Пример #1
 * @internal revisions
 *  20121010 - asimon - TICKET 4353: added active/inactive filter
function generateTestSpecTreeNew(&$db, $tproject_id, $tproject_name, $linkto, $filters = null, $options = null)
    $chronos[] = microtime(true);
    $tables = tlObjectWithDB::getDBTables(array('tcversions', 'nodes_hierarchy'));
    $my = array();
    $my['options'] = array('forPrinting' => 0, 'hideTestCases' => 0, 'tc_action_enabled' => 1, 'viewType' => 'testSpecTree');
    $my['filters'] = array('keywords' => null, 'testplan' => null);
    $my['options'] = array_merge($my['options'], (array) $options);
    $my['options']['showTestCaseID'] = config_get('treemenu_show_testcase_id');
    $my['filters'] = array_merge($my['filters'], (array) $filters);
    $treeMenu = new stdClass();
    $treeMenu->rootnode = null;
    $treeMenu->menustring = '';
    $resultsCfg = config_get('results');
    $glueChar = config_get('testcase_cfg')->glue_character;
    $menustring = null;
    $tproject_mgr = new testproject($db);
    $tree_manager =& $tproject_mgr->tree_manager;
    $hash_descr_id = $tree_manager->get_available_node_types();
    $hash_id_descr = array_flip($hash_descr_id);
    $status_descr_code = $resultsCfg['status_code'];
    $status_code_descr = $resultsCfg['code_status'];
    $decoding_hash = array('node_id_descr' => $hash_id_descr, 'status_descr_code' => $status_descr_code, 'status_code_descr' => $status_code_descr);
    $tcase_prefix = $tproject_mgr->getTestCasePrefix($tproject_id) . $glueChar;
    $test_spec = getTestSpecTree($tproject_id, $tproject_mgr, $filters);
    // Added root node for test specification -> testproject
    $test_spec['name'] = $tproject_name;
    $test_spec['id'] = $tproject_id;
    $test_spec['node_type_id'] = $hash_descr_id['testproject'];
    $map_node_tccount = array();
    $tc2show = null;
    if ($test_spec) {
        if (isset($my['filters']['filter_custom_fields']) && isset($test_spec['childNodes'])) {
            $test_spec['childNodes'] = filter_by_cf_values($db, $test_spec['childNodes'], $my['filters']['filter_custom_fields'], $hash_descr_id);
        $pnFilters = array('keywords' => $my['filters']['filter_keywords'], 'keywords_filter_type' => $my['filters']['filter_keywords_filter_type']);
        $pnOptions = array('hideTestCases' => $my['options']['hideTestCases'], 'ignoreInactiveTestCases' => $my['options']['ignore_inactive_testcases'], 'ignoreActiveTestCases' => $my['options']['ignore_active_testcases']);
        // Important/CRITIC:
        // prepareTestSpecNode() will make changes to $test_spec like filtering by test case keywords.
        $testcase_counters = prepareTestSpecNode($db, $tproject_mgr, $tproject_id, $test_spec, $map_node_tccount, $pnFilters, $pnOptions);
        if (is_null($test_spec)) {
            $test_spec['name'] = $tproject_name;
            $test_spec['id'] = $tproject_id;
            $test_spec['node_type_id'] = $hash_descr_id['testproject'];
        foreach ($testcase_counters as $key => $value) {
            $test_spec[$key] = $testcase_counters[$key];
        $tc2show = renderTreeNode(1, $test_spec, $hash_id_descr, $linkto, $tcase_prefix, $my['options']);
    $menustring = '';
    $treeMenu->rootnode = new stdClass();
    $treeMenu->rootnode->name = $test_spec['text'];
    $treeMenu->rootnode->id = $test_spec['id'];
    $treeMenu->rootnode->leaf = isset($test_spec['leaf']) ? $test_spec['leaf'] : false;
    $treeMenu->rootnode->text = $test_spec['text'];
    $treeMenu->rootnode->position = $test_spec['position'];
    $treeMenu->rootnode->href = $test_spec['href'];
    // 20090328 - franciscom - BUGID 2299
    // More details about problem found on 20090308 and fixed IN WRONG WAY
    //    |______ TSA
    //            |__ TC1
    //            |__ TC2
    //    |
    //    |______ TSB
    //            |______ TSC
    // Define Keyword K1,K2
    // Filter by K1
    // Tree will show root that spins Forever
    // menustring before str_ireplace : [null,null]
    // menustring AFTER [null]
    // Now fixed.
