function RenderListOptions() { global $Security, $Language, $objForm; $this->ListOptions->LoadDefault(); // "view" $oListOpt =& $this->ListOptions->Items["view"]; if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $oListOpt->Body = "<a class=\"ewRowLink ewView\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->ViewUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ViewLink") . "</a>"; } else { $oListOpt->Body = ""; } // "edit" $oListOpt =& $this->ListOptions->Items["edit"]; if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $oListOpt->Body = "<a class=\"ewRowLink ewEdit\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("EditLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->EditUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("EditLink") . "</a>"; } else { $oListOpt->Body = ""; } // "copy" $oListOpt =& $this->ListOptions->Items["copy"]; if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $oListOpt->Body = "<a class=\"ewRowLink ewCopy\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("CopyLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->CopyUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("CopyLink") . "</a>"; } else { $oListOpt->Body = ""; } // "delete" $oListOpt =& $this->ListOptions->Items["delete"]; if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $oListOpt->Body = "<a class=\"ewRowLink ewDelete\"" . "" . " data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("DeleteLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->DeleteUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("DeleteLink") . "</a>"; } else { $oListOpt->Body = ""; } // "checkbox" $oListOpt =& $this->ListOptions->Items["checkbox"]; $oListOpt->Body = "<label class=\"checkbox\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"key_m[]\" value=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->id->CurrentValue) . "\" onclick='ew_ClickMultiCheckbox(event, this);'></label>"; $this->RenderListOptionsExt(); // Call ListOptions_Rendered event $this->ListOptions_Rendered(); }
function SetupOtherOptions() { global $Language, $Security; $options =& $this->OtherOptions; $option =& $options["action"]; // Edit $item =& $option->Add("edit"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewEdit\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageEditLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageEditLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->EditUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ViewPageEditLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->EditUrl != "" && $Security->CanEdit() && $this->ShowOptionLink('edit'); // Set up action default $option =& $options["action"]; $option->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonActions"); $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseButtonGroup = TRUE; $item =& $option->Add($option->GroupOptionName); $item->Body = ""; $item->Visible = FALSE; }
function RenderOtherOptions() { global $Language, $Security; $options =& $this->OtherOptions; if ($this->CurrentAction != "gridadd" && $this->CurrentAction != "gridedit") { // Not grid add/edit mode $option =& $options["action"]; foreach ($this->CustomActions as $action => $name) { // Add custom action $item =& $option->Add("custom_" . $action); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewCustomAction\" href=\"\" onclick=\"ew_SubmitSelected(document.fseguimiento_tramiteslist, '" . ew_CurrentUrl() . "', null, '" . $action . "');return false;\">" . $name . "</a>"; } // Hide grid edit, multi-delete and multi-update if ($this->TotalRecs <= 0) { $option =& $options["addedit"]; $item =& $option->GetItem("gridedit"); if ($item) { $item->Visible = FALSE; } $option =& $options["action"]; $item =& $option->GetItem("multidelete"); if ($item) { $item->Visible = FALSE; } $item =& $option->GetItem("multiupdate"); if ($item) { $item->Visible = FALSE; } } } else { // Grid add/edit mode // Hide all options first foreach ($options as &$option) { $option->HideAllOptions(); } if ($this->CurrentAction == "gridadd") { if ($this->AllowAddDeleteRow) { // Add add blank row $option =& $options["addedit"]; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $item =& $option->Add("addblankrow"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAddEdit ewAddBlankRow\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddBlankRow")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddBlankRow")) . "\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"ew_AddGridRow(this);\">" . $Language->Phrase("AddBlankRow") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = FALSE; } $option =& $options["action"]; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; // Add grid insert $item =& $option->Add("gridinsert"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewGridInsert\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("GridInsertLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("GridInsertLink")) . "\" href=\"\" onclick=\"return ewForms(this).Submit();\">" . $Language->Phrase("GridInsertLink") . "</a>"; // Add grid cancel $item =& $option->Add("gridcancel"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewGridCancel\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("GridCancelLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("GridCancelLink")) . "\" href=\"" . $this->PageUrl() . "a=cancel\">" . $Language->Phrase("GridCancelLink") . "</a>"; } if ($this->CurrentAction == "gridedit") { if ($this->AllowAddDeleteRow) { // Add add blank row $option =& $options["addedit"]; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $item =& $option->Add("addblankrow"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAddEdit ewAddBlankRow\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddBlankRow")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddBlankRow")) . "\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"ew_AddGridRow(this);\">" . $Language->Phrase("AddBlankRow") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = FALSE; } $option =& $options["action"]; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $item =& $option->Add("gridsave"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewGridSave\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("GridSaveLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("GridSaveLink")) . "\" href=\"\" onclick=\"return ewForms(this).Submit();\">" . $Language->Phrase("GridSaveLink") . "</a>"; $item =& $option->Add("gridcancel"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewGridCancel\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("GridCancelLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("GridCancelLink")) . "\" href=\"" . $this->PageUrl() . "a=cancel\">" . $Language->Phrase("GridCancelLink") . "</a>"; } } }
function SetupOtherOptions() { global $Language, $Security; $options =& $this->OtherOptions; $option =& $options["action"]; // Add $item =& $option->Add("add"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageAddLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageAddLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->AddUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ViewPageAddLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->AddUrl != "" && $Security->CanAdd(); // Edit $item =& $option->Add("edit"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewEdit\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageEditLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageEditLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->EditUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ViewPageEditLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->EditUrl != "" && $Security->CanEdit() && $this->ShowOptionLink('edit'); // Copy $item =& $option->Add("copy"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewCopy\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageCopyLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageCopyLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->CopyUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ViewPageCopyLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->CopyUrl != "" && $Security->CanAdd() && $this->ShowOptionLink('add'); // Delete $item =& $option->Add("delete"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewDelete\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageDeleteLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageDeleteLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->DeleteUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ViewPageDeleteLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->DeleteUrl != "" && $Security->CanDelete() && $this->ShowOptionLink('delete'); // Show detail edit/copy if ($this->getCurrentDetailTable() != "") { // Detail Edit $item =& $option->Add("detailedit"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewDetailEdit\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailEditLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailEditLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetEditUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=" . $this->getCurrentDetailTable())) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("MasterDetailEditLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $Security->CanEdit() && $this->ShowOptionLink('delete'); // Detail Copy $item =& $option->Add("detailcopy"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewDetailCopy\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailCopyLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailCopyLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetCopyUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=" . $this->getCurrentDetailTable())) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("MasterDetailCopyLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $Security->CanAdd() && $this->ShowOptionLink('delete'); } $option =& $options["detail"]; $DetailTableLink = ""; $DetailViewTblVar = ""; $DetailCopyTblVar = ""; $DetailEditTblVar = ""; // "detail_detalle_deudas" $item =& $option->Add("detail_detalle_deudas"); $body = $Language->Phrase("DetailLink") . $Language->TablePhrase("detalle_deudas", "TblCaption"); $body .