public function body($params2 = array(), $def_account_id = null) { $accounts = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_records('rc_accounts', array('epesi_user' => Acl::get_user())); $def = null; $user_def = null; $def_id = $this->get_module_variable('default', $def_account_id); foreach ($accounts as $a) { if ($def === null) { $def = $a; } if ($a['default_account']) { $user_def = $a; } if ($def_id === null && $a['default_account']) { $def = $a; break; } elseif ($a['id'] == $def_id) { $def = $a; break; } } foreach ($accounts as $a) { Base_ActionBarCommon::add('add', $a == $def ? '<b><u>' . $a['account_name'] . '</u></b>' : $a['account_name'], $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'account'), $a['id']), $a['email'], $a == $user_def ? -1 : 0); } if ($def === null) { print '<h1><a ' . $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'push_settings'), array(__('E-mail Accounts'))) . '>Please set your e-mail account</a></h1>'; return; } $params = array('_autologin_id' => $def['id']) + $params2; // if($params2) $params['_url'] = http_build_query($params2); print '<div style="background:transparent url(images/loader-0.gif) no-repeat 50% 50%;"><iframe style="border:0" border="0" src="modules/CRM/Roundcube/RC/index.php?' . http_build_query($params) . '" width="100%" height="300px" id="rc_frame"></iframe></div>'; eval_js('var dim=document.viewport.getDimensions();var rc=$("rc_frame");,document.documentElement.clientHeight)-130)+"px";'); }
public function body() { $t = $this->pack_module('Base/Theme'); //caption $box_module = ModuleManager::get_instance('/Base_Box|0'); if ($box_module) { $active_module = $box_module->get_main_module(); } if ($active_module && is_callable(array($active_module, 'caption'))) { $caption = $active_module->caption(); if (Variable::get('show_module_indicator')) { $t->assign('text', $caption); } else { $t->assign('text', ''); } $show_caption = Variable::get('show_caption_in_title'); $maintenance_mode = MaintenanceMode::is_on() ? ' (Maintenance mode)' : ''; $base_title = Variable::get('base_page_title') . $maintenance_mode; if ($show_caption || strlen($base_title) > 0) { if ($show_caption && strlen($base_title) > 0) { $caption = $base_title . ' - ' . $caption; } elseif (strlen($base_title) > 0) { $caption = $base_title; } eval_js('document.title=\'' . addslashes($caption) . '\''); } } else { $t->assign('text', ''); eval_js('document.title=\'' . addslashes(Variable::get('base_page_title')) . '\''); } $t->display(); }
public static function autohide_fields($field, $field_type, $hide_mapping) { $allowed_modes = array('hide', 'show'); $groups = array(); foreach ($hide_mapping as $map) { if (!isset($map['fields']) || !isset($map['values'])) { continue; } $map['mode'] = isset($map['mode']) ? $map['mode'] : reset($allowed_modes); if (!in_array($map['mode'], $allowed_modes)) { continue; } $map['fields'] = is_array($map['fields']) ? $map['fields'] : array($map['fields']); $map['fields'] = array_map(function ($f) { return "#{$f}, #_{$f}__data"; }, $map['fields']); $map['fields'] = implode(', ', $map['fields']); $map['values'] = is_array($map['values']) ? $map['values'] : array($map['values']); $map['values'] = array_map(function ($v) { if (is_bool($v)) { $v = intval($v); } return strval($v); }, $map['values']); $groups[] = $map; } if (empty($groups)) { return; } load_js('modules/Libs/QuickForm/autohide_fields.js'); $js_groups = json_encode($groups); eval_js("\n\t\t\t\tjq(function(){\n\t\t\t\t\tvar hide_ctrl = jq('#{$field}');\n\t\t\t\t\tLibs_QuickForm__hide_groups['{$field}']={$js_groups};\n\t\t\t\t\thide_ctrl.change(Libs_QuickForm__autohide).trigger('change');\n\t\t\t\t});"); }
function toHtml() { if(count($this->_cd)>1) { load_js('modules/Utils/CommonData/qf.js'); $id=$this->getAttribute('id'); if(!isset($id)) { $id = $this->getName(); $this->updateAttributes(array('id'=>$id)); } $val = $this->getValue(); $val = $val[0]; if($this->_flagFrozen) { eval_js('new Utils_CommonData_freeze(\''.Epesi::escapeJS($id,false).'\', \''.Epesi::escapeJS(json_encode($this->_cd),false).'\')'); $html = '<span id="'.$id.'_label"> </span>'; $name = $this->getPrivateName(); // Only use id attribute if doing single hidden input $html .= '<input' . $this->_getAttrString(array( 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => $name, 'value' => $val, 'id' => $id )) . ' />'; return $html; } eval_js('new Utils_CommonData(\''.Epesi::escapeJS($id,false).'\', \''.Epesi::escapeJS($val,false).'\', \''.Epesi::escapeJS(json_encode($this->_cd),false).'\', '.($this->_add_empty_fields?1:0).')'); } return parent::toHtml(); }
function toHtml() { $str = ""; if ($this->_flagFrozen) { $str .= $this->getFrozenHtml(); } else { $value = $this->getAttribute('value'); if (is_numeric($value)) { $value = date('Y-m-d', $value); } $id = $this->getAttribute('id'); $name = $this->getAttribute('name'); if ($value) { $this->setAttribute('value', Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($value, false, true, false)); } if (!isset($id)) { $id = 'datepicker_field_' . $name; $this->updateAttributes(array('id' => $id)); } $ex_date = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg(null, false, true, false); $date_format = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::date_format(); $this->setType('text'); if (!$this->getAttribute('placeholder')) { $this->setAttribute('placeholder', __('Click to select date')); } $js = Utils_PopupCalendarCommon::create_href(md5($id), 'new Ajax.Request(\'modules/Utils/PopupCalendar/up.php\',' . '{method:\'post\', parameters:{date: __YEAR__+\'-\'+__MONTH__+\'-\'+__DAY__},' . 'onSuccess:function(t){e=$(\'' . Epesi::escapeJS($id, false) . '\');if(e) {e.value=t.responseText;jq(e).change();}}})', null, null, 'popup.clonePosition(\'' . $id . '\',{setWidth:false,setHeight:false,offsetTop:$(\'' . $id . '\').getHeight()})', $value, $id); $str .= $this->_getTabs() . '<input ' . $js . ' ' . $this->_getAttrString($this->_attributes) . ' ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs(__('Example date: %s', array($ex_date)), false) . ' />'; eval_js('Event.observe(\'' . $id . '\',\'keypress\',Utils_PopupCalendarDatePicker.validate.bindAsEventListener(Utils_PopupCalendarDatePicker,\'' . Epesi::escapeJS($date_format, false) . '\'))'); eval_js('Event.observe(\'' . $id . '\',\'blur\',Utils_PopupCalendarDatePicker.validate_blur.bindAsEventListener(Utils_PopupCalendarDatePicker,\'' . Epesi::escapeJS($date_format, false) . '\'))'); } return $str; }
