Пример #1
function translateOneNode($currentNodeID, $to_languages, $content_type)
    global $db, $XMLarray, $error_log;
    $separator = "7543545165934149";
    // Fetch a node from Drupal
    //  $xml_MASTER is the original English-language version
    //  $xml is the copy that will be translated
    $xml_MASTER = fetchOneNode($currentNodeID);
    $fn = getcwd() . "/sources/SOURCE_" . $currentNodeID . ".XML";
    $fh = fopen($fn, "w");
    fwrite($fh, $xml_MASTER);
    return "FOO";
Пример #2
function translateOneNode($currentNodeID, $to_languages, $content_type)
    global $db, $XMLarray, $error_log;
    $separator = "7543545165934149";
    // Fetch a node from Drupal if a copy does not already exist in sources dir.
    //  $xml_MASTER is the original English-language version
    //  $xml is the copy that will be translated
    $fn = getcwd() . "/sources/SOURCE_" . $currentNodeID . ".XML";
    if (file_exists($fn)) {
        $xml_MASTER = file_get_contents($fn);
        if ($content_type == "page") {
            // Remove <teaser> from "page". The "teaser" is created by truncating the <body>, resulting in invalid XML
            $xml_MASTER = preg_replace("|<teaser>.*?</teaser>|us", "<teaser></teaser>", $xml_MASTER);
    } else {
        $xml_MASTER = fetchOneNode($currentNodeID);
        if ($content_type == "page") {
            $xml_MASTER = preg_replace("|<teaser>.*?</teaser>|us", "<teaser></teaser>", $xml_MASTER);
        $fh = fopen($fn, "w");
        fwrite($fh, $xml_MASTER);
    foreach ($to_languages as $to_language) {
        $query = "select drupal_code from sovee.languages where sovee_code = '" . $to_language . "'";
        $result = mysql_query($query, $db);
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            $drupalLanguageCode = $row['drupal_code'];
        echo "\n=====================================================================================\n==========                                                                 ==========\n. . . Translating node {$currentNodeID} ({$content_type}) into {$to_language}  . . . \n";
        $error_IncompleteNodeFlag = 0;
        $xml = $xml_MASTER;
        // Create a copy of the master, to be translated
        // Convert XML to array
        $XMLarray = XML2Array::createArray($xml);
        // Get info about the node
        //      Requested info is placed in the $requestedTags array
        //      and returned in the assoc. array info()
        $requestedTags = array("type", "tnid");
        $info = getXMLinfo($xml, $requestedTags);
        $derivedContentType = $info['type'];
        // Build list of containers to parse for the given content_type.
        $query = "select DISTINCT sovee.node_fields.name from sovee.content_type \nLEFT JOIN sovee.field_map ON sovee.content_type.id = sovee.field_map.content_id\nLEFT JOIN sovee.node_fields ON sovee.node_fields.id = sovee.field_map.field_id\nWHERE sovee.content_type.name = '" . $derivedContentType . "'";
        $result = mysql_query($query, $db);
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            $containerArrayTemplate[] = $row['name'];
        // Walk throught the array, extract the specified containers, translate
        // and replace in the array
        // All array elements are assumed to be in the [node_export][node] array
        //  $containerArrayTemplate = array("body", "title", "teaser", "field_product_subtitle|n*|value", "field_warranty|n*|value", "field_product_education|n*|value",
        // 		 	"field_prod_man_docs_link|n*|title",
        //                       "field_did_you_know|n*|value", "field_product_benefits|n*|value",  "nodewords|copyright|value", "nodewords|dcterms.contributor|value",
        //		        "nodewords|dcterms.title|value", "nodewords|description|value", "nodewords|keywords|value" );
        $containerArray = expandTemplate($containerArrayTemplate);
        $allContainers = "<div>{$separator}";
        foreach ($containerArray as $oneContainer) {
            echo "\nProcessing container {$oneContainer}\n";
            $parents = explode("|", $oneContainer);
            array_unshift($parents, "node_export", "node");
            #echo "Parents: ";
            $XMLfragment = drupal_array_get_nested_value($XMLarray, $parents);
            if (is_array($XMLfragment)) {
                $XMLfragment = "";
            $translatedFragment = "";
            $patterns = array("|^<div>|us", "|</div>\$|us");
            // The "|u" flag enables multibyte support
            $replacements = array("", "");
            if (strlen(trim($XMLfragment)) > 0 and !is_array($XMLfragment)) {
                $XMLfragment = "<div>" . $XMLfragment . "</div>";
                // Encapsulate in dummy <div> to satisfy Sovee translator
                // echo "ORIGINAL Fragment = |$XMLfragment|\n";
            } else {
