<ul class="participants"> <?php foreach ($exchange->participants as $p) { ?> <li class="participant"> <?php $org_name = isset($p->org_short_name) ? $p->org_short_name : $p->org_name; ?> <?php echo '<span class="participant__name">' . $p->name . '</span> <span class="participant__organisation-details">' . $org_name . '</span>'; ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <?php } ?> <!-- READMORE --> <div class='griditem__button-wrapper'> <?php echo exchange_create_link($exchange, true, 'griditem__button button--small'); ?> </div> </div>
?> </span> <?php } ?> </li> <?php } ?> <?php if (!empty($user_meta['user_story_link'][0] && !empty($user_meta['first_name'][0]))) { ?> <li class="team-member__story-link"> <span><?php echo exchange_create_link($user_meta['user_story_link'][0], false, 'button--small') . sprintf(__("%s's story", 'exchange'), $user_meta['first_name'][0]) . '</a>'; ?> </span> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <!-- user contact-details --> <ul class="team-member__info__contact-details"> <?php if (!empty($user_meta['user_phone'][0]) || !empty($user_info['user_email'])) { ?> <?php if (!empty($user_meta['user_phone'][0])) { ?>
echo bloginfo('name') . __(' is an initiative of European Cultural Foundation and MitOst e.V.', 'exchange'); ?> <!-- <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/" title="<?php _e('Find out more about this license', 'exchange'); ?> " target="_blank"> <?php echo __('CC BY-NC 3.0', 'exchange'); ?> </a> --> <?php $page = get_option('options_imprint_page_link'); if (!empty($page)) { echo ' | ' . exchange_create_link($page); } ?> </p> </section> </footer> <!-- end .footer --> <?php wp_footer(); ?> <script> (function( w ){ if( w.document.documentElement.className.indexOf( "fonts-loaded" ) > -1 ){ return; } var font1 = new w.FontFaceObserver( "Open Sans", { weight: 300
/** * If storyteller is set, Replace placeholders in template with personal details connected to the storyteller. * * @since 0.1.0 * @access protected **/ protected function set_byline() { if (!is_object($this->container->storyteller)) { return; } $this->container->storyteller->controller->set_collaboration(); if (!is_object($this->container->storyteller->collaboration)) { return; } $templates = $this->get_byline_templates(); if ($this->container->storyteller->collaboration->programme_round->is_active) { $byline_template = $templates['present']; } else { $byline_template = $templates['past']; } $collab_term = $this->container->storyteller->collaboration->programme_round->term; if (!empty($collab_term)) { $term = get_term_by('slug', $collab_term, 'post_tag'); } if (!empty($term) && $term instanceof WP_Term) { $term_link = exchange_create_link($term); } else { $term_link = $this->container->storyteller->collaboration->programme_round->title; } $byline_template = str_replace('[[storyteller]]', $this->container->storyteller->name, $byline_template); $byline_template = str_replace('[[programme_round]]', $term_link, $byline_template); $byline = '<p>' . str_replace('[[collaboration]]', exchange_create_link($this->container->storyteller->collaboration), $byline_template) . '</p>'; $this->container->byline = new Byline($byline, 'footer'); }
<h4 class="share-cta-header share-cta-story"><?php _e('Do you have a Tandem story you would like to share?', 'exchange'); ?> </h4> <div class="button-wrapper"> <?php $story_form_page = get_option('options_story_update_form_page'); if (!empty($story_form_page)) { $exchange_form = BaseController::exchange_factory($story_form_page); if ($exchange_form instanceof Exchange) { echo exchange_create_link($exchange_form, false, 'button--large button--share-cta') . __('Share your story', 'exchange') . '</a>'; } } ?> </div><!-- button-wrapper -->
<section class="story__section"> <div class="section-inner"> <figure class="section__slice section__image"> <div id="programmes"> <?php $img_root = get_template_directory() . '/assets/images/'; global $post; $all_pages = BaseController::get_all_from_type('page'); $programmes = get_page_children($post->ID, $all_pages); foreach ($programmes as $page_obj) { $anchor = '<a href="#">'; if (!$page_obj instanceof WP_Post || 'publish' !== $page_obj->post_status) { continue; } else { $anchor = exchange_create_link(BaseController::exchange_factory($page_obj), false); $slug = array_search($page_obj->post_title, $GLOBALS['EXCHANGE_PLUGIN_CONFIG']['IMAGES']['programme-logos']); if (!empty($slug)) { echo $anchor . exchange_build_svg($img_root . 'svg/T_logo_' . $slug . '_WEB.svg', true) . '</a>'; } } } ?> </div> <?php if (class_exists('Caption')) { $caption_text = '<p>Building it together. Illustration copyright © Erica Brisson, 2014-15</p>'; $modifiers = array('classes' => array('text-right')); $caption = new Caption($caption_text, 'image'); $caption->publish(); } ?>
/** * Prepare map marker. * @param array $marker_location Array with lat and long * @return string array $marker_label Array with title and possibly page ID as link. */ protected function prepare_map_marker($marker_location, $marker_label) { $marker = array('message' => $marker_label['title'], 'lat' => $marker_location['lat'], 'lng' => $marker_location['lng']); if (!empty($marker_label['linked_object'])) { // Create link from object $object = BaseController::exchange_factory($marker_label['linked_object']); $link = exchange_create_link($object, false); } if (isset($link)) { $marker['message'] = $link . $marker_label['title'] . '</a>'; } return $marker; }
function exchange_build_breadcrumb_base($exchange) { global $post; $arrow = '<li>' . exchange_build_svg(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/assets/images/svg/T_arrows_Single_WEB.svg') . '</li>'; $title_string = $exchange->title; $tag = ''; $maxchars = $GLOBALS['EXCHANGE_PLUGIN_CONFIG']['BREADCRUMBS']['max-chars-default']; switch ($exchange->type) { case 'story': $type_string = 'Stories'; $maxchars = $GLOBALS['EXCHANGE_PLUGIN_CONFIG']['BREADCRUMBS']['max-chars-story']; break; case 'collaboration': $type_string = 'Collaborations'; $maxchars = $GLOBALS['EXCHANGE_PLUGIN_CONFIG']['BREADCRUMBS']['max-chars-collaboration']; if (!empty($exchange->programme_round) && is_string($exchange->programme_round->term)) { $participant_list = array(); $tag = '<li>' . exchange_create_link($exchange->ordered_tag_list[0]) . '</li>' . $arrow; } if (!empty($exchange->participants)) { foreach ($exchange->participants as $participant) { $participant_list[] = $participant->title; } if (count($participant_list) > 0) { $title_string = implode(' & ', $participant_list); } } break; case 'page': $parent = get_post($post->post_parent); $type_string = $parent->post_title; break; default: return; } $type = '<li><a href="' . get_post_type_archive_link($exchange->type) . '">' . $type_string . '</a></li>' . $arrow; if (strlen($title_string) > $maxchars) { $title_string = substr($title_string, 0, $maxchars) . __('...', EXCHANGE_PLUGIN); } $title = '<li><span class="show-for-sr">Current: </span>' . $title_string . '</li>'; return '<ol>' . $type . $tag . $title . '</ol>'; }