Пример #1
function eme_categories_edit_layout($message = "")
    $category_id = intval($_GET['category_id']);
    $category = eme_get_category($category_id);
    $layout = "\n   <div class='wrap'>\n      <div id='icon-edit' class='icon32'>\n         <br />\n      </div>\n         \n      <h1>" . __('Edit category', 'eme') . "</h1>";
    if ($message != "") {
        $layout .= "\n      <div id='message' class='updated fade below-h1' style='background-color: rgb(255, 251, 204);'>\n         <p>{$message}</p>\n      </div>";
    $layout .= "\n      <div id='ajax-response'></div>\n\n      <form name='edit_category' id='edit_category' method='post' action='" . admin_url("admin.php?page=eme-categories") . "' class='validate'>\n      <input type='hidden' name='eme_admin_action' value='do_editcategory' />\n      <input type='hidden' name='category_id' value='" . $category['category_id'] . "' />";
    $layout .= "\n         <table class='form-table'>\n            <tr class='form-field form-required'>\n               <th scope='row' valign='top'><label for='category_name'>" . __('Category name', 'eme') . "</label></th>\n               <td><input name='category_name' id='category_name' type='text' value='" . eme_sanitize_html($category['category_name']) . "' size='40' /><br />\n                 " . __('The name of the category', 'eme') . "</td>\n            </tr>\n            <tr class='form-field form-required'>\n               <th scope='row' valign='top'><label for='description'>" . __('Category description', 'eme') . "</label></th>\n               <td><textarea name='description' id='description' rows='5' />" . eme_sanitize_html($category['description']) . "</textarea><br />\n                 " . __('The description of the category', 'eme') . "</td>\n            </tr>\n         </table>\n      <p class='submit'><input type='submit' class='button-primary' name='submit' value='" . __('Update category', 'eme') . "' /></p>\n      </form>\n   </div>\n   ";
    echo $layout;
Пример #2
function eme_events_table($message = "", $scope = "future")
    global $eme_timezone;
    if (!empty($message)) {
        echo "<div id='message' class='updated fade'><p>" . eme_trans_sanitize_html($message) . "</p></div>";
    //$list_limit = get_option('eme_events_admin_limit');
    //if ($list_limit<5 || $list_limit>200) {
    //   $list_limit=20;
    //   update_option('eme_events_admin_limit',$list_limit);
    //$offset = isset($_GET['offset']) ? intval($_GET['offset']) : 0;
    //$events = eme_get_events ( $limit+1, "future", "ASC", $offset );
    $o_category = isset($_GET['category']) ? intval($_GET['category']) : 0;
    $status = isset($_GET['event_status']) ? intval($_GET['event_status']) : '';
    if (!empty($status)) {
        $extra_conditions = 'event_status = ' . $status;
    } else {
        $extra_conditions = '';
    //$events = eme_get_events ( 0, $scope, "ASC", $offset, "", $o_category, '', '', 1, '', 0, $extra_conditions);
    $events = eme_get_events(0, $scope, "ASC", 0, "", $o_category, '', '', 1, '', 0, $extra_conditions);
    $events_count = count($events);
    $scope_names = array();
    $scope_names['past'] = __('Past events', 'eme');
    $scope_names['all'] = __('All events', 'eme');
    $scope_names['future'] = __('Future events', 'eme');

<div class="wrap">
<div id="icon-events" class="icon32"><br />
    echo $scope_names[$scope];
   <!--<div id='new-event' class='switch-tab'><a href="<?php 
    echo admin_url("admin.php?page=events-manager&amp;eme_admin_action=edit_event");
    _e('New Event ...', 'eme');
    $event_status_array = eme_status_array();
   <div class="tablenav">
   <form id="posts-filter" action="" method="get">
   <input type='hidden' name='page' value='events-manager' />
   <select name="scope">
    foreach ($scope_names as $key => $value) {
        $selected = "";
        if ($key == $scope) {
            $selected = "selected='selected'";
        echo "<option value='{$key}' {$selected}>{$value}</option>  ";
   <select id="event_status" name="event_status">
      <option value="0"><?php 
    _e('Event Status', 'eme');
    foreach ($event_status_array as $event_status_key => $event_status_value) {
         <option value="<?php 
        echo $event_status_key;
" <?php 
        if (isset($_GET['event_status']) && $_GET['event_status'] == $event_status_key) {
            echo 'selected="selected"';
        echo $event_status_value;
   <select name="category">
   <option value='0'><?php 
    _e('All categories', 'eme');
    $categories = eme_get_categories();
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
        $selected = "";
        if ($o_category == $category['category_id']) {
            $selected = "selected='selected'";
        echo "<option value='" . $category['category_id'] . "' {$selected}>" . $category['category_name'] . "</option>";
   <input id="post-query-submit" class="button-secondary" type="submit" value="<?php 
" />

