function evaluateAst(array $ast, array $env) { $value = null; foreach ($ast as $sexpr) { $value = evaluate($sexpr, $env); } return $value; }
/** * Applies the Action to the target. * * @param SugarBean $target */ function fire(&$target) { require_once 'modules/Home/quicksearchQuery.php'; require_once 'include/QuickSearchDefaults.php'; $json = getJSONobj(); $userName = Parser::evaluate($this . expr, $target) . evaluate(); $qsd = QuickSearchDefaults::getQuickSearchDefaults(); $data = $qsd->getQSUser(); $data['modules'] = array("Users"); $data['conditions'][0]['value'] = $userName; $qs = new quicksearchQuery(); $result = $qs->query($data); $resultBean = $json->decodeReal($result); print_r($resultBean); }
function evaluate($my_jfile) { foreach ($my_jfile as $p => $value) { if (is_array($value) && sizeof($value) > 1) { // check if the value of the element is of type children that is an array and if it is an empty or not array for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($value); $i++) { // for each child call the same function evaluate($my_jfile->children[$i]); } } else { if ($p == "type" && $value == "Manual") { // if the type of the child that has not more children unchecked is manual then print it echo $my_jfile->node_id . "\n"; } } } }
function evaluate($expression) { $result = $workingNum = $bracketNum = 0; $prevOp = ""; $expArr = str_split($expression); $result = $expArr[0]; for ($cnt = 0; $cnt < count($expArr); $cnt++) { if ($expArr[$cnt] == "+") { $prevOp = "+"; } elseif ($expArr[$cnt] == "-") { $prevOp = "-"; } elseif ($expArr[$cnt] == "(") { for ($brCnt = $cnt; $brCnt < count($expArr); $brCnt++) { if ($expArr[$brCnt] == ")") { $inExp = ""; for ($inCnt = $cnt + 1; $inCnt < $brCnt; $inCnt++) { $inExp = $inExp . $expArr[$inCnt]; } $bracketNum = evaluate($inExp); if ($prevOp == "+") { $result = $result + $bracketNum; } elseif ($prevOp == "-") { $result = $result - $bracketNum; } $cnt = $brCnt + 1; break; } } if ($expArr[$cnt] == "+") { $prevOp = "+"; } elseif ($expArr[$cnt] == "-") { $prevOp = "-"; } } else { $workingNum = $expArr[$cnt]; if ($prevOp == "+") { $result = $result + $workingNum; } elseif ($prevOp == "-") { $result = $result - $workingNum; } } } return $result; }
// the rest if ($inPart == true) { if ($includePart == false) { continue; } if (preg_match("/(\\s\t)*&([a-z0-9\\.-]+);/", $line, $matches)) { if ($sections) { echo "Including " . $matches[2] . "? "; if ($include = inString($sections, $matches[2])) { echo "YES\n"; } else { echo "NO\n"; } } else { if ($hasReadline) { $include = evaluate(readline("Include " . $matches[2] . "? [NO] ")); } } if ($include == true) { $partStack[] = $line; } } } else { $newFile .= $line; } } file_put_contents("", $newFile); // {{{ Run the build scripts $cmd = "make " . $format; passthru($cmd); // }}}
function checkStatus($pp_kod) { $query = "SELECT pp_rs_kod,pp_rs_kod_lab,pp_status_nopayment FROM p_product\n WHERE pp_kod='{$pp_kod}'"; $result = selQuery($query); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $main = $row['pp_rs_kod']; $lab = $row['pp_rs_kod_lab']; $payment = $row['pp_status_nopayment']; if ($main == 1105) { if ($lab == 9002) { return "APPROVED : WAITING FOR PRODUCT/API"; } else { return "REJECTED : WAITING FOR PRODUCT/API"; } } else { if ($payment == 1) { return "PENDING PAYMENT"; } else { if ($lab == 402) { if (evaluate($pp_kod, $_SESSION['ru_kod']) == 0) { return "APPLICATION IN LAB"; } else { return "APPLICATION IN EVALUATOR TRAY"; } } else { return "APPROVED PAYMENT"; } } } }
