr;
                $allAvailableMembershipOffer = $cnta;
        if (!empty($payment_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $offerPaymentOffer = count($payment_promo_res);
                $redeemPaymentOffer = 0;
                $availablePaymentOffer = count($payment_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($payment_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $offerPaymentOffer = $cntt;
                $redeemPaymentOffer = $cntr;
                $availablePaymentOffer = $cnta;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($payment_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $offerPaymentOffer = $cntt;
                $redeemPaymentOffer = $cntr;
                $availablePaymentOffer = $cnta;
        if (!empty($menu_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $offerMenuOffer = count($menu_promo_res);
                $redeemMenuOffer = 0;
                $availableMenuOffer = count($menu_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($menu_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $offerMenuOffer = $cntt;
                $redeemMenuOffer = $cntr;
                $availableMenuOffer = $cnta;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($menu_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $offerMenuOffer = $cntt;
                $redeemMenuOffer = $cntr;
                $availableMenuOffer = $cnta;
        if (!empty($membership_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $offerMembershipOffer = count($membership_promo_res);
                $redeemMembershipOffer = 0;
                $availableMembershipOffer = count($membership_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($membership_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $offerMembershipOffer = $cntt;
                $redeemMembershipOffer = $cntr;
                $availableMembershipOffer = $cnta;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($membership_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $offerMembershipOffer = $cntt;
                $redeemMembershipOffer = $cntr;
                $availableMembershipOffer = $cnta;
        $payment_will_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(offer_from_date)>=CURDATE() and id in(" . implode(',', $offers_ids) . ") and offer_type_id=2";
        $menu_will_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(offer_from_date)>=CURDATE() and id in(" . implode(',', $offers_ids) . ") and offer_type_id=1";
        $membership_will_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(offer_from_date)>=CURDATE() and id in(" . implode(',', $offers_ids) . ") and offer_type_id=3";
        $payment_new_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(offer_from_date)=CURDATE() and id in(" . implode(',', $offers_ids) . ") and offer_type_id=2";
        $menu_new_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(offer_from_date)=CURDATE() and id in(" . implode(',', $offers_ids) . ") and offer_type_id=1";
        $membership_new_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(offer_from_date)=CURDATE() and id in(" . implode(',', $offers_ids) . ") and offer_type_id=3";
        $site_settings = findByIdArray('1', 'site_settings');
        if (!empty($site_settings['hot_percentage'])) {
            $perc = $site_settings['hot_percentage'];
        } else {
            $perc = 0;
        $payment_hot_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and id in(" . implode(',', $offers_ids) . ") and offer_type_id=2 and DATE(offer_from_date) <=CURDATE() and buy_count < quantity and ((buy_count/quantity)*100)>={$perc}";
        $menu_hot_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and id in(" . implode(',', $offers_ids) . ") and offer_type_id=1 and DATE(offer_from_date) <=CURDATE() and buy_count < quantity and ((buy_count/quantity)*100)>={$perc}";
        $membership_hot_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and id in(" . implode(',', $offers_ids) . ") and offer_type_id=3 and DATE(offer_from_date) <=CURDATE() and buy_count < quantity and ((buy_count/quantity)*100)>={$perc}";
        $payment_last_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(offer_to_date)=CURDATE() and id in(" . implode(',', $offers_ids) . ") and offer_type_id=2";
        $menu_last_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(offer_to_date)=CURDATE() and id in(" . implode(',', $offers_ids) . ") and offer_type_id=1";
        $membership_last_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(offer_to_date)=CURDATE() and id in(" . implode(',', $offers_ids) . ") and offer_type_id=3";
        $payment_special_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(offer_from_date) between '" . $start_date . "' AND '" . $end_date . "' and id in(" . implode(',', $offers_ids) . ") and offer_type_id=2 and is_special=1";
        $menu_special_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(offer_from_date) between '" . $start_date . "' AND '" . $end_date . "' and id in(" . implode(',', $offers_ids) . ") and offer_type_id=1 and is_special=1";
        $membership_special_promo_sql = "select * from offers where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(offer_from_date) between '" . $start_date . "' AND '" . $end_date . "' and id in(" . implode(',', $offers_ids) . ") and offer_type_id=3 and is_special=1";
        $payment_promo_view_sql = "select * from promo_visit where DATE(created_date) between '" . $start_date . "' AND '" . $end_date . "' and merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "'";
