protected function main() { //Si on a bien envoyé un article à éditer if (!empty($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { inc_lib('press/get_info_article'); $dn_article = get_info_article($_GET['id']); if (empty($dn_article)) { redir(Nw::$lang['press']['error_dont_exist'], false, 'press.html'); } //Si on a soumis le formulaire if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { inc_lib('press/edit_article'); edit_article($dn_article['p_id'], $_POST['paper'], $_POST['link'], $_POST['numero'], $_POST['country'], $_POST['contenu'], $_POST['date_pub']); redir(Nw::$lang['press']['redir_article_edited'], true, 'press.html?article=' . $dn_article['p_id']); } $this->set_title($dn_article['p_ressource_name']); $this->set_tpl('press/edit.html'); $this->add_css('code.css'); $this->add_css('forms.css'); // Fil ariane $this->set_filAriane(array(Nw::$lang['press']['mod_title'] => array('press.html'), $dn_article['p_ressource_name'] => array('press.html?article=' . $dn_article['p_id']), Nw::$lang['press']['art_edit'] => array(''))); inc_lib('bbcode/unparse'); Nw::$tpl->set(array('ID' => $dn_article['p_id'], 'RESSOURCE' => $dn_article['p_ressource_name'], 'DATE' => $dn_article['date'], 'LIEN' => $dn_article['p_link'], 'CONTENU' => unparse($dn_article['p_description']), 'PAYS' => $dn_article['p_lang'], 'NUMERO' => $dn_article['p_num'])); } else { redir(Nw::$lang['press']['error_dont_exist'], false, 'press.html'); } }
<?php session_start(); include 'model.php'; $connect = connect(); include 'header.php'; $edit = edit_article($connect); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $title = $_POST['title']; $text = $_POST['text']; $date = $_POST['date']; } else { $title = $_SESSION['title']; $text = $_SESSION['text']; $date = $_SESSION['date']; } ?> <form method="post"> <input type="text" name="title" value="<?php echo $title; ?> "><br/> <textarea name="text"><?php echo $text; ?> </textarea><br/> <input type="date" name="date" value="<?php echo $date; ?> "><br/> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Добавить"><br/>
/* Is Knowledgebase enabled? */ if (!$hesk_settings['kb_enable']) { hesk_error($hesklang['kbdis']); } /* This will tell the header to include WYSIWYG editor Javascript */ define('WYSIWYG', 1); /* What should we do? */ if ($action = hesk_REQUEST('a')) { if ($action == 'add_article') { add_article(); } elseif ($action == 'add_category') { add_category(); } elseif ($action == 'manage_cat') { manage_category(); } elseif ($action == 'edit_article') { edit_article(); } elseif ($action == 'import_article') { import_article(); } elseif ($action == 'list_private') { list_private(); } elseif ($action == 'list_draft') { list_draft(); } elseif (defined('HESK_DEMO')) { hesk_process_messages($hesklang['ddemo'], 'manage_knowledgebase.php', 'NOTICE'); } elseif ($action == 'new_article') { new_article(); } elseif ($action == 'new_category') { new_category(); } elseif ($action == 'remove_article') { remove_article(); } elseif ($action == 'save_article') {
<?php if (tp('verif') == 1) { $id_article = tp('art_id'); $id_chapitre = tp('chapitre'); $titr_article = tp('titre'); //Check if have same Titre and same Chapitre $titr_article_sql = str_replace(' ', '', $titr_article); $nbr_article_exist = $db->QuerySingleValue0("select count(id) from article where REPLACE(titre, ' ','') = '{$titr_article_sql}' and article.id_chapitre = {$id_chapitre} and <> {$id_article} "); if ($nbr_article_exist > 0) { exit("3#{$nbr_article_exist}"); } model::load('budget', 'budget'); if (!edit_article($id_article, $id_chapitre, $titr_article)) { exit("2"); } else { exit("1"); } } else { view::load('budget', 'editarticle'); }
function processing() { if ($_SESSION['Logged_In'] != True) { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_not_logged_in') . "</p></div>"; return 0; } $action = $_REQUEST['action']; $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $commentid = $_POST['commentid']; $name = str_replace("\\'", "'", $_POST['name']); $category = $_POST['category']; $description = $_POST['description']; $title = str_replace("\\'", "'", $_POST['title']); $seftitle = $_POST['seftitle']; $comment = str_replace("\\'", "'", $_POST['editedcomment']); $text = str_replace("\\'", "'", $_POST['text']); $text_limit = $_POST['text_limit']; $auto_html = $_POST['auto_html']; $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $display_title = $_POST['display_title']; $display_info = $_POST['display_info']; $commentable = $_POST['commentable']; $publish = $_POST['publish']; $publish_category = $_POST['publish']; $position = $_POST['position']; $display = $_POST['display']; $image = $_POST['image']; $fpost_enabled = false; $fpublished = 1; if ($_POST['fposting'] == "YES" or $_POST['task'] == "advancededit") { $fpublished = 0; $fpost_enabled = true; $fpost_day = $_POST['fposting_day']; $fpost_month = $_POST['fposting_month']; $fpost_year = $_POST['fposting_year']; $fpost_hour = $_POST['fposting_hour']; $fpost_minute = $_POST['fposting_minute']; } if ($text_limit == "") { $text_limit = 0; } if ($position == "") { $position = 1; } if ($commentable == "") { $commentable = "NO"; } if ($publish != "ON") { $position = 4; } if ($display_title == "") { $display_title = "NO"; } if ($display_info == "") { $display_info = "NO"; } if ($fpost_enabled or $_POST['task'] == "advancededit") { $date = $fpost_year . '-' . $fpost_month . '-' . $fpost_day . ' ' . $fpost_hour . ':' . $fpost_minute . ':00'; } if ($_POST['task'] == "add_category") { if ($_POST['submit_text']) { if ($name == "") { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_category_name_empty') . "</p></div>"; view_categories(); } else { if ($seftitle == "") { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_category_seftitle_empty') . "</p></div>"; view_categories(); } else { if (check_if_unique('category_name', $name)) { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_category_name_exists') . "</p></div>"; view_categories(); } else { if (check_if_unique('category_seftitle', $seftitle)) { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_category_seftitle_exists') . "</p></div>"; view_categories(); } else { if (cleancheckSEF($seftitle) == "notok") { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_category_seftitle_illegal') . "</p></div>"; view_categories(); } else { mysql_query("INSERT INTO " . s('prefix') . "categories(name,seftitle,description,published) VALUES('{$name}', '{$seftitle}', '{$description}', '{$publish_category}')"); echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_success') . "\"><h2>" . l('operation_completed') . "</h2><p><a href='" . s('website') . "categories/'>" . l('back') . "</a></p></div>"; } } } } } } } if ($_POST['task'] == "edit_category") { if ($_POST['submit_text']) { if ($name == "") { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_category_name_empty') . "</p></div>"; edit_category(); } else { if ($seftitle == "") { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_category_seftitle_empty') . "</p></div>"; edit_category(); } else { if (check_if_unique('category_name', $name, $id)) { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_category_name_exists') . "</p></div>"; edit_category(); } else { if (check_if_unique('category_seftitle', $seftitle, $id)) { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_category_seftitle_exists') . "</p></div>"; edit_category(); } else { if (cleancheckSEF($seftitle) == "notok") { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_category_seftitle_illegal') . "</p></div>"; edit_category(); } else { mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "categories SET name='{$name}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "categories SET seftitle='{$seftitle}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "categories SET description='{$description}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "categories SET published='{$publish_category}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_success') . "\"><h2>" . l('operation_completed') . "</h2><p><a href='" . s('website') . "categories/'>" . l('back') . "</a></p></div>"; } } } } } } } else { if ($_POST['task'] == "new") { if ($_POST['submit_text']) { $_SESSION['temp']['title'] = $title; $_SESSION['temp']['seftitle'] = $seftitle; $_SESSION['temp']['text'] = $text; if ($title == "") { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_article_title_empty') . "</p></div>"; new_article(); unset($_SESSION['temp']); } else { if ($seftitle == "") { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_article_seftitle_empty') . "</p></div>"; $_SESSION['temp']['seftitle'] = $_SESSION['temp']['title']; new_article(); unset($_SESSION['temp']); } else { if (cleancheckSEF($seftitle) == "notok") { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_article_seftitle_illegal') . "</p></div>"; new_article(); unset($_SESSION['temp']); } else { if (check_if_unique('article_title', $title)) { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_article_title_exists') . "</p></div>"; new_article(); unset($_SESSION['temp']); } else { if (check_if_unique('article_seftitle', $seftitle)) { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_article_seftitle_exists') . "</p></div>"; new_article(); unset($_SESSION['temp']); } else { if ($auto_html == "ON") { $text = str_replace('<p></p>', '', '<p>' . preg_replace('#\\n|\\r#', '</p>$0<p>', $text) . '</p>'); } $query = "INSERT INTO " . s('prefix') . "articles(title,seftitle,text,textlimit,date,category,position,displaytitle,displayinfo,commentable,image,published) VALUES('" . $title . "', '" . $seftitle . "', '" . $text . "', '" . $text_limit . "', '" . $date . "', '" . $category . "', '" . $position . "', '" . $display_title . "', '" . $display_info . "', '" . $commentable . "', '" . $image . "', '" . $fpublished . "')"; mysql_query($query); echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_success') . "\"><h2>" . l('operation_completed') . "</h2><p><a href='" . s('website') . "'>" . l('back') . "</a></p></div>"; unset($_SESSION['temp']); } } } } } } } else { if ($_POST['task'] == "simpleedit") { if ($_POST['submit_text']) { $_SESSION['temp']['title'] = $title; $_SESSION['temp']['text'] = $text; if ($title == "") { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_article_title_empty') . "</p></div>"; edit_article(simple); unset($_SESSION['temp']); } else { if (check_if_unique('article_title', $title, $id)) { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_article_title_exists') . "</p></div>"; edit_article(simple); unset($_SESSION['temp']); } else { $text = str_replace('<p></p>', '', '<p>' . preg_replace('#\\n|\\r#', '</p>$0<p>', $text) . '</p>'); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET title='{$title}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET text='{$text}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET textlimit='{$text_limit}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET category='{$category}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET position='{$position}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET displaytitle='{$display_title}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET displayinfo='{$display_info}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET commentable='{$commentable}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET image='{$image}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_success') . "\"><h2>" . l('operation_completed') . "</h2><p><a href='" . s('website') . find_cat_sef($category) . "/" . find_article_sef($id) . "/'>" . l('back') . "</a></p></div>"; unset($_SESSION['temp']); } } } } else { if ($_POST['task'] == "advancededit") { if ($_POST['submit_text']) { $_SESSION['temp']['title'] = $title; $_SESSION['temp']['seftitle'] = $seftitle; $_SESSION['temp']['text'] = $text; if ($title == "") { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_article_title_empty') . "</p></div>"; edit_article(advanced); unset($_SESSION['temp']); } else { if ($seftitle == "") { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_article_seftitle_empty') . "</p></div>"; edit_article(advanced); unset($_SESSION['temp']); } else { if (cleancheckSEF($seftitle) == "notok") { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_article_seftitle_illegal') . "</p></div>"; edit_article(advanced); unset($_SESSION['temp']); } else { if (check_if_unique('article_title', $title, $id)) { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_article_title_exists') . "</p></div>"; edit_article(advanced); unset($_SESSION['temp']); } else { if (check_if_unique('article_seftitle', $seftitle, $id)) { echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_error') . "\"><h2>" . l('admin_error') . "</h2><p>" . l('error_article_seftitle_exists') . "</p></div>"; edit_article(advanced); unset($_SESSION['temp']); } else { mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET title='{$title}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET seftitle='{$seftitle}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET text='{$text}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET textlimit='{$text_limit}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET date='{$date}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET category='{$category}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET position='{$position}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET displaytitle='{$display_title}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET displayinfo='{$display_info}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET commentable='{$commentable}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET image='{$image}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET published='{$fpublished}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_success') . "\"><h2>" . l('operation_completed') . "</h2><p><a href='" . s('website') . find_cat_sef($category) . "/" . find_article_sef($id) . "/'>" . l('back') . "</a></p></div>"; unset($_SESSION['temp']); } } } } } } } else { if ($_GET['task'] == "delete") { mysql_query("DELETE FROM " . s('prefix') . "articles WHERE id='{$id}'"); echo "<h2>" . l('deleted_success') . "</h2><p><a href='" . s('website') . "'>" . l('backhome') . "</a></p>"; } else { if ($_POST['task'] == "editcomment") { mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "comments SET name='{$name}' WHERE id='{$commentid}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "comments SET comment='{$comment}' WHERE id='{$commentid}'"); echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_success') . "\"><h2>" . l('operation_completed') . "</h2><p><a href='" . s('website') . find_cat_sef($categoryid) . "/" . find_article_sef($id) . "/'>" . l('back') . "</a></p></div>"; } else { if ($_GET['task'] == "freezecomments") { $categoryid = find_article_cat($id); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET commentable='FREEZ' WHERE id='{$id}'"); echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_success') . "\"><h2>" . l('operation_completed') . "</h2><p><a href='" . s('website') . find_cat_sef($categoryid) . "/" . find_article_sef($id) . "/'>" . l('back') . "</a></p></div>"; } else { if ($_GET['task'] == "unfreezecomments") { $categoryid = find_article_cat($id); mysql_query("UPDATE " . s('prefix') . "articles SET commentable='YES' WHERE id='{$id}'"); echo "<div class=\"" . s('css_success') . "\"><h2>" . l('operation_completed') . "</h2><p><a href='" . s('website') . find_cat_sef($categoryid) . "/" . find_article_sef($id) . "/'>" . l('back') . "</a></p></div>"; } else { if ($_GET['task'] == "deletecomment") { $commentid = $_GET['commentid']; $articleid = $_GET['articleid']; mysql_query("DELETE FROM " . s('prefix') . "comments WHERE id='{$commentid}'"); echo "<h2>" . l('deleted_success') . "</h2><p><a href='" . s('website') . find_cat_sef($categoryid) . "/" . find_article_sef($articleid) . "/'>" . l('back') . "</a></p>"; } else { if ($_GET['task'] == "deletecategory") { $categoryid = $_GET['categoryid']; mysql_query("DELETE FROM " . s('prefix') . "categories WHERE id='{$id}'"); echo "<h2>" . l('deleted_success') . "</h2><p><a href='" . s('website') . "categories/'>" . l('back') . "</a></p>"; } } } } } } } } } } }