public function unBind() { global $_FANWE; if ($_FANWE['uid'] > 0) { FDB::delete('user_bind', "uid = " . $_FANWE['uid'] . " AND type = 'sina'"); } fHeader("location: " . FU('settings/bind')); }
public function cate() { global $_FANWE; $category = urldecode($_FANWE['request']['cate']); if (!isset($_FANWE['cache']['goods_category']['cate_code'][$category])) { fHeader('location: ' . FU('book/shopping')); } BookModule::getList(); }
public function jumpUserBindReg($data, $user_name) { do { $max_count = FDB::resultFirst('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . FDB::table("user") . " WHERE user_name = '" . $user_name . "'"); if ($max_count > 0) { $user_name = $user_name . '_' . random(3); } } while ($max_count > 0); $data['user_name'] = $user_name; $data = serialize($data); fSetCookie('bind_user_info', authcode($data, 'ENCODE')); fHeader("location:" . FU('user/bind')); }
public function all() { define("ACTION_NAME", "all"); require fimport('function/user'); require fimport("function/share"); if (intval($GLOBALS['fanwe']->var['uid']) == 0) { fHeader("location: " . FU('user/login')); } global $_FANWE; $list_html = getAllList(); include template('page/home'); display(); }
public function unBind() { global $_FANWE; if ($_FANWE['uid'] > 0) { FDB::delete('user_bind', "uid = " . $_FANWE['uid'] . " AND type = 'taobao'"); $update = array(); $update['buyer_level'] = 0; $update['seller_level'] = 0; $update['is_buyer'] = 0; FDB::update('user', $update, 'uid = ' . $_FANWE['uid']); } $redirect_uri = urlencode($_FANWE['site_url'] . substr(FU('settings/bind'), 1)); $url = "" . $this->config['app_key'] . "&redirect_uri=" . $redirect_uri; fHeader("location: " . $url); }
public function show() { global $_FANWE; $adv_id = intval($_FANWE['request']['id']); $adv = FDB::fetchFirst('SELECT url FROM ' . FDB::table('adv') . ' WHERE id = ' . $adv_id . ' AND status = 1'); if ($adv) { if (!empty($adv['url'])) { fHeader('Location:' . $adv['url']); } else { fHeader('Location:./'); } } else { fHeader('Location:./'); } }
public function show() { global $_FANWE; $id = (int) $_FANWE['request']['id']; if (!$id) { exit; } $shop = FDB::fetchFirst('SELECT * FROM ' . FDB::table('shop') . ' WHERE shop_id = ' . $id); if (!$shop) { fHeader("location: " . FU('shop/index')); } $_FANWE['nav_title'] = $shop['shop_name'] . ' - ' . $_FANWE['nav_title']; $cache_data = fStripslashes(unserialize($shop['data'])); $shop['tags'] = $cache_data['tags']; if (empty($shop['taoke_url'])) { $shop['to_url'] = FU('tgo', array('url' => $shop['shop_url'])); } else { $shop['to_url'] = FU('tgo', array('url' => $shop['taoke_url'])); } $page_args['id'] = $id; $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sg.share_id) FROM ' . FDB::table('share_goods') . ' AS sg INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('share') . ' AS s ON s.share_id = sg.share_id WHERE s.status = 1 AND sg.shop_id = ' . $id; $share_count = FDB::resultFirst($sql); $page_size = 20; $pager = buildPage('shop/show', $page_args, $share_count, $_FANWE['page'], $page_size); $share_ids = array(); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT sg.share_id FROM ' . FDB::table('share_goods') . ' AS sg INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('share') . ' AS s ON s.share_id = sg.share_id WHERE s.status = 1 AND sg.shop_id = ' . $id . ' ORDER BY sg.share_id DESC LIMIT ' . $pager['limit']; $res = FDB::query($sql); while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) { $share_ids[] = $data['share_id']; } $share_list = array(); if (count($share_ids) > 0) { $share_ids = implode(',', $share_ids); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . FDB::table('share') . ' WHERE share_id IN (' . $share_ids . ') ORDER BY share_id DESC'; $share_list = FDB::fetchAll($sql); $share_list = FS('Share')->getShareDetailList($share_list, false, true, true, false, 0, 10); } $shops_tags = FS('Shop')->getUserOtherShopAndTags($id); include template('page/shop/shop_show'); display(); }