        $menu_promo_view_sql = "select * from promo_visit where DATE(created_date) between '" . $start_date . "' AND '" . $end_date . "' and merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "'";
        $membership_promo_view_sql = "select * from promo_visit where DATE(created_date) between '" . $start_date . "' AND '" . $end_date . "' and merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "'";
        $payment_will_promo_res = findByQuery($payment_will_promo_sql);
        $menu_will_promo_res = findByQuery($menu_will_promo_sql);
        $membership_will_promo_res = findByQuery($membership_will_promo_sql);
        $payment_new_promo_res = findByQuery($payment_new_promo_sql);
        $menu_new_promo_res = findByQuery($menu_new_promo_sql);
        $membership_new_promo_res = findByQuery($membership_new_promo_sql);
        $payment_hot_promo_res = findByQuery($payment_hot_promo_sql);
        $menu_hot_promo_res = findByQuery($menu_hot_promo_sql);
        $membership_hot_promo_res = findByQuery($membership_hot_promo_sql);
        $payment_last_promo_res = findByQuery($payment_last_promo_sql);
        $menu_last_promo_res = findByQuery($menu_last_promo_sql);
        $membership_last_promo_res = findByQuery($membership_last_promo_sql);
        $payment_special_promo_res = findByQuery($payment_special_promo_sql);
        $menu_special_promo_res = findByQuery($menu_special_promo_sql);
        $membership_special_promo_res = findByQuery($membership_special_promo_sql);
        $payment_promo_view_res = findByQuery($payment_promo_view_sql);
        $menu_promo_view_res = findByQuery($menu_promo_view_sql);
        $membership_promo_view_res = findByQuery($membership_promo_view_sql);
        if (!empty($payment_will_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $willActivePaymentOffer = count($payment_will_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($payment_will_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $willActivePaymentOffer = $cntt;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($payment_will_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $willActivePaymentOffer = $cntt;
        if (!empty($menu_will_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $willActiveMenuOffer = count($menu_will_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($menu_will_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $willActiveMenuOffer = $cntt;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($menu_will_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $willActiveMenuOffer = $cntt;
        if (!empty($membership_will_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $willActiveMembershipOffer = count($membership_will_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($membership_will_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $willActiveMembershipOffer = $cntt;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($membership_will_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $willActiveMembershipOffer = $cntt;
        if (!empty($payment_new_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $newPaymentOffer = count($payment_new_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($payment_new_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $newPaymentOffer = $cntt;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($payment_new_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $newPaymentOffer = $cntt;
        if (!empty($menu_new_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $newMenuOffer = count($menu_new_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($menu_new_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $newMenuOffer = $cntt;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($menu_new_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $newMenuOffer = $cntt;
        if (!empty($membership_new_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $newMembershipOffer = count($membership_new_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($membership_new_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $newMembershipOffer = $cntt;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($membership_new_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $newMembershipOffer = $cntt;
        if (!empty($payment_hot_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $hotPaymentOffer = count($payment_hot_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($payment_hot_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $hotPaymentOffer = $cntt;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($payment_hot_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $hotPaymentOffer = $cntt;
        if (!empty($menu_hot_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $hotMenuOffer = count($menu_hot_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($menu_hot_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $hotMenuOffer = $cntt;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($menu_hot_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $hotMenuOffer = $cntt;
        if (!empty($membership_hot_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $hotMembershipOffer = count($membership_hot_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($menu_hot_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $hotMembershipOffer = $cntt;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($membership_hot_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $hotMembershipOffer = $cntt;
