Пример #1
 function Page_Main()
     global $conn;
     $GLOBALS["Page"] =& $this;
     //***$conn = ew_Connect();
     // Get fn / table name parameters
     $key = EW_RANDOM_KEY . session_id();
     $fn = @$_GET["fn"] != "" ? ew_StripSlashes($_GET["fn"]) : "";
     if ($fn != "" && EW_ENCRYPT_FILE_PATH) {
         $fn = ew_Decrypt($fn, $key);
     $table = @$_GET["t"] != "" ? ew_StripSlashes($_GET["t"]) : "";
     if ($table != "" && EW_ENCRYPT_FILE_PATH) {
         $table = ew_Decrypt($table, $key);
     // Global Page Loading event (in userfn*.php)
     // Get resize parameters
     $resize = @$_GET["resize"] != "";
     $width = @$_GET["width"] != "" ? $_GET["width"] : 0;
     $height = @$_GET["height"] != "" ? $_GET["height"] : 0;
     if (@$_GET["width"] == "" && @$_GET["height"] == "") {
     // Resize image from physical file
     if ($fn != "") {
         $fn = str_replace("", "", $fn);
         $fn = ew_IncludeTrailingDelimiter(ew_AppRoot(), TRUE) . $fn;
         if (file_exists($fn) || @fopen($fn, "rb") !== FALSE) {
             // Allow remote file
             if (ob_get_length()) {
             $pathinfo = pathinfo($fn);
             $ext = strtolower(@$pathinfo["extension"]);
             $ct = ew_ContentType("", $fn);
             if ($ct != "") {
                 header("Content-type: " . $ct);
             if (in_array($ext, explode(",", EW_IMAGE_ALLOWED_FILE_EXT))) {
                 $size = @getimagesize($fn);
                 if ($size) {
                     header("Content-type: {$size['mime']}");
                 if ($width > 0 || $height > 0) {
                     echo ew_ResizeFileToBinary($fn, $width, $height);
                 } else {
                     echo file_get_contents($fn);
             } elseif (in_array($ext, explode(",", EW_DOWNLOAD_ALLOWED_FILE_EXT))) {
                 echo file_get_contents($fn);
     // Global Page Unloaded event (in userfn*.php)
     // Close connection
Пример #2
 function Page_Main()
     $GLOBALS["Page"] =& $this;
     $post = ew_StripSlashes($_POST);
     if (count($post) == 0) {
         die("Missing post data.");
     //$sql = $qs->getValue("s");
     $sql = @$post["s"];
     $sql = ew_Decrypt($sql);
     if ($sql == "") {
         die("Missing SQL.");
     if (strpos($sql, "{filter}") > 0) {
         $filters = "";
         for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
             // Get the filter values (for "IN")
             $filter = ew_Decrypt(@$post["f" . $i]);
             if ($filter != "") {
                 $value = @$post["v" . $i];
                 if ($value == "") {
                     if ($i > 0) {
                         // Empty parent field
                         //continue; // Allow
                         ew_AddFilter($filters, "1=0");
                     // Disallow
                 $arValue = explode(",", $value);
                 $fldtype = intval(@$post["t" . $i]);
                 for ($j = 0, $cnt = count($arValue); $j < $cnt; $j++) {
                     $arValue[$j] = ew_QuotedValue($arValue[$j], ew_FieldDataType($fldtype));
                 $filter = str_replace("{filter_value}", implode(",", $arValue), $filter);
                 ew_AddFilter($filters, $filter);
         $sql = str_replace("{filter}", $filters != "" ? $filters : "1=1", $sql);
     // Get the query value (for "LIKE" or "=")
     $value = ew_AdjustSql(@$post["q"]);
     if ($value != "") {
         $sql = preg_replace('/LIKE \'(%)?\\{query_value\\}%\'/', ew_Like('\'$1{query_value}%\''), $sql);
         $sql = str_replace("{query_value}", $value, $sql);
     // Replace {query_value_n}
     preg_match_all('/\\{query_value_(\\d+)\\}/', $sql, $out);
     $cnt = count($out[0]);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
         $j = $out[1][$i];
         $v = ew_AdjustSql(@$post["q" . $j]);
         $sql = str_replace("{query_value_" . $j . "}", $v, $sql);
Пример #3
 function Page_Main()
     $post = ew_StripSlashes($_POST);
     if (count($post) == 0) {
         die("Missing post data.");
     //$sql = $qs->getValue("s");
     $sql = $post["s"];
     $sql = TEAdecrypt($sql, EW_RANDOM_KEY);
     if ($sql == "") {
         die("Missing SQL.");
     if (strpos($sql, "{filter}") > 0) {
         $filters = "";
         for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
             // Get the filter values (for "IN")
             $filter = TEAdecrypt($post["f" . $i], EW_RANDOM_KEY);
             if ($filter != "") {
                 $value = $post["v" . $i];
                 if ($value == "") {
                     if ($i > 0) {
