Пример #1
 function create_query()
     $company_details = array();
     $sql_query = "SELECT userId,companyname FROM cs_companydetails";
     $result = sql_query_read($sql_query);
     if (!$result) {
         etelPrint("<p><b>" . mysql_error() . "</b><br>{$sql_query}</p>");
     } else {
         while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
             $this->company_details[$row['userId']] = $row;
     $sql_from = $this->trans_table;
     $sql_queries = array();
     foreach ($this->company_details as $company_id => $details) {
         $sql_queries[$company_id] = array();
         foreach ($this->report_date as $range_name => $range_values) {
             $sql_select = "";
             foreach ($this->sql_options as $key => $info) {
                 $sql_select .= ($sql_select == "" ? "" : ",\r\n") . $info . " AS " . $key . "_" . $range_name;
             $date_range = " (td.transactionDate between '" . $range_values['from'] . "' and '" . $range_values['to'] . "')";
             $sql_where = "cd.userId = \"{$company_id}\"";
             $sql_query = "SELECT {$sql_select} FROM {$sql_from} WHERE {$sql_where} AND {$date_range} GROUP BY td.userId";
             $sql_query = str_replace("[company_userId]", $sql_where, $sql_query);
             $sql_query = str_replace("[time_frame]", $date_range, $sql_query);
             $sql_queries[$company_id][$range_name] = $sql_query;
     return $sql_queries;
Пример #2
 function update_transaction_profit($id)
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM cs_transactiondetails as td \n\t\tleft join `cs_bank` as bk on td.bank_id = bk.bank_id\n\t\tWHERE transactionId = '{$id}'";
     $result = sql_query_read($sql) or dieLog(mysql_error() . " ~ {$sql}");
     $transInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
     $rates = $this->rates->get_MerchantRates($transInfo['userId'], $transInfo['bank_id']);
     $rates = $rates[$transInfo['bank_id']];
     if (!is_array($rates)) {
         return array('status' => 'fail', 'msg' => 'Invalid Merchant Bank Rates');
     // Create/Update Required Entities
     $proc_en_ID = $this->get_entity_id(array('en_ID' => 2));
     if (!$proc_en_ID) {
         $proc_en_ID = $this->create_entity(array('en_ID' => 2, 'en_type' => 'processor', 'en_type_ID' => 1, 'en_company' => "Etelegate.com", 'en_gateway_ID' => 3));
     if (!$proc_en_ID) {
         return array('status' => 'fail', 'msg' => 'Could not get/create Processor ID');
     $bank_en_ID = $this->get_entity_id(array('en_type' => 'bank', 'en_type_ID' => $transInfo['bank_id']));
     if (!$bank_en_ID) {
         $bank_en_ID = $this->create_entity(array('en_type' => 'bank', 'en_type_ID' => $transInfo['bank_id'], 'en_company' => $transInfo['bank_name'], 'en_gateway_ID' => $transInfo['gateway_id']));
     if (!$bank_en_ID) {
         return array('status' => 'fail', 'msg' => 'Could not get/create Bank Entity ID');
     $merc_en_ID = $this->get_entity_id(array('en_type' => 'merchant', 'en_type_ID' => $transInfo['userId']));
     if (!$merc_en_ID) {
         return array('status' => 'fail', 'msg' => 'Could not get Merchant Entity ID');
     // Create/Update Required Entities
     // Commit Profit
     $data = array('description' => "Transaction Profit for " . $transInfo['reference_number']);
     // Merchant Profit
     //	$newTransfer = array('amount' => $transInfo['amount']-$transInfo['td_customer_fee'],'from_entity'=>$bank_en_ID,'to_entity'=>$merc_en_ID,'date_effective'=>
     $data['transfers'][] = $newTransfer;
     // Merchant Profit
     echo $proc_en_ID;
Пример #3
function http_post($server, $port, $url, $urlencoded, $username = "", $password = "")
    // example:
    //  http_post(
    //	"www.fat.com",
    //	80,
    //	"/weightloss.pl",
    //	array("name" => "obese bob", "age" => "20")
    //	);
    $user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)";
    $base_64_auth = base64_encode($username . ":" . $password);
    $content_length = strlen($urlencoded);
    $headers = "POST {$url} HTTP/1.1\nAccept: */*\nAccept-Language: en-au\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\nUser-Agent: {$user_agent}\nHost: {$server}\nConnection: Keep-Alive\nCache-Control: no-cache\nAuthorization: Basic {$base_64_auth}\nContent-Length: {$content_length}\n\n";
    $time = microtime_float();
    $fp = fsockopen($server, $port, &$errno, &$errstr, 45);
    if (!$fp) {
        return "{$errno}: {$errstr}";
    fputs($fp, $headers);
    fputs($fp, $urlencoded);
    $ret = "";
    $body = false;
    while (!feof($fp)) {
        $s = @fgets($fp, 1024);
        if ($body) {
            $ret .= $s;