        if (!empty($payment_last_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $lastdayPaymentOffer = count($payment_last_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($payment_last_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $lastdayPaymentOffer = $cntt;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($payment_last_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $lastdayPaymentOffer = $cntt;
        if (!empty($menu_last_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $lastdayMenuOffer = count($menu_last_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($menu_last_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $lastdayMenuOffer = $cntt;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($menu_last_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $lastdayMenuOffer = $cntt;
        if (!empty($membership_last_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $lastdayMembershipOffer = count($membership_last_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($membership_last_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $lastdayMembershipOffer = $cntt;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($membership_last_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $lastdayMembershipOffer = $cntt;
        if (!empty($payment_special_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $specialPaymentOffer = count($payment_special_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($payment_special_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $specialPaymentOffer = $cntt;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($payment_special_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $specialPaymentOffer = $cntt;
        if (!empty($menu_special_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $specialMenuOffer = count($menu_special_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($menu_special_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $specialMenuOffer = $cntt;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($menu_special_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $specialMenuOffer = $cntt;
        if (!empty($membership_special_promo_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $specialMembershipOffer = count($membership_special_promo_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($membership_special_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = $value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $specialMembershipOffer = $cntt;
            } else {
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntt = 0;
                foreach ($membership_special_promo_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntr = $cntr + $value['offer_price'] * $value['buy_count'];
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['offer_price'] * $value['quantity'];
                    $available = 0;
                    $available = ($value['quantity'] - $value['buy_count']) * $value['offer_price'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $available;
                $specialMembershipOffer = $cntt;
        if (!empty($payment_promo_view_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $viewPaymentOffer = count($payment_promo_view_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $viewPaymentOffer = count($payment_promo_view_res);
            } else {
                $viewPaymentOffer = count($payment_promo_view_res);
        if (!empty($menu_promo_view_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $viewMenuOffer = count($menu_promo_view_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $viewMenuOffer = count($menu_promo_view_res);
            } else {
                $viewMenuOffer = count($menu_promo_view_res);
        if (!empty($membership_promo_view_res)) {
            if ($type == 'unit') {
                $viewMembershipOffer = count($membership_promo_view_res);
            } elseif ($type == 'quantity') {
                $viewMembershipOffer = count($membership_promo_view_res);
            } else {
                $viewMembershipOffer = count($membership_promo_view_res);
        if (!empty($total_res_ids)) {
            $will_active_add_sql = "select * from advertisements where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and restaurant_id in(" . implode(',', $total_res_ids) . ") and DATE(start_date)>CURDATE() and is_active=1";
            $active_add_sql = "select * from advertisements where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and restaurant_id in(" . implode(',', $total_res_ids) . ") and DATE(start_date) between '" . $start_date . "' AND '" . $end_date . "' and is_active=1";
            $will_active_banner_sql = "select * from banners where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and restaurant_id in(" . implode(',', $total_res_ids) . ") and DATE(start_date)>CURDATE() and is_active=1";
            $active_banner_sql = "select * from banners where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and restaurant_id in(" . implode(',', $total_res_ids) . ") and DATE(start_date) between '" . $start_date . "' AND '" . $end_date . "' and is_active=1";
            $will_active_news_sql = "select * from news where user_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(published_date)>CURDATE()";
            $active_news_sql = "select * from news where user_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(published_date) between '" . $start_date . "' AND '" . $end_date . "'";
            $will_active_add_res = findByQuery($will_active_add_sql);
            $active_add_res = findByQuery($active_add_sql);
            $will_active_banner_res = findByQuery($will_active_banner_sql);
            $active_banner_res = findByQuery($active_banner_sql);
            $will_active_news_res = findByQuery($will_active_news_sql);