public function u() { global $_FANWE; $_FANWE['nav_title'] = lang('common', 'user_medal'); $medal_uid = (int) $_FANWE['request']['uid']; if ($medal_uid > 0) { $medal_names = FS('User')->getUserShowName($medal_uid); } else { fHeader("location: " . FU('medal/index')); } $medal_list = array(); $award_list = FS('Medal')->getAwardsByUid($medal_uid); foreach ($award_list as $mid => $award) { $medal_list[] = $_FANWE['cache']['medals']['all'][$mid]; } if ($_FANWE['uid'] > 0 && count($medal_list) > 0) { FS('Medal')->medalFormat($_FANWE['uid'], $medal_list); } include template('page/medal/medal_index'); display(); }
public function index() { global $_FANWE; if ($_FANWE['uid'] == 0) { fHeader("location: " . FU('user/login', array('refer' => FU('invite/index')))); } FanweService::instance()->cache->loadCache('medals'); $medal_list = array(); foreach ($_FANWE['cache']['medals']['referrals'] as $id) { $medal = $_FANWE['cache']['medals']['all'][$id]; $medal_list[] = $medal; } $invite_title = $_FANWE['setting']['site_title']; $invite_content = lang('invite', 'invite_content'); $invite_content = sprintf($invite_content, $_FANWE['setting']['site_name']); $invite_url = $_FANWE['site_url'] . '?invite=' . $_FANWE['uid']; $invite_types = array('kaixin', 'renren', 'sina', 'tqq', 'douban', 'qzone', 'baidu'); $invite_pic = $_FANWE['site_url'] . $_FANWE['setting']['site_logo']; $sns_links = getSnsLink($invite_types, $invite_title, $invite_url, $invite_content, $invite_pic); include template('page/invite/invite_index'); display(); }
private function show($current_type = '') { global $_FANWE; $share_id = intval($_FANWE['request']['sid']); $id = intval($_FANWE['request']['id']); $share_detail = FS('Share')->getShareDetail($share_id); include fimport('dynamic/u'); if ($share_detail === false) { fHeader("location: " . FU('index')); } $page_title = preg_replace("/\\[[^\\]]+\\]/i", "", $share_detail['content']); $_FANWE['nav_title'] = $page_title . ' - ' . lang('common', 'share'); $_FANWE['seo_description'] = $page_title; $_FANWE['setting']['site_description'] = ''; $current_img = FDB::resultFirst("select img from " . FDB::table("share_photo") . " where share_id = " . $share_id . " and img <> '' "); if ($current_img['img_width'] > 468) { $current_img['img_width'] = 468; } $current_img_arr = FDB::fetchFirst("select * from " . FDB::table("share_photo") . " where share_id = " . $share_id . " and img <> '' "); //var_dump($current_img_arr); FDB::query('UPDATE ' . FDB::table('share') . ' SET click_count = click_count + 1 WHERE share_id = ' . $share_id); //上一个,下一个分享 $pns = FS('Share')->getSameAlbumNextShares($share_detail['uid'], $share_id); $other_album_share = FS('share')->getSameAlbumShares($share_id); $current_location = $other_album_share['location']; unset($other_album_share['location']); $same_album_count = $other_album_share['count']; unset($other_album_share['count']); $aid = FDB::resultFirst("select album_id from " . FDB::table('album_share') . " where share_id = " . $share_id); $album_sql = 'select as id,al.title as title from ' . FDB::table('album') . ' as al left join ' . FDB::table('album_share') . ' as