Пример #1
function build_item_types_chart_data()
    $results = fetch_item_type_rs();
    while ($item_type_r = db_fetch_assoc($results)) {
        $num_total = fetch_item_instance_cnt($item_type_r['s_item_type']);
        if ($num_total > 0) {
            $data[] = array('display' => $item_type_r['s_item_type'], 'value' => $num_total);
    return $data;
Пример #2
function get_item_type_totals_rs()
    $item_type_rs = array();
    $itemresults = fetch_item_type_rs();
    if ($itemresults) {
        while ($item_type_r = db_fetch_assoc($itemresults)) {
            $type_total_items = fetch_item_instance_cnt($item_type_r['s_item_type']);
            if ($type_total_items > 0) {
                $item_type_r['count'] = $type_total_items;
                $item_type_rs[] = $item_type_r;
    return $item_type_rs;
Пример #3
 function render($imgType)
     $data = $this->data;
     $chartType = $this->chartType;
     $graphCfg = $this->graphCfg;
     // standard threshold.
     $chartOptions['threshold'] = 3;
     if ($chartType == 'barchart') {
         $chartOptions['striped'] = FALSE;
         $chartOptions['12oclock'] = FALSE;
     } else {
         $chartOptions['12oclock'] = FALSE;
         $chartOptions['striped'] = TRUE;
     $itemCount = fetch_item_instance_cnt();
     // size of pie-chart (not counting text borders)
     $imgsize = ifempty($graphCfg['size'], $this->width / 3);
     $fontsize = $graphCfg['font-size'];
     $fontheight = imagefontheight($fontsize);
     // Create a new image
     $side_margin = round($imgsize * 2 / 3);
     $top_margin = $fontheight + 1;
     $xsize = $imgsize + 2 * $side_margin;
     $ysize = $imgsize + 2 * $top_margin;
     $im = ImageCreate($xsize, $ysize);
     $bgcolor = ImageHexColorAllocate($im, $graphCfg['background-color']);
     $text_color = ImageHexColorAllocate($im, $graphCfg['text-color']);
     $captions_color = ImageHexColorAllocate($im, $graphCfg['caption-color']);
     $lt_color = ImageHexColorAllocate($im, $graphCfg['light-color']);
     $dk_color = ImageHexColorAllocate($im, $graphCfg['dark-color']);
     $lt_border = ImageHexColorAllocate($im, $graphCfg['light-border-color']);
     $dk_border = ImageHexColorAllocate($im, $graphCfg['dark-border-color']);
     // Do this if you want your background image to show through:
     if ($graphCfg['background'] == 'transparent') {
         imagecolortransparent($im, $bgcolor);
     // color background
     ImageFilledRectangle($im, 0, 0, $xsize, $ysize, $bgcolor);
     if (is_array($data)) {
         // process data
         $dataCount = @count($data);
         if ($dataCount > 0 && !empty($sortorder)) {
             if ($sortorder == 'asc') {
             } else {
         $TotalArrayValues = @array_sum($data);
         if ($TotalArrayValues > 0 && $itemCount > 0) {
             $maxdata = 0;
             foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
                 $value = number_format(@($value / $itemCount) * 100, 1);
                 $data[$key] = $value;
                 if ($maxdata < $value) {
                     $maxdata = $value + 1;
         if ($chartType == 'barchart') {
             if ($TotalArrayValues > 0) {
                 $sidegap = 10;
                 // pixels.
                 $topgap = $sidegap;
                 // An iterative process to determine the best box width.
                 // It will perform only one loop, unless you have so many items that
                 // the box width is smaller than the font height.  Then it will
                 // recompute with fewer items.
                 // We undo this on the next line.
                 do {
                     $boxwidth = round(($xsize - $sidegap * 2) / ($dataCount + 1));
                     $gapwidth = round($boxwidth / 10);
                     if ($gapwidth < 1) {
                         $gapwidth = 1;
                     $boxwidth = floor(($xsize - $sidegap * 2 - $gapwidth * ($dataCount - 1)) / $dataCount);
                     $totalwidth = $boxwidth * $dataCount + $gapwidth * ($dataCount - 1);
                 } while ($dataCount > 0 && $boxwidth < $fontheight + 2);
                 // centre it:
                 $sidegap = ($xsize - $totalwidth) / 2;
                 $ix = 0;
                 foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
                     //$height = $data[$ix][1] * ($ysize - $topgap*2) / 100;
                     $height = $value * ($ysize - $topgap * 2) / $maxdata;
                     $x1 = $sidegap + $ix * $boxwidth + $ix * $gapwidth;
                     // ImageLine($im, $x1, $ysize - $top_margin, $x1, $ysize - $top_margin - $height, $dk_border );
                     ImageFilledRectangle($im, $x1, $ysize - $topgap - $height, $x1 + $boxwidth, $ysize - $topgap, $lt_color);
                     // Highlight it from the top left, shadow on bottom and right.