            $active_news_res = findByQuery($active_news_sql);
            if (!empty($will_active_add_res)) {
                $willActiveAddv = count($will_active_add_res);
            if (!empty($will_active_banner_res)) {
                $willActiveBanner = count($will_active_banner_res);
            if (!empty($will_active_news_res)) {
                $willActiveNews = count($will_active_news_res);
            if (!empty($active_news_res)) {
                $activeNews = count($active_news_res);
                $targetNews = count($active_news_res);
                $actualNews = count($active_news_res);
                $remainingNews = count($active_news_res);
                $exceedNews = count($active_news_res);
            if (!empty($active_add_res)) {
                $activeAddv = count($active_add_res);
                $cntt = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnte = 0;
                foreach ($active_add_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['target_click'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $value['number_of_click'];
                    if ($value['target_click'] > $value['number_of_click']) {
                        $cntr = $cntr + ($value['target_click'] - $value['number_of_click']);
                    } else {
                        $cnte = $cnte + ($value['number_of_click'] - $value['target_click']);
                $targetAddv = $cntt;
                $actualAddv = $cnta;
                $remainingAddv = $cntr;
                $exceedAddv = $cnte;
            if (!empty($active_banner_res)) {
                $activeBanner = count($active_banner_res);
                $cntt = 0;
                $cnta = 0;
                $cntr = 0;
                $cnte = 0;
                foreach ($active_banner_res as $key => $value) {
                    $cntt = $cntt + $value['target_click'];
                    $cnta = $cnta + $value['number_of_click'];
                    if ($value['target_click'] > $value['number_of_click']) {
                        $cntr = $cntr + ($value['target_click'] - $value['number_of_click']);
                    } else {
                        $cnte = $cnte + ($value['number_of_click'] - $value['target_click']);
                $targetBanner = $cntt;
                $actualBanner = $cnta;
                $remainingBanner = $cntr;
                $exceedBanner = $cnte;
    $available_event_sql = "select * from events where status='O' and DATE(offer_from_date) between '" . $start_date . "' AND '" . $end_date . "' and is_active=1";
    $available_event_res = findByQuery($available_event_sql);
    $events_ids = array_column($available_event_res, 'id');
    $availableEvent = count($available_event_res);
    $deal_event_sql = "select * from events where status='C' and DATE(offer_from_date) between '" . $start_date . "' AND '" . $end_date . "' and is_active=1";
    $deal_event_res = findByQuery($deal_event_sql);
    $dealEvent = count($deal_event_res);
    if (!empty($events_ids)) {
        $open_event_sql = "select * from event_bids where event_id NOT in(" . implode(',', $events_ids) . ") and is_accepted = 0";
        $open_event_res = findByQuery($open_event_sql);
        $openEvent = count($open_event_res);
        $feedback_event_sql = "select * from event_bids where event_id in(" . implode(',', $events_ids) . ") and is_accepted = 0 and user_id != '" . $merchant_id . "'";
        $feedback_event_res = findByQuery($feedback_event_sql);
        $feedbackEvent = count($feedback_event_res);
    $events = array();
    $merchant_category = findByConditionArray(array('user_id' => $merchant_id), 'merchant_category_map');
    $category_ids = array_column($merchant_category, 'category_id');
    $merchant_location = findByConditionArray(array('user_id' => $merchant_id), 'merchant_location_map');
    $location_ids = array_column($merchant_location, 'location_id');
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM event_location_map WHERE location_id in(" . implode(',', $location_ids) . ")";
    $data = findByQuery($sql);
    if (!empty($data)) {
        $events = array_column($data, 'event_id');
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM event_category_map WHERE category_id in(" . implode(',', $category_ids) . ")";
    $cat_data = findByQuery($sql);
    if (!empty($cat_data)) {
        $cat_events = array_column($cat_data, 'event_id');
        if (!empty($cat_events)) {
            foreach ($cat_events as $ta) {
                $events[] = $ta;
    $events = array_values(array_unique($events));
    if (!empty($events)) {
        $my_event_sql = "select * from events where DATE(offer_from_date) between '" . $start_date . "' AND '" . $end_date . "' and is_active=1 and id in(" . implode(',', $events) . ")";
        $my_event_res = findByQuery($my_event_sql);
        $myeventsid = array_column($my_event_res, 'id');
        $myEvent = count($my_event_res);
        if (!empty($myeventsid)) {
            $offer_event_sql = "select * from event_bids where event_id in(" . implode(',', $myeventsid) . ") and user_id = '" . $merchant_id . "'";
            $offer_event_res = findByQuery($offer_event_sql);
            $myOfferEvent = count($offer_event_res);
    $cur_month = date('m');
    $next_month = $cur_month + 1;
    $cur_year = date('Y');
    $point_master_sql = "select * from point_master where user_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(start_date) between '" . $start_date . "' AND '" . $end_date . "'";
    $exp_master_sql = "select * from point_master where user_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and DATE(expire_date) < CURDATE()";