                         // Empty parent field
                         //continue; // Allow
                         ew_AddFilter($filters, "1=0");
                     // Disallow
                 $arValue = explode(",", $value);
                 $fldtype = intval($post["t" . $i]);
                 for ($j = 0, $cnt = count($arValue); $j < $cnt; $j++) {
                     $arValue[$j] = ew_QuotedValue($arValue[$j], ew_FieldDataType($fldtype));
                 $filter = str_replace("{filter_value}", implode(",", $arValue), $filter);
                 ew_AddFilter($filters, $filter);
         $sql = str_replace("{filter}", $filters != "" ? $filters : "1=1", $sql);
     // Get the query value (for "LIKE" or "=")
     $value = ew_AdjustSql(@$post["q"]);
     if ($value != "") {
         $sql = preg_replace('/LIKE \'(%)?\\{query_value\\}%\'/', ew_Like('\'$1{query_value}%\''), $sql);
         $sql = str_replace("{query_value}", $value, $sql);
     // Check custom function
     $fn = @$post["fn"];
     if ($fn != "" && function_exists($fn)) {
         // Custom function(&$sql)
         $sql = $fn($sql);
Пример #4
 function SetUpSortOrder()
     // Check for "order" parameter
     if (@$_GET["order"] != "") {
         $this->CurrentOrder = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["order"]);
         $this->CurrentOrderType = @$_GET["ordertype"];
         // tipo_mantenimiento
         // taller
         // Patente
         // modelo
         // nombre
         // fecha_ini
         // fecha_fin
         // codigo
         // Reset start position
Пример #5
 function ExportEmail($EmailContent)
     global $gTmpImages, $Language;
     $sSender = @$_GET["sender"];
     $sRecipient = @$_GET["recipient"];
     $sCc = @$_GET["cc"];
     $sBcc = @$_GET["bcc"];
     $sContentType = @$_GET["contenttype"];
     // Subject
     $sSubject = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["subject"]);
     $sEmailSubject = $sSubject;
     // Message
     $sContent = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["message"]);
     $sEmailMessage = $sContent;
     // Check sender
     if ($sSender == "") {
         return "<p class=\"text-error\">" . $Language->Phrase("EnterSenderEmail") . "</p>";
     if (!ew_CheckEmail($sSender)) {
         return "<p class=\"text-error\">" . $Language->Phrase("EnterProperSenderEmail") . "</p>";
     // Check recipient
     if (!ew_CheckEmailList($sRecipient, EW_MAX_EMAIL_RECIPIENT)) {
         return "<p class=\"text-error\">" . $Language->Phrase("EnterProperRecipientEmail") . "</p>";
     // Check cc
     if (!ew_CheckEmailList($sCc, EW_MAX_EMAIL_RECIPIENT)) {
         return "<p class=\"text-error\">" . $Language->Phrase("EnterProperCcEmail") . "</p>";
     // Check bcc
     if (!ew_CheckEmailList($sBcc, EW_MAX_EMAIL_RECIPIENT)) {
         return "<p class=\"text-error\">" . $Language->Phrase("EnterProperBccEmail") . "</p>";
     // Check email sent count
     if (!isset($_SESSION[EW_EXPORT_EMAIL_COUNTER])) {
         return "<p class=\"text-error\">" . $Language->Phrase("ExceedMaxEmailExport") . "</p>";
     // Send email
     $Email = new cEmail();
     $Email->Sender = $sSender;
     // Sender
     $Email->Recipient = $sRecipient;
     // Recipient
     $Email->Cc = $sCc;
     // Cc
     $Email->Bcc = $sBcc;
     // Bcc
     $Email->Subject = $sEmailSubject;
     // Subject
     $Email->Format = $sContentType == "url" ? "text" : "html";
     $Email->Charset = EW_EMAIL_CHARSET;
     if ($sEmailMessage != "") {
         $sEmailMessage = ew_RemoveXSS($sEmailMessage);
         $sEmailMessage .= $sContentType == "url" ? "\r\n\r\n" : "<br><br>";
     if ($sContentType == "url") {
         $sUrl = ew_ConvertFullUrl(ew_CurrentPage() . "?" . $this->ExportQueryString());
         $sEmailMessage .= $sUrl;
         // Send URL only
     } else {
         foreach ($gTmpImages as $tmpimage) {
         $sEmailMessage .= $EmailContent;
         // Send HTML
     $Email->Content = $sEmailMessage;
     // Content
     $EventArgs = array();
     $bEmailSent = FALSE;
     if ($this->Email_Sending($Email, $EventArgs)) {
         $bEmailSent = $Email->Send();
     // Check email sent status
     if ($bEmailSent) {
         // Update email sent count
         // Sent email success
         return "<p class=\"text-success\">" . $Language->Phrase("SendEmailSuccess") . "</p>";
         // Set up success message
     } else {
         // Sent email failure
         return "<p class=\"text-error\">" . $Email->SendErrDescription . "</p>";
Пример #6
 function Page_Init()
     global $gsExport, $gsExportFile, $UserProfile, $Language, $Security, $objForm;