als on = als.album_id where als.share_id = ' . $share_id; $album_data = FDB::fetchFirst($album_sql); $is_follow_album = FS('album')->getIsFollow($aid, $_FANWE['uid']); //发布分享的会员 $share_user = FS('User')->getUserById($share_detail['uid']); //喜欢分享的会员 $share_detail['collects'] = FS('Share')->getShareCollectUser($share_id); if (!isset($share_detail['collects'][$_FANWE['uid']])) { if (FS('Share')->getIsCollectByUid($share_id, $_FANWE['uid'])) { $share_detail['collects'][$_FANWE['uid']] = $_FANWE['uid']; } } //会员显示名称 $user_show_name = FS('User')->getUserShowName($share_detail['uid']); //会员勋章 $user_medals = FS('User')->getUserMedal($share_detail['uid']); //分享标签 $share_tags = $share_detail['cache_data']['tags']['user']; FS('Share')->tagsFormat($share_tags); foreach ($share_tags as $seo_tag) { $_FANWE['seo_keywords'] .= $seo_tag['tag_name'] . ','; } //是否可编辑标签 $is_eidt_tag = FS('Share')->getIsEditTag($share_detail); //喜欢分享的会员还喜欢 $fav_user_fav_share = FS('Share')->getCollectShareByShare($share_id); //发布分享的会员喜欢的分享 $user_collect_share = FS('Share')->getCollectShareByUser($share_user['uid']); //是否可删除标签 $is_remove_comment = FS('Share')->getIsRemoveComment($share_detail); //分享评论 $share_detail['comments'] = FS('Share')->getShareCommentList($share_id, '0,10'); //分享评论分页 $pager = buildPage('', array(), $share_detail['comment_count'], $_FANWE['page'], 10); unset($share_detail['cache_data']); $current_obj = NULL; if ($current_type == '' || $id == 0) { if (!empty($share_detail['imgs'])) { $current_obj = current($share_detail['imgs']); if ($current_obj['type'] == 'g') { $current_type = 'bao'; } else { $current_type = 'photo'; } } } else { switch ($current_type) { case 'bao': foreach ($share_detail['imgs'] as $img) { $current_obj = $img; if ($img['type'] == 'g' && $img['id'] == $id) { break; } } break; case 'photo': foreach ($share_detail['imgs'] as $img) { $current_obj = $img; if ($img['type'] == 'm' && $img['id'] == $id) { break; } } break; } } if (!empty($current_obj['name'])) { $_FANWE['nav_title'] = $current_obj['name'] . ' - ' . lang('common', 'share'); } $current_img_id = FDB::resultFirst("select photo_id from " . FDB::table("share_photo") . " where share_id = " . $share_id); //会员最被喜欢的照片 $best_photo_share = FS('Share')->getBestCollectPhotoShareByUser($share_user['uid']); $current_type = FDB::resultFirst("select type from " . FDB::table("share_photo") . " where share_id = " . $share_id); if ($current_type == 'video') { $current_video = FDB::resultFirst("select video from " . FDB::table("share_photo") . " where share_id = " . $share_id); } //会员喜欢的照片 $user_fav_photo = FS('Share')->getUserFavPhotoShare($share_user['uid']); $is_follow = FS('Share')->getIsCollectByUid($share_id, $_FANWE['uid']); include template('page/note/note_index'); display(); }
<?php include "base.php"; require_once FANWE_ROOT . "sdks/qq/qq.func.php"; $appid = $_FANWE['cache']['logins']['qq']['app_key']; $appkey = $_FANWE['cache']['logins']['qq']['app_secret']; $access_token = getQqAccessToken($appid, $appkey); $openid = getQqOpenid($access_token); require_once FANWE_ROOT . "core/class/user/qq.class.php"; $qq = new QqUser(); switch ($callback_type) { case 'login': $qq->loginHandler($access_token, $openid); $url = FU('u/index'); break; case 'bind': $qq->bindHandler($access_token, $openid); $url = FU('settings/bind'); break; } fSetCookie('callback_type', ''); fHeader("location:" . $url);
public function unBuyerverifier() { global $_FANWE; $uid = $_FANWE['uid']; $data['is_buyer'] = -1; FDB::update('user', $data, "uid = {$uid}"); fHeader("location: " . FU('settings/buyerverifier')); }