                echo "Original Fragment |{$XMLfragment}| is empty -- skipping.\n";
            $allContainers .= $XMLfragment . $separator;
            // Add at the end of each container to faciliate preg_split
        //   -------  End of foreach($containerArray as $oneContainer)
        $allContainers .= "</div>";
        // Translate the entire node if target language is not English
        echo "TO_LANGUAGE = {$to_language}\n";
        $xxx = substr($to_language, 0, 2);
        echo "SUBSTR = |{$xxx}|\n";
        $sovee_to_language = $to_language;
        if (substr($to_language, 0, 2) != "en") {
            if ($to_language == "es-419") {
                $sovee_to_language = "es-es";
            // Use standard Spanish for Latin America
            echo "Sending strings to Sovee . . . \n";
            $translatedFragmentAry = translateFrag($allContainers, $currentNodeID, "FULL NODE", $to_language);
            // Perform the translation
            $translatedFragment = $translatedFragmentAry['content'];
            $translatedFragmentError = $translatedFragmentAry['error_count'];
            // Count of translation errors.  0 = success
            $error_IncompleteNodeFlag += $translatedFragmentError;
        } else {
            echo "English-to-English: No translation needed.\n";
            $translatedFragment = $allContainers;
            $translatedFragmentError = 0;
        // print_r($translatedFragmentAry);
        $separatorPattern = "/{$separator}/u";
        $translatedNodeAry = preg_split($separatorPattern, $translatedFragment);
        // print_r($translatedNodeAry);
        $translatedContentPointer = 1;
        foreach ($containerArray as $oneContainer) {
            $parents = explode("|", $oneContainer);
            array_unshift($parents, "node_export", "node");
            $stripped = trim(preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $translatedNodeAry[$translatedContentPointer]));
            // Remove the leading and trailing <div>s from the node fragments
            // Special handling for page_title, which can be a string or an array
            if ($oneContainer == "page_title" and $stripped == "Array") {
                $pageTitleParents1 = array('node_export', 'node', 'page_title', 'value');
                $pageTitleParents2 = array('node_export', 'node', 'page_title', 'attributes', 'type');
                drupal_array_set_nested_value($XMLarray, $pageTitleParents1, "FALSE");
                drupal_array_set_nested_value($XMLarray, $pageTitleParents2, "boolean");
            } else {
                if (strlen($stripped) > 0) {
                    drupal_array_set_nested_value($XMLarray, $parents, $stripped);
        // HTML-Encode any info in the <data> container
        // $dataParents = array('node_export', 'node', 'data');
        // $dataFragment =  htmlentities(drupal_array_get_nested_value($XMLarray, $dataParents));
        // drupal_array_set_nested_value($XMLarray, $dataParents, $dataFragment);
        #echo "TRANSLATED XML ARRAY:";
        // Does an older version of this translated node exist?
        //	If yes, return the node# and alias in an array
        //	otherwise, $oldNodeID_ary['number'] == ''
        $oldNodeID_ary = findOldTranslation($currentNodeID, $to_language);
        $oldNodeID = $oldNodeID_ary['number'];
        $oldNodeIDalias = $oldNodeID_ary['url_alias'];
        if ($oldNodeID != "") {
            echo "\nFound old node number -- old={$oldNodeID}\n";
        if ($oldNodeIDalias != "") {
            echo "\nFound old node number alias -- old={$oldNodeIDalias}\n";
        // Update the nid and tnid fields
        //    For new nodes, nid=''
        //    and tnid = the current nid value
        $XMLarray['node_export']['node']['tnid'] = $currentNodeID;
        $XMLarray['node_export']['node']['nid'] = $oldNodeID;
        // $XMLarray['node_export']['node']['language'] = $oldNodeID['drupal_lang_code'];
        $XMLarray['node_export']['node']['language'] = $drupalLanguageCode;
        // // // $XMLarray['node_export']['node']['path'] = $oldNodeID['url_alias'];
        if (isset($XMLarray['node_export']['node']['xmlsitemap']['language'])) {
            //	$XMLarray['node_export']['node']['xmlsitemap']['language'] = $oldNodeID['drupal_lang_code'];
            $XMLarray['node_export']['node']['xmlsitemap']['language'] = $drupalLanguageCode;
        //echo "XMLARRAY = \n";
        $FOO = $XMLarray['node_export']['node']['nodewords']['location']['latitude'];
        $BAR = $XMLarray['node_export']['node']['nodewords']['location']['longitude'];
        echo "FOO = {$FOO}\nBAR = {$BAR}\n";
        // If lat or long > 8 chars, set to zero, otherwise node will not import
        if (isset($XMLarray['node_export']['node']['nodewords']['location']['latitude'])) {
            if (strlen($XMLarray['node_export']['node']['nodewords']['location']['latitude']) > 8) {