     // Security
     $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity();
     if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) {
     if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) {
     // Get export parameters
     if (@$_GET["export"] != "") {
         $this->Export = $_GET["export"];
     } elseif (ew_IsHttpPost()) {
         if (@$_POST["exporttype"] != "") {
             $this->Export = $_POST["exporttype"];
     } else {
     $gsExport = $this->Export;
     // Get export parameter, used in header
     $gsExportFile = $this->TableVar;
     // Get export file, used in header
     if (@$_GET["guru_id"] != "") {
         if ($gsExportFile != "") {
             $gsExportFile .= "_";
         $gsExportFile .= ew_StripSlashes($_GET["guru_id"]);
     $this->CurrentAction = @$_GET["a"] != "" ? $_GET["a"] : @$_POST["a_list"];
     // Set up current action
     // Setup export options
     // Global Page Loading event (in userfn*.php)
     // Page Load event
     // Update url if printer friendly for Pdf
     if ($this->PrinterFriendlyForPdf) {
         $this->ExportOptions->Items["pdf"]->Body = str_replace($this->ExportPdfUrl, $this->ExportPrintUrl . "&pdf=1", $this->ExportOptions->Items["pdf"]->Body);
Пример #7
 function SetUpSortOrder()
     // Check for "order" parameter
     if (@$_GET["order"] != "") {
         $this->CurrentOrder = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["order"]);
         $this->CurrentOrderType = @$_GET["ordertype"];
         // EvaluateAnswerID
         // lastModified
         // Date
         // ID
         // Reset start position
 function SetUpSortOrder()
     global $order;
     // Check for "order" parameter
     if (@$_GET["order"] != "") {
         $order->CurrentOrder = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["order"]);
         $order->CurrentOrderType = @$_GET["ordertype"];
         // orderid
         // bookid
         // orderstatus
         // email
         // datatime
         // Reset start position
 function SetUpSortOrder()
     // Check for "order" parameter
     if (@$_GET["order"] != "") {
         $this->CurrentOrder = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["order"]);
         $this->CurrentOrderType = @$_GET["ordertype"];
         // id_mapel
         // nilai_afektif
         // nilai_komulatif
         // nilai_psikomotorik
         // nilai_rata_rata
         // Reset start position
 function SetUpSortOrder()
     global $ItemIngredients;
     // Check for an Order parameter
     if (@$_GET["order"] != "") {
         $ItemIngredients->CurrentOrder = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["order"]);
         $ItemIngredients->CurrentOrderType = @$_GET["ordertype"];
         // Field
         // Field
         // Field
         // Field
         // Field
         // Field
         // Field
         // Reset start position
Пример #11
// Turn on output buffering
include_once "ewcfg11.php";
include_once "adodb5/adodb.inc.php";
include_once "phpfn11.php";
// Get resize parameters
$resize = @$_GET["resize"] != "";
$width = @$_GET["width"] != "" ? $_GET["width"] : 0;
$height = @$_GET["height"] != "" ? $_GET["height"] : 0;
if (@$_GET["width"] == "" && @$_GET["height"] == "") {
$quality = @$_GET["quality"] != "" ? $_GET["quality"] : EW_THUMBNAIL_DEFAULT_QUALITY;
// Resize image from physical file
if (@$_GET["fn"] != "") {
    $fn = ew_StripSlashes($_GET["fn"]);
    $fn = str_replace("", "", $fn);
    $fn = ew_IncludeTrailingDelimiter(ew_AppRoot(), TRUE) . $fn;
    if (file_exists($fn) || fopen($fn, "rb") !== FALSE) {
        // Allow remote file
        $pathinfo = pathinfo($fn);
        $ext = strtolower(@$pathinfo["extension"]);
        if (in_array($ext, explode(",", EW_IMAGE_ALLOWED_FILE_EXT))) {
            $size = @getimagesize($fn);
            if ($size) {
                header("Content-type: {$size['mime']}");
            echo ew_ResizeFileToBinary($fn, $width, $height, $quality);
 function LoadSearchValues()
     global $objForm;
     // Load search values
     // codigo
     $this->codigo->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["x_codigo"]);
     if ($this->codigo->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue != "") {
         $this->Command = "search";
     $this->codigo->AdvancedSearch->SearchOperator = @$_GET["z_codigo"];
     // responsable
     $this->responsable->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["x_responsable"]);
     if ($this->responsable->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue != "") {