} elseif (in_array($action, array('exchange'))) { if ($home_uid != $_FANWE['uid']) { fHeader("location: " . FU('u/exchange', array('uid' => $_FANWE['uid']))); } } elseif (in_array($action, array('atme'))) { if ($home_uid != $_FANWE['uid']) { fHeader("location: " . FU('u/atme', array('uid' => $_FANWE['uid']))); } } elseif (in_array($action, array('message', 'sendmsg', 'msgview', 'exchange'))) { if ($home_uid != $_FANWE['uid']) { fHeader("location: " . FU('u/message', array('uid' => $_FANWE['uid']))); } } $_FANWE['home_uid'] = $home_uid; $_FANWE['home_user_names'] = FS('User')->getUserShowName($home_uid); $home_user = FS('User')->getUserById($home_uid); if (empty($home_user)) { fHeader("location: " . FU('index/index')); } $_FANWE['nav_title'] = $home_user['user_name'] . lang('common', 'space'); require fimport('module/u'); if (class_exists("UModule")) { $module = new UModule(); if (method_exists($module, $action)) { call_user_method($action, $module); } else { die("error access"); } } else { die("error access"); }
public function logout() { global $_FANWE; $_FANWE['nav_title'] = lang('common', 'user_logout'); FS('User')->clearSession(); //====add by chenfq 2011-10-14========= $syslogout_js = FS("Integrate")->synLogout(); //js 需要在前台执行 //echo $syslogout_js; exit; if (!empty($syslogout_js)) { fSetCookie("dynamic_script", $syslogout_js); } fHeader("location: " . FU('index/index')); }
private function show($current_type = '') { global $_FANWE; $share_id = intval($_FANWE['request']['sid']); $id = intval($_FANWE['request']['id']); $share_detail = FS('Share')->getShareDetail($share_id); include fimport('dynamic/u'); if ($share_detail === false) { fHeader("location: " . FU('index')); } $page_title = preg_replace("/\\[[^\\]]+\\]/i", "", $share_detail['content']); $_FANWE['nav_title'] = $page_title . ' - ' . lang('common', 'share'); $_FANWE['seo_description'] = $page_title; $_FANWE['setting']['site_description'] = ''; FDB::query('UPDATE ' . FDB::table('share') . ' SET click_count = click_count + 1 WHERE share_id = ' . $share_id); //上一个,下一个分享 //$pns = FS('Share')->getPrevNextShares($share_detail['uid'],$share_id); //发布分享的会员 $share_user = FS('User')->getUserById($share_detail['uid']); //喜欢分享的会员 $share_detail['collects'] = FS('Share')->getShareCollectUser($share_id); if (!isset($share_detail['collects'][$_FANWE['uid']])) { if (FS('Share')->getIsCollectByUid($share_id, $_FANWE['uid'])) { $share_detail['collects'][$_FANWE['uid']] = $_FANWE['uid']; } } //会员显示名称 $user_show_name = FS('User')->getUserShowName($share_detail['uid']); //会员勋章 $user_medals = FS('User')->getUserMedal($share_detail['uid']); //分享标签 $share_tags = $share_detail['cache_data']['tags']['user']; FS('Share')->tagsFormat($share_tags); foreach ($share_tags as $seo_tag) { $_FANWE['seo_keywords'] .= $seo_tag['tag_name'] . ','; } //是否可编辑标签 $is_eidt_tag = FS('Share')->getIsEditTag($share_detail); //喜欢分享的会员还喜欢 $fav_user_fav_share = FS('Share')->getCollectShareByShare($share_id); //发布分享的会员喜欢的分享 $user_collect_share = FS('Share')->getCollectShareByUser($share_user['uid']); //是否可删除标签 $is_remove_comment = FS('Share')->getIsRemoveComment($share_detail); //分享评论 $share_detail['comments'] = FS('Share')->getShareCommentList($share_id, '0,10'); //分享评论分页 $pager = buildPage('', array(), $share_detail['comment_count'], $_FANWE['page'], 10); unset($share_detail['cache_data']); $current_obj = NULL; if ($current_type == '' || $id == 0) { if (!empty($share_detail['imgs'])) { $current_obj = current($share_detail['imgs']); if ($current_obj['type'] == 'g') { $current_type = 'bao'; } else { $current_type = 'photo'; } } } else { switch ($current_type) { case 'bao': foreach ($share_detail['imgs'] as $img) { $current_obj = $img; if ($img['type'] == 'g' && $img['id'] == $id) { break; } } break; case 'photo': foreach ($share_detail['imgs'] as $img) { $current_obj = $img; if ($img['type'] == 'm' && $img['id'] == $id) { break; } } break; } } if (!empty($current_obj['name'])) { $_FANWE['nav_title'] = $current_obj['name'] . ' - ' . lang('common', 'share'); } switch ($current_type) { case 'bao': //会员最被喜欢的宝贝 $best_goods_share = FS('Share')->getBestCollectGoodsShareByUser($share_user['uid']); //会员分享店铺信息 $shop_percent_html = FS('Shop')->getUserShareShopHtml($share_user['uid']); break; case 'photo': //会员最被喜欢的照片 $best_photo_share = FS('Share')->getBestCollectPhotoShareByUser($share_user['uid']); //会员喜欢的照片 $user_fav_photo = FS('Share')->getUserFavPhotoShare($share_user['uid']); break; default: //获取原文分享 $share_detail['is_relay'] = false; $share_detail['is_rec'] = false; if ($share_detail['parent_id'] > 0 && $share_detail['base_id'] > 0) { $share_detail['is_relay'] = true; $parent_share = FS('Share')->getShareDetail($share_detail['base_id']); } elseif ($share_detail['rec_id'] > 0 && $share_detail['base_id'] > 0) { $share_detail['is_rec'] = true; $parent_share = FS('Share')->getShareDetail($share_detail['base_id']); } $current_type = 'other'; break; } include template('page/note/note_index'); display(); }
public function save() { global $_FANWE; if ($_FANWE['uid'] == 0) { fHeader("location: " . FU('user/login')); } if ($_FANWE['setting']['second_status'] == 0) { fHeader("location: " . FU('index')); } if (!isset($_FANWE['request']['pics']) || !is_array($_FANWE['request']['pics']) || count($_FANWE['request']['pics']) == 0) { exit; } $data = array('name' => trim($_FANWE['request']['title']), 'content' => trim($_FANWE['request']['content']), 'sid' => (int) $_FANWE['request']['sid'], 'num' => (int) $_FANWE['request']['num'], 'price' => (double) $_FANWE['request']['price'], 'transport_fee' => (double) $_FANWE['request']['fare'], 'valid_time' => (int) $_FANWE['request']['valid_time']); $vservice = FS('Validate'); $validate = array(array('name', 'required', lang('second', 'name_require')), array('name', 'max_length', lang('second', 'name_max'), 40), array('content', 'required', lang('second', 'content_require')), array('content', 'max_length', lang('second', 'content_max'), 1000), array('sid', 'min', lang('second', 'sid_min'), 1), array('num', 'range', lang('second', 'num_range'), 1, 3), array('price', 'min', lang('second', 'price_min'), 0.01), array('transport_fee', 'min', lang('second', 'fee_min'), 0), array('valid_time', 'range', lang('second', 'valid_time_range'), 2, 30)); if (!$vservice->validation($validate, $data)) { exit; } if (!isset($_FANWE['cache']['seconds'][$data['sid']])) { exit; } if (!checkIpOperation("add_share", SHARE_INTERVAL_TIME)) { showError('提交失败', lang('share', 'interval_tips'), -1); } $check_result = FS('Share')->checkWord($_FANWE['request']['content'], 'content'); if ($check_result['error_code'] == 1) { showError('提交失败', $check_result['error_msg'], -1); } $check_result = FS('Share')->checkWord($_FANWE['request']['title'], 'title'); if ($check_result['error_code'] == 1) { showError('提交失败', $check_result['error_msg'], -1); } $_FANWE['request']['uid'] = $_FANWE['uid']; $_FANWE['request']['type'] = 'ershou'; $share = FS('Share')->submit($_FANWE['request']); if ($share['status']) { $data['name'] = htmlspecialchars($_FANWE['request']['title']); $data['content'] = htmlspecialchars($_FANWE['request']['content']); $data['uid'] = $_FANWE['uid']; $data['share_id'] = $share['share_id']; $data['city_id'] = $_FANWE['user']['reside_province']; $data['valid_time'] = getTodayTime() + 86400 * $data['valid_time']; $data['create_time'] = TIME_UTC; $data['status'] = 0; $gid = FDB::insert('second_goods', $data, true); $sign = md5($gid . $_FANWE['setting']['second_taobao_sign']); FDB::query('UPDATE ' . FDB::table('second_goods') . ' SET sign = \'' . $sign . '\' WHERE gid = ' . $gid); FDB::query('UPDATE ' . FDB::table('share') . ' SET rec_id = ' . $gid . ' WHERE share_id = ' . $share['share_id']); FDB::query("update " . FDB::table("user_count") . " set seconds = seconds + 1 where uid = " . $_FANWE['uid']); FS('Medal')->runAuto($_FANWE['uid'], 'seconds'); $url = "" . $_FANWE['setting']['second_taobao_forumid'] . "&exId=" . $gid . "&userIP=" . $_FANWE['client_ip'] . "&userIPSign=" . md5($_FANWE['client_ip'] . $_FANWE['setting']['second_taobao_sign']); fHeader('location: ' . $url); } else { showError('提交失败', '添加数据失败', -1); } }
public function msgview() { global $_FANWE; $home_uid = $_FANWE['uid']; $home_user = FS('User')->getUserById($home_uid); $current_menu = 'message'; $mlid = intval($_FANWE['request']['lid']); $mid = intval($_FANWE['request']['mid']); if ($mlid == 0 && $mid == 0) { fHeader("location: " . FU('u/message', array('uid' => $_FANWE['uid']))); } $pageargs = array(); if ($mlid > 0) { $pageargs['lid'] = $mlid; $mlist = FS('Message')->getListByMlid($mlid, $_FANWE['uid']); if (empty($mlist)) { fHeader("location: " . FU('u/message', array('uid' => $_FANWE['uid']))); } $pager = buildPage('u/' . ACTION_NAME, $pageargs, $mlist['num'], $_FANWE['page'], 10); $msg_list = FS('Message')->getMsgsByMlid($mlid, $_FANWE['uid'], $pager['limit']); include template('page/u/u_msgview'); } elseif ($mid) { $msg = FS('Message')->getSysMsgByMid($_FANWE['uid'], $mid); include template('page/u/u_smsgview'); } display(); }
public function save() { global $_FANWE; if ($_FANWE['uid'] == 0) { fHeader("location: " . FU('user/login')); } $id = (int) $_FANWE['request']['id']; if ($id > 0) { $album = FS("Album")->getAlbumById($id); if (empty($album) || $album['uid'] != $_FANWE['uid']) { fHeader("location: " . FU('album')); } } $data = array('title' => trim($_FANWE['request']['title']), 'content' => trim($_FANWE['request']['content']), 'cid' => (int) $_FANWE['request']['cid'], 'show_type' => (int) $_FANWE['request']['show_type'], 'tags' => trim($_FANWE['request']['tags'])); $vservice = FS('Validate'); $validate = array(array('title', 'required', lang('album', 'name_require')), array('title', 'max_length', lang('album', 'name_max'), 60), array('content', 'max_length', lang('album', 'content_max'), 1000), array('cid', 'min', lang('album', 'cid_min'), 1), array('show_type', 'min', lang('album', 'show_type_min'), 1)); if (!$vservice->validation($validate, $data)) { exit($vservice->getError()); } if (!isset($_FANWE['cache']['albums']['category'][$data['cid']])) { exit; } if (!checkIpOperation("add_share", SHARE_INTERVAL_TIME)) { showError('提交失败', lang('share', 'interval_tips'), -1); } $check_result = FS('Share')->checkWord($_FANWE['request']['title'], 'title'); if ($check_result['error_code'] == 1) { showError('提交失败', $check_result['error_msg'], -1); } $check_result = FS('Share')->checkWord($_FANWE['request']['content'], 'content'); if ($check_result['error_code'] == 1) { showError('提交失败', $check_result['error_msg'], -1); } $check_result = FS('Share')->checkWord($_FANWE['request']['tags'], 'tag'); if ($check_result['error_code'] == 1) { showError('提交失败', $check_result['error_msg'], -1); } $tags = str_replace('***', '', $_FANWE['request']['tags']); $tags = str_replace(' ', ' ', $tags); $tags = explode(' ', $tags); $tags = array_unique($tags); if (count($tags) > $_FANWE['cache']['albums']['setting']['album_tag_count']) { exit; } if ($id > 0) { $data['title'] = htmlspecialchars($_FANWE['request']['title']); $data['content'] = htmlspecialchars($_FANWE['request']['content']); $data['tags'] = implode(' ', $tags); FDB::update('album', $data, 'id = ' . $id); FS('Share')->updateShare($album['share_id'], $data['title'], $data['content']); FS("Album")->saveTags($id, $tags); if ($data['cid'] != $album['cid']) { FDB::query('UPDATE ' . FDB::table("album_share") . ' SET cid = ' . $data['cid'] . ' WHERE album_id = ' . $id); } $url = FU('album/show', array('id' => $id)); fHeader('location: ' . $url); exit; } $_FANWE['request']['uid'] = $_FANWE['uid']; $_FANWE['request']['type'] = 'album'; $share = FS('Share')->submit($_FANWE['request']); if ($share['status']) { $data['title'] = htmlspecialchars($_FANWE['request']['title']); $data['content'] = htmlspecialchars($_FANWE['request']['content']); $data['tags'] = implode(' ', $tags); $data['uid'] = $_FANWE['uid']; $data['share_id'] = $share['share_id']; $data['create_day'] = getTodayTime(); $data['create_time'] = TIME_UTC; $aid = FDB::insert('album', $data, true); FS("Album")->saveTags($aid, $tags); FDB::query('UPDATE ' . FDB::table('share') . ' SET rec_id = ' . $aid . ' WHERE share_id = ' . $share['share_id']); FDB::query("update " . FDB::table("user_count") . " set albums = albums + 1 where uid = " . $_FANWE['uid']); FS('Medal')->runAuto($_FANWE['uid'], 'albums'); $url = FU('album/show', array('id' => $aid)); fHeader('location: ' . $url); } else { showError('提交失败', '添加数据失败', -1); } }
public function listdetail() { global $_FANWE; if (!isset($_FANWE['request']['type'])) { $type = "hot"; } else { $type = $_FANWE['request']['type']; } $page_args = array(); $where = ""; if (!isset($_FANWE['request']['order'])) { $order = "time"; } else { $order = $_FANWE['request']['order']; } switch ($order) { case "time": $sort = 'e.last_share DESC'; $page_args['sort'] = 'time'; break; case "thread_count": $sort = 'e.thread_count DESC'; $page_args['sort'] = 'pop'; break; } $is_query = true; switch ($type) { case "new": $sort = ' DESC'; unset($page_args['sort']); break; case "me": if ($_FANWE['uid'] == 0) { fHeader("location: " . FU('user/login')); } $where .= ' AND e.uid = ' . $_FANWE['uid']; break; case "reply": if ($_FANWE['uid'] == 0) { fHeader("location: " . FU('user/login')); } $count = FDB::resultFirst('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT event_id) FROM ' . FDB::table('event_share') . ' WHERE uid = ' . $_FANWE['uid']); if ($count == 0) { $is_query = false; } else { $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT event_id FROM ' . FDB::table('event_share') . ' WHERE uid = ' . $_FANWE['uid']; $ids = array(); $res = FDB::query($sql); while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) { $ids[] = $data['event_id']; } $ids = implode(',', $ids); $where .= ' AND IN (' . $ids . ')'; } break; default: $sort = 'e.thread_count DESC'; unset($page_args['sort']); $type = "hot"; break; } if (!empty($where)) { $where = ' WHERE' . $where; $where = str_replace('WHERE AND', 'WHERE', $where); } $detaillist = array(); if ($is_query) { if ($type != 'reply') { $count = FDB::resultFirst('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT FROM ' . FDB::table('event') . ' AS e' . $where); } $pager = buildPage('event/' . ACTION_NAME, $page_args, $count, $_FANWE['page'], 20); if (empty($sort)) { $sort = ' DESC'; } else { $sort .