    if ($events_count > 0) {
   <form id="eme_events_listform" action="" method="get">
   <input type='hidden' name='page' value='events-manager' />
   <select name="eme_admin_action">
   <option value="-1" selected="selected"><?php 
        _e('Bulk Actions');
   <option value="deleteEvents"><?php 
        _e('Delete selected events', 'eme');
   <option value="deleteRecurrence"><?php 
        _e('Delete selected recurrent events', 'eme');
   <option value="publicEvents"><?php 
        _e('Publish selected events', 'eme');
   <option value="privateEvents"><?php 
        _e('Make selected events private', 'eme');
   <option value="draftEvents"><?php 
        _e('Make selected events draft', 'eme');
   <input type="submit" value="<?php 
" name="doaction2" id="doaction2" class="button-secondary action" />
   <div class="clear"></div>
   <br />

   <table class="widefat hover stripe" id="eme_admin_events">
         <th class='manage-column column-cb check-column' scope='col'><input
            class='select-all' type="checkbox" value='1' /></th>
        _e('ID', 'eme');
        _e('Name', 'eme');
        _e('Status', 'eme');
        _e('Copy', 'eme');
        _e('Location', 'eme');
        _e('Date and time', 'eme');
        _e('Recurrence info', 'eme');
        $eme_date_obj = new ExpressiveDate(null, $eme_timezone);
        $today = $eme_date_obj->getDate();
        foreach ($events as $event) {
            $localised_start_date = eme_localised_date($event['event_start_date'] . " " . $event['event_start_time'] . " " . $eme_timezone);
            $localised_start_time = eme_localised_time($event['event_start_date'] . " " . $event['event_start_time'] . " " . $eme_timezone);
            $localised_end_date = eme_localised_date($event['event_end_date'] . " " . $event['event_end_time'] . " " . $eme_timezone);
            $localised_end_time = eme_localised_time($event['event_end_date'] . " " . $event['event_end_time'] . " " . $eme_timezone);
            $datasort_startstring = strtotime($event['event_start_date'] . " " . $event['event_start_time'] . " " . $eme_timezone);
            $location_summary = "";
            if (isset($event['location_id']) && $event['location_id']) {
                $location = eme_get_location($event['location_id']);
                $location_summary = "<b>" . eme_trans_sanitize_html($location['location_name']) . "</b><br />" . eme_trans_sanitize_html($location['location_address']) . " - " . eme_trans_sanitize_html($location['location_town']);
            $style = "";
            if ($event['event_start_date'] < $today) {
                $style = "style ='background-color: #FADDB7;'";
     <tr <?php 
            echo "{$style}";
         <td><input type='checkbox' class='row-selector' value='<?php 
            echo $event['event_id'];
' name='events[]' /></td>
            echo $event['event_id'];
         <a class="row-title" href="<?php 
            echo admin_url("admin.php?page=events-manager&amp;eme_admin_action=edit_event&amp;event_id=" . $event['event_id']);
" title="<?php 
            _e('Edit event', 'eme');
            echo eme_trans_sanitize_html($event['event_name']);
            $categories = explode(',', $event['event_category_ids']);
            foreach ($categories as $cat) {
                $category = eme_get_category($cat);
                if ($category) {
                    echo "<br /><span title='" . __('Category', 'eme') . ": " . eme_trans_sanitize_html($category['category_name']) . "'>" . eme_trans_sanitize_html($category['category_name']) . "</span>";
            if ($event['event_rsvp']) {
                $booked_seats = eme_get_booked_seats($event['event_id']);
                $available_seats = eme_get_available_seats($event['event_id']);
                $pending_seats = eme_get_pending_seats($event['event_id']);
                $total_seats = $event['event_seats'];
                if (eme_is_multi($event['event_seats'])) {
                    $available_seats_string = $available_seats . ' (' . eme_convert_array2multi(eme_get_available_multiseats($event['event_id'])) . ')';