         $this->Command = "search";
     $this->responsable->AdvancedSearch->SearchOperator = @$_GET["z_responsable"];
     // Patente
     $this->Patente->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["x_Patente"]);
     if ($this->Patente->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue != "") {
         $this->Command = "search";
     $this->Patente->AdvancedSearch->SearchOperator = @$_GET["z_Patente"];
     // kg_carga
     $this->kg_carga->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["x_kg_carga"]);
     if ($this->kg_carga->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue != "") {
         $this->Command = "search";
     $this->kg_carga->AdvancedSearch->SearchOperator = @$_GET["z_kg_carga"];
     // tarifa
     $this->tarifa->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["x_tarifa"]);
     if ($this->tarifa->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue != "") {
         $this->Command = "search";
     $this->tarifa->AdvancedSearch->SearchOperator = @$_GET["z_tarifa"];
     // sub_total
     $this->sub_total->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["x_sub_total"]);
     if ($this->sub_total->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue != "") {
         $this->Command = "search";
     $this->sub_total->AdvancedSearch->SearchOperator = @$_GET["z_sub_total"];
     // porcentaje
     $this->porcentaje->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["x_porcentaje"]);
     if ($this->porcentaje->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue != "") {
         $this->Command = "search";
     $this->porcentaje->AdvancedSearch->SearchOperator = @$_GET["z_porcentaje"];
     // comision_chofer
     $this->comision_chofer->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["x_comision_chofer"]);
     if ($this->comision_chofer->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue != "") {
         $this->Command = "search";
     $this->comision_chofer->AdvancedSearch->SearchOperator = @$_GET["z_comision_chofer"];
     // adelanto
     $this->adelanto->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["x_adelanto"]);
     if ($this->adelanto->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue != "") {
         $this->Command = "search";
     $this->adelanto->AdvancedSearch->SearchOperator = @$_GET["z_adelanto"];
     // total
     $this->total->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["x_total"]);
     if ($this->total->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue != "") {
         $this->Command = "search";
     $this->total->AdvancedSearch->SearchOperator = @$_GET["z_total"];
Пример #13
 function SetUpSortOrder()
     // Check for "order" parameter
     if (@$_GET["order"] != "") {
         $this->CurrentOrder = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["order"]);
         $this->CurrentOrderType = @$_GET["ordertype"];
         // MetaID
         // ID
         // EducationalStatus
         // Created
         // Reset start position
 function SetUpSortOrder()
     // Check for "order" parameter
     if (@$_GET["order"] != "") {
         $this->CurrentOrder = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["order"]);
         $this->CurrentOrderType = @$_GET["ordertype"];
         // id_hoja_mantenimiento
         // descripcion
         // fecha
         // hora_trabajo
         // id_tipo_mantenimiento
         // Reset start position
Пример #15
 function Page_Main()
     global $Language, $tbl_ga_stat;
     // Load key parameters
     $sKey = "";
     $bSingleDelete = TRUE;
     // Initialize as single delete
     $nKeySelected = 0;
     // Initialize selected key count
     $sFilter = "";
     if (@$_GET["id_profile"] != "") {
         if (!is_numeric($tbl_ga_stat->id_profile->QueryStringValue)) {
         // Prevent SQL injection, exit
         $sKey .= $tbl_ga_stat->id_profile->QueryStringValue;
     } else {
         $bSingleDelete = FALSE;
     if (@$_GET["stat_date"] != "") {
         if ($sKey != "") {
             $sKey .= EW_COMPOSITE_KEY_SEPARATOR;
         $sKey .= $tbl_ga_stat->stat_date->QueryStringValue;
     } else {
         $bSingleDelete = FALSE;
     if (@$_GET["hour"] != "") {
         if ($sKey != "") {
             $sKey .= EW_COMPOSITE_KEY_SEPARATOR;
         $sKey .= $tbl_ga_stat->hour->QueryStringValue;
     } else {
         $bSingleDelete = FALSE;
     if ($bSingleDelete) {
         $nKeySelected = 1;
         // Set up key selected count
         $this->arRecKeys[0] = $sKey;
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST["key_m"])) {