= str_replace("%c", $this->detalle_deudas_Count, $Language->Phrase("DetailCount")); $body = "<a class=\"btn btn-default btn-sm ewRowLink ewDetail\" data-action=\"list\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode("cciag_detalle_deudaslist.php?" . EW_TABLE_SHOW_MASTER . "=deudas&fk_id=" . strval($this->id->CurrentValue) . "") . "\">" . $body . "</a>"; $links = ""; if ($GLOBALS["detalle_deudas_grid"] && $GLOBALS["detalle_deudas_grid"]->DetailView && $Security->CanView() && $this->ShowOptionLink('view') && $Security->AllowView(CurrentProjectID() . 'detalle_deudas')) { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailView\" data-action=\"view\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailViewLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetViewUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=detalle_deudas")) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailViewLink")) . "</a></li>"; if ($DetailViewTblVar != "") { $DetailViewTblVar .= ","; } $DetailViewTblVar .= "detalle_deudas"; } if ($GLOBALS["detalle_deudas_grid"] && $GLOBALS["detalle_deudas_grid"]->DetailEdit && $Security->CanEdit() && $this->ShowOptionLink('edit') && $Security->AllowEdit(CurrentProjectID() . 'detalle_deudas')) { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailEdit\" data-action=\"edit\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailEditLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetEditUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=detalle_deudas")) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailEditLink")) . "</a></li>"; if ($DetailEditTblVar != "") { $DetailEditTblVar .= ","; } $DetailEditTblVar .= "detalle_deudas"; } if ($GLOBALS["detalle_deudas_grid"] && $GLOBALS["detalle_deudas_grid"]->DetailAdd && $Security->CanAdd() && $this->ShowOptionLink('add') && $Security->AllowAdd(CurrentProjectID() . 'detalle_deudas')) { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailCopy\" data-action=\"add\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailCopyLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetCopyUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=detalle_deudas")) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailCopyLink")) . "</a></li>"; if ($DetailCopyTblVar != "") { $DetailCopyTblVar .= ","; } $DetailCopyTblVar .= "detalle_deudas"; } if ($links != "") { $body .= "<button class=\"dropdown-toggle btn btn-default btn-sm ewDetail\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\"><b class=\"caret\"></b></button>"; $body .= "<ul class=\"dropdown-menu\">" . $links . "</ul>"; } $body = "<div class=\"btn-group\">" . $body . "</div>"; $item->Body = $body; $item->Visible = $Security->AllowList(CurrentProjectID() . 'pagos') && $this->ShowOptionLink(); if ($item->Visible) { if ($DetailTableLink != "") { $DetailTableLink .= ","; } $DetailTableLink .= "detalle_deudas"; } if ($this->ShowMultipleDetails) { $item->Visible = FALSE; } // "detail_pagos" $item =& $option->Add("detail_pagos"); $body = $Language->Phrase("DetailLink") . $Language->TablePhrase("pagos", "TblCaption"); $body .= str_replace("%c", $this->pagos_Count, $Language->Phrase("DetailCount")); $body = "<a class=\"btn btn-default btn-sm ewRowLink ewDetail\" data-action=\"list\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode("cciag_pagoslist.php?" . EW_TABLE_SHOW_MASTER . "=deudas&fk_id=" . strval($this->id->CurrentValue) . "") . "\">" . $body . "</a>"; $links = ""; if ($GLOBALS["pagos_grid"] && $GLOBALS["pagos_grid"]->DetailView && $Security->CanView() && $this->ShowOptionLink('view') && $Security->AllowView(CurrentProjectID() . 'pagos')) { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailView\" data-action=\"view\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailViewLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetViewUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=pagos")) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailViewLink")) . "</a></li>"; if ($DetailViewTblVar != "") { $DetailViewTblVar .= ","; } $DetailViewTblVar .= "pagos"; } if ($GLOBALS["pagos_grid"] && $GLOBALS["pagos_grid"]->DetailEdit && $Security->CanEdit() && $this->ShowOptionLink('edit') && $Security->AllowEdit(CurrentProjectID() . 'pagos')) { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailEdit\" data-action=\"edit\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailEditLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetEditUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=pagos")) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailEditLink")) . "</a></li>"; if ($DetailEditTblVar != "") { $DetailEditTblVar .= ","; } $DetailEditTblVar .= "pagos"; } if ($GLOBALS["pagos_grid"] && $GLOBALS["pagos_grid"]->DetailAdd && $Security->CanAdd() && $this->ShowOptionLink('add') && $Security->AllowAdd(CurrentProjectID() . 'pagos')) { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailCopy\" data-action=\"add\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailCopyLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetCopyUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=pagos")) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailCopyLink")) . "</a></li>"; if ($DetailCopyTblVar != "") { $DetailCopyTblVar .= ","; } $DetailCopyTblVar .= "pagos"; } if ($links != "") { $body .= "<button class=\"dropdown-toggle btn btn-default btn-sm ewDetail\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\"><b class=\"caret\"></b></button>"; $body .= "<ul class=\"dropdown-menu\">" . $links . "</ul>"; } $body = "<div class=\"btn-group\">" . $body . "</div>"; $item->Body = $body; $item->Visible = $Security->AllowList(CurrentProjectID() . 'pagos') && $this->ShowOptionLink(); if ($item->Visible) { if ($DetailTableLink != "") { $DetailTableLink .= ","; } $DetailTableLink .= "pagos"; } if ($this->ShowMultipleDetails) { $item->Visible = FALSE; } // Multiple details if ($this->ShowMultipleDetails) { $body = $Language->Phrase("MultipleMasterDetails"); $body = "<div class=\"btn-group\">"; $links = ""; if ($DetailViewTblVar != "") { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailView\" data-action=\"view\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailViewLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetViewUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=" . $DetailViewTblVar)) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailViewLink")) . "</a></li>"; } if ($DetailEditTblVar != "") { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailEdit\" data-action=\"edit\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailEditLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetEditUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=" . $DetailEditTblVar)) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailEditLink")) . "</a></li>"; } if ($DetailCopyTblVar != "") { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailCopy\" data-action=\"add\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailCopyLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetCopyUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=" . $DetailCopyTblVar)) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailCopyLink")) . "</a></li>"; } if ($links != "") { $body .= "<button class=\"dropdown-toggle btn btn-default btn-sm ewMasterDetail\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MultipleMasterDetails")) . "\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\">" . $Language->Phrase("MultipleMasterDetails") . "<b class=\"caret\"></b></button>"; $body .= "<ul class=\"dropdown-menu ewMenu\">" . $links . "</ul>"; } $body .= "</div>"; // Multiple details $oListOpt =& $option->Add("details"); $oListOpt->Body = $body; } // Set up detail default $option =& $options["detail"]; $options["detail"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonDetails"); $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $ar = explode(",", $DetailTableLink); $cnt = count($ar); $option->UseDropDownButton = $cnt > 1; $option->UseButtonGroup = TRUE; $item =& $option->Add($option->GroupOptionName); $item->Body = ""; $item->Visible = FALSE; // Set up action default $option =& $options["action"]; $option->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonActions"); $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseButtonGroup = TRUE; $item =& $option->Add($option->GroupOptionName); $item->Body = ""; $item->Visible = FALSE; }
function SetupOtherOptions() { global $Language, $Security; $options =& $this->OtherOptions; $option = $options["addedit"]; // Add $item =& $option->Add("add"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAddEdit ewAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->AddUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("AddLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->AddUrl != ""; $option = $options["action"]; // Set up options default foreach ($options as &$option) { $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseButtonGroup = TRUE; $option->ButtonClass = "btn-sm"; // Class for button group $item =& $option->Add($option->GroupOptionName); $item->Body = ""; $item->Visible = FALSE; } $options["addedit"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonAddEdit"); $options["detail"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonDetails"); $options["action"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonActions"); // Filter button $item =& $this->FilterOptions->Add("savecurrentfilter"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewSaveFilter\" data-form=\"fnewslistsrch\" href=\"#\">" . $Language->Phrase("SaveCurrentFilter") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = FALSE; $item =& $this->FilterOptions->Add("deletefilter"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewDeleteFilter\" data-form=\"fnewslistsrch\" href=\"#\">" . $Language->Phrase("DeleteFilter") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = FALSE; $this->FilterOptions->UseDropDownButton = TRUE; $this->FilterOptions->UseButtonGroup = !$this->FilterOptions->UseDropDownButton; $this->FilterOptions->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("Filters"); // Add group option item $item =& $this->FilterOptions->Add($this->FilterOptions->GroupOptionName); $item->Body = ""; $item->Visible = FALSE; }