echo $_POST["sub_equation"]; ?> " /> <input type="submit" name="sub_button" value="Solve it!" /> </form> <br /> <?php if ($_POST["sub_equation"]) { ?> <b>The answer is:</b><br /> <?php echo $_POST["sub_equation"]; ?> = <b><?php echo evaluate($_POST["sub_equation"]); ?> </b> <?php } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var eqElement = document.getElementById('equInput'); eqElement.focus(); eqElement.value = eqElement.value; </script> </body> </html>
public function do_eval($source) { $fmt_source = "(begin {$source} )"; $tokens = scm_tokenize($fmt_source); $this->_rnode = STParse($tokens); $this->_scope = new STScope(null); return evaluate($this->_rnode, $this->_scope); }
function tpl($path, $data = array()) { $path = "src/view/{$path}.html"; if (file_exists($path)) { $c = file_get_contents($path); $c = preg_replace_callback('/\\{\\{\\s*(.+?)\\s*\\}\\}/', function ($m) { return '<?php echo LANG(\'' . addslashes($m[1]) . '\');?>'; }, $c); $c = preg_replace_callback('/\\<%([\\-\\=])\\s*(.+?)%\\s*\\>/s', function ($m) { $c = $m[2]; if ($c[0] == '$') { $c = "isset({$c})?{$c}:''"; } if ($m[1] == '-') { $c = 'htmlentities(' . $c . ')'; } return '<?php echo ' . $c . ';?>'; }, $c); $c = preg_replace('/\\<%(.+?)%\\>/s', '<?php $1; ?>', $c); $eval = ''; if (is_array($data)) { foreach (array_keys($data) as $____) { $eval .= '$' . $____ . '=' . '$ROOT[\'' . $____ . '\'];'; } } $eval .= '?>' . $c; ob_start(); evaluate($eval, $data); $ret = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $ret; } else { return " ERROR: {$path} not found "; } }
public static function evaluateExpression($_input) { try { $_input = scenarioExpression::setTags($_input); $result = evaluate($_input); if (is_bool($result) || is_numeric($result)) { return $result; } return $_input; } catch (Exception $exc) { return $_input; } }
<?php session_start(); /** * content * transaction_id * score1 * score2 * score3 */ //$_SESSION['CURRENT_LOGIN_ID'] = 1; if (isset($_SESSION['CURRENT_LOGIN_ID'])) { evaluate(); } else { include 'Login.php'; } function evaluate() { require_once 'class/Injection.php'; require_once 'class/Config_evaluation.php'; require_once 'class/DBtraverser.php'; require_once 'class/Config.php'; require_once 'class/Config_transaction.php'; include 'smarty_init.php'; $content = ''; // $content = Injection::excute('content'); //评价内容 $transaction_id = (int) $_REQUEST['transaction_id']; //评价交易单 $evaluater_id = $_SESSION['CURRENT_LOGIN_ID']; //评价人ID $score1 = $_REQUEST['score1'];
public static function getHistoryFromCalcul($_strcalcul, $_dateStart = null, $_dateEnd = null, $_allowZero = true) { $now = strtotime('now'); $archiveTime = (config::byKey('historyArchiveTime') + 1) * 3600; $packetTime = config::byKey('historyArchivePackage') * 3600; $value = array(); $cmd_histories = array(); preg_match_all("/#([0-9]*)#/", $_strcalcul, $matches); if (count($matches[1]) > 0) { foreach ($matches[1] as $cmd_id) { if (is_numeric($cmd_id)) { $cmd = cmd::byId($cmd_id); if (is_object($cmd) && $cmd->getIsHistorized() == 1) { $prevDatetime = null; $prevValue = 0; $histories_cmd = $cmd->getHistory($_dateStart, $_dateEnd); $histories_cmd_count = count($histories_cmd); for ($i = 0; $i < $histories_cmd_count; $i++) { if (!isset($cmd_histories[$histories_cmd[$i]->getDatetime()])) { $cmd_histories[$histories_cmd[$i]->getDatetime()] = array(); } if (!isset($cmd_histories[$histories_cmd[$i]->getDatetime()]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'])) { if ($prevDatetime != null) { $datetime = strtotime($histories_cmd[$i]->getDatetime()); while ($now - strtotime($prevDatetime) > $archiveTime && strtotime($prevDatetime) < $datetime) { $prevDatetime = date('Y-m-d H:00:00', strtotime($prevDatetime) + $packetTime); if ($_allowZero) { $cmd_histories[$prevDatetime]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'] = 0; } else { $cmd_histories[$prevDatetime]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'] = $prevValue; } } while ($now - strtotime($prevDatetime) > 300 && strtotime($prevDatetime) < $datetime) { $prevDatetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:00', strtotime($prevDatetime) + 300); $cmd_histories[$prevDatetime]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'] = $prevValue; } } $cmd_histories[$histories_cmd[$i]->getDatetime()]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'] = $histories_cmd[$i]->getValue(); } $prevDatetime = $histories_cmd[$i]->getDatetime(); $prevValue = $histories_cmd[$i]->getValue(); } } } } foreach ($cmd_histories as $datetime => $cmd_history) { $datetime = floatval(strtotime($datetime . " UTC")); $calcul = template_replace($cmd_history, $_strcalcul); try { $result = floatval(evaluate($calcul)); $value[$datetime] = $result; } catch (Exception $e) { } } } else { $value = $_strcalcul; } if (is_array($value)) { ksort($value); } return $value; }
$c = "</sup> "; } } if ($c == "^") { $c = "<sup>"; $mode = "power"; } elseif ($c == " ") { $c = ""; } $res .= $c; } return $res; } if (isset($_POST['answer'])) { $index = $_POST['index'] * 1; $correct = evaluate($question[$index], $_POST['answer']); } else { mt_srand(); $index = mt_rand(1, count($question) - 1); } $seed = 7; mt_srand($seed); srand($seed); ?> <html> <head> <script src="jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script> <title>Math Quiz</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href='style.css'></link> </head> <body>
function compile($code, $delimiter, $app) { global $mycode; global $output; global $int; global $intval; global $arr; global $sourcecode; global $ifdone; global $ifpresent; global $uservardone; $output = ""; $mytokens = array("लिखो", "पूर्ण", "=", "निवेश", "\$", "अगर", "वरना", "जबतक"); $mynums = array("१", "२", "३", "४", "५", "६", "७", "८", "९", "०"); $mycode = $code; if (strcmp($app, "whole") == 0) { $sourcecode = $code; } $temp = explode($delimiter, $mycode); foreach ($temp as $value) { foreach ($mytokens as $token) { if (strstr($value, $token)) { switch ($token) { case "लिखो": //to print output // $flag=0; $pos = stripos($value, "लिखो"); if ($pos == 2 || $pos == 0) { $pos = $pos + strlen("लिखो"); $output = substr($value, $pos); //output shown as shown in echo // $tempoutput=stripslashes(substr($value,$pos)); $i = 0; if (strstr($value, "\$")) { // echo "idhar $value<br/>"; $output = evaluate($output); } $output = hindiDig($output); echo <<<_END <script type="text/javascript"> \$(function(){ \$(".code-output-area").append("{$output}<br/>"); }) </script> _END; } break; case "पूर्ण": //variable declaration if (!strstr($value, "=") && strpos($value, "पूर्ण") >= 0) { $pos = stripos($value, "पूर्ण"); $pos = $pos + strlen("पूर्ण"); $int[$arr] = substr($value, $pos); $intval[$arr] = 0; // echo "New variable declared $int[$arr] with no value<br/>"; $arr++; } break; case "=": if (!(strstr($value, "अगर") || strstr($value, "जबतक") || strstr($value, "वरना"))) { $flag = 0; $i = 0; $delimiteq = explode("=", $value); //delimiting equalto sign // echo $delimiteq[0]." ".$delimiteq[1]."<br/>"; if (strstr($delimiteq[1], "\$")) { $delimiteq[1] = evaluate($delimiteq[1]); } if (strstr($delimiteq[0], "पूर्ण")) { $delimitpoorn = explode("पूर्ण", $delimiteq[0]); //delimiting पूर्ण foreach ($int as $variables) { if ($delimitpoorn[1] == $variables) { $flag = 1; } } if ($flag == 1) { echo "Variable already declared<br/>"; } else { //new declaration $int[$arr] = $delimitpoorn[1]; if (strlen($delimiteq[1]) > 0) { $intval[$arr] = $delimiteq[1]; // echo "New variable declared $delimitpoorn[1] with value $delimiteq[1]<br/>"; } else { $intval[$arr] = 0; // echo "New variable declared $delimitpoorn[1] with no value <br/>"; } $arr++; // } } else { $i = 0; $flag = 0; foreach ($int as $variables) { // echo "$delimiteq[0]<br/>"; // echo "$variables<br/>"; if (strnatcmp($variables, $delimiteq[0]) == 0) { $intval[$i] = $delimiteq[1]; $flag = 1; break; } $i++; } if ($flag == 1) { } else { echo "variable {$delimiteq['0']} not declared. Please declare<br/>"; } } } break; case "निवेश": $flag = 0; $pos = stripos($value, "निवेश"); $pos = $pos + strlen("निवेश"); $input = substr($value, $pos); // echo "inputting into $input<br/>"; foreach ($int as $variables) { if ($input == $variables) { $flag = 1; } } $input = trim($input); if ($flag == 0) { echo "variable {$input} not declared<br/>"; } elseif (!isset($_POST[$input])) { echo <<<_END <script type="text/javascript"> \$(function(){ \$(".code-output-area").append("<input class='variables' id='{$input}' type='text' name='{$input}'/><br/>"); }) </script> _END; } break; case "अगर": $pos = stripos($value, "अगर"); $pos = $pos + strlen("अगर"); $exp = substr($value, $pos); // echo "Executing if statement $exp <br/>"; $end = strpos($value, "{"); $beg = $pos; $ifcondition = substr($value, $beg, $end - $beg); // echo "now if condition is $ifcondition<br/>"; $ifcondition = evaluate($ifcondition); //returns 1 if true, else null $ifcondition = evalExp($ifcondition); //returns 1 if true, else null $ifpresent = 1; // echo "now again if condition is $ifcondition<br/>"; if ($ifcondition == 1) { $beg = strpos($value, "{") + strlen("{"); $end = strpos($value, "}"); $ifblock = substr($value, $beg, $end - $beg); // echo "if block contains $ifblock<br/>"; compile($ifblock, ":", "thread"); $ifdone = 1; } break; case "वरना": if ($ifdone == 0 && $ifpresent == 1) { $beg = strpos($value, "{") + strlen("{"); $end = strpos($value, "}"); $elseblock = substr($value, $beg, $end - $beg); // echo "else block contains $elseblock<br/>"; compile($elseblock, ":", "thread"); $ifpresent = 0; $ifdone = 0; } else { echo "no if statement defined<br/>"; } break; case "जबतक": looping($value); break; // } } } $count = count($_POST); $count--; //to eliminate $mycode from the counting list foreach ($_POST as $key => $inputs) { if (strcmp($inputs, $mycode) != 0 && $count != 0) { // echo "$inputs into $key<br/>"; $e = 0; foreach ($int as $varname) { // echo "going thru variable $varname and input variable $key<br/>"; if (strnatcmp($varname, $key) == 0) { $uservardone = 1; $intval[$e] = engDig($inputs); // echo "updating value of variable $varname with user input $inputs<br/>"; } $e++; } $count--; } } } // $g=0; // echo "all variables with their values<br/>"; // foreach($int as $variables) // { // echo "$variables has value $intval[$g]<br/>"; // $g++; // } }
} header('Content-Type: application/json'); $user = new User(); $item = new Item(); $ui = new UserItem(); $max_participations = 1; switch (@$_POST['method']) { case 'save_user': $name = $_POST['nombre']; $lastname = $_POST['apellido']; $mail = $_POST['mail']; $phone = $_POST['telefono']; evaluate($name, 'nombre'); evaluate($lastname, 'apellido'); evaluate($mail, 'correo', 'isEmail'); evaluate($phone, 'teléfono', 'isPhone'); $id = $user->exist($mail); if (!$id) { $id = $user->create($name, $lastname, $mail, $phone); } if ($ui->num_of_participations($id) >= $max_participations) { fail("Has llegado al límite de participaciones por usuario, gracias por tu interés"); } $_SESSION['id'] = base64_encode($id); response($id); break; case 'play': $id = base64_decode($_SESSION['id']); if ($ui->num_of_participations($id) >= $max_participations) { fail("Has llegado al límite de participaciones por usuario, gracias por tu interés"); }
