Пример #1
 * Displays the main form for inserting shortcodes / single images.
 * also handles attachments edit/delete/detach response
 * and displays atachment thumbnails on post edit screen in admin
function file_gallery_main($ajax = true)
    global $wpdb;
    $post_id = isset($_POST['post_id']) ? $_POST['post_id'] : '';
    $attachment_order = isset($_POST['attachment_order']) ? $_POST['attachment_order'] : '';
    $attachment_orderby = isset($_POST['attachment_orderby']) ? $_POST['attachment_orderby'] : '';
    $files_or_tags = isset($_POST['files_or_tags']) ? $_POST["files_or_tags"] : '';
    $tags_from = isset($_POST['tags_from']) ? $_POST["tags_from"] : '';
    $action = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : '';
    $attachment_ids = isset($_POST['attachment_ids']) ? $_POST['attachment_ids'] : '';
    $attachment_data = isset($_POST['attachment_data']) ? $_POST['attachment_data'] : '';
    $delete_what = isset($_POST['delete_what']) ? $_POST['delete_what'] : '';
    $checked_attachments = isset($_POST['checked_attachments']) ? explode(',', $_POST['checked_attachments']) : array();
    $normals = isset($_POST['normals']) ? $_POST['normals'] : '';
    $copies = isset($_POST['copies']) ? $_POST['copies'] : '';
    $originals = isset($_POST['originals']) ? $_POST['originals'] : '';
    $fieldsets = isset($_POST['fieldsets']) ? $_POST['fieldsets'] : '';
    $file_gallery_options = get_option('file_gallery');
    $gallery_state = isset($file_gallery_options['insert_options_state']) && true == $file_gallery_options['insert_options_state'] ? true : false;
    $single_state = isset($file_gallery_options['insert_single_options_state']) && true == $file_gallery_options['insert_single_options_state'] ? true : false;
    $output = " ";
    $count_attachments = 0;
    $hide_form = '';
    $sizes = file_gallery_get_intermediate_image_sizes();
    $normals = explode(',', $normals);
    $copies = explode(',', $copies);
    $originals = explode(',', $originals);
    $attachment_ids = explode(',', $attachment_ids);
    if (empty_array($normals)) {
        $normals = array();
    if (empty_array($copies)) {
        $copies = array();
    if (empty_array($originals)) {
        $originals = array();
    if (empty_array($attachment_ids)) {
        $attachment_ids = array();
    if ('file_gallery_main_delete' == $action) {
        if (!empty($copies) && !empty($originals)) {
            $cpluso = array_merge($copies, $originals);
            $normals = array_xor((array) $attachment_ids, $cpluso);
        } elseif (!empty($copies)) {
            $normals = array_xor((array) $attachment_ids, $copies);
        } elseif (!empty($originals)) {
            $normals = array_xor((array) $attachment_ids, $originals);
        } else {
            $normals = $attachment_ids;
        // cancel our own 'wp_delete_attachment' filter
        define("FILE_GALLERY_SKIP_DELETE_CANCEL", true);
        foreach ($normals as $normal) {
            if (current_user_can('delete_post', $normal)) {
                $fully_deleted[] = $normal;
        foreach ($copies as $copy) {
            if (current_user_can('delete_post', $copy)) {
                $partially_deleted[] = $copy;
        foreach ($originals as $original) {
            if ("all" == $delete_what && current_user_can('delete_post', $original)) {
                $fully_deleted[] = $original;
            } elseif ("data_only" == $delete_what && current_user_can('delete_post', $original)) {
                $partially_deleted[] = $original;
        if (empty($fully_deleted) && empty($partially_deleted)) {
            $output = __("No attachments were deleted (capabilities?)", "file-gallery");
        } else {
            $output = __("Attachment(s) deleted", "file-gallery");
    } elseif ("file_gallery_main_detach" == $action) {