             // Key in form
             $nKeySelected = count($_POST["key_m"]);
             // Set up key selected count
             $this->arRecKeys = ew_StripSlashes($_POST["key_m"]);
     if ($nKeySelected <= 0) {
     // No key specified, return to list
     // Build filter
     foreach ($this->arRecKeys as $sKey) {
         $sFilter .= "(";
         $arKeyFlds = explode(EW_COMPOSITE_KEY_SEPARATOR, trim($sKey));
         // Split key by separator
         if (count($arKeyFlds) != 3) {
         // Invalid key, exit
         // Set up key field
         $sKeyFld = $arKeyFlds[0];
         if (!is_numeric($sKeyFld)) {
         // Prevent SQL injection, return to list
         $sFilter .= "`id_profile`=" . ew_AdjustSql($sKeyFld) . " AND ";
         // Set up key field
         $sKeyFld = $arKeyFlds[1];
         $sFilter .= "`stat_date`='" . ew_AdjustSql($sKeyFld) . "' AND ";
         // Set up key field
         $sKeyFld = $arKeyFlds[2];
         $sFilter .= "`hour`='" . ew_AdjustSql($sKeyFld) . "' AND ";
         if (substr($sFilter, -5) == " AND ") {
             $sFilter = substr($sFilter, 0, strlen($sFilter) - 5) . ") OR ";
     if (substr($sFilter, -4) == " OR ") {
         $sFilter = substr($sFilter, 0, strlen($sFilter) - 4);
     // Set up filter (SQL WHHERE clause) and get return SQL
     // SQL constructor in tbl_ga_stat class, tbl_ga_statinfo.php
     $tbl_ga_stat->CurrentFilter = $sFilter;
     // Get action
     if (@$_POST["a_delete"] != "") {
         $tbl_ga_stat->CurrentAction = $_POST["a_delete"];
     } else {
         $tbl_ga_stat->CurrentAction = "D";
         // Delete record directly
     switch ($tbl_ga_stat->CurrentAction) {
         case "D":
             // Delete
             $tbl_ga_stat->SendEmail = TRUE;
             // Send email on delete success
             if ($this->DeleteRows()) {
                 // delete rows
                 // Set up success message
                 // Return to caller
Пример #16
 function Page_Main()
     global $conn, $Language, $Security, $gsFormError;
     global $Breadcrumb;
     $Breadcrumb = new cBreadcrumb();
     $Breadcrumb->Add("changepwd", "ChangePwdPage", ew_CurrentUrl(), "", "", TRUE);
     $bPostBack = ew_IsHttpPost();
     $bValidate = TRUE;
     if ($bPostBack) {
         $this->OldPassword = ew_StripSlashes(@$_POST["opwd"]);
         $this->NewPassword = ew_StripSlashes(@$_POST["npwd"]);
         $this->ConfirmedPassword = ew_StripSlashes(@$_POST["cpwd"]);
         $bValidate = $this->ValidateForm($this->OldPassword, $this->NewPassword, $this->ConfirmedPassword);
         if (!$bValidate) {
     $bPwdUpdated = FALSE;
     if ($bPostBack && $bValidate) {
         // Setup variables
         $sUsername = $Security->CurrentUserName();
         $sFilter = str_replace("%u", ew_AdjustSql($sUsername), EW_USER_NAME_FILTER);
         // Set up filter (Sql Where Clause) and get Return SQL
         // SQL constructor in usuarios class, usuariosinfo.php
         $this->CurrentFilter = $sFilter;
         $sSql = $this->SQL();
         if ($rs = $conn->Execute($sSql)) {
             if (!$rs->EOF) {
                 $rsold = $rs->fields;
                 if (ew_ComparePassword($rsold['contrasenia'], $this->OldPassword)) {
                     $bValidPwd = TRUE;
                     $bValidPwd = $this->User_ChangePassword($rsold, $sUsername, $this->OldPassword, $this->NewPassword);
                     if ($bValidPwd) {
                         $rsnew = array('contrasenia' => $this->NewPassword);
                         // Change Password
                         $sEmail = $rsold['email'];
                         $conn->raiseErrorFn = $GLOBALS["EW_ERROR_FN"];
                         $bValidPwd = $this->Update($rsnew);
                         $conn->raiseErrorFn = '';
                         if ($bValidPwd) {
                             $bPwdUpdated = TRUE;
                     } else {
                 } else {
             } else {
     if ($bPwdUpdated) {
         if (@$sEmail != "") {
             // Load Email Content
             $Email = new cEmail();
             // Replace Sender
             // Replace Recipient
             $Email->ReplaceContent('<!--$Password-->', $this->NewPassword);
             $Email->Charset = EW_EMAIL_CHARSET;
             $Args = array();
             $Args["rs"] =& $rsnew;
             $bEmailSent = FALSE;
             if ($this->Email_Sending($Email, $Args)) {
                 $bEmailSent = $Email->Send();
             // Send email failed
             if (!$bEmailSent) {
         if ($this->getSuccessMessage() == "") {