public function formatValue($_value, $_quote = false) { if (trim($_value) == '' && $_value !== false && $_value !== 0) { return ''; } $_value = trim(trim($_value), '"'); if (@strpos(strtolower($_value), 'error::') !== false) { return $_value; } if ($this->getType() == 'info') { switch ($this->getSubType()) { case 'string': if ($_quote) { return '"' . $_value . '"'; } return $_value; case 'other': if ($_quote) { return '"' . $_value . '"'; } return $_value; case 'binary': if ($this->getConfiguration('calculValueOffset') != '') { try { $_value = evaluate(str_replace('#value#', $_value, $this->getConfiguration('calculValueOffset'))); } catch (Exception $ex) { } } $value = strtolower($_value); if ($value == 'on' || $value == 'high' || $value == 'true' || $value === true) { return 1; } if ($value == 'off' || $value == 'low' || $value == 'false' || $value === false) { return 0; } if (is_numeric(intval($_value)) && intval($_value) > 1 || $_value === true || $_value == 1) { return 1; } return 0; case 'numeric': $_value = floatval(str_replace(',', '.', $_value)); if ($this->getConfiguration('calculValueOffset') != '') { try { $_value = evaluate(str_replace('#value#', $_value, $this->getConfiguration('calculValueOffset'))); } catch (Exception $ex) { } } if ($this->getConfiguration('historizeRound') !== '' && is_numeric($this->getConfiguration('historizeRound')) && $this->getConfiguration('historizeRound') >= 0) { $_value = round($_value, $this->getConfiguration('historizeRound')); } if ($_value > $this->getConfiguration('maxValue', $_value) && $this->getConfiguration('maxValueReplace') == 1) { $_value = $this->getConfiguration('maxValue', $_value); } if ($_value < $this->getConfiguration('minValue', $_value) && $this->getConfiguration('minValueReplace') == 1) { $_value = $this->getConfiguration('minValue', $_value); } return floatval($_value); } } return $_value; }
<?php /** * A very simple executable script to train and use the LanguageDetector * class. For now it will not use a more complex (and better) structure like * Symfony\Console\Application but it will be a self contained little script. */ include "vendor/autoload.php"; try { $command = isset($_POST['command']) ? $_POST['command'] : ""; switch ($command) { case "train": train($argv); break; case "evaluate": evaluate($argv); break; case "classify": classify($argv); break; case "help": default: help(); break; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo PHP_EOL, $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL; } /** * Just echo a simple help message */
public function execute(&$scenario = null) { if ($this->getOptions('enable', 1) == 0) { return; } $message = ''; try { if ($this->getType() == 'element') { $element = scenarioElement::byId($this->getExpression()); if (is_object($element)) { $this->setLog($scenario, __('Exécution d\'un bloc élément : ', __FILE__) . $this->getExpression()); return $element->execute($scenario); } return; } $options = $this->getOptions(); if (isset($options['enable'])) { unset($options['enable']); } if (is_array($options) && $this->getExpression() != 'wait') { foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $options[$key] = str_replace('"', '', self::setTags($value, $scenario)); } } if ($this->getType() == 'action') { if ($this->getExpression() == 'icon') { if ($scenario != null) { $options = $this->getOptions(); $this->setLog($scenario, __('Changement de l\'icone du scénario : ', __FILE__) . $options['icon']); $scenario->setDisplay('icon', $options['icon']); $scenario->save(); } return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'wait') { if (!isset($options['condition'])) { return; } $result = false; $occurence = 0; $limit = isset($options['timeout']) && is_numeric($options['timeout']) ? $options['timeout'] : 7200; while ($result !