public static function open($group, $params = array()) { Libs_LeightboxCommon::open($group . '_prompt_leightbox'); if (!empty($params)) { eval_js('f' . $group . '_set_params(\'' . implode('\',\'', $params) . '\');'); } }
public function submit_admin($data) { Variable::set('default_theme', $data['theme']); Base_ThemeCommon::create_cache(); Base_StatusBarCommon::message('Theme changed - reloading page'); eval_js('setTimeout(\'document.location=\\\'index.php\\\'\',\'3000\')'); return true; }
public static function add($keys, $func, $opts = array()) { if (isset($_REQUEST['__location']) && self::$clean !== $_REQUEST['__location'] || self::$clean === false) { self::$clean = isset($_REQUEST['__location']) ? $_REQUEST['__location'] : true; eval_js('shortcut.remove_all();'); } $js = 'shortcut.add("' . implode('+', $keys) . '",' . $func . ',{'; $js .= '\'type\':\'' . (isset($opts['type']) ? $opts['type'] : 'keydown') . '\','; $js .= '\'propagate\':' . (isset($opts['propagate']) ? $opts['propagate'] : 'false') . ','; $js .= '\'disable_in_input\':' . (isset($opts['disable_in_input']) ? $opts['disable_in_input'] : 'false') . ','; $js .= '\'target\':' . (isset($opts['target']) ? $opts['target'] : 'document'); $js .= '});'; eval_js($js); }
public static function create_href($name, $function = '', $mode = null, $first_day_of_week = null, $pos_js = null, $default = null, $id = null) { Base_ThemeCommon::load_css('Utils_PopupCalendar'); load_js('modules/Utils/PopupCalendar/js/main2.js'); load_js('modules/Utils/PopupCalendar/datepicker.js'); if (!isset($mode)) { $mode = 'day'; } if (!isset($first_day_of_week)) { if (Acl::is_user()) { $first_day_of_week = self::get_first_day_of_week(); } else { $first_day_of_week = 0; } } elseif (!is_numeric($first_day_of_week)) { trigger_error('Invalid first day of week', E_USER_ERROR); } $calendar = '<div id="Utils_PopupCalendar">' . '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td id="datepicker_' . $name . '_header">error</td></tr>' . '<tr><td id="datepicker_' . $name . '_view">calendar not loaded</td></tr></table></div>'; $entry = 'datepicker_' . $name . '_calendar'; $butt = $id === null ? 'datepicker_' . $name . '_button' : $id; $smarty = Base_ThemeCommon::init_smarty(); $smarty->assign('calendar', $calendar); ob_start(); Base_ThemeCommon::display_smarty($smarty, 'Utils_PopupCalendar'); $cal_out = ob_get_clean(); print '<div id="' . $entry . '" class="utils_popupcalendar_popup" style="display:none;z-index:2050;width:1px;">' . $cal_out . '</div>'; if (!isset($pos_js)) { $pos_js = 'popup.clonePosition(\'' . $butt . '\',{setWidth:false,setHeight:false,offsetTop:$(\'' . $butt . '\').getHeight()});'; } eval_js('if($(\'' . $entry . '\').style.position="fixed";else $(\'' . $entry . '\').absolutize();'); $ret = 'onClick="var popup=$(\'' . $entry . '\');' . $pos_js . ';$(\'' . $entry . '\').toggle()" href="javascript:void(0)" id="' . $butt . '"'; $function .= ';$(\'' . $entry . '\').hide()'; if ($default) { if (!is_numeric($default)) { $default = strtotime($default); } $args = date('Y', $default) . ',' . (date('n', $default) - 1) . ',' . date('d', $default); } else { $args = ''; } $js = 'var datepicker_' . $name . ' = new Utils_PopupCalendar("' . Epesi::escapeJS($function, true, false) . '", \'' . $name . '\',\'' . $mode . '\',\'' . $first_day_of_week . '\','; $months = array(__('January'), __('February'), __('March'), __('April'), __('May'), __('June'), __('July'), __('August'), __('September'), __('October'), __('November'), __('December')); $days = array(__('Sun'), __('Mon'), __('Tue'), __('Wed'), __('Thu'), __('Fri'), __('Sat')); $js .= 'new Array(\'' . implode('\',\'', $months) . '\'),'; $js .= 'new Array(\'' . implode('\',\'', $days) . '\')'; $js .= ');' . 'datepicker_' . $name . '.show(' . $args . ')'; eval_js($js); // eval_js('$(\''.$entry.'\').absolutize();'); return $ret; }
public function body() { load_js('modules/Base/Help/js/canvasutilities.js'); load_js('modules/Base/Help/js/main.js'); eval_js('Helper.stop_tutorial_message = "' . Epesi::escapeJS('Tutorial was stopped') . '";'); eval_js('setTimeout("Helper.get_all_help_hooks();", 500);'); $theme = $this->init_module('Base_Theme'); $theme->assign('href', 'href="javascript:void(0);" onclick=""'); $theme->assign('search_placeholder', __('Start typing to search help topics')); $theme->assign('label', __('Help')); Utils_ShortcutCommon::add(array('esc'), 'function(){Helper.escape();}'); Utils_ShortcutCommon::add(array('f1'), 'function(){;}'); $theme->display(); }
protected function generate_query_builder() { $this->load_libs(); $this->init_form(); $this->options['filters'] = $this->filters; if ($this->plugins) { $this->options['plugins'] = $this->plugins; } $options_json = json_encode($this->options); $rules_json = $this->rules ? json_encode($this->rules) : json_encode(self::$empty_rules); $error_msg = __('Please fix query builder rules'); $error_msg = json_encode($error_msg); eval_js("Utils_QueryBuilder('{$this->form->get_name()}', '{$this->form_element_id}', '{$this->instance_id}', {$options_json}, {$rules_json}, {$error_msg});"); }