function RenderOtherOptions() { global $Language, $Security; $options =& $this->OtherOptions; if (($this->CurrentMode == "add" || $this->CurrentMode == "copy" || $this->CurrentMode == "edit") && $this->CurrentAction != "F") { // Check add/copy/edit mode if ($this->AllowAddDeleteRow) { $option =& $options["addedit"]; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $item =& $option->Add("addblankrow"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAddEdit ewAddBlankRow\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddBlankRow")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddBlankRow")) . "\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"ew_AddGridRow(this);\">" . $Language->Phrase("AddBlankRow") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = TRUE; $this->ShowOtherOptions = $item->Visible; } } }
function SetupOtherOptions() { global $Language, $Security; $options =& $this->OtherOptions; $option = $options["addedit"]; // Add $item =& $option->Add("add"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAddEdit ewAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->AddUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("AddLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->AddUrl != "" && $Security->CanAdd(); $option = $options["action"]; // Add multi update $item =& $option->Add("multiupdate"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewMultiUpdate\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("UpdateSelectedLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("UpdateSelectedLink")) . "\" href=\"\" onclick=\"ew_SubmitSelected(document.fusuarioslist, '" . $this->MultiUpdateUrl . "');return false;\">" . $Language->Phrase("UpdateSelectedLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $Security->CanEdit(); // Set up options default foreach ($options as &$option) { $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseButtonGroup = TRUE; $option->ButtonClass = "btn-sm"; // Class for button group $item =& $option->Add($option->GroupOptionName); $item->Body = ""; $item->Visible = FALSE; } $options["addedit"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonAddEdit"); $options["detail"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonDetails"); $options["action"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonActions"); }
function SetupOtherOptions() { global $Language, $Security; $options =& $this->OtherOptions; $option =& $options["action"]; $option =& $options["detail"]; $DetailTableLink = ""; $DetailViewTblVar = ""; $DetailCopyTblVar = ""; $DetailEditTblVar = ""; // "detail_in_bodegaubicaciones" $item =& $option->Add("detail_in_bodegaubicaciones"); $body = $Language->Phrase("ViewPageDetailLink") . $Language->TablePhrase("in_bodegaubicaciones", "TblCaption"); $body = "<a class=\"btn btn-default btn-sm ewRowLink ewDetail\" data-action=\"list\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode("in_bodegaubicacioneslist.php?" . EW_TABLE_SHOW_MASTER . "=in_bodegas&fk_codigo_bodega=" . urlencode(strval($this->codigo_bodega->CurrentValue)) . "") . "\">" . $body . "</a>"; $links = ""; if ($GLOBALS["in_bodegaubicaciones_grid"] && $GLOBALS["in_bodegaubicaciones_grid"]->DetailView && $Security->CanView() && $Security->AllowView(CurrentProjectID() . 'in_bodegaubicaciones')) { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailView\" data-action=\"view\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailViewLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetViewUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=in_bodegaubicaciones")) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailViewLink")) . "</a></li>"; if ($DetailViewTblVar != "") { $DetailViewTblVar .= ","; } $DetailViewTblVar .= "in_bodegaubicaciones"; } if ($links != "") { $body .= "<button class=\"dropdown-toggle btn btn-default btn-sm ewDetail\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\"><b class=\"caret\"></b></button>"; $body .= "<ul class=\"dropdown-menu\">" . $links . "</ul>"; } $body = "<div class=\"btn-group\">" . $body . "</div>"; $item->Body = $body; $item->Visible = $Security->AllowList(CurrentProjectID() . 'in_bodegaubicaciones'); if ($item->Visible) { if ($DetailTableLink != "") { $DetailTableLink .= ","; } $DetailTableLink .= "in_bodegaubicaciones"; } if ($this->ShowMultipleDetails) { $item->Visible = FALSE; } // Multiple details if ($this->ShowMultipleDetails) { $body = $Language->Phrase("MultipleMasterDetails"); $body = "<div class=\"btn-group\">"; $links = ""; if ($DetailViewTblVar != "") { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailView\" data-action=\"view\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailViewLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetViewUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=" . $DetailViewTblVar)) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailViewLink")) . "</a></li>"; } if ($DetailEditTblVar != "") { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailEdit\" data-action=\"edit\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailEditLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetEditUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=" . $DetailEditTblVar)) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailEditLink")) . "</a></li>"; } if ($DetailCopyTblVar != "") { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailCopy\" data-action=\"add\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailCopyLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetCopyUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=" . $DetailCopyTblVar)) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailCopyLink")) . "</a></li>"; } if ($links != "") { $body .= "<button class=\"dropdown-toggle btn btn-default btn-sm ewMasterDetail\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MultipleMasterDetails")) . "\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\">" . $Language->Phrase("MultipleMasterDetails") . "<b class=\"caret\"></b></button>"; $body .= "<ul class=\"dropdown-menu ewMenu\">" . $links . "</ul>"; } $body .= "</div>"; // Multiple details $oListOpt =& $option->Add("details"); $oListOpt->Body = $body; } // Set up detail default $option =& $options["detail"]; $options["detail"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonDetails"); $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $ar = explode(",", $DetailTableLink); $cnt = count($ar); $option->UseDropDownButton = $cnt > 1; $option->UseButtonGroup = TRUE; $item =& $option->Add($option->GroupOptionName); $item->Body = ""; $item->Visible = FALSE; // Set up action default $option =& $options["action"]; $option->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonActions"); $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $option->UseDropDownButton = TRUE; $option->UseButtonGroup = TRUE; $item =& $option->Add($option->GroupOptionName); $item->Body = ""; $item->Visible = FALSE; }
function SetupOtherOptions() { global $Language, $Security; $options =& $this->OtherOptions; $option = $options["addedit"]; // Add $item =& $option->Add("add"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAddEdit ewAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->AddUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("AddLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->AddUrl != ""; $option = $options["detail"]; $DetailTableLink = ""; $item =& $option->Add("detailadd_sub_category"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewDetailAddGroup ewDetailAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetAddUrl() . "?" . EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=sub_category") . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("Add") . " " . $this->TableCaption() . "/" . $GLOBALS["sub_category"]->TableCaption() . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $GLOBALS["sub_category"]->DetailAdd; if ($item->Visible) { if ($DetailTableLink != "") { $DetailTableLink .= ","; } $DetailTableLink .= "sub_category"; } // Add multiple details if ($this->ShowMultipleDetails) { $item =& $option->Add("detailsadd"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewDetailAddGroup ewDetailAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetAddUrl() . "?" . EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=" . $DetailTableLink) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $DetailTableLink != ""; // Hide single master/detail items $ar = explode(",", $DetailTableLink); $cnt = count($ar); for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { if ($item =& $option->GetItem("detailadd_" . $ar[$i])) { $item->Visible = FALSE; } } } $option = $options["action"]; // Set up options default foreach ($options as &$option) { $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseButtonGroup = TRUE; $option->ButtonClass = "btn-sm"; // Class for button group $item =& $option->Add($option->GroupOptionName); $item->Body = ""; $item->Visible = FALSE; } $options["addedit"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonAddEdit"); $options["detail"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonDetails"); $options["action"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonActions"); // Filter button $item =& $this->FilterOptions->Add("savecurrentfilter"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewSaveFilter\" data-form=\"fcategorylistsrch\" href=\"#\">" . $Language->Phrase("SaveCurrentFilter") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = TRUE; $item =& $this->FilterOptions->Add("deletefilter"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewDeleteFilter\" data-form=\"fcategorylistsrch\" href=\"#\">" . $Language->Phrase("DeleteFilter") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = TRUE; $this->FilterOptions->UseDropDownButton = TRUE; $this->FilterOptions->UseButtonGroup = !$this->FilterOptions->UseDropDownButton; $this->FilterOptions->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("Filters"); // Add group option item $item =& $this->FilterOptions->Add($this->FilterOptions->GroupOptionName); $item->Body = ""; $item->Visible = FALSE; }
