Пример #1
     // update / delete form
     $sel = $dbtable . '.*';
     $r = dbSFA($sel, $dbtable . ',departemen', "W/keu_budget.replid='{$cid}' and keu_budget.id_department=departemen.replid");
     // shared/db.php
     // $r=dbSFA("*",$dbtable.','.'departemen',"W/keu_budget.replid='$cid' and keu_budget.id_department=departemen.replid");  // shared/db.php
     // $r=dbSFA("*",$dbtable,"W/replid='$cid'");  // shared/db.php
     // $r=dbLJoin($dbtable,'replid','departemen','replid');  // shared/db.php
     // var_dump($r);
     $a = 0;
     // $kategorirek=kategorirek_r($a);
     $departemen = departemen_r($a);
     // print_r($departemen);
 } else {
     // opt == 'af' //  add form
     // $r                = farray('kategorirek','kode','nama','keterangan'); //shared/libraries/common.php
     $r = farray('tahunbuku', 'nama', 'nominal', 'keterangan', 'id_department');
     // $r['kategorirek'] = gpost('skategorirek'); // shared/libraries/common.php
     $r['id_department'] = gpost('sid_department');
     // shared/libraries/common.php
     // $kategorirek      = kategorirek_r($r['kategorirek']); //shared/libraries/modules/app/keu/rekening.php
     $departemen = departemen_r($r['id_department']);
     // // if($r['kategorirek']!=0){
     // // 	//$r['kode']=$r['kategorirek'];
     // // }
     // $departemen=departemen_r($a,1); //shared/libraries/obj/departmen.php (tambahan)
 // $departemen=departemen_r($a,1); //shared/libraries/obj/departmen.php (tambahan)
 // }$departemen=departemen_r($a); //shared/libraries/obj/departmen.php
 $fform->dimension(400, 120);
Пример #2
 function users($page = 'list', $index = 1)
     if ($page == 'list') {
         // $this->users() it's the current method, $this->users is the main user object
         $users = $this->users->auth->list_users($group_par = FALSE, $limit = FALSE, $offset = FALSE, $include_banneds = FALSE);
         $this->gui->set_title(sprintf(__('Users — %s'), get('core_signature')));
         $this->load->view('../modules/aauth/views/users/body', array('users' => $users));
     } else {
         if ($page == 'edit') {
             if (!User::can('manage_users')) {
             // permission checks
             // if current user matches user id
             if ($this->users->auth->get_user_id() == $index) {
                 redirect(array('dashboard', 'users', 'profile'));
             // User Goup
             $user = $this->users->auth->get_user($index);
             $user_group = farray($this->users->auth->get_user_groups($index));
             if (!$user) {
                 redirect(array('dashboard', 'unknow-user'));
             // validation rules
             $this->form_validation->set_rules('user_email', __('User Email'), 'required|valid_email');
             $this->form_validation->set_rules('password', __('Password'), 'min_length[6]');
             $this->form_validation->set_rules('confirm', __('Confirm'), 'matches[password]');
             $this->form_validation->set_rules('userprivilege', __('User Privilege'), 'required');
             // load custom rules
             if ($this->form_validation->run()) {
                 $exec = $this->users->edit($index, $this->input->post('user_email'), $this->input->post('password'), $this->input->post('userprivilege'), $user_group);
                 // Refresh user data
                 $user = $this->users->auth->get_user($index);
                 // User Goup
                 $user_group = farray($this->users->auth->get_user_groups($index));
                 if (!$user) {
                     redirect(array('dashboard', 'unknow-user'));
             // User Goup
             $user_group = farray($this->users->auth->get_user_groups($user->id));
             // selecting groups
             $groups = $this->users->auth->list_groups();
             $this->gui->set_title(sprintf(__('Edit user — %s'), get('core_signature')));
             $this->load->view('../modules/aauth/views/users/edit', array('groups' => $groups, 'user' => $user, 'user_group' => $user_group));
         } else {
             if ($page == 'create') {
                 if (!User::can('manage_users')) {
                 // permission checks
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('username', __('User Name'), 'required|min_length[5]');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('user_email', __('User Email'), 'required|valid_email');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('password', __('Password'), 'required|min_length[6]');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('confirm', __('Confirm'), 'required|matches[password]');
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('userprivilege', __('User Privilege'), 'required');
                 // load custom rules
                 if ($this->form_validation->run()) {
                     $exec = $this->users->create($this->input->post('user_email'), $this->input->post('password'), $this->input->post('username'), $this->input->post('userprivilege'));
                     if ($exec == 'user-created') {
                         redirect(array('dashboard', 'users?notice=' . $exec));
                 // selecting groups
                 $groups = $this->users->auth->list_groups();
                 $this->gui->set_title(sprintf(__('Create a new user — %s'), get('core_signature')));
                 $this->load->view('../modules/aauth/views/users/create', array('groups' => $groups));
             } else {
                 if ($page == 'delete') {
                     if (!User::can('manage_users')) {
                     // permission checks
                     $user = $this->users->auth->user_exsist_by_id($index);
                     if ($user) {
                         redirect(array('dashboard', 'users?notice=user-deleted'));
                     redirect(array('dashboard', 'unknow-user'));
                 } else {
                     if ($page == 'profile') {
                         $this->form_validation->set_rules('user_email', __('User Email'), 'valid_email');
                         $this->form_validation->set_rules('old_pass', __('Old Pass'), 'min_length[6]');
                         $this->form_validation->set_rules('password', __('Password'), 'min_length[6]');
                         $this->form_validation->set_rules('confirm', __('Confirm'), 'matches[password]');
                         // Launch events for user profiles edition rules
                         if ($this->form_validation->run()) {