public function applet($values, &$opts) { //available applet options: toggle,href,title,go,go_function,go_arguments,go_contruct_arguments Base_ThemeCommon::load_css('Applets_Weather'); $opts['title'] = __('Weather'); $rssfeed = $values['rssfeed'] . '?p=' . $values['zipcode'] . '&u=' . $values['temperature']; $name = md5($this->get_path() . $rssfeed); //div for updating print '<div id="Applets_Weather"><div id="rssfeed_' . $name . '"><span>' . __('Loading Weather...') . '</span></div></div>'; //interval execution eval_js_once('var rssfeedcache = Array();' . 'rssfeedfunc = function(name,fee,num,cache){' . 'if(!$(\'rssfeed_\'+name)) return;' . 'if(cache && typeof rssfeedcache[name] != \'undefined\')' . '$(\'rssfeed_\'+name).innerHTML = rssfeedcache[name];' . 'else ' . 'new Ajax.Updater(\'rssfeed_\'+name,\'modules/Applets/Weather/refresh.php\',{' . 'method:\'post\',' . 'onComplete:function(r){rssfeedcache[name]=r.responseText},' . 'parameters:{feed:fee, number:num, cid: Epesi.client_id}});' . '}'); eval_js_once('setInterval(\'rssfeedfunc(\\\'' . $name . '\\\',\\\'' . Epesi::escapeJS($rssfeed, false) . '\\\' , 2 , 0)\',1799993)'); //29 minutes and 53 seconds //get rss now! eval_js('rssfeedfunc(\'' . $name . '\',\'' . Epesi::escapeJS($rssfeed, false) . '\' , 2 , 1)'); }
public function body($skin, $size = 200) { print '<center' . ($skin == 'chunkySwissOnBlack' ? ' style="background-color:black; color:white;"' : '') . '>'; $browser = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'msie'); if ($browser !== false || $skin == 'flash') { $size *= 2; //clock taken from $clock = $this->get_module_dir() . 'clock.swf'; print '<center><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,29,0" height="' . $size . '" width="' . $size . '">' . '<param name="movie" value="' . $clock . '">' . '<param name="quality" value="high">' . '<param name="wmode" value="transparent">' . '<param name="menu" value="false">' . '<embed src="' . $clock . '" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="' . $size . '" width="' . $size . '">' . '</object></center>'; } else { load_js($this->get_module_dir() . 'coolclock.js'); eval_js('CoolClock.findAndCreateClocks()'); print '<canvas id="' . $this->get_path() . 'canvas" class="CoolClock:' . $skin . ':' . $size . '"></canvas>'; } print '<BR>' . Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg(null, false) . '</center>'; }
private function load_image_cache() { if (isset($_SESSION['client']['image_cache'])) { return; } $_SESSION['client']['image_cache'] = true; $imgs = array(); if (Variable::get('preload_image_cache_selected') && file_exists($this->get_data_dir() . 'templates/' . self::$theme . '/__cache.images')) { $imgs = explode("\n", file_get_contents($this->get_data_dir() . 'templates/' . self::$theme . '/__cache.images')); } if (Variable::get('preload_image_cache_default') && self::$theme != 'default' && file_exists($this->get_data_dir() . 'templates/' . 'default/__cache.images')) { $imgs = array_merge($imgs, explode("\n", file_get_contents($this->get_data_dir() . 'templates/' . 'default/__cache.images'))); } if (!empty($imgs)) { eval_js("var cache = document.createElement('div');" . "'none';" . "document.body.appendChild(cache);" . "var current_image = null;" . "var cache_pause = false;" . "var images_list = Array('" . implode("','", $imgs) . "');" . "cache_images = function() {" . "if(!cache_pause && (current_image==null || current_image.complete)) {" . "current_image = document.createElement('img');" . "current_image.src = images_list.shift();" . "cache.appendChild(current_image);" . "}" . "if(images_list.length)" . "setTimeout('cache_images()',500);" . "};" . "cache_images();", false); } }
public function applet($values, &$opts) { //available applet options: toggle,href,title,go,go_function,go_arguments,go_contruct_arguments if (!$values['title']) { $values['title'] = __('RSS Feed'); } $opts['title'] = $values['title']; $name = md5($this->get_path() . $values['rssfeed']); //div for updating print '<div id="rssfeed_' . $name . '" style="width: 270px; padding: 5px 5px 5px 20px;">' . __('Loading RSS...') . '</div>'; //interval execution eval_js_once('var rssfeedcache = Array();' . 'rssfeedfunc = function(name,fee,num,cache){' . 'if(!$(\'rssfeed_\'+name)) return;' . 'if(cache && typeof rssfeedcache[name] != \'undefined\')' . '$(\'rssfeed_\'+name).innerHTML = rssfeedcache[name];' . 'else ' . 'new Ajax.Updater(\'rssfeed_\'+name,\'modules/Applets/RssFeed/refresh.php\',{' . 'method:\'post\',' . 'onComplete:function(r){rssfeedcache[name]=r.responseText},' . 'parameters:{feed:fee, number:num, cid: Epesi.client_id}});' . '}'); eval_js_once('setInterval(\'rssfeedfunc(\\\'' . $name . '\\\',\\\'' . Epesi::escapeJS($values['rssfeed'], false) . '\\\' ,' . $values['rssnumber'] . ' , 0)\',1799993)'); //29 minutes and 53 seconds //get rss now! eval_js('rssfeedfunc(\'' . $name . '\',\'' . Epesi::escapeJS($values['rssfeed'], false) . '\' ,' . $values['rssnumber'] . ' , 1)'); }
public static function create($dest_id, array $prev_ids, $req_url, array $params = null, $default_val = null) { load_js('modules/Utils/ChainedSelect/cs.js'); if (empty($prev_ids)) { trigger_error('Chained select can exists only with previous selects', E_USER_ERROR); } if ($params === null) { $params = array(); } if ($default_val === null) { $default_val = ''; } $js = 'var params = new Hash();'; $_SESSION['client']['utils_chainedselect'][$dest_id] = $req_url; foreach ($params as $k => $v) { $js .= 'params.set("' . $k . '","' . $v . '");'; } eval_js($js . 'new ChainedSelect("' . $dest_id . '",new Array("' . implode('","', $prev_ids) . '"),params, "' . $default_val . '")'); }