?> "<?php echo $selwrk; ?> > <?php echo $arwrk[$rowcntwrk][1]; ?> </option> <?php } } ?> </select> <button type="button" title="<?php echo ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . " " . $localidades->id_provincia->FldCaption(); ?> " onclick="ew_AddOptDialogShow({lnk:this,el:'x_id_provincia',url:'provinciasaddopt.php'});" class="ewAddOptBtn btn btn-default btn-sm" id="aol_x_id_provincia"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus ewIcon"></span><span class="hide"><?php echo $Language->Phrase("AddLink"); ?> <?php echo $localidades->id_provincia->FldCaption(); ?> </span></button> <?php $sSqlWrk = "SELECT `codigo`, `provincia` AS `DispFld`, '' AS `Disp2Fld`, '' AS `Disp3Fld`, '' AS `Disp4Fld` FROM `provincias`"; $sWhereWrk = ""; // Call Lookup selecting $localidades->Lookup_Selecting($localidades->id_provincia, $sWhereWrk); if ($sWhereWrk != "") { $sSqlWrk .= " WHERE " . $sWhereWrk;
function RenderListOptions() { global $Security, $Language, $objForm; $this->ListOptions->LoadDefault(); // "view" $oListOpt =& $this->ListOptions->Items["view"]; if ($Security->CanView() && $this->ShowOptionLink('view')) { $oListOpt->Body = "<a class=\"ewRowLink ewView\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->ViewUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ViewLink") . "</a>"; } else { $oListOpt->Body = ""; } // "edit" $oListOpt =& $this->ListOptions->Items["edit"]; if ($Security->CanEdit() && $this->ShowOptionLink('edit')) { $oListOpt->Body = "<a class=\"ewRowLink ewEdit\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("EditLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("EditLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->EditUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("EditLink") . "</a>"; } else { $oListOpt->Body = ""; } // "checkbox" $oListOpt =& $this->ListOptions->Items["checkbox"]; $oListOpt->Body = "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"key_m[]\" value=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->id->CurrentValue) . "\" onclick='ew_ClickMultiCheckbox(event, this);'>"; $this->RenderListOptionsExt(); // Call ListOptions_Rendered event $this->ListOptions_Rendered(); }
> <span id="el_user_password"> <div class="input-group" id="ig_x_password"> <input type="text" data-password-strength="pst_x_password" data-password-generated="pgt_x_password" data-table="user" data-field="x_password" name="x_password" id="x_password" value="<?php echo $user->password->EditValue; ?> " size="30" maxlength="200" placeholder="<?php echo ew_HtmlEncode($user->password->getPlaceHolder()); ?> "<?php echo $user->password->EditAttributes(); ?> > <span class="input-group-btn"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default ewPasswordGenerator" title="<?php echo ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("GeneratePassword")); ?> " data-password-field="x_password" data-password-confirm="c_password" data-password-strength="pst_x_password" data-password-generated="pgt_x_password"><?php echo $Language->Phrase("GeneratePassword"); ?> </button> </span> </div> <span class="help-block" id="pgt_x_password" style="display: none;"></span> <div class="progress ewPasswordStrengthBar" id="pst_x_password" style="display: none;"> <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar"></div> </div> </span> <?php echo $user->password->CustomMsg; ?>
function RenderListOptionsExt() { global $Security, $Language; $links = ""; $btngrps = ""; $sSqlWrk = "[codigo_bodega]='" . ew_AdjustSql($this->codigo_bodega->CurrentValue) . "'"; // Column "detail_in_bodegaubicaciones" $link = ""; $option =& $this->ListOptions->Items["detail_in_bodegaubicaciones"]; $url = "in_bodegaubicacionespreview.php?t=in_bodegas&f=" . ew_Encrypt($sSqlWrk); $btngrp = "<div data-table=\"in_bodegaubicaciones\" data-url=\"" . $url . "\" class=\"btn-group\">"; if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $label = $Language->TablePhrase("in_bodegaubicaciones", "TblCaption"); $link = "<li><a href=\"#\" data-toggle=\"tab\" data-table=\"in_bodegaubicaciones\" data-url=\"" . $url . "\">" . $label . "</a></li>"; $links .= $link; $detaillnk = ew_JsEncode3("in_bodegaubicacioneslist.php?" . EW_TABLE_SHOW_MASTER . "=in_bodegas&fk_codigo_bodega=" . urlencode(strval($this->codigo_bodega->CurrentValue)) . ""); $btngrp .= "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-sm\" title=\"" . $Language->TablePhrase("in_bodegaubicaciones", "TblCaption") . "\" onclick=\"window.location='" . $detaillnk . "'\">" . $Language->Phrase("MasterDetailListLink") . "</button>"; } if ($GLOBALS["in_bodegaubicaciones_grid"]->DetailView && $Security->CanView() && $Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $btngrp .= "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-sm\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailViewLink")) . "\" onclick=\"window.location='" . $this->GetViewUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=in_bodegaubicaciones") . "'\">" . $Language->Phrase("MasterDetailViewLink") . "</button>"; } $btngrp .= "</div>"; if ($link != "") { $btngrps .= $btngrp; $option->Body .= "<div class=\"hide ewPreview\">" . $link . $btngrp . "</div>"; } // Hide detail items if necessary $this->ListOptions->HideDetailItemsForDropDown(); // Column "preview" $option =& $this->ListOptions->GetItem("preview"); if (!$option) { // Add preview column $option =& $this->ListOptions->Add("preview"); $option->OnLeft = FALSE; if ($option->OnLeft) { $option->MoveTo($this->ListOptions->ItemPos("checkbox") + 1); } else { $option->MoveTo($this->ListOptions->ItemPos("checkbox")); } $option->Visible = !($this->Export != "" || $this->CurrentAction == "gridadd" || $this->CurrentAction == "gridedit"); $option->ShowInDropDown = FALSE; $option->ShowInButtonGroup = FALSE; } if ($option) { $option->Body = "<span class=\"ewPreviewRowBtn icon-expand\"></span>"; $option->Body .= "<div class=\"hide ewPreview\">" . $links . $btngrps . "</div>"; if ($option->Visible) { $option->Visible = $link != ""; } } // Column "details" (Multiple details) $option =& $this->ListOptions->GetItem("details"); if ($option) { $option->Body .= "<div class=\"hide ewPreview\">" . $links . $btngrps . "</div>"; if ($option->Visible) { $option->Visible = $links != ""; } } }
function SetupOtherOptions() { global $Language, $Security; $options =& $this->OtherOptions; $option = $options["addedit"]; // Add $item =& $option->Add("add"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAddEdit ewAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->AddUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("AddLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->AddUrl != "" && $Security->CanAdd(); // Inline Add $item =& $option->Add("inlineadd"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAddEdit ewInlineAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("InlineAddLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("InlineAddLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->InlineAddUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("InlineAddLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->InlineAddUrl != "" && $Security->CanAdd(); $option = $options["detail"]; $DetailTableLink = ""; $item =& $option->Add("detailadd_detalle_deudas"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewDetailAddGroup ewDetailAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetAddUrl() . "?" . EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=detalle_deudas") . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("Add") . " " . $this->TableCaption() . "/" . $GLOBALS["detalle_deudas"]->TableCaption() . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $GLOBALS["detalle_deudas"]->DetailAdd && $Security->AllowAdd(CurrentProjectID() . 'detalle_deudas') && $Security->CanAdd(); if ($item->Visible) { if ($DetailTableLink != "") { $DetailTableLink .= ","; } $DetailTableLink .= "detalle_deudas"; } $item =& $option->Add("detailadd_pagos"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewDetailAddGroup ewDetailAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetAddUrl() . "?" . EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=pagos") . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("Add") . " " . $this->TableCaption() . "/" . $GLOBALS["pagos"]->TableCaption() . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $GLOBALS["pagos"]->DetailAdd && $Security->AllowAdd(CurrentProjectID() . 'pagos') && $Security->CanAdd(); if ($item->Visible) { if ($DetailTableLink != "") { $DetailTableLink .= ","; } $DetailTableLink .= "pagos"; } // Add multiple details if ($this->ShowMultipleDetails) { $item =& $option->Add("detailsadd"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewDetailAddGroup ewDetailAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetAddUrl() . "?" . EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=" . $DetailTableLink) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $DetailTableLink != "" && $Security->CanAdd(); // Hide single master/detail items $ar = explode(",", $DetailTableLink); $cnt = count($ar); for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { if ($item =& $option->GetItem("detailadd_" . $ar[$i])) { $item->Visible = FALSE; } } } $option = $options["action"]; // Set up options default foreach ($options as &$option) { $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseButtonGroup = TRUE; $option->ButtonClass = "btn-sm"; // Class for button group $item =& $option->Add($option->GroupOptionName); $item->Body = ""; $item->Visible = FALSE; } $options["addedit"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonAddEdit"); $options["detail"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonDetails"); $options["action"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonActions"); }
