function ewic_earn_xtra_money()
    $aff_id = ewic_get_aff_option('ewic_affiliate_info', 'ewic_aff_id', '');
    $aff_name = ewic_get_aff_option('ewic_affiliate_info', 'ewic_aff_name', '');
    $aff_email = ewic_get_aff_option('ewic_affiliate_info', 'ewic_aff_email', '');
    if ($aff_id != '') {
        $iscon = 'style="display:none;"';
        $isdis = '';
        $ists = 'Connected';
        $intext = 'Disconnect';
        $dnonce = 'data-nonce="' . wp_create_nonce('ewicaffiliate') . '"';
        $dcmd = 'data-cmd="ewic_affiliate_dis"';
    } else {
        $iscon = '';
        $isdis = 'display:none;';
        $ists = '';
        $intext = 'Connect';
        $dnonce = 'data-nonce="' . wp_create_nonce('ewicaffiliate') . '"';
        $dcmd = 'data-cmd="ewic_affiliate_con"';

		<div id="ewic-not-yet" <?php 
    echo $iscon;
		<h3>If you don't have a GhozyLab Affiliate account yet, you can sign up today for free <a href="" target="_blank">here</a></h3>
		<p class="ewic-iscon" style="font-style:italic; color:#666; border-bottom: 1px dotted #CCC; margin-top: 35px; padding-bottom: 5px;"><?php 
    _e('Fill your Affiliate Account Email or Payment Email and press Connect button to start earn extra Money with us!');
		<div id="ewic-aff-registered" style="width: auto;<?php 
    echo $isdis;
		<h3 id="ewic-aff-holder">Hi, <?php 
    echo $aff_name . ' (' . $aff_email . ' )';
        <hr />
		<form method="post">


			<table class="form-table">
					<tr valign="top">
						<th style="width:155px !important;" scope="row" valign="top">
    _e('Account Email or Payment Email');
							<input id="ewic_aff_email" name="ewic_aff_email" type="text" class="regular-text" value="<?php 
" />
							<label id="is-status" style="color:green; font-style:italic;" class="description" for="ewic_aff_section_email"><?php 
    echo $ists;

    if (false !== $aff_id) {
        wp_nonce_field('ewic_aff_section_nonce', 'ewic_aff_section_nonce');
									<br /><input style="margin-top: 10px;" <?php 
        echo $dnonce;
        echo $dcmd;
 type="submit" class="button-secondary" id="ewic-aff" name="ewic-aff" value="<?php 
        echo $intext;
"/><span id="loader"></span><br /><br />
                                    <span class="ewic-aff-note">NOTE: To respect <a href="" target="_blank">Plugin Guidelines</a> ( point 10 ) so by pressing the connect button that means you are agree to displaying <strong>Powered by</strong> link in your slider footer</span>

         <hr style="margin-bottom:20px;">   
				<div class="feature-section">

					<img src="<?php 
    echo EWIC_URL . '/images/assets/aff-sc.jpg';
" class="ewic-affiliate-screenshots"/>

