Пример #1
function manage_surveys()
    global $table_prefix, $wpdb;
    $survey_table = $table_prefix . "surveys";
    if (isset($_REQUEST["wpsurv_submit"])) {
        require_once 'functions.php';
        if ($_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Edit', 'wp-surveys') || $_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Cancel', 'wp-surveys') || $_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Back to Edit Survey', 'wp-surveys')) {
        } elseif ($_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Update', 'wp-surveys')) {
        } elseif ($_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Update Options', 'wp-surveys')) {
            update_options($_POST['survey_id'], $_POST['question_id']);
        } elseif ($_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Activate', 'wp-surveys') || $_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Make Active', 'wp-surveys')) {
        } elseif ($_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Retire', 'wp-surveys')) {
        } elseif ($_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Update Leaderboard', 'wp-surveys')) {
        } elseif ($_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Edit Options', 'wp-surveys') || $_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Add Some Options', 'wp-surveys') || $_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Edit or Add more Options', 'wp-surveys')) {
            edit_options($_POST['survey_id'], $_POST['question_id']);
        } elseif ($_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Add More Questions', 'wp-surveys') || $_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Add Some Questions', 'wp-surveys')) {
        } elseif ($_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Step 2', 'wp-surveys')) {
        } elseif ($_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Create Question', 'wp-surveys')) {
        } elseif ($_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Change Survey', 'wp-surveys') || $_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Add Survey', 'wp-surveys')) {
        } elseif ($_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Add This Survey', 'wp-surveys')) {
        } elseif ($_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('View Survey Results', 'wp-surveys')) {
        //elseif($_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('View Survey Results in CSV File', 'wp-surveys'))
        //elseif($_POST["wpsurv_submit"] == __('Delete File', 'wp-surveys'))
    } else {
        $current_plugins = get_option('active_plugins');
        if (file_exists(ABSPATH . PLUGINDIR . '/polyglot.php') && in_array('polyglot.php', $current_plugins)) {
            $polyglot = true;
        echo '<div class="wrap">';
        $open_surveys = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . $survey_table . "` WHERE `survey_open`='1' LIMIT 1;", ARRAY_A);
        echo '<h2>' . __('Survey Management', 'wp-surveys') . '</h2><h3><u>' . __('Active Survey', 'wp-surveys') . '</u>:</h3>';
        if ($open_surveys) {
            echo '<table class="widefat" width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4">';
            echo '<tr><th align="left">' . __('Title', 'wp-surveys') . '</th><th align="left">' . __('Description', 'wp-surveys') . '</th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr>';
            foreach ($open_surveys as $survey) {
                echo '<tr class="alternate">';
                if ($polyglot) {
                    echo '<td><b>' . polyglot_filter(stripcslashes($survey['survey_name'])) . '</b></td><td>' . polyglot_filter(stripcslashes($survey['survey_describe'])) . '</td>';
                } elseif (!$polyglot) {
                    echo '<td><b>' . stripcslashes($survey['survey_name']) . '</b></td><td>' . stripcslashes($survey['survey_describe']) . '</td>';
                echo '<td class="submit" align="center"><form method="post" action=""><input type="hidden" name="survey_id" value="' . $survey['survey_id'] . '" />';
                echo '<input type="submit" name="wpsurv_submit" value="' . __('Edit', 'wp-surveys') . '" /></form></td>';
                echo '<td class="submit" align="center"><form method="post" action=""><input type="hidden" name="survey_id" value="' . $survey['survey_id'] . '" />';
                echo '<input type="submit" name="wpsurv_submit" value="' . __('Retire', 'wp-surveys') . '" /></form></td>';
                echo '<td class="submit" align="center"><form method="post" action=""><input type="hidden" name="survey_id" value="' . $survey['survey_id'] . '" />';
                echo '<input type="submit" name="wpsurv_submit" value="' . __('View Survey Results', 'wp-surveys') . '" /></form></td>';