    // Some minor fix to do
    // Il would be important exclude Top Level Test suites.
    // 20090308 - franciscom
    // Changed because found problem on:
    // Test Specification tree when applying Keyword filter using a keyword NOT PRESENT
    // in test cases => Tree root shows loading icon and spin never stops.
    // Attention: do not know if in other situation this will generate a different bug
    // Change key ('childNodes')  to the one required by Ext JS tree.
    if (isset($test_spec['childNodes'])) {
        $menustring = str_ireplace('childNodes', 'children', json_encode($test_spec['childNodes']));
    if (!is_null($menustring)) {
        // Remove null elements (Ext JS tree do not like it ).
        // :null happens on -> "children":null,"text" that must become "children":[],"text"
        // $menustring = str_ireplace(array(':null',',null','null,'),array(':[]','',''), $menustring);
        $menustring = str_ireplace(array(':null', ',null', 'null,', 'null'), array(':[]', '', '', ''), $menustring);
    $treeMenu->menustring = $menustring;
    $tc2show = !is_null($tc2show) ? explode(",", trim($tc2show, ",")) : null;
    return array('menu' => $treeMenu, 'leaves' => $tc2show, 'tree' => $test_spec);
Пример #2
 * Filter out the testcases that don't have the given value 
 * in their custom field(s) from the tree.
 * Recursive function.
 * @author Andreas Simon
 * @since 1.9
 * @param array &$tcase_tree reference to test case set/tree to filter
 * @param array &$cf_hash reference to selected custom field information
 * @param resource &$db reference to DB handler object
 * @param int $node_type_testsuite ID of node type for testsuites
 * @param int $node_type_testcase ID of node type for testcase
 * @return array $tcase_tree filtered tree structure
 * @internal revisions:
 * 20100702 - did some changes to logic in here and added a fix for array indexes
function filter_by_cf_values(&$tcase_tree, &$cf_hash, &$db, $node_type_testsuite, $node_type_testcase)
    static $tables = null;
    static $debugMsg = null;
    if (!$debugMsg) {
        $tables = tlObject::getDBTables(array('cfield_design_values', 'nodes_hierarchy'));
        $debugMsg = 'Function: ' . __FUNCTION__;
    $node_deleted = false;
    // This code is in parts based on (NOT simply copy/pasted)
    // some filter code used in testplan class.
    // Implemented because we have a tree here,
    // not simple one-dimensional array of testcases like in tplan class.
    foreach ($tcase_tree as $key => $node) {
        if ($node['node_type_id'] == $node_type_testsuite) {
            $delete_suite = false;
            if (isset($node['childNodes']) && is_array($node['childNodes'])) {
                // node is a suite and has children, so recurse one level deeper
                $tcase_tree[$key]['childNodes'] = filter_by_cf_values($tcase_tree[$key]['childNodes'], $cf_hash, $db, $node_type_testsuite, $node_type_testcase);
                // now remove testsuite node if it is empty after coming back from recursion
                if (!count($tcase_tree[$key]['childNodes'])) {
                    $delete_suite = true;
            } else {
                // nothing in here, suite was already empty
                $delete_suite = true;
            if ($delete_suite) {
                $node_deleted = true;
        } else {
            if ($node['node_type_id'] == $node_type_testcase) {
                // node is testcase, check if we need to delete it
                $passed = false;
                //BUGID 2877 - Custom Fields linked to TC versions
                $sql = " /* {$debugMsg} */ SELECT CFD.value FROM {$tables['cfield_design_values']} CFD," . " {$tables['nodes_hierarchy']} NH" . " WHERE CFD.node_id = NH.id" . " AND NH.parent_id = {$node['id']} AND value in ('" . implode("' , '", $cf_hash) . "')";
                $rows = $db->fetchRowsIntoMap($sql, 'value');
                //if there exist as many rows as custom fields to be filtered by
                //the tc does meet the criteria
                $passed = count($rows) == count($cf_hash) ? true : false;
                // now delete node if no match was found
                if (!$passed) {
                    $node_deleted = true;
    // 20100702 - asimon
    // if we deleted a note, the numeric indexes of this array do have missing numbers,
    // which causes problems in later loop constructs in other functions that assume numeric keys
    // in these arrays without missing numbers in between - crashes JS tree!