        if ($s == "\r\n") {
            $body = true;
        if (microtime_float() - $time > 45) {
            return "Timeout: {$ret}";
    return $ret;
Пример #4
    $cs_name = strtolower($cs_company_sites['cs_name']);
    echo $cs_name . " ___________ ";
    foreach ($rep0 as $key => $data) {
        $cs_name = str_replace($key, $data, $cs_name);
    foreach ($rep3 as $key => $data) {
        $cs_name = str_replace($key, $data, $cs_name);
    foreach ($rep1 as $key => $data) {
        $cs_name = str_replace($key, $data, $cs_name);
    foreach ($rep2 as $key => $data) {
        $cs_name = str_replace($key, $data, $cs_name);
    $cs_name = ucwords(trim(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z]/', ' ', $cs_name)));
    $sql = "update etel_dbsmain.cs_company_sites set cs_title = '" . quote_smart($cs_name) . "' where cs_ID = '" . $cs_company_sites['cs_ID'] . "' limit 1";
$sql = "SELECT transactionId\r\nFROM cs_transactiondetails limit 1\r\n";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or dieLog(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "<BR>{$sql}");
while ($transInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $sql = "SELECT transactionId, `CCnumber`, `bankaccountnumber`, `bankroutingcode`, td_process_query,td_process_result from cs_transactiondetails  where transactionId = '180093199' limit 1";
    $res2 = mysql_query($sql) or dieLog(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "<BR>{$sql}");
    $transInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($res2);
    $reparray = array('[credit_card]', '[account_number]', '[routing_number]');
    if (!is_numeric($transInfo['CCnumber'])) {
        $transInfo['CCnumber'] = etelDec($transInfo['CCnumber']);
    if (!is_numeric($transInfo['bankaccountnumber'])) {
Пример #5
$active_subscriptions = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['active_subscriptions']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_GET_VARS['active_subscriptions']) : "";
$untracked_orders = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['untracked_orders']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_GET_VARS['untracked_orders']) : "";
$trans_table_name = "cs_transactiondetails";
if ($display_test_transactions == 1) {
    $trans_table_name = "cs_test_transactiondetails";
$trans_recur = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['trans_recur']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_GET_VARS['trans_recur']) : "";
$trans_chargeback = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['trans_chargeback']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_GET_VARS['trans_chargeback']) : "";
$compID = $sessionlogin;
if (!$compID) {
    $compID = -1;
if ($_POST['Submit'] == "Issue Refund" && !$display_test_transactions) {
    $transID = intval($_POST['id']);
    $etel_debug_mode = 0;
    $msg = exec_refund_request($transID, "Merchant Refund", "");
if ($_POST['Submit'] == "Cancel Rebill" && !$display_test_transactions) {
    $trans = new transaction_class(false);
    $status = $trans->process_cancel_request(array("actor" => 'Administrator'));
$search_date_type = "transactionDate";
$email = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS["email"]) ? quote_smart($HTTP_GET_VARS["email"]) : "";
if ($companyBlocked != 1) {
    $check_number = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['check_number']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_GET_VARS['check_number']) : "";
    $credit_number = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['credit_number']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_GET_VARS['credit_number']) : "";
    $account_number = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['account_number']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_GET_VARS['account_number']) : "";
    $routing_code = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['routing_code']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_GET_VARS['routing_code']) : "";
    $decline_reason = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['decline_reasons']) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['decline_reasons'] : "";
Пример #6
function checkCheckSum($row)
    if (!$row['cd_verify_rand_price']) {
        return TRUE;
    $check = md5($row['cd_secret_key'] . $row['cs_reference_ID'] . $_SESSION['mt_amount'] . $_SESSION['mt_product_id']);
    etelPrint("Checksum:<br>" . $check . "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $_SESSION['mt_checksum'] . "&nbsp;");
    etelPrint($row['cd_secret_key'] . "-" . $row['cs_reference_ID'] . "-" . $_SESSION['mt_amount'] . "-" . $_SESSION['mt_product_id']);
