} // read arguments list($junk, $user, $pass) = $argv; // get the gateway (it will have the registration_url) $goGateway = $client->token($user, $pass); if (!empty($goGateway->_error)) { var_dump($goGateway); err_quit("Error: could not get gateway\n", 2); } $liveUrl = $goGateway->live_url; // do an endless loop do { $goLive = $client->get($liveUrl); if (!empty($goLive->_error)) { var_dump($goLive); err_quit("Error: could not get Live Data\n", 3); } if (count($goLive->updates)) { printf("[%s] UPDATES:\n", date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); // read out the available trackers $format = " %-15s %-25s %-21s %-21s\n"; printf($format, "IMEI", "Name", "Last Heard", "Last Position"); foreach ($goLive->updates as $goUpdate) { printf($format, $goUpdate->imei, $goUpdate->name, $goUpdate->comm_ts ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $goUpdate->comm_ts) : "-", $goUpdate->pos_ts ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $goUpdate->pos_ts) : "-"); } } else { printf("[%s] No updates\n", date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); } printf(" Next URL: %s\n", $liveUrl = $goLive->live_url); printf(" Calling again in %d seconds...\n", $refresh = $goLive->refresh); sleep($refresh);
*/ require_once 'lib/err_quit.php'; // for fatal errors require_once 'lib/GinkClient.php'; // create a gink client $client = new GinkClient(); // check basic number of args if (count($argv) < 3) { $msg = "Lists trackers for user in gink-ws\n"; $msg .= "USAGE: php {$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']} user pass\n"; err_quit($msg, 1); } // read arguments list($junk, $user, $pass) = $argv; // get the gateway (it will have the registration_url) $goGateway = $client->token($user, $pass); if (!empty($goGateway->_error)) { var_dump($goGateway); err_quit("Error: could not get gateway\n", 2); } $goTrackers = $client->get($goGateway->trackers_url); if (!empty($goTrackers->_error)) { var_dump($goTrackers); err_quit("Error: could not get trackers\n", 3); } // read out the available trackers $format = "%-15s %-20s %-12s %-12s %-6s %-20s\n"; printf($format, "IMEI", "Name", "Start", "Expires", "Keep", "Model"); foreach ($goTrackers->trackers as $goTrack) { printf($format, $goTrack->imei, $goTrack->name, $goTrack->start_ts ? date('Y-m-d', $goTrack->start_ts) : "-", $goTrack->end_ts ? date('Y-m-d', $goTrack->end_ts) : "-", $goTrack->data_retention, $goTrack->model); }