function main_shortcode_output() { global $user_ID; if ($user_ID) { if (fep_get_option('min_cap', 'read') != '') { //Required capability $cap = trim(fep_get_option('min_cap', 'read')); if (!current_user_can($cap)) { return "<div id='fep-error'>" . sprintf(__("Messaging is only allowed for users at least %s capability!", 'fep'), $cap) . "</div>"; } } //Add header $out = $this->Header(); //Add Menu $out .= $this->Menu(); //Start the guts of the display $switch = isset($_GET['fepaction']) && $_GET['fepaction'] ? $_GET['fepaction'] : 'messagebox'; switch ($switch) { case has_action("fep_switch_{$switch}"): ob_start(); do_action("fep_switch_{$switch}"); $out .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); break; case 'newmessage': $out .= $this->new_message(); break; case 'checkmessage': $out .= $this->new_message_action(); break; case 'viewmessage': $out .= $this->view_message(); break; case 'between': $out .= fep_message_box(); break; case 'deletemessage': $out .= $this->delete(); break; case 'settings': $out .= $this->user_settings(); break; default: //Message box is shown by Default $out .= fep_message_box(); break; } //Add footer $out .= $this->Footer(); } else { $out = "<div id='fep-error'>" . __("You must be logged-in to view your message.", 'fep') . "</div>"; } return apply_filters('fep_main_shortcode_output', $out); }
function directory() { if (fep_get_option('hide_directory', 0) == '1' && !current_user_can('manage_options')) { echo fep_message_box(); return; } $page = isset($_GET['feppage']) && $_GET['feppage'] ? absint($_GET['feppage']) : 0; $offset = $page * fep_get_option('user_page', 50); $args = array('number' => fep_get_option('user_page', 50), 'offset' => $offset, 'orderby' => 'display_name', 'order' => 'ASC'); $args = apply_filters('fep_directory_arguments', $args); // The Query $user_query = new WP_User_Query($args); $total = $user_query->get_total(); if (!empty($user_query->results)) { $directory = "<p><strong>" . __("Total Users", 'fep') . ": (" . $total . ")</strong></p>"; $numPgs = $total / fep_get_option('user_page', 50); if ($numPgs > 1) { $directory .= "<p><strong>" . __("Page", 'fep') . ": </strong> "; for ($i = 0; $i < $numPgs; $i++) { if ($_GET['feppage'] != $i) { $directory .= "<a href='" . fep_action_url() . "directory&feppage=" . $i . "'>" . ($i + 1) . "</a> "; } else { $directory .= "[<b>" . ($i + 1) . "</b>] "; } } $directory .= "</p>"; } $directory .= "<table><tr class='fep-head'>\r\n <th width='40%'>" . __("User", 'fep') . "</th>\r\n <th width='30%'>" . __("View Messages between", 'fep') . "</th>\r\n\t\t<th width='30%'>" . __("Send Message", 'fep') . "</th></tr>"; $a = 0; foreach ($user_query->results as $u) { $directory .= "<tr class='fep-trodd" . $a . "'><td>" . $u->display_name . "</td>"; $directory .= "<td><a href='" . fep_action_url() . "between&with={$u->user_login}'>" . __("View Messages between", 'fep') . "</a></td>"; $directory .= "<td><a href='" . fep_action_url() . "newmessage&to={$u->user_login}'>" . __("Send Message", 'fep') . "</a></td></tr>"; if ($a) { $a = 0; } else { $a = 1; } } $directory .= "</table>"; } else { $directory = "<div id='fep-error'>" . __("No users found.", 'fep') . "</div>"; } echo apply_filters('fep_directory_output', $directory); }