    if ($_SESSION['mt_checksum'] != $check) {
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
Пример #7
 function buildApproval()
     if ($_SESSION['Success_Posted_Vars']) {
         return $_SESSION['Success_Posted_Vars'];
     //	return '';
     $postedvars = "";
     //echo $this->merchantdetails['mt_posted_variables'];
     $md = unserialize($this->merchantdetails['mt_posted_variables']);
     $return_message = 'SUC';
     if ($this->merchantdetails['response']['status'] == 'D') {
         $return_message = 'DEC';
     foreach ($md as $key => $val) {
         $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='{$key}' value='{$val}'>\n";
     $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_transaction_result' value='{$return_message}'>\n";
     $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_total_amount' value='" . $this->amount . "'>\n";
     $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_reference_number' value='" . $this->row['transactionTable']['reference_number'] . "'>\n";
     $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_subscription_id' value='" . $this->merchantdetails['response']['td_subscription_id'] . "'>\n";
     $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_product_id' value='" . $this->merchantdetails['mt_product_id'] . "'>\n";
     $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_useremail' value='" . $this->merchantdetails['email'] . "'>\n";
     $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_usercountry' value='" . $this->merchantdetails['country'] . "'>\n";
     $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_usercity' value='" . $this->merchantdetails['city'] . "'>\n";
     $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_userstate' value='" . $this->merchantdetails['state'] . "'>\n";
     $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_userzip' value='" . $this->merchantdetails['zipcode'] . "'>\n";
     $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_userip' value='{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}'>\n";
     // BUG: this should come from the transaction info, not server.
     $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_userfirst' value='" . $this->merchantdetails['firstname'] . "'>\n";
     $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_userlast' value='" . $this->merchantdetails['lastname'] . "'>\n";
     $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_charge_type' value='" . $this->merchantdetails['cardtype'] . "'>\n";
     if ($this->row['websiteTable']['cs_enable_passmgmt'] == 1) {
         $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_username' value='" . $this->merchantdetails['td_username'] . "'>\n";
         $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_password' value='" . $this->merchantdetails['td_password'] . "'>\n";
     if (isset($md['mt_amount']) && $md['mt_amount'] != "") {
         $check = md5($this->row['companydetailsTable']['cd_secret_key'] . $this->row['websiteTable']['cs_reference_ID'] . $md['mt_amount'] . $this->row['transactionTable']['reference_number']);
         $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='verify_checksum' value='{$check}'>\n";
         etelPrint("Verify Checksum:<br>" . $check . "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $_SESSION['mt_checksum'] . "&nbsp");
         etelPrint($this->row['companydetailsTable']['cd_secret_key'] . "-" . $this->row['websiteTable']['cs_reference_ID'] . "-" . $md['mt_amount'] . "-" . $this->row['transactionTable']['reference_number']);
     if ($this->row['rebillingTable']['rd_pin_coding_enabled']) {
         $sql = "SELECT * \n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM \n\t\t\t\t\t\tcs_pincodes \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\t\t\t\tpc_subAccount = '{$this->row['rebillingTable']['rd_subaccount']}' and pc_used = 0";
         $result = sql_query_read($sql) or dieLog(mysql_error() . " ~ {$sql}");
         if ($cs_pincodes = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
             $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_pincode' value='" . $cs_pincodes['pc_code'] . "'>\n";
             $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_pincode_username' value='" . $cs_pincodes['pc_code'] . "'>\n";
             $postedvars .= "<input type='hidden' name='mt_pincode_password' value='" . $cs_pincodes['pc_pass'] . "'>\n";
             $ibill_array['CODE'] = $cs_pincodes['pc_code'];
             $ibill_array['USER'] = $cs_pincodes['pc_code'];
             $ibill_array['NAME'] = $cs_pincodes['pc_code'];