        foreach ($attachment_ids as $attachment_id) {
            if (false === $wpdb->query(sprintf("UPDATE {$wpdb->posts} SET `post_parent`='0' WHERE `ID`='%d'", $attachment_id))) {
                $detach_errors[] = $attachment_id;
        if (empty($detach_errors)) {
            $output = __("Attachment(s) detached", "file-gallery");
        } else {
            $output = __("Error detaching attachment(s)", "file-gallery");
    } elseif ("file_gallery_main_update" == $action) {
        $attachment_id = (int) $_POST['attachment_id'];
        $attachment_data['ID'] = $attachment_id;
        $attachment_data['post_alt'] = $_POST['post_alt'];
        $attachment_data['post_title'] = $_POST['post_title'];
        $attachment_data['post_content'] = $_POST['post_content'];
        $attachment_data['post_excerpt'] = $_POST['post_excerpt'];
        $attachment_data['menu_order'] = $_POST['menu_order'];
        // attachment custom fields
        $custom = get_post_custom($attachment_id);
        $custom_fields = isset($_POST['custom_fields']) ? $_POST['custom_fields'] : '';
        if (!empty($custom) && !empty($custom_fields)) {
            foreach ($custom_fields as $key => $val) {
                if (isset($custom[$key]) && $custom[$key][0] != $val) {
                    update_post_meta($attachment_id, $key, $val);
        // media_tag taxonomy - attachment tags
        $tax_input = "";
        $old_media_tags = "";
        $get_old_media_tags = wp_get_object_terms((int) $_POST['attachment_id'], FILE_GALLERY_MEDIA_TAG_NAME);
        if (!empty($get_old_media_tags)) {
            foreach ($get_old_media_tags as $mt) {
                $old_media_tags[] = $mt->name;
            $old_media_tags = implode(", ", $old_media_tags);
        if ("" != $_POST['tax_input'] && $old_media_tags != $_POST['tax_input']) {
            $tax_input = preg_replace("#\\s+#", " ", $_POST['tax_input']);
            $tax_input = preg_replace("#,+#", ",", $_POST['tax_input']);
            $tax_input = trim($tax_input, " ");
            $tax_input = trim($tax_input, ",");
            $tax_input = explode(", ", $tax_input);
            $media_tags_result = wp_set_object_terms($attachment_id, $tax_input, FILE_GALLERY_MEDIA_TAG_NAME);
        } elseif ("" == $_POST['tax_input']) {
            $media_tags_result = wp_set_object_terms($attachment_id, NULL, FILE_GALLERY_MEDIA_TAG_NAME);
        // check if there were any changes
        $old_attachment_data = get_object_vars(get_post($attachment_id));
        if (file_gallery_file_is_displayable_image(get_attached_file($attachment_id))) {
            $old_attachment_data['post_alt'] = get_post_meta($attachment_id, "_wp_attachment_image_alt", true);
        if (isset($old_attachment_data['post_alt']) && $old_attachment_data['post_alt'] != $attachment_data['post_alt'] || $old_attachment_data['post_title'] != $attachment_data['post_title'] || $old_attachment_data['post_content'] != $attachment_data['post_content'] || $old_attachment_data['post_excerpt'] != $attachment_data['post_excerpt'] || $old_attachment_data['menu_order'] != $attachment_data['menu_order'] || is_array($tax_input)) {
            if (0 !== wp_update_post($attachment_data)) {
                update_post_meta($attachment_id, "_wp_attachment_image_alt", $attachment_data['post_alt']);
                $output = __("Attachment data updated", "file-gallery");
            } else {
                $output = __("Error updating attachment data!", "file-gallery");
        } else {
            $output = __("No change.", "file-gallery");
    } elseif ("file_gallery_set_post_thumb" == $action) {
        update_post_meta($post_id, "_thumbnail_id", $attachment_ids[0]);
        exit(_wp_post_thumbnail_html($attachment_ids[0], $post_id));
    } elseif ("file_gallery_unset_post_thumb" == $action) {
    include_once "main-form.php";