function toHtml() { $str = ""; if ($this->_flagFrozen) { $str .= $this->getFrozenHtml(); } else { $id = $this->getAttribute('id'); $name = $this->getAttribute('name'); if(!isset($id)) { $id = 'currency_field_'.$name; $this->updateAttributes(array('id'=>$id)); } $this->dec_digits = DB::GetOne('SELECT MAX(decimals) FROM utils_currency'); $str .= $this->_getTabs() . '<div style="position: relative;">'; $str .= $this->_getTabs() . '<div style="margin-right:45px;" class="currency_amount"><input ' . $this->_getAttrString($this->_attributes) . ' '. Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs(__('Example value: %s',array('123'.Utils_CurrencyFieldCommon::get_decimal_point().implode('',range(4,3+$this->dec_digits)))), false ). ' /></div>'; $str .= $this->_getTabs() . '<div style="margin-right:5px; width:40px; position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;"><select style="width:40px;" name="__'.str_replace(array('[',']'),'',$name).'__currency" id="__'.$id.'__currency">'; $curs = DB::GetAll('SELECT id, symbol, active FROM utils_currency ORDER BY code'); foreach ($curs as $v) { if ($v['id']!=$this->currency && !$v['active']) continue; $str .= '<option value="'.$v['id'].'"'; if ($v['id']==$this->currency) $str .= ' selected="1"'; $str .= '>'.$v['symbol'].'</option>'; } $str .= '</select></div>'; $str .= $this->_getTabs() . '</div>'; load_js('modules/Utils/CurrencyField/currency.js'); $curr_format = '-?([0-9]*)\\'.Utils_CurrencyFieldCommon::get_decimal_point().'?[0-9]{0,'.$this->dec_digits.'}'; eval_js('Event.observe(\''.$id.'\',\'keypress\',Utils_CurrencyField.validate.bindAsEventListener(Utils_CurrencyField,\''.Epesi::escapeJS($curr_format,false).'\'))'); eval_js('Event.observe(\''.$id.'\',\'blur\',Utils_CurrencyField.validate_blur.bindAsEventListener(Utils_CurrencyField,\''.Epesi::escapeJS($curr_format,false).'\'))'); } return $str; } //end func toHtml
function toHtml() { if ($this->_flagFrozen) { return $this->getFrozenHtml(); } else { $name = $this->getAttribute('name'); $id = $this->getAttribute('id'); if (!$id) { $id = '__autocomplete_id_' . $name; $this->setAttribute('id', $id); } $key = md5(serialize($this->callback) . $id); $_SESSION['client']['quickform']['autocomplete'][$key] = array('callback' => $this->callback, 'field' => $name, 'args' => $this->args); eval_js('var epesi_autocompleter = new Ajax.Autocompleter(\'' . $id . '\', \'' . $id . '_suggestbox\', \'modules/Libs/QuickForm/FieldTypes/autocomplete/autocomplete_update.php?' . http_build_query(array('cid' => CID, 'key' => $key)) . '\', {frequency: 0.6});'); // TODO: not really neat, need to extend the function automatically if ($this->on_hide_js_code) { eval_js('epesi_autocompleter.hide=function(){' . 'this.stopIndicator();' . 'if (Element.getStyle(this.update, "display") != "none") {' . ' this.options.onHide(this.element, this.update);' . '}' . 'if (this.iefix) {' . ' Element.hide(this.iefix);' . '}' . $this->on_hide_js_code . '}'); } return $this->_getTabs() . '<input' . $this->_getAttrString($this->_attributes) . ' />' . '<div id="' . $id . '_suggestbox" class="autocomplete"> </div>'; } }
public function body($file = null, $callback = null) { if (!isset($file)) { if (!isset($this->file)) { trigger_error('You have to specify file to download', E_USER_ERROR); } $file = $this->file; } if (!isset($callback)) { if (!isset($this->callback)) { trigger_error('You have to specify callback to call on download complete', E_USER_ERROR); } $callback = $this->callback; } if (isset($_REQUEST['download_complete_' . $this->get_path()])) { $did = $this->get_module_variable('download_id'); $dd = $this->get_data_dir(); if (!isset($did) || !file_exists($dd . $did . '.tmp')) { print 'Download error.'; } else { DB::Execute('DELETE FROM utils_filedownload_files WHERE id=%d', array($did)); $tf = $dd . $did . '.tmp'; call_user_func($callback, $tf, basename($file)); @unlink($tf); } return; } $path = $this->get_path(); $id = $this->create_unique_key('stat'); print '<div id="' . $id . '"></div>'; eval_js_once('utils_filedownload_refresh = function(id,path){var stat=$(id);if(!stat || stat.innerHTML==\'Processing downloaded file\') return;' . 'new Ajax.Updater(id,\'' . $this->get_module_dir() . 'refresh.php\',{method:\'post\', parameters:{path: path}});' . 'setTimeout("utils_filedownload_refresh(\'"+id+"\',\'"+path+"\')",3000);}'); eval_js_once('utils_filedownload_check_completed = function(id){stat=document.getElementById(id);' . 'if(stat && stat.innerHTML==\'Finished\'){ stat.innerHTML=\'Processing downloaded file\';' . $this->create_href_js(array('download_complete_' . $this->get_path() => 1), __('Download finished'), 'queue') . '}setTimeout(\'utils_filedownload_check_completed("\'+id+\'")\',500);}'); DB::Execute('INSERT INTO utils_filedownload_files(path,size) VALUES (%s,-1)', array($file)); $this->set_module_variable('download_id', DB::Insert_ID('utils_downloadfile_files', 'id')); print '<iframe src="' . $this->get_module_dir() . 'download.php?' . http_build_query(array('client_id' => CID, 'path' => $path)) . '" width=0 height=0 frameborder=0>'; eval_js('utils_filedownload_refresh("' . $id . '","' . $path . '");utils_filedownload_check_completed("' . $id . '")'); }
/** * For internal use only. */ public function browse($name = '', $root = true) { if ($this->is_back()) { return false; } if (isset($_REQUEST['node_position'])) { list($node_id, $position) = $_REQUEST['node_position']; Utils_CommonDataCommon::change_node_position($node_id, $position); } $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), null, 'browse' . md5($name)); $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => __('Position'), 'width' => 5, 'order' => 'position'), array('name' => __('Key'), 'width' => 20, 'order' => 'akey', 'search' => 1, 'quickjump' => 'akey'), array('name' => __('Value'), 'width' => 20, 'order' => 'value', 'search' => 1))); print '<h2>' . $name . '</h2><br>'; $ret = Utils_CommonDataCommon::get_translated_array($name, true, true); foreach ($ret as $k => $v) { $gb_row = $gb->get_new_row(); $gb_row->add_data($v['position'], $k, $v['value']); // ****** CommonData value translation $gb_row->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'browse'), array($name . '/' . $k, false)), 'View'); if (!$v['readonly']) { $gb_row->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'edit'), array($name, $k)), 'Edit'); $gb_row->add_action($this->create_confirm_callback_href(__('Delete array') . ' \'' . Epesi::escapeJS($name . '/' . $k, false) . '\'?', array('Utils_CommonData', 'remove_array'), array($name . '/' . $k)), 'Delete'); } $node_id = $v['id']; $gb_row->add_action('class="move-handle"', 'Move', __('Drag to change node order'), 'move-up-down'); $gb_row->set_attrs("node=\"{$node_id}\" class=\"sortable\""); } $gb->set_default_order(array(__('Position') => 'ASC')); //$this->display_module($gb); $this->display_module($gb, array(true), 'automatic_display'); // sorting load_js($this->get_module_dir() . 'sort_nodes.js'); $table_md5 = md5($gb->get_path()); eval_js("utils_commondata_sort_nodes_init(\"{$table_md5}\")"); Base_ActionBarCommon::add('settings', __('Reset Order By Key'), $this->create_callback_href(array('Utils_CommonDataCommon', 'reset_array_positions'), $name)); Base_ActionBarCommon::add('add', __('Add array'), $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'edit'), $name)); if (!$root) { Base_ActionBarCommon::add('back', __('Back'), $this->create_back_href()); } return true; }