             $ibill_array['USRENAME'] = $cs_pincodes['pc_code'];
             $ibill_array['PASS'] = $cs_pincodes['pc_pass'];
             $ibill_array['PASSWORD'] = $cs_pincodes['pc_pass'];
             $sql = "UPDATE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t cs_pincodes \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t SET pc_used = 1,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t pc_trans_ID = '" . $this->merchantdetails['response']['transactionId'] . "'  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE pc_ID = '" . $cs_pincodes['pc_ID'] . "' ";
             sql_query_write($sql) or dieLog(mysql_error());
     $_SESSION['Success_Posted_Vars'] = $postedvars;
     return $postedvars;
Пример #8
if ($_REQUEST['showheader']) {
    $headerInclude = $_REQUEST['showheader'];
require $rootdir . 'smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php';
$smarty = new Smarty();
$smarty->compile_check = true;
$smarty->debugging = false;
$curtemplate = $_SESSION["gw_template"];
if (!$curtemplate) {
    $curtemplate = "default";
if ($curtemplate_overwrite) {
    if (file_exists($etel_root_path . "/tmpl/" . $curtemplate_overwrite . "/cp_header.tpl")) {
        $curtemplate = $curtemplate_overwrite;
    } else {
        etelPrint($etel_root_path . "/tmpl/" . $curtemplate_overwrite . "/cp_header.tpl Not Found");
$smarty->template_dir = $etel_root_path . "/tmpl/" . $curtemplate . "/";
$smarty->compile_dir = $etel_root_path . "/tmpl/" . $curtemplate . "_c/";
$smarty->config_dir = $etel_root_path . "/tmpl/" . $curtemplate . "/config/";
$tmpl_dir = $etel_domain_path . "/tmpl/" . $curtemplate . "/";
$smarty->assign("rootdir", $etel_domain_path);
$smarty->assign("tempdir", $tmpl_dir);
$smarty->assign("display_stat_wait", $display_stat_wait);
$smarty->assign("gw_phone_support", $_SESSION["gw_phone_support"]);
$smarty->assign("gateway_title", ':: ' . $_SESSION["gw_title"] . ' Payment Gateway :: ');
$smarty->assign("page_title", $pageConfig['Title']);
if (!$pageConfig['HideHeader']) {
    require_once $rootdir . 'includes/links.php';
 $companyInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
 $completion = "";
 $bank_update_sql = "";
 if ($strUnsubscribe != $companyInfo['send_mail']) {
     if ($strUnsubscribe) {
     } else {
         addListEmail($companyInfo['email'], "Admin Unsubscribed Email", $companyInfo['userId'], 'merchant', 'unsubscribe');
         addListEmail($companyInfo['contact_email'], "Admin Unsubscribed Email", $companyInfo['userId'], 'merchant', 'unsubscribe');
 if ($cd_custom_contract && !$companyInfo['cd_custom_contract']) {
     $contract = genMerchantContract(&$companyInfo);
     $sql = "insert into cs_email_templates set et_name='merchant_contract', et_custom_id='" . $companyInfo['userId'] . "', et_title='" . quote_smart($companyInfo['companyname']) . " Contract', et_access='admin', et_to_title='" . quote_smart($companyInfo['companyname']) . "', et_subject='Custom Merchant Contract for " . quote_smart($companyInfo['companyname']) . "', et_htmlformat='" . quote_smart($contract['et_htmlformat']) . "', et_catagory='Merchant'";
     $result = mysql_query($sql) or etelPrint(mysql_error());
     $cd_custom_contract = mysql_insert_id();
 } else {
     if (!$cd_custom_contract && $companyInfo['cd_custom_contract']) {
         $sql = "delete from cs_email_templates where et_name='merchant_contract' and et_custom_id='" . $companyInfo['userId'] . "'";
         $result = mysql_query($sql) or dieLog(mysql_error());
         $cd_custom_contract = 'null';
     } else {
         $cd_custom_contract = intval($companyInfo['cd_custom_contract']);
 if ($cd_merchant_show_contract == 1 && $companyInfo['cd_completion'] <= 3) {
     $completion = ' cd_completion=4, ';
 if ($trans_activity == 1 && !$companyInfo['activeuser']) {
     toLog('turnedlive', 'merchant', '', $companyInfo['userId']);
Пример #10
function smart_process_mysql_form(&$sql)
    $search =& $sql['search'];
    $sql_pairs =& $sql['pairs'];
    $posts_not_required =& $sql['posts_not_required'];
    $posts_set = 0;
    $is_form_complete = 1;
    foreach ($search as $field => $elements) {
        $this_element = "frm_" . str_replace(".", "_", $field);
        //check if field is required
        $is_required = isset($search[$field]['required']) ? $search[$field]['required'] : 0;
        $compare = isset($search[$field]['compare']) ? $search[$field]['compare'] : 0;
        if (!strcasecmp($compare, "between")) {
            $this_element_to = $this_element . "_to";
            $this_element .= "_from";
        //check to see if field is hidden and if so, make sure the value hasn't changed.