= ', DESC'; } $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT,e.title,e.uid,e.create_time,e.last_share,e.last_share time,e.thread_count FROM ' . FDB::table('event') . ' AS e' . $where . ' ORDER BY ' . $sort . ' LIMIT ' . $pager['limit']; $list_users = array(); $res = FDB::query($sql); while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) { $detaillist[$data['id']] = $data; $detaillist[$data['id']]['user'] =& $list_users[$data['uid']]; } FS('User')->usersFormat($list_users); } //热门话题 $hot_event_list = FS("event")->getHotEvent(10); if (intval($_FANWE['uid']) > 0) { //我发布的 $me_event_list = FS("event")->getUserEvent($_FANWE['uid'], 5); //我参与的 $me_join_event_list = FS("event")->getUserJoinevent($_FANWE['uid'], 5); } include template('page/event/event_list'); display(); }
public function delete() { if (intval($GLOBALS['fanwe']->var['uid']) == 0) { fHeader("location: " . FU('user/login')); } $id = $_REQUEST['id']; FDB::query("delete from " . FDB::table("user_msg_rel") . " where mid in (" . $id . ")"); FDB::query("delete from " . FDB::table("user_msg") . " where mid in (" . $id . ") and author_id > 0"); }
function donewtopic() { global $_FANWE; if ($_FANWE['uid'] == 0) { fHeader('location: ' . FU('ask/index')); } $aid = intval($_FANWE['request']['aid']); if ($aid == 0) { fHeader('location: ' . FU('ask/index')); } $asks = $_FANWE['cache']['asks']; if (!isset($asks[$aid])) { fHeader('location: ' . FU('ask/index')); } $_FANWE['request']['title'] = trim($_FANWE['request']['title']); $_FANWE['request']['content'] = trim($_FANWE['request']['content']); if ($_FANWE['request']['title'] == '' || $_FANWE['request']['content'] == '') { fHeader('location: ' . FU('ask/index')); } $_FANWE['request']['uid'] = $_FANWE['uid']; $_FANWE['request']['type'] = 'ask'; if (!checkIpOperation("add_share", SHARE_INTERVAL_TIME)) { showError('提交失败', lang('share', 'interval_tips'), -1); } $check_result = FS('Share')->checkWord($_FANWE['request']['content'], 'content'); if ($check_result['error_code'] == 1) { showError('提交失败', $check_result['error_msg'], -1); } $check_result = FS('Share')->checkWord($_FANWE['request']['title'], 'title'); if ($check_result['error_code'] == 1) { showError('提交失败', $check_result['error_msg'], -1); } $check_result = FS('Share')->checkWord($_FANWE['request']['tags'], 'tag'); if ($check_result['error_code'] == 1) { showError('提交失败', $check_result['error_msg'], -1); } $share = FS('Share')->submit($_FANWE['request']); if ($share['status']) { $thread = array(); $thread['aid'] = $aid; $thread['share_id'] = $share['share_id']; $thread['uid'] = $_FANWE['uid']; $thread['title'] = htmlspecialchars($_FANWE['request']['title']); $thread['content'] = htmlspecialchars($_FANWE['request']['content']); $thread['create_time'] = fGmtTime(); $tid = FDB::insert('ask_thread', $thread, true); FDB::query('UPDATE ' . FDB::table('share') . ' SET rec_id = ' . $tid . ' WHERE share_id = ' . $share['share_id']); FDB::query("update " . FDB::table("user_count") . " set ask = ask + 1,threads = threads + 1 where uid = " . $_FANWE['uid']); FDB::query("update " . FDB::table("ask") . " set thread_count = thread_count + 1 where aid = " . $aid); FS('Medal')->runAuto($_FANWE['uid'], 'ask'); FS('User')->medalBehavior($_FANWE['uid'], 'continue_ask'); } fHeader('location: ' . FU('ask/forum', array('aid' => $aid))); }