function toolbar($page, $args) { // view toolbar_button($args['button_view'] ? viewURL($args['headlink']) : '', 'View', $args['button_selected'] == 'view'); // edit $edit_label = 'Edit'; if (isset($args['editver']) && $args['editver'] > -1) { if ($args['editver'] == 0) { $edit_url = editURL($args['headlink']); } else { $edit_url = editURL($args['headlink'], $args['editver']); $edit_label = 'Edit Archive'; } } else { $edit_url = ''; } toolbar_button($edit_url, $edit_label, $args['button_selected'] == 'edit'); // diff $diff_url = isset($args['timestamp']) && $args['timestamp'] != '' ? historyURL($args['headlink']) : ''; toolbar_button($diff_url, 'Diff', $args['button_selected'] == 'diff'); // backlinks $backlinks_url = $args['button_backlinks'] && $args['headlink'] ? backlinksURL($args['headlink']) : ''; toolbar_button($backlinks_url, 'Backlinks', $args['button_selected'] == 'backlinks'); // toolbar buttons added by macros global $macroToolbarButtons; ksort($macroToolbarButtons); foreach ($macroToolbarButtons as $macro => $label) { toolbar_button(macroURL($page, $macro, ''), $label, false); } }
function _moduleContent(&$smarty, $module_name) { require_once "modules/{$module_name}/libs/externalUrl.class.php"; load_language_module($module_name); //include module files include_once "modules/{$module_name}/configs/default.conf.php"; global $arrConf; global $arrConfig; //folder path for custom templates $base_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); $templates_dir = isset($arrConfig['templates_dir']) ? $arrConfig['templates_dir'] : 'themes'; $local_templates_dir = "{$base_dir}/modules/{$module_name}/" . $templates_dir . '/' . $arrConf['theme']; // Conexión a la base de datos CallCenter $pDB = new paloDB($arrConf['cadena_dsn']); // Mostrar pantalla correspondiente $contenidoModulo = ''; $sAction = 'list_urls'; if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $sAction = $_GET['action']; } switch ($sAction) { case 'new_url': $contenidoModulo = newURL($pDB, $smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir); break; case 'edit_url': $contenidoModulo = editURL($pDB, $smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir); break; case 'list_urls': default: $contenidoModulo = listURL($pDB, $smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir); break; } return $contenidoModulo; }
function template_common_epilogue($args) { global $FindScript, $pagestore, $PrefsScript, $AdminScript; //echo "<p>template_common_epilogue(".print_r($args,True).")</p>"; ?> <div id="footer"> <hr align=left width=99% /> <?php if (!$args['nosearch']) { ?> <form method="POST" action="<?php print $FindScript; ?> " name="thesearch"> <div class="form"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="find" /> <?php } if ($args['edit']) { if ($args['editver'] == 0) { echo '<a href="' . editURL($args['edit']) . '">' . lang('Edit this document') . '</a>'; } else { if ($args['editver'] == -1) { echo lang('This page can not be edited.'); } else { echo '<a href="' . editURL($args['edit'], $args['editver']) . '">' . lang('Edit this <em>ARCHIVE VERSION</em> of this document') . '</a>'; } } if ($args['history']) { print ' | '; } } if ($args['history']) { echo '<a href="' . historyURL($args['history']) . '">' . lang('View document history') . '</a>'; echo ' | <a href="' . $PrefsScript . '">' . lang('Preferences') . '</a>'; if (!$args['nosearch']) { echo '| ' . lang('Search') . ': <input type="text" name="find" size="20" />'; } echo "<br />"; } if ($args['timestamp']) { echo lang('Document last modified') . ' ' . html_time($args['timestamp']) . '<br />'; } ?> </div> </form> <?php if ($args['twin'] != '') { if (count($twin = $pagestore->twinpages($args['twin']))) { echo lang('Twin pages') . ': '; for ($i = 0; $i < count($twin); $i++) { print html_twin($twin[$i][0], $twin[$i][1]) . ' '; } ?> <br /><?php } } if (!$args['nosearch'] && $args['history']) { echo "\n<hr align=left width=99% />\n"; } ?> </div> <?php //</body> //</html> /* $size = ob_get_length(); ##header("Content-Length: $size"); ob_end_flush(); */ }