         // Set up success message
         // Exit page and clean up
Пример #17
 function SetUpSortOrder()
     // Check for "order" parameter
     if (@$_GET["order"] != "") {
         $this->CurrentOrder = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["order"]);
         $this->CurrentOrderType = @$_GET["ordertype"];
         // codigo
         // Patente
         // cantidad_rueda
         // nombre
         // modelo
         // id_chofer
         // id_guarda
         // id_marca
         // Reset start position
Пример #18
 function SetUpSortOrder()
     global $t_promotions_vins;
     // Check for "order" parameter
     if (@$_GET["order"] != "") {
         $t_promotions_vins->CurrentOrder = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["order"]);
         $t_promotions_vins->CurrentOrderType = @$_GET["ordertype"];
         // promotion
         // produit_vin
         // Reset start position
 function GetRecordKeys()
     $arKeys = array();
     $arKey = array();
     if (isset($_POST["key_m"])) {
         $arKeys = ew_StripSlashes($_POST["key_m"]);
         $cnt = count($arKeys);
     } elseif (isset($_GET["key_m"])) {
         $arKeys = ew_StripSlashes($_GET["key_m"]);
         $cnt = count($arKeys);
     } elseif (isset($_GET)) {
         $arKeys[] = @$_GET["subject_type_id"];
         // subject_type_id
         //return $arKeys; // do not return yet, so the values will also be checked by the following code
     // check keys
     $ar = array();
     foreach ($arKeys as $key) {
         if (!is_numeric($key)) {
         $ar[] = $key;
     return $ar;
 function LoadSearchValues()
     global $objForm;
     // Load search values
     // idmedicina
     $this->idmedicina->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["x_idmedicina"]);
     if ($this->idmedicina->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue != "") {
         $this->Command = "search";
     $this->idmedicina->AdvancedSearch->SearchOperator = @$_GET["z_idmedicina"];
     // descripcion
     $this->descripcion->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["x_descripcion"]);
     if ($this->descripcion->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue != "") {
         $this->Command = "search";
     $this->descripcion->AdvancedSearch->SearchOperator = @$_GET["z_descripcion"];
     // estado
     $this->estado->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["x_estado"]);
     if ($this->estado->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue != "") {
         $this->Command = "search";
     $this->estado->AdvancedSearch->SearchOperator = @$_GET["z_estado"];
     // idlaboratorio
     $this->idlaboratorio->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["x_idlaboratorio"]);
     if ($this->idlaboratorio->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue != "") {
         $this->Command = "search";
     $this->idlaboratorio->AdvancedSearch->SearchOperator = @$_GET["z_idlaboratorio"];
     // idhospital
     $this->idhospital->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["x_idhospital"]);
     if ($this->idhospital->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue != "") {
         $this->Command = "search";
     $this->idhospital->AdvancedSearch->SearchOperator = @$_GET["z_idhospital"];
 function SetUpSortOrder()
     // Check for "order" parameter
     if (@$_GET["order"] != "") {
         $this->CurrentOrder = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["order"]);
         $this->CurrentOrderType = @$_GET["ordertype"];
         // idpaciente
         // fecha_inicio
         // fecha_final
         // estado
         // Reset start position
Пример #22
 function Page_Init()
     global $gsExport, $gsCustomExport, $gsExportFile, $UserProfile, $Language, $Security, $objForm;
     // User profile
     $UserProfile = new cUserProfile();
     // Security
     $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity();
     if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) {
     if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) {
     $Security->LoadCurrentUserLevel($this->ProjectID . $this->TableName);
     if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) {
     if (!$Security->CanView()) {
         // Set no permission
         if ($Security->CanList()) {
         } else {
     if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) {
     // Get export parameters
     $custom = "";
     if (@$_GET["export"] != "") {
         $this->Export = $_GET["export"];
         $custom = @$_GET["custom"];
     } elseif (@$_POST["export"] != "") {