?> "<?php echo $selwrk; ?> > <?php echo $arwrk[$rowcntwrk][1]; ?> </option> <?php } } ?> </select> <button type="button" title="<?php echo ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . " " . $gastos_mantenimientos->id_tipo_gasto->FldCaption(); ?> " onclick="ew_AddOptDialogShow({lnk:this,el:'x_id_tipo_gasto',url:'tipo_gastosaddopt.php'});" class="ewAddOptBtn btn btn-default btn-sm" id="aol_x_id_tipo_gasto"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus ewIcon"></span><span class="hide"><?php echo $Language->Phrase("AddLink"); ?> <?php echo $gastos_mantenimientos->id_tipo_gasto->FldCaption(); ?> </span></button> <?php $sSqlWrk = "SELECT `codigo`, `tipo_gasto` AS `DispFld`, '' AS `Disp2Fld`, '' AS `Disp3Fld`, '' AS `Disp4Fld` FROM `tipo_gastos`"; $sWhereWrk = ""; $lookuptblfilter = "`clase`='M'"; if (strval($lookuptblfilter) != "") { ew_AddFilter($sWhereWrk, $lookuptblfilter); }
function RenderOtherOptions() { global $Language, $Security; $options =& $this->OtherOptions; if ($this->CurrentAction != "gridadd" && $this->CurrentAction != "gridedit") { // Not grid add/edit mode $option =& $options["action"]; // Set up list action buttons foreach ($this->ListActions->Items as $listaction) { if ($listaction->Select == EW_ACTION_MULTIPLE) { $item =& $option->Add("custom_" . $listaction->Action); $caption = $listaction->Caption; $icon = $listaction->Icon != "" ? "<span class=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($listaction->Icon) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($caption) . "\"></span> " : $caption; $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewListAction\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($caption) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($caption) . "\" href=\"\" onclick=\"ew_SubmitAction(event,jQuery.extend({f:document.fimageslist}," . $listaction->ToJson(TRUE) . "));return false;\">" . $icon . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $listaction->Allow; } } // Hide grid edit and other options if ($this->TotalRecs <= 0) { $option =& $options["addedit"]; $item =& $option->GetItem("gridedit"); if ($item) { $item->Visible = FALSE; } $option =& $options["action"]; $option->HideAllOptions(); } } else { // Grid add/edit mode // Hide all options first foreach ($options as &$option) { $option->HideAllOptions(); } if ($this->CurrentAction == "gridadd") { if ($this->AllowAddDeleteRow) { // Add add blank row $option =& $options["addedit"]; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $item =& $option->Add("addblankrow"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAddEdit ewAddBlankRow\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddBlankRow")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddBlankRow")) . "\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"ew_AddGridRow(this);\">" . $Language->Phrase("AddBlankRow") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $Security->IsLoggedIn(); } $option =& $options["action"]; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; // Add grid insert $item =& $option->Add("gridinsert"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewGridInsert\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("GridInsertLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("GridInsertLink")) . "\" href=\"\" onclick=\"return ewForms(this).Submit();\">" . $Language->Phrase("GridInsertLink") . "</a>"; // Add grid cancel $item =& $option->Add("gridcancel"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewGridCancel\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("GridCancelLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("GridCancelLink")) . "\" href=\"" . $this->PageUrl() . "a=cancel\">" . $Language->Phrase("GridCancelLink") . "</a>"; } if ($this->CurrentAction == "gridedit") { if ($this->AllowAddDeleteRow) { // Add add blank row $option =& $options["addedit"]; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $item =& $option->Add("addblankrow"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAddEdit ewAddBlankRow\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddBlankRow")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddBlankRow")) . "\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"ew_AddGridRow(this);\">" . $Language->Phrase("AddBlankRow") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $Security->IsLoggedIn(); } $option =& $options["action"]; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $item =& $option->Add("gridsave"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewGridSave\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("GridSaveLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("GridSaveLink")) . "\" href=\"\" onclick=\"return ewForms(this).Submit();\">" . $Language->Phrase("GridSaveLink") . "</a>"; $item =& $option->Add("gridcancel"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewGridCancel\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("GridCancelLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("GridCancelLink")) . "\" href=\"" . $this->PageUrl() . "a=cancel\">" . $Language->Phrase("GridCancelLink") . "</a>"; } } }
if ($emptywrk && strval($vl_media_list->vl_media_type->CurrentValue) != "") { ?> <option value="<?php echo ew_HtmlEncode($vl_media_list->vl_media_type->CurrentValue); ?> " selected><?php echo $vl_media_list->vl_media_type->CurrentValue; ?> </option> <?php } } ?> </select> <button type="button" title="<?php echo ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . " " . $vl_media_list->vl_media_type->FldCaption(); ?> " onclick="ew_AddOptDialogShow({lnk:this,el:'x_vl_media_type',url:'vl_media_type_listaddopt.php'});" class="ewAddOptBtn btn btn-default btn-sm" id="aol_x_vl_media_type"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus ewIcon"></span><span class="hide"><?php echo $Language->Phrase("AddLink"); ?> <?php echo $vl_media_list->vl_media_type->FldCaption(); ?> </span></button> <?php $sSqlWrk = "SELECT `vl_media_type_id`, `vl_media_type_name` AS `DispFld`, '' AS `Disp2Fld`, '' AS `Disp3Fld`, '' AS `Disp4Fld` FROM `vl_media_type_list`"; $sWhereWrk = ""; $vl_media_list->vl_media_type->LookupFilters = array("s" => $sSqlWrk, "d" => ""); $vl_media_list->vl_media_type->LookupFilters += array("f0" => "`vl_media_type_id` = {filter_value}", "t0" => "3", "fn0" => ""); $sSqlWrk = ""; $vl_media_list->Lookup_Selecting($vl_media_list->vl_media_type, $sWhereWrk);
function RenderDropDownButton($body, $pos) { // Get all hidden inputs // format: <input type="hidden" ...> $inputs = array(); if (preg_match_all('/<input\\s+([^>]*)>/i', $body, $inputmatches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($inputmatches as $inputmatch) { $body = str_replace($inputmatch[0], '', $body); if (preg_match('/\\s+type\\s*=\\s*[\'"]hidden[\'"]/i', $inputmatch[0])) { // Match type='hidden' $inputs[] = $inputmatch[0]; } } } // Remove all <div class="hide ewPreview">...</div> $previewlinks = ""; if (preg_match_all('/<div\\s+class\\s*=\\s*[\'"]hide\\s+ewPreview[\'"]>([\\s\\S]*?)(<div([^>]*)>([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/div\\s*>)+([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/div\\s*>/i', $body, $inputmatches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($inputmatches as $inputmatch) { $body = str_replace($inputmatch[0], '', $body); $previewlinks .= $inputmatch[0]; } } // Remove toggle button first <button ... data-toggle="dropdown">...</button> if (preg_match_all('/<button\\s+([\\s\\S]*?)data-toggle\\s*=\\s*[\'"]dropdown[\'"]\\s*>([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/button\\s*>/i', $body, $btnmatches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($btnmatches as $btnmatch) { $body = str_replace($btnmatch[0], '', $body); } } // Get all links/buttons <a ...>...</a> / <button ...>...</button> if (!preg_match_all('/<(a|button)([^>]*)>([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/(a|button)\\s*>/i', $body, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { return ''; } $links = ''; $submenu = FALSE; $submenulink = ""; $submenulinks = ""; foreach ($matches as $match) { $tag = $match[1]; if (preg_match('/\\s+data-action\\s*=\\s*[\'"]([\\s\\S]*?)[\'"]/i', $match[2], $actionmatches)) { // Match data-action='action' $action = $actionmatches[1]; } else { $action = ''; } if (preg_match('/\\s+class\\s*=\\s*[\'"]([\\s\\S]*?)[\'"]/i', $match[2], $submatches)) { // Match class='class' $class = preg_replace('/btn[\\S]*\\s+/i', '', $submatches[1]); $attrs = str_replace($submatches[0], '', $match[2]); } else { $class = ''; $attrs = $match[2]; } $attrs = preg_replace('/\\s+title\\s*=\\s*[\'"]([\\s\\S]*?)[\'"]/i', '', $attrs); // Remove title='title' if (preg_match('/\\s+data-caption\\s*=\\s*[\'"]([\\s\\S]*?)[\'"]/i', $attrs, $submatches)) { // Match data-caption='caption' $caption = $submatches[1]; } else { $caption = ''; } $attrs = ' class="' . $class . '" ' . $attrs; if (strtolower($tag) == "button") { // Add href for button $attrs .= ' href="javascript:void(0);"'; } if ($this->UseImageAndText) { // Image and text if (preg_match('/<img([^>]*)>/i', $match[3], $submatch)) { // <img> tag $caption = $submatch[0] . ' ' . $caption; } elseif (preg_match('/<span([^>]*)>([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/span\\s*>/i', $match[3], $submatch)) { // <span class='class'></span> tag if (preg_match('/\\s+class\\s*=\\s*[\'"]([\\s\\S]*?)[\'"]/i', $submatch[1], $submatches)) { // Match class='class' $caption = $submatch[0] . ' ' . $caption; } } } if ($caption == '') { $caption = $match[3]; } $link = '<a' . $attrs . '>' . $caption . '</a>'; if ($action == 'list') { // Start new submenu if ($submenu) { // End previous submenu if ($submenulinks != '') { // Set up submenu $links .