Пример #1
 public static function url($url = null)
     $args = is_array($url) ? $url : func_get_args();
     // Fetch params
     if (is_array(array_last($args))) {
         $params = array_pop($args);
         $params = array_map('urlencode', $params);
         $query_string = '?' . fimplode('%__key__;=%__val__;', $params, '&');
     } else {
         $query_string = '';
     return COWL_BASE . implode('/', $args) . $query_string;
Пример #2
             	$aryEvictee[] = sprintf('<span class="h5"><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="em" rel="gCorp;%d" title="Corporation info">%s</a></span>%s%s', 
             					(strlen($eCorp->allianceName) > 0 && ($aKillboard->getEVEIDFromName($eCorp->allianceName, GET_ALLIANCE_ID) != 0 && $aKillboard->getEVEIDFromName($eCorp->allianceName, GET_ALLIANCE_ID) != NO_ALLIANCE_ALLIANCE_ID)) ? sprintf(' [<span class="h5"><a href="javascript:void(0)" rel="gAlliance;%d" title="Alliance info">%s</a></span>]', $aKillboard->getEVEIDFromName($eCorp->allianceName, GET_ALLIANCE_ID), $eCorp->allianceName) : "",
             					(sizeof($evicteeDB) == 1) ? sprintf(' (%s on %s, by %s%s)', 
             						sprintf('<a href="%s" target="_blank">evicted</a>', $eCorp->getNewestEvictionPOSKill()->url),
             						date("d M Y H:i", strtotime($eCorp->getNewestEvictionPOSKill()->timestamp)), 
             						($evtCnt <= $evicterMaxCnt) ? fimplode(', ',$aryKillAry) : implode(', ',$aryKillAry),
             						($evtCnt > $evicterMaxCnt) ? sprintf(" and %d other%s ", ($evtCnt - $evicterMaxCnt), ($evtCnt - $evicterMaxCnt > 1 ? "s" : "")) : "") : sprintf(' (%s on %s)', 
             							sprintf('<a href="%s" target="_blank">evicted</a>', $eCorp->getNewestEvictionPOSKill()->url),
             							date("d M Y H:i", strtotime($eCorp->getNewestEvictionPOSKill()->timestamp))));
         if (sizeof($aryEvictee) > 0) {
             printf('<p>%s<span class="evicted">Previous residents include: %s</span></p>', ICON_EVICTED_IMAGE, fimplode(", ", $aryEvictee));
 } else {
     // Not a wormhole locus, just show the most active corp
     // Re-order corp table by kills descending
     usort($aKillboard->corp, 'kcmp');
     $topCorp = current($aKillboard->corp);
     if (is_object($topCorp)) {
         printf('<p>Most active are <span class="h5"><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="em" rel="gCorp;%d" title="Corporation info">%s</a></span>, with <span class="h5">%d</span> kills and <span class="h5">%d</span> losses, involving an average of <span class="h5">%d</span> ships. ', $topCorp->corporationID, $topCorp->corporationName, $topCorp->killCount, $topCorp->lossCount, floor($topCorp->involvedCount / $topCorp->killCount));
         // Get the top corp in alliance ship types
         $topCorpShips = $topCorp->shipTypes;
         if (is_array($topCorpShips)) {
             arsort($topCorpShips, SORT_NUMERIC);
             // $bigKillShips contains a list of ship typeIDs together with the number of
             // times they were used.  In order to get the total count of ship CLASSES we
Пример #3
 public function element($type, $attrs = array())
     // Wether it is a <foo></foo> or a <bar />
     $with_both = in_array($type, self::$with_close_tag);
     // If a value attribute is specified put it inside the element for a $with_bith
     if ($with_both && isset($attrs['value'])) {
         $value = $attrs['value'];
     $ret = sprintf('<%s %s', $type, fimplode('%__key__;="%__val__;"', $attrs, ' '));
     if (!$with_both) {
         $ret = $ret . ' />';
         return $ret;
     // Close the open tag
     $ret .= '>';
     // Add the value
     if (isset($value)) {
         $ret .= $value;
     $ret .= sprintf('</%s>', $type);
     return $ret;
Пример #4
 private function buildAttributes()
     return fimplode('%__key__;="%__val__;"', $this->attributes, ' ');