         $this->Export = $_POST["export"];
         $custom = @$_POST["custom"];
     } elseif (ew_IsHttpPost()) {
         if (@$_POST["exporttype"] != "") {
             $this->Export = $_POST["exporttype"];
         $custom = @$_POST["custom"];
     } else {
     $gsExportFile = $this->TableVar;
     // Get export file, used in header
     if (@$_GET["AIRPLANE_ID"] != "") {
         if ($gsExportFile != "") {
             $gsExportFile .= "_";
         $gsExportFile .= ew_StripSlashes($_GET["AIRPLANE_ID"]);
     // Get custom export parameters
     if ($this->Export != "" && $custom != "") {
         $this->CustomExport = $this->Export;
         $this->Export = "print";
     $gsCustomExport = $this->CustomExport;
     $gsExport = $this->Export;
     // Get export parameter, used in header
     // Update Export URLs
     if (defined("EW_USE_PHPEXCEL")) {
         $this->ExportExcelCustom = FALSE;
     if ($this->ExportExcelCustom) {
         $this->ExportExcelUrl .= "&amp;custom=1";
     if (defined("EW_USE_PHPWORD")) {
         $this->ExportWordCustom = FALSE;
     if ($this->ExportWordCustom) {
         $this->ExportWordUrl .= "&amp;custom=1";
     if ($this->ExportPdfCustom) {
         $this->ExportPdfUrl .= "&amp;custom=1";
     $this->CurrentAction = @$_GET["a"] != "" ? $_GET["a"] : @$_POST["a_list"];
     // Set up current action
     // Setup export options
     $this->AIRPLANE_ID->Visible = !$this->IsAdd() && !$this->IsCopy() && !$this->IsGridAdd();
     // Global Page Loading event (in userfn*.php)
     // Page Load event
     // Check token
     if (!$this->ValidPost()) {
         echo $Language->Phrase("InvalidPostRequest");
     // Create Token
 function SetUpSortOrder()
     // Check for "order" parameter
     if (@$_GET["order"] != "") {
         $this->CurrentOrder = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["order"]);
         $this->CurrentOrderType = @$_GET["ordertype"];
         // accountId
         // permissionId
         // granted
         // realmId
         // Reset start position
Пример #24
 function Page_Init()
     global $gsExport, $gsExportFile, $UserProfile, $Language, $Security, $objForm;
     // Security
     $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity();
     if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) {
     if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) {
     // Get export parameters
     if (@$_GET["export"] != "") {
         $this->Export = $_GET["export"];
     } elseif (ew_IsHttpPost()) {
         if (@$_POST["exporttype"] != "") {
             $this->Export = $_POST["exporttype"];
     } else {
     $gsExport = $this->Export;
     // Get export parameter, used in header
     $gsExportFile = $this->TableVar;
     // Get export file, used in header
     if (@$_GET["realmid"] != "") {
         if ($gsExportFile != "") {
             $gsExportFile .= "_";
         $gsExportFile .= ew_StripSlashes($_GET["realmid"]);
     if (@$_GET["acctid"] != "") {
         if ($gsExportFile != "") {
             $gsExportFile .= "_";
         $gsExportFile .= ew_StripSlashes($_GET["acctid"]);
     // Setup export options
     $this->CurrentAction = @$_GET["a"] != "" ? $_GET["a"] : @$_POST["a_list"];
     // Global Page Loading event (in userfn*.php)
     // Page Load event
Пример #25
 function GetRecordKeys()
     $arKeys = array();
     $arKey = array();
     if (isset($_POST["key_m"])) {
         $arKeys = ew_StripSlashes($_POST["key_m"]);
         $cnt = count($arKeys);
     } elseif (isset($_GET["key_m"])) {
         $arKeys = ew_StripSlashes($_GET["key_m"]);
         $cnt = count($arKeys);
     } elseif (!empty($_GET) || !empty($_POST)) {
         $isPost = ew_IsHttpPost();
         if ($isPost && isset($_POST["CARD_TYPE_ID"])) {
             $arKeys[] = ew_StripSlashes($_POST["CARD_TYPE_ID"]);
         } elseif (isset($_GET["CARD_TYPE_ID"])) {
             $arKeys[] = ew_StripSlashes($_GET["CARD_TYPE_ID"]);
         } else {
             $arKeys = NULL;
         // Do not setup
         //return $arKeys; // Do not return yet, so the values will also be checked by the following code
     // Check keys
     $ar = array();
     if (is_array($arKeys)) {
         foreach ($arKeys as $key) {
             if (!is_numeric($key)) {
             $ar[] = $key;
     return $ar;
Пример #26
 function SetUpSortOrder()
     // Check for "order" parameter
     if (@$_GET["order"] != "") {
         $this->CurrentOrder = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["order"]);
         $this->CurrentOrderType = @$_GET["ordertype"];
         // news_id