public function body() { if (!Acl::is_user()) { return; } $th = $this->init_module('Base/Theme'); eval_js_once('crm_filters_deactivate = function(){leightbox_deactivate(\'crm_filters\');}'); $th->assign('my', '<a ' . $this->create_callback_href(array('CRM_FiltersCommon', 'set_profile'), 'my') . ' id="crm_filters_my">' . __('My records') . '</a>'); eval_js('Event.observe(\'crm_filters_my\',\'click\', crm_filters_deactivate)'); /*$th->assign('all','<a '.$this->create_callback_href(array('CRM_FiltersCommon','set_profile'),'all').' id="crm_filters_all">'.__('All records').'</a>'); eval_js('Event.observe(\'crm_filters_all\',\'click\', crm_filters_deactivate)');*/ $th->assign('manage', '<a ' . $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'manage_filters')) . ' id="crm_filters_manage">' . __('Manage presets') . '</a>'); eval_js('Event.observe(\'crm_filters_manage\',\'click\', crm_filters_deactivate)'); $ret = DB::Execute('SELECT id,name,description FROM crm_filters_group WHERE user_login_id=%d', array(Acl::get_user())); $filters = array(); while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) { $filters[] = array('title' => $row['name'], 'description' => '', 'open' => '<a ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs($row['description'], false) . ' ' . $this->create_callback_href(array('CRM_FiltersCommon', 'set_profile'), $row['id']) . ' id="crm_filters_' . $row['id'] . '">', 'close' => '</a>'); eval_js('Event.observe(\'crm_filters_' . $row['id'] . '\',\'click\', crm_filters_deactivate)'); } $th->assign('filters', $filters); $qf = $this->init_module('Libs/QuickForm'); $fcallback = array('CRM_ContactsCommon', 'contact_format_no_company'); $recent_crits = array(); if (!Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('CRM_Contacts', 'show_all_contacts_in_filters')) { $recent_crits = array('(company_name' => CRM_ContactsCommon::get_main_company(), '|related_companies' => array(CRM_ContactsCommon::get_main_company())); } if (Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('CRM_Contacts', 'show_only_users_in_filters')) { $recent_crits['!login'] = ''; } $contacts = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_contacts($recent_crits, array(), array(), 15); $cont = array(); foreach ($contacts as $v) { $cont[$v['id']] = call_user_func($fcallback, $v, true); } asort($cont); $crits = array(); if (!Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('CRM_Contacts', 'show_all_contacts_in_filters')) { $crits = array('(company_name' => CRM_ContactsCommon::get_main_company(), '|related_companies' => array(CRM_ContactsCommon::get_main_company())); } $qf->addElement('autoselect', 'crm_filter_contact', __('Records of'), $cont, array(array('CRM_ContactsCommon', 'autoselect_contact_suggestbox'), array($crits, $fcallback, false)), $fcallback); if (isset($_SESSION['client']['filter_' . Acl::get_user()]['value'])) { $qf->setDefaults(array('crm_filter_contact' => explode(',', $_SESSION['client']['filter_' . Acl::get_user()]['value']))); } $qf->addElement('submit', 'submit', __('Show'), array('onclick' => 'crm_filters_deactivate()')); if ($qf->validate()) { $c = $qf->exportValue('crm_filter_contact'); CRM_FiltersCommon::set_profile('c' . $c); location(array()); } $th->assign('saved_filters', __('Saved Presets')); $qf->assign_theme('contacts', $th); //$th->assign('contacts',$qf->toHtml()); ob_start(); $th->display(); $profiles_out = ob_get_clean(); Libs_LeightboxCommon::display('crm_filters', $profiles_out, __('Perspective'), true); if (!isset($_SESSION['client']['filter_' . Acl::get_user()]['desc'])) { CRM_FiltersCommon::set_profile('my'); } //Base_ActionBarCommon::add('folder',__('Filters'),'class="lbOn" rel="crm_filters"',$this->get_module_variable('profile_desc',__('My records'))); if (isset($_REQUEST['__location'])) { $in_use = CRM_FiltersCommon::$in_use === $_REQUEST['__location']; } else { $in_use = CRM_FiltersCommon::$in_use; } print '<a class="lbOn' . ($in_use ? '' : ' disabled') . ' button" rel="crm_filters">' . __('Perspective') . ': ' . '<b>' . $_SESSION['client']['filter_' . Acl::get_user()]['desc'] . '</b><div class="filter_icon_img"></div></a>'; }
public static function post_install_refresh_by_ajax() { $show_processing = "Epesi.procOn++;Epesi.updateIndicatorText('" . Epesi::escapeJS(__('Running post download procedures')) . "');Epesi.updateIndicator();"; $success_text = Epesi::escapeJS(__("Success. Restart EPESI to ensure proper operation.")); $failure_text = Epesi::escapeJS(__("Patch apply error. See patches log for more information (EPESI_DIR/data/logs/patches.log)")); $ajax_req = "new Ajax.Request('modules/Base/EpesiStore/runpatches.php'," . "{ method: 'post', " . "onComplete: function(t) {Epesi.procOn--;" . "if (t.responseText == '1') statusbar_message('<div class=\"message normal\">" . $success_text . "</div>');" . "else if (t.responseText == '0') alert('{$failure_text}');" . "else alert('Error: '+t.responseText);" . "Epesi.updateIndicator();" . "}});"; eval_js($show_processing . $ajax_req); }
public static function hide_tooltip() { eval_js('Utils_Tooltip__hideTip()'); }
