Пример #1
 function __construct($TemplateID = 0)
     $Select = "SELECT BackNumber.*, LENGTH(BnBackground) as ImgSize  " . "FROM BackNumber  " . "WHERE BnTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " AND BnFinal in (0," . $TemplateID . ") order by BnFinal desc limit 1";
     //print $Select;exit;
     $Rs = safe_r_sql($Select);
     if (safe_num_rows($Rs) == 1) {
         $this->RowBn = safe_fetch($Rs);
     } else {
         // fall back if no Backnumber creates from template!
         include_once 'Tournament/BackNumberEmpty.php';
         $this->RowBn = emptyBackNumber();
     $this->Rotation = $this->RowBn->BnOffsetX != 0 || $this->RowBn->BnOffsetY != 0;
     $this->RotX = $this->RowBn->BnWidth / 2;
     $this->RotY = $this->RowBn->BnOffsetY / 2;
     // TargetNo Specs
     $this->TargetNoFont = ($this->RowBn->BnTargetNo & 4) == 4 ? $this->FontFix : (($this->RowBn->BnTargetNo & 2) == 2 ? 'dejavuserif' : $this->FontStd);
     $this->TargetNoStyle = ($this->RowBn->BnTargetNo & 8 ? 'B' : '') . ($this->RowBn->BnTargetNo & 16 ? 'I' : '');
     $this->TargetNoColor = array(base_convert(substr($this->RowBn->BnTnoColor, 0, 2), 16, 10), base_convert(substr($this->RowBn->BnTnoColor, 2, 2), 16, 10), base_convert(substr($this->RowBn->BnTnoColor, 4, 2), 16, 10));
     $this->TargetNoAlign = ($this->RowBn->BnTargetNo & 96) == 64 ? 'L' : (($this->RowBn->BnTargetNo & 96) == 32 ? 'R' : 'C');
     // Athlete Specs
     $this->AthleteFont = ($this->RowBn->BnAthlete & 4) == 4 ? $this->FontFix : (($this->RowBn->BnAthlete & 2) == 2 ? 'dejavuserif' : $this->FontStd);
     $this->AthleteStyle = ($this->RowBn->BnAthlete & 8 ? 'B' : '') . ($this->RowBn->BnAthlete & 16 ? 'I' : '');
     $this->AthleteColor = array(base_convert(substr($this->RowBn->BnAthColor, 0, 2), 16, 10), base_convert(substr($this->RowBn->BnAthColor, 2, 2), 16, 10), base_convert(substr($this->RowBn->BnAthColor, 4, 2), 16, 10));
     $this->AthleteAlign = ($this->RowBn->BnAthlete & 96) == 64 ? 'L' : (($this->RowBn->BnAthlete & 96) == 32 ? 'R' : 'C');
     if ($this->RowBn->BnCapitalFirstName) {
         $this->FirstNameAllCaps = true;
     // Country Specs
     $this->CountryFont = ($this->RowBn->BnCountry & 4) == 4 ? $this->FontFix : (($this->RowBn->BnCountry & 2) == 2 ? 'dejavuserif' : $this->FontStd);
     $this->CountryStyle = ($this->RowBn->BnCountry & 8 ? 'B' : '') . ($this->RowBn->BnCountry & 16 ? 'I' : '');
     $this->CountryColor = array(base_convert(substr($this->RowBn->BnCoColor, 0, 2), 16, 10), base_convert(substr($this->RowBn->BnCoColor, 2, 2), 16, 10), base_convert(substr($this->RowBn->BnCoColor, 4, 2), 16, 10));
     $this->CountryAlign = ($this->RowBn->BnCountry & 96) == 64 ? 'L' : (($this->RowBn->BnCountry & 96) == 32 ? 'R' : 'C');
     // background temp creation
     if ($this->RowBn->ImgSize) {
         $this->BackGroundFile = tempnam('/tmp', 'bgf');
         $img = imagecreatefromstring($this->RowBn->BnBackground);
         if (!imagepng($img, $this->BackGroundFile)) {
             die('could not create image');
     $Orientation = $this->RowBn->BnWidth > $this->RowBn->BnHeight ? 'L' : 'P';