 * Cancels deletion of the actual _file_ by returning an empty string as file path
 * if the deleted attachment had copies or was a copy itself
function file_gallery_cancel_file_deletion_if_attachment_copies($file)
    global $wpdb;
        return $file;
    $_file = $file;
    $was_original = true;
    // get '_wp_attached_file' value based on upload path
    if (false != get_option('uploads_use_yearmonth_folders')) {
        $_file = explode('/', $_file);
        $c = count($_file);
        $_file = $_file[$c - 3] . '/' . $_file[$c - 2] . '/' . $_file[$c - 1];
    } else {
        $_file = basename($file);
    // find all attachments that share the same file
    $this_copies = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT `post_id` \r\n\t\t\t FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} \r\n\t\t\t WHERE `meta_key` = '_wp_attached_file' \r\n\t\t\t AND `meta_value` = '%s'", $_file));
    if (is_array($this_copies) && !empty($this_copies)) {
        foreach ($this_copies as $tc) {
            if ('' != get_post_meta($tc, '_has_copies', true)) {
                $was_original = false;
        if ($was_original) {
            // original is deleted, promote first copy
            $promoted_id = file_gallery_promote_first_attachment_copy(0, $this_copies);
        $uploadpath = wp_upload_dir();
        $file_path = path_join($uploadpath['basedir'], $_file);
        if (file_gallery_file_is_displayable_image($file_path)) {
            // if it's an image - regenerate its intermediate sizes
            $regenerate = wp_update_attachment_metadata($promoted_id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata($promoted_id, $file_path));
        return '';
    return $file;
Пример #3
 * Main shortcode function
 * @since 0.1
function file_gallery_shortcode($content = false, $attr = false)
    global $file_gallery, $wpdb, $post;
    // if the function is called directly, not via shortcode
    if (false !== $content && false === $attr) {
        $attr = wp_parse_args($content);
    if (!isset($file_gallery->gallery_id)) {
        $file_gallery->gallery_id = 1;
    } else {
    $options = get_option('file_gallery');
    if (isset($options['cache']) && true == $options['cache']) {
        if ('html' == $attr['output_type'] || isset($options['cache_non_html_output']) && true == $options['cache_non_html_output']) {
            $transient = 'filegallery_' . md5($post->ID . "_" . serialize($attr));
            $cache = get_transient($transient);
            if ($cache) {
                return $cache;
    // if option to show galleries in excerpts is set to false...
    // ...replace [gallery] with user selected text
    if (!is_singular() && (!isset($options['in_excerpt']) || true != $options['in_excerpt'])) {
        return $options['in_excerpt_replace_content'];
    $default_templates = unserialize(FILE_GALLERY_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES);
    // We're trusting author input, so let's at least make sure it looks like a valid orderby statement
    if (isset($attr['orderby'])) {
        $attr['orderby'] = sanitize_sql_orderby($attr['orderby']);
        if (!$attr['orderby']) {
    $defaults = array('order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => '', 'id' => $post->ID, 'columns' => 3, 'size' => 'thumbnail', 'link' => 'attachment', 'include' => '', 'ids' => '', 'exclude' => '', 'template' => 'default', 'linkclass' => '', 'imageclass' => '', 'galleryclass' => '', 'rel' => 1, 'tags' => '', 'tags_from' => 'current', 'output_type' => 'html', 'output_params' => 1, 'attachment_ids' => '', 'mimetype' => '', 'limit' => -1, 'offset' => -1, 'paginate' => 0, 'link_size' => 'full', 'include_meta' => false);
    if (floatval(get_bloginfo('version')) >= 3.5) {
        $defaults['link'] = 'post';
    // extract the defaults...