public static function QFfield_recurrence_end(&$form, $field, $label, $mode, $default, $desc) { if ($mode == 'add' || $mode == 'edit') { $form->addElement('datepicker', $field, __('Recurrence End Date'), array('id' => $field)); eval_js('recurrence_end_switch = function(arg){' . 'reds = $("recurrence_end");' . 'if (arg) reds.disabled="";' . 'else {' . 'reds.disabled="1";' . '$("recurrence_end").value="";' . '}' . '}'); $form->addElement('checkbox', 'recurrence_end_checkbox', __('Recurrence end'), null, array('id' => 'recurrence_end_checkbox', 'onclick' => 'recurrence_end_switch(this.checked);')); eval_js('recurrence_end_switch(' . ($default ? '1' : '0') . ');'); if ($mode == 'edit') { $form->setDefaults(array($field => $default)); $form->setDefaults(array('recurrence_end_checkbox' => $default ? '1' : '0')); } } else { if (!$default) { $form->addElement('checkbox', $field, __('Recurrence End Date')); } else { $form->addElement('datepicker', $field, __('Recurrence End Date')); $form->setDefaults(array($field => $default)); } if (Utils_RecordBrowser::$last_record['recurrence_type'] > 0) { $form->addElement('datepicker', 'recurrence_start_date', __('Recurrence Start Date')); $form->setDefaults(array('recurrence_start_date' => Utils_RecordBrowser::$last_record['date'])); } } }
public function display_date_picker($datepicker_defaults = array(), $form = null, $show_dates = true) { if ($form === null) { $form = $this->init_module(Libs_QuickForm::module_name()); } $theme = $this->init_module(Base_Theme::module_name()); $minyear = date('Y', strtotime('-5 years')); $maxyear = date('Y', strtotime('+5 years')); if ($show_dates) { $display_stuff_js = 'document.getElementById(\'day_elements\').style.display=\'none\';document.getElementById(\'month_elements\').style.display=\'none\';document.getElementById(\'week_elements\').style.display=\'none\';document.getElementById(\'year_elements\').style.display=\'none\';document.getElementById(this.value+\'_elements\').style.display=\'block\';'; $form->addElement('select', 'date_range_type', __('Display report'), array('day' => __('Days'), 'week' => __('Weeks'), 'month' => __('Months'), 'year' => __('Years')), array('onChange' => $display_stuff_js, 'onKeyUp' => $display_stuff_js)); $form->addElement('datepicker', 'from_day', __('From Date')); $form->addElement('datepicker', 'to_day', __('To Date')); $form->addElement('date', 'from_week', __('From week'), array('format' => 'Y W', 'language' => Base_LangCommon::get_lang_code(), 'minYear' => $minyear, 'maxYear' => $maxyear)); $form->addElement('date', 'to_week', __('To week'), array('format' => 'Y W', 'language' => Base_LangCommon::get_lang_code(), 'minYear' => $minyear, 'maxYear' => $maxyear)); $form->addElement('date', 'from_month', __('From month'), array('format' => 'Y m', 'language' => Base_LangCommon::get_lang_code(), 'minYear' => $minyear, 'maxYear' => $maxyear)); $form->addElement('date', 'to_month', __('To month'), array('format' => 'Y m', 'language' => Base_LangCommon::get_lang_code(), 'minYear' => $minyear, 'maxYear' => $maxyear)); $form->addElement('date', 'from_year', __('From year'), array('format' => 'Y', 'language' => Base_LangCommon::get_lang_code(), 'minYear' => $minyear, 'maxYear' => $maxyear)); $form->addElement('date', 'to_year', __('To year'), array('format' => 'Y', 'language' => Base_LangCommon::get_lang_code(), 'minYear' => $minyear, 'maxYear' => $maxyear)); $form->registerRule('check_dates', 'callback', 'check_dates', $this); $form->addRule(array('date_range_type', 'from_day', 'to_day', 'from_week', 'to_week', 'from_month', 'to_month', 'from_year', 'to_year'), __('\'From\' date must be earlier than \'To\' date'), 'check_dates'); } if ($this->isset_module_variable('vals')) { $vals = $this->get_module_variable('vals'); unset($vals['submited']); $form->setDefaults($vals); } else { foreach (array('week' => 3, 'day' => 13, 'month' => 5, 'year' => 5) as $v => $k) { $form->setDefaults(array('from_' . $v => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('-' . $k . ' ' . $v)))); $form->setDefaults(array('to_' . $v => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); } $form->setDefaults(array('date_range_type' => 'month')); $form->setDefaults($datepicker_defaults); } $form->addElement('submit', 'submit', __('Show')); // $failed = false; $other = $vals = $form->exportValues(); $this->set_module_variable('vals', $vals); // if ($vals['submited'] && !$form->validate()) { // $this->date_range = 'error'; // $failed = true; // } $theme->assign('show_dates', $show_dates); $form->assign_theme('form', $theme); $theme->display('date_picker'); if ($show_dates) { $type = $vals['date_range_type']; foreach (array('week', 'day', 'year', 'month') as $v) { if ($v != $type) { eval_js('document.getElementById(\'' . $v . '_elements\').style.display=\'none\';'); } } // if ($failed) { // return array('type'=>'day', 'dates'=>array()); // } $this->date_range = array(); foreach (array('date_range_type', 'from_' . $type, 'to_' . $type) as $v) { $this->date_range[$v] = $vals[$v]; } $header = array(); $start_p = $start = $this->get_date($type, $this->date_range['from_' . $type]); $end_p = $end = $this->get_date($type, $this->date_range['to_' . $type]); $header[] = $start; while (true) { switch ($type) { case 'day': $start = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 12:00:00', $start + 86400)); $start_format = 'Y-m-d'; $end_format = 'Y-m-d'; break; case 'week': $start = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 12:00:00', $start + 604800)); $start_format = 'Y-m-d'; $end_format = 'Y-m-d'; $fdow = Utils_PopupCalendarCommon::get_first_day_of_week(); $start_p -= (4 - $fdow) * 24 * 60 * 60; $end_p += (2 + $fdow) * 24 * 60 * 60; break; case 'month': $start = strtotime(date('Y-m-15 12:00:00', $start + 2592000)); $start_format = 'Y-m-01'; $end_format = 'Y-m-t'; break; case 'year': $start = strtotime(date('Y-06-15 12:00:00', $start + 2592000 * 12)); $start_format = 'Y-01-01'; $end_format = 'Y-12-31'; break; } if ($start > $end) { break; } $header[] = $start; } return array('type' => $type, 'dates' => $header, 'start' => date($start_format, $start_p), 'end' => date($end_format, $end), 'other' => $other); } else { return array('other' => $other); } }