    _e('How does it work?', 'image-slider-widget');
    _e('After successfully registered with our Affiliate program what you have to do just :<ul style="margin-left: 30px;list-style-type: circle;"><li>Fill your Affiliate Account Email or Payment Email in field above and Hit Connect button</li><li>After connected you will see green connected status</li><li>Check your slider and you will find your affiliate link in the bottom of your slider like in the right side screenshot</li><li>Now when individuals follow that link and subsequently make a purchase, you will be credited for the transaction and you will receive a payout</li><li>Congratulations! You are ready to start to earn extra money :)</li></ul>', 'image-slider-widget');
    echo ob_get_clean();
Пример #2
function ewic_generate_slider($id, $iswidget)
    $allimgs = get_post_meta($id, 'ewic_meta_select_images', true);
    $imgsize = get_post_meta($id, 'ewic_meta_thumbsizelt', true);
    $easing = get_post_meta($id, 'ewic_meta_settings_effect', true);
    $tthumb = get_post_meta($id, 'ewic_meta_slide_timthumb', true);
    $smartttl = get_post_meta($id, 'ewic_meta_settings_smartttl', true);
    get_post_meta($id, 'ewic_meta_slide_auto', true) == 'on' ? $disenauto = 'true' : ($disenauto = 'false');
    get_post_meta($id, 'ewic_meta_slide_title', true) == 'on' ? $disenttl = 'true' : ($disenttl = 'false');
    get_post_meta($id, 'ewic_meta_slide_lightbox_autoslide', true) == 'on' ? $disenlbauto = 'true' : ($disenlbauto = 'false');
    if (is_array($imgsize)) {
        if ($imgsize['width'] == 'auto' || $imgsize['width'] == '') {
            $sw = '0';
        } else {
            $sw = $imgsize['width'];
        if ($imgsize['height'] == 'auto') {
            $autoheight = 'true';
        } else {
            $autoheight = 'false';
            echo '<style>#ewic-con' . $iswidget . '-' . $id . ' .bx-wrapper, #ewic-con' . $iswidget . '-' . $id . ' .bx-viewport, #ewic-con' . $iswidget . '-' . $id . ' .bx-wrapper img { max-height: ' . $imgsize['height'] . 'px;}</style>';
    } else {
        $autoheight = 'true';
        $sw = '0';
    if (is_array($allimgs)) {
        //Generate HTML Markup
        echo '<div id="preloader' . $iswidget . '-' . $id . '" class="sliderpreloader"></div>';
        echo '<ul style="display:none;" class="bxslider' . $iswidget . '-' . $id . '">';
        foreach ($allimgs as $dat) {
            // Timthumb Option @since @since 1.1.17
            if ($sw != '0' && $tthumb == 'on') {
                $timg = wp_get_attachment_image_src($dat['images'], 'full');
                $img = ewic_generate_timthumb($timg[0], $sw, $imgsize['height']);
                $imgtrgt = $timg[0];
            } else {
                $timg = wp_get_attachment_image_src($dat['images'], 'full');
                $img = $timg[0];
                $imgtrgt = $img;
            // End Timthumb
            if ($dat['ttl']) {
                if ($smartttl == 'on') {
                    $isttl = 'title="' . ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', $dat['ttl'])) . '"';
                } else {
                    $isttl = 'title="' . $dat['ttl'] . '"';
            } else {
                $isttl = '';
            if (get_post_meta($id, 'ewic_meta_slide_lightbox', true) == 'on') {
                echo '<li class="ewic-slider"><a href="' . $imgtrgt . '" ' . $isttl . ' rel="ewic' . $iswidget . 'prettyPhoto[' . $id . ']"><img ' . $isttl . ' class="ewic-wid-imgs" src="' . $img . '" /></a></li>';
            } else {
                echo '<li class="ewic-slider"><img ' . $isttl . ' class="ewic-wid-imgs" src="' . $img . '" /></li>';
        echo '</ul>';
        if (ewic_get_aff_option('ewic_affiliate_info', 'ewic_aff_id', '')) {
            echo '<span class="ewc-aff-link">Powered by <a href="' . ewic_get_aff_option('ewic_affiliate_info', 'ewic_aff_id', '') . '&goto=ewic" target="_blank">Easy Image Slider Plugin</a></span>';
        echo '<br>';
        //Generate Slider Script
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">
	jQuery(document).ready(function() {
		jQuery("#preloader' . $iswidget . '-' . $id . '").fadeOut(2000, function () {
		jQuery(".bxslider' . $iswidget . '-' . $id . ', .ewc-aff-link").fadeIn(3000);
		jQuery(".bxslider' . $iswidget . '-' . $id . '").bxSlider({
			slideWidth: ' . $sw . ',
			slideMargin: 10,
			minSlides: 1,
			pager: false,
			useCSS: false,
			easing: "' . $easing . '",
			auto: ' . $disenauto . ',
			autoControls: true,
			stopAuto: false,
			speed: 2000,
			pause: ' . get_post_meta($id, 'ewic_meta_slide_delay', true) . '000,
			adaptiveHeight: ' . $autoheight . ',
			adaptiveHeightSpeed: 700,
			controls: true,
			preloadImages: "visible",
			infiniteLoop: true,
			captions: ' . $disenttl . ',
			autoHover: true,
			mode: "' . get_post_meta($id, 'ewic_meta_slide_style', true) . '",
			onSlideBefore:  function() {
				jQuery(".bxslider' . $iswidget . '-' . $id . ' .ewic-caption").slideUp();
			onSlideAfter: function() {
				jQuery("."+jQuery(".bxslider' . $iswidget . '-' . $id . '").parent().next().find(".bx-controls-auto").find("a").attr("class")).trigger("click");
				jQuery(".bxslider' . $iswidget . '-' . $id . ' .ewic-caption").slideDown();
			jQuery(".bx-clone a").removeAttr( "rel" );
			' . (get_post_meta($id, 'ewic_meta_slide_nav', true) != 'always' ? 'jQuery( ".bxslider' . $iswidget . '-' . $id . '" ).parent().parent().addClass( "navcontroller" );' : '') . '

	jQuery("a[rel^=\'ewic' . $iswidget . 'prettyPhoto[' . $id . ']\']").ewcPhoto({theme: "ewc_default", allow_expand: false, deeplinking: false, slideshow:' . get_post_meta($id, 'ewic_meta_slide_lightbox_delay', true) . '000, autoplay_slideshow:' . $disenlbauto . ', social_tools:false});
    $res = ob_get_clean();
    return $res;