                //echo '<td align="center"><form method="post" action=""><input type="hidden" name="survey_id" value="'.$survey['survey_id'].'" />';
                //echo '<input type="submit" name="wpsurv_submit" value="'.__('View Survey Results in CSV File', 'wp-surveys').'" /></form></td>';
                echo '</tr>';
            echo '</table>';
            $next = ++$survey['survey_id'];
            echo '<br /><form method="post" action=""><input type="hidden" name="survey_id" value="' . $next . '" /><input class="button" type="submit" name="wpsurv_submit" value="' . __('Change Survey', 'wp-surveys') . '" title="' . __('Current Survey will be saved as Retired', 'wp-surveys') . '" /></form>';
        } else {
            echo __('There are no open tournaments or contests.', 'wp-surveys') . '.';
            //$last = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(`survey_id`) FROM `".$survey_table."`;");
            $last = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `survey_id` FROM `" . $survey_table . "` ORDER BY `survey_id` DESC LIMIT 1;");
            $next = ++$last;
            echo '<br /><br /><form method="post" action=""><input type="hidden" name="survey_id" value="' . $next . '" /><input class="button" type="submit" name="wpsurv_submit" value="' . __('Add Survey', 'wp-surveys') . '" /></form>';
        $closed_surveys = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . $survey_table . "` WHERE `survey_open`='0';", ARRAY_A);
        echo '<h3><u>' . __('Retired Surveys', 'wp-surveys') . '</u>:</h3>';
        if ($closed_surveys) {
            echo '<table class="widefat" width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4">';
            echo '<tr><th align="left">' . __('Title', 'wp-surveys') . '</th><th align="left">' . __('Description', 'wp-surveys') . '</th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr>';
            foreach ($closed_surveys as $survey) {
                echo '<tr class="alternate">';
                if ($polyglot) {
                    echo '<td><b>' . polyglot_filter(stripcslashes($survey['survey_name'])) . '</b></td><td>' . polyglot_filter(stripcslashes($survey['survey_describe'])) . '</td>';
                } elseif (!$polyglot) {
                    echo '<td><b>' . stripcslashes($survey['survey_name']) . '</b></td><td>' . stripcslashes($survey['survey_describe']) . '</td>';
                echo '<td class="submit" align="center"><form method="post" action=""><input type="hidden" name="survey_id" value="' . $survey['survey_id'] . '" />';
                echo '<input type="submit" name="wpsurv_submit" value="' . __('Edit', 'wp-surveys') . '" /></form></td>';
                echo '<td class="submit" align="center"><form method="post" action=""><input type="hidden" name="survey_id" value="' . $survey['survey_id'] . '" />';
                echo '<input type="submit" name="wpsurv_submit" value="' . __('Make Active', 'wp-surveys') . '" /></form></td>';
                echo '<td class="submit" align="center"><form method="post" action=""><input type="hidden" name="survey_id" value="' . $survey['survey_id'] . '" />';
                echo '<input type="submit" name="wpsurv_submit" value="' . __('View Survey Results', 'wp-surveys') . '" /></form></td>';
                //echo '<td align="center"><form method="post" action=""><input type="hidden" name="survey_id" value="'.$survey['survey_id'].'" />';
                //echo '<input type="submit" name="wpsurv_submit" value="'.__('View Survey Results in CSV File', 'wp-surveys').'" /></form></td>';
                echo '</tr>';
            echo '</table>';
        } else {
            echo __('There are no retired surveys', 'wp-surveys') . '.';
        echo '</div>';
Пример #2
function update_options($survey_id, $question_id)
    global $table_prefix, $wpdb;
    $question_table = $table_prefix . "surveys_questions";
    $fields = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) {
        $column = "question_option_" . $i;
        $current_option = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `" . $column . "` FROM `" . $question_table . "` WHERE `question_id`=" . $question_id . " LIMIT 1;");
        if ($current_option != trim($_POST[$column])) {
            $wpdb->query("UPDATE `" . $question_table . "` SET `" . $column . "`='" . $wpdb->escape(trim($_POST[$column])) . "' WHERE `question_id`=" . $question_id . " LIMIT 1;");
        } else {
    $answer_options = array("answer_option_0_1", "answer_option_0_3", "answer_option_2_3", "answer_option_0_7", "answer_option_4_5", "answer_option_4_7", "answer_option_6_7", "answer_option_0_15", "answer_option_8_9", "answer_option_8_11", "answer_option_10_11", "answer_option_8_15", "answer_option_12_13", "answer_option_12_15", "answer_option_14_15");
    foreach ($answer_options as $answer_option) {