    extract(shortcode_atts($defaults, $attr));
    if (!in_array($template, $default_templates)) {
        $template_file = FILE_GALLERY_THEME_TEMPLATES_ABSPATH . '/' . $template . '/gallery.php';
        if (!is_readable($template_file)) {
            $template_file = FILE_GALLERY_CONTENT_TEMPLATES_ABSPATH . '/' . $template . '/gallery.php';
    } else {
        if ('default' == $template) {
            $template_file = FILE_GALLERY_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_ABSPATH . '/gallery.php';
        } else {
            $template_file = FILE_GALLERY_ABSPATH . '/templates/' . $template . '/gallery.php';
    // check if template exists and replace with default if it does not
    if (!is_readable($template_file)) {
        $template_file = FILE_GALLERY_ABSPATH . '/templates/default/gallery.php';
        $template = 'default';
    // get overriding variables from the template file
    $overriding = true;
    include $template_file;
    $overriding = false;
    if (is_array($file_gallery->overrides) && !empty($file_gallery->overrides)) {
        $file_gallery->overrides = NULL;
    $limit = (int) $limit;
    $offset = (int) $offset;
    $page = (int) get_query_var('page');
    if ('false' === $rel || is_numeric($rel) && 0 === (int) $rel) {
        $_rel = false;
    } elseif (1 === $rel) {
        $_rel = true;
    } else {
        $_rel = $rel;
    if ('false' === $output_params || is_numeric($output_params) && 0 === (int) $output_params) {
        $output_params = false;
    } else {
        $output_params = true;
    if ('false' === $paginate || is_numeric($paginate) && 0 === (int) $paginate || 0 > $limit) {
        $paginate = false;
        $found_rows = '';
    } else {
        $paginate = true;
        $found_rows = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS';
        if (0 === $page) {
            $page = 1;
        if (is_singular() && 1 < $page) {
            $offset = $limit * ($page - 1);
    $file_gallery->debug_add('pagination', compact('paginate', 'page'));
    $_attachment_ids = explode(',', trim($attachment_ids, ','));
    $_include = explode(',', trim($include, ','));
    $_ids = explode(',', trim($ids, ','));
    $attachment_ids = array_merge($_attachment_ids, $_include, $_ids);
    $attachment_ids = array_unique($attachment_ids);
    $attachment_ids = implode(',', $attachment_ids);
    $attachment_ids = trim($attachment_ids, ',');
    $attachment_ids = trim($attachment_ids);
    if (!isset($linkto)) {
        $linkto = $link;
    $sql_mimetype = '';
    if ('' != $mimetype) {
        $mimetype = file_gallery_get_mime_type($mimetype);
        $sql_mimetype = wp_post_mime_type_where($mimetype);
    $approved_attachment_post_statuses = apply_filters('file_gallery_approved_attachment_post_statuses', array('inherit'));
    $ignored_attachment_post_statuses = apply_filters('file_gallery_ignored_attachment_post_statuses', array('trash', 'private', 'pending', 'future'));
    if (!empty($approved_attachment_post_statuses)) {
        $post_statuses = " AND (post_status IN ('" . implode("', '", $approved_attachment_post_statuses) . "') ) ";
    } elseif (!empty($ignored_attachment_post_statuses)) {
        $post_statuses = " AND (post_status NOT IN ('" . implode("', '", $ignored_attachment_post_statuses) . "') ) ";
    } else {
        $post_statuses = "";
    $file_gallery_query = new stdClass();
    // start with tags because they negate everything else
    if ('' != $tags) {
        if ('' == $orderby || 'file_gallery' == $orderby) {
            $orderby = "menu_order ID";
        $query = array('post_status' => implode(',', $approved_attachment_post_statuses), 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'order' => $order, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'posts_per_page' => $limit, 'post_mime_type' => $mimetype, FILE_GALLERY_MEDIA_TAG_NAME => $tags);
        if ('current' == $tags_from) {
            $query['post_parent'] = $id;
        if (!empty($exclude)) {
            $query['post__not_in'] = explode(',', preg_replace('/[^0-9,]+/', '', $exclude));
        if (0 < $offset) {
            $query['offset'] = $offset;
        $file_gallery_query = new WP_Query($query);
        $attachments = $file_gallery_query->posts;
    } elseif ('' != $attachment_ids) {
        $attachment_ids = explode(',', $attachment_ids);
        $sql_limit = count($attachment_ids);
        if ('rand' == $orderby) {
        $attachment_ids = implode(',', $attachment_ids);
        if ('' == $orderby || 'rand' == $orderby || $orderby == 'post__in') {
            $orderby = sprintf("FIELD(ID, %s)", $attachment_ids);
            $order = '';
        } elseif ('title' == $orderby) {