function view_macro_wanted($args) { global $pagestore, $LkTbl, $PgTbl; // Check for CurlyOptions, and split them preg_match("/^(?:\\s*{([^]]*)})?\\s*(.*)\$/", $args, $arg); $options = split(',', $arg[1]); $search = $arg[2]; // Defaults $displayOrigin = false; // Parse options foreach ($options as $opt) { list($name, $value) = split('=', $opt); $name = strtolower($name); if (preg_match("/^or/i", $name)) { // ORigin - Displays origin of wanted pages $displayOrigin = !($value == 'false'); } } $text = ''; $first = 1; $q1 = $pagestore->dbh->query("SELECT, SUM(l.count) AS ct,, p.title " . "FROM {$LkTbl} AS l LEFT JOIN {$PgTbl} AS p " . "ON = p.title " . "WHERE p.title IS NULL " . "GROUP BY " . "ORDER BY ct DESC,"); while ($result = $pagestore->dbh->result($q1)) { if (!$first) { $text = $text . "\n"; } else { $first = 0; } if ($displayOrigin) { if ($result[1] > 1) { $q2 = $pagestore->dbh->query("SELECT, from {$LkTbl} as l " . "WHERE = '" . $result[0] . "'"); $deref = ' ' . PARSE_From . ' '; while ($res2 = $pagestore->dbh->result($q2)) { $deref .= html_url(editUrl($res2[0]), '?' . $res2[0]) . ', '; } $deref = preg_replace("/, \$/", "", $deref); } else { $deref = ' ' . PARSE_From . ' ' . html_url(editURL($result[2]), '?' . $result[2]); } } else { $deref = ''; } $text = $text . '(' . html_url(findURL($result[0]), $result[1]) . ') ' . html_ref($result[0], $result[0]) . $deref; } return html_code($text); }
function html_ref($page, $appearance, $hover = '', $anchor = '', $anchor_appearance = '') { global $db, $SeparateLinkWords; if (!is_array($page) && strstr($page, ':')) { list($name, $lang) = explode(':', $page); if (strlen($lang) == 2 || strlen($lang) == 5 && $lang[2] == '-') { $page = array('name' => $name, 'lang' => $lang); } } $title = get_title($page); if (is_array($appearance)) { $appearance = $appearance['lang'] && $appearance['lang'] != $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['lang'] ? $appearance['title'] . ':' . $appearance['lang'] : $appearance['title']; } if ($hover != '') { $hover = ' title="' . $hover . '"'; } global $pagestore; $p = $pagestore->page($page); if ($p->exists()) { if ($SeparateLinkWords && $title == $appearance) { $appearance = html_split_name($title); } return '<a href="' . viewURL($page) . $anchor . '"' . $hover . ' class="wiki">' . $appearance . $anchor_appearance . '</a>'; } elseif (!$p->acl_check()) { if (validate_page($title) == 1 && $appearance == $title) { return $title; } else { return $appearance; } } else { if (validate_page($title) == 1 && $appearance == $title) { return $title . '<a href="' . editURL($page) . '"' . $hover . '>?</a>'; } else { return '(' . $appearance . ')<a href="' . editURL($page) . '"' . $hover . '>?</a>'; } } }
function html_ref($refPage, $appearance, $hover = '', $anchor = '', $anchor_appearance = '') { global $db, $SeparateLinkWords, $page, $pagestore; if ($hover != '') { $hover = ' alt="' . $hover . '" title="' . $hover . '"'; } $redirect_from = ''; if ($page == 'RecentChanges') { $p_exists = $pagestore->page_exists($refPage); } else { $p = new WikiPage($db, $refPage); $p_exists = $p->exists(); // automatically handle plurals if (!$p_exists) { foreach (array('s', 'es') as $plural) { if (substr($refPage, -strlen($plural)) == $plural) { $temp_refPage = substr($refPage, 0, strlen($refPage) - strlen($plural)); $p = new WikiPage($db, $temp_refPage); if ($p_exists = $p->exists()) { $redirect_from = $refPage; $refPage = $temp_refPage; break; } } } } } $twintext = ""; $onlytwin = ""; $twin = $pagestore->twinpages($refPage, $page); if (!$p_exists && count($twin) == 1) { $onlytwin = html_twin_x($twin[0][0], $twin[0][1], $twin[0][1]); } else { if (count($twin)) { // point at the sisterwiki's version $n = 1; foreach ($twin as $site) { $twintext = $twintext . html_twin_x($site[0], $n, $site[1]); $n++; } $twintext = '<sup>' . $twintext . '</sup>'; } } if ($p_exists) { if ($SeparateLinkWords && $refPage == $appearance) { $appearance = html_split_name($refPage); } $result = '<a href="' . viewURL($refPage) . ($redirect_from ? '&redirect_from=' . $redirect_from : '') . $anchor . '"' . $hover . '>' . $appearance . $anchor_appearance . '</a>' . $onlytwin; } else { $result = ""; if (validate_page($refPage) == 1 && $appearance == $refPage) { if ($onlytwin) { $result = $onlytwin; } else { $result = $refPage; } } else { // Puts the appearance between parenthesis if there's a space in it. if (strpos($appearance, ' ') === false) { $tempAppearance = $appearance; } else { $tempAppearance = "({$appearance})"; } if ($onlytwin) { $result = $onlytwin; } else { $result = $tempAppearance; } } $result = $result . '<a href="' . editURL($refPage, '', $page) . '"' . ' title="Create this Wiki page" ' . $hover . '>?</a>' . $twintext; } return $result; }
function html_ref($page, $appearance, $hover = '', $anchor = '', $anchor_appearance = '') { global $db, $SeparateLinkWords; if ($hover != '') { $hover = ' title="' . $hover . '"'; } $p = new WikiPage($db, $page); if ($p->exists()) { if ($SeparateLinkWords && $page == $appearance) { $appearance = html_split_name($page); } return '<a href="' . viewURL($page) . $anchor . '"' . $hover . '>' . $appearance . $anchor_appearance . '</a>'; } else { if (validate_page($page) == 1 && $appearance == $page) { return $page . '<a href="' . editURL($page) . '"' . $hover . '>?</a>'; } else { return '(' . $appearance . ')<a href="' . editURL($page) . '"' . $hover . '>?</a>'; } } }