                             $exec = $this->users->edit($this->users->auth->get_user_id(), $this->input->post('user_email'), $this->input->post('password'), $this->input->post('userprivilege'), null, $this->input->post('old_pass'), 'profile');
                         $this->gui->set_title(sprintf(__('My Profile — %s'), get('core_signature')));
Пример #3
	if (!isset($_SESSION['admin'])) header("Location:../login.php");
if (isset($_REQUEST['id']))
	$id = $_REQUEST['id'];
	$sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_admin WHERE id ='".$id."';";
	$q = mysql_query($sql);
	$arr = farray($q);
	$user = $arr['username'];
	$password = $arr['password'];
	$email = $arr['email'];
	$tit = 'Edit Information of User';
	$do = 'index.php?f=manager&act=editadmin&id='.$id;

<form name="addadmin" id="addadmin" method="post" action="<?=$do?>">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" style="border: 1px solid #d8d8d8">
    <td width="389">Username: *</td>
    <td width="579"><input name="user" type="text" id="user" value="<?=$user?>" />  </td>
    <td>Password : *</td>
    <td><input type="password" name="password" id="password" /></td>
    <td>Confirm: *</td>
Пример #4
<?php require_once(MODDIR.'xform/xform.php'); require_once(MODDIR.'control.php');
$opt=gpost('opt'); $cid=gpost('cid'); if($cid=='')$cid=0;


$xform=new xform($fmod,$opt,$cid);

if($opt=='uf'){ // Nilai field editan
	//$t=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pus_katalog WHERE replid='$cid' LIMIT 0,1");
else { // Nilai field default
	$data['tanggal2']=date("Y-m-d",strtotime("+7 day"));

$xform->title($ttl.' data peminjaman');
	$xform->group_begin('Data Peminjam');
		$s='<button title="Cari" class="btn" style="margin-right:4px" onclick="sirkulasi_member_add()"><div class="bi_srcb">&nbsp;</div></button>';
		$xform->fi('Peminjam',iText('smember','','width:250px;margin-right:4px','ID atau nama member','onkeyup="sirkulasi_member_cari(event)"').$s);
Пример #5
 public function __posttype_controller($namespace, $page = 'list', $id = 0, $taxonomy_arg1 = 'list', $taxonomy_arg2 = 0)
     if ($this->current_posttype = riake($namespace, $this->config->item('posttypes'))) {
         $data['current_posttype'] = $this->current_posttype;
         $data['post_namespace'] = $namespace;
         if ($page === 'list') {
             $id = $id === 0 ? 1 : $id;
             $post_limit = 20;
             $post_nbr = count($this->current_posttype->get());
             $pagination = pagination_helper($post_limit, $post_nbr, $id, site_url(array('dashboard', 'posttype', $namespace, 'list')), site_url(array('error', 'code', 'page-404')));
             $this->config->set_item('pagination_data', $pagination);
             $post = $this->current_posttype->get(array(array('limit' => array('start' => riake('start', $pagination), 'end' => riake('end', $pagination)))));
             $data['post'] = $post;
             $data['post_list_label'] = $this->current_posttype->posts_list_label;
             $this->load->view('../modules/post_type/views/list', $data, false);
         } else {
             if ($page === 'new') {
                 $data['post_namespace'] = $namespace;
                 $data['new_post_label'] = $this->current_posttype->new_post_label;
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('post_title', __('Post title'));
                 if ($this->form_validation->run()) {
                     $return = $this->current_posttype->set($this->input->post('post_title'), $this->input->post('post_content'), riake('post_meta', $_POST, array()), riake('post_taxonomy', $_POST, array()), $this->input->post('post_status'), $this->input->post('post_parent'), $status = 'set');
                     if (riake('msg', $return) === 'custom-query-saved') {
                         redirect(array('dashboard', 'posttype', $namespace, 'edit', riake('id', $return) . '?notice=' . riake('msg', $return)));
                     get_instance()->notice->push_notice($this->lang->line(riake('msg', $return)));
                 $this->load->view('../modules/post_type/views/create', $data, false);
             } else {
                 if ($page === 'edit') {
                     $this->form_validation->set_rules('post_title', __('Post title'));
                     if ($this->form_validation->run()) {
                         $return = $this->current_posttype->update($this->input->post('post_title'), $this->input->post('post_content'), riake('post_meta', $_POST, array()), riake('post_taxonomy', $_POST, array()), $this->input->post('post_status'), $this->input->post('post_parent'), $status = 'publish', $id);
                         if (riake('msg', $return) === 'custom-query-saved') {
                             redirect(array('dashboard', 'posttype', $namespace, 'edit', riake('id', $return) . '?notice=' . riake('msg', $return)));
                         get_instance()->notice->push_notice($this->lang->line(riake('msg', $return)));
                     // print_array( get_core_vars( 'post' ) );die;
                     $this->load->view('../modules/post_type/views/edit', array('post_namespace' => $namespace, 'new_post_label' => $this->current_posttype->new_post_label, 'current_posttype' => $this->current_posttype, 'post' => farray($this->current_posttype->get(array(array('where' => array('id' => $id)))))), false);
                 } else {
                     if ($page === 'taxonomy') {
                         // $id is taxonomy namespace here
                         if (in_array($id, array_keys(force_array($taxonomy = $this->current_posttype->query->get_defined_taxonomies())))) {
                             $data = array();
                             $data['current_taxonomy'] = $current_taxonomy = riake($id, $taxonomy);
                             $data['taxonomy_namespace'] = $taxonomy_namespace = $id;
                             $data['taxonomy'] = $taxonomy;
                             $data['taxonomy_list_label'] = riake('taxonomy-list-label', $current_taxonomy);
                             $data['post_namespace'] = $namespace;
                             if ($taxonomy_arg1 === 'list') {
                                 $taxonomy_limit = 20;
                                 $taxonomy_arg2 = $taxonomy_arg2 === 0 ? 1 : $taxonomy_arg2;
                                 $taxonomies_nbr = count($this->current_posttype->query->get_taxonomies($taxonomy_namespace));