    // -> so I have to fix the array indexes here starting from 0 without missing a key
    if ($node_deleted) {
        $tcase_tree = array_values($tcase_tree);
    return $tcase_tree;
Пример #3
function testPlanTree(&$dbHandler, &$menuUrl, $tproject_id, $tproject_name, $tplan_id, $tplan_name, $objFilters, $objOptions)
    $debugMsg = ' - Method: ' . __FUNCTION__;
    $chronos[] = $tstart = microtime(true);
    $treeMenu = new stdClass();
    $treeMenu->rootnode = null;
    $treeMenu->menustring = '';
    $resultsCfg = config_get('results');
    $glueChar = config_get('testcase_cfg')->glue_character;
    $menustring = null;
    $tplan_tcases = null;
    $renderTreeNodeOpt = null;
    $renderTreeNodeOpt['showTestCaseID'] = config_get('treemenu_show_testcase_id');
    list($filters, $options, $renderTreeNodeOpt['showTestSuiteContents'], $renderTreeNodeOpt['useCounters'], $renderTreeNodeOpt['useColors'], $colorBySelectedBuild) = initExecTree($objFilters, $objOptions);
    $tplan_mgr = new testplan($dbHandler);
    $tproject_mgr = new testproject($dbHandler);
    $tree_manager = $tplan_mgr->tree_manager;
    $tcase_node_type = $tree_manager->node_descr_id['testcase'];
    $hash_descr_id = $tree_manager->get_available_node_types();
    $hash_id_descr = array_flip($hash_descr_id);
    $tcase_prefix = $tproject_mgr->getTestCasePrefix($tproject_id) . $glueChar;
    $nt2exclude = array('testplan' => 'exclude_me', 'requirement_spec' => 'exclude_me', 'requirement' => 'exclude_me');
    $nt2exclude_children = array('testcase' => 'exclude_my_children', 'requirement_spec' => 'exclude_my_children');
    // remove test spec, test suites (or branches) that have ZERO test cases linked to test plan
    // using 'order_cfg' => array("type" =>'exec_order',"tplan_id" => $tplan_id))
    // makes the magic of ignoring test cases not linked to test plan.
    // This unexpected bonus can be useful on export test plan as XML.
    $my['options'] = array('recursive' => true, 'remove_empty_nodes_of_type' => $tree_manager->node_descr_id['testsuite'], 'order_cfg' => array("type" => 'exec_order', "tplan_id" => $tplan_id), 'hideTestCases' => $options['hideTestCases'], 'tc_action_enabled' => $options['tc_action_enabled'], 'showTestCaseExecStatus' => $options['showTestCaseExecStatus']);
    $my['filters'] = array('exclude_node_types' => $nt2exclude, 'exclude_children_of' => $nt2exclude_children);
    if (isset($objFilters->filter_toplevel_testsuite) && is_array($objFilters->filter_toplevel_testsuite)) {
        $my['filters']['exclude_branches'] = $objFilters->filter_toplevel_testsuite;
    if (isset($objFilters->filter_custom_fields) && is_array($objFilters->filter_custom_fields)) {
        $my['filters']['filter_custom_fields'] = $objFilters->filter_custom_fields;
    if (property_exists($objOptions, 'actionJS')) {
        foreach (array('testproject', 'testsuite', 'testcase') as $nk) {
            if (isset($objOptions->actionJS[$nk])) {
                $renderTreeNodeOpt['actionJS'][$nk] = $objOptions->actionJS[$nk];
    if (property_exists($objOptions, 'nodeHelpText')) {
        foreach (array('testproject', 'testsuite', 'testcase') as $nk) {
            if (isset($objOptions->nodeHelpText[$nk])) {
                $renderTreeNodeOpt['nodeHelpText'][$nk] = $objOptions->nodeHelpText[$nk];
    $test_spec = $tplan_mgr->getSkeleton($tplan_id, $tproject_id, $my['filters'], $my['options']);
    $test_spec['name'] = $tproject_name . " / " . $tplan_name;
    // To be discussed
    $test_spec['id'] = $tproject_id;
    $test_spec['node_type_id'] = $hash_descr_id['testproject'];
    $test_spec['node_type'] = 'testproject';
    $map_node_tccount = array();
    $tplan_tcases = array();
    if ($test_spec) {
        if (is_null($filters['tcase_id']) || $filters['tcase_id'] > 0) {
            // Step 1 - get item set with exec status.