         // news_title
         // news_date
         // Reset start position
Пример #27
 function Page_Main()
     global $Customers;
     // Load Key Parameters
     $sKey = "";
     $bSingleDelete = TRUE;
     // Initialize as single delete
     $nKeySelected = 0;
     // Initialize selected key count
     $sFilter = "";
     if (@$_GET["CustomerID"] != "") {
         if (!is_numeric($Customers->CustomerID->QueryStringValue)) {
         // Prevent SQL injection, exit
         $sKey .= $Customers->CustomerID->QueryStringValue;
     } else {
         $bSingleDelete = FALSE;
     if ($bSingleDelete) {
         $nKeySelected = 1;
         // Set up key selected count
         $this->arRecKeys[0] = $sKey;
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST["key_m"])) {
             // Key in form
             $nKeySelected = count($_POST["key_m"]);
             // Set up key selected count
             $this->arRecKeys = ew_StripSlashes($_POST["key_m"]);
     if ($nKeySelected <= 0) {
     // No key specified, return to list
     // Build filter
     foreach ($this->arRecKeys as $sKey) {
         $sFilter .= "(";
         // Set up key field
         $sKeyFld = $sKey;
         if (!is_numeric($sKeyFld)) {
         // Prevent SQL injection, return to list
         $sFilter .= "`CustomerID`=" . ew_AdjustSql($sKeyFld) . " AND ";
         if (substr($sFilter, -5) == " AND ") {
             $sFilter = substr($sFilter, 0, strlen($sFilter) - 5) . ") OR ";
     if (substr($sFilter, -4) == " OR ") {
         $sFilter = substr($sFilter, 0, strlen($sFilter) - 4);
     // Set up filter (SQL WhHERE clause) and get return SQL
     // SQL constructor in SQL constructor in Customers class, Customersinfo.php
     $Customers->CurrentFilter = $sFilter;
     // Get action
     if (@$_POST["a_delete"] != "") {
         $Customers->CurrentAction = $_POST["a_delete"];
     } else {
         $Customers->CurrentAction = "I";
         // Display record
     switch ($Customers->CurrentAction) {
         case "D":
             // Delete
             $Customers->SendEmail = TRUE;
             // Send email on delete success
             if ($this->DeleteRows()) {
                 // delete rows
                 $this->setMessage("Delete succeeded");
                 // Set up success message
                 // Return to caller
Пример #28
 function SetUpSortOrder()
     global $Allergies;
     // Check for an Order parameter
     if (@$_GET["order"] != "") {
         $Allergies->CurrentOrder = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["order"]);
         $Allergies->CurrentOrderType = @$_GET["ordertype"];
         // Field
         // Field
         // Field
         // Reset start position
Пример #29
 function Page_Init()
     global $gsExport, $gsExportFile, $ZipCode;
     global $Security;
     $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity();
     if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) {
     if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) {
     $ZipCode->Export = @$_GET["export"];
     // Get export parameter
     $gsExport = $ZipCode->Export;
     // Get export parameter, used in header
     $gsExportFile = $ZipCode->TableVar;
     // Get export file, used in header
     if (@$_GET["ZipCode"] != "") {
         if ($gsExportFile != "") {
             $gsExportFile .= "_";
         $gsExportFile .= ew_StripSlashes($_GET["ZipCode"]);
     if ($ZipCode->Export == "print" || $ZipCode->Export == "html") {
         // Printer friendly or Export to HTML, no action required
     if ($ZipCode->Export == "excel") {
         header('Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel;charset=utf-8');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $gsExportFile . '.xls');
     if ($ZipCode->Export == "csv") {
         header('Content-Type: application/csv;charset=utf-8');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $gsExportFile . '.csv');
     // Global page loading event (in userfn6.php)
     // Page load event, used in current page
Пример #30
 function GetRecordKeys()
     $arKeys = array();
     $arKey = array();
     if (isset($_POST["key_m"])) {
         $arKeys = ew_StripSlashes($_POST["key_m"]);
         $cnt = count($arKeys);
     } elseif (isset($_GET["key_m"])) {
         $arKeys = ew_StripSlashes($_GET["key_m"]);
         $cnt = count($arKeys);
     } elseif (isset($_GET)) {
         //return $arKeys; // Do not return yet, so the values will also be checked by the following code
     // Check keys
     $ar = array();
     foreach ($arKeys as $key) {
         $ar[] = $key;
     return $ar;