        if (!strcasecmp($search[$field]['input_type'], "hidden") && (!isset($search[$field]['locked']) || $search[$field]['locked'] == true)) {
            $_REQUEST[$this_element] = $search[$field]['value'];
        //if a field has a source, make sure the returned value is on of the possible options
        $pairs = 0;
        if (isset($search[$field]['options']['source']['script'])) {
            $pairs = $search[$field]['options']['source']['script']($search[$field]['options']['source']['parameters']);
        //	$pairs = $search[$field]['options']['source']['ajax']($search[$field]['options']['source']['parameters'],false);
        if (isset($search[$field]['options']['source']['pairs'])) {
            $pairs = $sql_pairs[$search[$field]['options']['source']['pairs']];
        if ($pairs != 0) {
            if (is_array($_REQUEST[$this_element])) {
                foreach ($_REQUEST[$this_element] as $index => $post_element) {
                    if ($post_element != "") {
                        $found = false;
                        foreach ($pairs as $index => $info) {
                            if (!strcasecmp($info['value'], $post_element)) {
                                $found = true;
                        if (!$found) {
                            echo $post_element . " is not an option";
                            //							print_r($pairs);
                            //							echo "</pre>";
                            return false;
            } else {
                if ($_REQUEST[$this_element] != "") {
                    $found = false;
                    foreach ($pairs as $index => $info) {
                        if (!strcasecmp($info['value'], $_REQUEST[$this_element])) {
                            $found = true;
                    if (!$found) {
                        echo $_REQUEST[$this_element] . " is not an option";
                        //						echo "<pre>";
                        //				print_r($pairs);
                        //echo "</pre>";
                        return false;
        if (!$is_required || $is_required && isset($_REQUEST[$this_element]) && $_REQUEST[$this_element] != "") {
            if ($_REQUEST[$this_element] != NULL) {
                $search[$field]['value'] = "";
                $post_element = $_REQUEST[$this_element];
                $post_element_to = isset($_REQUEST[$this_element_to]) ? $_REQUEST[$this_element_to] : NULL;
                if (isset($search[$field]['swap'])) {
                    $post_element = $search[$field]['swap']($post_element);
                    $post_element_to = $search[$field]['swap']($post_element_to);
                if (is_array($post_element)) {
                    if (strcasecmp($search[$field]['compare'], "BETWEEN") != 0) {
                        foreach ($post_element as $element) {
                            if ($element == NULL) {
                            //echo $this_element . " => " . $element . "<br>";
                            if ($search[$field]['enclose']) {
                                $element = $search[$field]['enclose'] . $element . $search[$field]['enclose'];
                            if (isset($search[$field]['date_format'])) {
                                $element = date($search[$field]['date_format'], strtotime($element));
                            $this_value = "\"" . quote_smart($element) . "\"";
                            if (isset($search[$field]['convert'])) {
                                $this_value = $search[$field]['convert'] . "({$this_value})";
                            $search[$field]['value'] .= ($search[$field]['value'] == "" ? "" : ",") . $this_value;
                    if ($search[$field]['value']) {
                        $search[$field]['value'] = "(" . $search[$field]['value'] . ")";
                } else {
                    $element = $post_element;
                    if ($search[$field]['enclose']) {
                        $element = $search[$field]['enclose'] . $element . $search[$field]['enclose'];
                    if ($search[$field]['compare'] == "like" && strpos($element, '%') === false) {
                        $search[$field]['compare'] = '=';
                    if (isset($search[$field]['date_format'])) {
                        if (!strcasecmp($search[$field]['compare'], "BETWEEN")) {
                            $element = date($search[$field]['date_format'] . " 00:00:00", strtotime($element));
                            $post_element_to = date($search[$field]['date_format'] . " 23:59:59", strtotime($post_element_to));
                        } else {
                            $element = date($search[$field]['date_format'], strtotime($element));
                    if ($search[$field]['compare'] == "LIKE") {
                        $this_value = "\"" . quote_smart($element) . "\"";
                    } elseif (!strcasecmp($search[$field]['compare'], "BETWEEN")) {
                        $this_value = "\"" . quote_smart($element) . "\" AND \"" . quote_smart($post_element_to) . "\"";
                    } else {
                        $this_value = "\"" . quote_smart($element) . "\"";
                    if (isset($search[$field]['convert'])) {
                        $this_value = $search[$field]['convert'] . "({$this_value})";
