Пример #1
function exponent_files_uploadDestinationFileExists($dir, $name)
    return file_exists(BASE . $dir . "/" . exponent_files_fixName($_FILES[$name]['name']));
Пример #2
 function update($name, $dest, $object, $destname = null)
     $i18n = exponent_lang_loadFile('datatypes/file.php');
     if (!defined('SYS_FILES')) {
         include_once BASE . 'subsystems/files.php';
     // Get the filename, if it was passed in the update() call.  Otherwise, fallback
     if ($destname == null) {
         $object->filename = $_FILES[$name]['name'];
     } else {
         $object->filename = $destname;
     // General error message.  This will be made more explicit later on.
     $err = sprintf($i18n['cant_upload'], $object->filename) . '<br />';
     switch ($_FILES[$name]['error']) {
         case UPLOAD_ERR_OK:
             // Everything looks good.  Continue with the update.
         case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
         case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE:
             // This is a tricky one to catch.  If the file is too large for POST, then the script won't even run.
             // But if its between post_max_size and upload_file_max_size, we will get here.
             return $err . $i18n['file_too_large'];
         case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL:
             return $err . $i18n['partial_file'];
         case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE:
             return $err . $i18n['no_file_uploaded'];
             return $err . $i18n['unknown'];
     // Fix the filename, so that we don't have funky characters screwing with out attempt to create the destination file.
     $object->filename = exponent_files_fixName($object->filename);
     if (file_exists(BASE . $dest . '/' . $object->filename)) {
         return $err . $i18n['file_exists'];
     // Move the temporary uploaded file into the destination directory, and change the name.
     exponent_files_moveUploadedFile($_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'], BASE . $dest . '/' . $object->filename);
     if (!file_exists(BASE . $dest . '/' . $object->filename)) {
         return $err . $i18n['cant_move'];
     // At this point, we are good to go.
     $object->mimetype = $_FILES[$name]['type'];
     $object->directory = $dest;
     //$object->accesscount = 0;
     $object->filesize = $_FILES[$name]['size'];
     $object->posted = time();
     global $user;
     if ($user) {
         $object->poster = $user->id;
     $object->last_accessed = time();
     $object->is_image = 0;
     // Get image width and height:
     $size = @getimagesize(BASE . $object->directory . '/' . $object->filename);
     if ($size !== false) {
         $object->is_image = 1;
         $object->image_width = $size[0];
         $object->image_height = $size[1];
     return $object;