                $XMLarray['node_export']['node']['nodewords']['location']['latitude'] = 0;
        if (isset($XMLarray['node_export']['node']['nodewords']['location']['longitude'])) {
            if (strlen($XMLarray['node_export']['node']['nodewords']['location']['longitude']) > 8) {
                $XMLarray['node_export']['node']['nodewords']['location']['longitude'] = 0;
        // Adjust the menu references
        $this_plid = $XMLarray['node_export']['node']['menu']['plid'];
        $this_menu_name = $XMLarray['node_export']['node']['menu']['menu_name'];
        if ($this_menu_name == "primary-links") {
            $mquery = "SELECT t_menuid from sovee.menus LEFT JOIN sovee.languages on sovee.menus.language_code = sovee.languages.id  WHERE drupal_code = \"" . $drupalLanguageCode . "\" and Eng_menuid = \"" . $this_plid . "\"";
            echo "MQ = {$mquery}\n";
            $rmquery = mysql_query($mquery, $db);
            $err_msg = trim(mysql_error($db));
            if (strlen($err_msg) > 0) {
                echo "{$mquery}\n{$err_msg}\n\n\n";
            while ($m1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($rmquery)) {
                $newPlid = $m1['t_menuid'];
                $XMLarray['node_export']['node']['menu']['plid'] = $newPlid;
        // Convert array back to XML
        $encoding = "UTF-8";
        $xmlVersion = "1.0";
        Array2XML::init($xmlVersion, $encoding);
        $xmlobj = Array2XML::createXML('DELETE_ME', $XMLarray);
        // Convert a PHP array to XML, using 'DELETE_ME' as the root_node_name
        $translated_xml = $xmlobj->saveXML();
        //  Returned object is of type DOMDocument
        $translated_xml = preg_replace("/<[\\/]?DELETE_ME>[\n]/u", "", $translated_xml);
        $fn = getcwd() . "/TRANSLATED_" . $drupalLanguageCode . "_" . $currentNodeID . ".XML";
        echo "WRITING {$fn}\n";
        $fh = fopen($fn, "w");
        fwrite($fh, $translated_xml);
        // If node translation was successful,
        // import the translated node back into Drupal
        if ($error_IncompleteNodeFlag == 0) {
            $cmd = "/usr/bin/drush --root=/var/www/pressflow node-export-import --file={$fn}";
            echo "COMMAND = {$cmd}\n";
            $success = `{$cmd}`;
            $error = "DRUSH IMPORT RESULTS: {$success}\n";
            echo $error;
            fwrite($error_log, $error);
            $cmd = "/bin/rm {$fn}";
            #$success = `$cmd`;
            $q1 = "INSERT INTO sovee.progress (node, status, type, language) VALUES(\"" . $currentNodeID . "\", \"1\", \"" . $derivedContentType . "\", \"" . $to_language . "\") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE status=VALUES(status)";
            echo "Q1={$q1}\n";
            $r1 = mysql_query($q1, $db);
        } else {
            $error = "Node {$currentNodeID} ({$content_type}) not completely translated. Not importing into Drupal.\n";
            echo $error;
            $q1 = "INSERT INTO sovee.progress (node, status, type, language) VALUES(\"" . $currentNodeID . "\", \"0\", \"" . $derivedContentType . "\", \"" . $to_language . "\")  ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE status=VALUES(status)";
            $r1 = mysql_query($q1, $db);
            $err_msg = trim(mysql_error($db));
            if (strlen($err_msg) > 0) {
                echo "{$q1}\n{$err_msg}\n\n\n";
            fwrite($error_log, $error);
        echo "==========                                                                 ==========\n=====================================================================================\n";
    $translated_xml_array = array('status' => $error_IncompleteNodeFlag, 'translated_xml' => $translated_xml);
    return $translated_xml_array;
Пример #3
ini_set("auto_detect_line_endings", true);
$languages = array("German" => "de", "Spanish" => "es", "Italian" => "it", "Russian" => "ru", "Japanese" => "ja", "Korean" => "ko", "French" => "fr", "Portuguese" => "pt");
$dbserver = "localhost";
$dbuser = "******";
$dbpass = "******";
$dbname = "sonosite";
$db = mysql_connect($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass);
if (!$db) {
    die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($dbname, $db);
$XMLfragment = fetchOneNode(259);
echo $XMLfragment;
$trans = translateFrag($XMLfragment, "fr");
echo "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n{$trans}\n";
# =============================================================
# Fetch node numbers of all English or Language-Neutral nodes
# Return array of node numbers
function fetchEnglishNodes()
    global $db;
    $query = "SELECT nid from node where\n                (language='en-us' OR language='')\n\t\tAND status=1\n\t\tORDER BY nid";
    $result = mysql_query($query, $db);
    while ($row = $myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $nodeAry[] = $row['nid'];
    return $nodeAry;