                    if (!strcasecmp($search[$field]['compare'], "IN")) {
                        $search[$field]['value'] = "('" . implode("','", preg_split('/[,\'" ]+/', $this_value)) . "')";
                    } else {
                        $search[$field]['value'] = $this_value;
        } else {
            etelPrint("{$this_element} must be set");
            $is_form_complete = 0;
    if ($posts_set == 0 && !$posts_not_required) {
        return false;
    return $is_form_complete;
        $bankItem['amt_limit'] = intval($dayinfo[$bankid]['totalamount'] / 30);
    if (!isset($bankItem['bill_cnt'])) {
        $bankItem['bill_cnt'] = intval($bankItem['cnt_limit'] / 12);
    if ($bankItem['bill_cnt'] < 1) {
        $bankItem['skip'] = true;
        $bankItem['skipped_because'] = "Bill Count < 1" . print_r($bankItem, true);
    if ($bankItem['cnt_limit'] && $bankItem['cnt'] > $bankItem['cnt_limit']) {
        $bankItem['skip'] = true;
        $bankItem['skipped_because'] = "Count Limit " . $bankItem['cnt'] . ">" . $bankItem['cnt_limit'];
    if ($bankItem['amt_limit'] && $bankItem['amt'] > $bankItem['amt_limit']) {
        $bankItem['skip'] = true;
        $bankItem['skipped_because'] = "Amount Limit " . $bankItem['amt'] . ">" . $bankItem['amt_limit'];
    if (!$bankItem['skip']) {
        if (!$test) {
            process_rebills($trans_class, $bankItem['bill_cnt'], array('bank_limit' => array($bankid), 'bank_where' => $bankItem['bank_where']));
    } else {
        echo 'Skipping Bank ' . $bankid . '...<br>' . print_r($bankItem, true);
    if ($test) {
if (!$test) {
    process_expired($trans_class, 0, 250);
Пример #12
     $bank_sort_code = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['bank_sort_code']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['bank_sort_code']) : "";
     $cd_bank_routingnumber = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['cd_bank_routingnumber']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['cd_bank_routingnumber']) : "";
     $registrationNo = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['regnum']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['regnum']) : "";
     $bic_code = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['bic_code']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['bic_code']) : "";
     $VATnumber = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['VATnumber']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['VATnumber']) : "";
     $company_num_code = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['company_num_code']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['company_num_code']) : "";
     $cd_bank_instructions = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['cd_bank_instructions']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['cd_bank_instructions']) : "";
     $bank_IBState = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['bank_IBState']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['bank_IBState']) : "";
     $bank_IBCity = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['bank_IBCity']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['bank_IBCity']) : "";
     $bank_IBName = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['bank_IBName']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['bank_IBName']) : "";
     $bank_IBRoutingCodeType = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['bank_IBRoutingCodeType']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['bank_IBRoutingCodeType']) : "";
     $bank_IBRoutingCode = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['bank_IBRoutingCode']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['bank_IBRoutingCode']) : "";
     $qry_update_user = "******";
     $qry_update_user .= "  where userId='{$userid}' {$bank_sql_limit}";
     //if ($adminInfo['li_level'] == 'full')
     mysql_query($qry_update_user) or dieLog(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "<BR>{$qry_update_user}");
 $company_id = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['company_id']) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['company_id'] : "";
 if ($company_id == "") {
     $company_id = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['userid']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_POST_VARS['userid']) : "";
 $companyname = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['companyname']) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['companyname'] : "";
 $companytype = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['companymode']) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['companymode'] : "";
 $companytrans_type = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['companytrans_type']) ? quote_smart($HTTP_GET_VARS['companytrans_type']) : "";
 $script_display = "";
 $qry_select_companies = "select * from cs_companydetails where userid='{$company_id}' {$bank_sql_limit}";
 if ($qry_select_companies != "") {
     if (!($show_sql = mysql_query($qry_select_companies))) {
         dieLog(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "<BR>");
Пример #13
$access['Data']['ss_cancel_id']['DisplayName'] = 'Cancelation ID';
if (!$access['Data']['ss_cancel_id']['Value']) {
if (!$access['Data']['ss_billing_state']['Value']) {
if (!$access['Data']['Last_Rebill_Date']['Value']) {