    $next_month_exp_master_sql = "select * from point_master where user_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and MONTH(expire_date)= '" . $next_month . "'";
    $cur_year_exp_master_sql = "select * from point_master where user_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and YEAR(expire_date)= '" . $cur_year . "'";
    $point_master_res = findByQuery($point_master_sql);
    $exp_master_res = findByQuery($exp_master_sql);
    $next_month_exp_master_res = findByQuery($next_month_exp_master_sql);
    $cur_year_exp_master_res = findByQuery($cur_year_exp_master_sql);
    $pointsid = array_column($point_master_res, 'id');
    $exppointsid = array_column($exp_master_res, 'id');
    $nextmonthpointsid = array_column($next_month_exp_master_res, 'id');
    $curyearpointsid = array_column($cur_year_exp_master_res, 'id');
    if (!empty($pointsid)) {
        $generated_mpoint_sql = "select sum(points) as generated,sum(redeemed_points) as redeem,sum(remaining_points) as balance from point_details where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and point_id in(" . implode(',', $pointsid) . ")";
        $generated_mpoint_res = findByQuery($generated_mpoint_sql);
        if (!empty($generated_mpoint_res)) {
            $generatedPoint = $generated_mpoint_res[0]['generated'];
            $redeemPoint = $generated_mpoint_res[0]['redeem'];
            $balancedPoint = $generated_mpoint_res[0]['balance'];
            //echo $generatedPoint;
    if (!empty($exppointsid)) {
        $expired_mpoint_sql = "select sum(remaining_points) as balance from point_details where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and point_id in(" . implode(',', $exppointsid) . ")";
        $expired_mpoint_res = findByQuery($expired_mpoint_sql);
        if (!empty($expired_mpoint_res)) {
            $expiredPoint = $expired_mpoint_res[0]['balance'];
            //echo $expiredPoint;
    if (!empty($nextmonthpointsid)) {
        $nextmonth_mpoint_sql = "select sum(remaining_points) as balance from point_details where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and point_id in(" . implode(',', $nextmonthpointsid) . ")";
        $nextmonth_mpoint_res = findByQuery($nextmonth_mpoint_sql);
        if (!empty($nextmonth_mpoint_res)) {
            $nextMonthExpPoint = $nextmonth_mpoint_res[0]['balance'];
            //echo $expiredPoint;
    if (!empty($curyearpointsid)) {
        $curyear_mpoint_sql = "select sum(remaining_points) as balance from point_details where merchant_id='" . $merchant_id . "' and point_id in(" . implode(',', $curyearpointsid) . ")";
        $curyear_mpoint_res = findByQuery($curyear_mpoint_sql);
        if (!empty($curyear_mpoint_res)) {
            $thisYearExpPoint = $curyear_mpoint_res[0]['balance'];
            //echo $expiredPoint;
    $data = array('allMenuOffer' => $allMenuOffer, 'allMembershipOffer' => $allMembershipOffer, 'allPaymentOffer' => $allPaymentOffer, 'allRedeemPaymentOffer' => $allRedeemPaymentOffer, 'allRedeemMenuOffer' => $allRedeemMenuOffer, 'allRedeemMembershipOffer' => $allRedeemMembershipOffer, 'allAvailablePaymentOffer' => $allAvailablePaymentOffer, 'allAvailableMenuOffer' => $allAvailableMenuOffer, 'allAvailableMembershipOffer' => $allAvailableMembershipOffer, 'offerPaymentOffer' => $offerPaymentOffer, 'offerMenuOffer' => $offerMenuOffer, 'offerMembershipOffer' => $offerMembershipOffer, 'redeemPaymentOffer' => $redeemPaymentOffer, 'redeemMenuOffer' => $redeemMenuOffer, 'redeemMembershipOffer' => $redeemMembershipOffer, 'availablePaymentOffer' => $availablePaymentOffer, 'availableMenuOffer' => $availableMenuOffer, 'availableMembershipOffer' => $availableMembershipOffer, 'willActivePaymentOffer' => $willActivePaymentOffer, 'willActiveMenuOffer' => $willActiveMenuOffer, 'willActiveMembershipOffer' => $willActiveMembershipOffer, 'newPaymentOffer' => $newPaymentOffer, 'newMenuOffer' => $newMenuOffer, 'newMembershipOffer' => $newMembershipOffer, 'newMembershipOffer' => $newMembershipOffer, 'hotPaymentOffer' => $hotPaymentOffer, 'hotMenuOffer' => $hotMenuOffer, 'hotMembershipOffer' => $hotMembershipOffer, 'lastdayPaymentOffer' => $lastdayPaymentOffer, 'lastdayMenuOffer' => $lastdayMenuOffer, 'lastdayMembershipOffer' => $lastdayMembershipOffer, 'specialPaymentOffer' => $specialPaymentOffer, 'specialMenuOffer' => $specialMenuOffer, 'specialMembershipOffer' => $specialMembershipOffer, 'viewPaymentOffer' => $viewPaymentOffer, 'viewMenuOffer' => $viewMenuOffer, 'viewMembershipOffer' => $viewMembershipOffer, 'willActiveNews' => $willActiveNews, 'willActiveAddv' => $willActiveAddv, 'willActiveBanner' => $willActiveBanner, 'activeNews' => $activeNews, 'activeAddv' => $activeAddv, 'activeBanner' => $activeBanner, 'targetNews' => $targetNews, 'targetAddv' => $targetAddv, 'targetBanner' => $targetBanner, 'actualNews' => $actualNews, 'actualAddv' => $actualAddv, 'actualBanner' => $actualBanner, 'remainingNews' => $remainingNews, 'remainingAddv' => $remainingAddv, 'remainingBanner' => $remainingBanner, 'exceedNews' => $exceedNews, 'exceedAddv' => $exceedAddv, 'exceedBanner' => $exceedBanner, 'availableEvent' => $availableEvent, 'dealEvent' => $dealEvent, 'openEvent' => $openEvent, 'feedbackEvent' => $feedbackEvent, 'myEvent' => $myEvent, 'myOfferEvent' => $myOfferEvent, 'generatedPoint' => $generatedPoint, 'redeemPoint' => $redeemPoint, 'expiredPoint' => $expiredPoint, 'balancedPoint' => $balancedPoint, 'nextMonthExpPoint' => $nextMonthExpPoint, 'thisYearExpPoint' => $thisYearExpPoint);
    $rarray = array('type' => 'success', 'data' => $data);
    echo json_encode($rarray);