== true) { $expression = self::setTags($options['condition'], $scenario); $result = evaluate($expression); if ($occurence > $limit) { $this->setLog($scenario, __('[Wait] Condition valide par dépassement de temps', __FILE__)); return; } $occurence++; sleep(1); } $this->setLog($scenario, __('[Wait] Condition valide : ', __FILE__) . $expression); return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'sleep') { if (isset($options['duration'])) { try { $options['duration'] = evaluate($options['duration']); } catch (Exception $e) { } if (is_numeric($options['duration']) && $options['duration'] > 0) { $this->setLog($scenario, __('Pause de ', __FILE__) . $options['duration'] . __(' seconde(s)', __FILE__)); if ($options['duration'] < 1) { return usleep($options['duration'] * 1000); } else { return sleep($options['duration']); } } } $this->setLog($scenario, __('Aucune durée trouvée pour l\'action sleep ou la durée n\'est pas valide : ', __FILE__) . $options['duration']); return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'stop') { if ($scenario != null) { $this->setLog($scenario, __('Arret du scénario', __FILE__)); $scenario->setState('stop'); $scenario->setPID(''); $scenario->persistLog(); $scenario->save(); } die; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'log') { if ($scenario != null) { $scenario->setLog('Log : ' . $options['message']); if ($scenario->getConfiguration('speedPriority', 0) == 1) { $scenario->persistLog(); } } return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'message') { message::add('scenario', $options['message']); return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'equipement') { $eqLogic = eqLogic::byId(str_replace(array('#eqLogic', '#'), '', $this->getOptions('eqLogic'))); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { throw new Exception(__('Action sur l\'équipement impossible. Equipement introuvable - Vérifiez l\'id : ', __FILE__) . $this->getOptions('eqLogic')); } switch ($this->getOptions('action')) { case 'show': $this->setLog($scenario, __('Equipement visible : ', __FILE__) . $eqLogic->getHumanName()); $eqLogic->setIsVisible(1); $eqLogic->save(); break; case 'hide': $this->setLog($scenario, __('Equipement masqué : ', __FILE__) . $eqLogic->getHumanName()); $eqLogic->setIsVisible(0); $eqLogic->save(); break; case 'deactivate': $this->setLog($scenario, __('Equipement désactivé : ', __FILE__) . $eqLogic->getHumanName()); $eqLogic->setIsEnable(0); $eqLogic->save(); break; case 'activate': $this->setLog($scenario, __('Equipement activé : ', __FILE__) . $eqLogic->getHumanName()); $eqLogic->setIsEnable(1); $eqLogic->save(); break; } return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'say') { $this->setLog($scenario, __('Je dis : ', __FILE__) . $options['message']); nodejs::pushUpdate('jeedom::say', $options['message']); return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'gotodesign') { $this->setLog($scenario, __('Changement design : ', __FILE__) . $options['plan_id']); nodejs::pushUpdate('jeedom::gotoplan', $options['plan_id']); return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'return') { $this->setLog($scenario, __('Je vais retourner : ', __FILE__) . $options['message']); $scenario->setReturn($scenario->getReturn() . $options['message']); return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'scenario') { if ($scenario != null && $this->getOptions('scenario_id') == $scenario->getId()) { $actionScenario =& $scenario; } else { $actionScenario = scenario::byId($this->getOptions('scenario_id')); } if (!is_object($actionScenario)) { throw new Exception($scenario, __('Action sur scénario impossible. Scénario introuvable - Vérifiez l\'id : ', __FILE__) . $this->getOptions('scenario_id')); } switch ($this->getOptions('action')) { case 'start': $this->setLog($scenario, __('Lancement du scénario : ', __FILE__) . $actionScenario->getName()); if ($scenario != null) { $actionScenario->launch(false, __('Lancement provoqué par le scénario : ', __FILE__) . $scenario->getHumanName()); } else { $actionScenario->launch(false, __('Lancement provoqué', __FILE__)); } break; case 'stop': $this->setLog($scenario, __('Arrêt forcé du scénario : ', __FILE__) . $actionScenario->getName()); $actionScenario->stop(); break; case 'deactivate': $this->setLog($scenario, __('Désactivation du scénario : ', __FILE__) . $actionScenario->getName()); $actionScenario->setIsActive(0); $actionScenario->save(); break; case 'activate': $this->setLog($scenario, __('Activation du scénario : ', __FILE__) . $actionScenario->getName()); $actionScenario->setIsActive(1); $actionScenario->save(); break; } return; } else { if ($this->getExpression() == 'variable') { $options['value'] = self::setTags($options['value']); try { $result = evaluate($options['value']); if (!is_numeric($result)) { $result = $options['value']; } } catch (Exception $ex) { $result = $options['value']; } $message = __('Affectation de la variable ', __FILE__) . $this->getOptions('name') . __(' => ', __FILE__) . $options['value'] . ' = ' . $result; $this->setLog($scenario, $message); $dataStore = new dataStore(); $dataStore->setType('scenario'); $dataStore->setKey($this->getOptions('name')); $dataStore->setValue($result); $dataStore->setLink_id(-1); $dataStore->save(); return; } else { $cmd = cmd::byId(str_replace('#', '', $this->getExpression())); if (is_object($cmd)) { if ($cmd->getSubtype() == 'slider' && isset($options['slider'])) { $options['slider'] = evaluate($options['slider']); } if (is_array($options) && count($options) != 0) { $this->setLog($scenario, __('Exécution de la commande ', __FILE__) . $cmd->getHumanName() . __(" avec comme option(s) : \n", __FILE__) . print_r($options, true)); } else { $this->setLog($scenario, __('Exécution de la commande ', __FILE__) . $cmd->getHumanName()); } if (is_object($scenario) && $scenario->getConfiguration('cmdNoWait', 0) == 1) { $options['speedAndNoErrorReport'] = true; } return $cmd->execCmd($options); } $this->setLog($scenario, __('[Erreur] Aucune commande trouvée pour ', __FILE__) . $this->getExpression()); return; } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { if ($this->getType() == 'condition') { $expression = self::setTags($this->getExpression(), $scenario, true); $message = __('Evaluation de la condition : [', __FILE__) . $expression . '] = '; $result = evaluate($expression); if (is_bool($result)) { if ($result) { $message .= __('Vrai', __FILE__); } else { $message .= __('Faux', __FILE__); } } else { $message .= $result; } $this->setLog($scenario, $message); return $result; } else { if ($this->getType() == 'code') { $this->setLog($scenario, __('Exécution d\'un bloc code', __FILE__)); return eval($this->getExpression()); } } } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->setLog($scenario, $message . $e->getMessage()); } }
echo '<Br><a href="dash.php">Continue-></a>'; if ($myo->Update($quizid, array('marks' => $mark), array('student_id' => $studentid))) { print_r('Marks'); } else { die('fatal'); } } // evaluate($s,$id,$quizid); // include('mathing.php'); $my = new MySQL(); $name = $_POST['title']; unset($_POST['title']); $i = 1; $in = array(); // var_dump($_POST); // print_r('expression'); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $ss = 'col' . $i; $i++; $in[$ss] = $value; } evaluate($_POST, 12, 4); // var_dump($in); // if($my->Insert($name,$in)) // print_r('<p>Response Recorded!</p>'); // header("Location: dash.php"); ?> </body> </html>