        $current_option = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `" . $answer_option . "` FROM `" . $question_table . "` WHERE `question_id`=" . $question_id . " LIMIT 1;");
        if ($current_option != trim($_POST[$answer_option])) {
            $column_name = trim($_POST[$answer_option]);
            preg_match("/_(\\d+)/", $column_name, $results);
            #				$array_set = preg_match_batch("/$results[1]/"),$answer_options);
            #				echo 'Results: '.$array_set[1];
            $wpdb->query("UPDATE `" . $question_table . "` SET `" . $answer_option . "`='" . $wpdb->escape(trim($_POST[$answer_option])) . "' WHERE `question_id`=" . $question_id . " LIMIT 1;");
        } else {
        //to 15
    //$column = "question_forever";
    //$current_option = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `".$column."` FROM `".$question_table."` WHERE `question_id`=".$question_id." LIMIT 1;");
    //if($current_option != $_POST[$column])
    //$wpdb->query("UPDATE `".$question_table."` SET `".$column."`='".$wpdb->escape($_POST[$column])."' WHERE `question_id`=".$question_id." LIMIT 1;");
    if ($fields == 16 + 15) {
        echo '<div id="message0" class="updated fade"><p><strong>' . __('No changes had been made', 'wp-surveys') . '</strong></p></div>';
        edit_options($_POST['survey_id'], $_POST['question_id']);
    } else {
        echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><h3><strong>' . __('Update Complete!', 'wp-surveys') . '</strong></h3><p class="submit">' . __('Changes have been applied', 'wp-surveys') . '.</p><form method="post" action=""><p class="submit"><input type="hidden" name="survey_id" value="' . $survey_id . '" />';
        echo '<input type="submit" name="wpsurv_submit" value="' . __('Back to Edit Survey', 'wp-surveys') . '" /></p></form>';
        echo '<p><a href="http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '" >' . __('Continue', 'wp-surveys') . '...</a></p></div>';
Пример #3
function update_options($survey_id, $question_id)
    global $table_prefix, $wpdb;
    $question_table = $table_prefix . "surveys_questions";
    $fields = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
        $column = "question_option_" . $i;
        $current_option = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `" . $column . "` FROM `" . $question_table . "` WHERE `question_id`=" . $question_id . " LIMIT 1;");
        if ($current_option != trim($_POST[$column])) {
            $wpdb->query("UPDATE `" . $question_table . "` SET `" . $column . "`='" . $wpdb->escape(trim($_POST[$column])) . "' WHERE `question_id`=" . $question_id . " LIMIT 1;");
        } else {
    //$column = "question_forever";
    //$current_option = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `".$column."` FROM `".$question_table."` WHERE `question_id`=".$question_id." LIMIT 1;");
    //if($current_option != $_POST[$column])
    //$wpdb->query("UPDATE `".$question_table."` SET `".$column."`='".$wpdb->escape($_POST[$column])."' WHERE `question_id`=".$question_id." LIMIT 1;");
    if ($fields == 10) {
        echo '<div id="message0" class="updated fade"><p><strong>' . __('No changes had been made', 'wp-surveys') . '</strong></p></div>';
        edit_options($_POST['survey_id'], $_POST['question_id']);
    } else {
        echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><h3><strong>' . __('Update Complete!', 'wp-surveys') . '</strong></h3><p class="submit">' . __('Changes have been applied', 'wp-surveys') . '.</p><form method="post" action=""><p class="submit"><input type="hidden" name="survey_id" value="' . $survey_id . '" />';
        echo '<input type="submit" name="wpsurv_submit" value="' . __('Back to Edit Survey', 'wp-surveys') . '" /></p></form>';
        echo '<p><a href="http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '" >' . __('Continue', 'wp-surveys') . '...</a></p></div>';
Пример #4
 case "optionstable":
     if ($_SESSION['ticket_user_is_admin'] < 2) {
         print '<FONT CLASS="warn">Not authorized.</FONT><BR><BR>';
     } else {
         switch ($_GET["go"]) {
             case "":
             case "edit":
             case "update":
         //print '<HR>';
         print '<table cellpadding=8><tr><td>';
         print '<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="config.php">';
         print '<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Back to &nbsp; <Settings>">';
         print '</form>';
         if ($_GET["go"]) {
             print '</td><td>';
             print '<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="config.php?mode=optionstable">';
             print '<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Cancel / Go Back">';
             print '</form>';
         print '</td></tr></table>';