private function permissions_get_field_values($field, $in_depth=true) { static $all_fields = array(); if (!isset($all_fields[$this->tab])) foreach ($this->table_rows as $k=>$v) $all_fields[$this->tab][$v['id']] = $k; $args = $this->table_rows[$all_fields[$this->tab][$field]]; $arr = array(''=>'['.__('Empty').']'); switch (true) { case $args['type']=='text' && $args['filter']: $arr_add = @DB::GetAssoc('SELECT f_'.$args['id'].', f_'.$args['id'].' FROM '.$this->tab.'_data_1 GROUP BY f_'.$args['id'].' ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 20'); if($arr_add) $arr += $arr_add; break; case $args['commondata']: $array_id = is_array($args['param']) ? $args['param']['array_id'] : $args['ref_table']; if (strpos($array_id, '::')===false) $arr = $arr + Utils_CommonDataCommon::get_translated_array($array_id, is_array($args['param'])?$args['param']['order_by_key']:false); break; case $this->tab=='contact' && $field=='login' || $this->tab=='rc_accounts' && $field=='epesi_user': // just a quickfix, better solution will be needed $arr = $arr + array('USER_ID'=>__('User Login')); break; case $args['type']=='date' || $args['type']=='timestamp': $arr = $arr + Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::$date_values; break; case ($args['type']=='multiselect' || $args['type']=='select') && (!isset($args['ref_table']) || !$args['ref_table']): $arr = $arr + array('USER'=>__('User Contact')); $arr = $arr + array('USER_COMPANY'=>__('User Company')); break; case $args['type']=='checkbox': $arr = array('1'=>__('Yes'),'0'=>__('No')); break; case ($args['type']=='select' || $args['type']=='multiselect') && isset($args['ref_table']): if ($args['ref_table']=='contact') $arr = $arr + array('USER'=>__('User Contact')); if ($args['ref_table']=='company') $arr = $arr + array('USER_COMPANY'=>__('User Company')); if (!$in_depth) continue; $last_tab = $this->tab; $tabs = explode(',', $args['ref_table']); if (count($tabs) != 1) break; $one_tab = reset($tabs); if ($one_tab != '__RECORDSETS__' && Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::check_table_name($one_tab, false, false)) { $this->tab = $one_tab; $this->init(); if (!isset($all_fields[$this->tab])) foreach ($this->table_rows as $k=>$v) $all_fields[$this->tab][$v['id']] = $k; foreach ($all_fields[$this->tab] as $k=>$v) { if ($this->table_rows[$v]['type']=='calculated' || $this->table_rows[$v]['type']=='hidden') unset($all_fields[$this->tab][$k]); else { $arr2 = $this->permissions_get_field_values($k, false, $this->tab); foreach ($arr2 as $k2=>$v2) $arr2[$k2] = '"'.$k2.'":"'.$v2.'"'; eval_js('utils_recordbrowser__field_sub_values["'.$field.'__'.$k.'"] = {'.implode(',',$arr2).'};'); } } foreach ($all_fields[$this->tab] as $k=>$v) { $arr[$k] = __(' records with %s set to ', array(_V($v))); } } $this->tab = $last_tab; $this->init(); break; } return $arr; }
public function recover_pass() { $form = $this->init_module('Libs/QuickForm', __('Processing request')); $form->addElement('header', null, __('Recover password')); $form->addElement('hidden', $this->create_unique_key('mail_recover_pass'), '1'); $form->addElement('text', 'username', __('Username')); $form->addElement('text', 'mail', __('E-mail')); $ok_b =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('submit', 'submit_button', __('OK')); $cancel_b =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('button', 'cancel_button', __('Cancel'), $this->create_back_href()); $form->addGroup(array($ok_b, $cancel_b), 'buttons'); // require a username $form->addRule('username', __('A username must be between 3 and 32 chars'), 'rangelength', array(3, 32)); // register and add a rule to check if a username and password is ok $form->registerRule('check_username', 'callback', 'check_username_mail_valid', 'Base_User_Login'); $form->addRule('username', __('Username or e-mail invalid'), 'check_username', $form); $form->addRule('username', __('Field required'), 'required'); //require valid e-mail address $form->addRule('mail', __('Field required'), 'required'); $form->addRule('mail', __('Invalid e-mail address'), 'email'); if ($form->validate()) { if ($form->process(array(&$this, 'submit_recover'))) { $this->theme->assign('message', __('Password reset instructions were sent.') . '<br><a ' . $this->create_back_href() . '>' . __('Login') . '</a>'); } } else { $this->theme->assign('mode', 'recover_pass'); $form->assign_theme('form', $this->theme); eval_js("focus_by_id('username')"); } $this->theme->display(); }
public static function drawLeightbox($prefix) { if (MOBILE_DEVICE) { return; } $meetings = CRM_MeetingInstall::is_installed(); $tasks = CRM_TasksInstall::is_installed(); $phonecall = CRM_PhoneCallInstall::is_installed(); self::check_location(); if (!isset(self::$leightbox_ready[$prefix])) { self::$leightbox_ready[$prefix] = true; $theme = Base_ThemeCommon::init_smarty(); eval_js_once($prefix . '_followups_deactivate = function(){leightbox_deactivate(\'' . $prefix . '_followups_leightbox\');}'); if ($meetings) { $theme->assign('new_meeting', array('open' => '<a id="' . $prefix . '_new_meeting_button" onclick="' . $prefix . '_set_action(\'new_meeting\');' . $prefix . '_submit_form();">', 'text' => __('New Meeting'), 'close' => '</a>')); eval_js('Event.observe(\'' . $prefix . '_new_meeting_button\',\'click\', ' . $prefix . '_followups_deactivate)'); } if ($tasks) { $theme->assign('new_task', array('open' => '<a id="' . $prefix . '_new_task_button" onclick="' . $prefix . '_set_action(\'new_task\');' . $prefix . '_submit_form();">', 'text' => __('New Task'), 'close' => '</a>')); eval_js('Event.observe(\'' . $prefix . '_new_task_button\',\'click\', ' . $prefix . '_followups_deactivate)'); } if ($phonecall) { $theme->assign('new_phonecall', array('open' => '<a id="' . $prefix . '_new_phonecall_button" onclick="' . $prefix . '_set_action(\'new_phonecall\');' . $prefix . '_submit_form();">', 'text' => __('New Phonecall'), 'close' => '</a>')); eval_js('Event.observe(\'' . $prefix . '_new_phonecall_button\',\'click\', ' . $prefix . '_followups_deactivate)'); } $theme->assign('just_close', array('open' => '<a id="' . $prefix . '_just_close_button" onclick="' . $prefix . '_set_action(\'none\');' . $prefix . '_submit_form();">', 'text' => __('Save'), 'close' => '</a>')); eval_js('Event.observe(\'' . $prefix . '_just_close_button\',\'click\', ' . $prefix . '_followups_deactivate)'); eval_js($prefix . '_submit_form = function () {' . '$(\'' . $prefix . '_follow_up_form\').submited.value=1;Epesi.href($(\'' . $prefix . '_follow_up_form\').serialize(), \'processing...