$RF = new rates_fees();
$r = $RF->update_transaction_profit($transactionId, true);
$profit = $RF->get_profit(array('EffectiveOnly' => false, 'useTransTable' => true, 'where' => array('pa_trans_ID' => $transactionId)), 2);
if (!is_array($profit['Revenue'])) {
    $r = $RF->update_transaction_profit($transactionId);
    $profit = $RF->get_profit(array('EffectiveOnly' => false, 'useTransTable' => true, 'where' => array('pa_trans_ID' => $transactionId)), 2);
$row = 2;
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['RowDisplay'] = 'Wide';
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['Input'] = '';
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['disable'] = true;
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['DisplayName'] = false;
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['AddHtml'] .= $smarty->assign("Profit", $profit);
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['AddHtml'] = $smarty->fetch('cp_profitreport.tpl');
if ($_POST['submit_access'] == 'Submit') {
    $result = processAccessForm(&$access);
    if ($result) {
Пример #14
function writeAccessForm($access)
    global $etel_domain_path;
    $row = 2;
    $header = 0;
    $columns = 1;
    if ($access['Headers'] > 1) {
        $columns = 2;
    if (!$access['SubmitName']) {
        $access['SubmitName'] = 'submit_access';
    if (!$access['SubmitValue']) {
        $access['SubmitValue'] = 'Submit';
    if ($access['Columns']) {
        $columns = $access['Columns'];
    if ($access['EnablePlusMinus']) {
        $plusminus = true;
    $table_start = "<table border=0 class='invoice'  width='%100'>";
    echo $table_start;
    if ($access['HeaderMessage']) {
        echo "<tr><td valign='top' align='center' colspan = '{$columns}'>" . $access['HeaderMessage'] . "</td></tr>";
    if ($access['EntityManager']) {
        echo "<tr><td valign='top' align='center' colspan = '{$columns}'><div id='en_status'></div><div id='en_results'></div></td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td valign='top'>";
    echo $table_start;
    $lastHeaderTagId = NULL;
    $lastHeaderInc = 0;
    $lastHeaderHide = 0;
    $scriptAdd = "";
    foreach ($access['Data'] as $key => $data) {
        $tagId = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]+/', '_', strtolower($data['Value']));
        if ($data['Name'] == 'access_header' || $data['Name'] == 'access_header_spanned') {
            $lastHeaderTagId = $tagId;
            $lastHeaderInc = 0;
            $plusMinusVal = $data['PlusMinus'];
            if (!$plusMinusVal) {
                $plusMinusVal = 'Open';
            $scriptAdd .= "toggleSectionView(\$('{$tagId}'),'{$plusMinusVal}');\n";
            if ($data['Name'] == 'access_header_spanned') {
                if ($columns > 1) {
                    if ($header > 1) {
                        echo "</table></td></tr><tr><td colspan='2' valign='top'>{$table_start}";
            } else {
                if ($header == intval($access['Headers'] / 2) && $columns > 1) {
                    echo "</table></td><td valign='top'>{$table_start}";
            echo "<tr class='infoHeader'><td colspan='2'>";
            if ($plusminus) {
                echo "<img id='{$lastHeaderTagId}' onclick='toggleSectionView(this)' border='0' alt='-'> <a href='javascript:toggleSectionView(\$(\"{$lastHeaderTagId}\"))'>" . $data['Value'] . "</a>";
            } else {
                echo $data['Value'];
            echo "</td></tr>\n";
        } else {
            $input = "";
            $display_row = true;
            $size = $data['Length'] / 1.5;
            if ($size > 100 && !$data['Input']) {
                $data['Input'] = 'textarea';
            if ($size < 5) {
                $size = 5;
            if ($size > 15) {
                $size = 15;
            $size -= $size % 5;
            if ($data['Size']) {
                $size = $data['Size'];
            $rows = 3;
            if ($data['Rows']) {
                $rows = $data['Rows'];
            $additional = $data['InputAdditional'];
            if ($data['disable']) {
                $additional .= " disabled";
            if ($data['Valid']) {
                $additional .= " valid='" . $data['Valid'] . "'";
            if ($data['Name']) {
                $additional .= " name='" . $data['Name'] . "'";
            if ($data['Name']) {
                $additional .= " id='" . $data['Name'] . "'";
            if ($data['ReadOnly']) {
                $additional .= " readonly";
            if ($data['Style']) {
                $additional .= " style='" . $data['Style'] . "'";
            if ($data['DisplayName']) {
                $additional .= " title='" . preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ #$]/', ' ', $data['DisplayName']) . "'";
            if (!$data['DisplayName']) {
                etelPrint("Error: No DisplayName for '{$key}'");
            switch ($data['Input']) {
                case 'custom':
                    $input = $data['Input_Custom'];
                case 'hidden':
                    $input = "<input type='hidden' value='" . $data['Value'] . "' name='" . $data['Name'] . "'>";
                    $display_row = false;
                case 'checkbox':
                    $input = "<input type='checkbox' " . ($data['Value'] ? "checked" : "") . " value='1'  {$additional}>";