                                 $pagination = pagination_helper($taxonomy_limit, $taxonomies_nbr, $taxonomy_arg2, site_url(array('dashboard', 'posttype', $namespace, $page, $id, $taxonomy_arg1)), site_url(array('error', 'code', 'page-404')));
                                 $data['taxonomy_list_label'] = riake('taxonomy-list-label', $current_taxonomy);
                                 $data['taxonomies'] = $this->current_posttype->query->get_taxonomies($taxonomy_namespace, $pagination['start'], $pagination['end']);
                                 $data['taxonomies_nbr'] = $taxonomies_nbr;
                                 $data['pagination'] = $pagination;
                                 $data['current_taxonomy'] = $current_taxonomy;
                                 $this->gui->set_title(riake('new-taxonomy-label', $current_taxonomy));
                                 $this->load->view('../modules/post_type/views/taxonomy-list', $data);
                             } else {
                                 if ($taxonomy_arg1 === 'new') {
                                     $this->form_validation->set_rules('taxonomy_title', __('Taxonomy Title'), 'required');
                                     if ($this->form_validation->run()) {
                                         $result = $this->current_posttype->query->set_taxonomy($data['taxonomy_namespace'], $this->input->post('taxonomy_title'), $this->input->post('taxonomy_content'), in_array($this->input->post('taxonomy_parent'), array(false, ''), TRUE) ? null : $this->input->post('taxonomy_parent'));
                                     $this->gui->set_title(riake('new-taxonomy-label', $current_taxonomy, __('New taxonomy')));
                                     $this->load->view('../modules/post_type/views/taxonomy-create', $data, false);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($taxonomy_arg1 === 'edit') {
                                         $this->form_validation->set_rules('taxonomy_title', __('Taxonomy Title'), 'required');
                                         if ($this->form_validation->run()) {
                                             $result = $this->current_posttype->query->update_taxonomy($id, $this->input->post('taxonomy_title'), $this->input->post('taxonomy_content'), $taxonomy_arg2, in_array($this->input->post('taxonomy_parent'), array(false, ''), TRUE) ? null : $this->input->post('taxonomy_parent'));
                                         $data['taxonomy_id'] = $taxonomy_arg2;
                                         $data['get_taxonomy'] = farray($this->current_posttype->query->get_taxonomies($taxonomy_namespace, $taxonomy_arg2, 'as_id'));
                                         $this->gui->set_title(riake('edit-taxonomy-label', $current_taxonomy, __('Edit taxonomy')));
                                         $this->load->view('../modules/post_type/views/taxonomy-edit', $data);
                         } else {
                             redirect(array('dashboard', 'error', 'unknow-taxonomy'));
                     } else {
                         if ($page === 'comments') {
                             if ($id === 'approve' && $taxonomy_arg1 != 0) {
                                 $exec = $this->current_posttype->query->comment_status($taxonomy_arg1, 1);
                                 if ($exec == 'comment-edited') {
                                     redirect(array('dashboard', 'posttype', $namespace, $page . '?notice=' . $exec));
                                 redirect(array('dashboard', 'posttype', $namespace, $page . '?notice=error-occured'));
                             } else {
                                 if ($id === 'disapprove' && $taxonomy_arg1 != 0) {
                                     $exec = $this->current_posttype->query->comment_status($taxonomy_arg1, 4);
                                     if ($exec == 'comment-edited') {
                                         redirect(array('dashboard', 'posttype', $namespace, $page . '?notice=' . $exec));
                                     redirect(array('dashboard', 'posttype', $namespace, $page . '?notice=error-occured'));
                                 } else {
                                     if ($id === 'trash' && $taxonomy_arg1 != 0) {
                                         $exec = $this->current_posttype->query->comment_status($taxonomy_arg1, 3);
                                         if ($exec == 'comment-edited') {
                                             redirect(array('dashboard', 'posttype', $namespace, $page . '?notice=' . $exec));
                                         redirect(array('dashboard', 'posttype', $namespace, $page . '?notice=error-occured'));
                                     } else {
                                         if ($id === 'draft' && $taxonomy_arg1 != 0) {
                                             $exec = $this->current_posttype->query->comment_status($taxonomy_arg1, 0);
                                             if ($exec == 'comment-edited') {
                                                 redirect(array('dashboard', 'posttype', $namespace, $page . '?notice=' . $exec));
                                             redirect(array('dashboard', 'posttype', $namespace, $page . '?notice=error-occured'));
                                         } else {
                                             if ($id === 'delete' && $taxonomy_arg1 != 0) {
                                                 $exec = $this->current_posttype->query->delete_comment($taxonomy_arg1, 'as_id');
                                                 if ($exec == 'comment-edited') {
                                                     redirect(array('dashboard', 'posttype', $namespace, $page . '?notice=' . $exec));
                                                 redirect(array('dashboard', 'posttype', $namespace, $page . '?notice=error-occured'));
                             // $this->current_posttype->query->post_comment( 1 , 'Custom' , $author = false , $mode = 'create' , $comment_id = null , $author_name = 'Blair' , $author_email = '*****@*****.**'  , $reply_to = false );
                             $id = $id === 0 ? 1 : $id;
                             $comment_limit = 10;
                             $comments_nbr = count($this->current_posttype->query->get_comments());
                             $pagination = pagination_helper($comment_limit, $comments_nbr, $id, site_url(array('dashboard', 'posttype', $namespace, 'comments')), site_url(array('error', 'code', 'page-404')));