                    $pending_seats_string = $pending_seats . ' (' . eme_convert_array2multi(eme_get_pending_multiseats($event['event_id'])) . ')';
                    $total_seats_string = eme_get_multitotal($total_seats) . ' (' . $event['event_seats'] . ')';
                } else {
                    $available_seats_string = $available_seats;
                    $pending_seats_string = $pending_seats;
                    $total_seats_string = $total_seats;
                if ($pending_seats > 0) {
                    echo "<br />" . __('RSVP Info: ', 'eme') . __('Free: ', 'eme') . $available_seats_string . ", " . __('Pending: ', 'eme') . $pending_seats_string . ", " . __('Max: ', 'eme') . $total_seats_string;
                } else {
                    echo "<br />" . __('RSVP Info: ', 'eme') . __('Free: ', 'eme') . $available_seats_string . ", " . __('Max: ', 'eme') . $total_seats_string;
                if ($booked_seats > 0 || $pending_seats > 0) {
                    $printable_address = admin_url("admin.php?page=eme-people&amp;eme_admin_action=booking_printable&amp;event_id=" . $event['event_id']);
                    $csv_address = admin_url("admin.php?page=eme-people&amp;eme_admin_action=booking_csv&amp;event_id=" . $event['event_id']);
                    echo " (<a id='booking_printable_" . $event['event_id'] . "' href='{$printable_address}'>" . __('Printable view', 'eme') . "</a>)";
                    echo " (<a id='booking_csv_" . $event['event_id'] . "' href='{$csv_address}'>" . __('CSV export', 'eme') . "</a>)";
            if (isset($event_status_array[$event['event_status']])) {
                echo $event_status_array[$event['event_status']];
                $event_url = eme_event_url($event);
                if ($event['event_status'] == STATUS_DRAFT) {
                    echo "<br /> <a href='{$event_url}'>" . __('Preview event', 'eme') . "</a>";
                } else {
                    echo "<br /> <a href='{$event_url}'>" . __('View event', 'eme') . "</a>";
         <a href="<?php 
            echo admin_url("admin.php?page=events-manager&amp;eme_admin_action=duplicate_event&amp;event_id=" . $event['event_id']);
" title="<?php 
            _e('Duplicate this event', 'eme');
"><img src='<?php 
            echo EME_PLUGIN_URL . "images/copy_24.png";
            echo $location_summary;
         <td data-sort="<?php 
            echo $datasort_startstring;
            echo $localised_start_date;
            if ($localised_end_date != '' && $localised_end_date != $localised_start_date) {
                echo " - " . $localised_end_date;
<br />
            if ($event['event_properties']['all_day'] == 1) {
                _e('All day', 'eme');
            } else {
                echo "{$localised_start_time} - {$localised_end_time}";
            if ($event['recurrence_id']) {
                $recurrence_desc = eme_get_recurrence_desc($event['recurrence_id']);
                echo $recurrence_desc;
            <br />
            <a href="<?php 
                echo admin_url("admin.php?page=events-manager&amp;eme_admin_action=edit_recurrence&amp;recurrence_id=" . $event['recurrence_id']);
                print sprintf(__('Edit Recurrence ID %d', 'eme'), $event['recurrence_id']);


    } else {
        echo "<div id='events-admin-no-events'>" . get_option('eme_no_events_message') . "</div></div>";

   <script type="text/javascript">
   jQuery(document).ready( function() {
         jQuery('#eme_admin_events').dataTable( {
            "dom": 'Blfrtip',
	    "colReorder": true,
    $locale_code = get_locale();
    $locale_file = EME_PLUGIN_DIR . "js/jquery-datatables/i18n/{$locale_code}.json";
    $locale_file_url = EME_PLUGIN_URL . "js/jquery-datatables/i18n/{$locale_code}.json";
    if ($locale_code != "en_US" && file_exists($locale_file)) {
            "language": {
                            "url": "<?php 
        echo $locale_file_url;
            "stateSave": true,
            "pagingType": "full",
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               { "sortable": false, "targets": [0,4,7] }
            "buttons": [
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