            $orderby = "post_title";
        $query = sprintf("SELECT " . $found_rows . " * FROM {$wpdb->posts} \n\t\t\t WHERE ID IN (%s) \n\t\t\t AND post_type = 'attachment' \n\t\t\t" . $post_statuses . " ", $attachment_ids);
        $query .= $sql_mimetype;
        $query .= sprintf(" ORDER BY %s %s ", $orderby, $order);
        if (true !== $paginate) {
            $limit = $sql_limit;
    } else {
        if ('' == $orderby) {
            $orderby = "menu_order ID";
        $query = array('post_parent' => $id, 'post_status' => implode(',', $approved_attachment_post_statuses), 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'order' => $order, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'posts_per_page' => $limit, 'post_mime_type' => $mimetype);
        if (!empty($exclude)) {
            $query['post__not_in'] = explode(',', preg_replace('/[^0-9,]+/', '', $exclude));
        if (0 < $offset) {
            $query['offset'] = $offset;
        $file_gallery_query = new WP_Query($query);
        $attachments = $file_gallery_query->posts;
    if (isset($query)) {
        if (0 < $limit) {
            $query .= " LIMIT " . $limit;
        if (0 < $offset) {
            $query .= " OFFSET " . $offset;
        $attachments = $wpdb->get_results($query);
        if ('' != $found_rows) {
            $file_gallery_query->found_posts = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");
            $file_gallery_query->max_num_pages = ceil($file_gallery_query->found_posts / $limit);
    $file_gallery->debug_add('attachments_query', compact('file_gallery_query'));
    if (empty($attachments)) {
        return '<!-- "File Gallery" plugin says: - No attachments found for the following shortcode arguments: "' . json_encode($attr) . '" -->';
    // feed
    if (is_feed()) {
        $output = "\n";
        foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
            $output .= wp_get_attachment_link($attachment->ID, $size, true) . "\n";
        return $output;
    $i = 0;
    $unique_ids = array();
    $gallery_items = '';
    if ('object' == $output_type || 'array' == $output_type) {
        $gallery_items = array();
    $autoqueueclasses = array();
        $autoqueueclasses = maybe_unserialize(FILE_GALLERY_LIGHTBOX_CLASSES);
    } else {
        $autoqueueclasses = explode(',', $options['auto_enqueued_scripts']);
    $file_gallery_this_template_counter = 1;
    // create output
    foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
        $param = array('image_class' => $imageclass, 'link_class' => $linkclass, 'rel' => $_rel, 'title' => '', 'caption' => '', 'description' => '', 'thumb_alt' => '');
        $attachment_file = get_attached_file($attachment->ID);
        $attachment_is_image = file_gallery_file_is_displayable_image($attachment_file);
        $startcol = '';
        $endcol = '';
        $x = '';
        if ($output_params) {
            $plcai = array_intersect($autoqueueclasses, explode(' ', trim($linkclass)));
            if (!empty($plcai)) {
                if ($attachment_is_image) {
                    if (true === $param['rel']) {
                        $param['rel'] = $plcai[0] . '[' . $file_gallery->gallery_id . ']';
                    } elseif (!is_bool($param['rel'])) {
                        if (false !== strpos($_rel, '$GID$')) {
                            $param['rel'] = str_replace('$GID$', $file_gallery->gallery_id, $_rel);
                        } else {
                            $param['rel'] = $_rel . '[' . $file_gallery->gallery_id . ']';
                    $filter_args = array('gallery_id' => $file_gallery->gallery_id, 'linkrel' => $param['rel'], 'linkclass' => $param['link_class'], 'imageclass' => $param['image_class']);
                    if ($param['rel']) {
                        $param['rel'] = apply_filters('file_gallery_lightbox_linkrel', $param['rel'], 'linkrel', $filter_args);
                    $param['link_class'] = apply_filters('file_gallery_lightbox_linkclass', $param['link_class'], 'linkclass', $filter_args);
                    $param['image_class'] = apply_filters('file_gallery_lightbox_imageclass', $param['image_class'], 'imageclass', $filter_args);
                } else {
                    $param['link_class'] = str_replace(trim(implode(' ', $plcai)), '', trim($linkclass));
            // if rel is still true or false
            if (is_bool($param['rel'])) {
                $param['rel'] = '';
            switch ($linkto) {
                case 'parent_post':
                    $param['link'] = get_permalink($wpdb->get_var("SELECT post_parent FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ID = '" . $attachment->ID . "'"));
                case 'file':