= '<li class="dropdown-submenu">' . $submenulink . '<ul class="dropdown-menu">' . $submenulinks . '</ul></li>'; } else { $links .= '<li>' . $submenulink . '</li>'; } } $submenu = TRUE; $submenulink = $link; $submenulinks = ""; } else { if ($action == '' && $submenu) { // End previous submenu if ($submenulinks != '') { // Set up submenu $links .= '<li class="dropdown-submenu">' . $submenulink . '<ul class="dropdown-menu">' . $submenulinks . '</ul></li>'; } else { $links .= '<li>' . $submenulink . '</li>'; } $submenu = FALSE; } if ($submenu) { $submenulinks .= '<li>' . $link . '</li>'; } else { $links .= '<li>' . $link . '</li>'; } } } if ($links != "") { if ($submenu) { // End previous submenu if ($submenulinks != '') { // Set up submenu $links .= '<li class="dropdown-submenu">' . $submenulink . '<ul class="dropdown-menu">' . $submenulinks . '</ul></li>'; } else { $links .= '<li>' . $submenulink . '</li>'; } } $buttonclass = "dropdown-toggle btn btn-default"; if ($this->ButtonClass != "") { ew_AppendClass($buttonclass, $this->ButtonClass); } $buttontitle = ew_HtmlTitle($this->DropDownButtonPhrase); $buttontitle = $this->DropDownButtonPhrase != $buttontitle ? ' title="' . $buttontitle . '"' : ''; $button = '<button class="' . $buttonclass . '"' . $buttontitle . ' data-toggle="dropdown">' . $this->DropDownButtonPhrase . '<b class="caret"></b></button><ul class="dropdown-menu ' . ($pos == 'right' ? 'dropdown-menu-right ' : '') . 'ewMenu">' . $links . '</ul>'; if ($pos == "bottom") { // Use dropup $btndropdown = '<div class="btn-group dropup ewButtonDropdown">' . $button . '</div>'; } else { $btndropdown = '<div class="btn-group ewButtonDropdown">' . $button . '</div>'; } } else { $btndropdown = ""; } foreach ($inputs as $input) { $btndropdown .= $input; } $btndropdown .= $previewlinks; return $btndropdown; }
> <?php echo $arwrk[$rowcntwrk][1]; if ($arwrk[$rowcntwrk][2] != "") { echo ew_ValueSeparator(1, $vehiculos->id_marca); echo $arwrk[$rowcntwrk][2]; } ?> </option> <?php } } ?> </select> <button type="button" title="<?php echo ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . " " . $vehiculos->id_marca->FldCaption(); ?> " onclick="ew_AddOptDialogShow({lnk:this,el:'x_id_marca',url:'marcasaddopt.php'});" class="ewAddOptBtn btn btn-default btn-sm" id="aol_x_id_marca"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus ewIcon"></span><span class="hide"><?php echo $Language->Phrase("AddLink"); ?> <?php echo $vehiculos->id_marca->FldCaption(); ?> </span></button> <?php $sSqlWrk = "SELECT `codigo`, `marca` AS `DispFld`, `modelo` AS `Disp2Fld`, '' AS `Disp3Fld`, '' AS `Disp4Fld` FROM `marcas`"; $sWhereWrk = ""; // Call Lookup selecting $vehiculos->Lookup_Selecting($vehiculos->id_marca, $sWhereWrk); if ($sWhereWrk != "") { $sSqlWrk .= " WHERE " . $sWhereWrk;
function SetupOtherOptions() { global $Language, $Security; $options =& $this->OtherOptions; $option = $options["addedit"]; // Add $item =& $option->Add("add"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAddEdit ewAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->AddUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("AddLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->AddUrl != "" && $Security->CanAdd(); $option = $options["action"]; // Add multi delete $item =& $option->Add("multidelete"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewMultiDelete\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("DeleteSelectedLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("DeleteSelectedLink")) . "\" href=\"\" onclick=\"ew_SubmitAction(event,{f:document.fair_portlist,url:'" . $this->MultiDeleteUrl . "'});return false;\">" . $Language->Phrase("DeleteSelectedLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $Security->CanDelete(); // Set up options default foreach ($options as &$option) { $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseButtonGroup = TRUE; $option->ButtonClass = "btn-sm"; // Class for button group $item =& $option->Add($option->GroupOptionName); $item->Body = ""; $item->Visible = FALSE; } $options["addedit"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonAddEdit"); $options["detail"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonDetails"); $options["action"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonActions"); // Filter button $item =& $this->FilterOptions->Add("savecurrentfilter"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewSaveFilter\" data-form=\"fair_portlistsrch\" href=\"#\">" . $Language->Phrase("SaveCurrentFilter") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = TRUE; $item =& $this->FilterOptions->Add("deletefilter"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewDeleteFilter\" data-form=\"fair_portlistsrch\" href=\"#\">" . $Language->Phrase("DeleteFilter") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = TRUE; $this->FilterOptions->UseDropDownButton = TRUE; $this->FilterOptions->UseButtonGroup = !$this->FilterOptions->UseDropDownButton; $this->FilterOptions->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("Filters"); // Add group option item $item =& $this->FilterOptions->Add($this->FilterOptions->GroupOptionName); $item->Body = ""; $item->Visible = FALSE; }
function ew_HtmlImageAndText($name) { if (preg_match('/<span([^>]*)>([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/span\\s*>/i', $name) || preg_match('/<img([^>]*)>/i', $name)) { $title = ew_HtmlTitle($name); } else { $title = $name; } return $title != $name ? $name . " " . $title : $name; }
function SetupOtherOptions() { global $Language, $Security; $options =& $this->OtherOptions; $option =& $options["action"]; // Add $item =& $option->Add("add"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageAddLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageAddLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->AddUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ViewPageAddLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->AddUrl != "" && $Security->CanAdd(); // Edit $item =& $option->Add("edit"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewEdit\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageEditLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageEditLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->EditUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ViewPageEditLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->EditUrl != "" && $Security->CanEdit(); // Copy $item =& $option->Add("copy"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewCopy\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageCopyLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageCopyLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->CopyUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ViewPageCopyLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->CopyUrl != "" && $Security->CanAdd(); // Delete $item =& $option->Add("delete"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewDelete\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageDeleteLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageDeleteLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->DeleteUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ViewPageDeleteLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->DeleteUrl != "" && $Security->CanDelete(); // Set up action default $option =& $options["action"]; $option->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonActions"); $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseButtonGroup = TRUE; $item =& $option->Add($option->GroupOptionName); $item->Body = ""; $item->Visible = FALSE; }
function RenderListOptions() { global $Security, $Language, $objForm; $this->ListOptions->LoadDefault(); // "view" $oListOpt =& $this->ListOptions->Items["view"]; if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $oListOpt->Body = "<a class=\"ewRowLink ewView\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->ViewUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ViewLink") . "</a>"; } else { $oListOpt->Body = ""; } // "edit" $oListOpt =& $this->ListOptions->Items["edit"]; if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $oListOpt->Body = "<a class=\"ewRowLink ewEdit\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("EditLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->EditUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("EditLink") . "</a>"; } else { $oListOpt->Body = ""; } // "copy" $oListOpt =& $this->ListOptions->Items["copy"]; if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $oListOpt->Body = "<a class=\"ewRowLink ewCopy\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("CopyLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->CopyUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("CopyLink") . "</a>"; } else { $oListOpt->Body = ""; } // "delete" $oListOpt =& $this->ListOptions->Items["delete"]; if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $oListOpt->Body = "<a class=\"ewRowLink ewDelete\"" . "" . " data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("DeleteLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->DeleteUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("DeleteLink") . "</a>"; } else { $oListOpt->Body = ""; } $DetailViewTblVar = ""; $DetailCopyTblVar = ""; $DetailEditTblVar = ""; // "detail_detail_nilai" $oListOpt =& $this->ListOptions->Items["detail_detail_nilai"]; if ($Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $body = $Language->Phrase("DetailLink") . $Language->TablePhrase("detail_nilai", "TblCaption"); $body = "<a class=\"btn btn-small ewRowLink ewDetailList\" data-action=\"list\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode("detail_nilailist.php?" . EW_TABLE_SHOW_MASTER . "=nilai&nilai_id=" . strval($this->nilai_id->CurrentValue) . "") . "\">" . $body . "</a>"; $links = ""; if ($GLOBALS["detail_nilai_grid"]->DetailView && $Security->IsLoggedIn() && $Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailView\" data-action=\"view\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetViewUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=detail_nilai")) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("MasterDetailViewLink") . "</a></li>"; if ($DetailViewTblVar != "") { $DetailViewTblVar .