            // This has to scopes:
            // 1. tree coloring according exec status on (Test plan, platform, build ) context
            // 2. produce sql that can be used to reduce item set on combination with filters
            //    that can not be used on this step like:
            //    a. test cases belonging to branch with root TEST SUITE
            //    b. keyword filter on AND MODE
            //    c. execution results on other builds, any build etc
            // THIS YET.
            if (!is_null($sql2do = $tplan_mgr->{$objOptions->getTreeMethod}($tplan_id, $filters, $options))) {
                $doPinBall = false;
                if (is_array($sql2do)) {
                    if ($doPinBall = $filters['keyword_filter_type'] == 'And') {
                        $kmethod = "fetchRowsIntoMapAddRC";
                        $unionClause = " UNION ALL ";
                    } else {
                        $kmethod = "fetchRowsIntoMap";
                        $unionClause = ' UNION ';
                    $sql2run = $sql2do['exec'] . $unionClause . $sql2do['not_run'];
                } else {
                    $kmethod = "fetchRowsIntoMap";
                    $sql2run = $sql2do;
                $tplan_tcases = $dbHandler->{$kmethod}($sql2run, 'tcase_id');
                if ($doPinBall && !is_null($tplan_tcases)) {
                    $kwc = count($filters['keyword_id']);
                    $ak = array_keys($tplan_tcases);
                    $mx = null;
                    foreach ($ak as $tk) {
                        if ($tplan_tcases[$tk]['recordcount'] == $kwc) {
                            $mx[$tk] = $tplan_tcases[$tk];
                    $tplan_tcases = null;
                    $tplan_tcases = $mx;
                $setTestCaseStatus = $tplan_tcases;
        if (is_null($tplan_tcases)) {
            $tplan_tcases = array();
        // OK, now we need to work on status filters
        // if "any" was selected as filtering status, don't filter by status
        $targetExecStatus = (array) (isset($objFilters->filter_result_result) ? $objFilters->filter_result_result : null);
        if (!is_null($targetExecStatus) && !in_array($resultsCfg['status_code']['all'], $targetExecStatus)) {
            applyStatusFilters($tplan_id, $tplan_tcases, $objFilters, $tplan_mgr, $resultsCfg['status_code']);
        if (isset($my['filters']['filter_custom_fields']) && isset($test_spec['childNodes'])) {
            $test_spec['childNodes'] = filter_by_cf_values($dbHandler, $test_spec['childNodes'], $my['filters']['filter_custom_fields'], $hash_descr_id);
        // here we have LOT OF CONFUSION, sometimes we use $my['options'] other $options
        $pnFilters = null;
        $pnOptions = array('hideTestCases' => $my['options']['hideTestCases'], 'viewType' => 'executionTree');
        $testcase_counters = prepareExecTreeNode($dbHandler, $test_spec, $map_node_tccount, $tplan_tcases, $pnFilters, $pnOptions);
        foreach ($testcase_counters as $key => $value) {
            $test_spec[$key] = $testcase_counters[$key];
        $keys = array_keys($tplan_tcases);
        $renderTreeNodeOpt['hideTestCases'] = $my['options']['hideTestCases'];
        // $renderTreeNodeOpt['tc_action_enabled'] = 1;
        $renderTreeNodeOpt['tc_action_enabled'] = isset($my['options']['tc_action_enabled']) ? $my['options']['tc_action_enabled'] : 1;
        // $renderTreeNodeOpt['nodeHelpText'] = $my['options']['nodeHelpText'];
        $renderTreeNodeOpt['showTestCaseExecStatus'] = $my['options']['showTestCaseExecStatus'];
        $menustring = renderExecTreeNode(1, $test_spec, $tplan_tcases, $hash_id_descr, $menuUrl, $tcase_prefix, $renderTreeNodeOpt);
    // if($test_spec)
    $treeMenu->rootnode = new stdClass();
    $treeMenu->rootnode->name = $test_spec['text'];
    $treeMenu->rootnode->id = $test_spec['id'];
    $treeMenu->rootnode->leaf = $test_spec['leaf'];
    $treeMenu->rootnode->text = $test_spec['text'];
    $treeMenu->rootnode->position = $test_spec['position'];
    $treeMenu->rootnode->href = $test_spec['href'];
    if (!is_null($menustring)) {
        // Change key ('childNodes')  to the one required by Ext JS tree.
        if (isset($test_spec['childNodes'])) {
            $menustring = str_ireplace('childNodes', 'children', json_encode($test_spec['childNodes']));
        // Remove null elements (Ext JS tree do not like it ).