                             $comments = $this->current_posttype->query->get_comments(array('limit' => array('start' => riake('start', $pagination), 'end' => riake('end', $pagination))));
                             $this->config->set_item('comments', $comments);
                             $this->config->set_item('comments_list_label', $this->current_posttype->comments_list_label);
                             $this->load->view('../modules/post_type/views/comments-list', array('pagination_data' => $pagination, 'post_namespace' => $namespace, 'comments_list_label' => $this->current_posttype->comments_list_label, 'comments' => $comments), false);
                         } else {
                             if ($page === 'comment-edit') {
     } else {
         redirect(array('dashboard', 'error', 'unknow-post-type'));
Пример #6
            $q = dbUpdate($dbtable, $inp, "replid='{$cid}'");
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
                $q &= dbDel("aka_siswa", "kelas='{$cid}'");
} else {
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
    } else {
        $r = farray('kelas', 'tingkat', 'kapasitas', 'wali', 'keterangan');
        $r['tahunajaran'] = gpost('tahunajaran');
        $r['tingkat'] = gpost('tingkat');
        $r['kapasitas'] = 1;
    $fform->dimension(450, 100);
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        $pelajaran = pelajaran_opt(gpost('tahunajaran'));
        $fform->fl('Kelas', kelas_name(gpost('sks_kelas')));
        $fform->fi('Mata pelajaran', iSelect('pelajaran', $pelajaran, $r['kelas']));
        $s = '<button title="Cari" class="btn" style="float:left" onclick="sks_guru_formlist()"><div class="bi_srcb">&nbsp;</div></button>';
        $fform->fi('Guru', iText('sguru', $r['sguru'], 'float:left;margin-right:4px;width:' . ($fform->rwidth - 40) . 'px', '', 'readonly', 'onclick="sks_guru_formlist()"') . $s);
        hiddenval('guru', $r['guru']);
Пример #7
            $q = dbUpdate($dbtable, $inp, "replid='{$cid}'");
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
} else {
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
        $r['passwd'] = '';
    } else {
        $r = farray('nama', 'uname', 'passwd', 'rpasswd', 'keterangan');
    $fform->dimension(450, 120);
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        $fform->fi('Nama anggota', iText('nama', $r['nama'], $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fi('User ID', iText('uname', $r['uname'], $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fi('Password', iPswd('passwd', $r['passwd'], $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fi('Konfirmasi password', iPswd('rpasswd', $r['rpasswd'], $fform->rwidths));
    } else {
        if ($opt == 'df') {
            // Delete form
Пример #8
if (!isset($_SESSION['admin'])) header("Location:../login.php");
$sqlad = "SELECT * FROM tbl_admin ORDER BY id ASC";
$qad = mysql_query($sqlad);

<p><b>Set Device Management</b></p>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td width="23%"><div class="mn1" align="center">Username</div></td>
    <td width="19%"><div class="mn1" align="center">Device 1</div></td>
     <td width="12%"><div class="mn1" align="center">Device 2 </div></td>
	 <td width="12%"><div class="mn1" align="center">Camera </div></td>
    <td width="11%"><div class="mn1" align="center">Edit</div></td>
  	while ($arrad = farray($qad))
    <td><div class="mn2" align="center"><?=$arrad['username']?></div></td>
    <td><div class="mn2" align="center"><? if($arrad['device1']==1) echo "Yes"; else echo "No"?></div></td>
	 <td><div class="mn2" align="center"><? if($arrad['device2']==1) echo "Yes"; else echo "No"?></div></td>
	  <td><div class="mn2" align="center"><? if($arrad['camera']==1) echo "Yes"; else echo "No"?></div></td>
    <td><div class="mn2" align="center"><a href="index.php?f=device&act=adddevice&id=<?=$arrad['id']?>"> + </a></div></td>
Пример #9
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
} else {
    $a = 0;
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
        $a = 0;
        $kategorirek = kategorirek_r($a);
    } else {
        $r = farray('kategorirek', 'kode', 'nama', 'keterangan');
        $r['kategorirek'] = gpost('skategorirek');
        $kategorirek = kategorirek_r($r['kategorirek']);
        if ($r['kategorirek'] != 0) {
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        $fform->fi('Kategori', iSelect('kategorirek', $kategorirek, $r['kategorirek'], '', 'rekening_setkode()'));
        $fform->fi('Kode', iText('kode', $r['kode'], 'width:80px'));
        $fform->fi('Rekening', iText('nama', $r['nama'], $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fa('Keterangan', iTextarea('keterangan', $r['keterangan'], $fform->rwidths, 3));
    } else {
Пример #10
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
                $q = dbDel("aka_tingkat", "tahunajaran='{$cid}'");
} else {
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
    } else {
        $r = farray('tahunajaran', 'tglmulai', 'tglakhir', 'keterangan');
        $r['departemen'] = $inp['departemen'];
        $r['tahunajaran'] = date("Y") . '-' . date("Y", strtotime("+1 year"));
    $fform->fwidth_del = 600;
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        $fform->fl('Departemen', departemen_name($r['departemen']));
        $fform->fi('Tahun Ajaran', iText('tahunajaran', $r['tahunajaran'], $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fi('Tanggal mulai', inpDate('tglmulai', $r['tglmulai']));
        $fform->fi('Tanggal akhir', inpDate('tglakhir', $r['tglakhir']));
        $fform->fa('Keterangan', iTextarea('keterangan', $r['keterangan'], $fform->rwidths, 3));
        if ($opt == 'af' && tahunajaran_aktif($r['departemen']) != 0) {
            // iCheckbox (id, name, value, label, input value, style)
Пример #11
  *    Delete Taxonomy
  * @access        :    Public
  * @params        :    Int (ID)
  * @return        :    String/Array
 function delete_taxonomies($id)
     if (is_array($id)) {
         $notice = array();
         foreach ($id as $_id) {
             $notices[] = $this->delete_taxonomies($_id);
         return $notices;
     } else {
         if (($taxonomy = farray($this->taxonomy_exists($id))) == TRUE and !$this->taxonomy_is_bound($id)) {
             if (count($this->get_taxonomies(riake('NAMESPACE', $taxonomy))) > 1) {
                 $this->db->where('ID', $id)->where('QUERY_NAMESPACE', $this->query_namespace)->delete('query_taxonomies');