                case 'selectcustom':
                    $input = "<select {$additional}>\n\t\t\t\t\t" . get_fill_combo_conditionally($data['Input_Custom'], $data['Value']) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t</select>";
                case 'selectvolume':
                    global $etel_process_volume;
                    $data['Input_Custom'] = $etel_process_volume;
                case 'selectcustomarray':
                    $input = "<select {$additional}>";
                    $found = false;
                    $grouped = false;
                    foreach ($data['Input_Custom'] as $key => $val) {
                        $style = NULL;
                        $group = NULL;
                        if (is_array($val)) {
                            $style = "style='" . $val['style'] . "'";
                            $group = $val['group'];
                            $val = $val['txt'];
                        if ($group) {
                            if ($grouped) {
                                $input .= "</optgroup>\n";
                            $input .= "<optgroup label='{$val}' {$style}>\n";
                            $grouped = true;
                        } else {
                            if ($data['Value'] == $key && !$found) {
                                $style .= 'selected ';
                                $found = true;
                            $input .= "<option value='{$key}' {$style}>{$val}</option>\n";
                    if ($grouped) {
                        $input .= "</optgroup>\n";
                    $input .= "</select>";
                case 'selectenum':
                    $input = "<select {$additional}>\n\t\t\t\t\t" . func_get_enum_values($data['Table'], $data['Name'], $data['Value']) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t</select>";
                case 'textarea':
                    $input = "<textarea  cols='{$size}' rows='{$rows}' {$additional}>" . $data['Value'] . "</textarea>";
                case 'password':
                    $input = "<input type='password' value='" . $data['Value'] . "' maxlength='" . $data['Length'] . "' size='{$size}' {$additional}>";
                    $input = "<input type='textfield' value='" . $data['Value'] . "' maxlength='" . $data['Length'] . "' size='{$size}' {$additional}>";
                    if ($data['disable']) {
                        $input = $data['Value'];
            if ($data['LinkTo']) {
                $input .= " <a target='_blank' href=" . $data['Value'] . ">Link</a>";
            if ($data['EmailTo']) {
                $input .= " <a href='mailto:" . $data['Value'] . "'>Email</a>";
            if ($data['AddHtml']) {
                $input .= $data['AddHtml'];
            if ($data['HideIfEmpty'] && !$input) {
            if ($display_row) {
                $rowClass = "class='row" . ($row = 3 - $row) . "'";
                if ($data['Highlight']) {
                    $rowClass = "class='rowhighlight'";
                if ($data['RowDisplay'] == 'Wide') {
                    if ($data['DisplayName']) {
                        echo "<tr {$rowClass} id='" . $lastHeaderTagId . $lastHeaderInc++ . "' >\n<td colspan='2' align='center' valign='top'>\n<strong>";
                        echo ($data['Valid'] ? '* ' : '') . $data['DisplayName'] . ":";
                        echo "</strong>\n</td>\n</tr>\n";
                    echo "<tr {$rowClass} id='" . $lastHeaderTagId . $lastHeaderInc++ . "'><td colspan='2' align='center' valign='top'>\n";
                    echo $input;
                    echo "</td>\n</tr>\n";
                } else {
                    echo "<tr {$rowClass} id='" . $lastHeaderTagId . $lastHeaderInc++ . "'>\n<td align='right' valign='top'>\n<strong>";
                    echo ($data['Valid'] ? '* ' : '') . $data['DisplayName'] . ":";
                    echo "</strong>\n</td>\n<td>\n";
                    echo $input;
                    echo "</td>\n</tr>\n";
            } else {
                echo $input;
    echo "<tr class='row" . ($row = 3 - $row) . "'><td colspan='2' align='center'>";
    echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "</table>";
    echo "</td></tr>\n";
    if ($access['Submitable']) {
        echo "<tr><td colspan='{$columns}' align='center'>\n";
        echo "<input type='submit' name='" . $access['SubmitName'] . "' value='" . $access['SubmitValue'] . "'>";
        echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "</table>";
    if ($scriptAdd) {
        echo "<script>\n{$scriptAdd}</script>";
Пример #15

	<select name="bi_ID" size="5" id="bi_ID">
	  <option value="">Select an Invoice</option>
    func_fill_combo_conditionally("select bi_ID, bi_title from `cs_bank_invoice` where bi_bank_id = '{$bankId}' ORDER BY `bi_date` ASC ", $bi_ID, $cnn_cs);
	<input name="Submit" type="submit" value="View Invoice">
    endTable("Invoice History", "viewBankInvoice.php");
    $bi_pay_info['BankCreditReserveFees'] += $bi_pay_info['BankCreditDiscountFees'];
if ($_GET['debug']) {
<script language="javascript">
function reverseInvoice(bi_ID)
	if(!confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this invoice and reverse all calculated data affiliated with it?"))
		return 0;

  <style type="text/css">
.style1 {font-size: 10px}