                    $param['link'] = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment->ID);
                case 'attachment':
                case 'post':
                    $param['link'] = get_attachment_link($attachment->ID);
                case 'none':
                    $param['link'] = '';
                    // external url
                    $param['link'] = urldecode($linkto);
            $param['title'] = $attachment->post_title;
            $param['caption'] = $attachment->post_excerpt;
            $param['description'] = $attachment->post_content;
            if ($attachment_is_image) {
                $thumb_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment->ID, $size);
                $param['thumb_link'] = $thumb_src[0];
                $param['thumb_width'] = 0 == $thumb_src[1] ? file_gallery_get_image_size($param['thumb_link']) : $thumb_src[1];
                $param['thumb_height'] = 0 == $thumb_src[2] ? file_gallery_get_image_size($param['thumb_link'], true) : $thumb_src[2];
                if ('' != $param['link'] && 'full' != $link_size && in_array($link_size, file_gallery_get_intermediate_image_sizes())) {
                    $full_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment->ID, $link_size);
                    $param['link'] = $full_src[0];
            } else {
                $param['thumb_link'] = wp_mime_type_icon($attachment->ID);
                $param['thumb_link'] = apply_filters('file_gallery_non_image_thumb_link', $param['thumb_link'], $attachment->post_mime_type, $attachment->ID);
                $param['thumb_width'] = '46';
                $param['thumb_height'] = '60';
            if ($thumb_alt = get_post_meta($attachment->ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true)) {
                $param['thumb_alt'] = $thumb_alt;
            $param['attachment_id'] = $attachment->ID;
        $param = array_map('trim', $param);
        if ($include_meta) {
            $meta = get_post_custom($attachment->ID);
        if ('object' == $output_type) {
            if ($output_params) {
                $attachment->params = (object) $param;
            if ($include_meta) {
                $attachment->meta = (object) $meta;
            $gallery_items[] = $attachment;
        } elseif ('array' == $output_type || 'json' == $output_type) {
            if ($output_params) {
                $attachment->params = $param;
            if ($include_meta) {
                $attachment->meta = $meta;
            $gallery_items[] = get_object_vars($attachment);
        } else {
            if ($columns > 0) {
                if (0 === $i || 0 === $i % $columns) {
                    $startcol = ' gallery-startcol';
                } elseif (($i + 1) % $columns == 0) {
                    // add the column break class
                    $endcol = ' gallery-endcol';
            // parse template
            include $template_file;
            $x = ob_get_contents();
            if ($columns > 0 && $i + 1 % $columns == 0) {
                $x .= $cleartag;
            $gallery_items .= $x;
    // handle data types
    if ('object' == $output_type || 'array' == $output_type) {
        $output = $gallery_items;
    } elseif ('json' == $output_type) {
        $output = json_encode($gallery_items);
    } else {
        $stc = '';
        $cols = '';
        $pagination_html = '';
        if (0 < (int) $columns) {
            $cols = ' columns_' . $columns;
        if (isset($starttag_class) && '' != $starttag_class) {
            $stc = ' ' . $starttag_class;
        $trans_append = "\n<!-- file gallery output cached on " . date('Y.m.d @ H:i:s', time()) . "-->\n";
        if (is_singular() && isset($file_gallery_query->max_num_pages) && 1 < $file_gallery_query->max_num_pages) {
            $pagination_html = file_gallery_do_pagination($file_gallery_query->max_num_pages, $page);
        $gallery_class = apply_filters('file_gallery_galleryclass', 'gallery ' . str_replace(' ', '-', $template) . $cols . $stc . ' ' . $galleryclass);
        $output = '<' . $starttag . ' id="gallery-' . $file_gallery->gallery_id . '" class="' . $gallery_class . '">' . "\n" . $gallery_items . "\n" . $pagination_html . "\n</" . $starttag . '>';
    if (isset($options['cache']) && true == $options['cache']) {
        if ('html' == $output_type) {
            set_transient($transient, $output . $trans_append, $options['cache_time']);
        } elseif (isset($options['cache_non_html_output']) && true == $options['cache_non_html_output']) {
            set_transient($transient, $output, $options['cache_time']);
    return apply_filters('file_gallery_output', $output, $post->ID, $file_gallery->gallery_id);