                 return 'taxonomy-deleted';
             return 'cant-delete-the-latest-taxonomy';
         return 'taxonomy-not-found-or-bound';
Пример #12
            // edit
            $q = dbUpdate($dbtable, $inp, "replid='{$cid}'");
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
} else {
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
    } else {
        $r = farray('bagian', 'keterangan');
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        $fform->fi('Nama divisi', iText('bagian', $r['bagian'], $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fa('Keterangan', iTextarea('keterangan', $r['keterangan'], $fform->rwidths, 3));
    } else {
        if ($opt == 'df') {
            // Delete form
            $fform->dlg_delw($r['bagian'], 'Data bagian pada pegawai akan menjadi kosong.');
Пример #13
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
} else {
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
    } else {
        $r = farray('nama', 'tanggal1', 'tanggal2', 'keterangan', 'efektif');
        $r['efektif'] = 0;
    $fform->ptop = 60;
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        //$fform->fl('Tahun ajaran',tahunajaran_name($r['tahunajaran']));
        //$fform->fi('Nama Kegiatan',iText('nama',$r['nama'],$fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fi('Tanggal', inputTanggal('tanggal1', $r['tanggal1']));
        $fform->fi('sampai', inputTanggal('tanggal2', $r['tanggal2']));
        $fform->fi('', iCheckx('efektif', 'Hari efektif', $r['efektif'], 'margin:6px 0px'));
        $fform->fa('Uraian kegiatan', iTextarea('keterangan', $r['keterangan'], $fform->rwidths, 8));
    } else {
Пример #14
            $q = dbUpdate($dbtable, $inp, "replid='{$cid}'");
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
                $q = dbDel("psb_calonsiswa_syarat", "syarat='{$cid}'");
} else {
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
    } else {
        $r = farray('syarat', 'wajib', 'keterangan');
        $r['wajib'] = '1';
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        $fform->fi('Persyaratan', iText('syarat', $r['syarat'], $fform->rwidths, '', '', $cid == '1' || $cid == '2' ? 'disabled' : ''));
        $fform->fi('Sifat', iSelect('wajib', array('1' => 'Wajib', '0' => 'Tidak wajib'), $r['wajib']));
        $fform->fa('Keterangan', iTextarea('keterangan', $r['keterangan'], $fform->rwidths, 3));
    } else {
        if ($opt == 'df') {
            // Delete form
Пример #15
                    dbDel($dbtable . '_ayah', "siswa='{$cid}'");
                    dbDel($dbtable . '_ibu', "siswa='{$cid}'");
                    dbDel($dbtable . '_keluarga', "siswa='{$cid}'");
                    dbDel($dbtable . '_kontakdarurat', "siswa='{$cid}'");
                    dbDel($dbtable . '_saudara', "siswa='{$cid}'");
} else {
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
    } else {
        $r = farray('nis', 'nisn');
        $r['departemen'] = gpost('departemen');
        $r['tahunajaran'] = gpost('tahunajaran');
        $r['kelas'] = gpost('kelas');
    $fform->reg['title_af'] = '<idata>';
    $fform->reg['title_uf'] = 'Edit <idata>';
    $fform->reg['title_df'] = 'Batalkan <idata>';
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        $pros = gpost('proses');
        $tp = mysql_query("SELECT angkatan FROM psb_proses WHERE replid='{$pros}'");
        $rp = mysql_fetch_array($tp);
Пример #16
  * Get option
  * Get option from database
  * @access : public
  * @param : string
  * @param : int user id
  * @return : var (can return null if key is not set)
 function get($key = null, $user_id = NULL, $autoload = false)
     // option general otpions can be saved on global options array for autoload parameters. User Parameters must be loaded from db.
     if (riake($key, $this->options) && $user_id == NULL) {
         return $this->options[$key];
     } else {
         if (riake($key, $this->user_options) && $user_id === 'current_user') {
             return $this->user_options[$key];
     // get only data from user
     if ($user_id !== NULL) {
         $this->db->where('user', $user_id);
     if ($key !== NULL) {
         $this->db->where('key', $key);
     if ($autoload == true) {
         $this->db->where('autoload', true);
     // fetch data
     $query = $this->db->get('options');
     $option = $query->result_array();
     // if there is any result
     if ($key != null) {
         if ($option) {
             $value = riake('value', farray($option));
             $value = is_array($array = json_decode($value, true)) ? $array : $value;
             // converting array to JSON
             $value = in_array($value, array('true', 'false')) ? $value === 'true' ? true : false : $value;
             // Converting Bool to string
             // Internal Cache
             if ($user_id == NULL) {
                 $this->options[$key] = $value;
             } else {
                 $this->user_options[$key] = $value;
             return $value;
     } else {
         $key_value = array();
         foreach ($option as $_option) {
             $value = riake('value', $_option);
             $value = is_array($array = json_decode($value, true)) ? $array : $value;
             // converting array to JSON
             $value = in_array($value, array('true', 'false')) ? $value === 'true' ? true : false : $value;
             // Converting Bool to string
             $key_value[riake('key', $_option)] = $value;
             // Internal Cache
             if ($user_id == NULL) {
                 $this->options[riake('key', $_option)] = $value;
             } else {
                 if ($user_id === 'current_user') {
                     $this->user_options[$user_id] = $value;
         return $key_value;
     return NULL;
Пример #17
            // edit
            $q = dbUpdate($dbtable, $inp, "replid='{$cid}'");
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
} else {
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
    } else {
        $r = farray('kelompok', 'keterangan');
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        $fform->fi('Nama kelompok', iText('kelompok', $r['kelompok'], $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fa('Keterangan', iTextarea('keterangan', $r['keterangan'], $fform->rwidths, 3));
    } else {
        if ($opt == 'df') {
            // Delete form
            $fform->dlg_delw($r['kelompok'], 'Data kelompok pada pegawai akan menjadi kosong.');