        // :null happens on -> "children":null,"text" that must become "children":[],"text"
        // $menustring = str_ireplace(array(':null',',null','null,'),array(':[]','',''), $menustring);
        $menustring = str_ireplace(array(':null', ',null', 'null,', 'null'), array(':[]', '', '', ''), $menustring);
    $treeMenu->menustring = $menustring;
    return array($treeMenu, $keys);
Пример #4
 * Filter out the testcases that don't have the given value 
 * in their custom field(s) from the tree.
 * Recursive function.
 * @author Andreas Simon
 * @since 1.9
 * @param array &$tcase_tree reference to test case set/tree to filter
 * @param array &$cf_hash reference to selected custom field information
 * @param resource &$db reference to DB handler object
 * @param int $node_type_testsuite ID of node type for testsuites
 * @param int $node_type_testcase ID of node type for testcase
 * @return array $tcase_tree filtered tree structure
 * @internal revisions:
 * 20100702 - did some changes to logic in here and added a fix for array indexes
function filter_by_cf_values(&$tcase_tree, &$cf_hash, &$db, $node_type_testsuite, $node_type_testcase)
    static $tables = null;
    static $debugMsg = null;
    if (!$debugMsg) {
        $tables = tlObject::getDBTables('cfield_design_values');
        $debugMsg = 'Function: ' . __FUNCTION__;
    $node_deleted = false;
    // This code is in parts based on (NOT simply copy/pasted)
    // some filter code used in testplan class.
    // Implemented because we have a tree here,
    // not simple one-dimensional array of testcases like in tplan class.
    foreach ($tcase_tree as $key => $node) {
        if ($node['node_type_id'] == $node_type_testsuite) {
            $delete_suite = false;
            if (isset($node['childNodes']) && is_array($node['childNodes'])) {
                // node is a suite and has children, so recurse one level deeper
                $tcase_tree[$key]['childNodes'] = filter_by_cf_values($tcase_tree[$key]['childNodes'], $cf_hash, $db, $node_type_testsuite, $node_type_testcase);
                // now remove testsuite node if it is empty after coming back from recursion
                if (!count($tcase_tree[$key]['childNodes'])) {
                    $delete_suite = true;
            } else {
                // nothing in here, suite was already empty
                $delete_suite = true;
            if ($delete_suite) {
                $node_deleted = true;
        } else {
            if ($node['node_type_id'] == $node_type_testcase) {
                // node is testcase, check if we need to delete it
                $passed = false;
                foreach ($cf_hash as $cf_id => $cf_value) {
                    // there will never be more than one record that has a field_id / node_id combination
                    $sql = " /* {$debugMsg} */ SELECT value FROM {$tables['cfield_design_values']} " . " WHERE field_id = {$cf_id} " . " AND node_id = {$node['id']} ";
                    $result = $db->exec_query($sql);
                    $row = $db->fetch_array($result);
                    // push both to arrays so we can compare
                    $possibleValues = explode('|', $row['value']);
                    $valuesSelected = explode('|', $cf_value);
                    // we want to match any selected item from list and checkboxes.
                    if (count($valuesSelected)) {
                        foreach ($valuesSelected as $vs_id => $vs_value) {
                            $found = array_search($vs_value, $possibleValues);
                            if (is_int($found)) {
                                $passed = true;
                            } else {
                                $passed = false;
                    // jumping out of foreach here creates an AND search
                    // removing this if would cause OR search --> the first found value counts
                    if (!$passed) {
                // now delete node if no match was found
                if (!$passed) {
                    $node_deleted = true;
    // 20100702 - asimon
    // if we deleted a note, the numeric indexes of this array do have missing numbers,
    // which causes problems in later loop constructs in other functions that assume numeric keys
    // in these arrays without missing numbers in between - crashes JS tree!
    // -> so I have to fix the array indexes here starting from 0 without missing a key
    if ($node_deleted) {
        $tcase_tree = array_values($tcase_tree);
    return $tcase_tree;