     $this->setPageFormat(array($this->RowBn->BnWidth, $this->RowBn->BnHeight), $Orientation);
     $this->SetFont($this->FontStd, '', 10);
     $this->SetMargins(10, 10, 10);
     $this->SetAutoPageBreak(false, 10);
     $this->SetCreator('Software Design by Ianseo');
     $this->SetTitle('IANSEO - Integrated Result System (release ' . ProgramVersion . ')');
Пример #2
if ($BackNoFinal > 4) {
    $BackNoFinal = 0;
if (isset($_REQUEST["deleteLayout"])) {
    safe_w_sql("DELETE FROM BackNumber WHERE BnTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " AND BnFinal=" . StrSafe_DB($BackNoFinal));
    cd_redirect('BackNumber.php?BackNo=' . $BackNoFinal);
$RowBn = NULL;
$Select = "(SELECT BackNumber.*, LENGTH(BnBackground) as ImgSize, 1 as Customized " . "FROM BackNumber  " . "WHERE BnTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " AND BnFinal=" . StrSafe_DB($BackNoFinal) . ")" . "UNION " . "(SELECT BackNumber.*, LENGTH(BnBackground) as ImgSize, 0 as Customized " . "FROM BackNumber  " . "WHERE BnTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " AND BnFinal=0) " . "LIMIT 1";
$Rs = safe_r_sql($Select);
if (safe_num_rows($Rs) == 1) {
    $RowBn = safe_fetch($Rs);
} else {
    include 'Tournament/BackNumberEmpty.php';
    $RowBn = emptyBackNumber();
if (isset($_REQUEST["Submit"])) {
    $TmpUpdate = '';
    foreach ($_REQUEST as $Key => $Value) {
        if (substr($Key, 0, 2) == 'Bn') {
            if (is_array($Value)) {
                $Tmp = 0;
                foreach ($Value as $SubValue) {
                    $Tmp += $SubValue;
                $TmpUpdate .= $Key . " = " . StrSafe_DB($Tmp) . ', ';
            } else {
                $TmpUpdate .= $Key . " = " . StrSafe_DB(str_replace('#', '', $Value)) . ', ';
Пример #3
function createBackno($TourCodeSafe)
    // 	return;
    global $CFG;
    include 'Tournament/BackNumberEmpty.php';
    $RowBn = emptyBackNumber();
    $W = $RowBn->BnBgW;
    $H = $RowBn->BnBgH;
    $img = imagecreatetruecolor($W * 12, $H * 12);
    $ColWhi = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255);
    // bianco
    imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, $W * 12, $H * 12, $ColWhi);
    $ColBlue = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 83, 166);
    // azzurro
    if (file_exists($file = $CFG->DOCUMENT_PATH . 'TV/Photos/' . $TourCodeSafe . '-ToLeft.jpg')) {
        $fmt = 75 / 65;
        // max rectangle is 75 w x 65 h
        $im2 = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
        $w2 = imagesx($im2);
        $h2 = imagesy($im2);
        if ($w2 / $h2 > $fmt) {
            // more landscape than available rectangle
            $newW = 75 * 12;
            $newH = $newW * $h2 / $w2;
        } else {
            // more portrait than available rectangle
            $newH = 65 * 12;
            $newW = $newH * $w2 / $h2;
        imagecopyresampled($img, $im2, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newW, $newH, $w2, $h2);
    if (file_exists($file = $CFG->DOCUMENT_PATH . 'TV/Photos/' . $TourCodeSafe . '-ToRight.jpg')) {
        $fmt = ($W - 51) / 34;
        // max rectangle is 75 w x 65 h
        $im2 = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
