Пример #1
function ted_controller()
    global $mysqli, $redis, $user, $session, $route, $feed_settings;
    // Start by filtering by request path
    if ($route->action == 'post' && $route->format == 'text') {
        // Need to get the POST body
        $post = file_get_contents("php://input");
        // Look for an activation POST
        if (startsWith($post, '<ted5000Activation>')) {
            // Get the gateway and unique values
            $gateway = extract_value($post, '<Gateway>', '</Gateway>');
            $unique = extract_value($post, '<Unique>', '</Unique>');
            // Make sure this is permitted and that the user set up the device
            // in emoncms.
            $session = check_device_key($unique);
            // Need to get values for the response
            if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER'])) {
                $server = server('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER');
            } else {
                $server = server('HTTP_HOST');
            $url = server('SCRIPT_NAME');
            $result = '<ted5000ActivationResponse>' . "<PostServer>{$server}</PostServer>" . '<UseSSL>F</UseSSL>' . '<PostPort>80</PostPort>' . '<PostURL>/ted/post.text</PostURL>' . "<AuthToken>{$unique}</AuthToken>" . '<PostRate>2</PostRate>' . '<HighPrec>T</HighPrec>' . '</ted5000ActivationResponse>';
        } else {
            if (startsWith($post, '<ted5000 ')) {
                // Got data POST
                $nodeid = extract_value($post, 'GWID="', '"');
                $unique = extract_value($post, 'auth="', '"');
                $session = check_device_key($unique);
                $userid = $session['userid'];
                // Setup variable we need to insert data
                // Need to get correct files so that we can make inputs
                require_once "Modules/feed/feed_model.php";
                $feed = new Feed($mysqli, $redis, $feed_settings);
                require_once "Modules/input/input_model.php";
                $input = new Input($mysqli, $redis, $feed);
                require_once "Modules/process/process_model.php";
                $process = new Process($mysqli, $input, $feed, $user->get_timezone($userid));
                // Fetch the known inputs from the database
                $dbinputs = $input->get_inputs($userid);
                // Make sure we can save this data.
                if ($nodeid != $session['nodeid']) {
                    header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . " 401 Unauthorized");
                    header('WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="Device KEY", error="invalid_nodeid", error_description="Invalid node"');
                    print "Invalid node({$nodeid}) for that device key({$unique})";
                // Get the MTU values from the POST data
                $values = extract_mtu($post);
                $time = time();
                // Actually insert data
                $tmp = array();
                foreach ($values as $name => $value) {
                    // Check if this is an existing field in this node or not
                    if (!isset($dbinputs[$nodeid][$name])) {
                        // New field.
                        $inputid = $input->create_input($userid, $nodeid, $name);
                        $dbinputs[$nodeid][$name] = true;
                        $dbinputs[$nodeid][$name] = array('id' => $inputid, 'processList' => '');
                        $input->set_timevalue($dbinputs[$nodeid][$name]['id'], $time, $value);
                    } else {
                        // Existing field, just insert
                        $input->set_timevalue($dbinputs[$nodeid][$name]['id'], $time, $value);
                        // If there are processes listening to this field, we need
                        // to pass the data to those as well
                        if ($dbinputs[$nodeid][$name]['processList']) {
                            $tmp[] = array('value' => $value, 'processList' => $dbinputs[$nodeid][$name]['processList'], 'opt' => array('sourcetype' => "WATTSUP", 'sourceid' => $dbinputs[$nodeid][$name]['id']));
                // Actually insert all of the data to the process
                foreach ($tmp as $i) {
                    $process->input($time, $i['value'], $i['processList'], $i['opt']);
                $result = 'ok';
            } else {
                $result = 'Unknown';
    return array('content' => $result);