Пример #18
            // edit
            $q = dbUpdate($dbtable, $inp, "replid='{$cid}'");
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
} else {
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
    } else {
        $r = farray('judul', 'penyelenggara', 'tempat', 'tgl1', 'tgl2', 'pembicara', 'peserta', 'jenistraining');
    $fform->ptop = 50;
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        $fform->fi('Judul', iText('judul', $r, $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fi('Penyelenggara', iText('penyelenggara', $r, $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fi('Tempat', iText('tempat', $r, $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fi('Tanggal', inputDate('tgl1', $r));
        $fform->fi('', inputDate('tgl2', $r));
        $fform->fi('Pembicara', iText('pembicara', $r, $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fi('Jenis training', iSelect('jenistraining', jenistraining_r($a), $r));
        $fform->fa('Peserta', iTextarea('peserta', $r, $fform->rwidths, 5));
    } else {
Пример #19
            // edit
            $q = dbUpdate($dbtable, $inp, "replid='{$cid}'");
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
} else {
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
    } else {
        $r = farray('posisi', 'keterangan');
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        $fform->fi('Nama posisi', iText('posisi', $r['posisi'], $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fa('Keterangan', iTextarea('keterangan', $r['keterangan'], $fform->rwidths, 3));
    } else {
        if ($opt == 'df') {
            // Delete form
            $fform->dlg_delw($r['posisi'], 'Data posisi pada pegawai akan menjadi kosong.');
Пример #20
            // edit
            $q = dbUpdate($dbtable, $inp, "replid='{$cid}'");
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
} else {
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
    } else {
        $r = farray('nama', 'keterangan');
    $fform->dimension(400, 110);
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        $fform->fi('Nama jenis barang', iText('nama', $r['nama'], $fform->rwidths));
    } else {
        if ($opt == 'df') {
            // Delete form
Пример #21
            // edit
            $q = dbUpdate($dbtable, $inp, "replid='{$cid}'");
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
} else {
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
    } else {
        $r = farray('status', 'reminder', 'keterangan');
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        $fform->fi('Nama status', iText('status', $r['status'], $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fi('Reminder', iText('reminder', $r['reminder'], $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fa('Keterangan', iTextarea('keterangan', $r['keterangan'], $fform->rwidths, 3));
    } else {
        if ($opt == 'df') {
            // Delete form
            $fform->dlg_delw($r['status'], 'Data status pada pegawai akan menjadi kosong.');
Пример #22
 public function posttype($namespace, $page = 'list', $id = 0, $taxonomy_arg1 = 'list', $taxonomy_arg2 = 0)
     if ($this->current_posttype = riake($namespace, get_core_vars('posttypes'))) {
         set_core_vars('current_posttype', $this->current_posttype);
         set_core_vars('post_namespace', $namespace);
         if ($page === 'list') {
             $id = $id === 0 ? 1 : $id;
             $post_limit = 20;
             $post_nbr = count($this->current_posttype->get());
             $pagination = pagination_helper($post_limit, $post_nbr, $id, get_instance()->url->site_url(array('admin', 'posttype', $namespace, 'list')), get_instance()->url->site_url(array('error', 'code', 'page-404')));
             set_core_vars('pagination_data', $pagination);
             $post = $this->current_posttype->get(array('limit' => array('start' => riake('start', $pagination), 'end' => riake('end', $pagination))));
             set_core_vars('post', $post);
             set_core_vars('post_list_label', $this->current_posttype->posts_list_label);
             set_page('title', $this->current_posttype->posts_list_label, 'Post List Label [#Unexpected error occured]');
             $this->load->the_view('admin/posttypes/list', false);
         } else {
             if ($page === 'new') {
                 set_core_vars('post_namespace', $namespace);
                 set_core_vars('new_post_label', $this->current_posttype->new_post_label);
                 $this->form_validation->set_rules('post_title', __('Post title'));
                 if ($this->form_validation->run()) {
                     $return = $this->current_posttype->set($this->input->post('post_title'), $this->input->post('post_content'), riake('post_meta', $_POST), riake('post_taxonomy', $_POST), $this->input->post('post_status'), $this->input->post('post_parent'), $status = 'set');
                     if (riake('msg', $return) === 'custom-query-saved') {
                         get_instance()->url->redirect(array('admin', 'posttype', $namespace, 'edit', riake('id', $return) . '?notice=' . riake('msg', $return)));
                     get_instance()->notice->push_notice(fetch_notice_output(riake('msg', $return)));
                 set_page('title', $this->current_posttype->new_post_label, 'Post List Label [#Unexpected error occured]');
                 $this->load->the_view('admin/posttypes/create', false);
             } else {
                 if ($page === 'edit') {
                     set_core_vars('post_namespace', $namespace);
                     set_core_vars('new_post_label', $this->current_posttype->new_post_label);
                     $this->form_validation->set_rules('post_title', __('Post title'));
                     if ($this->form_validation->run()) {
                         $return = $this->current_posttype->update($this->input->post('post_title'), $this->input->post('post_content'), riake('post_meta', $_POST), riake('post_taxonomy', $_POST), $this->input->post('post_status'), $this->input->post('post_parent'), $status = 'publish', $id);
                         if (riake('msg', $return) === 'custom-query-saved') {
                             get_instance()->url->redirect(array('admin', 'posttype', $namespace, 'edit', riake('id', $return) . '?notice=' . riake('msg', $return)));
                         get_instance()->notice->push_notice(fetch_notice_output(riake('msg', $return)));