        $w2 = imagesx($im2);
        $h2 = imagesy($im2);
        if ($w2 / $h2 > $fmt) {
            // more landscape than available rectangle
            $newW = ($W - 51) * 12;
            $newH = $newW * $h2 / $w2;
        } else {
            // more portrait than available rectangle
            $newH = 34 * 12;
            $newW = $newH * $w2 / $h2;
        imagecopyresampled($img, $im2, 0, $H * 12 - $newH, 0, 0, $newW, $newH, $w2, $h2);
    // text
    putenv('GDFONTPATH=' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/tcpdf/fonts');
    if ($_SESSION['ISORIS']) {
        define('PRINTLANG', 'en');
    } elseif ($_SESSION['TourPrintLang']) {
        define('PRINTLANG', $_SESSION['TourPrintLang']);
    $q = safe_r_sql("select ToWhere, ToName, ToWhenFrom, ToWhenTo from Tournament where ToId={$_SESSION['TourId']}");
    $font = 'ariblk.ttf';
    $r = safe_fetch($q);
    $text = '';
    $date1 = explode('-', $r->ToWhenFrom);
    $date2 = explode('-', $r->ToWhenTo);
    if ($date1[0] != $date2[0]) {
        // 2 years
        $text = intval($date1[2]) . ' ' . get_text($date1[1] . '_Short', 'DateTime') . ' ' . $date1[0] . '/' . intval($date2[2]) . ' ' . get_text($date2[1] . '_Short', 'DateTime') . ' ' . $date2[0];
    } elseif ($date1[1] != $date2[1]) {
        // 2 months
        $text = intval($date1[2]) . ' ' . get_text($date1[1] . '_Short', 'DateTime') . '/' . intval($date2[2]) . ' ' . get_text($date2[1] . '_Short', 'DateTime') . ' ' . $date2[0];
    } elseif ($date1[0] != $date2[0]) {
        // 2 days
        $text = intval($date1[2]) . '/' . intval($date2[2]) . ' ' . get_text($date2[1] . '_Short', 'DateTime') . ' ' . $date2[0];
    } else {
        $text = intval($date2[2]) . ' ' . get_text($date2[1] . '_Short', 'DateTime') . ' ' . $date2[0];
    $text .= ' - ' . preg_replace("#[\n\r]+#", ' - ', $r->ToWhere) . ' - ' . preg_replace("#[\n\r]+#", ' - ', $r->ToName);
    $FontSize = 50;
    $dim = imagettfbbox($FontSize, 0, $font, $text);
    while ($dim[2] > $W * 12) {
        $dim = imagettfbbox($FontSize, 0, $font, $text);
    $textX = ($W * 12 - $dim[2]) / 2;
    $textY = 65 * 12 + 5 - $dim[7];
    imagettftext($img, $FontSize, 0, $textX, $textY, $ColBlue, $font, $text);
    imagesetthickness($img, 10);
    imageline($img, $textX, $textY + $dim[1] + 8, $textX + $dim[2], $textY + $dim[1] + 8, $ColBlue);
    imagejpeg($img, $FILE = $CFG->DOCUMENT_PATH . 'TV/Photos/' . $TourCodeSafe . '-BackNo-0.jpg', 90);
    $TmpUpdate = '';
    $RowBn->BnTournament = $_SESSION['TourId'];
    $RowBn->BnFinal = 0;
    foreach ($RowBn as $Key => $Value) {
        if (substr($Key, 0, 2) == 'Bn') {
            if (is_array($Value)) {
                $Tmp = 0;
                foreach ($Value as $SubValue) {
                    $Tmp += $SubValue;
                $TmpUpdate .= $Key . " = " . StrSafe_DB($Tmp) . ', ';
            } else {
                $TmpUpdate .= $Key . " = " . StrSafe_DB(str_replace('#', '', $Value)) . ', ';
    $TmpUpdate .= "BnBackground='" . addslashes(file_get_contents($FILE)) . "'";
    safe_w_sql("INSERT INTO BackNumber SET {$TmpUpdate} on duplicate key update {$TmpUpdate}");