                     ImageLine($im, $x1, $ysize - $topgap - $height, $x1, $ysize - $topgap, $lt_border);
                     ImageLine($im, $x1, $ysize - $topgap - $height, $x1 + $boxwidth, $ysize - $topgap - $height, $lt_border);
                     ImageLine($im, $x1 + $boxwidth, $ysize - $topgap - $height, $x1 + $boxwidth, $ysize - $topgap, $dk_border);
                     ImageLine($im, $x1, $ysize - $topgap, $x1 + $boxwidth, $ysize - $topgap, $dk_border);
                     $text = $key . " " . round($value) . "%";
                     // show percent
                     ImageStringUp($im, $fontsize, $x1 + $boxwidth / 2 - $fontheight / 2, $ysize - $topgap - 3, $text, $text_color);
         } else {
             //if($chartType == 'piechart')
             // A pie chart.
             if (is_numeric($chartOptions['threshold'])) {
                 // minimum wedge percent to omit from caption
                 $threshold = $chartOptions['threshold'];
             } else {
                 $threshold = 3;
             $radius = round($imgsize / 2);
             $originx = $radius + $side_margin;
             $originy = $radius + $top_margin;
             // draw a circle
             ImageArc($im, $originx, $originy, $radius * 2, $radius * 2, 0, 360, $dk_border);
             // fill circle with color
             ImageFill($im, $originx, $originy, $lt_color);
             // GD-2 version of the above two calls.	 Damn PHP.
             // ImageFilledArc($im, $originx, $originy, $radius*2, $radius*2, 0, 360, $dk_border, IMG_ARC_PIE);
             if ($chartOptions['12oclock'] !== FALSE) {
                 // draw a wedge
                 $last_angle = deg2rad(-90);
                 // Draw line at 0 degrees if we have more than one item.
                 if ($TotalArrayValues > 1) {
                     ImageLine($im, $originx, $originy, $originx, $originy - $radius + 1, $dk_border);
             } else {
                 $last_angle = deg2rad(0);
                 if ($TotalArrayValues > 1) {
                     ImageLine($im, $originx, $originy, $originx + $radius - 1, $originy, $dk_border);
             if ($chartOptions['striped'] !== FALSE) {
                 // Draw every other pie wedge a different colour.
                 $striped = TRUE;
             $ix = 0;
             foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
                 $angle = deg2rad($value * 3.6) + $last_angle;
                 $x2 = ($radius - 1) * cos($angle) + $originx;
                 $y2 = ($radius - 1) * sin($angle) + $originy;
                 if ($ix != $TotalArrayValues - 1) {
                     // don't draw wedge-line for 100%
                     ImageLine($im, $originx, $originy, $x2, $y2, $dk_border);
                 $mid_angle = ($angle - $last_angle) / 2;
                 if ($value > $threshold) {
                     // caption if over $threshold
                     // Fill every other wedge with a different colour:
                     if ($ix % 2 && $striped) {
                         ImageFillToBorder($im, $radius * 0.9 * cos($mid_angle + $last_angle) + $originx, $radius * 0.9 * sin($mid_angle + $last_angle) + $originy, $dk_border, $dk_color);
                     $x1 = $radius / 2 * cos($mid_angle + $last_angle) + $originx;
                     $y1 = $radius / 2 * sin($mid_angle + $last_angle) + $originy;
                     $x2 = $radius * cos($mid_angle + $last_angle) + $originx;
                     $y2 = $radius * sin($mid_angle + $last_angle) + $originy;
                     ImageArc($im, $x1, $y1, $imgsize / 25, $imgsize / 25, 0, 360, $captions_color);
                     // display caption
                     ImageLine($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $captions_color);
                     $text = $key . " " . round($value) . "%";
                     // show percent
                     if ($x1 > $originx) {
                         ImageLine($im, $x2, $y2, $x2 + $side_margin, $y2, $captions_color);
                         // caption on right side
                         if ($y2 > $originy) {
                             // Bottom half
                             ImageString($im, $fontsize, $x2, $y2, $text, $text_color);
                         } else {
                             // Should use font height here:
                             ImageString($im, $fontsize, $x2, $y2 - 15, $text, $text_color);
                     } else {
                         ImageLine($im, $x2, $y2, $x2 - $side_margin, $y2, $captions_color);
                         // caption on left side
                         if ($y2 > $originy) {
                             // Bottom half
                             ImageString($im, $fontsize, $x2 - $side_margin, $y2, $text, $text_color);
                         } else {
                             // Should use font height here:
                             ImageString($im, $fontsize, $x2 - $side_margin, $y2 - 15, $text, $text_color);
                 $last_angle = $angle;
     header("Pragma: no-cache");
     header("Expires: 0");
     switch ($imgType) {
         case 'jpeg':
         case 'jpg':
             Header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
         case 'gif':
             //not all sites support GIF!
             Header("Content-Type: image/gif");
         case 'png':
             Header("Content-Type: image/png");
             // send image as PNG to browser
     // destroy image when done