= ","; } $DetailViewTblVar .= "detail_nilai"; } if ($GLOBALS["detail_nilai_grid"]->DetailEdit && $Security->IsLoggedIn() && $Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailEdit\" data-action=\"edit\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetEditUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=detail_nilai")) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("MasterDetailEditLink") . "</a></li>"; if ($DetailEditTblVar != "") { $DetailEditTblVar .= ","; } $DetailEditTblVar .= "detail_nilai"; } if ($GLOBALS["detail_nilai_grid"]->DetailAdd && $Security->IsLoggedIn() && $Security->IsLoggedIn()) { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailCopy\" data-action=\"add\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetCopyUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=detail_nilai")) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("MasterDetailCopyLink") . "</a></li>"; if ($DetailCopyTblVar != "") { $DetailCopyTblVar .= ","; } $DetailCopyTblVar .= "detail_nilai"; } if ($links != "") { $body .= "<button class=\"btn btn-small dropdown-toggle\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\"><b class=\"caret\"></b></button>"; $body .= "<ul class=\"dropdown-menu\">" . $links . "</ul>"; } $body = "<div class=\"btn-group\">" . $body . "</div>"; $oListOpt->Body = $body; if ($this->ShowMultipleDetails) { $oListOpt->Visible = FALSE; } } if ($this->ShowMultipleDetails) { $body = $Language->Phrase("MultipleMasterDetails"); $body = "<div class=\"btn-group\">" . "<a class=\"btn btn-small ewRowLink ewDetailView\" data-action=\"list\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetViewUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=" . $DetailViewTblVar)) . "\">" . $body . "</a>"; $links = ""; if ($DetailViewTblVar != "") { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailView\" data-action=\"view\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetViewUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=" . $DetailViewTblVar)) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("MasterDetailViewLink") . "</a></li>"; } if ($DetailEditTblVar != "") { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailEdit\" data-action=\"edit\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetEditUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=" . $DetailEditTblVar)) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("MasterDetailEditLink") . "</a></li>"; } if ($DetailCopyTblVar != "") { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailCopy\" data-action=\"add\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetCopyUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=" . $DetailCopyTblVar)) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("MasterDetailCopyLink") . "</a></li>"; } if ($links != "") { $body .= "<button class=\"btn btn-small dropdown-toggle\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\"> <b class=\"caret\"></b></button>"; $body .= "<ul class=\"dropdown-menu\">" . $links . "</ul>"; } $body .= "</div>"; // Multiple details $oListOpt =& $this->ListOptions->Items["details"]; $oListOpt->Body = $body; } // "checkbox" $oListOpt =& $this->ListOptions->Items["checkbox"]; $oListOpt->Body = "<label class=\"checkbox\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"key_m[]\" value=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->nilai_id->CurrentValue) . "\" onclick='ew_ClickMultiCheckbox(event, this);'></label>"; $this->RenderListOptionsExt(); // Call ListOptions_Rendered event $this->ListOptions_Rendered(); }
function SetupOtherOptions() { global $Language, $Security; $options =& $this->OtherOptions; $option = $options["addedit"]; // Add $item =& $option->Add("add"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAddEdit ewAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->AddUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("AddLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->AddUrl != "" && $Security->CanAdd(); $option = $options["action"]; // Set up options default foreach ($options as &$option) { $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseButtonGroup = TRUE; $option->ButtonClass = "btn-sm"; // Class for button group $item =& $option->Add($option->GroupOptionName); $item->Body = ""; $item->Visible = FALSE; } $options["addedit"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonAddEdit"); $options["detail"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonDetails"); $options["action"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonActions"); }
function RenderListOptions() { global $Security, $Language, $objForm; $this->ListOptions->LoadDefault(); // "edit" $oListOpt =& $this->ListOptions->Items["edit"]; if ($Security->CanEdit() && $this->ShowOptionLink('edit')) { $oListOpt->Body = "<a class=\"ewRowLink ewEdit\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("EditLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("EditLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->EditUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("EditLink") . "</a>"; } else { $oListOpt->Body = ""; } // Set up list action buttons $oListOpt =& $this->ListOptions->GetItem("listactions"); if ($oListOpt) { $body = ""; $links = array(); foreach ($this->ListActions->Items as $listaction) { if ($listaction->Select == EW_ACTION_SINGLE && $listaction->Allow) { $action = $listaction->Action; $caption = $listaction->Caption; $icon = $listaction->Icon != "" ? "<span class=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode(str_replace(" ewIcon", "", $listaction->Icon)) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($caption) . "\"></span> " : ""; $links[] = "<li><a class=\"ewAction ewListAction\" data-action=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($action) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($caption) . "\" href=\"\" onclick=\"ew_SubmitAction(event,jQuery.extend({key:" . $this->KeyToJson() . "}," . $listaction->ToJson(TRUE) . "));return false;\">" . $icon . $listaction->Caption . "</a></li>"; if (count($links) == 1) { // Single button $body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewListAction\" data-action=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($action) . "\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($caption) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($caption) . "\" href=\"\" onclick=\"ew_SubmitAction(event,jQuery.extend({key:" . $this->KeyToJson() . "}," . $listaction->ToJson(TRUE) . "));return false;\">" . $Language->Phrase("ListActionButton") . "</a>"; } } } if (count($links) > 1) { // More than one buttons, use dropdown $body = "<button class=\"dropdown-toggle btn btn-default btn-sm ewActions\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ListActionButton")) . "\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\">" . $Language->Phrase("ListActionButton") . "<b class=\"caret\"></b></button>"; $content = ""; foreach ($links as $link) { $content .= "<li>" . $link . "</li>"; } $body .= "<ul class=\"dropdown-menu" . ($oListOpt->OnLeft ? "" : " dropdown-menu-right") . "\">" . $content . "</ul>"; $body = "<div class=\"btn-group\">" . $body . "</div>"; } if (count($links) > 0) { $oListOpt->Body = $body; $oListOpt->Visible = TRUE; } } // "checkbox" $oListOpt =& $this->ListOptions->Items["checkbox"]; $oListOpt->Body = "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"key_m[]\" value=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->USER_ID->CurrentValue) . "\" onclick='ew_ClickMultiCheckbox(event);'>"; $this->RenderListOptionsExt(); // Call ListOptions_Rendered event $this->ListOptions_Rendered(); }
function SetupOtherOptions() { global $Language, $Security; $options =& $this->OtherOptions; $option = $options["addedit"]; // Add $item =& $option->Add("add"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAddEdit ewAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->AddUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("AddLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->AddUrl != ""; $option = $options["detail"]; $DetailTableLink = ""; $item =& $option->Add("detailadd_servicio_medico_prestado"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewDetailAddGroup ewDetailAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetAddUrl() . "?" . EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=servicio_medico_prestado") . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("Add") . " " . $this->TableCaption() . "/" . $GLOBALS["servicio_medico_prestado"]->TableCaption() . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $GLOBALS["servicio_medico_prestado"]->DetailAdd; if ($item->Visible) { if ($DetailTableLink != "") { $DetailTableLink .= ","; } $DetailTableLink .= "servicio_medico_prestado"; } $item =& $option->Add("detailadd_consulta"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewDetailAddGroup ewDetailAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetAddUrl() . "?" . EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=consulta") . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("Add") . " " . $this->TableCaption() . "/" . $GLOBALS["consulta"]->TableCaption() . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $GLOBALS["consulta"]->DetailAdd; if ($item->Visible) { if ($DetailTableLink != "") { $DetailTableLink .= ","; } $DetailTableLink .= "consulta"; } $item =& $option->Add("detailadd_internado_diario"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewDetailAddGroup ewDetailAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetAddUrl() . "?" . EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=internado_diario") . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("Add") . " " . $this->TableCaption() . "/" . $GLOBALS["internado_diario"]->TableCaption() . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $GLOBALS["internado_diario"]->DetailAdd; if ($item->Visible) { if ($DetailTableLink != "") { $DetailTableLink .= ","; } $DetailTableLink .= "internado_diario"; } // Add multiple details if ($this->ShowMultipleDetails) { $item =& $option->Add("detailsadd"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewDetailAddGroup ewDetailAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetAddUrl() . "?" . EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=" . $DetailTableLink) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("AddMasterDetailLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $DetailTableLink != ""; // Hide single master/detail items $ar = explode(",", $DetailTableLink); $cnt = count($ar); for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { if ($item =& $option->GetItem("detailadd_" . $ar[$i])) { $item->Visible = FALSE; } } } $option = $options["action"]; // Set up options default foreach ($options as &$option) { $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseButtonGroup = TRUE; $option->ButtonClass = "btn-sm"; // Class for button group $item =& $option->Add($option->GroupOptionName); $item->Body = ""; $item->Visible = FALSE; } $options["addedit"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonAddEdit"); $options["detail"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonDetails"); $options["action"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonActions"); }
> <?php echo $arwrk[$rowcntwrk][1]; if ($arwrk[$rowcntwrk][2] != "") { echo ew_ValueSeparator(1, $hoja_rutas->id_tipo_carga); echo $arwrk[$rowcntwrk][2]; } ?> </option> <?php } } ?> </select> <button type="button" title="<?php echo ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . " " . $hoja_rutas->id_tipo_carga->FldCaption(); ?> " onclick="ew_AddOptDialogShow({lnk:this,el:'x_id_tipo_carga',url:'tipo_cargasaddopt.php'});" class="ewAddOptBtn btn btn-default btn-sm" id="aol_x_id_tipo_carga"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus ewIcon"></span><span class="hide"><?php echo $Language->Phrase("AddLink"); ?> <?php echo $hoja_rutas->id_tipo_carga->FldCaption(); ?> </span></button> <?php $sSqlWrk = "SELECT `codigo`, `Tipo_carga` AS `DispFld`, `precio_base` AS `Disp2Fld`, '' AS `Disp3Fld`, '' AS `Disp4Fld` FROM `tipo_cargas`"; $sWhereWrk = ""; // Call Lookup selecting $hoja_rutas->Lookup_Selecting($hoja_rutas->id_tipo_carga, $sWhereWrk); if ($sWhereWrk != "") { $sSqlWrk .= " WHERE " . $sWhereWrk;
function SetupOtherOptions() { global $Language, $Security; $options =& $this->OtherOptions; $option =& $options["action"]; // Add $item =& $option->Add("add"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageAddLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageAddLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->AddUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ViewPageAddLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->AddUrl != ""; // Edit $item =& $option->Add("edit"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewEdit\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageEditLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageEditLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->EditUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ViewPageEditLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->EditUrl != ""; // Copy $item =& $option->Add("copy"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewCopy\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageCopyLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageCopyLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->CopyUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ViewPageCopyLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->CopyUrl != ""; // Delete $item =& $option->Add("delete"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"ewAction ewDelete\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageDeleteLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("ViewPageDeleteLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->DeleteUrl) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ViewPageDeleteLink") . "</a>"; $item->Visible = $this->DeleteUrl != ""; $option =& $options["detail"]; $DetailTableLink = ""; $DetailViewTblVar = ""; $DetailCopyTblVar = ""; $DetailEditTblVar = ""; // "detail_products" $item =& $option->Add("detail_products"); $body = $Language->Phrase("ViewPageDetailLink") . $Language->TablePhrase("products", "TblCaption"); $body = "<a class=\"btn btn-default btn-sm ewRowLink ewDetail\" data-action=\"list\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode("productslist.php?" . EW_TABLE_SHOW_MASTER . "=sub_category&fk_scat_id=" . urlencode(strval($this->scat_id->CurrentValue)) . "") . "\">" . $body . "</a>"; $links = ""; if ($GLOBALS["products_grid"] && $GLOBALS["products_grid"]->DetailView) { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailView\" data-action=\"view\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailViewLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetViewUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=products")) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailViewLink")) . "</a></li>"; if ($DetailViewTblVar != "") { $DetailViewTblVar .= ","; } $DetailViewTblVar .= "products"; } if ($GLOBALS["products_grid"] && $GLOBALS["products_grid"]->DetailEdit) { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailEdit\" data-action=\"edit\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailEditLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetEditUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=products")) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailEditLink")) . "</a></li>"; if ($DetailEditTblVar != "") { $DetailEditTblVar .= ","; } $DetailEditTblVar .= "products"; } if ($GLOBALS["products_grid"] && $GLOBALS["products_grid"]->DetailAdd) { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailCopy\" data-action=\"add\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailCopyLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetCopyUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=products")) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailCopyLink")) . "</a></li>"; if ($DetailCopyTblVar != "") { $DetailCopyTblVar .= ","; } $DetailCopyTblVar .= "products"; } if ($links != "") { $body .= "<button class=\"dropdown-toggle btn btn-default btn-sm ewDetail\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\"><b class=\"caret\"></b></button>"; $body .= "<ul class=\"dropdown-menu\">" . $links . "</ul>"; } $body = "<div class=\"btn-group\">" . $body . "</div>"; $item->Body = $body; $item->Visible = TRUE; if ($item->Visible) { if ($DetailTableLink != "") { $DetailTableLink .= ","; } $DetailTableLink .= "products"; } if ($this->ShowMultipleDetails) { $item->Visible = FALSE; } // Multiple details if ($this->ShowMultipleDetails) { $body = $Language->Phrase("MultipleMasterDetails"); $body = "<div class=\"btn-group\">"; $links = ""; if ($DetailViewTblVar != "") { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailView\" data-action=\"view\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailViewLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetViewUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=" . $DetailViewTblVar)) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailViewLink")) . "</a></li>"; } if ($DetailEditTblVar != "") { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailEdit\" data-action=\"edit\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailEditLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetEditUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=" . $DetailEditTblVar)) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailEditLink")) . "</a></li>"; } if ($DetailCopyTblVar != "") { $links .= "<li><a class=\"ewRowLink ewDetailCopy\" data-action=\"add\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailCopyLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetCopyUrl(EW_TABLE_SHOW_DETAIL . "=" . $DetailCopyTblVar)) . "\">" . ew_HtmlImageAndText($Language->Phrase("MasterDetailCopyLink")) . "</a></li>"; } if ($links != "") { $body .= "<button class=\"dropdown-toggle btn btn-default btn-sm ewMasterDetail\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("MultipleMasterDetails")) . "\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\">" . $Language->Phrase("MultipleMasterDetails") . "<b class=\"caret\"></b></button>"; $body .= "<ul class=\"dropdown-menu ewMenu\">" . $links . "</ul>"; } $body .= "</div>"; // Multiple details $oListOpt =& $option->Add("details"); $oListOpt->Body = $body; } // Set up detail default $option =& $options["detail"]; $options["detail"]->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonDetails"); $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $ar = explode(",", $DetailTableLink); $cnt = count($ar); $option->UseDropDownButton = $cnt > 1; $option->UseButtonGroup = TRUE; $item =& $option->Add($option->GroupOptionName); $item->Body = ""; $item->Visible = FALSE; // Set up action default $option =& $options["action"]; $option->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonActions"); $option->UseImageAndText = TRUE; $option->UseDropDownButton = FALSE; $option->UseButtonGroup = TRUE; $item =& $option->Add($option->GroupOptionName); $item->Body = ""; $item->Visible = FALSE; }
function RenderOtherOptions() { global $Language, $Security; $options =& $this->OtherOptions; $option = $options["addedit"]; // Add $item =& $option->GetItem("add"); $item->Body = "<a class=\"btn btn-default btn-sm ewAddEdit ewAdd\" title=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . "\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlTitle($Language->Phrase("AddLink")) . "\" href=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($this->GetAddUrl($this->MasterKeyUrl())) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("AddLink") . "</a>"; }