                     set_core_vars('post', farray($this->current_posttype->get(array('where' => array('id' => $id)))));
                     // print_array( get_core_vars( 'post' ) );die;
                     set_page('title', $this->current_posttype->edit_post_label, 'Post List Label [#Unexpected error occured]');
                     $this->load->the_view('admin/posttypes/edit', false);
                 } else {
                     if ($page === 'taxonomy') {
                         // $id is taxonomy namespace here
                         if (in_array($id, array_keys(force_array($taxonomy = $this->current_posttype->query->get_defined_taxonomies())))) {
                             set_core_vars('current_taxonomy', $current_taxonomy = riake($id, $taxonomy));
                             set_core_vars('taxonomy_namespace', $taxonomy_namespace = $id);
                             set_core_vars('taxonomy', $taxonomy);
                             set_core_vars('taxonomy_list_label', riake('taxonomy-list-label', $current_taxonomy));
                             if ($taxonomy_arg1 === 'list') {
                                 $taxonomy_limit = 20;
                                 $taxonomy_arg2 = $taxonomy_arg2 === 0 ? 1 : $taxonomy_arg2;
                                 set_core_vars('taxonomies_nbr', $taxonomies_nbr = count($this->current_posttype->query->get_taxonomies($taxonomy_namespace)));
                                 set_core_vars('pagination', $pagination = pagination_helper($taxonomy_limit, $taxonomies_nbr, $taxonomy_arg2, get_instance()->url->site_url(array('admin', 'posttype', $namespace, $page, $id, $taxonomy_arg1)), get_instance()->url->site_url(array('error', 'code', 'page-404'))));
                                 set_core_vars('taxonomies', $this->current_posttype->query->get_taxonomies($pagination['start'], $pagination['end']));
                                 set_page('title', riake('new-taxonomy-label', $current_taxonomy), 'Post List Label [#Unexpected error occured]');
                                 $this->load->the_view('admin/posttypes/taxonomy-list', false);
                             } else {
                                 if ($taxonomy_arg1 === 'new') {
                                     $this->form_validation->set_rules('taxonomy_title', __('Taxonomy Title'), 'required');
                                     if ($this->form_validation->run()) {
                                         $result = $this->current_posttype->query->set_taxonomy($id, $this->input->post('taxonomy_title'), $this->input->post('taxonomy_content'), in_array($this->input->post('taxonomy_parent'), array(false, ''), TRUE) ? null : $this->input->post('taxonomy_parent'));
                                     set_page('title', riake('new-taxonomy-label', $current_taxonomy, __('New taxonomy')), 'Post List Label [#Unexpected error occured]');
                                     $this->load->the_view('admin/posttypes/taxonomy-create', false);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($taxonomy_arg1 === 'edit') {
                                         $this->form_validation->set_rules('taxonomy_title', __('Taxonomy Title'), 'required');
                                         if ($this->form_validation->run()) {
                                             $result = $this->current_posttype->query->update_taxonomy($id, $this->input->post('taxonomy_title'), $this->input->post('taxonomy_content'), in_array($this->input->post('taxonomy_parent'), array(false, ''), TRUE) ? null : $this->input->post('taxonomy_parent'), $taxonomy_arg2);
                                         set_core_vars('taxonomy_id', $taxonomy_arg2);
                                         set_core_vars('get_taxonomy', farray($this->current_posttype->query->get_taxonomies($taxonomy_namespace, $taxonomy_arg2, 'as_id')));
                                         set_page('title', riake('edit-taxonomy-label', $current_taxonomy, __('Edit taxonomy')), 'Post List Label [#Unexpected error occured]');
                                         $this->load->the_view('admin/posttypes/taxonomy-edit', false);
                         } else {
                             $this->url->redirect(array('error', 'code', 'unknow-taxonomy'));
                     } else {
                         if ($page === 'comments') {
                             if ($taxonomy_arg1 == 'approve') {
                             } else {
                                 if ($taxonomy_arg1 == 'disapprove') {
                                 } else {
                                     if ($taxonomy_arg1 == 'trash') {
                                     } else {
                                         if ($taxonomy_arg1 == 'draft') {
                             // $this->current_posttype->query->post_comment( 1 , 'Custom' , $author = false , $mode = 'create' , $comment_id = null , $author_name = 'Blair' , $author_email = '*****@*****.**'  , $reply_to = false );
                             $id = $id === 0 ? 1 : $id;
                             $comment_limit = 10;
                             $comments_nbr = count($this->current_posttype->query->get_comments());
                             $pagination = pagination_helper($comment_limit, $comments_nbr, $id, get_instance()->url->site_url(array('admin', 'posttype', $namespace, 'comments')), get_instance()->url->site_url(array('error', 'code', 'page-404')));
                             set_core_vars('pagination_data', $pagination);
                             $comments = $this->current_posttype->query->get_comments(array('limit' => array('start' => riake('start', $pagination), 'end' => riake('end', $pagination))));
                             set_core_vars('comments', $comments);
                             set_core_vars('comments_list_label', $this->current_posttype->comments_list_label);
                             set_page('title', $this->current_posttype->comments_list_label, 'Post List Label [#Unexpected error occured]');
                             $this->load->the_view('admin/posttypes/comments-list', false);
                         } else {
                             if ($page === 'comment-edit') {
     } else {
         $this->url->redirect(array('error', 'code', 'unknow-post-type'));
Пример #23
            // edit
            $q = dbUpdate($dbtable, $inp, "replid='{$cid}'");
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
} else {