					<td class="tcl" style="width:2%;text-align:right"><?php 
        echo $rank;
					<td class="tc2"><?php 
        echo '<a href="highscores.php?username='******'&amp;show_group=' . $show_group . '&amp;sort_by=' . $sort_by . '&amp;sort_dir=' . strtoupper($sort_dir) . '&amp;skill=' . $skill . '&amp;country=' . $flag . '"><img src="img/flags/' . $flag . '.gif" alt="' . strtoupper($flag) . '" title=" ' . strtoupper($flag) . ' " /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="char.php?user='******'user'] . '">' . pun_htmlspecialchars($char['username']) . '</a>';
					<td class="tc3"><?php 
        echo '<a href="profile.php?id=' . $char['owner'] . '">' . pun_htmlspecialchars($char['owner_username']) . '</a>';
					<td class="tc3"><?php 
        echo extract_value($char);
					<td class="tc3"><?php 
        echo number_format($exp);
					<td class="tc3"><?php 
        echo format_time($char['creation_date'], true);
} else {
    echo "\t\t\t" . '<tr>' . "\n\t\t\t\t\t" . '<td class="tcl" colspan="6">Your search returned no hits.</td></tr>' . "\n";
function get_card_price($card_hash, $target_currency = false)
    /* Get the market listing. */
    $listing_url = 'http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/753/' . rawurlencode($card_hash);
    $market_html = access_cached($listing_url, 'market_' . $card_hash . '.html');
    /* Assessing the trading value of a card is difficult, we'll just go with
       the currently cheapest listing on the Community Market (fees excluded). */
    /* Find the cheapest available listing and extract the price without fees. */
    $delimiter_left = 'market_listing_price_without_fee">';
    $delimiter_right = '</span>';
    $price_string = extract_value($market_html, $delimiter_left, $delimiter_right);
    if ($price_string === false) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $price_string = trim($price_string);
    /* Here is where we have to parse different currencies. The Market always returns
       the seller's native currency, so we have to do the conversion, if necessary. */
    $currency = '?';
    // default
    if (strpos($price_string, ' USD') !== false) {
        $currency = 'USD';
        $amount = substr($price_string, 5, strpos($price_string, ' ') - 5);
    if (strpos($price_string, '&#8364;') !== false) {
        $currency = 'EUR';
        $amount = substr($price_string, 0, strpos($price_string, '&#8364;'));
    if (strpos($price_string, '&#163;') !== false) {
        $currency = 'GBP';
        $amount = substr($price_string, strpos($price_string, '&#163;') + 6);
    if (strpos($price_string, 'p&#1091;&#1073;.') !== false) {
        $currency = 'RUB';
        $amount = substr($price_string, 0, strpos($price_string, 'p&#1091;&#1073;.') - 1);
    if (strpos($price_string, '&#82;&#36;') !== false) {
        $currency = 'BRL';
        $amount = substr($price_string, strpos($price_string, '&#82;&#36;') + 10);
    /* This is where the conversion happens. */
    if ($target_currency) {
        /* Unify the decimal point. This is probably not a clean solution, but works for
           my test cases. */
        $amount = str_replace(',', '.', $amount);
        $amount = floatval($amount);
        /* Get the exchange rates. */
        $factorUSDto = array();
        $factorUSDto['USD'] = 1.0;
        foreach (array('EUR', 'GBP', 'AUD', 'RUB', 'BRL') as $exchange_currency) {
            $exchange_rate_html = access_cached('http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/USD' . $exchange_currency . ':CUR', 'exchange_rate_' . $exchange_currency . '.html');
            $delimiter_left = '<span class=" price">';
            $delimiter_right = '<span class="currency_factor_description">';
            $exchange_rate = extract_value($exchange_rate_html, $delimiter_left, $delimiter_right);
            if ($exchange_rate === false) {
                return false;
            } else {
                $exchange_rate = trim($exchange_rate);
            $factorUSDto[$exchange_currency] = floatval($exchange_rate);
        /* Convert to target currency and round to 2 digits after the seperator. */
        $amount = $amount * $factorUSDto[$target_currency] / $factorUSDto[$currency];
        $currency = $target_currency;
        $formatted_amount = number_format($amount, 2, '.', '');
        // PHP can do fancy money formatting. TODO maybe do that here?
    return array('amount' => $amount, 'formatted_amount' => $formatted_amount, 'currency' => $currency);