Пример #1
// Script:		setup.inc.php
// Author:		Alex Gignac - alex@ax2.ca
// Date:		Feb 2009
// Define include files for the site
// Parameters:
//		none
//start session
// include global constants
include_once $path_to_dynamik . "config.inc.php";
// include connection script
include_once $path_to_dynamik . "connect.inc.php";
// include no cache headers
include_once $path_to_dynamik . "no_cache.inc.php";
// include format functions
include_once $path_to_dynamik . "format_functions.inc.php";
// include DB fetch functions
include_once $path_to_dynamik . "db_fetch_fncs.inc.php";
// include lang setup
include_once $path_to_dynamik . "lang_setup.inc.php";
// fetch locations from [locations] table
$locations_result = fetchLocations($site_lang, $searchtype);
$locations_sales_result = fetchLocations($site_lang, 'sales');
$locations_rentals_result = fetchLocations($site_lang, 'rentals', $project_id);
Пример #2
            $error_str .= "<li>Veuillez d&ucirc;ement remplir la section &quot;D&eacute;tails&quot;</li>";
        } elseif ($form_error_array[$i] == "1c") {
            $error_str .= "<li>Veuillez d&ucirc;ement remplir la section &quot;Tarifs&quot; or &quot;Promotion&quot;</li>";
        } elseif ($form_error_array[$i] == "1d") {
            $error_str .= "<li>Veuillez ajouter une image comme photo principale dans la section &quot;Photo Principale&quot;</li>";
        } elseif ($form_error_array[$i] == "1e") {
            $error_str .= "<li>Veuillez d&ucirc;ement remplir la section &quot;Promotion&quot;</li>";
        } elseif ($form_error_array[$i] == "2a" || $form_error_array[$i] == "2b" || $form_error_array[$i] == "2c") {
            $error_str .= "<li>Image: Erreur de transfert. Essayez &agrave; nouveau.</li>";
        } elseif ($form_error_array[$i] == "2d") {
            $error_str .= "<li>Image: Fichier doit &ecirc;tre un .jpg</li>";
// fetch locations from [locations] table
$locations_result = fetchLocations(CMS_LANG);
// set id for css purposes
$id = 2;
// global vars for includes
$g_section = 'Ventes';
$g_sub_section = $_GET['action'] != '' ? $_GET['action'] : 'Add';
// include header
include 'inc/header.inc.php';
// include menu
include 'inc/menu.inc.php';

if ($form_error != "") {
    <div class="error_msg">
Пример #3

include "../functions/init.php";
if (isset($_POST['create-league'])) {
    $insert_id = dbCreateLeague($_POST);
$locations = fetchLocations();
include $path . "includes/head.php";
include $path . "includes/admin-nav.php";
if (isset($insert_id)) {
    echo '<div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible"> 
        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">
        <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button> 
        Success! <a href="../preview/' . $insert_id . '">Preview the league</a>, or create another below.

<div class="container container-main">

<a href="admin/"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i> Back to all leagues</a>

<h1>Create a League</h1>

<!-- FORM START-->
<form method="post" class="col-md-6">
  <!-- SEASON START -->
  <div class="form-group form-group-lg">
    <label class="control-label">Season</label>
Пример #4
// load type of items to display (online / offline)
$type = trim($_GET["type"]);
// make sure type is set
if ($type == "") {
    $type = "online";
// transform $type into $online (Y/N)
if ($type == "offline") {
    $online = "N";
} else {
    $online = "Y";
// get items total
$items_total = fetchSimpleTotal("locations", "online = '" . $online . "'");
// get items results
$items_result = fetchLocations(CMS_LANG, '', 0, '');
// set id for css purposes
$id = 5;
// global vars for includes
$g_section = 'Destinations';
$g_sub_section = $type;
$g_sub_sub_section = $items_total;
// include header
include 'inc/header.inc.php';
// include menu
include 'inc/menu.inc.php';

if ($_GET['result'] == 'delete_ok') {