\');$(\'' . $prefix . '_follow_up_form\').submited.value=0;' . '}'); eval_js($prefix . '_set_action = function (arg) {' . 'document.forms["' . $prefix . '_follow_up_form"].action.value = arg;' . '}'); eval_js($prefix . '_set_id = function (id) {' . 'document.forms["' . $prefix . '_follow_up_form"].id.value = id;' . '$("' . $prefix . '_closecancel").value=3;' . '$("' . $prefix . '_note").value="";' . '}'); $theme->assign('form_open', '<form id="' . $prefix . '_follow_up_form" name="' . $prefix . '_follow_up_form" method="POST">' . '<input type="hidden" name="submited" value="0" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="form_name" value="' . $prefix . '_follow_up_form" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="" />'); $status_select_options = ''; $statuses = Utils_CommonDataCommon::get_translated_array('CRM/Status'); foreach ($statuses as $key => $value) { $status_select_options .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '"' . ($key == 3 ? ' selected="1"' : '') . '>' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '</option>'; } $theme->assign('form_closecancel', array('label' => __('Status'), 'html' => '<select name="closecancel" id="' . $prefix . '_closecancel" value="0">' . $status_select_options . '</select>')); $theme->assign('form_note', array('label' => __('Note'), 'html' => '<textarea name="note" id="' . $prefix . '_note"></textarea>')); $theme->assign('form_close', '</form>'); ob_start(); Base_ThemeCommon::display_smarty($theme, 'CRM_Followup', 'leightbox'); $profiles_out = ob_get_clean(); Libs_LeightboxCommon::display($prefix . '_followups_leightbox', $profiles_out, __('Follow-up')); } }
private function output($applet = false) { Base_ThemeCommon::load_css($this->get_type(), 'tray'); $tray_settings = Utils_TrayCommon::get_trays(); $tray_def = array(); $total_pending = 0; $displayed = 0; foreach ($tray_settings as $module=>$module_settings) { foreach ($module_settings as $tab=>$tab_settings) { if (!isset($tab_settings['__title__'])) continue; $tray = Utils_TrayCommon::get_tray($tab, $tab_settings); if (!isset($tray['__slots__']) || count($tray['__slots__'])==0) continue; $tray_id = $this->get_type().'__'.Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_field_id($tray['__title__']); $tray_def += array($tray_id =>array('__title__' => $tray['__title__'], '__weight__'=>isset($tray['__weight__'])?$tray['__weight__']:0)); foreach ($tray['__slots__'] as $slot_id=>$slot_def) { $total_pending += $slot_def['__count__']; $displayed += $slot_def['__count__']; $tray_def[$tray_id]['__slots__'][$slot_id]['__weight__'] = isset($slot_def['__weight__'])? $slot_def['__weight__']: 0; $icon = $this->get_icon($slot_def['__count__']); $tray_count_width = ($slot_def['__count__']>99)? 'style="width:28px;"':''; $tip_text = __('Click to view %s items from %s<br><br>%d item(s)', array(_V($slot_def['__name__']),_V($tray['__title__']), $slot_def['__count__'])); $tray_def[$tray_id]['__slots__'][$slot_id]['__html__'] = '<td><a '.$this->create_main_href($module, null, array($tab), null, array('tray_slot'=>$slot_id)).'><div class="Utils_Tray__slot">'. Utils_TooltipCommon::create('<img src="'.$icon.'"> <div class="Utils_Tray__count" '.$tray_count_width.'>'.$slot_def['__count__'].'</div><div>'._V($slot_def['__name__']).'</div>',$tip_text).'</div></a></td>'; } } } Utils_TrayCommon::sort_trays($tray_def); $trays = array(); $tray_slots_html = array(); $current_tray = 0; $tray_cols = $applet? 2:$this->get_tray_cols(); foreach ($tray_def as $tray_id=>$def) { $current_tray += 1; $current_row = max(array(round($current_tray/$tray_cols), 1)); $current_col = $current_tray - $tray_cols*($current_row-1); if (isset($this->max_trays) && $this->max_trays != '__NULL__') { //allow only trays in applet mode as per setting if (count($trays) >= $this->max_trays) break; } if (self::get_tray_layout()=='checkered') $class = (($current_row+$current_col) % 2)?'Utils_Tray__group_even':'Utils_Tray__group_odd'; else $class = 'Utils_Tray__group_even'; $trays[] = array( 'class' => $class, 'col'=>$current_col, 'title'=>_V($def['__title__']), 'id'=>$tray_id); foreach ($def['__slots__'] as $slot) { $tray_slots_html[$tray_id][] = $slot['__html__']; if (isset($this->max_slots) && $this->max_slots != '__NULL__') { //allow slots in applet mode as per setting if (count($tray_slots_html[$tray_id]) >= $this->max_slots) continue 2; } } } eval_js( 'function Utils_Tray__trays() { var trays = '.json_encode($tray_slots_html).'; return trays; } jq( document ).ready(function() { var resizeId; jq(window).resize(function(){ clearTimeout(resizeId); resizeId = setTimeout(Utils_Tray__resize, 300); }); Utils_Tray__resize(); });'); load_js($this->get_module_dir().'tray.js'); $theme = $this->init_module('Base/Theme'); $icon = Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file($this->get_type(),'pile2.png'); $theme->assign('main_page', !$applet); $theme->assign('caption', Utils_TrayCommon::caption()); $theme->assign('icon', $icon); $theme->assign('trays', $trays); $theme->assign('tray_cols', $tray_cols); if ($total_pending!=$displayed) { print (__('Displaying %d of %d pending', array($displayed, $total_pending))); } $theme->display('tray'); }
public static function init_overflow_div() { if (!isset($_SESSION['client']['utils_genericbrowser']['div_exists'])) { load_js('modules/Utils/GenericBrowser/js/table_overflow.js'); eval_js('Utils_GenericBrowser__overflow_div();', false); $_SESSION['client']['utils_genericbrowser']['div_exists'] = true; } on_exit(array('Utils_GenericBrowserCommon', 'hide_overflow_div'), null, false); }