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
    } else {
        $r = farray('tingkat', 'keterangan');
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        $fform->fi('Nama tingkat', iText('tingkat', $r['tingkat'], $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fa('Keterangan', iTextarea('keterangan', $r['keterangan'], $fform->rwidths, 3));
    } else {
        if ($opt == 'df') {
            // Delete form
            $fform->dlg_delw($r['tingkat'], 'Data tingkat pada pegawai akan menjadi kosong.');
Пример #24
            // edit
            $q = dbUpdate($dbtable, $inp, "replid='{$cid}'");
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
} else {
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
    } else {
        $r = farray('nama', 'kode', 'tanggal1', 'keterangan');
        $r['tanggal1'] = date("Y-m-d");
    $fform->dimension(400, 120);
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        $fform->fi('Nama tahun buku', iText('nama', $r['nama'], $fform->rwidths));
        hiddenval('kode', $r['kode']);
        //$fform->fi('Kode awalan kwitansi',iText('kode',$r['kode'],'width:80px'));
        $fform->fi('Tanggal mulai', inputDate('tanggal1', $r['tanggal1']));
        $fform->fi('Saldo awal', iTextC('saldoawal', $r['saldoawal'], 'width:120px'));
        $fform->fa('Keterangan', iTextarea('keterangan', $r['keterangan'], $fform->rwidths, 3));
    } else {
        if ($opt == 'df') {
Пример #25
            // edit
            $q = dbUpdate($dbtable, $inp, "replid='{$cid}'");
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
} else {
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
    } else {
        $r = farray('kode', 'nama', 'keterangan');
        $r['kelompokbrg'] = gpost('kelompokbrg');
        $r['tanggal'] = date("Y-m-d");
        $r['unit'] = 1;
        $r['satuan'] = 'unit';
    $fform->dimension(400, 110);
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        $fform->fl('Jenis barang', kelompokbrg_name($r['kelompokbrg']));
        $fform->fi('Kode', iText('kode', $r['kode'], 'width:100px'));
        $fform->fi('Nama barang', iText('nama', $r['nama'], $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fi('Jumlah barang', iText('unit', $r['unit'], 'width:100px') . ' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;satuan:&nbsp;&nbsp;' . iText('satuan', $r['satuan'], 'width:50px'));
        $fform->fi('Tanggal diperoleh', inputTanggal('tanggal', $r['tanggal']));
Пример #26
  * Get user By id
 function get($user_id)
     $user = $this->auth->get_user_by_id($user_id);
     return farray($user);
Пример #27
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
                $q &= dbDel("psb_kelompok", "proses='{$cid}'");
                $q &= dbDel("psb_calonsiswa", "proses='{$cid}'");
} else {
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
    } else {
        $r = farray('proses', 'kodeawalan', 'angkatan', 'tglmulai', 'tglselesai', 'kapasitas', 'departemen', 'aktif', 'keterangan');
        $r['tglmulai'] = date("Y-m-d");
        $r['tglselesai'] = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+7 day"));
        $r['departemen'] = gpost('departemen');
        $r['aktif'] = '1';
        $r['kapasitas'] = 1;
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        $fform->fl('Departemen', departemen_name($r['departemen']), $fform->rwidths);
        $fform->fi('Nama periode', iText('proses', $r['proses'], $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fi('Kode awalan', iText('kodeawalan', $r['kodeawalan'], "width:80px"));
        $fform->fi('Angkatan', iSelect('angkatan', angkatan_opt($r['departemen']), $r['angkatan']));
        //$fform->fi('Tanggal dibuka',inputTanggal('tglmulai',$r['tglmulai']));
Пример #28
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
} else {
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
        $dept = $r['departemen'];
    } else {
        // af
        $r = farray('uname', 'level', 'departemen');
        $r['level'] = 2;
        $dept = 0;
    $departemen = departemen_r($a, 1);
    $modul = array('psb' => 'Penerimaan Siswa Baru', 'aka' => 'Akademik', 'pus' => 'Perpustakaan', 'hrd' => 'Kepegawaian', 'sar' => 'Sarpras', 'keu' => 'Keuangan');
    $ulevel = array(1 => 'Administrator', 2 => 'Operator', 3 => 'Guest');
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        $fform->fi('Username', iText('uname', $r['uname'], $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fi('Level', iSelect('level', $ulevel, $r['level']));
        $fform->fi('Modul', iSelect('app', $modul, $r['app']));
        $fform->fi('Departemen', iSelect('departemen', $departemen, $dept));
    } else {
Пример #29
$xform = new xform($fmod, $opt, $cid);
$klasifikasi = klasifikasi_opt();
$pengarang = pengarang_opt();
$penerbit = penerbit_opt();
$bahasa = bahasa_opt();
$jenisbuku = jenisbuku_opt();
if ($opt == 'uf') {
    // Nilai field editan
    $t = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pus_katalog WHERE replid='{$cid}' LIMIT 0,1");
    $data = mysql_fetch_array($t);
    $ttl = 'Edit';
} else {
    // Nilai field default
    $data = farray('replid', 'judul', 'klasifikasi-kode', 'klasifikasi', 'pengarang', 'penerbit', 'isbn', 'issn', 'penerjemah', 'tahunterbit', 'editor', 'photo', 'kota', 'volume', 'seri', 'bahasa', 'jenisbuku', 'deskripsi', 'callnumber');
    $data['halaman'] = 1;
    $data['pengarang'] = '-';
    $ttl = 'Tambah';
$xform->title($ttl . ' katalog buku');
// Kolom kiri lebar 50%
$xform->group_begin('Informasi Katalog Buku');
// Grup field
$a = explode("`", $data['judul']);
$xform->fi('Judul', iText('judul1', $a[0], $xform->fieldws, '', '', 'onkeyup="katalog_getcallnumber()"'));
$xform->fi('', iText('judul2', $a[1], $xform->fieldws));
Пример #30
            $q = dbUpdate($dbtable, $inp, "replid='{$cid}'");
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
} else {
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // Prepocessing form
        $r = dbSFA("*", $dbtable, "W/replid='{$cid}'");
        $r['passwd'] = '';
    } else {
        $r = farray('nama', 'keterangan', 'ufile', 'fname');
    $fform->dimension(450, 120);
    if ($opt == 'af' || $opt == 'uf') {
        require_once MODDIR . 'control.php';
        // Add or Edit form
        $fform->fi('Judul', iText('nama', $r['nama'], $fform->rwidths));
        $fform->fa('Deskripsi', iTextarea('keterangan', $r['keterangan'], $fform->rwidths, 3));
    } else {
        if ($opt == 'df') {
            // Delete form